(edited by transtemporal.2158)
After all the guilds finally transfer over, its going to be interesting to see who is going to win between JQ and SoS. I feel kinda bad for BG though , this has to be the worst timing to announce paid transfers for them. They come up and try to recruit to be competitive in T1, but the announcement completely screws them over.
Nah, BG are pretty strong. If they’re smart, they’ll look to capitalise on the JQ/SoS fight since we’ll go after each other hammer and tongs regardless of the score. 3rd position can be the best position to be if you keep yourself in striking distance.
Now I want to play a game where classes are named because of the weapons they use. “Daggerist”, “Sworder”, “Axer”, “Spearist”, etc.
And of course, Burninator.
This is all part of ANets plan to make us all play thieves. AoE was one of the tools you could use against thieves, but now that we won’t have it, theres no point in playing anything else! Yay!
So “we’re going to bring aoe in line with other skills” (Very close to their exact wording) translates to you as “We’re taking away all your aoe, this is a single target only game”?
Well, you never know. “Bringing into line” may mean “increasing to be comparable with a 10k spammable backstab”… but I doubt it. They will probably nerf AoE dmg into the ground so that whichever kitten executive has the thief won’t need to worry about it anymore.
We are in for the kitten-fight of kitten-fights next week fellows! Gird your loins! Make sure your pants are ironed!
Once they were friends… now they are deadly enemies!
We wuv you euros! Bring your sexy kitten accents here!
This is all part of ANets plan to make us all play thieves. AoE was one of the tools you could use against thieves, but now that we won’t have it, theres no point in playing anything else! Yay!
kittens about to get real on SoS tomorrow, you heard it here first t1
Welcome Never Die to SoS, finally we have asians!
Loved playing Never Die on IoJ. Numbers, skill and tactics always kept us on our toes. Welcome guys!
Such great news! I was starting to worry about your coverage… -_-
I know right! Wow, you guys are so cool, worrying about our coverage like that! <3
kittens about to get real on SoS tomorrow, you heard it here first t1
Welcome Never Die to SoS, finally we have asians!
Loved playing Never Die on IoJ. Numbers, skill and tactics always kept us on our toes. Welcome guys!
BG shoud be fighting for second place. Any third place team that is new to a bracket that isn’t clawing and fighting for any success they can get would be foolish. If I played for BG I’d be squeezing the crap out of JQ at all hours because the best way to change the horizon of the T1 landscape is to first take JQ out of the picture. I have no horse in this race, but I do see things shaking up soon.
You can take 2nd place by squeezing PPT out of the leader too, while tightening the score at the same time thus leeching off their rating if you don’t manage 2nd. Win win. Just because a server is in 2nd place doesn’t always make them a softer target.
You would be crazy to go after SoS for your PPT, we’re too strong in your timezone. Get them off JQ, yeah yeah.
Just on the level 80 thing, when you enter wvw you get scaled to 80 from whatever level you were. However, you will likely be no match for an actual level 80 with exotic gear. Get your guy up to 80, gear him out and come back into wvw. The difference will be night and day.
Warriors, Mesmers, and Guardians should also all have easy access to personal 100% Swiftness like the Engineer, or 25% passive movement like the rest of the Professions.
Wurd. I love my guardian and my mesmer but they are just too kitten slow in wvw. My ele and thief mates are just specks on the horizon.
You do know how three way fights work right? It is always a 2v1.
There’s a difference between 1v1v1 and 2v1. If all three servers are constantly fighting on both fronts, then it’s a 1v1v1. If two servers are primarily focusing their efforts on one server, however, then it’s not quite the same (from their perspectives).
We know that. What FriendlyFire was saying still holds. It is always a 2v1.
And it’s not based on whose feelings were hurt by a video, or beating up the new kid. There is a logic to it.
Tier 1 has been a blast for HB so far. We knew we would get alot of heat for our video, and we are loving every second of it.
I gotta say, the video had me thinking you guys were all talk but you played ferociously in EB yesterday and you put your money where your mouth is, so respect.
So a little analysis from a BG guy.
Friday opening: BG dominated for a day, first in scores. SoS and JQ both realized they are outdone. Double teaming begins soon after because they simply can’t stand the thought of a newcomer rolling them like this. We have witnessed whole SoS and JQ zergs almost going through each other just wave and move on both attacking BG. Say what you want i have seen it all day long. Hey it rhymes. It’s a poetry piece! It’s the ugly political reality of T1.I’m honestly little disappointed by the politics of T1. Double teaming recessed a lot once SoS got significant point advantage. Just so they now can pretend it never happened lol. And yes i do stand by my statements and yes it did happen.
What you call politics is just strategy. There is absolutely a logic to it and it has nothing to do with teaching the new kid a lesson. We may have gone after you, but not for the reason you think.
good to see BG coming back, I wonder why they didn’t play like they are right now all week. You can let up in T1, its a week long fight. (well until you know its impossible for the other teams to catch up)
Something’s got them all riled up. Did someone say something hurtful about the turtle? Come on, own up.
It is easy to motivate people to show up in wvw when the server has an influx of wvw-oriented guild transfers. Guilds like AGG and DIE who transferred to Sos only play gw2 for the wvw aspect of the game, so it is not difficult to get them to show up in wvw. If Sos did not have these transfers and was still able to get their massive force from just their native players, then they can make the claim that they are better than other servers at getting PVE players to show up in wvw.
True on the wvw-oriented guild thing, but I have to say, our commanders do a great job of scooting around the PvE world drumming up support for WvW from people who probably wouldn’t otherwise care. For an hour or so, we have queues where we didn’t before. An hour can make all the difference.
not sure why there is so much hate directed towards BG tbh and HB seems to be targetted quite strongly over a video really?
That’s the way forums work man. Someone picks up on something and everyone else piles on. The video shows your server pride and it is pretty cool… but by the same token, we’re not gonna let you call us out then stay silent when you seemingly can’t back up the words with actions. That’s just not gonna happen.
But who knows… as a wise man once said “The week is young”.
Since the portal nerf, portals are easy to defend against, even with a smaller force. Arrow cart, aoe dmg, aoe push/pull when you see the exit. It’s not much more complicated than that.
If you place the portal in direct LOS of the enemy you deserve to die.
Most decent mesmers don’t, however.
Your tiers mesmers must be better than ours then. We’re only tier 1, what would we know.
Since the portal nerf, portals are easy to defend against, even with a smaller force. Arrow cart, aoe dmg, aoe push/pull when you see the exit. It’s not much more complicated than that.
But don’t be surprised if you take flak when you try to sell something that everyone else is contributing for free.
This expectation is the selfish and greedy one. Not yours…so long as there’s some form of discount you are still contributing.
Wow, you really took that personally huh?
All I’m saying is that maybe you shouldn’t try to make it sound like you’re doing commanders a huge favor when you’re selling them something that everyone else is giving them for free.
You can either do it for the cash, or you can do it for charity, but you can’t do it for both.
Maybe it is different on SoS, but at least on JQ the difference between Friday and pretty much every other day is staggering. People show up for friday, put in a great effort and then lose the enthusiasm (possible because we aren’t winning by the end of it?). They don’t show up again. On friday we have queues in all 4 maps, on any other day I’ve only seen a queue on many one at most. It’s unfortunate.
It’s pretty similar on SoS (at least for oceanic hours). On Friday, all 4 maps have a 1 hour queue. For the rest of the weekend there might be a 1/2 hour queue for EB and SOS BL. During the week you might get a 5 minute queue for EB, no queue for 2 others and outmanned on the last.
I don’t quite buy that JQ has little coverage later in the week though. You always have a late surge in the week, which is an excellent strategy btw.
“JQ still has nightmares about our turtle tactics”
On a hunch, I moved my keyboard before I watched the video. I’m glad I did because I spit my drink everywhere from the laughter. Thanks guys, that was too funny.
Lol, are there still people whining about 2v1?
It’s your seige, do what you like with it. If you don’t want to contribute, don’t.
But don’t be surprised if you take flak when you try to sell something that everyone else is contributing for free.
If it didn’t behave like this, wouldn’t this just be used as another (albeit less effective) alt-f4?
Let’s keep things civil and good natured this week if we can. I personally promise not to respond to any trolling posts and raise the temperature or make sweeping generalisations. How about every other sensible poster do the same?
Come on, you’re taking all the fun out of this man. Trolling, sweeping generalisations, accusations of exploiting and backhanded compliments are all part of the game. These forums are gonna get real boring without it.
JQ – I have nothing bad to say. Your guilds fight with honor and are a pleasure to meet in battle. I just hope you realize this isn’t the same Blackgate you fought a few months ago.
You know this is just a game right? You don’t have to use language like you think you’re on the set of Game of Thrones. It’s just a game, lighten up.
On another note, awesome fighting so far. Absolutely ferocious BG.
(edited by transtemporal.2158)
As someone who has 5 level 80’s and wvw’s a lot, I’d say rangers are sub par overall. You will have less of an impact in a medium/large battle then pretty much any other class.
I agree. After levelling up my 1st character (mesmer), ranger seemed to be underpowered and lacking in survivability for wvw. I’ve put her on the shelf for the moment.
Did you by any chance take a screenshot? The only spot that I know of in GV has no way to back up the hill.
Both Vale and Lowlands have at least one spot. You can’t get back up the cliff and disengage completely but you can just sit there and wait til reinforcements arrive. For me, this is as weak as the old alt-f4 was.
“Collision and solid body physics in WvW?” not so sure about that. The ‘body’ is not much more as a rectangle and collision detection has worked for other games. Do think that will be so heavy. All the effects and the high amount of polygons are more of a problem. Never see exact numbers about it (did you?) but I don’t think that is a big deal."
You said that you wanted to interact with objects in a lifelike way and do things like setting fire to objects. For me, this means some kind of physics model, not just collision bounding boxes. Effects and polygons are easy to deal with compared to physics.
Anyway. I agree it would be a cool idea but implemented on a mass scale like wvw? Give it 5-8 years.
Collision and solid body physics in WvW? Not without reducing it to a slideshow.
The short answer is no, it is not.
The long answer is, are you really going to come to the forums and complain about players standing in their invulnerable area because it’s right next to their spawn? You are literally spawn camping a server and you’re complaining that you can’t run into their spawn and murder them there too. That’s shameful.
I know what you’re saying but playing devil’s advocate, the supply camp is a legitimate target and spawn-camping is a legitimate (if slightly unsporting) tactic. The fact that a supply is next to spawn shouldn’t factor into whether it’s fair to have an invulnerable spot that you can retreat to if you’re losing.
Like the alt-f4, Anet needs to fix this.
What I’ve enjoyed this week is the crazy, epic 3-way battles. Funny as kitten.
SoR for me. I can’t remember the name of the big guild on SoR (ND maybe?) but they were fun to play.
I think the fundamental flaw of WVW is downed state – it allows zergs to rez their fallen indefinitely, leading to prolonged (and eventually boring) standoffs, heavily favours numbers over skill, and the rallying mechanic totally ruins small group PVP and 1vX. I really feel that downed state is what’s stopping small group PVP from taking off because why roam as a 2- or 3-man when you will lose vs 5+ solely because the extras can keeping rezzing the guys you kill?
The downed state? Really? If you don’t bother to finish your opponents, I don’t have much sympathy for you.
If its the defeated state you’re talking about, then I would say its a non-issue since rezzing a player from the defeated state takes a long time, and removes one or more players from the fight AND MAKES THEM HELPLESS while they do that.
And if you can’t beat helpless players, well…
As for numbers vs skill, when you’re talking about 3:1 ratio or higher then sure, that holds. But I’d rather take 10 geared level 80s on voice comms over 20 random zergs any day.
Some quality fighting from JQ this week.
Response time is the key factor with golem rushes. If you don’t have that, then you’re screwed but if you do, they’re very easily defeated since most golem drivers simply become ballista shish-kebab when the door comes down.
I’ve had JQ defending SoS Yaks that were heading into SM that I was trying to kill.
yeah… But they aren’t 2v1ing us at all, right?
You guys are totally crazy. There is no 2v1 going on, why would we do that? JQ are the enemy!
Um the damage buff was to direct damage Pistol and stolen weapons. Two traits and thieves don’t use.
Whirling Axe: This skill can now be cancelled by other skills.
Fear (Stolen item— Skull): This skill now works like the warrior skill “Fear Me.” It will now actually hit its range, but also have a falloff on fear duration based on distance.
Ink Shot: This skill is now a projectile combo finisher.
Tow Line: This skill is now a projectile finisher.
Escape (Harpoon Gun): This skill now creates a poison field with art changes to reflect this.
Ink Shot: Projectile speed for this skill has been increased by 22%
Instinctual Response: Now triggers at 10% damage instead of 20%.
Ricochet: Increased bounce chance from 5% to 20%.
Fleet Shadow: Increased move speed from 33% to 50%.
Slowed Pulse: This can now trigger every 20 seconds instead of every 30.
* Pistol Mastery: Increased damage from 5% to 10%.
Improvisation: Now also increased damage with environment weapons by 10%.*
Piercing Shot: This skill is no longer able to fire at enemies behind the player.Here are the notes, please point out any damage buff I missed. Preferably relating to a spec that thieves actually use.
I was actually just kidding (I haven’t read the thief changes in detail) but the fact that a damage buff can get lost in all the other buffs thieves received just supports my point. Let’s just change the description of the thief so it says: “Thief is the best class. All other classes are obsolete. Kitten you all!!!”
Apparently the new plan is to keep buffing thieves every patch. I mean they obviously don’t listen to the community and just do their own thing anyways.
Lol, I have been wondering this myself. Someone at Anet plays a thief, probably the boss. Development meeting goes like this:
Dev: “Lots of people have been saying that the supposed weaknesses of thieves are only the illusion of weakness, since most of these can be laughably countered by stealth. Maybe we should consider a rejig?”
Boss: “Hmmm, I take what your saying and your input is valuable, however I have to ask you, the community loves Guild Wars right?”
Dev: “Uh… yeah, I guess.”
Boss: “Exactly. So what we have to do is give thieves some sorely needed buffs. I fought a toughness ele last night that was REALLY hard to kill, so I thought, and this is just an idea… what if… we buffed thieves damage?”
Dev: “That would be pretty much against what everyone who plays the game is saying.”
Boss: “Uh huh. Yeah. Mmm. OK. I hear what you’re saying.”
Dev: “So we’re going to buff thieves no matter what I say?”
Boss: “Yeah. Make it so. Ha, thats a little Star Trek joke! I know what the kids like.”
(edited by transtemporal.2158)
This :`) just made my day you’re too naive, that jq partner said the most common complain but this is new, you have 0 idea of how WvW works XD
I have no idea what you just said, but I’m gonna assume it was along the lines of “SoS is so awesome, you guys rock!”
Oh thank you, what a nice thing to say!
2v1 lowlands fail. Most fun I’ve had this week though, keep it up.
(edited by transtemporal.2158)
I was sceptical too but I’m actually quite enjoying the breakout events. Gives defenders something to do, and gives a camped side a pretty good chance to get a foothold back. It makes that “cap your bl then all move to someone elses” scenario a bit more risky.
I think that particular spot is just a badly placed wall. You can see them hiding in it pretty easy.
Make it so.
Basically all you’d have to do is reuse the code from BWE2 Finale with a few reskins.
Meh, I’d rather go play Day Z to be honest.
I applaud you for trying ANet, but now it’s even weirder.
Now I can see some of my guys and some of theirs but I have no way of assessing the strength of either force. At least before I could see all of my guys so I knew how strong we were and whether we should push or run.
Kind of a side question: I’ve noticed that although I can’t see models, I can always see downed/defeated/cmdr/sentry icons, so often I aim for those.
Why not show a small red/green icon next to a player name so at least if the name/model isn’t rendering, you at least know where to aim and how many there are?
(edited by transtemporal.2158)
What sort of challenge do you think PRX will get? PRX is a US timezone guild playing on an EU server
I hear they just want to talk to french chicks.
And who could blame them, lol.
i wonder if the prefix of “42” as an error code was meant to be a reference to the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. i was hoping to get a dozen levels or more, but downtime has foiled my plans. i’ve been compulsively clicking the login button for hours, lol.
Same. Nuthin. No new tweets either.
Can someone post a recent score please? Login is still down for a lot of us.