Also, while at the stairs we would throw some AOE heals on stair-guardian Jonez. As you stated, stability, as well as “50% reduction in fall damage” trait, did not work —no help from the food buff that mitigates 20% of cc damage either.
The 50% reduction doesn’t work? I wonder if that’s a bug, because it seems like it should count. I was in there last night and gave up after the 3rd time the event failed. I was going to try again today making sure my build had the fall damage reduction this time, but it sounds like that won’t be worthwhile.
If everyone brought in mass res skills, at least that might help get people up quickly and back in the fight.
The only manually placed ground AoE attack for a Ranger is the longbow Barrage (5th skill on the bar). There is trait option allowing you to manually ground place traps, but this is easily avoided.
Axe/warhorn with shortbow are good options for weapons or melee weapons too. For self-made combos without ground targeting murellow/carrion devourer would work well as they both have poison AOE fields. Possibly torch 5 too (can’t remember if it’s ground targeted).
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I didn’t like Trahearne any better when I played sylvari. Carys and Tegwen are all right, and I liked Laranthir of the Wild but I still think Trahearne has poor voice acting and I couldn’t ever care about the character. Meeting him earlier didn’t alleviate that at all.
Tonight after the game had the January 28 patch, I played through the Dwayna temple events in Malchor’s Leap. The first boss was killed then as usual we had to go and drive Malchor from the water. That worked fine too. Then when we returned with Malchor the boss spawned, we all killed it and the chest spawned. The historian was not there and he didn’t turn up. So we couldn’t buy any karma armour from him and also the temple waypoint remained contested. This was on Yak’s Bend.
It’s not true, BTW. I’ve had exactly the same combos be counted in some cases and not in others (ex, whirl inside fire field, generating fiery bolts – only counted about 10% of the times).
Same here when playing ele with a mesmer tonight. Combos would register one time and not another even though they clearly happened.
I didn’t have any issues with Combo Killer.
As an elementalist, I did the achievement with an NPC mesmer (southsun cove) that would put down a field. Using a projectile finisher would apply confusion to the target. If I applied the combo at the very start, it would still count – a killing blow by the combo was not required. I also used a blast finisher to apply chaos aura, which also counted after the mob died.
I was playing in a duo as an ele with my husband playing mesmer. One thing we observed was that the combos didn’t always count even when the combo obviously happened. It seemed to work about 2/3 of the time at best.
Human, no doubt..
Look really good in med armor without the HUGE clipping issues the charr have.
I played human engi in the beta and the backpack swamped her. She looked like a student on a gap year who was backpacking her way around Tyria. Didn’t work for me. My skinny humans are both casters.
That gave me a good laugh. EVERYONE, COME (and get burnt to a crisp.)
Of the playable races, Charr are a good if obvious choice, Norn look good in medium armour and wear the backpacks well. I suspect Human and Sylvari will look a bit swamped by backpacks and Sylvari’s the least likely choice which you might either see as a bad thing or not. With Asura you could rock the whole mad tinkering scientist image.
Mine’s a charr.
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Short answer: don’t. Roll something that doesn’t fail badly in a dungeon, like a guardian.
=/ so to enjoy the game i have to play a class everyone else wants me to play??……..
/sighguardians and theif are so boring kit wise and warrior seem braindeadish blah
I’ve got 4 80s – necro/ranger/warrior/thief. I use the warrior more for dungeons. For other stuff I tend to use something else as I find it a bit on the boring side. I also find the thief boring too even though it’s flavour of the month. Play what you want to play ultimately – just find people to run with who aren’t so picky. Or roll one character just for speed runs alone and put the tokens in your bank.
Meh, I don’t use the HoM pets since their stats are inferior. The only time I’ve use it is for armour skins – if I pick up something I don’t like, I can often find something I prefer in the HoM. Did that with my charr med armour yesterday.
There’s a note? Where in Vigil’s Keep? I wonder if it was material which got forgotten in the rush to release so it’s just there as a placeholder. It would be cool if it was finished in the future.
What would Pyre say?
Probably something like ‘you look weak, meat’ or ‘run, little mouse!’
Pyre was one of the better characters in GW1. Warband of Brothers was amusing because his teammates thought the human rescuing them was a slave or lunch or both. A fair enough assumption given the war between charr and human at the time.
I think we’re in agreement that there are many types of British accents—just as there are many types of American ones. I was referring to the common practice and perception that most fantasy games (and films) tend to feature British accents of all types for the cast. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with that, by the way, just that it seems the norm.
We tended to get the best performances from actors who spoke in their native accent. Perhaps it’s a comfort zone thing. There were a few exceptions, though. I thought Jennifer Hale pulled off a great sylvari performance, all things considered. I rather liked Brandon Bales, too. Neither are from England as far as I know. Then again, I’ve never lived overseas so I doubt my ears can detect where our acted British accents sounded “off” as well as you can.
If you want another example of one which was decidedly off, I just played through ‘The Sad Tale of the Ravenous’ in the human storyline tonight and heard the worst ‘British’ accent in the game, or possibly any game. The actress playing First Mate Gaets doesn’t seem to know if she’s doing a West Country or terrible fake *London accent. It’s all over the place. One sentence starts out American and then, as if by compensation, the actress hams it up with the fake accents even more. In the same scene Captain Barnicus is also pretty corny, but at least he’s only murdering one accent and not several at once.
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I’d love to see this implemented. I tend to switch between a couple of favourite builds on some characters and it would be great to do this without having to waypoint out of the area or even the complete zone. I suspect it would also cut down the overflows in LA somewhat.
Looks like an effect from this:
Look through your armour pieces to see if that’s attached to anything.
Sigils are attached to weapons, so that’s where to check.
I tried travelling out of the overflow, but it was still stuck in an open state there and not lootable.
I spoke to Tixx but didn’t get a reward. The chest is floating off the ground (in case it isn’t intentional), looks open and I can’t interact with it.
I’ve got a ranger, necro and warrior. Also levelling thief and engi at present but they are not at 80 yet. It may be heresy around here, but I enjoy the necro the most out of the 3 80s. I use the warrior more often in dungeons but I’ve had fun with necro in WvW and PVE. Enjoyment of play is so subjective that you might as well just play the class for a while and judge for yourself.
Charr already get a holiday, but the rest of Tyria doesn’t celebrate it… Yet.
My Norn felt right at home there. Beer? Meat? The occasional punch-up? That’ll do for her nicely.
English are even confused about GMT. All the English members in my guild refer to their time as GMT, event when it is BST. Then I have to tell them it is BST during the summer and not GMT and they lose the plot
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does this. Timezone pedantry FTW!
This type of ability is more necrotic than it is ranger.
Absolutely. I play both classes and as soon as I saw the description, I thought it fitted the image of the necromancer. It just doesn’t feel right for ranger.
Thanks, Kildari…I appreciate the time! One more for you… What’s accessories (earrings, rings, etc)? I’m playing with a mix right now but was thinking to add some focus there on condition to take advantage of the condition from the marks.
I would also like to know this, Kildari. I’ve just maxed out my jeweller at the moment so it’s time to update my necro’s fairly random assortment, and I’m using (and liking) your wife’s build.
It happened with my group last night in FotM. The rest of us finished the level but that means one of us is now behind. I am glad you are looking into this, but please be aware that it’s not just happening with fractals. Earlier this week my husband’s game crashed in CoE during the final boss and when he restarted the game, was not allowed back in with the rest of us.
Server: Yak’s Bend
Dungeons: Crucible of Eternity and FotM
Twice this week I’ve been in a group where one person had their game freeze up and was unable to re-enter a dungeon at a late stage. First it was with my husband running CoE on the submarine path. Unfortunately it was on the last boss and we’d already spent ages in the dungeon since we did the run just before the Bjarl patch. He tried and tried but couldn’t get back in. I actually wonder if this is intentional since I know there have been complaints of people getting kicked and swapped out before the last boss, but if that’s true, you need to make the game recognise that someone has been in that group right from the start of the dungeon and allow them back.
The second time was last night doing FotM. This time it was on the 2nd level before the final boss and the bonus level when a party member’s game froze and they couldn’t come back in. We finished both in a group of four but the other person could not rejoin us so is a level behind us.
The combination of the bugs and the gating is going to put people off doing FotM. Obviously the bugs need the highest priority but the level gating needs an urgent rethink too.
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Miniature Giant Space Hamster.
I’ll call him Boo.
Boo must squeak every time a nearby warrior shouts ‘For Great Justice’. F2 has got to be the GW1 paragon skill – ‘Go for the eyes’.
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Besides ranger I have a lvl 80 necro and warrior. I find necro interesting to play, but like ranger it has issues, not least having uncontrollable pets. Anyway you said you didn’t like any of the casters. I play my warrior in dungeons and when I want to see big numbers, although the only self-made combo field is longbow F1 so it might feel dull for soloing. While levelling I played it in a duo with an ele.
Thief I tried, but didn’t enjoy it that much for pve. Now I’m trying engineer and it’s growing on me. You could give that a go.
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While I echo the dissent over forced grouping, I think there’s a bigger point to be made. The final mission in the personal story is actually lopped off at the end and literally stitched together with a separate storyline: Destiny’s Edge and their reuniting. That is the real tragedy here. I have not done every dungeon, I don’t think many people ever did by the end of their story yet the player is put at the conclusion and redemption of DE likely without ever experiencing that story arc.
It was a mistake to link the two; it cheapened them both. Well as I go back and start working on dungeons, I guess I know how it ends, because I just read the last chapter!
The upside of including DE was that I wouldn’t have to hear yet another of Trahearne ‘inspirational’ speeches. However, I think you’re right that it would have been more satisfying to see the conclusion of the DE story separately, and I’d also agree that it would be wrong to assume players have also completed the other dungeons and seen the rest of the DE storyline. I held off a while before doing dungeons. I did Arah first simply because the chance came up in guild chat when my character was ready.
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All my characters are female, including my charr. I wouldn’t even notice the gender of any players most of the time, although I’m aware of the tail difference.
I don’t like my charr’s voice though. It sounds to me like the sound quality is slightly distorted, like you find sometimes with amateur-made game mods.
I think there are a few possible reasons.
1. Some will prefer to play a humanoid that is either an avatar representing them, or someone they would find attractive. I suspect this is the biggest reason for not playing them.
2. Some GW1 players may still bear grudges. Yes, we’re not playing Flame Legion – but they might still recoil at the thought of playing their old enemy race.
3. The militaristic culture may be a turnoff for some. I think they’ve done a really good job with thinking through the whole society, but that doesn’t mean it will be everyone’s cup of tea.
4. The difficulty level seems very slightly higher in the starting area and this may put off those who like very unchallenging content.
5. Certain armours look silly on Charr, and not in an ‘aww cute’ kind of way like with the Asura.
6. The bouncy run takes a while to get used to.
It seems to me that in many games you’ll find more humans/humanoids played than any other race. Does anyone know the breakdown of race for WoW? Did the Horde get a big population boost when the Blood Elves came on the scene, for example?
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There is one that I used to see quite often on Yak’s Bend before I left for a new server. His username was Mike and his charactername was Taru Taru (FFXI inspired I would guess
). I cannot say if this is his “main” but it’s the only one of his characters that I would see around the mists so I assume it was.
I’m on Yak’s and saw the same one when passing through the PVP lobby, a few weeks back.
Hmm, never really made a story for my GW1 characters, but my Ascalon-born ranger spent so much time hanging around EOTN I can imagine her settling among the Vanguard stationed there, taking occasional leave to Lion’s Arch when she craves some sun. As for my ele, she’s a Factions character but seems to have taken a shine to Vabbi. It would be perfect for her there if only those annoying djinni would stop respawning.
I’m not opposed to them having some content where it’s necessary to group, per se. The dungeons can stay as they are – I enjoy running them when I can find guildies in my timezone. I think they should have made Arah a solo experience though, with the option to bring other players in if you wish to. It isn’t ‘personal’ if someone else is in that cutscene, and it’s quite a long dungeon to expect those who have done it before to be kind enough to give their time to run you through.
If I’m thinking of the correct mission
I think your description matches the mission afterwards. Anyway, I’d agree we need a bit more detail about why the OP is having difficulties. If it’s just that you are getting killed the way to the CoS, your best bet is to keep map chat on and look out for comments like ‘Grenth up’ then follow the zerg to that area.
I don’t mind greatcoats and dislike skimpy armour – my GW1 female ranger settled on the monument set. But I’d agree here’s just too many coats overall and some more diversity would be good. More tunics, more tops. Just a few different shapes.
I agree with this. I’ve got invisible bags on most of my character but when I unequip they go in with the sellable stuff. Now I could change the order of the bags to have the invisible bag first, but if I did that, it would fill up with junk and I’d still be wasting time on rearranging bag space. So the ability to ‘remember’ the last storage space would be great, if possible.
There is an clear result of choosing a deity as human – in your skilltab.
My human got his chosen goddes skill to unlock in slot skills. It’s not balthazar for sure, it’s the goddess i chose at character creation. (skill removes conditions).
I think also there are racial skills as well.My sylvari necromancer has “seed turret” skill. I don’t think other race necromancers have that.
That’s a racial skill. I have seed turret as a sylvari ranger. My human necromancer who was a follower of Grenth has unlocked skills which involve Lyssa, Kormir, Melandru and Balthazar, so I don’t believe the god skills have anything to do with CC choice save for the race.
I played this quest the other day so I remember it. You need to go to the very topmost part of the ark instead of leaving it. There are two sets of stairways at opposite ends of the ark and only one goes high enough. I suspect you’re heading up the wrong stairway, so go back to the main deck where you boarded and go to the other end to find another set of stairs. When you go up the correct stairway you will get to a very small open area and then a cutscene will trigger.
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I play both warrior, and ranger. I’m comfortable with ranged classes in other games but since range is an option with the warrior here, I tried it and enjoyed the profession enough to max it out. I wouldn’t want to play ranged warrior 100% of the time as I would get bored if I stuck to rifle and longbow, although longbow’s F1 offers the warrior a combo field which helps liven things up. Nor could I play GS all the time, however OP 100 blades feels. I’m trying hammer at the moment which I thought I’d hate, but it’s growing on me. As another poster said earlier in the thread, SMASH!
To me, the large range of weapons is one of the selling points of warrior, and changing them around every so often helps keep it interesting. I still keep one ranged weapon on swap always though.
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From what I understand, it’s mostly for future expansion upon the personal story, and not important for anyone right now.
Is there a source for that? I hope you are right as the spirits with the Norn, Sylvari birth time and the human God choice seem like wasted potential right now.
I don’t think the Sylvari are detached, having played one. They clearly form relationships and have emotions. Magister Sieran is positively excitable. I think it’s just Trahearne’s voice actor doing a poor job. We wouldn’t have even noticed him if he hadn’t been given the most major role in the story.
I have only checked out my human’s home instance a couple of times. I feel sorry for those quaggans sitting in the fountain. Quaggan needs rooOOOoom!
Human lost sister storyline spoilers hidden below.
I want to see Deborah on leave in the home instance, or at least have someone who is on leave and tells me where I can find her. I would also like her dialogue to change once the storyline is over. Her disappearance was supposed to be something that had a huge impact on my character, and then she’s dropped as soon as she is rescued. I as the player don’t have a reason to care because I never get time to see her personality, but the omission seems really weird.
I think it would be better if a human with that option will meet her during the storyline and have her turn up in the instance on leave after the storyline is completed. I have heard of some people encountering her in the storyline later, but I don’t think my Priory-joining human ever encountered her later at all and I don’t recall seeing her on my Vigil or Whispers alts either. With so many short term characters coming and going I may have missed her.
It would be also be great if the friends (in my character’s case, Petra and Andrew) would greet you with different messages depending on your stage in the storyline. While it’s true that they acknowledge you going away, that doesn’t seem to change later so there’s room for more. Perhaps recognise major stages like joining an order, getting to Orr etc. You could always make it so the player can choose whether to start up a conversation about it rather than them miraculously knowing all your business.
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It is both genders, by the way. I think that the race choice wasn’t ideal for you, under the circumstances. And as the previous poster mentioned, you were given some forewarning, if only by implication. I thought it was pretty obvious at the CC that you blacked out not because of some illness but because you’d been boozing too much. Personally I found it quite amusing compared with the other sections, a moment of levity in a very boring story.
The Norn’s attitude is rather ‘live fast, die young’ in some ways. Not just because they drink huge amounts of ale but because they hunt not just to eat or save their homestead but to show off the biggest trophies to boast about, and in doing so put their lives at risk. It’s a risk taking culture.
That said, I think there could be more to that culture, and the shamanistic aspects are barely touched upon in the story so we don’t get a lot more from them than boozy braggarts. The lines are often terribly corny and on the whole it seems like they didn’t round out the idea of the Norn fully, which is odd when they already existed as a race.
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Female who usually plays female here. Thief will be my 4th character in this game. I’ve already got human, norn and sylvari characters, and I was aiming for one of each race. I created a charr and an asura thief, but I think the asura animations are winning out here so I guess I’ll save the charr slot for another profession. It kills me that the asura’s long ears stick up when her weapons are drawn. So funny – and her diminutive size suits all those speedy darting motions.
“Everyone, come!” It’s the only Risen shout that makes me laugh.
As I play shout warrior on one of my characters, I hear For Great Justice and the others far too often. And as I’ve done a lot of tailoring on another, I never want to hear “My ears, how are you?” ever again. And the women talking about bargains in LA drive me even more to distraction.
I play my ranger with my husband’s necro, all pve currently. I tend to do SB/axe/warhorn or swap out the horn for torch sometimes and I currently use traps a great deal. I like the fire and frost traps for the extra combo potential for both of us and the warhorn buffs us. Plenty of conditions and reasonable CC since both of us can slow mobs down. I’ve found it an enjoyable combination to play. I use carrion devourer and blue moa currently (poison field or buff) but I have used a few others without problems.
I was just about to make a post on this idea. ANet has some brilliant ideas for events but it seems like they are highly unstable once you get large numbers involved. Also little things get overlooked which aren’t game-breaking but highly annoying, like the amount of barks generated by Blingg when many people are standing in front of the fractal portal. This kind of stuff could be ironed out on a PTR.
I ran through the Lost Shores in a zerg following escort quests initially, then explored further in a duo. Either way the drops were poor. I don’t think I had a single loot item of any kind from the champions or most of the veterans. Loot seemed to drop more easily from the lower level mobs but none of it was even masterwork level.
Yak’s Bend, he hasn’t respawned.
I’d like a gorilla. They’ve got the body model for the risen type, so let’s see the live sort too. Oh, and a tanky turtle and a parrot since ANet seem to want to dress my ranger like a pirate.
I’m not in favour of dolyaks though. I know they’re tough, but can you imagine being in a narrow area and it blocking your line of sight all the time?