Showing Posts For zaxziakohl.5243:

Pay to Win

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Every time you get the crown you get 1 point toward your achievement.

Okay the Costume Brawl King thing occurs after 25 successful hits on opponents. So if you manage to hit the 25 mark multiple times, you get multiple points towards your achievements. For example I’ve been King 10+ times, which is an achievement. The title they are talking about I think you get after becoming King like 150 times or something.

Remember though, you have longer than the next week to do this achievement, because costume brawl isn’t going away after the event.

On a side note to that. Those without access to keys, will not have access to tonics/costumes after this event is over. I propose with that in mind, that tonics become sell-able, thus allowing ALL players in the game access to costumes after the completion of the event.

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


This Halloween event could be extremely rewarding for even a player starting the game today.

Collect the event items around the zones (particularly if your human) but collect the trick bags/items from the, the candy corn etc.

These items will be usable long after this event ends. If you have 2k candy corn at the end of the event, then think about how much you could sell it for at the Wintersday Festival if someone wants to craft something particularly creepy!!!

By getting what you can, and giving it some time, you can make a killing on the TP. This could even out the playing field for poor players who spend some extra time this week, while still providing something to achieve for the players with extra cash to spend later!

How to make everyone happy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


You already get the devil horns and the backpack.

I also get the intense feeling that a lot of you haven’t tried farming for candy corn or any of the other mats and have an inflated sense of how rare they are (they aren’t.)

What backpack? I want a backpack! (feels lost and confused!)

gems... too far?

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I was under the impression that the entire Black Lion Trading Company — Trading Post and all — was a global, game-wide economy. I didn’t think the market rate for gold-to-gems was different for each server. Am I wrong? I know I checked earlier today and it was 80 silver for 100 gems, as well.

Your right it is a game wide server for trading. However due to the Halloween event the price of gems is fluctuating drastically with the amount of players online at any given time. Between costume purchases, key purchases, etc, the amount of gems is going to fluctuate for a while.

Best bet for those buying gems is to wait about 2 days after the event has ended. By then the items will have been removed, and anyone with extra gems left over, is now going to be attempting to sell them to make up the gold they spent buying the gems in the first place.

Pay to Win

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I played costume brawl for 45 minutes straight the other day. 2 of my costumes were out of the cauldron/mystic forge, the others were from old tonics (I have tonics from before they became mystery!) I won 10+ Brawls easily (I know this because the achievement popped up) I think I won about 15 total, but I’d have to check. It was a blast. It was impromptu, and I have to say hands down the BEST event I have ever played in an MMO to date.

I’ve played 30+ MMO’s in various stages of BETA and release (please don’t make me list them all) Many of these do holiday events, and some of them are pretty kitten amazing. GW2 has still won the gold.

I do not have a Mad King costume, and I have to say, that if your being sniped out of winning its for one of 3 reasons.

1. You really aren’t too great at playing. (No shame, can’t be good at everything)
2. The guy in the Mad King outfit really knows how to take advantage of what he’s got and deserves every point he earns. I’m sure other costumes get some pretty awesome skills.
3. You’re too stubborn to realize you picked a bad location, and your battles would best be done somewhere else if you don’t want to be sniped.

As an add on to this.

ANet! Amazing job! The time you must have put into making skills for soooo many different forms is amazing, and I applaud you! Job well done!

Forum threads content seen as empty

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I’m using chrome. Sometimes by clicking on the upper number (the half-hidden one) It will reload the page appropriately. It also seems to only be on pages where I have posted my own responses, just as a note.

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243



It is adding a day, the event is supposed to end on October 31st-nov 1st.

He is whining about losing a day and wants it to go to Nov 1 – Nov 2.

@Dagmar Cleftjaw.2480

Updated timeframe actually says evening. Read some twitter.

Your misinterpreting, he’s talking about the timeframe for EU players being 23rd-2nd, which it will be. If it ends on the 1st for USA it ends on the 2nd for many foreign players. That’s not adding a day….

No, its not supposed to end on the 1st. It ends on the 31st at midnight, which would be the 1st for Europeans.

Give me a quote that says that. They don’t give a specific time. It says on the teaser site October 22nd through November 1st*

*All times and dates are shown in US Pacific Time (UTC -7:00)

That means it could end at any time, likely the same time they would normally update…which would not be midnight.

All of anets events end at midnight of the final day. The 1st being the very end of the 31st.

And how many GW2 events do you have to base this on? Don’t assume anything. This isn’t any of their other titles, and they aren’t treating it as such. When they give us an actual time, then you might be accurate. If in fact they do decide to close it at midnight, which they may not.

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243



It is adding a day, the event is supposed to end on October 31st-nov 1st.

He is whining about losing a day and wants it to go to Nov 1 – Nov 2.

@Dagmar Cleftjaw.2480

Updated timeframe actually says evening. Read some twitter.

Your misinterpreting, he’s talking about the timeframe for EU players being 23rd-2nd, which it will be. If it ends on the 1st for USA it ends on the 2nd for many foreign players. That’s not adding a day….

No, its not supposed to end on the 1st. It ends on the 31st at midnight, which would be the 1st for Europeans.

Give me a quote that says that. They don’t give a specific time. It says on the teaser site October 22nd through November 1st*

*All times and dates are shown in US Pacific Time (UTC -7:00)

That means it could end at any time, likely the same time they would normally update…which would not be midnight.

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243



It is adding a day, the event is supposed to end on October 31st-nov 1st.

He is whining about losing a day and wants it to go to Nov 1 – Nov 2.

@Dagmar Cleftjaw.2480

Updated timeframe actually says evening. Read some twitter.

Your misinterpreting, he’s talking about the timeframe for EU players being 23rd-2nd, which it will be. If it ends on the 1st for USA it ends on the 2nd for many foreign players. That’s not adding a day….

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Lets just call it Trick or Treat and leave it be till they do update! What a novel idea >.<

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Just FYI, you site says specifically 7 pm PST at the bottom. Not just sometime on October 22.

Also, for most who hear 22nd, they think prime gaming time. 10 pm-11pm EST is NOT prime gaming time. Might as well say the 23rd.

The site does not say this.

Site says:

  • All times and dates are shown in US Pacific Time (UTC-7:00)

This means that pacific time is set at -7 hours to UTC time, NOT that the event starts at 7:00 pm US pacific time.

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


yes so where the US dates will be 22nd oct – 1st nov, the EU will be from the 23rd Oct – 2nd nov. Everyone gets the same amount of event time.

Are you making kitten up? Stop making kitten up. They’re not adding a day to the events. There is no delay in the patch.

Um that’s not adding a day? That means both get the content for the same amount of time, at the same time. USA’s 22nd is a large part of the worlds 23rd. USA’s Nov 1 is a large part of the worlds 2nd.

The event still starts and ends at the same time for everyone, the dates just look different based on where you are…

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


This is the first major content update, where is this pattern you speak of?

That’s the point! It’s the first major update and everyone automatically assumes that because they want it earlier in the day, it will be posted in the middle of the day.

The Devs, and ANet employees who do updates (all of them) picked the time they do updates for a specific reason. I don’t know what that reason is, and I doubt I’ll ever find out. But if they picked that time (late evenings on Mondays’) Why would they change that for a major content update? It’s still an update….there is nothing wrong with it being at normal update time…

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Why does everyone assume there are problems with the patch?

Normal update time is still 2 hours away. Why makes you think they will update any sooner than they do any other week?

Umm how about 4 years of not having to wait until after 8:55 p.m. of the posted date for release??? You guys saying that I should just wait and to stop complaining need to make your own thread like I did and stop attempting to flame and troll people who don’t care about your opinion, I am speaking for myself and I have made room for others who may feel the same way as I do. On the other hand I have not invited anyone to come and express their feelings of disagreement. Good Evening

That’s not true though. ALL their updates have been extremely late in the evening PST. This is just another update. So you may have spent the last 4 years in another game not waiting…maybe even GW1, but in this game, I’ve already grown used to staying awake late if I want to see the content, which says something. It’s called a pattern….

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Why does everyone assume there are problems with the patch?

Normal update time is still 2 hours away. Why makes you think they will update any sooner than they do any other week?

Mainly because multiple teams are working on different parts of this update, if you read back on the post a few weeks back they stated that they had different teams handling different parts of the game’s content. So issues are bound to pop up that’s just part of the whole development process. If everything was working peach perfect you probably would have seen this update much earlier today.

Everyone assumes we would have seen it already, but for the past several weeks, updates have been quite late in the evening, even bordering on rotating into the next morning. They very well might just be doing the same thing they have been doing for weeks. This assumption is much more reasonable to me than

Players want now lets release it hours earlier than we usually do our updates just to please them! Followed by: OH NOES patch bugs! Must fix now!

Black Lion Chest Update

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243



nope, I saved a bunch of gold for when everyone is buying gems with cash for the event (selling the extra gems) and the market price of gold to gems changes. (preferably goes down.) If it doesn’t I’ll sepnd some gold and maybe some cash with it. Since I have a decent chance to get keys from the boxes I won’t need 200 keys (unless I’m really unlucky.)

if all else fails I can sell 50 of them once the price goes up so I can purchase more keys

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Why does everyone assume there are problems with the patch?

Normal update time is still 2 hours away. Why makes you think they will update any sooner than they do any other week?

Black Lion Chest Update

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I bought 200 chests, and I have no plans to open them until I see a smoking cauldron and creepy costumes in LA. Only then will I KNOW that I have a chance at goodies I want!

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Okay, to be entirely honest. I was really hoping that the update would be the morning of the 22nd ( about 20 hours ago)HOWEVER…..

Every update they have made to the game in the past few weeks, or every server side maintenance that has been announced, has happened on Monday night PST, usually around 10 or 11.

It stands to reason that they would stick with that with this update as well.

I do wish they would announce the actual time, they do do that for the other updates, why not for this one….but it’s not unexpected that this is the time they would do it, even if it’s not necessarily desirable.

The announcement leaves a little to be desired, the actual implementation? Well they are following what in the past month has become standard…

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I was playing an alt the other day, and a key dropped. You have no idea how happy I was!

My response when it happened….“OMG, I didn’t know keys were DROPPED?!?!?!”

I have one level 80, and 7 other chars I’ve been playing. I have most of the map open. I have gotten keys from map completions (one from daily) and story quests. Other than that I bought them from the gem store, via gold…

Up till then, I didn’t even know they were a drop, as I had never received one….this means I am either extremely unlucky, or some of you are lucky and just don’t know it….

Dungeon expl. unlock account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Why not a veteran boost?

Veterans who choose to accompany someone who has not unlocked explorer mode get veteran tokens/person who has not unlocked exp mode for that dungeon. Veteran tokens can then be redeemed at the dungeon vendor of your choice for tokens for that dungeon on a 1:1 ratio. You could only play veteran 3 times a day.

Token scale:
4 newbies 6 tokens each= 24 tokens= 24 total tokens given
3 newbies 4 tokens each=12 tokens= 24 total tokens given
2 newbies 3 tokens each = 6 tokens = 18 total tokens given
1 newbie 3 tokens= 3 tokens. = 15 total tokens given

This means that they wont farm by dragging one newbie each time. Lets be honest difficulty increases with each newbie you add. And since you would be giving out tokens to each veteran, it makes sense that each vet would get less tokens the more of them there are.

It’s not a lot of tokens, so it wouldn’t be farm-able, but it would allow players to earn tokens towards the gear they want by helping 1st timers, regardless of the dungeon they are doing…

Engineer: Toss Elixir B bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I seem to gain a random combination of any of the 4 buffs available for the toss elixir B toolbelt skill…I’ve gotten 3, or 1, or all of them, it seems random.


in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


To Moderator: Before you close or delete mod, please know that I’m not appealing an infraction. I have a question/bug to report concerning them. The infraction I did receive will go away with time (I think) so it doesn’t bother me as I try not to do things that cause it on a regular basis!

Okay on to my point.

Yesterday there were 2 threads that were on similar topics. They were done by 2 separate people, who both wanted input. I did post in response to both, the answers were similar but not the same. Sometime last night these threads were merged. After the merge, I now had what could be seen as a repeat post in this single thread. (similar but not the same post) Because one of these had to be deleted to keep the thread clean, I was given an infraction.

Now, I have to ask. Are infractions automatic when post is deleted? If that is the case, it doesn’t really make sense to me, seeing as sometimes posts would be deleted for innocuous reasons.

Also, If infractions are not automatic with post deletion, why would you infract someone for something that would not have been infractible so to speak until after the thread was merged, when both posts were made before?

Now like I said, I don’t really care that I was infracted. My main concern is that there are people out there, who probably use forums just as much as I do, and post in several different threads, some of them to the same type of topic. Isn’t it like infracting someone for being an active forum user? People don’t use search and multiple threads do pop up. Sometimes people will respond to answer many different people who have the same question… wouldn’t some of these people be infracted multiple times, just for answering the same question in different threads?

I would figure that the topic starter, should be the one receiving the infractions since they didn’t use the search option…

In game Icon Legend for Boons and Conditions.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


The icons last sometimes as short as 4 seconds, and in the heat of combat stopping to read isn’t always feasable…

If I’m hit by something, sometimes afterwards I want to see what it was. Or if someone buffed me with a buff I don’t normally have, I’d like to see what it was. Most of that stuff occurrs during events though, when I am obviously otherwise occupied…

Is There More To Owl's Abbattoir?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I didn’t do a thorough read through of the documents below (I think we are talking the same spot) But I’m pretty sure there is a story behind it. Which might well come into play later?

In game Icon Legend for Boons and Conditions.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I haven’t found one of these yet, but a legend for boons and conditions that I could refer to in game could be really useful. Particularly for a new player. Even after playing for 2 months, I still get confused sometimes or forget, and instead of just being able to open a window, I have to open my browser, go the wiki, type it in and find it for a simple 10 word definition…

Guild capacity

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I’m going to guess that the reason the guild system hasn’t been expanded to accomodate more players/ guild is this:

WvW map queue requirements.

Correct me if I’m wrong but in the current state the limit is 1k/server/map yes? By having a guild limit of 500 that means that 1 guild can only take up half of the queue. This allows others to get in. On top of this each guild can only claim one fortification. With x many fortifications per map, if only one guild were in (taking the whole queue) that means only one structure could be claimed.

It also means that this guild would not be required to work with other guilds in order to achieve the goal of owning the map. That means it’s no longer a server wide effort, but simply a guild effort.

Imagine if they made a guild (the OP guild has 3 different guilds to date?) with the capacity for 2k members. This means that this guild could effectively take up 50% of the available queue space in the ENTIRETY of WvW!

I could be wrong, but I think this is the real reason for the limits.

Forcing right click targeting is a bad idea

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I’ve been having other strange things happen with the mouse too.

I get the right click to pan targets random object issue.

I also get a problem where my mouse will randomly jump to the sides of my screen.

I have my Win taskbar to my left, and I have the charm bar to my right (running Win 8 ), because of the mouse jumping issue I’ve opened random programs, minimized my game while fighting…

I’ve also managed to right click and kick party members, because this weird jumping issue almost always happens when I’m right clicking….

I think there is more wrong with the right click than it randomly target objects (which usually aren’t where my mouse is supposed to be anyway!)

Dungeon expl. unlock account wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


The thing is, story mode is there for a reason, and each character has a story they build.

I understand how it would be usable believe me, but at the same time, it would be like skipping a part of your story. I know that with the exception of Arah they aren’t necessary for quests, but there is a story behind story mode that actually plays into your whole storyline!

By taking new members through it, those characters are missing that…

Reward for Effort; Non-Existant

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


In the twitch-tv thing they did they said they will be ramping up rewards for jumping puzzles achievements and such. They will even include karma for you.

WvW uses Red and Green as team colors? Really?

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Lol it confused me too at first.

Eventually I figured it out this way.

  1. Enter WvW
  2. Kill anything with a red name
  3. Problem solved!

sPvE/ Raid Idea!

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Okay before I get flamed. Let me explain my idea. I recently had an idea that I came up with to solve the “Raids” or lack there of issue people seem to be having. It was a good idea (at least imo) but in the end didn’t really solve the issue. So I got to work on it. This is the idea born of that.

If your curious about the other idea here is the link:

Okay onto new idea. sPvE

Competitive dungeons/raids.

These would come in 2 varieties, 10 man and 15 man.

You would go to the central zone (like heart of the mists for PvE instead) and set all your stuff, just like for PvP. This means that everyone is on the same footing, and it’s not level restricted.

  • Instead of a games browser you get 2 options. Join Now, and custom room.
  • Hot Joins- single queues. This means that the most recently started battle fills up as quickly as possible. And when people drop, their spots are quickly filled.
  • Custom- you can make your own raids and practice your own strategies. They are all pass protected/invite only.
  • There are random maps, just like in sPvP. The only difference is that they are more dungeon type maps. Each map has a specific goal. Whether it is to capture a specific point, Opponent Elimination, or standard progression.
  • Every Raid is scored.
  • You get rewards based on your score contribution to the overall score.


  • Everything you do in a dungeon has an impact on the score.
  • There are things that add points: Boss kills, captures, mob kills, combo fields, revives, etc.
  • There are things that subtract points : Deaths, downs, wipes, loss of capture point, etc.
  • Scoring for items would be based on difficulty. An example. Boss kill is +250 points. Downed is -2, Death is -3, revive is +5 (this evens them out, and rewards you for support) Points would also be awarded based on completion time.

This kind of competitive dungeon wouldn’t even have to actually be competitive. If you go in as a group, you do it just to work together and get the rewards. Not to be better than anyone else. If you enjoy being competitive, eventually when ranks come out, you could be on those ranks, with some of the highest scores/ranks over-all.

Tournaments could be held, just like the other, except the difference would be instead of going against each-other, they are going by score/time.

This kind of thing gives each player incentive to want to stay up and in the fight (don’t want to lose those individual points!) and it gives people incentive to be support by rewarding them for keeping others alive, or reviving them when they go down.

  • It requires teamwork to achieve a goal.
  • It has rewards, and a ranking system to replace the epic loot in other games.
  • It’s something you could do at level 80 and always progress with, even when you’ve felt you have no way to progress anywhere else in PvE.
  • I can’t think of a game to date that actually promotes competitiveness among those that are PvE players! Just because we are PvE doesn’t mean we don’t like to stick it to others, we just don’t want to fight others….

I’m open to suggestions. This was just my form of a Raid idea. I know I would play it if it ever happened!

The one drawback in my eyes: I could see enough people play it, to pull them out of the open world, and away from the dynamic content. However, without something to keep them here, many of those people will eventually cease to play anyway.

Never played anything so horribly bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Come on guys. You don’t have to be nasty about it.

He had a bad experience. All you guys are doing by acting the way you are is giving him another bad experience. Why don’t you actually give helpful advice instead?


Never played anything so horribly bad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


@ OP

I tried AC at 33. I was the youngest, it was a pug group, it was a fail. We kept dying OVER and OVER on the twin bosses.

I swore I would never do another dungeon again.

I hit 80. Went to finished my story line. Became INFURIATED that I had to do a dungeon to finish it. Dungeons are crap! They are horrible! They suck. I really wanted to finish my story.

2 days later, when I had time, and actually found a group to go. Completely random compilation of players I might add. We went.

We finished the first boss. No wipes. Finished the second, no wipes. Made it to a mid segment and the dungeon glitched. We griped and moaned and groaned, and left, remade the party, and re-entered. Did the beginning all over again.

No wipes. Got past the previous glitch. Reached a location where we kinda just split up, we wiped. It was the only time…

After that, we stuck together, finished it, and communicated. A completely random group.

And you know what?

It was the BEST dungeon I have ever played in a game!
It was epic, it had story! It had twists and turns! You had to do different things, and solve puzzles! It was amazing!

When I finish the content I’m currently working on, I’m psyched to know that I can go back and see what other amazing things they have done with dungeons!

I was like you when this started. Trust me, wait it out. When you get to 80, and you do your story, find a group with at least one person who has done it already, just so you have some direction. It’s worth it. Don’t get discouraged like I did!

Gloves and pants now share the same equipment slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Glad to be of service. And as for the transfiguring of the item…

Trick or Treat? Happy Halloween on behalf of ANet!

(I think they were actually gloves when you received them, just the wrong icon.)

Gloves and pants now share the same equipment slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I remember seeing a set of pants that had a glove icon (bug) or visa versa.

Check both pieces and make your pants aren’t actually gloves?

Is it possible that you have a pair of gloves with a pants icon, making it look like you are switching out gloves into pants when really you are just switching out gloves?

Guild Bank Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


My suggestion, while a bit complicated, would help guilds large and small, and very likely prevent any hackers from being able to access guild bank items. Sorry it’s long.


  • Owner-Originially only given to the guild owner. On accessing the guild bank is asked to make a pin number. If this number is lost, they have a reset option. 72 hours after selecting to reset, they can then pick a new pin. They will not have access to the bank during those 3 days. This rank can be given to any guild member, however they will also have the 3 day reset period.
  • All-Access- This is granted to guild members by the owner. There would be a pin system in place. The guild owner can choose to give a pin to this rank, or to have them make one on an individual basis. If the player loses the pin, an owner can reset it for them. There is no retrieval system for lost pins, which will prevent hackers from obtaining them.
  • Item Checker- This person unlocks items, changing their status from Locked to Common. (I’ll explain later) Unlock takes 24 hours. No pin is required.

Item ranks

  • Locked-When an item is placed in the bank originally it is locked. The only people who can retrieve the item are the depositor, Owner, and All-Access. Item Checker can unlock the item, which makes it common 24 hours later. Unlocks by Owner and All-Access have no time restriction because they have to have a pin.
  • Common- These are items that have been unlocked, by Item Checker, All-Access or Owner. Anyone with guild bank access for that bank level can withdraw the common items.

Item/Gold Limits

  • Exotic- can withdraw anything Exotic ranked and below. (Unlocked items only)
  • Rare- can withdraw rare and below.(Unlocked items only)
  • Mastercraft- can withdraw mastercraft and below.(Unlocked items only)
  • Common- can withdraw Fine and below. (Unlocked items only.)
  • There would be limits on gold set per person/rank. These ranks would be custom(like you can create ranks now) Example you could have Gold, Silver, Bronze ranks where Bronze can withdraw up to 1g/day, Silver 5g per day, Gold 10g per day, and All-Access/Owner would be unlimited.

Bank Log

  • This would track every deposit, withdrawal, and request/grant of gold and items per person.
  • Stylized after the guild history, just an additional tab on the bank.
  • Access/visibility to this could be set by rank, or completely open.

Request System

  • Every guild member could access the bank to view visibility, but not be able to withdraw items.
  • Requesting- Member right clicks on the item they want, and selects request item from the menu. If it’s stackable a quantity menu will appear, they fill out and hit enter.
  • A new tab is added to the guild interface, this tab will have requests/grants listed.
  • A new request will cause a message icon to appear over the guild icon in the menu bar.(Item-Check and above only, since they are the only ones with access to this tab.)
  • A member who is All-Access or Owner can grant the request.
  • Granting- Right click the request in the list, select grant request auto or manual it will mail the item to the requester.
  • Denying – Right click the request in the list and select deny request auto or manual. It will send a denial mail to the requester.
  • The request log will update with request granted or denied and the name of the party doing so.
  • Auto- sends a prewritten message to the party granting/denying the item.
  • Manual- opens the mail with note menu and allows you to write a custom note.
  • Recipient and Title are automatically filled out with Request Granted or Request Denied and character name.
  • An Item-Checker can open a requested item for unlock by right clicking the request and selecting unlock. (24 hour wait time)

This system would prevent hacking, or excess loss of goods in the event of a hack. It would allow for an interesting way to distribute rewards for guild events, using the request system. It allows the whole guild to make use of the bank/items, while being regulated. It allows a record of everything going in and coming out of guild storage. This would mean it automatically keeps tracks of things like donations, allowing you to reward members accordingly. It give you the ability to know if someone is taking more than their fair share and remedy that situation.

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Bag Compacting

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I wish they had a sort option.

Invisible bags get ignored. If you have specific bags for other things then those things are automatically put there, and collectibles deposited during sort or put in craftsman bag.

Just my thoughts. It’s really annoying to me to have one salvage kit in line one, buy one that lands in line 7 then sort and have them in lines 1 and 4 instead… >.<


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


There is another problem with this shot.

The pets are supposed to be downleveled to the area as well. The bear is level 16, but the players is level 5. Problem here?

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I’ll be honest. I rarely use the targeting system.

If something hits me and I have no target, I seem to target it automatically. Love that, and it’s useful.

I don’t have to be targeting to hit anything. If I use single shots, I aim in the general direction I want it to go. If I’m using aoe’s then I manually aim as a general rule. When you start thwacking away, you will auto-target one of the things you hit. And since you’ve already aimed and hit it, one would assume that it is an appropriate target yes?

I only use the tab-target in instances of me v one mob…

Requesting Promo for Halloween Event

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


The whole point of a promo is to increase sales on something that isn’t selling. Making a promo on an item when sales are going to increase would just be bad money making strategy.

Granted if they do it, I’ll bite, but alas, I do not think it will happen.

MMO's need a grind but not for fluff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


No, I just like progression and something to earn… read my above post… I play both sPvP and WvW and enjoy both at times…. but its the progression and working towards something that actually hooks me into a game more than a few months.

Working towards being the best player isn’t progressive enough?

When ranks come in, will that give you something to work towards?

MMO's need a grind but not for fluff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I came to this game totally understanding that sPvP was where stats and gear would not matter. With this in mind, I already knew that WvW would be where my time would be spent. After I hit 80 I then realized all gear has basically the same stats and has no effort what so ever to get. Ironically the gear that has possibly the biggest grind to it (WvW) just looks incredibly dull and boring.

So your telling me that PvP where you actually have to be GOOD to get anywhere isn’t your type of game?

You know what that says right? That in order to be as good as other players you have to have better gear.

PvP is supposed to be about skill. If you don’t want to compete because you can’t get better gear than others, then you never wanted to actually pvp anyway. You just wanted to pwn faces because you either spent more money or had more time than people with jobs/families etc…

Bizarre Name Restriction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Or they just remove ambiguous words such as “bite” from the list and issue name changes and/or bans when appropriate, as they do for countless other names.

If they removed all the ambiguous words from the filter, there wouldn’t be a filter. Refer to the Anus as a name statement earlier. It’s certainly not offensive in some languages…therefore it has multiple interpretations and is ambiguous. Just because your interpretation of it is fine, does not mean that it is not offensive.

Has Guild Wars 2 Gotten Any Changes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Mystic forge has always been there.

Actually that’s a good reason to start playing again. You missed the mystic forge, what else did you miss? There is so much content, I’m sure you missed other things too.

They’ve done several fixes, so that might change things up, but no new content until tomorrow.

Bizarre Name Restriction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


How is using an English word on a North American server equivalent to going to France and saying something offensive in French?

It’s equivalent to going to France and saying an English word that is offensive in French >.< Are you being purposefully obtuse? Regardless of the server (particularly NA ones) All languages are important. Remember that all countries not denoted a specific region are automatically set to play in the NA servers…

Halloween release time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


The US and EU servers do not update off of the same time patterns to my knowledge.

Now I’m not near as excited….thanks for that coglin… :P

I also found this little gem on the teaser site

  • All times and dates are shown in US Pacific Time

Halloween release time.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


As it’s specified on the 22nd for France too, that means you’ll have it by the end of the afternoon in the US If you would have had it at late night that would have meant that we couldn’t have played the event until the 23rd.

OH OH! I like this answer!!! happy dance

Now I’m really excited. Is it set for the 22nd everywhere? If that is the case that means they would have to release in the morning, or it would be the 23rd somewhere! I hadn’t thought of that! more happy dance!

The 'Selfish' Player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I’m pretty much a pure support build. It also happens to be the most survivable build I’ve played (engineer) I do pretty good damage, and can handle pretty much everything the game throws at me with the exception of soloing a few of the harder champs.

I have no problem playing in a group environment, and if the melee classes stay close, I can pretty much keep them up and and alive if they use their own heal on occasion. (rare occasion)

Being the build I am, I don’t see power builds as selfish at all, simply because it takes a lot less time to kill things as a group with a few in them.

I do wish people would try more variety. In all honesty however, my first build was Berserker, I ran pure power and crit. My damage now is still comparable, though not as good to be honest, but my survivability is so much higher…that I would consider it selfish if everyone had my build! I can manage solo in WvW and PvE and I still have major contributions in a group. I can keep an unlimited amount decently specced melee players up and going when they would wipe. So I know I can contribute in a group setting, even though I chose my build for selfish reasons…

Bizarre Name Restriction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


@ Shroom Mage, it is the same thing…if you fail to see that, then I can understand even more why ANet has to do the censoring instead of trusting their playerbase to do it.

@mapokl they cannot just censor names the way they do chat because a name is paramount in being able to communicate. Imagine trying to send an in game mail to someone whose name is Im a —-—-r. It doesnt’ work. Yeah you could turn the censor off to do it, but that defeats the purpose no?

How hard is it for people to understand that just because you don’t find it offensive, someone else might. This game caters to SEVERAL major different language groups. Maybe chat can be censored based on language, but names can’t be. Everyone is integrated together. Are you telling me if you go to a different country and say random stuff that if you happen to call one of them an unmentionable they won’t take offense just because you dont know any better? The world doesn’t work that way.

Ignorance is not an excuse. Not in the eyes of the law, why should it be anywhere else? Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know my name was calling you a (insert word here) so that makes it okay?