Showing Posts For tehsmooth.7493:

POLL: Muke Muscleshell the greatest SPvPer?

in PvP

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


lol who is this guy ? il take you on 1on1 any day mate no elites.

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i agree , all necro projectiles need a rework imo.

Chaos Trait and Rune: Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


as far as i know yes

Fear... is my weapon [6x fear WvW build]

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


you should use corrupt boon to remove stability from people or you wont be able to fear them!

so necromancer pets

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


Fixed a bug that caused some minions to be overly aggressive

if anything they should be MORE aggresive since they still do moms worth kitten in spvp. thx

[Videos] Necromancer Gameplay

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i also like using scepter/dagger and a staff but the problem is condions dont deal enough damage, are too easy to cleanse especially in group fights, there are alot of professions that have the ability to AOE remove conditions passively or on short cooldowns , youre not going to do alot.
sure bleeds look good on paper but i suggest you try either a well-health-siphoning build or a power/well build those work better in my experience.

but at the mo, necros are basically the weakest class due to broken traits, nobody can use minions, healing power does not scale with siphoning etc im no pro necro but i do suggest u wait what the patch brings , if nothing interesting for necro go back to guardian because theyree OP

(edited by tehsmooth.7493)

Any tips on how to fight a d/d elementalist ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


how to effectively fight against d/d eles on your necro: try to put a freeze on him after he gets out of water, corrupt boon if hes going to use armor of earth. furthermore try to avoid his initiation (rtl) with a Terror or dodge roll.

further it kind of depends what you are using scepter/dagger + staff id say wait with unloading your conditions after he gets out of water he will have most likely used his #5 to clean your 3-4bleed 1poison and whatnot but the most important thing is to safe CHILL CONDITION for when he gets out of water making his water cds really long now pressure him with wells , dagger immob. staff marks, axe channel you name it

death shroud and lich form/plague form are your most important skills , death shroud in particular ALSO a nice thing to do is, if the ele starts channeling churning earth , just let him hit your DS it wont do super much damage, if you time it right dagger #4 can give him the bleeds back and the ele doesnt know what to do and will most likely try to flee or heal in water

(edited by tehsmooth.7493)

Unseen and Deathless: WvW Dagger/Pistol

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


nice vid, like the dagger/pistol combo

Thief 27k damage, 2 secs, back to back

in PvP

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


thief burst is OP , no class should be able to kill someone in 2-3 seconds.
if they catch you offguard there is no stopping this combo
even when you 1v1 its still hard to avoid if he times it right , and its impossible to avoid if you use Hide in Shadows and run up to an enemy who is totaly unaware that youre there, right before stealth ends hit steal+cnd you’l get stealthed and the person being hit has no clue, then stay in stealth for a full auto-attack chain because of stealthbug(is this culling?) when they get out of stealth ur health is so low, doubledodgeroll to get away but HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS will catch up to you, if thats not OP. maybe this is: deciding when to enter or leave the fight with hardly any restriction or penalty, you can stealmugcndbs into a 30ppl zerg and shortbow outa there like np.
1 of the best burst ingame, 1 of the best downed ingame, best mobility ingame. unfair in any pvp situation

thiefs can do this stuff quite often but every 45 seconds is the biggest one since they have bas. venom and whatever poisons they want to use.

only noob necros DONT take reanimator.

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


dagger light attack twisting fangs

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i like how this skill looks and works maybe give us the option to swap leaping death blossom for it make the evade on twisting fangs 0.5s and remove the root maybe a little dmg increase or 2 bleeding.

WvW Power build deathmatch video

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


great video and awesome skills better than me by far. but i got some question ; why are you only dueling the same people over and over it seems like theyre using the same builds to, and no fights against guardian, engineer ranger elementalist or another necromancer id like to see how you fight these. +1

stolen engineer item bug (Throw gunk)

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


sorry i had no clue i had posted this twice actually

stolen engineer item bug (Throw gunk)

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


thanks for the flame karolis sorry im not pro like you and know everything obviously i was just wondering if this was a bug or intented. it should not give revealed debuff tho

if i am stealthed and some1 runs into my needle trap, i dont get destealthed explain that karolis

(edited by tehsmooth.7493)

Would you like the skills from GW1 in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


“Yes, you were able to “found builds” but once a good build go public, it became the only build used for 90% of the players.”

oh so tell me , how many eles are running d/d s/d OWAIT how many thieves are running p/d or d/d OWAIT, its just all so lame and boring. i want my assassin/elementalist(gale+signet) with staff back or my touchnecro.

i want people to make unique builds , there arent enough skills and weaponsets around to do that so all builds are 75% similar to eachother when it comes to traits and utilitys, people want to play what they like, but what they like isnt always best but it should be all equal

Would you like the skills from GW1 in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i loved assassins way more in guildwars1 then i do in 2 , mainly because in 1 they WERENT stealth reliant.

also liked the idea of the attack chains: lead-offhand-dual

i want to see every skill back into guildwars2 and let people create their own unique builds with skills THEY like , not the skills and traits Anet likes.

(edited by tehsmooth.7493)

stolen item bug 'Throw gunk'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


when i as a thief use throw gunk on an enemy, either pve or pvp. i cant ever stealth when standing on that field myself, cnd doesnt stealth me but it does give me revealed debuff , when i stand on the gunk field and use shadow refuge it does NOT give me stealth

please fix this i cant combo with throw gunk+sneak attack anymore.

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


engineer stolen item (throw gunk) when i use cloak and dagger IN this combo field i dont get stealth but i do get revealed debuff, sometimes i get a really quick like 0.5 sec visual stealth and i see my #1 change but it goes off to fast for ‘sneak attack’ or ‘backstab’ to work , its annoying because combing in this field with sneak attack gives 5 confusion and now i cant do this

stolen engineer item bug (Throw gunk)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


when i use cloak and dagger IN this combo field i dont get stealth but i do get revealed debuff, sometimes i get a really quick like 0.5 sec visual stealth and i see my #1 change but it goes off to fast for ‘sneak attack’ or ‘backstab’ to work , its annoying because combing in this field with sneak attack gives 5 confusion and now i cant do this

stolen engineer item bug (Throw gunk)

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


when i use cloak and dagger IN this combo field i dont get stealth but i do get revealed debuff, sometimes i get a really quick like 0.5 sec visual stealth and i see my #1 change but it goes off to fast for ‘sneak attack’ or ‘backstab’ to work , its annoying because combing in this field with sneak attack gives 5 confusion and now i cant do this

all jumping puzzles done but..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


“You already get the experience and a chest at the end of every jumping puzzle and an achievement. What more do you want?”

ive stated this in my original post. : i want better reward or something to show off… gand it wasnt always fun more frustrating but im not a quitter.
all chests were useless except the wvw puzzles, but those are the same 3 times.

all jumping puzzles done but..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


as the title says , ive done all jumping puzzles but there is no ‘bigphatlewt’ at the end.

nothing to show off so others can just look at me and see ‘oh hes one kitten who finished all JP’ no title, no unique piece of equipment seriously nothing.

and not to speak of the rewards from the jumping puzzles. Some were actually kind of hard and time consuming, but when i get to the end and theres a magnificent chest, i get 25 copper and 3 blue items.

Is corrupt boon considered bugged or not?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


corrupt boon is one of the amazing utilitys imo, it does NOT get blocked by aegis.

Aegis will be corrupted to Burning
Fury Blind
Might Weakness
Protection 3 Vulnerability
Regeneration Poison
Retaliation 3 Confusion
Stability Fear(works with trait fear deals dmg)
Swiftness Crippled
Vigor Bleeding

No condition removal in tPvP?

in Mesmer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


kill the necro before he kills you , be sure to daze his ds#4 or his heal.

silent buffs to thief traits?

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


+10% damage with pistols.

stealing recharges all things of one type (venoms, tricks, deceptions or signets) +10% damage while holding a bundle — i think this trait is bugged and does NOT give the 10% damage increase while ‘carrying’ the stolen item.

pistol shots have a 20% chance to bounce, i have seen them bounce more, but Vital Shot deals 300damage on target 1, and only 120 damage on the bounce , is this intended?

combo fields ideas

in PvP

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


Other day, I was thinking about “dual combos”. For instance, fire + water combo = aoe blindness (ashes) or wind + light = clear any condition aoe. And the list goes on and on…

i like this. hope jonathan reads some of this good stuff

combo fields ideas

in PvP

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


necromancer can have change its blast finisher to AOE-lifesteal(like a small heal for 300-400 on allies that are effected opening more support for necro) with some dmg
and maybe phsyical projectile to have it split up into 3 claws(staff) that travel another 600yards from initial target

maybe mesmers (if they get blast finisher) to spawn a clone next to every1 that explodes for some damage

or fields that have the option of this happening ofcourse.

and dont guardians or engineers also have that lightning field? with an elixir toolbelt skill for engi and guardian utility idk guardians that well tho

(edited by tehsmooth.7493)

combo fields ideas

in PvP

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


so the game is out quite a while now , people have gotten used to combo fields/finishers, how about adding some new finishers? maybe class unique combo fields/finishers.

for ex. if elementalist lays a fire combo field he can either change the blast to ‘give area might’ or ‘burn everyone for 2 ticks’ or just ‘plain more damage’ from the actual blast. its either one of those,. not all. this adds more variation to fields/finisherrs

would like to know some ideas on other classes havent given it as much tought but i think its good.

my 2 cents.

Feedback and positioning?

in Mesmer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


feedback is awesome for alot of reasons, its a good combo field, it totaly counters anything that spams projectiles at you , you can combo with it yourself (pistol3,4,5, greatsword 2,4, staff2)

when i see a ranger and know hes playing longbow/shortbow only i will use my greatsword for 4-feedback-2 go to pistol/sword 5-3-3-2-shatter-4 and let my phantasm unload, dodge for xtra clone, shatter those, back to greatsword to finish off , or stay in s/p

all in all , if feedback works and you can combo with it against someone, you will most likely win.

(edited by tehsmooth.7493)

Mesmer with a fan

in Mesmer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i like this idea , all classes new new weapon sets and more viable builds for PVE/PVP

signet of agility bug

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


this signet does not always cure a condition when allies are near you, sometimes it only cures one but never more even when we were all stacked.

Elementalist So Weak Help!

in Elementalist

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


maybe shatterstone should be more like the guildwars 1 shatterstone?

Elite Hex Spell. Target foe is struck for 25…85…100 cold damage and is hexed with Shatterstone for 3 seconds. When Shatterstone ends, that foe and all nearby foes are struck for 25…85…100 cold damage.

making it into a single target damaging ability, but after 3 seconds it explodes and nearby foes are damaged(maybe needs a freeze to since the dmg is weak)

i can still do this ?

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i tought Anet has fixed the ‘precast CnD steal combo’ but i still manage to pull it off and ive seen others still use it to , whats going on this should be fixed

Meteor Storm, full cast vs cancel cast

in Elementalist

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i think canceling it reduces the amount of meteors and the time the shower stays

my new(bold underline)necromancerbuild

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


so ive been sPVPing with some friends and against random people , i have a build which i have not encountered yet and since Anets buff to Terror ,. it works like a charm has good control and its not hard to play.

you will have regeneration up all the time if you play it right . you will have ALOT and i mean ALOT of terrors and other control abilities.

without further ado:;TsAgyCuo+y8l4L7XuvkftWYAyOAA

its pretty straight forward on how this is going to go down , try to use corrupt boon only if the oppo has stability thus triggering terror(2kdmgohi) you can use DS#3 with golem ulti for a megalong CC then continue into scepter/dagger #2+5+3 for some LF and go back to staff or hit some scepter AA’s. want feedback and toughts:) thanks in advance.

edit: copy paste the link i always get bad link idk waddup:(

Doing terrible damage all of a sudden?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


your crits do less damage because you have 0 points in +crit dmg?

Petition: Fix L. Whip and Fire Grab

in Elementalist

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i ONLY use fire grab when there are enemies trying to ress it can hit very much but it also misses alot ,. if you cast fire grab the animation begins , if you quickly turn around to aim it at the opponent it always misses it either reads “miss” or out of range or something , as for lightning whip i cant remember i used this spell ever but i guess its pretty amazing dmg ,. it looks cool to please Anet fix these skills

and another thing , if you use the common d/d combo rtl->updraft->burning speed-Ring of fire/fire grab , the stars have to be alligned for fire grab to hit , the hitbox has to be bigger something like fire #1 in dagger/dagger

discuss updates please

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


oh Feast is the underwater one ,. sorry

discuss updates please

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


Vampiric: This trait no longer triggers when projectiles hit allies.
Feast: This trait’s recharge has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10. Damage has increased by 15%.
Frozen Abyss: This skill is now a blast finisher.
Foul Current: This skill is now a leap finisher, a poison field, and has its recharge reduced from 15 seconds to 12.
Dark Spear: This skill is now a projectile finisher.
Deadly Feast: Skill recharge has been decreased from 18 to 15.
Wicked Spiral: This skill is now a whirl finisher. Recharge has been decreased from ten seconds to eight.
Signet of the Locust: Passive movement speed has increased from 10% to 25%.
Quickening Thirst: Movement speed increased from 10%/5% to 15%/10%.
Reanimator: Decreased the degeneration rate of Jagged Horrors.
Terror: Damage is increased by 50% if the target has any conditions on them.
Spiteful Removal: This trait now removes three conditions when an enemy is killed, but can only trigger once every 10 seconds.
Crimson Tide: This skill is no longer able to fire at enemies behind the player.
Plague Blast: Updated projectile to fire from a more logical area of the necromancer.
Gluttony: Life Force gain has been increased from 5% extra to 10% extra.
Updated Corrosive Poison Cloud’s skill fact to display the proper duration of the applied conditions.

Feast (axe #3 skill) awesome buff ,. i don’t think it will make more people use axe since the range is still very small like the damage of 1 and 2.

underwater combat was never appealing to me and never will be so i couldnt care less about these changes.

reanimator should have been removed the jagged horrors are still worthless

Terror (with 10pts in Spite) deals 50% more damage if the target has A condition , i have tested this a few times and the damage is VERY low either it does not scale with condition damage but with power or its just really bad trait. (look at attachment)

gluttony nice buff

nobody uses corrosive poison cloud necro has way better utilities + his skills can do the same(staff#3) except for the weakness.

the signet of locust and other movement speed “buffs” are worthless imo since necros have acces to (almost)perma swiftness , maybe they should have increased the damage and healing and reduced the cooldown so its actualy worth taking for a siphonmancer.


(edited by tehsmooth.7493)

dissapointing update

in Elementalist

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


Fixed a bug where elementalists would not be attuned to any element, resulting in an empty skillbar.
Shocking Aura: This aura is no longer incorrectly considered a boon. The aura will no longer be affected by boon duration, but also cannot be ripped by boon removal skills.
Tidal Wave: This skill is now a leap finisher.
Ice Wall—Detonate: This skill is now a blast finisher.
Magma Orb: Damage is now split equally between the projectile and the explosion, instead of 2/3 explosion and 1/3 projectile. The total damage remains unchanged.
Boil: This skill is now a fire field.
Murky Water: This skill is now a smoke field.
Rock Blade: This skill is now a small projectile finisher. Bleeding duration has been increased from one to three seconds. Aftercast has been increased by 200 milliseconds.
Signet of Air: Increased the passive movement from 10% to 25%.
Soothing Wave: This trait has incorporated the benefits of the now-defunct Icy Mist.
Icy Mist: Replaced with Arcane Abatement. Take 50% less damage from falling. Create a spell when you take falling damage based on your attunement. Fire—Ring of Fire, water—Healing Wave, air—Static Field, and earth—Earthquake.
Arcane Resurrection: Applies auras for five seconds instead of 10. Now also increases revive speed by 10%.
Stone Splinters: Increased range from 300 to 600 units.
Bolt to the Heart: Increased health percent from 25 to 33.
Pyromancer’s Puissance: Increased might duration to 10 seconds.
Cantrip Mastery: This skill now works with Mist Form in PvE.
Trident: Rock Blade: This skill is no longer able to attack targets behind the player.
Mist Form: This skill now allows players to swap attunements while it is active, allowing glyphs to work in Mist Form.
Magnetic Grasp: This skill is now working as a leap finisher.
The Fireball tooltip has been updated to display the correct radius.

who cares about underwater combo-fields/finishers? underwater combat isnt that appealing infact i think its stupid and boring compared to the things you can do on land.

signet of air to 25% for what reason ? noone is going to use it Ele’s have perma swiftness and a kittenload of abilities to get around. (mb they shouldv increased the dmg so its actualy worth using)

50% falling traits are not worthless but not exciting either meh for this one
bolt to the heart 20 to 33% ,. idk if this will be very noticeable ,. especialy because you need 20 in air

same with pyromancers puissance, who’d go 30 fire? idk the use of this really.

ive never had any bugs with mist form or the traits that effect it so couldnt say anything about it ,.atunementswap and glyph using in mist form is awesome.

magnetic grasp was always a leap finisher for me and always worked,.

who uses fireball?

I think they could have done alot more with this patch ,.

aura sharing ..

in Suggestions

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


we can all agree the trait that applies auras to nearby allies is pretty amazing ,

but i think fire aura can go with a buff like increase duration or make it damage +2sec burn people when you get hit ,. ex.

THE fix on necromancer minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


after hours and hours and HOURS of looking at the interwebs,. i found the ultimate necromancer pet ,. its so cool and awesome in many ways the only way i can explain is

unlike other necro pets this AI is insanely good… i wonder why

arcane shield revisit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


it is a good skill , but it lacks something im not sure ,. cd reduction more dmg or longer/more blocking

arcane shield revisit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


maybe the explosion needs a blast finisher ?:D

arcane shield revisit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


but thiefs cooldowns are way lower than 75 seconds why cant it be on par with all the other arcane traits like 40-45s cd?

arcane shield revisit.

in Elementalist

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


this ability only blocks 3 attacks , deals mediocre damage and only blocks 3 attacks with a 75s cooldown without trait , while there are other utilities that are way better with similar/lower cooldown ,. any toughts on this ability please btw did i say it only blocks 3 attacks?

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


signet of locust tooltip says Damage : 400
Healing : 843

It’s damage is just weird, between 400-500 , 700-750 crits.
the healing never gets above 300 lol. only if you hit multiple dudes but i think 5 people are max? so 1500hp. for a 60s cd utility , meh

same with life siphon dagger #2, dagger is absolutely awesome don’t get me wrong i love this weapon for necromancer ,. but imo its a bit UP atm 259 dmg a tick x9 .. 259×9= 2331, tooltip says 2295. this isnt necesaraly bad just to be looked at. also the healing per pulse is about 200 for me and tooltip says 215 am i being misled by looking at tooltips too much ?

maybe remove the cast time from signet of locusts make it instant like thief signets ;D or combine the 2 signet traits to 1 like Master: powerful signets: reduces recharge on signets by 20/25% (since we generaly have long signets 48 seconds is the lowest CD and we only have 2 of those,. when traited ofc.) and using a signet gives 3/4 might stacks. just throwing it out there.

(edited by tehsmooth.7493)

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


thx for all the help on building a lifesteal necro this is by far the most interesting mechanic in this game , altho i feel some other classes can ‘lifesteal’ much better?

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


sorry i use spectral walk instead of armor

lifesteal necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


so it’s mainly focused on sustaining damage and lifestealing from people , i would want to know forums toughts on this build to improve it ,.

dagger auto attack heals for 38 per hit (which i thnk could be higher somehow?)
dagger #2 heals for 220 per tick which is amazing , but could also be higher?
further you have a utility to protect yourself, corrupt boon which is awesome ofc. and signet of locust that heals 220 per player hit in a 480 radius if im correct

mainly focusing on stealing health i think it could do with more, i need help ty in advance