Showing Posts For xadine.7069:

Next Episode Trailer

in Living World

Posted by: xadine.7069


Because the next episode will not start the next week so no need to tease now ^^

[Death Shroud] Nerf it just like adrenaline

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


Thank you Hitman, I haven’t laughed that hard since … well quite a while actualy.
You’ve done your job now you can go back playing minecraft and never talk about necro again since you obviously don’t know this profession.

Today's PvE: Power or Condition Nec?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


nobody’s saying that necro can’t deal damages, just that it’s not as “useful” as other professions in dungeon.
Don’t get me wrong, I main necro, I love it way more than all other class, and I know that I deal way more damages than most of the Warrior that I met. But it only true when it comes to “average players”.
I am aware of Nemesis video and … it’s not accurate at all.

I’d love to be able to say that Necro is a “good” profession, but so far it’s not. Even if I play only my necro because I just love it.

Anyway, the question was not about necro Vs warrior, but power Vs condition. And to this question the answer is obvious: POWER, because of the bad mecanics that apply to conditions.

Today's PvE: Power or Condition Nec?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


In PvE dungeons and open world, the most efficient is physical damage instead of condition.

Even if condition can deal some real damage when you’re alone, as soon as someone else put some conditions he will “steal” a part of your damages.

In dungeons, most of the time players are looking for optimal build so if you play necro you don’t match :s

I main necro, and I am very sad about the current meta. But as long as the necro doesn’t get cleave atk and isn’t able to give might to his team, he will be treated as a black sheep in PvE :’(

Liadri mini in gemstore please.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xadine.7069


the complete thing about mini liadri is to prove that you can defeat her…
It’s the only challenging monster in this game, just man up and go kill her instead of complaining without any good reason.

Cantha elona Expansion 0.O

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


At present, no expansion is announced.
But, only add game feature with LS doesn’t mean that we’ll never gonna see cantha/elona.
So far, they focus on tyria (there’s still a lot unavalable). With LS2, they’ll probably open new(s) area(s) (or they gonna be in big trouble with a lot of players ^^).

Don’t lose hope, I’m sure they are planning on add cantha and elona, just not in a close futur. But they still have to open magus fall, deldrimor front, ring of fire, cristal desert and so much more. You juste have to open your map to see that there are a lot of non-playable areas in tyria.

PS: I also want cantha so bad, jade sea was so beautyful