Showing Posts For tehsmooth.7493:

necromancer needs fixes BIGTIME

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


oh and we have to trait 30 points to get 3s stability with DS which we cant even stomp in , but eles can in kittenform? gg

necromancer needs fixes BIGTIME

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


so ive read alot on forums on necros so i tought i try one out , i agree with alot of things (reanimator, axe dmg/range, focus #5 cast time/dmg , minion AI , blast finishers not triggering , death shroud #5 skill where is it? , elite skills useful but useles, flesh golemn dies in water, ppl rallying from minions, need i go on ? i think Anet should fix this. necro is one of the most complained about with mesmers i think

spectral armor

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


its either needs a big cd reduction to like 40-45 seconds ,. or get some stability for 5-7 seconds , anyone agree?

spectral wall bug?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


spectral wall + staffs blast finisher does NOT give chaos armor, whatsup?

axe necromancer needs love

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


as the title says, give axe 900 range like all other midrange weapons,. also it could go with a blast finisher or something,. maybe more dmg? OH reduce cast time on spinal shivers pls and mb a small dmg increase to ;d

Necros and burn

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


not regular , there are runes that burn people on attack and when you use a healing skill,

you could pair with a guardian and spread it around with his virtue but it lacks intensity.

other ways is to transfer burning from yourself to an enemy with your wide variation of abilities. hope this was useful

improvements to UI

in PvP

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


are there any other people out there that liked guildwars 1 UI way more?

buffs/debuffs topleft each with their unique icon

party members’ health bar more visual ,

enemy healthbar more visual, and ofc the lightred color if bleeding, green if poison

show enemy spellcasting (tho i think not alot of ppl will agree on this)

all in all i think im trying to say gw1 ui was way more useful, also skill icons are shown upon taking enemy dmg this should come to gw2 to, just sharing thoughts.


what class ?

in PvP

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


What class would you want to have brought back from GuildWars1 , (either expansion) and why?

I personally want Dervish back, they are awesome scythe wearing destroyers with magic as well as melee abilities , alot of ways these guys could be played , too bad guildwars2 does not have as many viable PVE/PVP builds for every profession.

share your thoughts please

How would you feel if stealth was removed?

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


assassins in guildwars 1 are better , more fun to play PvE and PvP wise. this is a fact. please Anet make assassins and rangers the way they used to be , o wait bring back ritualists!

Dealing with Lupi on Condition Nec

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


when phase 2 starts, all rush back to the waypoint and fight him there, easymode.


in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


btw copy+paste the link “bad link”


in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


so I have been using the same old build for ages now, its scepter/dagger with staff:;TsAgyCuo8xAjAG7XOfkftAZswkEA

my utilities are often rotated depending on my enemies if theres alot of thiefs i take well of darkness and the #10 curse trait(apply chill when you blind)

if I get a chance to aoe alot i switch out Epidemic and Corrosive Poison Cloud.

it often works well , Corrupt Boon is amazing to use on guardians on the right time , some elementalists and warriors have quite the buffs to corrupt to at the right time.

BiP to start to have might , you have 3 skills that can transfer conditions you have to an enemy.

I want to know your thoughts on this build, maybe in ways i can make it better ?
I still think i die too fast sometimes, that may be because people generaly focusing necros more than others? im not sure.

I am also curious if I can build a power/prec/vit with this weapon sets, let me know what you find people! thanks.

Confused about a proper condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


ive been using :;T0AgyCuo8xMmYMrPOYkwsAZEwJgdFzFA

use staff for supporting your allies or blocking routes from your enemies or just to be annoying, this build can transfer alot of conditions from you to enemies, Dagger#4, staff#4 be sure to use these

corrupt boon

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


this ability is supposed to transfer all boons into conditions , but it gets blocked by aegis? it misses alot or gets blocked by other abilities , should this be blocked? because the ability itself does not deal damage, and blocking abilities block other abilities that deal dmg , any help?

just stop it ..

in Mesmer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


quit whining or deal with the changes they are making . seriously guys

just stop it ..

in Engineer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


quit whining or deal with the changes they are making . seriously guys

maybe necros need..

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


another blast finisher or better physical projectile finisher (staff tracking) current blast finisher is on a 20 sec cd with the -20% trait. you can blow up minions for a blast finisher but it takes up a utility , i was thinking blast finisher on offhand dagger 5 since it has longer cd than staffs blast finisher , idk ,..perhaps a leap finisher on DS #2 ? share your thoughts

Trying d/d death blossom

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


as the title says , i am now playing with d/d + d/d for trying to make a viable death blossom build because the skill is awesome and hardly gets used by anyone ,

i want to say 5 initiative for this skill is quite much , people dodge it alot and it does not always hit 3 times as the skill describes ,

the point with this build is to have alot of dodges (death blossom also dodges) and high initiative regen to make you spam more death blossoms and bleeds

10 points in acrobatics “vigorous recovery” (gain vigor whenever you heal) does NOT work with “signet of malice”(heal whenever you attack) this should be fixed since you are sacrificing a healing skill that is way better, “hide in shadows” ……. this is optional it depends on your traits 20pts acrobatics for the extra init regen or the heal yourself whenever you spend initiative(this also does NOT work with gain vigor when you heal)

death blossom and signet of malice heals you for everyone you attack so that includes pets, clones everything death blossom hits

but i still think it works best for this build;TwAgyCuo8xAjAG7XOfkftCYswOg5CA

please to share your thoughts, thanks in advance

Lets Fix Venom skills together and make them fun!

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


this wont work its not wow ..