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The Positive Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


I think that the fact that there is so many feedback is the proof that people enjoy the game.
Ofc there are quite a lot of people that just come to QQ without any good reasons, but if you skip those posts you realise that there are so much more post written by players that are seriously concern about the game and really want it to be better.

Just take a tour by the necro part of the forum and you’ll see. A lot of “this doesn’t work” thread, and yet 95% of posts are not about QQing, but actualy try to give good feedback to make the game better. Also recently Robet Gee got a lot of love letters from necro players, really happy to see someone taking care of us.

Anet know that we love the game and what we love, otherwise we wouldn’t spend time to think about what’s incoming and share our thoughts about it (like the defiance bar thread). Also most of the “this doesn’t works” threads are written by players with >3k hours wich is imo the proff that they love the game^^.

Please AN - Attention to casual gamers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


The thing is, challenge is not about stats but about player skill.
If raids are good challenging content, it won’t matter much if you exotic or ascend.
Unless ofc if Anet fall (again!) for what I call the Final Fantasy effect, i.e. hard = huge hp pool and OS spells. Wich isn’t challenging and only require too melt down the boss before he can do the same to the party.
Ofc no matter what ascend will be better than exotic and you’ll see “LFG: ascend meta only”, but it should’nt be require imo. And I don’t think Anet aim for it either.

Are condi builds worth it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


Hybrid necro can be very good, and I believe that reaper will be too (RS1 + dhummfire).
But atm pure condi build necro isn’t as good as any other class, except when it come to transfer condi and corrupt boon (not very often in PvE)

No place for Reapers in raids/dungeons?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


I missed the part in the original post and thread where a dev said literally every boss and enemy is going to have a defiance bar. Would one of y’all mind pointing that out to me?

Every boss has a defiance bar, it is the replacement of the defiance buff, which every champion or higher level enemy in the game currently has.

Additionally in HoT, most elites and some vets also have defiance bars, as per the BWE’s.

Well, not every boss had a defiance buff, so I could be wrong, but that definitely leads me to believe not every boss will have the bar either. All speculation on both of our parts considering we don’t know what raids will actually contain though, I guess.

Please point out one boss currently in the game that you can chain Ckittenil it is dead?

lol you chose to pick 1 champ that is … immune most of the time except when he decide to knock down himself. Wich is btw very close to what break bar will be

Give me a Legendary Mawdrey

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


well mawdrey also have its own will. And like silvary if it isn’t turn by now it won’t turn in HoT.

But I higly doubt we’ll get a leg mawdrey :’(

Defiance and Soft Crowd Control

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I agree with the general idea: this change will increase the gap allready existing between professions.
As it as ben said on so many post in this thread this gap is link to the fact that buffs are always 100% efficient and debuffs are most of the time 90% ineffectives.
It woud be great to have 2 balance team, 1 in PvP and 1 in PvE, kinda like GW1! it would fix a lot of issues imo.
Also to reduce the gap between buff and debuff I always wonder with you can’t find mob/boss with “XX% reduction/buff apply to players”, or mob/boss that use buff corruption,or buff removal.

In VB you find a lot of mobs with a defiance bar, even standard mobs and every champ ofc. So it is a big problem.

Sadly this game is balance around PvP but what strong in PvP isn’t at all what’s good in PvE or WvW and it works that way most of the time no matter what part of the game you focus on.

PS: I main necro, always have, always will no matter what! And necros, like rangers, really need some love in PvE.

(edited by xadine.7069)

Give me a Legendary Mawdrey

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


not crafting it again, but use it as some kind of backpack precursor^^

Please AN - Attention to casual gamers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


there are several problem with your statement:

1) 3 to 4 hours daily ISN’T casual. It is pretty heavy allready tbh. You may not be a “hard core” gamer I agree, but you’re certainly NOT a casual. I’m 26 (so I’ll say 25 to fit your description) and I don’t play 4h daily… I’m connected more than 4h indeed (5 week, 6 WE), but afk 1h teq, afk 1h TT (3times/week), and in LA oh boy… I’m not even counting.

2) Ascend gear are not hard to craft. As I said I play not a lot more than you and I still manage to get 4 full ascend gear without using money to get gold.
Maybe you’re not as “efficient” as you should be and it’s not a matter of time.

3) Anet ignore casuals. You must not play the same game. Most of dungeons can be run in less than 30mn no matter what’s your party, the longest event is 1h20 long (TT wurm) due to the organization time, you can have exotic armor without doing craft/dungeons/loot and it’s only 10% worse than ascend (and it’s recent it use to be less), all event can be done by spamming 1. It is well etablish that GW2 is one of the most casual-friendly MMO ever…

4) Legendary armors are up so lets make ascend easy to get… C’mon you can’t be serious. Legendary armor is meant to be a highly valuable armor, such as legendaries weapons are. But only because of its looks, not because of it stats. Ascend will still be the better stats in the game, give it away would be ridiculous.
Especially since you don’t need ascend armor anywhere in the game EXCEPT FotM lvl20+. Currently ascend armor/weapons are just a way to say “I can do it” without any real purpose. So it is normal to have to “grind” to get it since it is only a trophy.

5) you have to spend time to get shinies. Again this isn’t true at all. As I stated I don’t play a lot more than you, I still have 4 full ascend gear and 2 legendaries weapons. No content require more than 1h (not talking meta just with any party) and if it does you do it wrong (except for 1 or 2 dungeons path). And as for the Raids, we don’t know how long they will take, but I don’t think it’ll be more than 2hours trip after a few weeks. So if you play 3/4h daily you have enough time to do pretty much everything, and you should have all that you need after 3years. Ofc you might still lack a precursor but this have nothing to do with time but luck.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the loot system in this game is good or fair and that it feel rewarding, I’m just saying you cannot say that GW2 isn’t casual-friendly or time consuming, nor that you are a casual.
This game isn’t perfect I agree, It can be frustrating, but not for the reasons you mentionned.

(Suggestion) PvP - Duels [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: xadine.7069


I didn’t read everything so sorry if I repeat something that has allready been said.

1) In the incoming guild hall you’ll be able to 1v1 not only your guildies, but probably anyone since I bet we’ll be able to inv ppl to show off^^.

2) Some just love the fact that there is no duel. Ofc some might say “but you have to agree to start the duel”… ok, and like in every MMO where you get that option you’ll find yourself spam with duel invitation from every PvPboyZ that are too bad to go sPvP but want to show you how “good” they think they are. And it is even worse when it is a full stuff HL that spam low-lvl, and it happen a lot in a lot of MMOs.

3) Some just simply don’t see the point. I mean, personnaly I never understood the need to duel. I’m not anti-duel, I jut don’t see the point. you can’t compare anything when you try 1v1 two different classes just that 1 player is better than the other in this special situation. But I have nothing against a dedicated area in the game where you can specifically go 1v1.

So for now Anet don’t plan to add 1v1. but maybe they will, maybe it is plan with HoT they just don’t think it is worth a blogpost. But if a significant part of the players want it it’ll be add at some point.

Hero points needed for new elite specs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


As I said earlier on this thread:
In GW1 (yeah yeah I know not the same game blabla…) there was 2 quests to get “extra points” and Anet plan to add other elite spec in the futur.

So I don’t think it’ll be needed to clear the map to unlock. Also WvW players would be “left for dead” with this choice.
I strongly believe there will be some kind of personnal quest to get a “hero point boost” of some sort. I’d find it quite disapointing if you just get the elite spec by “here take my hero points” 30s after HoT launch.

elite specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


elite spec are pretty much “same same, but different, but still the same”.
It gives you 1 new weapons, 6 news spells and 1 new trait line.
It is meant to help you find a “new gameplay” for your class. Depending on what you like/dislike those spec will be “must have” or “meh”.
They are not suppose to make you better than regulare core class, just different.

Anet also plan on add more elite spec later.

During BWE I spend a lot of time on reaper (I main necro so no surprise^^) and I found it better than the core class. But it is because it suit my needs. I also know players that didn’t like it at all.

PS: at some point most of players will run the same build, as they do right now. Most of them don’t try to find their own style, they just stick to the “meta” even though it doesn’t fit their skill/needs.

Last day of sales. Your hopes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


I still hope for something new because so far only 1 new item… so disapointing

Not really many people playing after f2p

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


I started lvlup my wife’s ele few weeks ago and we almost never saw anyone but since GW2 became F2P we often meet low-lvl players. So I guess they are among us^^.
Maybe not a lot of them, but we’ve felt the difference since the game went F2P.

How many characters do ppl have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


I’ve 9 and I will stick with it.
1 each prof is enough imo, but I could understand why people would want several chars for each prof, but only for RP reasons.
But I think it is a waste of time / money but I’m not the one paying so I don’t care^^.

PS: at some point in GW1 i Had 3 necros at the same time just because I wanted to do all the story of each chapter as a necro.

Reaper without SR line

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


Your build is viable in PvE indeed but as it as been said, what isn’t?
Before I start I’m not a zerk meta fan, far from it and I said several times in this forum that non meta group are often better than meta because of players lack of skill but thats another issue. So if you don’t agree with what I’m about to say don’t use the “meta fanboy thing” please.

Death magic
I like this spec tbh. Not the best but efficient enough on PvE except I use Unholy Sanctuary instead of Corruptor Fevor because I’m lazy (i.e. don’t bother to dodge champ’s attack). But except Shrouded Removal (that I love) this spec isn’t really usefull, it’s more about “more notneeded self sustain”

Relentless Pursuit in PvE? with Shrouded Removal? Sure it happen to be snare into an AoE but not a lot and with Shrouded Removal it become way less usefull. Chilling nova (even with that high ICD) is better imo. In PvP I agree relentless Pursuit is a “must have” but this is not good for PvE. And the mobs in BWE1&2 didn’t use enough immob/crip to justify this trait, and again even more considering you already have Shrouded Removal.

If you like it that’s fine, after all you’re the one who’ll play it.
But when you post a build on a forum you have to be prepare to get some nasty reply^^.

Hero points needed for new elite specs?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


It has been datamined… it is not very viable source.
Also lets not forget Anet plan on add new elite spec over time and you can’t give that much hero point using “standard” way.
My guess is, we’ll get some quest-like content to unlock them, or XXhero point at once. Kind of like the 15 extrat point in GW1.

How should I rebuild my Necro to be Reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


You can go full condi on reaper but you better skip the GS and the shouts^^. At least if you want to go full condi.

On BWE3 I will try a hybrid build because RS1 AA is really fast and you can manage to stack burn and might without problems. RS4 bring poison and RS5 chill. And with the right spec ice can do “damages” and you can manage to make a good chill with GS, I think this could work.
I haven’t done the “maths” because I’m sure we’ll find this kind of build quite fast after HoT release and someone else will do the maths for me^^.

Personnaly I run physical damages and not much condi damages. but I think a hybrid reaper can be strong and fun to play wich allow physical and condi to be happy.

Suggestion on pve map exploration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


the thing is that the non-available maps are GW1/GW2 lore-related and are probably planned to be add to GW2 openworld at some point. So my guess is they are allready on the world map so you “know” there is more incoming.
Best example, maguuma jungle > HoT maps.

By talking to NPCs you get all the info that you need to tell if 1 area is available or not.
But it wouldn’t hurt to make wich map is or isn’t “availabe” easier to see indeed.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


Seasonnal events never change, or at least not much except nerf on loots^^.
So my guess is , we’re gonna have exactly the same event with maybe (if we’re lucky) a new background story than the prince.

Give me a Legendary Mawdrey

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I never thought about it, but leg maudrey… I NEED IT.

19 stacks [Kessex Invasion Defender] 0 chests

in Living World

Posted by: xadine.7069


A forum isn’t the best way to give feedback on a bug.
It’s faster and easier to either use the IG commande /bug (wich apparently nobody know) or to reach the Game Support.
Also there is 1 specific thread on the forum created by Anet to give feedback on bugs.

Was this event just a disguised stress test?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


To me it may be some sort of stress test indeed.
Some twisted way to have the number of “actives players”

Are There Too Few Skills in the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


I’m just gonna focus on 1 point of your post. “the build copy/paste from internet”.
In GW1 the build share was exceptionnaly good, but it end up 99% of players playing pro builds when they have absolutely no idea how to play it.
On that point GW2 is exactly the same, but it is not link to some “lack” of spells.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


OK, what are my advantages of having bought the Guild Wars 2 at full price over the people that are getting it for free? I am looking for what I can do now instead of what I could have done prior to it being free.

YOU? nothing new. F2P users? no mail exchange, no chat map, 2 or 3 char slot instead of 5, no WvW before lvl60, whisp restriction and other stuff… But you’re just another “player” (feel free to change that word when you read it) that come here without even checking what you’re complaining about.

I’m not saying F2P is a nice feature or HoT price is the right one. But what you’re asking is just so wrong on so many points. And the way you did it (with no informations) didn’t help.

Event: The problem isn't lack of drops...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


Too me there are 3 main issues:

1) Events are boring.
Seriously what is wrong with you Anet. 3 poor type of event, the 3 roots shield is just 1 to 2 massiv burn and done with a zerg switching from 1 root to the other. You have no point in touching mobs and brain is merely an option. The bomb one… melting husks that you can barely hit before they go down and you don’t have to move at all. And the last one, 3 catapults for so many players, you have to fight to get a chance to use catapults and once you’re on it just press 1 and… thats it.
People that say there is no challenge are so wrong, you actualy HAVE TO FIGHT … to touch a mob —’

2) Mordrem invasion + blogpost about the mordrem guard and yet no mordrem guard on the event.
It youd have been so fun to have some of the new modrem in this event. I was really looking for it even if it was just a dream.

3) rewards.
C’mon rewards from LS1 and CS? like seriously? Not even 1 new item. So basically if you’ve participate to LS1 you have nothing to “fight for”. I allready have almost everything, and what I don’t have is only because I didn’t want it in the first place. I still have the previous token to buy it… It is also nice to see this rewards come back in the game when the fact that they were gone for good was use as an excuse so many times on the forum and in lives pretty much everytime vets complain about the lack of love from Anet.

Add to these issues the fact that the map keep going like nothing happen, overlapping events, no xp, no karma, no loots… It fell like this event is some bone throw to us because “why not?”.

I love this game so much and it is so sad to see an event this bad. I get it Anet have other things to do right now with HoT and I’m looking forward to it. HoT pre-purchase and armore for the rev is ready.
So WHY did you decide to make this event? I guess it is to “convince” F2P players to buy HoT? I seriously doubt it will. They just get to the map to see how GW2 events works and will just see hangry players, poorly design events, and almost no rewards that require grind and only grind.

The Mordrem Guard possibilities.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I just hope Treehearn turns and we get to kill him.

Unlikely, but It would be a great treasure hunt to get Caladbolg as a new Legendary^^

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


This forum never fail to amaze me…
Seriously OP I really hope you’re just a big troll

Anyway If you’re not you probably think that your request is legit and… you should get some fresh air and try to live in the real world.
If you’re trolling, you’re just one amongs hundreds, internet is such a nice place to feel special.

Lets hope this thread will be lock soon.

[Suggestion]:Return best burn to Ele/Tempest

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Even if I agree that it would make sense to get a lot of burn on an elem (wich is the case, maybe not the best but definitely not the least) OP lost me when he suggest that ele need to be up.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t say Ele can’t be improve, I’m just saying atm Ele isn’t the class that need the most devs love… not at all. And sure warrior is a “must have” in the current state of the game but so is the ele…

The Mordrem Guard possibilities.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Devs have explained, not long after the announce of HoT, that in HoT story every time a question involve a sylvari players will have to make a choice (trust or not), and when it come to the player itself sylvaries will be not trusted by some pnj wich will lead to some “forced” choices.
But I think it wont last long, maybe a couple of missions but probably not more.

Mordrem Invasion Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


it is just a way to keep us busy while waiting for HoT. With boring events, spam1 zerg, and reward that you could have in LS1.

Luckily LS1 was 1 of the point that Anet (and others) use to justify the fact that veterans lose nothing because they had unique cool stuff. And here it is, cheap (once rewards will be fixed) and open to everyone.

Personnaly I was hoping for some cool and new reward but … I allready have everything. I was also expecting to see the news mordrems.

HoT File Size

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Actualy I’m pretty sure most of it is allready available.
Beta doesn’t require a beta client, so Imo most of HoT have been mixed with weekly patches.
I think at HoT release we’ll have to DL a regulare “feature pack” not much.

maybe a dumb question.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


It has been said a while ago so I don’t remember when exactly (and tbh I’m too lazy to search for the source either^^).
But the answer is NO, you won’t have to finish your personnal story. It’ll work as LS, meaning you’re supposed to have finish previous stories but it’s not needed.

FYI: it is personnal story, then living story 1, then living story 2, then HoT story so it might be a good idea to finish your personnal history anyway.
Also, even if it is what they have said, they might change it since they was no official blogpost about it (if I’m not mistaken), it was just mentionned in something else (live probably).
Maybe, it’ll be needed for the “community masteries” (don’t remember the real name) it’ll make sense in some way.

PS: I started to do the personnal stories of my chars recently (only 3 done for 9 chars) and Wow! I mean, you get a lot, A LOT, of gift from doing it now (mostly crafting loots). I’m so kittened that this is not compensate in any way for chars that finished it at the release.

Reaper and lack of gap closing

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


I didn’t read every posts, but I know 1 possibilty to have a better gapclose has been mentionned and it is to make GS3 a small range dash.
Up it to 300-600 and a dash by the same occasion.
by doing it we’ll get enough gapclose. Because we have to be carefull with the “balance” even if just 1 month being OP would hurt the necro!

So whats a necromancer like

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


I’ll try to help you, butI think necro is a lot of things and every necro feel it in a differet way.
I’m focus on PvE so I’ll talk for PvE only as I’m not enough into PvP or WvW to be “efficient”.
Sorry I end up writting a huge post ^^.

how I see the necro
To me necro is a tanky caster with a nice dps. We have a nice dps (not the best ofc) with a huge hp pool and a good sustain.

open world
For open world, necro is really fun to play. Pretty much every build are viable (minion master [MM], condi, DPS, heal). I’ve yet never find something that I couldn’t do with my necro, soloing events, roam or killing Liadri (boss-like event that took places a while ago).

dungeons – Fractals of the Mist
The current state of dungeon is … lets say “no brain needed”. In this scenario you need maximum DPS and … that’s pretty much it. And the best way to have it is 1) “ice bow” (Ele spell totally OP), 2) high dps, and finally 3) a way to buff your allie to do more DPS.
the thing is, forgot about “ice bow” for obvious reasons, we lack DPS in comparison to other classes (condi and raw dps together, you may find some players that disagree on this point, and several videos that prove that it is true/untrue it’s up to you to believe it or not). But the real problem to us is that we don’t provide group support to our party. We can heal, but it is not needed considering how easy dungeons are atm. We can provide vuln but so do pretty much everyone. We cannot provide might as often as others classes, only for us and “blood is power”, and no fire field. We aren’t great with blast finisher either.
So in the current state of dungeons we are not “meta”. Does it mean we cannot run a dungeon, hell no. We are totally viable and efficient. Just not as much as other classes.
FYI: I personnaly use to run FotM lvl50 on a daily base with a party with an average lenght of 50mn wich isn’t bad or too long and we weren’t meta at all and we had fun! Party = 2 DPS necros, 1 hybrid Ranger, 1 DPS Mesmer, 1 tanky guardian.

We have fairly good weapons (daggers and warhorn) and some dramatically bad (axe).
And also some that need to be balanced a bit. But on that point we’re not alone and even the axe can be usefull sometime. I use it just because I have craft my legendary Axe and I feel sad to leave it on another char than my main.

Incoming Raid
We don’t know much about it so far. For what we know it’ll require some changes in the meta and should bring new build. Therefore I’m hoping for the necro to rise but we’ll see.

Incoming elite spec
With HoT all classes get an Elite spec, necro get the Reaper. I really really enjoyed it during the beta. It brings, at least imo, a lot of improvment to the current necro and may help us a lot. It is not better than the core necro, it is different and for players like me it fit just fit what we’ve been expecting.

My position on necro
I guess you figure it out already but I love the necro and I’m looking forward to play the Reaper elite spec.
It is a good class to play as long as you like its gameplay. You’ll find group for dungeons as long as you want to (it is not hard to create a “all welcome” lfg) but it may take 10mn instead of 2mn to get a group. Considering how “good” most of the meta players are, and how “hard” dungeons are, you won’t make a much longer run anyway in most of the case and you’ll probably gonna have more fun.
If you’re aiming for speedrun and the glory, well you may wanna go for something else. And again with incoming raids I’m not that sure about that.

Long story short
Necro is a not so squishy caster with a not so bad DPS. It isn’t meta but still able to do All that PvE can offer without any issues. Incoming elite spec (the reaper) is hella fun to play imo. So if you like the gameplay just play a necro because in the end you’re the one playing and there is nothing you won’t be able to do. But if you’re looking for speedrun necro isn’t gonna be your choice in the current meta.

[rT] spoj's Reaper feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


I had +1 your post.
I agree on pretty much everything. You seem a bit “too greedy” with the changes you ask, but even with those changes we’ll just reach what can be found in other classes.
So yeah reaper need some “adjustments” and particularly shouts.

Anyway I really enjoyed my reaper and it felt so smooth in comparison to BW1.

cant play solo in HOT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Play solo… as someone said earlier it is kinda weird in a MMO.
But lets pretend I agree with this idea:

Defense events can be done alone, I did it several times on my reaper and my rev (didn’t play a lot other spec tbh). So this is not a problem.
Events chain like the noble one can be done with only 3 players, did it also several times. Diarmid in the mordrem forest (north of the map) is doable at 5 players. Also some event didn’t scale up or down at all during the beta.
Roam in the map is easely done alone with glider and shroom.

So you can definitely “play” alone in VB. Sure it require to be more focus than in Vanilla but nothing that can be handle.

The title should be YOU cannot roam alone. And that’s not the same thing. No need to party you’ll find someone that goes the same way and just “follow him” and problem solved. At 2 to 3 VB is ridiculously easy (at least during the beta). As it has been said by others, the difficulty is like DT or SW and you have no trouble at all finding an active map. As for VB itself you can find on this forum that 50% of players complain about how hard it is and 50% about how easy it is. Therefore it is “safe” to say it is just right as it is.

Why Anet did u made mobs easier . WHY!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I didn’t notice it being any easier than the last beta.

The one thing that was annoying….things were way too easy in a zerg. Stuff just melts like butter. I’m not sure if that’s a scaling issue or what. Solo, on the other hand, I think was fine.

Diarmid was perhaps bugged when I did that fight. He just stood around and didn’t really do anything. Everyone was able to melee him with no problem. I don’t think I even had to dodge once.

Personnaly I did have the feeling that it was easier to roam. I think it is not only because mobs are easier but also because elite spec have been tuned up and we were more “aware” of them than in BWE1.

But bullfrogs are terrible, so easy to avoid (no need to dodge half of the time) and they are basically just big hp bag that wait for you to kill them. Especially the ones with hammer… c’mon all you have to do is to stand behind them and they won’t hit you and they are so slow you have enough time to walk through them before they end their animation.

Indeed zerg make things easier, always have and always will. But if you think of VB size I think it’ll be hard to have more than 10 players in each events. Imo It’ll fix that issue.

Diarmid bugged a lot during this BWE. But when it doesn’t it is quite a nice boss. Except maybe for the GS part that sucks a lot. But dual axes and that spining thing are deadly if you don’t pay attention. LB could use some work too. But I fight it a lot and most of the time it was bugged.

PS: the wyvern was broken and the eventwas doable withouth moving… but that’s a bug too.

Please allow Elite Spec at level 21

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I understand why you ask for elite spec before lvl80 but imo 21 is too soon.
I think somewhere like lvl60 should be fine, but I think 80 is a good choice.

If you allow player to take elite spec at lvl21 they will probably rush to get them because it has the word “elite” in it and the new weapon. And I think that they are a bit too powerfull for GW2 vanilla content (i’m talking PvE events and hearts). Wich is weird because normal spec and elite spec don’t seems to be more/less efficient in VB (personnal opinion).

Anyway my point is, people should levelup their char as it has been until now. Because the core class always gonna be there and elite spec should be added later. So I think it is nice to know the basic class before going to what’s new in order to appreciate it for what it is: a new way of playing the class.

Greatsword Boring

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


In comparison to GD in BWE1, trust me it feel so smooth in BW2^^.
And once you get use to the casttime you start to use it to land GD on the max target by adjusting your position. I wasn’t a fan of this spell before but it is quite nice now imo.

"Defend the Tower" events automatically fail?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Yeah this kind of behaviour happen a lot. They just ignore players and rush the tower.
But it is still doable with the use of CCs.
I have experience different case were mobs just walk through us like we weren’t even here. And some other times we killed them before they even try to hit the tower. I think it is some kind of bug. Like on leg when they sometime don’t attack at all or never stop to spin.

Greatsword Boring

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


Imo GS is amazing. Not perfect yet, but with a bit of work it’ll be a “must have”.
GS5 &4 are just exactly what necro was missing (when GS5 work properly^^).
I enjoy a lot GS3, and GS2 have a good dps now (8k without might or vuln is not bad at all when you can spam it, and in cavalier not zerk!)
GS1 feel less “bad” than in BWE1, it is the only “bad” thing on GS to me atm, I barely use it.
So, I don’t think GS is boring at all, actualy I play it more often than I was expected. I was more focus on RS in the previous beta (so strong in BWE2 thanks to the unbug and changes on reaper onslaugh).

Hard hitting mobs Am I doing this wrong?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


My post wasn’t specifically against you.
Just a lot of players are complaining about how “hard” those mobs are suppose to be when you can also find a lot of players that complain about how easy they are.
So my guess is they are just fine the way they are right now. Even if I find they too easy, but I like it hard ^^ (maybe too hard?)

My point was just that most of players run a build/spec that they don’t master and wich isn’t their own to begin with. And I believe most players that find the new mobs too hard need to take time and find their own way not some metabuild that they don’t even really understand. Once they have done this “work” they will roam in VB like they do on SW.

PS: what’s weird is that mordrem snipers and smokescales that everyone seems to fear are the easiest to kill on my reaper. 2 AA on mordrem and they are dead (RS2 to reach them while destroying their projectiles). And smokescales wellI just start with RS lt them go crazy then move back and GS4 > GS3 > GS2 and dead, vet still alive but alone he’s not a problem. Vines are much more trouble to me and they are not new at all^^.

(edited by xadine.7069)

Hard hitting mobs Am I doing this wrong?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


With my reaper (cavalier) and my rev (berzerker) I had no trouble at all.
With the daredevil I change from dps to condi and forgot about the staff and all my problems were gone.
I didn’t try other elite spec, but from my friends feedback it’s the same, no trouble at all. But there is some players that complain about mobs being too hard… And as I allready said on others thread, it’s just a L2P situation, once everyone will be use to new class, new AI and new map, it’ll be as easy as gw2vanilla for most of the players.

I’m not playing an elite spec (vanilla DPS guard) and I’m pretty well versed in what the new enemies can do. The content is still difficult to give me pause when encountering 3 or more normal enemies. I find myself taking extra caution around veterans, and avoiding champs like the plague unless there are other players around.

I don’t think the jungle will ever be as easy as vanilla GW2.

Personnaly I had no troubles at all fighting 3 mobs at the same time (reaper and rev). I even had to defend an area alone at night and I didn’t die. So I’m still looking for the “hard encounter” that everyone is talking about. Sure mobs are a bit stronger but nothing you can’t deal with it. Maybe mobs aren’t the problem and people should think again (gear, spec, “skill”). It is normal to die from time to time in a endgame map.

bullf frog are so slow you can avoid (no need to dodge) all of their attack, tallfrog are the most interesting mob to me. Modrems are too squishy or too slow depending wich one. Raptor are just fine, wyvern are so beautifull and yet so weak. And for the smokescale it took me several encounter to understand how to kill them, but again nothing that can’t be done by anyone. Shrooms are boring to fight but fine imo.

Tbh I really expect the next maps to have stronger mobs. But I guess I can keep dreaming.
And yes you are welcome to call me whatever you want if I ever come crying about mobs difficulty. Imo the new mobs only prove to a lot of players that be able to speedrun a dungeons doesn’t mean your good.

Hard hitting mobs Am I doing this wrong?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


With my reaper (cavalier) and my rev (berzerker) I had no trouble at all.
With the daredevil I change from dps to condi and forgot about the staff and all my problems were gone.
I didn’t try other elite spec, but from my friends feedback it’s the same, no trouble at all. But there is some players that complain about mobs being too hard… And as I allready said on others thread, it’s just a L2P situation, once everyone will be use to new class, new AI and new map, it’ll be as easy as gw2vanilla for most of the players.

Nostalgia and BWE2

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Ok guys, any Faction fan over here?
So I guess you all have find the veteran black moa.

To me, when I came accross that veteran black moa it was the best thing in the beta.
So I just want to say “Thank You Anet for the black moa”.

It is a useless thread and I’m sorry but I really did enjoy that encounter, probably way more than I should and I wanted to be sure that Faction fans will try to find the black moa if they haven’t yet.

Disappointment with Verdant Brink zone

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I agree with pretty much everything except the “punish solo exploration” part.
there is a “huge” debate on the forum between 2 type of players, those that find it hard to roam and those that find it easy. And as I said on others similar thread I think its just a L2P situation (new map, new AI, “new” class, new abilities) and after a couple of days most players will be able to roam without any troubles on the map.
But I find it weird that you think DT or SW are “punishing solo exploration”. It was common “feeling” at their release but it disapear quite fast.

Anyway I agree with most of your pros and cons but I stay optimistic because it is just a beta.

Beta weekend players, HoT worth it or not?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Imo YES but with some warning (but it is a beta!)
Elite spec:

Elite spec are funny, not all awesome but funny for 2 main reasons: 1) new weaponsand new traits > not the same old class and its always fun to have a new way of playing your favorite class. 2) “complete” the lore of the class. Ok not all, but it bring stuff like scythe on necro or time on mes wich I find to be a good point.
Well some points still need some works. I mean, the staff on daredevil not my jam wich is weird since I wasn’t against the idea at all. But I tried it and I switch back to my daggers. It’s just 1 example but you can find more on the forum^^.


The map is beautifull. Like really beautifull. Mobs looks good too. Events are regroup in chains of events wich make sense. Mobs AI is way better than in GW2 vanilla.
Some people find it hard to know what to do and where to do it. I think it’s just because they didn’t try because even if the map is quite confusing at first it become obvious after a couple of hours. Mob AI make encounter harder than vanilla, too much for some and not enough for others (you can find both on this forun). Personnaly I wouldn’t mind a bit more difficult. Events are not … lets say “alive”. During the day you might just sit and wait for something to finally start and at night you just have to defend areas. Imo this is just because its a beta.


I really enjoy the glider and the shrooms and after a couple of hours using them I miss them on vanilla. Using glider and shrooms improve so much your ability to move in VB.
Well no glider in vanilla and I think its not a good choice^^. Some people find it too long to reach the first tier of gliding and shrooms. Also some people think it is too hard to move inVB without them. I’m not one of them at all but I seen quite a lot of both kind^^.

Raids / guild hall
Not on the beta but I think it might be jsut what the game need to make people come back. But you can’t satisfy anyone and some will always complain about “hard content”.

For me YES HoT is a “must have” if you like GW2 and you want to get some endgame experience. If you like the current difficulty (or must I say lack of difficulty) you may be disapointed by HoT. But you have to keep in mind that we played “new char” on a new map with new ennemieson an unfinish map so people can’t really say what HoT will feel like at the release or even after a couple of months. I’m pretty sure that those who find it (too) hard right now will change their mind once they spend a few times on the map and those who think the opposite… well lets wait for raids^^.

Grasping Darkness missing a lot?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


The GS5 miss quite often when you’re not on a flat soil. But it doesn’t help that half mobs have breakbar and the other half dodge like hell^^.
Also you rarely grab them the whole distance for some obscur reason.

Wich made me wonder about the CD of this spell. Too long imo but I can see why it has to be long. It would be ok if we could trust him.

Why Anet did u made mobs easier . WHY!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I have to agree with you OP. Last beta had more challenging mobs and I feel like they have been nerf shroom and smokescale in particular.
But I also enjoy those ninjafrog. Tankfrogs on another hand are… well boring, all you have to do is stay dehind them and it’s done.
Wyvern, I found them really beautiful but so easy to kill.

But the overall feeling that the map is easier than the previous beta may be link to the fact that they fix several point on the reaper. The only point I’m sure they have nerf are shroom and smokescales and I find it quite disapointing.

Sooooo. Mobs seems good to me, even though I wouldn’t mind if they were harder^^. But as long as they become harder and harder while you go deeper and deeper in the jungle I don’t mind at all if this map stay that way.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I’m a PvE player and I’m all in for the PvPonly/WvWonly reward.
I mentioned before the tournament weapon set (I personnaly still use the staff on my guard) and someone else talked about the leg backpack.
But indeed it is not enough. PvP and WvW should also get their own reward. But in the mean time I’m thrilled about raid only rewards^^.