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Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


we don’t want ONLY deathmatch, we demand ALSO deathmatch arena..

(and in my opinion, 2 vs 2 it’s not brainless at all)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i can’t agree more..

the only thing i miss from wow it’s rbg and arenas..with real rewards..

can be gold, skin, jug of experience, karma etc etc..

i love the gw2 gameplay, but i hate the way it is used..

and no, wvwvw it’s not pvp at all..u are just a supply/siege carrier

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Elementalist and PvP

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983



it’s a versatile build(you can change many traits for obtain would you prefer), with do really high burst damage, without sacrifice too much survavibility..only one thing, requires a high skill to be used properly..

maybe at the beginning you will die many timee, but in the end, you will hit like a truck, and you will be able to stay alive (almost) like a bunker..

I’ve said it requires a lot of skill? ^^

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

SPvP? More like STvT (Thief V Thief)

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


the only real broken thing about thief is HS distance, i found invisibility a little broken(just a little, not a real problem), but not so much like hearthseeker..with 3 initiative they come closer to you, every time they want..even if u chill or cripple him..

a little cd of 2-3 sec would be more than ok, imo

and the thief class became more skill dependent..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Ele PvP builds?

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983



it’s a versatile build(you can change many traits for obtain would you prefer), with do really high burst damage, without sacrifice too much survavibility..only one thing, requires a high skill to be used properly..

maybe at the beginning you will die many timee, but in the end, you will hit like a truck, and you will be able to stay alive (almost) like a bunker..

I’ve said it requires a lot of skill?

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

p/v/t vs cleric

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


mmm understand, maybe i will go a mix of soldier and cleric. kitten i’m so confuse XD

anyway, thank you for your explanation, it’s really good

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

p/v/t vs cleric

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


mmm true..if i can i use mist form or sometimes arcane shield (rarely i used it), i try also to pop my shocking aura to break the sequence (e.g. i get a bull charge, when i saw the 100b sequence start i use shocking aura) or lightning flash, but it’s a temporary defense, probably 10 sec later if i can’t escape, i gonna to die xD

even in p/v/t/ set..what do u think about knight set?


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

p/v/t vs cleric

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


hi all
first of all, i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong ^^’

i was just wondering if cleric set could be better than p/t/v for wvw..

try to explain better:

i usually do tpvp, and used unfortunately the classic 0/10/0/30/30 build..with some variations cause i find it boring, so often use staff and suited my traits and utility,
anyway, i found myself more hard to kill when i used the cleric instead of soldier..even with recent nerf of EA, my selfhealing it’s still high (when i used cleric), and that help me a lot in close quarter fight..

but i don’t know if in wvw could be the same…
i usually run in p/v/t set and armor and cleric jewel (no fractal)

someone have any advice?

thank you in advantage


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


You also have condition removal through the greatsword combo: Symbol of Wrath into Whirling Wrath/Binding Blade. Whirl combo on light field is condition removal.

even for me? i though it was only for ppl i hit whit cleansing bolt..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


first of all, thank you for your answer, i appreciate it

i don’t post my build because i change it often, and your answer can make me change again

my idea is to be a tank/healer, or better, a tank with a great self heal plus support to party.. surely not pure dps..i use cleric set for that ^^

i do everything, dungeon, wvw, freeroaming, event farm in orr, so sometimes i’m with many people, sometimes i’m alone..

seems rune of soldier, plus shout could be my solution, there’s also a trait for that “pure of voice”, but require 30 in valor, i thought to do a:

0/0/30/20/20 with AH, but in this way i can’t remove condition by shouts, instead if i do a 0/0/30/30/10 with “pure of voice” i think, but i’m not sure at all, the 10 point in virtues couldn’t be enough for boons duration and for many traits it have..but maybe i wrong..

for healing skill i prefer use shelter, i find it very usefull in many situations..

anyway, i’m gonna to try some build with rune of the soldier

thank to all of you again

(and again, sorry for my bad english^^’)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


first of all, i’m not english, so please, forgive me if i say something wrong, thank you

ok let’s start, i hate conditions, any conditions, whether they are cc, whether Dot..

so i would like to focus my survival build in condition removal, without sacrifice healing..

my doubt is about focus on meditation, (which have two conditions removal, one remove one condition, smite condition, and one convert all conditions to boons, plus healing with relatived trait, monk focus),
and shout (which provide me many boons, plus one condition converted for each shout, with relatived trait, but without direct healing like monk focus, and withut a total converter),

and there’s also a trait for virtue of resolve, that remove three condition, plus heal, but with a long cooldown.

i play with a full cleric set, with very low hp pool(like 12k or so) , and, in normal scenario, only thing that kill me is DoT, due that the DoT doesn’t not affected by toghness, or better, by anything.

so, i’m here to ask you some suggest, and opinion to help me decide

again, sorry for my bad english, and thank you for your time


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

Daily > Leveling Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


… Why not just increase the exp for completing the 1 tier to the same ammount as completing all 4 previously would?..


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

SUGGESTION: "glory" for "exp"

in Suggestions

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i think a glory for exp converter could be very appreciated, and one more reason for do pvp.. what do you think about it?

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Daily > Leveling Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i agree with the op, there’s no reason to remove tiers, it’s only a levelling nerf..thank ANET

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

elementalist 1v1 and 1v2

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


hi Lazarast, first, my compliments, i think you are really great with ele
Second i wanna ask you one thing, i don’t see any keybind only […], so i think you use some mouse with multiple key, it’s correst?

and third, how you move your char? with wasd or similar or pressing left and right mouse concurrently?

thank you for the answer, and compliments again

(sorry for my bad english )

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

elementalist 1v1 and 1v2

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


very very very very good vid!!
i like your style

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Should I stick with Ele and ride it out or is the balance we need only a pipe dream?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


we don’t want ELE=oh my god, op class , i own all with my ele!!1!1!

bu t we want a real ele, not a kitten like this call elementalist, we want a true elementalist.

c’mon warrior is a real warrior. and have all characteristics that a warrior should have.
guardian is a real guardian.
thief is a real thief
ranger is a real ranger.
and so on.
Ele is just a kitten, i know it’s rude but it’s the truth.
not only for damage(also for that) but for the entire mechanical, c’mon 15 second swap attunement? really?
no chance to change melee/ranged range in battle? really?

elementalist could be ok, if we can swap weapon in combat like all class, and reduces attumenent cooldown to , mhm 1 second.

damage still suck, but in this way we could be a real elementalist..

my english it’s not perfect, i know, and i don’t know if i explain my self well, but i hope you understand what i mean..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Should I stick with Ele and ride it out or is the balance we need only a pipe dream?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


I must be careful what I say because you can get easily banned on these forums XD
Elementalist will recieve a buff ofc ….but are you willing to wait for 2015-2020 …..your choice … I gave up

Warrior/Thief/Ranger ….rolled them and couldn’t be happier ^^
If you want magic try mesmer …rlly, anything is better then Elementalist ^^

i only like the elementalist’s style, and i don’t wanna play another class but ele..and right now, i don’t play gw2 at all..i have many other games to enjoy, until waiting anet fix ele.. other class are too easy and boring compared to ele(in my opinion of course)..
and i don’t wanna play an handicap class like this..i trust in arena net, and meanwhile i enjoy my dragon’s dogma or skyrim..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

waiting for elementalist fix

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


Don’t worry about your english. Most of us can figure out what you are saying and if we have problems, and you don’t mind, we can just ask you to clarify. There’s no reason to worry about where you were born or what language you speak best here, those kind of people just disagree and can’t argue with logic so they lash out.

I’m still enjoying the game (even on my ele) but people are right. High risk : low reward is really boring after a while and adds a type of challenge that isn’t any fun. The challenge is only fun if in the end you are rewarded for it. Completing a challenging dungeon is fun because you know you accomplished something, but when you solo a small group of 2 enemies and barely make it out after some amazing feat of dodging and skill use, it isn’t any fun.

That being said, play a guardian. I have found that the guardian is a very fun and complicated class to play well so it matches the play style that I found interesting with the ele without the paper-defense and the paper cut attacks. I used to think people were exaggerating when they said that they had tried a different class after leveling an ele to 80 and gasped at the extreme difference. I definitely agree with them now. HUGE difference.

thank you for your answer, and yes, i’m totally agree with you.
i have a lvl 28 guardian, and i see huge difference between these class too..

the guardian it’s ok, it’a good dps, and have a high survavibility..with mace/focus you can probably kill any veteran without getting one hit, and if you get hit, you regenerate your hp very fast..and if that was not enough you can switch to scepter/torch(or shield), immobilize your target, and keep doing dps aswell..i mean THIS for versatility..(and this is just an example)..ele don’t have this kind of ‘trick’..but don’t have neither guardian’s damage..and you it’s not a glass’s a balanced class..we should do atleast 150 % of damage guardian to make sense of existence (in my honestly opinion of course)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

waiting for elementalist fix

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


I agree, English is not the OPs first language and they are trying their best to express themselves and doing a good job of it. I understood! I completely disagree with most of what they said, but I did understand and didn’t need things rewritten.

I also DO play other classes. To assume that people don’t is a bit, well ridiculous in my opinion. I’m sure there is some lone person out there playing just one class, but I am not one of them. I feel that there can be improvements, of course, but my gameplay experience has not been that of a supporting player or struggling to survive. I do feel, as stated, that there are obvious balance issues in the game, but I don’t feel that Elementalists suck, as originally stated!

first of all,thank you for your comprehension i appreciate it

2) probably i explain myself bad..(infact for be clear i repeat many time PROBABLY IT’S JUST ME ) i can explain many things, but probably because of my english, I would be i try to be ‘fast’..ele (for me) need more burst damage..because this is what I expected from elementalist..

i’m honest, i wanna play the most burst magic damaging class (ofc, with low survavibility) and ele don’t reflect this..

i don’t wanna be rude, i only speak quickly to make as few mistakes as possible

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

waiting for elementalist fix

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


Let’s not be elitists with grammar here, we don’t even know if the topic creator’s first language is english or not. EDIT: And it seems I was right.

Regarding the elementalist, I feel we have good/ enough defensive skills (except maybe for D/D), and that we work well with a purely defensive staff build or with a healthy mix between condition damage and toughness/ vitality/ healing power.

The problem comes almost completely from our damage, as we are possibly one of the worst damaging professions in the entire game. We need double the skills, double the time to pull those skills off, all at the extreme sacrifice of all other attunements/ defensive options, and we won’t still pull off the same numbers as a Hundred Blades Warrior. It does not help, of course, that our skills are almost as easily avoidable as HB, and we require about as much utility support as HB Warriors to make sure things go the way we want.

What are the main causes for all this? Our Scepter/ Dagger fire burst damage was nerfed multiple times during beta, Staff’s fire attunement was always bland and its big 5th skill has no purpose other than ppealing to casual players and being OP for WvW, Focus fire is underwhelming, and MH Daggers fire damage is decent, but not good enough for the risk involved. When we add in other elements, OH Daggers sets up bursts nicely with air and deals even more worthwhile damage with earth, but that’s it. Non-fire staff skills lack damage, Scepter’s non-fire bursting skills are very underwhelming, Focus is a defensive off-hand, and MH Dagger has an mix between average damage and average defense.

Thank you Diogo, you explain in a comprehensive english more or less what i mean..

O.T: i wanna ask sorry to all for my bad english, i try to explain as better as i can, but unfortunately, i’m not english, and i do many grammatic errors..sorry again..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

waiting for elementalist fix

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


@titaniumm Can you retype that in English?

i’m not english, i try to type in english, but i know, i’m not good..what don’t you understand? i can try to explain better..forgive me..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

waiting for elementalist fix

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


wait, i can do well with my ele, i have no this kind of problem..but this don’t mean that our class is not broken..a good player can do very well, with all kind of class..expecially here in gw2, and if this should be a single player rpg, no one complain about ele, but this is a mmo, we have to compete, with other class, and compare with other class.. i can kill 2 veteran together if i want, just kitting them..maybe i need 5 minutes to do that, but i can do.the problem it’s not there. the problem is we have no burst, we have no cc, we have no damage and we have no valid support..all this COMPARED TO OTHER CLASS..

So as i repeat, probably it’s just me, but there’s nothing we can do better than other class..we can came close to them, but with all own effort, we can’t do nothing better than them..and i don’t wanna play a class like this..easy..try another class, and maybe you understand what i said..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

waiting for elementalist fix

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i try all other class until lvl 15 and they are good, but (and this is just me) i wanna play a magic glass cannon class, in any mmo, (and even rpg offline), i always play the magic class with more burst, and less survavibility, cause i like kitting mob(and players), cc them and try to kill them before they come on me..(or if they are ranged, try to interrupt them, and so on)..and when i read many description about ele, i thought it was like this..

but ofc, it isn’t..ofc i can play a 1 button war, or ranger, but i don’t wanna do that..(i repeat it’s just me)

i love the gw2 combat style, with dodge, no mana, attunement and so, but i feel so disappointed of the work do about ele..maybe i wrong, ofc, but i wanna play a precise kind of class..(among other things , this class is present in any mmo)..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

waiting for elementalist fix

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


ok i try all builds you gently post, believe me, i try all conclusion ele atm suck. i explain why.

the best build atm (for pve and pvp too) seems to be condition/toughness, and it’s a nice build, really..

But if i wanna play a condition build i switch to necro, cause the necro is much better in condition/toughness build..

If i wanna play as a glass cannon (even ranged) i switch to any other class, cause any other class are much better as a glass cannon than the ele.

Only way to play ele is as a support..and even here any guardian, engi can do we can do, but, even here, much better than us, and ofc i don’t wanna be a support, or better, i wanna can choose between be a valid support, or be a valid glass cannon..but atm we can’t do nothing good..

i don’t wanna play any other class, cause compared to ele, they are really boring..
and i don’t care to be the op class in the game, of course not, i wanna be just like any other class..any other class reflect really good their profession, guardian do what we expected from a guardian, even ranger, necro, war and so on..only ele seems to be like..umh..nothing..

we don’t play a char, we try to do our best with a broken’s like ,not live, just survive..

i believe in you Anet, do something, please..


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Why the Elementalist is Underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


I feel like ele’s main problem right now is that our direct damage abilities (IE, not condition damage) scale extremely poorly compared to other classes. This becomes a real problem when you consider the multiplicative effects of power+precision+crit damage, leading to the 3k vs 5k crit woes mentioned above. When you consider our low health pool, the difference only gets relatively larger.

I have no problem with being a squishy class, so long as it is possible for me to do massive damage if I spec for it.


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

why Anet ruin ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


the fact is : ele should be a classic wizard, and atm it is not..

you can play well, and so, but you’re not a REAL wizard atm..we are a mixture of skill usefull and useless at the same time, sure we do this or that, but in the end, we don’t do nothing (as a dps i mean)..

we can’t be a glass cannon cause our damage suck, we can’t be a tank for obviusly reason, we are only usefull as a support..i don’t think ele was thought to be a support class Probably Anet do something wrong on this class…

(again, sorry for my bad english)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

why Anet ruin ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


yes, but we have the longest cd of cc skill, we do less damage than any other class, we have less defende and hp than any other class and i can continue..

ok probably in beta test was too strong (i don’t know that) but know we are nothing..

there’s no one thing we can do better than other class..i still play ele and have fun with him in pve, pvp and wvw too, but i’m unbiased, and ele suck a little atm..

tell me only one thing that ele can do better than any other class..

we don’t talk about complexicity of this class, we talk about pure stats and spell..
ofc any good ele can defeat any worste player with a good class, but it does not mean that ele is ok..

i think nobody here wanna be op, (atleast , me no) but wanna be a real wizard, with all that includes..and it is low defense, low hp, high damage, high cc..

maybe in beta test ele was too strong, but now it’s too weak..

(sorry for my bad english )

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

why Anet ruin ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i don’t play in any beta test but i read more topic on how arena net ruin the ele in ‘real game’
i have a simply question:

why have you done this?

ele should be the most damaging class with the lowest defense..but i see only the lowest defense..

i can accept to die in 3 shots, only if i can bring down a mob-char in 3 shots too..

it’s normal for a wizard have low defense and hp, sure, but usually they do really high damage and have a great crowd control for keep him safe..

the cooldown of elementalist’s cc skill are ridicolous compared to other class, the damage is ridicolous too..

the only one thing that reflect this wizard class is the lowest defense (and hp).

so, i think ele is the most funny class to play, but nobody in their right mind would choose ele..

i wanna play ele, and be a REAL glass cannon, as Anet had said in many interview..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Switching to a warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i love ele, but i understand you choice..and until Anet fix not settle the ele, we will see more and more warrior and less elementalist..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

should i just wait for ele buff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i wanna try to say my opinion:

when i started with ele i think by myself “mmm probably i get high burst in fire att, high crowd control in water, many stun, knock back in air att, and high defense in hearth”
but atm i have little burst in fire att, little cc in water (cooldown it’s really too much long to recharge), little stun, blind, knockback in air, and little defensive abilities in hearth..

but my surprise was..i can have all, sure.
2 usefull skill in dagger, 3 in staff, 2 in focus, 4 in scepter and go on.
they say “ele will have 20 skill instead 10 of other char” but they don’t say “ele will have 20 skill, of which 15 is useless”

ele is playable ofc, but if you play ele, you play only because you love him, love his gameplay, and so.
but you are aware that ele need really not buff, not fix bugs, but completely rewrite.
for now they can, for example, remove the cooldown of attunement..

we have atm trait for max 2 attumement, and our cooldowns of our skills are the longest of all classes. without reason. for example flame touch do the samedamage of hearthseeker (<25% health) and it have 45 seconds cd.
our spammable abilities like dragon tooth, shatter stone, lightnig surge is totally useless..the only good skill we have are in d/d setup, and we are forced to stay at melee range..

for a mage could be a ‘little’ problem stay always face to face with a mob to do something usefull..

you can, in my opiniom, extend range of some d/d abilities to 900, and leave damage how it is now..

but ele need to (almost)totally rewrite imho..

and i love ele like everyone here..for that we are a bit upset when we discovered that our lovely class suck compared to all other class..

i ask sorry for my bad english and thank to all for understanding me


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.