Apparently the maintenance is over but I’m still getting the standard error 42:1000:7006:852. Anyone else still having issues?
OG non-score discussion!!! WOOT!
Firstly, JQ exploiting, what’s up with that?
Secondly, SoS is completely squeaky clean and we never do anything wrong.
Thirdly, SBI is double-teaming us with JQ and we have the outmanned buff all the time and everyone is off doing Fractals.
I’m completely joking btw. Substitute JQ/SBI for the other 2 servers in the match-up as you see fit.
The flavor of the matchup has really changed in the last week. I don’t know who you guys on JQ got on board, but they are making a huge difference. Yesterday we defended Dawn’s for 2 hrs against JQ during oceanic, and we lost, which was… weird.
yet if the bank caught you entering the code you would be arrested. I see your point, but if people knew anet would punish you.. you wouldn’t do it. I blame anet since they allow it, thus sending the message its OK.
Yeah, fair enough. I would hope that people weren’t following the law simply because of the chance of getting caught but I suspect you’re right.
Not very mature. And if it’s true what people say about Alt+F4 … that’s kind of sad.
No no, you’ve got this all wrong… if Slick goes down, it’s only because he was ‘zerged’ and zerging is bad. Therefore by alt-f4ing he’s discouraging the behaviour and changing wvw for the betterment of all. There is no ego in this. It’s pure selflessness.
I greatly encourage everyone to check out the thief forum version of this thread. It’s very illuminating.
It’s not a JQ SOS or SBI problem.. this is an anet problem for not taking action.
This is kinda disingenuous. If there was a banking bug that allowed you to enter a code and transfer money from someone elses account to your own, this would be like blaming the bank for your crime because they “allowed” it to happen.
If you took steps to figure out how to do it and did it, the crime is yours not the banks.
Not criticising you personally or anything cg, just pointing out the argument is a tenuous one.
Actually its just plain old disappointment dude, not hate. I thought it was just some random well-played thief we were fighting, I didn’t realise it was Wild Bill (although that does explain all my deaths). 5 people guarding a yak doesn’t constitute a zerg I’m sorry, alt-f4ing in those instances was pretty uncool. It annoys me that I saluted you.
You’d be suprised just how often I log in and see that SoS is outmanned and JQ and SBI are storming back over us slowly but not as aggressive as you’d think they would be with the advantage. We manage to hold what we can when we are outmanned tho.
I know this guy, like to go solo, but also like to use Alf+F4 when he went downed.
You beat me to it Nels. Every single frickin time. We needs to put together a fraps compilation “Yippe Kye Yay’s Greatest Alt-F4 moments”.
And by the way, I’m not saying that you’re not a great player. I’ve enjoyed many of those fights between vale and briar/bay. But posting videos of your awesomeness while alt-f4ing at every opportunity is pretty lame.
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Yep, they are being used. Mostly on siege in SM tho – if something keeps trebbing your tower for half a day in the exact same spot missing all the time(yeah someone failed at aiming it) – it’s a bot. Add few farming bots and that’s it afaik. There just are so many players playing at night for whatever reasons, no need a bots for this tbh. Especially in the higher tiers.
These are definitely people on the SM trebs, since I’ve sat on these treb for many hrs and had many an interesting conversation.
I’m glad you bought up the ‘Throw Rock’ exploit. Anet obviously didn’t intend players to use this and yet players are using it left, right and center.
Yeah, I dunno about that. With the stealth rendering glitch, a thief will still be able to prevent a camp from being capped in the 3 seconds they aren’t in stealth but still invisible. Sounds like status quo to me.
Why don’t you just aoe the exit point. It defeats portals 3/4 times. I don’t see what’s so hard about this this.
Whoopsy, forum nub here. I didn’t even notice there was more than one page, lol.
As you were.
Is this just an acceptable metagame tactic now, like culling? It seems pretty weak but I see more and more people using it. Is this what we do now when things don’t go our way?
BL jumping puzzles I don’t care so much. I’m happy to live and let live.
EB JP though, its all on. Plus that one is actually more fun to fight in. You’ve got stealth options, seige options, griefing options, its great.
Seems like once the weekdays started this week, SBI went offline or to do fractals? (I did) Who knows.
Probably. Everyone wants to get their monthly at the very least, which is fair enough. The trick is getting them back into WvW once that is done. It’s always a bit dicey.
When you think about it, the idea that commanders are having these clandestine meetings in secret teamspeak channels to discuss alliances between servers is pretty comical when we probably can’t even get our own guilds to play nice with each other.
Cut it out.
Win or lose with dignity. If your self esteem is so easily bruised that you have to explain away your losses then you aren’t cut out for the endless war that is WvW.
What is this fantasy land where only our wins are legitimate and everyone else’s are not?
Well said man. Very refreshing.
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Thanks for linking dude. Pretty much everything that could be done wrong was done wrong, but at least they used their shields, lol.
Lol, that was funny yesterday. SoS hit hills with golems while JQ had the exact same plan. Total coincidence, but felt like we were double teaming SBI.
Yeah, those instances are pretty comical. What’s the etiquette? Is there a give way rule? lol.
Perhaps the biggest lesson SoS can take out of this week is that we have to be more flexible about guild map assignments on the fly and be able to adjust appropriately to maps that are getting overwhelmed.
I agree, and the guilds also have to work a lot better together and communicate better with the militia. The last few nights have been a bit slapstick. 5 commander tags on, no one commanding. That kind of silly lower tier nonsense.
Hell, I’d be happy if the loot bags were a bit bigger. more obvious and not hidden in the terrain half the time.
Keep it up SBI! Let this be a wake up call for us that T1 is no joke.
Amen to that. There’s a lot of people on SoS that are quite happy to sit on their laurels now, as if we can stay in T1 forever without any effort. Grrrr.
This is the most fun I’ve had in WvW so far. SBI, JQ – you guys are juggernauts!
No this isn’t an exploit. This is a different thing called “tactics”.
The things you’ve mentioned are pretty important, but one of the biggest ones is having decent timezone coverage. While its great to have a well-disciplined force in your prime-time that’s all for naught if its a ghost-town while your enemy is on.
Wait a minute OP. You haven’t said WHY the zerg is a problem, you just assumed that we thought it was too.
(edited by transtemporal.2158)
I’ve heard rumors that thieves have figured out a way to effectively “perma-stealth” in WvW. This + stealth preventing capping => it takes up to 20 people all AOEing just to capture a single supply depot. Pretty sure this is against the intent of the game…
Theres a video on vimeo called “perma-stealth proof of concept”. Its basically laying down a smoke field then using heartseeker through it (D/P set-up). It would take quite a lot of effort to maintain it really and I don’t know if its viable as an actual combat tactic but its definitely a way to delay a cap until your forces get there.
On a more serious note… just give the attacking player an option to burn the corpse after killing it. Automatically send it back to spawn. That also removes the desire for players to try and revive dead comrades, which usually ends up in more dead players
I agree, although the burning should take a similar amount of time to reviving so its an “after-combat” action. A mate mentioned they had a similar mechanic in WoW where you could burn the body to prevent undead-scouting.
The ole “just AoE it” is bout shortsighted in a statement as the area is way too big for a small group to try to sustain AoE on it.
I used to think this would be a viable strat against a thief until I made a thief and saw how laughable easy it is to avoid AoE when your enemy doesn’t know where you are, lol.
They could just make the ring for supply camps smaller, that woulc probably do the trick.
Just for fun, look at your combat log after you get hit by a crit thief. Now compare the dmg the thief did with every other entry in the combat log. Thieves make every other class dmg output look like a joke.
Big numbers thieves are running entirely different builds than perma-stealth thieves and lumping them together in one thread just serves to cloud the issue. People think that it is the same thieves doing all these things when in reality they’re mutually exclusive setups.
That said, most professions can put out similar numbers to thieves if they follow the same engagement protocol – be a glass cannon and burn a bunch of CDs on a squishy target. Professions like warriors can even do more. The problem is low TTK in general, not thieves in specific. On the upside, ANet has already stated they’re going to take a look at toning down some of the more bursty setups contributing to low TTK.
They are not mutually exclusive set-ups. I have fought numerous thieves in wvw that had huge dmg and near perma-stealth.
Yes, most professions can put out similar dmg to thieves… if they make themselves unviable 10k glass cannons. The difference with the thief is that the glass cannon strategy is viable because of the mobility and stealth that the prof has. No other prof can do that.
Yes, warriors can do better dmg in some cases than a thief… again at the cost of being a glass cannon. The difference is that the warrior can output a big chunk of dmg once every 20-30 seconds. The thief can spam 1 and 2 constantly and yes yes, I know that thieves run out of initiative but I have a thief and init regen is easy to manage when you spend a lot of every fight in stealth regenning init at an increased rate.
The proof is in the combat log though. Where ever there are 10 lines of huge dmg, its always a thief. Occasionally I see a 6k Kill Shot or a 8k hundred blades, but they are far and few between.
Just for fun, look at your combat log after you get hit by a crit thief. Now compare the dmg the thief did with every other entry in the combat log. Thieves make every other class dmg output look like a joke.
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the intention of Anet to give one single class an ability that can bypass upgraded walls, doors and defenses. The fact that people use it to abuse culling is enough in my mind to disable it until they have fixed it.
Er… portal does not give the mesmer the ability to walk through walls. He has to get to the other side of the wall first, which is usually pretty tricky.
As far as the battlefield application goes, well… if you ignore a portal exit that just opened up in your midst, then I don’t have much sympathy for you.
15 minutes of free unobstructable scouting is the problem.
Exactly. In fact, a dead scout can be worth more than a live one, since enemy can’t obstruct your vision at all and they can’t move siege once its placed.
(edited by transtemporal.2158)
I agree with this, but it often its just as easy for a non-stealthed toon to sit inside a building to prevent a cap since zergs aren’t very disciplined at securing the area. Golanta is a classic example of this. I sat in a building for 3 minutes while 20 enemy scoured the area for thieves.
Completely agree. Was fighting a thief yesterday on my ele, 22k health, 1600 armor. He only started becoming visible after he’d done 10k damage and by the time he was targetable I was dead.
I don’t mind the stealth/mobility thing but huge dps in combination with the rendering issue gives thief a faceroll advantage in wvw. It’s the only prof that can go for full glass cannon spec with complete impunity.
The interesting thing is that SoR doesn’t have enough oceanics/asianics.
Yeah yeah, whatever. :-) Compared to say, Fort Aspenwood, SoR have plenty. SoR seem to have enough to field 2 30+ teams on each BL, plus 2-3 teams of 5-man yak/supply/recon at 10pm sydney time. That’s some ungodly hour of the morning in the states.
Not complaining though. Makes for a fun game.
(edited by transtemporal.2158)
I guess I’m just saying the existence of the exploit at all gives QQ’ers the fuel to complain about both illegitimate and legitimate uses of portal as if they were the same thing; i.e. “There is an exploit for a skill, therefore all players of x profession are exploiters and the only solution is to nerf the skill into the ground!!!”
So yeah, you’re right. The solution is to fix the exploit.
It seems to me that the complaining is especially about the passwall exploit COMBINED with the unlimited portalees. I’d be in favour of a reasonable limit on it that extends the time limit on its use, but limits its uses.
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It basically runs contrary to the rest of the game. Whether it’s kills, resources nodes or events, everyone helps out because they get a reward. Everybody benefits in some way. With PS, only the primary benefits.
And while I don’t mind helping out because it’s all new and cool to me at the moment, after the 2nd or 3rd time through I’m sure I won’t have the same attitude…
Same. I thought maybe the karma/xp was bugged and wasn’t showing up in the combat window or something, lol.
Apologies if I’m coming to this well after the horse is bolted, I haven’t seen any threads specifically addressing this.
I’ve recently started doing my personal story with a group of mates. Initially, we were all keen to help out in each others personal stories but party members other than the primary receiving nothing for participating is wearing a bit thin.
This is an issue because it’s a considerable time investment, our relative levels are now getting out of sync and everyone else is required to play catch up in order to progress a person’s storyline. We tried to solve it by alternating whose personal story we’re doing but because of our schedules, it’s very difficult to coordinate.
This seems like a very odd design. Is this working as intended? How have you guys solved this?
It’s funny you mention the “Trahearne Show”. I’m up to a few missions after claw island (first time through) and we started quipping at story branches “What would Trahearne do?”