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Golem Rush Event Bugs [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

Some cordinated guilds somehow figured out a way to get the golem buff (with all the damage modifiers of over 100% more damage to players ) to remain active on players while they’re OUTSIDE of the golems. I have reported as many as i can and i’m HOPEFUL that the devs will take this violation of the terms of service seriously and give us a public statement that these offenders have been punished.

Video evidence:

We need an official response to this. We’ve swallowed the golem event but we will NOT swallow the devs tolerating exploiters and hackers !

Please provide an official response even at the least saying that you’ve noticed this and are banning those exploiters. I’ve been on the devs side for a long time and don’t want to lose my faith in you guys.

More evidence from another thread

Thread :


(edited by x indigo x.6981)

A new way to play my Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

What’s the context your play ? WvW ? PvP ? PvE ? The builds differ significantly from one context to the other. For example, i have 3 builds i run on WvW , 3 builds for PvP, and so far only 1 build for PvE but gonna change with expansion.

I love support roles personally in both WvW and PvP but in PvE the state of the game dictates more damage unfortunately.

Strength of the Fallen for competitive spvp

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

Seriously ?? .. the trait is amazing compared to the old plain purity. The ONLY reason you have an issue with it is cause you die in pvp and don’t want to take longer to respawn ? That’s not enough of a reason to NERF (yes that would be nerf to take out the degenration speed reduction) for players who KNOW when to peel off of a losing fight and rotate correctly . Nor would it be fair for WvW players and/or PVE players.

You have tunnel vision cause you die in pvp .. get over dying .. don’t request nerfing of the class to make up for your bad playstyle :/

Unable to recover upgrades from badge gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

I cast my vote in support of this . The WvW badges gear is very very limiting as it can’t be mystic forged and can’t be salvaged. Makes a poor choice to use for real builds as the upgrades are lost. Please allow us to salvage it or some way to get the upgrades back from it.

Ideas for other WvW "special events?"

in WvW

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

Alternatively, you could do a “no rally” but give outmanned servers the ability to rally.

I LOVE this idea ! .. It’s self balancing !!


Ideas for other WvW "special events?"

in WvW

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

I’m seeing “no rally” pop-up a lot.


This is by far the simplest change that could be made to WvW that would have DRASTIC change to how combat is approched in large group context. It would be by far the most entertaining thing to have in WvW.

It follows the principles that Colin Johanson spoke of in the last POI. The idea of putting more emphasis on support roles like TANK Medic or Healing focused roles that ensure the sustain of the group and not just the player himself. It would introduce new combat strategies for commanders and would lessen the hate of NEW PLAYERS that are currently being outcasted, shunned, and labeled “Rally Bots” … It’s by far the best the choice to make the game in WvW healthy and new player friendly again .

+99999999 ,.. please test it out in a month long event and see the community response. This is something that i hope would become base in WvW (as in will still exist forever and not just in a month long event)

Ideas for other WvW "special events?"

in WvW

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

I’D LOVE to see something like this to at least test the feel of it and get feedback from players regarding it.


1- No rallying off of killing enemy players or NPCs (no rallying in wvw period) :

There would be Downed state but players can’t rally off of killing something else. They have to be rezzed or self heal. This is aimed to emphasize the importance of keeping your force up, having medic player roles, having healers more emphasizes as oppose to just straight dps, and to have a good balance between DPS and Sustain on your force as oppose to the current FULL DPS meta where healers and support roles and shunned and considered outcasts. This is worth an event on its own. It would changed WvW strategy and combat styles SIGNIFICANTLY in a GOOD way with very little change in game mechanics.


you could do a “no rally” but give outmanned servers the ability to rally.

2- Force-neutral seige:

All seige in wvw can be manned by any force player regardless which team placed the piece of siege. For a player to man a siege that wasn’t placed by his force, he has to calibrated it first (in a similar manner to how the hammer in skyhammer is calibrated for each team) . This would make commanders think twice before placing a piece of siege. This suggestion is much more involved as it would require a way for the seige to be destroyed by the force that currently owns it if they so wish it destroyed so the enemy doesn’t get ownership of the siege. It would have to be balanced but it will certainly make for INTERESTING strategies.

(edited by x indigo x.6981)

Symbolic Avenger Intended Behavior ?

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

Is the intended behavior that only ME as guardian will deal 10% more damage to the enemy in my symbol OR is it that my ALLIES as well will deal 10% more damage to the enemy in my symbol ?

I need a dev answer here since this is hard to test due to vaunlrability on symbols minor and patch notes only said “behave as intended” without explaining intended behavior.

If it’s the former, it’s not as attractive of a trait. If it’s the latter, it’s could possibly be part of the meta in WvW. It doesn’t have to stack with multiple guar symbols (BUG AND OP) .. but if mulitple symbols are under an enemy, the enemy will receive a maximum of 10% more from all alliest hitting it. Basically making the damage modifier function like 10 stacks of vaulnrabliity but without the condition damage modifier.

Need confirmation as this is a build defining trait.

What is the New Guardian Zerg build?

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

When I read titles like this asking for THE guardian build I can’t help letting out a sigh …

There are many builds for many roles with many flavours for many contexts. There is no single build to rule them all. What you’re really asking for here without realizing is " what is the best pugging build that will give me bags without me dying in a Zerg and maybe give some support so I’m not the ultimate pug?"

Renewed Focus F4 80 sec of CD

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

i haven’t the slightest what you want them to do with it. Didn’t understand what you’re asking..

Having said that, i have a feel you’re bringing the doom of guardians.. Please don’t … Renewed Focus being a meditation is a good thing. We have VERY LOW vitality. Any healing we can get on a medi build I’LL TAKE IT !

Why do I have to choose? Honor Specialization

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

Empowering might : needs a higher might duration . Possibly 7-10s .. We’re limited to 5 stacks max because of the ICD of 1s.

Adept line: more like flavouring choices .. Not really build defining.

Pure of heart : needs to be higher healing as we really don’t have too many sources of aoe ageis on demand like many people think. And I mean aoe ageis on demand and not ageis randomly occurring for personal ageis. Either increase the heal or make it so the heal itself is aoe heal. Ie when my ageis shatter , I heal 5 allies around me. Honor line is support based not personal survivability based.

Writ of persistence :if people use shouts, they’re taking pure of voice. If not, they’ll take force of will . The symbols are too positional and situational.its just competing with stronger traits. Make it more tempting by either: a- make duration increase 4s instead of 2s. 2 ticks is just no enough to make people even consider it.. B- make it 50% increased duration based on the symbols base duration. This is the more balanced approach if you thought the other one was too op.

Random yelling. Make heal on symbols base. They’re not healing for too much , they’re too situational and positional so it’s not ground breaking but it will fit many guardian roles that are suffering by the merger of the symbols traits.

(edited by x indigo x.6981)

Revenant's support vs Guardian's

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

Those who say healing guards are terrible never really understood the healing potential on healing focused guard. It provides insane amounts of ape heals. Think along the lines of giving your party members the equivalent of a full healing skill every 10-15 seconds.

The signet of courage still needs buffing on the passive side both in the amount of heal and in the range of it. However, battle presence is at a healthy spot. Not much bugging is needed on it. They actually buffed it by making purity of body a minor for free when it used to be a gm trait.

I attempted a healing/support rev during the beta. It has great potential but felt a little unsynergetic. A lot of the support is based on outgoing healing effectiveness . I got my healing effectiveness to reach 90% extra. But unlike the guard whose healing is centred around himself, the rev is mostly medium range healing from distance. It felt like it had a moveable healing turret that never dies which was fun to play with but tiring to manage after a while. You end up being obsessed with the tablet positioning that you forget you have other skills to use. This might be something that will come with practice so we’ll see. I did however have to choose between s staff or hammer. Hammer was midline play style which allowed me to stay at a safe distance while I managed my tablet . However, the staff had potential to maximize healing because of the orbs it drops on auto attack. But using staff meant being in the middle of the Zerg fight which would be ok if I wasn’t too obsessed with my tablet positioning.

I feel the support role of the rev will revolve heavily around healing from a distance. Would love to see long range aoe condi clear added to it or more aoe boons application as o felt it was lacking in that area.

Rev vs guard healing :
Guard: frontline healer. Healing aoe around the guard himself.
Rev : midline healer. Healing aoe from a distance . Requires tablet management.

Consecration baseline should be swapped

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981


Instead, provide an option in game settings that switches off ground targetting skills automatically and making them proc on the player himself. This would serve the players complaining about ground targetting. If you don’t like it, you can just turn it off yourself. Don’t let those who use it suffer because some players can’t use their mouse.

Purging flames ground targetting serves as remote condition clear or remote burning for condi build .

Wall of reflection ground targetting does WONDERS in guarding your commanders in wvw and the keep lords.

Sanctuary ground targetting is remote CC and remote healing ,

Hollowed ground ground targetting is long range are stability which does awesome in pvp, and wvw to those that use it.

Having ground targetting is GIVING YOU OPTIONS and more use of your class. Learn to adapt to it or ask for the option to turn it off. But definitely DONT ASK FOR THEM TO TAKE AWAY CLASS FLEXIBILITY FROM PLAYERS . That’s just backward thinking !

Only Burn as Damage source? (Dire Guard)

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

I’m working on something similar but not fully invested in dire. Looking forward to seeing your feedback after you test it with staff.

[Forum Specialist] Specialization Update

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

Elite Skill : Signet of Courage
This fits my support role in pvp/wvw. I’m healer/condi cleanser setup with high focus on increasing the burst of healing over time (Signet of courage, Virtue of Resolve + Battle presence , .. etc) .. The pretty much makes me use the signet mostly PASSIVELY as it fits my role better. Having said that, the signet passive heal is still laughable for an elite compared to the heal on virtue of resolve with battle presence. The radius is laughable too compared to the virtue of resolve one. I’ve tested those with a full on healing setup and it was still at much less effecivene as virtue of resolve EVEN with the signet trait on while the raidus is literally HALF the one of virtue of resolve. That’s not how an elite should be. A 1/3 of a class machenic (virtue of resolve) should NOT be more powerful than an elite. IT JUST DOESN’T MAKE SENSE.

@Josh: Why the awkward Banner nerfs?

in Warrior

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

Question: Did they ever state that it was being removed ? I don’t remember seeing it at any video or any post by the devs including the latest patch notes they released the weekend before the patch.

If it was a decision made to remove them, i’d like an explanation of the logic behind it. If not and it was mistake, then i’d like to be ASSURED by the devs that it’s coming back with an upcoming patch.

Post Patch Healer Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

I’m glad that i’m not the only one who enjoys a healing/supporty role for their guardian in WvW ..

I run with an organized group in WvW (Not many like my healing interestes lol but that’s besid the point :P )I made my own build for healing and been using it pre-patch. I modified it for this patch though.

while i may disagree with some of the choices you made, i still resepect the flow of logic and focus you have in the build. Having said that, I’d recommend revisiting the gear choices on the build. Since this guardian would be a Frontline healer (ie not healing from a far but rather in the mids of battle) then more suvivablity is required. I recommed an armor of no less 3100 and Health of no less than 17,000 . Also i recommend opting for more spread out condi cleansing (maybe via shouts) instead of a single big condi cleanse. The reason being is that condis are becoming the meta again with the big changes that were brought by the patch which means there will be faster condi Reapplication which would require spread out condi cleansing.

I have more thoughts but I don’t type on the forums here often. If you’d like to get into the nitty gritty discussions of guardians as healer/support in WvW, feel free to reach me in game: x Indigo x

Signet of Courage Thoughts

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

I actually like it as i have a healing guardian setup for WvW and GvGs .. I like the idea of stacking more passive healing like virtue of resolve + battle presensce. Although i have some reservations.

1. The stream said they’re looking at 200/s healing with celestial gear. I have highly invested in healing power with 1328 healing power and still only get 147/s . I’d like that number to get buffed especially that it’s an elite. Even with Perfect inscriptions traited, it was still 188/s passive healing for me. For comparison, my virute of resolve heal at the same healing power is it 208/s . One is a given class mechanic while the other is an elite. I think the numbers on the signet should go higher on the passive.

2. The range on the passive (300 ) is a little low. Ideally i’d like it to match the virtue of resolve (600) . Going beyond that might be overpowered. It follows the role of passive healing. When traiting into Battle presence and Signet of Courage, the radius doesn’t match. Meaning the players will only get half the heal at some radius and double it at another radius. It seems inconsistent to me given it’s doing the same exact mechanic (Passive healing). The range of the passive on the signet needs to be upped to match the virute of resolves passive at (600) OR at least make the Perfect Insctiption trait increase the radius.

3- The to utilize the signet best one has to invest in the Radiance line. Which for a support healing build isn’t ideal . One most likely will be investing in the Honor and Virtues lines and quite likely in the Valor line to fill such a supporty role. I honestly don’t know how this issue would be addressed but i thought i’d bring it up. The numbers on the Signet of Courage needs to upped and be sufficient without the need for an investment in the Perfect Inscriptions.

4- I STRONGLY DISAGREE with the idea of switching it to give regeneration. The reason being is that regeneration boon DOES NOT stack in intensity but rather only in duration. We need more Healing Over Time skills that stack with each other. (Virtue of resolve, Signet of Courage, Regeneration, Symbol Heals, Warrior Healing Signet, Warrior Adreanal health , Ele Soothing Mist, … etc) .. These combinations with a good party comb and coordinated group would add AMAZING sustainability. So .. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t turn it into yet another regenration giving skill because we’re saturated with those already.