“ranger long bow , full berserker and you can insta kill ppl from 1500”
Really……love to see a screenie of a single Ranger shot hitting for more than 4k on a clothed opponent !!
At max range not only does a Rangers foe have to be almost AFK to get “insta” killed…the Ranger almost has to pretty much be able to maintain constant LoS and be stationary.
I’ve got full berserker and exotics. 1-2k crits normally on longbow ar max range, 3-4k on glass cannon clothies. Warriors hit harder at range with a hell of a lot more health and armour – go figure.
You want to lick keyboard and faceroll own go thief/mesmer.
Next tier down is warrior. Guardian not so op’d anymore.
Elementalist isn’t easy but you can hit like a truck. You will die. A lot.
One simple solution. Talk English and join an English speaking server.
Most of the thief players i know admit they are very overpowered – and its one of the reasons so many have switched to them.
A nerf – a big one – would be most welcome by 90% of the community.
I’m hoping thieves take a massive nerf next patch – its much needed and the community will rejoice.
Thieves should have:
1. Average damage
2. 1 standard stealth ability and 1 escape (not stealth reset and attack again)
At the moment they’re ludicrous – spinning thieves jumping into the middle of groups of people, scoring multiple fast kills and hopping out again unscathed.
Add cc and dead how many times do i get chain cc’d and killed without being able to respond. Basic mmo kitten up that one.
1. Rendering issues
2. Thief – most ludicrous godmode class around. Worth 3-4 of any other class. Massive burst (should be halved), endless get out of jail free cards plus mobility plus utility. What was the dev on this one smoking?
3. Pull off walls – if you’re out of los of the guy on the wall this shouldn’t happen.
Objectively thieves are currently the most overpowered class – you can’t try to deflect that. Nerfs have been inevitable since launch and you’re lucky its taken this long.
T3 is far from balanced. Riverside score most of their points offpeak/nighttime when SFR are unable to field anyone.
When you still see thieves jumping into 30+ man zergs, spinning round like tops, dropping 4 or 5 ppl then hopping out unscathed you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work out whats wrong.
(Above poster: thief – overpowered in all 3. Massively. Don’t know a single thief player who doesn’t think theyre overpowered)
Biggest nightcappers we always face on SFR are germans…..
On a scale of 1-10 (1 underpowered, 5 balanced, 10 overpowered) we’ve seen rangers and elementalists at 2-3 for weeks. Thieves and mesmers started at somewhere around 20 and have slowly crawled down to around 15.
Take a bigger slice off them next patch please. it doesn’t take this long to grasp whats overpowered and why.
Really? i always thought german sounded like someone having an unpleasant bowel movement…..
You want a proper fight with 0 queues and some of the best guilds in game its seafarers. End of.
Blacktide are not a T1 server. T3/4 and only gain progression through offpeak capping.
Only thing likely for thieves in the near future are nerfs.
So we’re a number of patches and updates in and 2 things are clear:
1. Anet is taking a softly softly approach – little adjustments here and there.
2. This unfortunately has left both the thief and mesmer as ridiculously overpowered – both in spvp and wvwvw.
Is it not time to take a slightly more accelerated approach?
Seafarers – only medium pop’n server in t3. Instant queues, usually outnumbered but kick kitten
Just be prepared for hordes of very silly germans everywhere, or as we generally call them free badge dispensers (yes kodash/riverside i mean you)
So on the not doubleteaming realms there are curently 40-50 riverside mindless drones and 12-15 kodash deliberately not attacking each other v 10 sfr.
Yes i counted.
Its amazing sfr is holding its own against this riverdash server – something like 4 to 1 odds….
(And yes im sure youll tell me you havent been doubleteaming all day – im sure youve been accidentally not attacking each other and coordinated doublestrikes on sfr. germans – such a bunch of sillies….)
Come primetime we hit both of you hard – whilst we regularly are fending of zergs from kodash and river attacking points at the same time….
two things make us laugh though.
Kodashs ridiculous ‘sit in pangloss and build 20 pieces of siege’ for an hour at a time – we usually have 5 or 6 people outside pinning them in. Funniest thing ever – and they keep doing it effectively taking 20+ out of the game for hours on end!
And rivers ‘sit in Sm and build so much siege we reach max and then hope someone comes near enough to hit’.
Sadly wvwvw is unplayable as SFR during the day as there are just hordes of clueless germans zerging round, ignoring each other, and trying to find an SFR target to hit.
Pathetic really.
Yawn perma german zerg everywhere. Very dull.
SFR consistently punches above its weight – permanently outnumbered but kicking kitten
lol 8am and entire EB capped by river overnight.
So who was it again with the night crew?
Multiple ways to disengage and get into stealth.
Multiple ways – some spammable to close.
Insane burst damage.
You can play a thief with 1 button and own.
It needs much more work to reduce it.
Outnumbered at every turn by hundreds of kitten germans….
As for not double teaming – thats kittenpoop. All day kodash and river have been hitting sfr and not each other.
Thieves are still ridiculous and need further downward adjustment. Watching heartseeker spammers mash one button and win with 4-5k hit each time plus gap closer – makes me think thieves are the vanilla paladins from wow. the ‘easy introductory’ class.
3rd. And by a long way.
Looking at how poorly BT uses its forces I wouldnt bet on it.
I think the real evidence of BTs inadequacy is the score.
If you were dominating you’d be 300k plus, not low 200s. As evidence previously you’re only numerically in the lead as you play vs empty servers for 10-12 hours of the day. When theres opposition the score often changes hands and leaders usually within 20 points – which again demonstrates how weak you are as you numbers are far higher.
Next tier BT will collapse and come in 3rd.
“I thought we had already established that SFR’s primetime starts when the other servers log off.”
Wheras primetime for BT starts at 5am and ends when everyone else logs on…..
Make our signature weapon – longbow – worth getting out.
And tbh fix the kitten obstructed bug/issue that means 75% of your attacks miss because someone moved.
Blacktide, sadly, didn’t – bar the XAOC group really milking the culling issue for their now you don’t see us, now you do bombblob.
But I’m sure they’ll argue their double numbers and managing to stay within 20 points of lead for most of the evening vs smaller servers makes them great.
Next week is going to upset a lo of BTers.
Not doing so well Genev?
SFR have been stomping BT primetime for past 3 days. You guys are going to get such a drubbing next week when you have to compete with more than doors off peak.
B;acktide are funny. They seem terribly impressed with themselves that they can stay with 20 points of a server with half their population primetime – despite losing nearly every fight.
Going to be very funny over the next couple of weeks – they will get demolished and be a third place next week so we’ll see you on the way down ;p
(PS try to get better for next time round – that’s two match ups with you and you’ve been no challenge in either)
Its 11 in the UK. Thats not night capping – we’re still dealing with a blob of 40-50 germans at SM.
And you may be running around in borderlands – funny how you chose the near empty one when all the action has been in EB. Many comments tonight how blacktide and riverside are just badge dispensing machines.
Blacktide have not improved since we trounced them 2 weeks ago – only reason you’re ahead is off peak gate fighters.
By 10pm we were on around 340 points. its 11 now and its about the same.
By 5am the Pvgates russians on blacktide will wake up andgo fight soem gates on an empty server, so when we all get home from work theyll have had 10-12 hours of 450+ points and no opposition.
We’ll then spend 4-5 hours kicking blacktides butt all over the map.
Why do people even bother about points? Pvp is about fighting, not some lame kitten score mechnic. As for SFR “stomping” BT in primetime, it is not something I have seen in the borderlands I have played in. In fact, desolation was a much tougher opponent in “primetime” last week than SFR. SFR have some really good guilds for sure but in general they are not better (or worse) than other servers we have faced.
I played Sunday night on Blacktide – stayed with the ‘zerg’ (aka loose shambles that had little coordination and little leadership. Blacktide zerg lost 9 times out of 10.
Went back to Seafarers on Monday – followed commanders instructions. Seafarers won 9 fights out of 10.
SFR may be far lower pop but its a kitten sight better than BT.
I might be under a misconception but are XOAC meant to be something more than mediocre?
Why is the OP trying to solve ‘zergs’?
Mass WvWvW – thats the entire point of the game. You want to play solo duellist thats what SpvP is for. personally i want to throw 100 ppl at each other with siege engines and kitten.
I wonder if, say rangers, got an attack that had no cd, did 4-5k damage per hit and jumped them back out of melee range thieves would consider this fair and balanced?
And this is why mesmers are op’d – cos ppl so kitten as the OP can play them successfully…..
Looks like arbor put a hard night in zerging gates to pull out 20k vs empty BGs…..
As I write in EB kodash are currently struggling to get out of their own spawn.
I suspect more than one SFR player is getting a little payback for their double team routine a couple of weeks back. Don’t worry kodash – we’ll be off to bed soon then you can pvp vs gates – its more your level ;p
Quite an kitten kicking kodash taking atm ;p
Anyone claiming thieves aren’t overpowered still is a delusional forum warrior.
You know the nerfs will continue for a while yet.
So let me see – insane burst, high mobility, more ways to get out of trouble and into stealth than you can shake a stick at…
There will be more nerfs. That is guaranteed. The community wants them and the community gets what it wants.
Too much of everything rolled into one whilst being painfully easy to play.
Its obvious the nerf is coming.