Showing Posts For xadine.7069:

Make Masteries an Attunement

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Raids are suppose to be hard and use most of the mecanics you can find in the game.
Using masteries to get through raids, I’m all in with that. As it has been said before, not all the members have to get all masteries and even if it is the case you’ll have some alternatives such as rez the deads or wp. Also at release only 1 path of 1 raid will be open (and Colin even said not exactly at the release to give time to players to get masteries!) so you won’t have to “sacrifice” your game experience for the raid.

I agree that there will be a lot of “pro players that want hard content” who will come and cry because they don’t manage to finish the raid so it must be too hard. And I really hope Anet won’t nerf raids and will laugh at them. I strongly believe that raid are doable by everyone as long as you take your time to discover and learn raids mecanics. Sure you’ll wipe again and again, and that’s fine. Hard content isn’t meant to be something you go in rolling your head on the keyboard and never die. I will probably fail several times, feel frustrated because of a boss I don’t manage to kill but I know that will be SO GOOD when I’ll finely kill him.

Don’t expect the first raid to be done the first week after HoT release guyz, it probably won’t. Anet want raids to be FoW/UW/DOA-like content and people from GW1 remember that the it took quite some time to finish those area (before SC team ofc).

Hopefully gear inspect and dps meter with HOT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


TBH I’m the kind of player that real like a DPSmeter and a gearcheck BUT it usualy bring a very bad behavior from a huge part of the players.
Your post OP is exactly the reason why those feature shouldn’t make it to the game.
I use DPSmeter with my friend when we go full kitten on event/dungeon and gearcheck to see what run a player next to me when I find him efficient with an unconventionnal build. Not to cast away other players.
I’m against all kind of meta. You are more expected to have a smooth run with 5 players that know well their classes than with 5 full zerk that think they know what they do. Most of the time a full zerk run is barely faster than a nonmeta run. Most of players barely understand what they do, they just copy what they’ve been told, they have no sense of rotation or “skill” and therefore you lose the efficiency that made the meta in the first place. You can be full zerk with 5k ap (what is ask most of the time, proof that exp player aren’t that exp…) with all the right spec, it doesn’t mean you’re good. Just that you know how to copy a build from internet.

And if raids require “skill” and not “pure dps” (exactly the opposite of dungeon) then DPSmeter and gearcheck isn’t of any help since you can’t judge someone skill before you see him in action.

Reaper Dungeons

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


If you like necro stay with your necro.
Necro isn’t meta and will probably never be meta (reaper included) at least for GW2 vanilla.
With HoT Devs want to destroy the all zerk meta and make other build/gear viable. Knowing this, necro and all the other currently “non meta” classes might become “meta”. But on this point we can only wait and see.

POLL: How are we doing?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


Good job

I just think this pol miss 1 question:
Is necromancer your main char? or How often do you play necro.
Ofc most of players that answer the pol are main necro, but it may change votes ^^.

It would be great to have a ALL classes chart to see if you can fin dthe same feeling on the same point in several classes.

I don't like crafting...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Wow amazing another “i don’t like X content but I want the reward” thread…
You people are amazing, seriously you never stop to impress me.

GW2 is a package (as any other game) and YOU CHOOSE not to do part of it and yet you find totaly legit to ask a way to get reward relate dto the content, once again, YOU CHOOSE not to do.
You don’t want to craft, you don’t want to buy, you probably don’t want to raid/fotm/dungeon either I guess. So basically you decide to skip a huge part of the game and yet complain.

Also for the part that “you have to craft to get the content that loot ascend item”… do you even play the game? you can loot ascend on events, chest, guild mission, WvW loot, and event by simply buy it for some ecto and laurels… Wich is enough to do pretty much anything after.
And the “would you be happy if the ascend looks like crap”… well not alot of people use the Ascend skin on their ascend armor dude…

Hopefully this thread will be lock just like the other similar thread. And I’m pretty sure no one will bring any valid argument, 2 to 3 players will just respond to each other in an endless thread… just likeit happened in similar thread about gear, raid, hard content…

(edited by xadine.7069)

Reaper GS gear

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


@Sabetha: yep I’m probably the one you’re looking for. I mean I use this names since 2000 on pretty much every game I play and never seen another xadine.

As for the vitality / toughness talk.
During the WBE I had no trouble at all killing everything I found either zerk or cavalier. I found way more efficient in cavalier since I was able to take so many risk and I barely saw damage differences. I don’t think more vitality and lf is needed, it may give us a more damage sustain but that not the way I see the necro^^ (full time DS).
What I mean is that necro have the possibility to do good damage while tanking. So I always play a dps necro that try to stay in the melee and absord damages for his party but I switch all the time between in/out DS with not trouble to fill my LF. Sure you can have more damage than I do, and to be fair it is not a lot more on a mob / standard event. Sure on Boss and several event it might be different but on this kind of event a bit more or less dps barely impact the fight.

Currently (GW2 vanilla) I have a mix between Cavalier and Assassin set wich I really enjoy and allow me to do pretty much all I want without any trouble. I think I will remove Assassin pieces for my reaper And I will try with valkyrie to see if it bring something to my gameplay (your arguments are worth a try^^) before craft my new ascend pieces.

But tbh in the end valkyrie or cavalier, it is pretty much the same idea: Reaper doesn’t need precision stat and therefore zerk doesn’t seems to be the better stat. Still we can do good damages (not top tier but doesn’t mean low dps) so power and ferocity should be on your gear. For vita/tough I believe it is more about your gameplay and both are good choice. I have quite a lot of time on my necro, I play it on a power gear since the release with a focus on dungeon, especially FotM and I never had any complain about my build/gear/efficiency. And I can’t remember how many time I save the day in FotM 50 when we get dredge^^. And it happened because I turn myself into a front lane for my team wich I believe is easier in cavalier, but probably can be achieve in valkyrie too.

(edited by xadine.7069)

Reaper GS gear

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


For PvE I assume it will be, I mean as viable as any other build in PvE.
Top tier…. well I’m not so sure, but we’ll see what “new meta” HoT will bring.

For PvP ask Bhawb he is one good guy to listen to when it comes to PvP. Maybe some other but I usualy use his post as “references” even though I’m a PvEer. I don’t agree with everything he say/think but he never write crap.

Spoj is also a nice forum necro and he focus on PvE if I’m not mistaken.

New solo content?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I’m pretty sure HoT will come with a new personal story

Heart of Thorns - Fractals of the Mists

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Actualy I do. I have so many of them…
I use to run 3 char on 50+ daily for month (for FotM skin, got them all several time before I get dagger… the only one that I wanted) before FotM rework and I go back to 50 after the rework. So yeah… I do have quite a lot of rings^^.
But you’ll be able to salvage gear and weapon also.

I strongly believe Ascend drop may become less “miraculous” in HoT. And Devs said (during some live or blogpost don’t remember) that by salvaging ascend item we’ll get new craft item (or something like that^^). So we might get “fractal dust” and a new craft recipe like 5 dust = 1 +1AR.

Wait and see.

Reaper GS gear

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


For the first beta a lot of players went with the “full zerk” gear since there was an obvious lack of damage. And so did I for the first day of beta. The next day is switch to power/toughness/ferocity. I also tried condi build but not with the gs on.

I personnaly always like the stat “power / toughness / ferocity” as the reaper can reach 100% critical hit without precision. and toughness is a good thing in VB. I don’t think this stat is available in exotic right now (not sure at all) but it is in ascend. And it was available in exotic for the beta, so I believe it will be in HoT anyway.

But for the friday, we have to keep in mind that the reaper has been buff. Yeah I know not nerf but buff, on necro, it’s sound like Dhuum is back in tyria to me. So we might see “new” gear stat.

Also condi reaper look pretty fun to play. I didn’t spend much time on it but Dhuumfire on RS is fun, and with reaper onslaught unbugged it may rain fire.

Heart of Thorns - Fractals of the Mists

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I think this might come with the Ascend Salvage Kit.
with HoT they introduce Ascend Salvage Kit that can be use to… salvage ascend gear and weapon and this Kit will be available in the FotM starting area.
Coincidence? I think not^^.

But as usual, can’t be sure until it is live.

Legendary armor hunt please

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


You can’t get Fractal skins without playing fractals… some content needs its own exclusive rewards for incentive to play it… Otherwise raids would become like Triple Trouble, where no one does them except large guilds.

Legendary Armor wont have better stats that ascended armor.

Then they should really give WvW its own exclusive reward, it’s long over due. They seem to be the part of the player base that get shafted the most as far as rewards which really is ridiculous considering Anet chose to make 3 different game modes. All modes should provide a way to obtain the goodies. I’ve said it before, if tables were turned and Legendary armor was WvW exclusive the majority of the PvE crowd would absolutely lose their minds. At which point they would feel their complaints are perfectly legitimate because it suits them.

Didn’t read most of the post.
But there allready are exclusive WvW set based on WvW tournament and I don’t remeber anyone complain about it when they were introduce…
But I also agree there should be more WvW reward even though I don’t play a lot in WvW.

Number of Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Guys, there will be 2 guild set since you can chose between two guild hall with either the “shiny” or the “dark” set. Its the same for weapons… read again the blog post about guild halls.
You’re big boyz you can find it all by yourselves.

Number of Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Don’t worry about the number of armor and weapons set.
I’m pretty sure it is only what’s gonna be at the release and new set will be added soon after.

2 armor set = light and dark guild set.
few weeks after HoT release first path of the first raid will be open and with it likely a new set and so on and so on.

But it would be great to have it in an official announcement somewhere on the HoT website indeed.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Don’t forget Colin said that the second raid won’t necesseraly have the same type of content. He said that even events can be some kind of raid depending on how Anet decide to use it.
So don’t get stuck on that 10 players raid. It will other “raid like content” later that will not be like the first raid. We will likely get different raid-type content with HoT, not at the release (yeah now I have to be more precise since some people read what they want to read; cf others threads) but it’ll come. They probably won’t call it raid but something like Hard Mass Players Event or whatever.

PS: Personnaly I also find 10 players a bit disapointing^^

Will there be a HoT expansion only version?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


C’mon it’s in the FAQ and has been said again and again allready…
50$ is for HoT and Hot only, especialy since GW2 vanilla is now F2P.

Why so many people are starting useless thread about HoT now when you can allready find so many thread about it with all the answers… My favorite is the “why can’t I purchase HoT with gems” that one really made me laugh.

How to get Legendary armor outside of raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Again… seriously this kind of topic lead nowhere, offer no viable alternative and most of the time its just about “I don’t like Xcontent but I want the reward the world is unfair”.

And YOU decide to not participate in Xtype content but still want the reward… what a joke. I don’t wanna go Hard PvP and yet I’m pretty sure I’m gonna love the legendary PvP backpack so I should have a way to get it in PvE right? Are you kiddin me… If I want it I will end up “tryhard” PvP to get it and that’s the way life/games always has and always will work. And it’s fine, if YOU choose not to do some parts of the game why exactly do you deserve any reward?

Imo this kind of thread should just be instalock… And once again, what a shock Ohoni is the OP, the same guy that creat the “i don’t want hard content” thread and probably so many other like that…

Is it safe to make a necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


If your concern is about the viability of Necro – GO FOR IT. Necros are efficient enough for any content of this game and its personnaly my main and I enjoy to play it more than any other class.

If you’re the type of player that go for the “rank and rank only” well… its probably better for you to go for something else. The necro lack a lot of things to be “meta”.

As for the “anti necro” feeling… still here but there is a lot of “anti-meta players” also. If you make a “all welcome lfg” you’ll have no problem finding a party. But dungeon can be done wearing a blindfold whatever your class/specialization, pvp depend mostly on your personnal skill (some pro necro), and in wvw you’ll get hella fun.

Reaper will probably fix some issues, and was very easy to move around in VB during the beta (event, and just going for a trip). As for the incomming “hard content” i bet we’ll fit just right in some way.

I guess what i try to say is, if you like the necro, go for it, do it, enjoy it and if people are not happy with that … well it’s your char so they just have to deal with it.

Simpler Form for Testing

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


What boggles my mind is why you do not add polls in-game after completing an event, or after a combat encounter. It’s strange why you don’t do this.

Strangely, they did. For once. During first GW2 closed betas… it was simple and helpful.

Indeed it was.
But truth is, most of my guildies didn’t fill them, and most the people that I know didn’t either. They all said something stupid like “someone else will do it anyway”.
Personnaly I find this system quite usefull actualy.

Some people don't like hard mode

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


troll post, troll life, troll thread… It is not even base on any kind of argumentation or logic.
I would love to see OP point of view apply to real life and see how it turns out…

As for PorceleinEve … we meet again. I kinda start to think you’re my nemesis^^
I really like to do challenging content for the fun. I use to run fractal 50+ (before fotm rework) with my friends just to get something hard to fight against and use the awesome mecanics of this game, because I have no need in any others dungeons. Was it for the skin… well yeah ofc we wanted to get fotm skin, they look nice (not all of them tbh) and I still have them equiped on most of my chars even now they become very easy to get (and soon to be way easier with HoT).
Players wants hard content to test themselves. How great it is when you finally succeed when you’ve spend a lot of time trying and failing. Is it only to feel better than those who don’t manage to succed? Yes, ofc it is. Everyone like to feel better than the others. Liadri was the perfect proof of that. And guess what, everyone in my guild that defeated her have kept doing it after because we found it fun to finally have something that require more than 1111111111111 to win.
I guess my point is, there is a decent amount of players that love hard content for the hard encounter and there is also a decent amount of players that want it for the glory. And I don’t see what’s wrong with that. What makes you buy one type of clothes instead of another or wanna do one job instead of another? You can tell to yourself “because I love that” but you “love that” because in some way it makes you unique. And that’s fine to seek for “glory” and “uniqueness”.

Also don’t forget that GW2 is a game mostly based on skin, so the “coolest” stuff must not be “i want so give it to me” but should require players to get involve. But I got tbh, maudrey was a bit TOO grindy for me and was a pain in my… to craft but I just made it because I like it so much. There are other item like that in this game that I find nice but don’t want to spend time on it (baltha backpack ) so I guess I should feel frustrated and ask Anet to send it to me or to buy it from a vendor for XXgold… I think most items lose a lot of theirs value (and that feeling of “yes finally”) if you don’t have to “work” to get it.

PS: There are games that are only hard content and I don’t think that’s a good idea either. But GW2 won’t be one of those game anyway since vanilla will still be easy as F.

Question regarding 'elite specialisations'.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


It was said in live, wich one I honestly don’t remember.
They said that they plan 3 for HoT. But plan doesn’t mean that they will stick to it. As I said before, back in 2013 they said we’ll get a full new set of legendary before the end of the year and yet we’ll get only 3 new legendary at HoT release and it may not be in 2015… So between what they plan and what they do there is a big difference^^.
My guess is 1 elite for each gameplay melee dps/condi; range support and something tanky.

Question regarding 'elite specialisations'.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Devs have said that they have allready plan 3 elite / prof for HoT.
So it should be more… but in 2013 they also said new full set of legendary weapon for the end of the year…

Please do not spread false information. There is going to be one elite specialization per profession that will be released with HoT.

I never said they plan to release all elite spe at the release. I just said that they allready have plan 3 elite / prof wich its true, never said it is yet ready… They will be only one at release indeed. But learn to read…

Question regarding 'elite specialisations'.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Devs have said that they have allready plan 3 elite / prof for HoT.
So it should be more… but in 2013 they also said new full set of legendary weapon for the end of the year…

Mobs difficulty feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Sure it require you to change you current build and maybe equipe 1 spell that you don’t like, but if you want to walk while watching TV and spaming 1 you shouldn’t step in a High Level map in any game.

What high lvl map? This is a lvl 80 map, like dry top, silverwastes, orr…

There are no high lvl maps in this game, we don’t have high lvls. What’s this 80+ I keep hearing in here? We don’t go over 80 remember?

When you reach the maximum level in a game you are by definition at the highest level, therefore a map made for lvl80 is a high level map. No one ever said 80+ map that just you been earing voices… And as you seem to forget but I do REMEMBER is that HoT (or at least this beta) was design to get players into “more painful and more tedious” fight (YOUR words not mine).

It require experience/time to reach the max lvl in a game and you’re suppose to learn the mecanics of the game while doing it. A high lvl map, or lets call it end game map since high level seems to disturb you, is suppose to give you the opportunity and the need to use what you learned before. Orr use to be like that but was nerf so quickly. Right now we have no PvE content that “justify” your lvl80, and you don’t have to USE your skill bar. But since you are able to say “Why do I want too” when you’re ask if you feel the need to use your full skill bar I don’t expect you to understand the real problem about difficulty in this game and it explain a lot about your previous posts on this thread…

Mobs difficulty feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


My main thought when I was working my way through the area was, these maps had better have a ton of replayability as I would hate to be Mr Average Joe Schmo hitting this map sometime after all the YEAH HARD MOBS! group has come and gone and his first sight is a sea of red and no other players anywhere to help his lonely self do events.

What I think what some people might have forgotten is, they were never alone in this map. There was always someone else (sometimes multiple someone else’s) coming up in a few minutes to help you fight or rez you if you died. The combat in this map is going to be a completely other thing for a solo player.

for what’s following: YOU = not someone in particular
BUT this is NOT a solo game! This is a MMO you’re not suppose to be alone on the map and even if it happen (wich won’t be a problem for at least several months after the release) you shouldn’t forget that events scale up/down depending on who’s in range. And it is not hard to walk alone in VB if you use gliders and shrooms wich are design to do so. If you don’t want to start HoT by unlocking glider and shroom first, wich are design to improve your mobility in the map, don’t complain about “how hard it is to roam”!
And as it as been said several time, fighting those new mobs don’t take much longer than finghting against current mobs once you have understand how to face them. And if you get OS then change your zerk gear for a knight gear. Devs have said it quite a lot, HoT aim to change the current zerk meta in order to make support and buff more usefull. And I can assure you that by the end of the beta a lot of players were playing zerk and manage to not get OS every encounter. Sure it require you to change you current build and maybe equipe 1 spell that you don’t like, but if you want to walk while watching TV and spaming 1 you shouldn’t step in a High Level map in any game.

(edited by xadine.7069)

Mobs difficulty feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


As for the “large majority” of people, I have my doubts. I think that us forum goers are the minority. So a large majority of a small minority, is still a small minority.

Our german CM postet a while ago that only 7-8% read the forums and only 1%
post at the forums. So yeah .. that “large majority” here is in the end less than
1% of the total players.
And it has also postet on many different gaming forums that naturally hardcore
players, like raiders and PvPlers are overrepresentated on forums.

And now I have to reply the same as I allready said on this thread about Hard Content: Colin and others Devs have said in several lives that they are aware a large amount of players are looking for more challenging content and that HoT will suposely fix that issue. So it’s not just a minority that is looking for more hard content.

As for the raider and PVPer overrepresentated it make sens since this kind of gamer usualy get more involve in the game and therefore see what’s missing or not working and they want to provide feedback in order to keep the game in good shape. Most of the time, Casual gamers are less involve in the game and don’t feel the need to change things because this doesn’t affect their limited gameplay (not negative they just usualy don’t play for the performance) or simply are not experienced enough to see what doesn’t work.

I don’t say ALL players want challenge. But you can’t deny their is a large amount of players that ask for Hard Content and they currently can’t find it in this game. HoT is a way to change that, it has been said again and again during lives (but they did not say how, I agree). Devs don’t change things just based on the forum, but also with support feedback, live feedback, convention feedback and so on and so on… So if they choose to make it harder, wich they have said in live (I know I repeat myself!) it is for a good reason and not only for a minority of players.

(edited by xadine.7069)

Mobs difficulty feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Actualy no, it doesn’t make sense considering how easy and fast it is to get at least a gold armor. And getting an exotic armor isn’t hard at all since you don’t even need to craft or do a donjon you can simply buy it with karma with no need to do anything since finding an open temple just require to wp on the map or open the lfg tool to find an open map. Therefore you can’t use the “weak armor” as an excuse to explain why you can’t handle mobs that are tuned to face exotic armor.

Also, you’re supposed to have finished your personnal story by the time you reach HoT map since they take place after LS2 wich allready take place after LS1 and your personnal story. So you’re supposed to have visited Orr allready and therefore had a chance to get karma armor for temple. BUT of course if you wish to take a lvl10 in HoT why not but don’t blame the game.

So NO using the white/blue/green/gold armor as an excuse make no sense at all. And GW2 vanilla lack of challenge isn’t a matter of stuff but mobs mecanics wich is supposely fix with those new mobs.

Mobs difficulty feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Also, a large part of players are complaining about how easy and casual this game is,….

No, a tiny fraction of the tiny amount of players that come to this forum were complaining. The vast majority was having fun with the game as it is.

This. I honestly found a lot of the older content plenty challenging enough.

What’s challenging exactly? at least in PvE ( for obvious reason PvP is challenging and WvW… depend on what you’re against). I seriously don’t think a game should be 100% hard core, on that point I think everyone agree. BUT this game has no real challenge, FotM are easy with a bit of practice, dungeons… well except maybe 1 or 2 path all dungeons together require no skill and map events… come on it has become hard to fail. Even TT wurm, with TS and a bit of organisation you can’t fail (the guild PSDH organize 4 TT wurm / week with almost 100% succes). In each case I don’t talk about meta zerk party! I personnaly play almost exclusively necro wich isn’t meta at all.
I can understand that for some players, some events/dungeon/FotM can seem to be challenging, because not all players have the same “skill” (don’t like that word). But if you’re use to play in other MMO you seriously find GW2 way to easy.
I’m not saying this is bad, just that’s one of the main reason why GW2 have lost so many players the past 2 years. Ironiquely most of them went to Wild Star for the challenge and most of them leave wild star because it is too challenging ^^.

But it not just “tiny fraction of a tiny amount” of players that want challenging content. Colin, and others devs, have said during lives that they are aware that a huge part of players want challenge and are not happy with the current zerk meta and that HoT will supposely fix those issues.

And tbh when the beta start I think everyone got wiped several times before starting to understand new mobs. But after a couple of hours (lets say starting sunday) I haven’t see anyone having trouble to fight them. Sure you have to change a bit your build, but people forget they were using “new” profession against new mobs in a max lvl map, map wich is suppose to be under control of a dragon. So basically we weren’t at grandma’s drinking tea. Most players had start making party (weird in an MMO right?) and by 2 or 3 it is so much easy to move, also as soon as you unlock glider and shroom everything become so easy.
And most of the time I saw dead players it was on an events, so it’s not illogical, especially since almost every mobs pack have healers and people doesn’t seem to understand that you need to focus them to make the fight so much easier. (no need for this kind of strat in gw2 vanilla)

Personnaly I think Anet should do something like in GW1, you chose to go Hard Mode or Normal Mode. And since gw2 is a MMO, well lets have 1 HC map and 1 NM map in the same time. I seriously don’t know if it is possible though… but it would fix our problem ^^.

PS: I just saw the “change your stuff to white” kitty argument. Shall I remember you that you can find videos about group that do FotM lvl80 (before rework) naked and it was way harder back then than it is now. And now you only need your armor for the last boss because you can’t avoid its agony but still doable. I also have successfully kill TTwurm in a naked run with my guild. This is not a matter of stats but mobs mecanics.

(edited by xadine.7069)

Bhawb's Reaper Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


Reaper’s Onslaught – Does attack speed only apply to RS skill 1?
I tested it with other skills and didn’t notice an increase on them. Does it only speed up the animation and not the induction? Bhawb in the OP mentioned it is bugged.

I tried with and without that trait and RS1 wasn’t affect either. RS1 is just a pretty fast AA chain wich explain why it doesn’t hit harder than it does.

Bhawb's Reaper Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


Thanks Bhawb for your excellent work on reaper.
Like everyone I agree on pretty much everything you wrote. As a mostly PvE player I think I can easely find why I do not see everything the same way as you do, but it is quite interesting to see that no matter the Game mode all of us (necro lover) have the same feeling about the reaper.

Death’s Charge – Needs to function like a targeted leap so that it can stop early and more properly chase people. As it is now you will almost always miss with it, and I have kited myself even more than enemies have due to how impossible it is to aim. The only skills that function like it does currently have evades tied to them, but this needs to function like a normal leap for sticking to targets better.

As few others I do not agree we you on this point. I really enjoy this spell as it is for several reasons. 1) It allow me to jump like a rabbit. Honnestly with the right trait you perma jump in PvE wich give you a lot of mobility and allow you to leave ennemies AoE easely. But if it stop at the first target it touch it lose what make it so interesting to me. 2) It brings “positionning” in the game, at least in PvE (hard to PvP without basic knowledge of positionning i agree). I must confess I may have jump over a cliff several times but this spell remember me of Engi jump wich I enjoy (and may have get me jump over a cliff either…).
But I have to admit in it current state this spell must be a pain in the … in sPvP. On an other hand, it give a good mobility. As someone said I think the make it a skillshot like warrior GS 3 is a good way to change it. This way it become more easy to handle in PvP and don’t lose the “evade” part that is really enjoyable in PvE and WvW.

Gravedigger – A strong damage skill in theory, the windup is equivalent to Executioner’s Strike, but the reward for hitting the skill is severely lacking comparatively. Also, the reset brings it to 1s CD, a really awkward timing. Essentially, even if you get the reset you can’t just cast it again, yet casting just about anything else also takes too long, so it doesn’t flow well. Just a full reset would work much nicer, allowing for “spam” in the rare situation it would be usable, and at least in PvE allowing for high DPS under 50%. This might require a longer base CD which I’d rather have, as it is extremely unlikely you’ll want to use it every 5s anyway.

Also, while it lists similar damage to ES (RS5) in theory, one major problem is ES can be combined with Death Perception for nearly guaranteed crits against vulnerable targets, while Gravedigger can’t. This effectively gimps Gravedigger’s use as an execute quite heavily except in sets that invest heavily into crit chance, aka builds that will get sneezed on and die.

I have seen on this forum several time that players are suggesting to get a longer range on that spell. I think like GS3 it would be a good thing, not too many range for obvious reasons.

For the everything else I totally agree except maybe, nah I love the ice area on AA suggestion.

Btw I saw someone saying he had a hard time getting aura with RS2 it is easy to get with RS5. I often started my fight with RS5 on the first mob i saw then RS2. This way I got my aura and walk through the mob pack wich allow me to pack them a bit more. Not necessery usefull but fun. Like I said, I use RS2 to much just to jump and jump again. Man it feel good as a necro to finally be able to move “quicly” almost every 5s in event. Not the most efficient way to use it but so good.

(edited by xadine.7069)

Mobs difficulty feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


This thread explain exactly why gw2 fail with Endgame content.

Players complain about how hard mobs are, when it just take a couple of hours to understand how to face them. A tanky necro down in 2s because of 3 snipers? I highly doubt that since I play zerk necro and it never happened to me. But sure it may happened but it’s not surprising for a HL map in any RPG if you’re alone and not “focus”.
They complain about how hard it is to move alone in a HL map of a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYERS online kitten . You’re not suppose to run like a rabbit in a HL map in any RPG. And tbh after a couple of hours you come back to basics knowledge “go alone and move slowly or join a party” wich is the whole point of a MMO (not being alone).

Players ask for END GAME and HARD CONTENT and that’s what we have. And I seriously hope that Colin’s “Challenging Content” will be a lot more challenging.

(edited by xadine.7069)

What Anet forgets about movie monsters

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


they also name pyramid head as example use for reaper. Clearly Devs and I haven’t play the same game^^.

Mobs difficulty feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Well, HoT is supposed to be HL content so it’s not a surprise to find a bit of challenge while you walk around.
Also, a large part of players are complaining about how easy and casual this game is, hard mobs is a good way to change that.
A quite decent part of players complain about the brainless zerk meta (and zerg too), this kind of mobs is a good way to change that.

Finaly, it just require a couple of hours to get use to all these mobs and understand how to behave against them quite easely. Just don’t run and aggro everything like in any other map.

As far as I am concern I really hope that mobs are getting stronger and stronger the more we move forward in HoT. HoT is about challenge, devs said it quite a lot and if it can “force” people to interact, play together and make party, it seems to me it’s a regular situation in any MMO in HL area.

Addressing the Design Flaws of Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


Really good job.
Even if I don’t agree with all your ideas they all make sens.
I think you sums up pretty much everything that was said in the necro section.
Thank you for doing it in a critical way and not another QQ thread.

My post isn’t important but I think +1 isn’t enough.
And I love what you said about DS design.

PS: now that we have Gee talkin, this kind of thread and feedback from beta might give us a real chance in this game.

World Tournament Series - Cologne Brackets

in PvP

Posted by: xadine.7069


I think they will give us intel about challenging content.

Fire Island Chain, Crystall Desert and GW1

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Just chill, pretty much all areas in GW1 are allready on GW2 map. Just wait Devs have probably plans for them.

And btw, you can’t say you’re a fanatic of a game with only 1000h on it. I understand you may really like it, but just 1k hours its not that much at all for a games that old.

Curious diversity to engaging the limited?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I’m not quite sure I totally understand your question but i’ll try to answer the way I understand it.

First, I like the idea of your thread and I believe a lot of players ask themselves similar questions.

Here is my “short” answer followed by a long version (in spoiler) if you want a more detailed answer (even if not sure that "answer is the good word for it)

Short Answer
Why new professions? I guess most players are now well used to the old 8 classes and a new gameplay (weapons, spells, mecanics) will make them feel less frustrated. Also the way I see it Elite Spe provide the old classes with something that was missing. Not necesseraly considering the meta but also the overall theme of thoses professions. I mean necro without scythe? ele without channeling elements? mes master of distortion and yet they don’t affect time… I still try to figure out the DH tbh.
As for the part when you’re “afraid” that we won’t have new kind of encounter that will need new kind of gameplay. Well look at the mobs in SW or even TT wurm, devs have clearly express their will to change the zerk meta. Is it good allready, NO but it’s a first step towards events that require condi, dps, but also support and maybe heal who knows.
I truly believe that your questions are important but considering what we know so far I don’t think we can truly answer. Maybe we should just “enjoy what HoT will bring” in betas and adress our “best” feedback after.

If I understand correctly for you Elite Spe (ES) = new classes. I guess it can be seen that way. It brings new mecanics into Core Professions (CP) and new weapon. The way I see it more similar to traditionnal spe in MMO, like a mage can become either a monk or a dark mage wich is not far from your vision.

But so far I think that all ES provide a type of gameplay the CP was lacking, not necessary in gameplay but also the way CP fits the lore (except for the dragon hunter, it still doesn’t make sens to me). I mean necro definitely lack cleave and a scythe, tempest unleash elements with nice spell and give affinity more sense as a mage imo. And for the chronomancers, well i think it simply complete the theme.

But it doesn’t answer to the WHY play differently.
I think, for me and many other players, it is essentialy because i’m use to the CP and I tired of playing always the same 8 CP since several years now and yet I still love them. So ES are a way to keep playing the chars I enjoyed lvlup in a new way. How long it will last before I came back to the CP because “reasons”? Tbh i can’t tell but it will make me feel less frustrated for months because in open PvE (news maps) who gives a kitten if you’re meta or not? so why bother as long as they are viable?
As for the type of encounters, well I really hope Devs have seriously focus on AI and made them less “press 1 to win”. But on that point we’ll have to wait until several weeks after the release of HoT. But they have said that zerk and zerg shouldn’t be the only meta and I think they really want it to change. If it can help, just look at husks that are “immune” to physical DPS and those kitten vine that a lot of mordrems spawn and that can easely defeat players that just stack to pack mobs. It sure is a first step to a new “meta”, not good enough yet, but still encouraging.

So, imo don’t worry to much about this questions. I mean we don’t have enough information to answer them atm. They have to be addressed at some point so Devs can take care of it but imo now is to soon considering what we know.
So far I know that I will enjoy my reaper even if it will probably have the same flaws as the CP. But like you I really wonder what type of content / mecanics HoT will bring and how it will improve the meta by open up the builds possibilities and everytime I think about it reminds me how little we know so far and it depressed me.

Necro not looking good for PvE in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


During 1 live, don’t remember wich one, they said they have plan 3 elite spe for HoT but only 1 will be available at the release.
Nowhere in my post you can read 3 elite spe at release.
My guess is, the rest will follow in LS3 & 4

Necro not looking good for PvE in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


It is always the same problem (for pve at least)
Is necro efficient: YES
Is it as efficient as other classes: NO
I agree we have condi… almost useless until recently and not quite as usefull as pure DPS atm. We can be tank but it’s quite useless and always was. We can support… oh wait no we can’t. Sure the bloodline is better now than it was but it still useless considering what other classes provide. We can DPS, yes we can even though we’re far behind others.

And to be honnest I don’t believe this will ever change. It won’t make me stop playing my necro as my main since I love so much the gameplay of this profession. But it doesn’t mean I’m not seeing that huge gap between us and the others. And it seriously kitten me off.


HoT is supposed to bring new types of events, new AI, new type of spell. So maybe we will rise. But I don’t believe the necro will be the way to do it. I think it will happen with elite spe. Devs said that they have 3 elite spe / profession for HoT. The way I see it, Reaper is build for pure DPS, after all it suppose to be the reincarnation of Pyramid head. Sure, so far what we’ve seen is pretty “bad” (auto censured) compared to Mes and Ele (i’m quite disapointed at DH) but it is not the final Reaper.

I really believe that I will have a lot of fun with my Reaper and just wait for HoT before taking any decision. Or at least a Beta when we have acces to Elite spe because they will need more than one beta to balance it, just take a look at the Rev. I mean the last beta has convinced a lot of player that rev isn’t gonna be worthy unless a big rework of the its spells (wich they did ^^).

A bit off topic:
I don’t understand how Ele got break bar and Reaper didn’t. I mean, pyramid head is this unstopable monster that nothing can stop with a god-like DPS and we have 1 stab and average DPS and yet we’re 25% slower than anyone. It would be logical to us to be impossible to CC (at least for a time) and have at least 25% MORE dps than anyone since we’re 25% slower. It would fit the theme.

Having both DS and RS for Reapers?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


I don’t believe it is needed. I will be more than happy with RS but there is definitely something to do with your idea.

I mean it would be good for once if Anet show necro some love. And tbh your idea is interesting and should be “explored” even though I don’t know “how”.

But I’m done believing Anet is actualy giving de S… about necro. I’ll play mine anyway just not in “meta” group because since day 1 of the game we never were as efficient as anyone else anyway…

smh at necro forums

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


this thread is so funny. I mean the OP is obviously as aware of the game as james wong was aware of dragon ball when he chose to realise dragon ball evolution…

So Disappointed After The First Beta

in Revenant

Posted by: xadine.7069


We have an actual Revent forum set up for your feedback, and it was created specifically at the request of several Development Team members, so you can be assured it will be given a very high priority for review. This weekend’s testing is not at all a “marketing event.” Marketing events are good, too, but this weekend consists of a real, honest-to-Dwayna test, with feedback invited from all who participate!

I’m gonna be a bit “bad/mean” but if they listen/read/care abou Rev feedback the same way they do with Necro I don’t expect much improvment on Rev…

Is anyone still seriously playing Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


Teratus: I agree with pretty much everything you said. BUT, I’ll only talk for PvE content since I haven’t done PvP nor WvW for a long time, atm the strength of the necro have few impact on the game.

In dungeons, pure DPS is always better than condi. Condi removal is rarely needed. Control on a boss isn’t really efficient. Healing your allies… well atm it’s rarely needed.

That being said, I’m convince that a good necro player with a good team always find his place in dungeons and prove his efficiency. As I told in another topic, I used to run fractal 50+ daily (before the FotM rework, and 50 after it) with a team 2 nec, 1 guard, 1 rang, 1 mes and we had no problem doing faster than most pu party I’ve try.

Also, I’m thinking that HoT will introduce a lot of new meta build and condi/CC will be very appreciated.

Can we make a revenant of any race?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Only humans were available for the beta probably because they are the “standard” characters.
So i don’t think it’ll change unless Anet need to check races animations or stuff like that. Maybe if we have a full WE of beta.

Dungeons: Improvement in new expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


I think you’re right OP but for the “wrong” reasons.
What I mean is:
-most of the time groups are “meta or leave” wich is quite sad imo, therefore I think you’re right on this point
-“make it impossible to stack”… well that’s where you’re wrong to me. Sure I find it really boring to do, and tbh there’s 0 challenge. when I read “l2P” as an answer to your post it made my day. The current meta is absolutely brainless and require no skill at all. But it still should be possible to do it that way since some players enjoyed it.

As it was said, the problem with the current meta is that berzerker is stronger than everything else and the AI is terrible wich make possible to stack every mobs on the map. So the meta won’t change. Why? because loots from dungeon are bad, not worth spending time in a dungeon, and since you can rush dungeons in 10min well lets not waste time to get crappy loots.
Once again, as it was said, devs have (not directly) said that dungeons aren’t gonna be part of HoT and not something worth their time.
But HoT will introduce “challenging content” wich should change the meta. Lets just wait and see.

PS: I main necro, I love dungeon, and beside when I’m with friends I don’t do dungeon because of the same reason as you. The funniest thing is, we play 2 nec, 1 guard, 1 mes, 1 ranger and we are almost all the time faster than every meta group that i’ve seen. Because a lot (LOT) of players play the meta but don’t master it, so they are way less efficient that it should be.

South America Beta time = AWFUL.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


Actualy as a french i have a session rom 4h30 AM to 6h30 AM so don’t complain about the timing.

A concern from a Guild War 2 Lover!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xadine.7069


Sorry for the HS but:
I saw several post using the “new” tequatl as a proof that players are getting better with every try. But if you really think that this event is easier now (only) because players have become better you didn’t understood what happen to it^^.

As far as I’m concern I do believe that challenging content is the key to keep players on a game. Of course it’s not the only things that make people stay but when a game, like GW2 in its current state, is so easy that all you have to do is pretty much roll you head on your keyboard to achieve any event it end up loosing its flavour.
You can’t deny that right now it’s hard to see an event fail. I mean, I haven’t see a fail at teq for so long, the only fail on TT the last 3 month was because of a bug and VW… well this one is a joke and I still try to figure out how you can fail an event where you can read ON the mobs how to kill them (a bit drama but close to reality).

I think that a good way to have “everyone” satisfy would be to have a window when you enter a map that ask if you want Hard Mode or Normal Mode (kinda like GW1) and then send you on serv1 or serv2 depending on your choice.

(edited by xadine.7069)

Necromancer Changes Are Kitten Garbage

in Necromancer

Posted by: xadine.7069


To me the problem is still the same (focusing on PvE), necros are useless to the team.
I mean what are we bringing to a dungeon party?
- reflect? nop
- explosion? nop
- dot? let’s be honnest for current dungeon you don’t need it at all.

For those who defend dhuumfire, have you seen that burn does less damages than bleed? sure it does stack now but I highly doubt that it worth it (even if it’s hard to have a clear vision without putting our hands on it!).

I really think that those kittenty balances will not be efficient as long as they don’t separate PvE and PvP skills since it’s 2 complete different way of playing. So one will automaticaly suffer from the balance made in favor of the other. But if I don’t mistaken they said long ago that they were thinking about split spells in 2 but no news about that.

Tier 4 Cultural armor

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


They’ve allready said “no t4” in an interview, sorry to crush your dreams

Changing "We don't rez the dead" mentality.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xadine.7069


It’s funny how the rez or not rez seems to be a problem.
To me it’s important to separate 2 very different situations: small event – world event

Personnaly I rez dead players in the first case, not in the second. Why? ‘cause in small event only a small amount of players are doing it, loots are small and the event restart 15mn later. Therefore “who care” if it fail.
But on world event, more than 100 players are hoping to win, it require organization, and most of them can’t wait 3 or 4h to give it another try. So you HAVE to put your own agenda up in your … and fight for “the better good”. And you can’t deny that most of the time for 1 dead you have 5 player trying to rez and often it end with 3 new dead players wich increase the risk of loosing the event. So for 1 player that is selfish you can have 100 players that can’t win their event.

Indeed it’s a game so “it’s not a big deal if the event fail” but when I wait 1 hour for 1 event it seriously kitten me off to lose it thanks to 5-10 players that stay dead for the whole event waiting for someone to rez them.
Aside world event, I’ve almost never seen someone refusing to rez a dead player, so I don’t think there’s an issue with the “rez” thing. And if it often happen to you that players walk by you ignoring you, maybe you should consider changing server because they’re kitten but it doesn’t mean the whole community act this way