Showing Posts For titaniumm.2983:

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


if you lose 1 vs 1 against a staff ele, i suggest to you to change game..seriously staff ele is the worst 1 vs 1 profession, no matter if zerk or cleric or whatever..staff ele 1 vs 1 it’s always in disadvantage..

of course if u are a bunker, and staff ele is a healer, you probably gonna to lose, but there’s no one (mmo)rpg where a tank is able to kill a healer…

and if u go glassy, you should be able to kill a staff ele without any problem..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

No thank you

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


no one should be able to kill one in a second or two, or even 3.

ofc you can, with some experience, prevent this, but in my personal opinion, a burst like that should never exist in a mmorpg.

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Has Ele gotten better since release?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


I have stopped playing since May this year because of all the nerfs we are getting. Recently I came back to see if things got better.

Well, see you guys in another six months time.

same here

they destroy the most fun class i ever played in a mmorpg

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: titaniumm.2983



It will be ongoing for further investigation by ArenaNet’s employees.

If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership. You must complete the steps below to secure the account and your computer.


We now provide a secure website for you to verify that you have taken the appropriate steps to secure the account, your computer, and your email address. Please go to this site and follow the instructions:


We will contact you with further instructions once we have received and processed your submission. If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours of submitting this form, please resend it from the address listed above.

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently.

—The ArenaNet Team

it’s true? or it’s a pishing?

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Build Variability for D/D Will Never Happen

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


elementalists are multi-faceted spellcasters that channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.

i can’t stop laughing everytime i read it XD

we are the best bunker in the entire game, and we are the worst dps in the entire game…

anet know what is coherence XD

edit: ofc,
rtl to 15 sec again, -50% damage
lightning flash 30 sec cd, remove the damage
attunement standard cd to 11 sec

and for d/d you are ok.

for staff need complete reworking, but with a single trait where:

staff do 100% plus damage, aoe radius of the skill is reduce by 50 %

can do a ‘normal’ caster damage..for escape ability burning retreat with 10 sec cd(remove combo field), frozen ground with 20 sec cd(with less aoe radius), gust 15 sec cd, or 30 sec but with a faster projectile, (now is really a joke) and so on..

i mean come on..we have 10 k base hp, and 900 base armor..give to us or a high damage, or a high mobility..righ now we ‘only’ have exceptional bunker ability. period.

i mean, we are a mage..bunker..mage..bunker..never see a bunker mage before xD

i made an ele because i would really high damage from the distance, at the expense of the defence..

now i’m a really good melee bunker XD

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

Deadly combo

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


sure, it’s a suicide go with that setup, but it’s the only deadly combo we have..arcane power is for rtl, lightning strike and maybe 1 or 2 hit of autoattack..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

30/30/0/0/10 - Have fun :)

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i use to play, for fun, a build like this in spvp..when rtl were 15(traited 12) it’s a kind of suicide ^^

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Deadly combo

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


s/d → arcane power, rtl,updraft and all together ’lightning strike, arcane wave, arcane blast" in full zerker and 30/30/0/0/10 build no one can resist

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

ele or mesmer for wvwvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


thank you for your response

hard choice anyway..when i’m with my mesmer i think ‘kitten why i’m not with my ele?’
and when i’m with my ele i think ‘kitten a portal here would work very well’

in your personal opinion, which class is more gear dependant?

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Staff Ele gear for WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


Also, healing power is worthless stat, healing from the actual staff skills is borderline non-existant, blasts are what bring out the healing, and more often than not its not you who´s blasting the field.

completely disagree..
healing power it’s useful in 2 kind of situations:
when u switch to water, and when u dodge roll in water, every 9 – 10 sec you can do 2 aoe heal for 2.5 k heal each one..than if u drop water3, which heal 1k per tick + blast finisher into hit, (blast your or not your) you can heal in 4 seconds 10 k..

i usually if me or my team mate are in a mess i come closer to him, switch to water, dodge roll in water, put gayser or healing rain, switch to heart, dodge roll in hearth + arcane blast..13-15 k heal in almost 5 seconds..for you and for any other ppl near to you..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

ele or mesmer for wvwvw?

in Mesmer

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


hi folk

i have a level 80 mesmer and a level 80 ele..each toon have all exotic gear (ele has cleric/soldier/zerker/knight, mesmer has soldier/knight/zerker)

but now i wanna take some ascendent gear, and i don’t really know if take the gear for the ele or for the mesmer and which kind of gear..

i play as a support staff ele, and as a shatter mesmer, and i enjoy both in the same way..

in addiction i’m scared for every patch they made…any suggestions?

thank you in advantage

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

ele or mesmer for wvwvw?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


hi folk

i have a level 80 mesmer and a level 80 ele..each toon have all exotic gear (ele has cleric/soldier/zerker/knight, mesmer has soldier/knight/zerker)

but now i wanna take some ascendent gear, and i don’t really know if take the gear for the ele or for the mesmer and which kind of gear..

i play as a support staff ele, and as a shatter mesmer, and i enjoy both in the same way..

in addiction i’m scared for every patch they made…any suggestions?

thank you in advantage

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Staff Ele gear for WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i use soldier gear, cleric trinkets and staff, build i use 0/0/10/30/30, with ether renewal, arcane blast ( for the combo finisher), lightning flash, mist form..i swith my utility often, but this is my standard setup..rune 3 water, 3 monk..sigil of superior energy on a staff..

high survavibility, high support, low damage..i don’t suggest to go full glass cannon as a staff ele..we don’t have enough skill for escape from a bad situation..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Easy fix to thief spam

in Suggestions

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


want to spam HS? remove the gap closer and it’s became ok..

the problem of the HS it’s not the initiative, neither the damage, but his gap closer..

it’s totally ridicolous that thieves in one skill have gap closer, high damage, with 0 cooldown..

another ridicolous thing is that thieves complains because the others skills are not good as heartseeker lol

heartseeker, for be balance should be:

deal -50% damage that do now if hit by front.
deal +50% damage that do now if hit a target from behind.
without gap closer of course.

[little OT]

another ridicolous thing is see a thief keep spamming HS when i have retaliation, , shocking aura, fire aura, aegis, and so..they play just smashing 222222222222 without notice anything..and when u kill them, they quit game lol

many noob play thief, and without HS they are nothing., infact i kill them as a GLASS STAFF ELE..but when i fight a really good thief i have no chance to win, and i recognize them because they don’t spam nothing, but play very smart and use the right skill in the right moment..

it’s a pleasure fight a good is frustrating that there are few thanks to HS spamming..

[close ot]

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

Easy fix to thief spam

in Suggestions

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


22222222222222 lol

if u see any other game you will see thieves with energy/iniziative but some skill have cooldown..

for balance “i think” 1 second cooldown for the high damage skills could be ok..

example Heartseeker 1 second cooldown, headshot 0 sec cooldown..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Can everyone just calm down please?

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


I know you’re incredibly cool and witty with your posts, but stop. Just stop. I’m not saying don’t complain if you don’t like changes that happened, but there’s no need to make 50 threads where people are throwing insults everywhere.

Yes, warriors took a blow because quickness was nerfed, but lets be real here: it’s not like this is the spot that they intended warriors to be in, and it’s not going to stay this way. Quickness needed to get nerfed eventually, and it’s probably a lot easier to see how to buff warriors by getting rid of it first. Should they have put in buffs to the warrior right away? might have been a good idea, even if they weren’t long term solutions. They didn’t, so lets move on.

Quickness is an extreme problem at lower tiers of the game. Whether you like this or not, and whether you care or not, does not matter. The quicker this change is made the quicker we’ll see spvp grow at the bottom. If you want arenanet to spend time on pvp, and possibly devote more time to pvp, then the bottom needs to grow. End of story. There are some other things that need to be changed (backstab burst, tank eles, and many other things), but this is a start. A start that should help people that are getting into the game to stay with the game.

Quickness also pigeonholes warriors into making their entire build about getting a frenzied 100blades off. You can look at this nerf as a way to see what direction to take future buffs without making warriors “overpowered.”

Lastly, stop spamming the forums please. If you actually care about the future of the game (and if you don’t, then why are you still here?), then you have to understand that all these posts are doing nothing but deterring newer players from wanting to play. We don’t need a separate thread for each person’s opinion on how the warrior sucks now. We don’t need a separate thread for each person that is “quitting” the game. I don’t want to be mean, so I’ll leave it at that.

Thank you.

No. There’s literally nothing to do anymore but complain. WvW is done and over, PvE is garbage, and PvP is getting nowhere. There’s nothing FUN to do except grind, grind, grind all these 20 something currencies which may or may not be useful in the future. I’m looking at you, Fractal Tokens.

if the minority complain, could be their problem, if almost all players complain, it’s obvious there’s something wrong..

and could be so easy for anet satisfy us, just give us what we want, not what THEY think we want

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Leave the devs alone!!

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


The game, I am assuming is Forge. I bought it the day it came out. It’s a very fun PvP only game.

;) yes man, u’re right ^^
it’s a lot of fun, and get better and better patch by patch

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

Leave the devs alone!!

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


it’s simply ridicolous, me (and many other ppl) bought this game for the pvp, and they don’t do atleast nothing for us..also i play another game born in december 2012 made by an indipendent team, and that team keeps its promises much better than a a bigget company like anet..

they do a list and give us a ETa for all the feature, and in the date estabilished we get that feature..i don’t talk about some ridicolus class balance like “-15% damage on that skill” , i mean new map, new class, a mechanics changes, and so on, also they often play with us, so they really know how is the state of the game (it’s a only pvp game, so no pve balance)..

and it’s a indie company..learn to them anet, and shame yourself..

they really want the ppl play their game, so give to ppl what they ask..ask for duel? they implemented duels, ask for arena? they put the arena in, ask for deathmatch?
they implemented deathmatch, ask for rent a server? they implement that feature, ask for balance or cry “qq assassin is op!” they TEST IT!

if this game instead calling gw2, had been called “random name” you would have sold maybe 100.000 copies…

ppl want duels? give duel to them
ppl want gvg ? (oh my god, this is GUILD WARS) give gvg to them

i have no are ruining this game..

(i play only ele since beta, and i admit, we are op when we talk about defensive abilities, and we suck when we talk about our traits fire/air, you didn’d notice that?)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


for someoe wanna try a real pvp take a look a “forge”, it’s incomplete for now, but have deathmatch, capture the orb, and arena. no rank, no leaderboard, etc etc for now, but get out a patch every week with some content new.

ps= that game is really hard to mastered.. but if u wanna only pvp balanced and skill based i suggest to take a look.

i usually don’t suggest a game in another game forum, but i feel betrayed from anet..i buy this game only for pvp, and the pvp in this game it’s really meh..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

tell me another viable build (ele)

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


I don’t understand, scepter is a viable ranged weapon. =/

There’s ways to land dragon’s tooth, but there’s lots of other spells that are good too…

If I can’t effectively fight my enemy from a distance, it’s not a viable ranged weapon. As it is, Dragon’s Tooth, Phoenix, Shatterstone, the lack of offense in the scepter’s earth attunement, and the weak autoattacks make it ineffective at ranged combat.
Scepter/Dagger’s good, but mainly when close to your target (Phoenix, offhand dagger skills), and I don’t want to be forced to adopt a support-oriented playstyle by taking the staff.

sadly, this game lack of spellcaster ranged, the best guess is the necro, scepter/dagger, staff..

the necro staff spell embarass the ele staff spell, the scepter are quite good both, and the necro dagger offhand have 900 range.

with traits staff necro

2=damage + bleed+regen aoe every 4 3/4 sec
3=damage + chill+poison aoe every 16 sec
4=high damage+transfer condition aoe every 20 sec
5=little damage+fear aoe every 32 sec

they can ALSO swap weapon and with scepter / dagger can have:

1= autoattack every 1/2 sec, (not 1sec and 1/4 like ele) damage +bleed,damage + bleed, damage + poison
2= cripple + bleeding aoe every 10 sec
3= a damage spell
4= transfer 3 conditions + blind every 15 sec (with trait)
5= a bleeding (10 sec), a weakness, and a damage aoe

if u wanna a spellcaster ranged change class, cause some pro here can say ele rock etc etc, sure ele rock i’m agree, but it’s not a ranged spellcaster..

every 40 seconds a chill aoe without damage vs every 16 sec a damage + chill + poison aoe speak for itself, also mark don’t disappear..

until we have that ridicolous spell in our ranged arsenal, with that ridicolous cooldown, we have only two choice..

wanna be a ranged spellcaster? sure use a 0/0/10/30/30 and use will stay alive enough..but don’t except to kill a skilled player..
or use the x/x/x/15/30 with any other not ramged weapon set, use cleric for full defensive with cantrip, use zerker for more offence..

that’s all

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Any other viable ele builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


I’m left to assume this is about PvP?

I don’t run competitive play and my traits are all over the place, but I’ve done fine even with what would be considered “bad” gear for many 80s. I don’t use cantrips, either, and rarely use arcane skills (and only 10 in the trait line). I can see replies with “PvE /faceroll”, but spare it, and here’s why:

I only make a clarification because I wish people would stop ranting over classes because [insert PvP viability issue]. This is a general profession forum, with no indication in the title and a vague reference in the OP about counters to suggest that this issue concerns competitive play. I’m not saying take it to PvP forum, but at least be specific because the ele is not nearly as bad-off as this thread would have people believe, overall.

really sorry, i’m mortified..i realize just by your post that i have not specification..i mean for competitive pvp…really sorry guys…really…

for pve/farm event i go full zerker 30/30/x/x/x, for dungeon, depend but often i go 30/30/0/0/10..

for wvwvw 0/0/10/30/30 with pvt armor, and cleric trinket+weapon (staff).

in spvp i’m stick to 0/10/0/30/30 staff-d/d-s/d don’t care, this build work with every weapon..

so i just wondering if there’s any other viable build out there…

really sorry guys again…:(

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

suggestion: staff little redesign

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i thought about a “recharge all staff skill by 30 %, remove any combo field prducing by staff”

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Tired of seeing the same exact thing!

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


eheh we can choose between 0/10/0/30/30 or…..0/10/0/30/30 xD

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

tell me another viable build (ele)

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


Hey laza!
i know, you’re a very skilled ele

anyway, in the original post i said an ele could have atleast 30 arcane, 15 water to be competitive, i tried also many build, even my usually build, 10/15/0/15/30 with full arcane utility, zerker, it’s quite good, very high dps, decent survavibility.

but this don’t change the fact the our other traits except arcane/water are still underpower, near to useless, if we spec near to glass cannon, like you, we don’t still have enough burst to compensate the lack of survavibility.
in a similar setup, a thief, mesmer, can outshine us in burst damage, and in survavibility due to the stealth mechanics.

when we talk about bunker, we are exceptional, but when we talk about dps, we are not so good.

for example, if i rtl to a gc war, for bring him down i have to use rtl, fire 2-4-5 + arcane blast, arcane wave, when a thief use backstab, backstab, gg, a mesmer sword 2+shatter.

they have our burst only with 2-3 skill, reserving the utility for escape.

hovewer they don’t are as good as us when we talk about bunker spec.

even dev’s says that we have only one viable competitive build..

my op was provocative to all ppl that complain about x/d bunker ele.

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Any other viable ele builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i tried a build similar, with a signet, but it’s a little hard..anyway, i change build in pvp more often, the problem of the signet it’s they don’t break stun, neither offer you shield or invulnerabilty (like arcane shield – vapor form) but atleast it’s different

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

suggestion: staff little redesign

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


could be fun have a staff like i design, without combo field, and with a single trait that increase cooldown of certain spells making it combo field

Not sure how easy that would be to implement…but it’s an interesting idea.

eheh i’s just for talk

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

suggestion: staff little redesign

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


If you dismiss chill then you have no idea how powerful it is.

As for the staff, it’s the combos that make it exponentially more powerful the more players are near you. A single Frozen Field can cause up to a minute of chill in a group of 5 (though it’s duration is halved on dungeon bosses). A lava font can add a similar stack of burn. Meanwhile, just think of all the healing the water fields can give…there’s a reason rangers almost always us their healing springs.

Bottom line: when balancing the staff, consider the fact that we have combo fields. They must be weak when soloing, or they’ll be stupidly overpowered when in a group.

you’re right..sadly..

btw i would prefer have a good solo staff, instead a combo field generator almost useless in solo..

could be fun have a staff like i design, without combo field, and with a single trait that increase cooldown of certain spells making it combo field..

and for razor, staff 3 necro inflict damage, chill and poison..every 16 seconds..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

suggestion: staff little redesign

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


maybe mesmer, but i think staff necro is good even in 20 vs 20

every 36 seconds a fear aoe, every 16 seconds a chill aoe, every 5 sec a bleed aoe + regen..i think is good

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

suggestion: staff little redesign

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


they can also weapon swap. if they stayed in staff the entire team they wouldn’t beat anyone at all.

just like us, we don’t kill no one with a staff, but we don’t have even the weapon swap..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Will the elementalist be nerfed next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i also play a mesmer bunker-survival – shatter build with some damage output 0/20/20/0/30, with sword – torch – staff, and a lot of invisibility utility.

i have the potential to kill my opponent, (but slowly) and i have the great survavibility offer by soldier set, + a lot of invisibility..if i die, i probably does something wrong..

but i never see any post about “AHH MESMER BUNKER OP”

and you know why?

cause many mesmer don’t play bunker build, just like thieves don’t..

if the elementalist could have many other viable option you will see maybe 2/10 bunker , 8/10 offensive ele..

but until we have only ONE build, ONLY ONE (even dev say that, in sotg march) you rarely see any other elementalist setup..

if u see, they are just trying something different, then return to 0/10/0/30/30 cleric/soldier.

i personally love to use arcane-mage, but i recognize that sucks compared to 0/10/0/30/30 cantrip build…

imo we need something new

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

Will the elementalist be nerfed next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


An elementalist using Berserker’s is not the problem but one like using Cleric’s.

and thank goodness..if ele doesn’t have the magic cleric-bunker build, you would not see more elementalists, except the “free-kill” , cause any other our setup are totally crap..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

suggestion: staff little redesign

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


if u see staff in group play, i’m agree with you, it’s almost good..

but i see staff in also other contest..even 1 vs 1..staff necro, or staff mesmer is also good in 1 vs 1..we have 20 semi-useless spells (in 1 vs 1), the only good thing about staff atm is the range of 1200.

however, our d/d rock everything ^^

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Any other viable ele builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


there’s a bild i found on you tube times ago

it’s always a d/d but with some difference:;ToAg0CnowxgjAHbNOck4MoYaB

it’s a offensive build, not have the same survavibility offer by the cookie cutter build, but i find it more fun and you will do a ton of damage ^^

i was also looking for a build staff, but it’s hard xD

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

suggestion: staff little redesign

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i’m not agree at all..staff have ENORMOUS cooldown, compared to other set, with a casting time ridicolous..the damage is also the smallest compared to other weapon..

staff must have cc or damage, not both, i’m agree, but right now have nothing..

asking yourself why other player call a staff ele “free kill”..

no for make staff available in tpvp need a buff.

in pve or wvw could be fine, but in tpvp – spvp there’s no story, staff it’s totally underpower atm.

see staff necro, 16 sec (with trait) for chills aoe of 4 seconds..4 3/4 for 3 stack bleeding + regen aoe, and their traits reduces ALL staff skill..

sure we have water/arcana traits, but it don’t solve the staff ele problem..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

tell me another viable build (ele)

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i die often, but i prefer to die when i using a staff with an inusual build, instead surviving while using classic d/d ,this because i don’t found d/d fun..

ofc when i do tpvp serious i use the the classic d/d bunker-build..

i love cc ppl, and make it unable to catch me, but in comparison to d/d or s/d build, i recognize the staff build is more and more weakness..

if i only can have a traits “recharge all staff skill by 20%”…(looking out the window)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

suggestion: staff little redesign

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


staff fire
1=fireball, increase damage 15% cast time 3/4 sec
2=lava font = ok
3=flame burst , a little initial damage like 200-500
4= burning retreat , reduces cd on 15 sec, duration to 4 sec
5= meteor shower, ok

staff water:
4=frozen ground to 20 sec

staff air:
1= first target strike =150 % damage second target = 100% damage, third target=25 % damage

2= lightning surge , casting time 3/4 sec
3=gust..ridicolus it never hit, 15 sec cd
4= ok
5= cd to 20, stun for 2 sec all target inside, no duration, just stun when hit, so no more combo field

staff earth
1= ok
2=eruption, ridicolous, remove the bleeding part, damage reduction 15-20 %, 1/4 cast, istant explode.
5=cd to 20 sec


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Tired of seeing the same exact thing!

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i understand you, my other post is similar:

seems an ele haven’t another VIABLE build except d/d 0/10/0/30/30

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

What are your keybindings?

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


move ahead= mouse left+right
strafe = mouse lateral

skill 1=\
skill 2=1
skill 3=2
skill 4=3
skill 5= alt+1

heal = e
7 =q

f3=alt+\ (or middle click mouse)
f4= middle click mouse

seems a mess, but in this way i never change my hand position

inch on alt
the other in /123; f1-f2; qwe

(i use an european keyboard, i don’t know if american keyboard is different)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

tell me another viable build (ele)

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


like i said,
for all ppl complain about d/d bunker ele, tell me another viable build, prefer with staff,
and i will more than happy to give up with the 0/10/0/30/30 build..

when i use the staff i’m a free kill, due to ridicolous long cd on cc skill + no mobility at all.

if i use a d/d balance-defensive build, i do a little more damage then bunker, but sacrifice too much survavibility,

if i go scepter/x i have to pray that my opponent is afk to be able to hit him with dragon’s tooth.

if i go full glass cannon with any weapon, i kill one ppl, and after that i get kitten by the other, due to not stealth, death shroud, and no healing.

i have tried everything, with any weapon set, cause i find the d/d bunker ele too boring.
but nothing work, an ele in the current state need atleast 15 in water, 30 in arcane for be competitive.

so don’t complain about ele, complain about anet, if they give us another COMPETITIVE build, or change somthing in our other weapon set i give up with bunker d/d without looking back.

think about it

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Will the elementalist be nerfed next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


Why nerf it?
best counters are proper played engis necros maybe rangers very good mesmas and very good thiefs just overload the ele with a deadly mix of all condis and u will see him dieing

No you will see him CLEANSING, any good ele will be running enough cantrips and cleansing to completely negate condition damage, I know this because I used to run it on my Ele. And that is the problem, water as it is gives an Ele too many ways of clearing conditions, with the 3 cantrip cookie cutter build, you have:

Cleanse when you switch to water
An on demand cleanse when you use a cantrip
Cleanse on dodge roll with Cleansing water
Cleanse from the Glyph heal OR Ether Renewal.

Your essentially immune to CC (You have 3 very good stun breakers/mobility tools), you negate burst with the nature of this build, you can put out some pretty decent self healing, not too shabby DPS and you have mobility, it’s too much in one package and needs balance. This is coming from the perspective of someone who has played D/D Ele from beta and stopped playing my Ele about a month ago, it just feels to imbalanced.

Hopefully aNet will review and tone down the amount of cleansing Eles can do and that way condition damage could be a viable counter.

any class can have many cleanse, but you need to spec for it, and loose something guardian shout, warrior shout, mesmer with mantra, arcane thievery, and null field, but they loose blink, decoy, mirror image..

ele cantrips are strong, true but really, the only things ele have for not to be one-shot are self healing, and a lot of cleansing..but they have the lowest armor, with lowest hp, i thing it’s fair..

i personally don’t run the 0/10/0/30/30 in tpvp, and neither use cantrip, instead i use 10/15/0/15/30 zerker with all arcane utility..just because i don’t like stay alive and don’t kill no one..

if u loose against a d/d bunker ele, you does something wrong, in your playstyle, or in your build..

i personally also don’t run NEVER in tpvp without atleast 1-2 break stun, and 1-2 cleanse conditions..with every toon..

if u ,or someone else, do this, well IN MY ONLY OPINION, u don’t are a very good pvp player..

i smile when a 100b zerker war call me “noob, noob op classssssss” when him charge me, start 100b, i pop up my arcane shield, when it’s exploded i put my shocking aura on, and after i interrupt him, i switch to fire, gain fury(with arcana minor trait), use ring of fire, arcane wave+arcane blast, + fire grap, and impale him..

seriously, it’s a learn to play issue…this game is full of brainless ppl self-defined “pro”..


sorry for my bad english

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

Will the elementalist be nerfed next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


ele has lowest healthpool
ele has worst armor
ele dies within a thief’s burst
ele needs boons to shine ( are u all kittening stupid!!!!!! u dont know that u can counter heals with poisons, confusion)
ele needs knowledge
ele needs to switch all 10 sec attunements to shine ( are u kittening stupid !!! u dont know that u can increase the attunementswitching by 66% if u chill the ele::)
ele has a lot of predictable damageskills which needs timing and positioning
(i hate this slowly dragonstooth everybody can hear it and see the circle on the ground, churning earth wtf so long … u can interrupt it, blind, cc, dodge …phoenix …)

Why nerf it?
best counters are proper played engis necros maybe rangers very good mesmas and very good thiefs just overload the ele with a deadly mix of all condis and u will see him dieing

so true..

ppl prefer complain instead admit “oh my god, i’m a real noob”

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

p/v/t vs cleric

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


ok, atm i use 5/6 soldiera and 1/6 cleric, trinket all cleric, back soldier with 0/0/10/30/30 i have about :

17k hp
1250 healing power
2650 armor
2850 power

this setup for me it’s exceptional, i can do a semi-decent damage, with a really really high survavibility..

last night i was alone in wvwvw and 5 opponent take about 5 minutes for kill me..and i equipped staff in that moment, maybe if i was d/d i would be survived..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Will the elementalist be nerfed next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


kill a skilled ele require brain, strategy, and a really good knowledge of your class..just like skilled mesmer and skilled thief..anyway a bunker suppose to stay alive, so when u fight a ele you have to keep in mind two things:

1) when u deliver your max burst. if u burst an ele ,for example, when he are in fire attunement, he switch to water and he are save, so riserve your burst when he switch to water.

2) immobilize him is a valid key to win.

i play ele, mesmer, and guardian..when i play ele i now how to defeat and how to identify the real mesmer without problem, and when i play mesmer i know how to defeat a d/d bunker ele..

so it’s a learn to play issue..instead complain go to this topic


roll an ele and see how a real skilled player destroy you in a few second..


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Trying to improve (looking for advice)

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


btw i have 3 complete set


i switch often my traits and mix my gear..

depend what i have to do..dungeon, open pve, wvw

i use a mix of soldier+cleric in wvw with 0/10/0/30/30 build
in open pve for farming event i go with a full zerker with a 30/30/0/0/10
for dungeon depend in which team i am, and which dungeon i do..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Trying to improve (looking for advice)

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


mmm your can’t survive with that traits for now..the only way for an ele to stay alive come from self healing, you need at least 30 in arcane (for get evasive arcana) and 15 in water, plus i suggest equip with some healing power, i have atm

1262 healing power
(about) 2600 armor
(about) 2900 attack
(about) 17k health
(without any buff)
i don’t do very high damage but i can survive almost forever..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

help translate sotg elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


i understand, no comment for the moment…

thank you all guys, seriously <3

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


we don’t want ONLY deathmatch, we demand ALSO deathmatch arena..

(and in my opinion, 2 vs 2 it’s not brainless at all)

Another gamemode without extra balancing is just wasted effort.

i don’t found gw2 unbalanced..sure it’s not perfect, but i think any class, can beat any other class..(sure require brain and skill )

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


and you don’t found more fun killing other players, instead capping bases?

when i’m alone, and go in enemy’s base and found an enemy i’m so excited, cause i can have some duel with another person, just 1 vs 1, without zerg, without interference (until reinforcement arrive ofc), in this moment i don’t care about win or loose, cause for sure, i enjoyed the duel..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

Another Comparison of GW2 Vs WoW

in PvP

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


we love kill each other ‘cause require skill..for example, if i have to defend bases i will spec bunker, if me and my ’partner’ have to kill other 2 guys , i will spec maybe balance, maybe support, but probably not bunker.. i think it could bring some news in the pvp world..

ofc if the only thing i have to do is defend a base why should i go glass cannon and die in 2 shots?

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

help translate sotg elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


ok sorry for what i asking, but..

here there’s the sotg of march :

at 30.00 they talk about elementalist changes, but i’m not english, so i’m not be able to understand exactly what they say..

if someone with a good hearth can make a little summary for me i would appreciate it very much <3

(i have problem to understand when an english person talk, but i understand (almost) all when i read )

thank you in advantage


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.