Showing Posts For zaxziakohl.5243:

Mail system

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


there is a bank sinergy that is account wide. You can find it in your races main city.

Hommit, I dont agree with selling items via mail. It would cause a lot of serious problems with the TP, and would cause scamming of it’s own. (IE: Subject, take this free item on us! upon collection, retrieves 1g from your character….)

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Sorry I don’t know how to quote here lol.

For the actual Raid mechanic I came up with a different idea, but I want to polish it up a bit before I present it (think sPvE) It’s based on the current existing sPvP system but appropriately modified.

That would make this the large scale dungeon idea.

My concern with having several different mechanics in the battlefield to be honest is development. It’s a lot easier to make one basic style, and modify it accordingly for each different situation than it is to make umpteen different mechanics.

My concern with the boss mechanic is that we currently have the single large boss. This doesn’t promote teamwork, it’s just a giant zergfest (think dragons) and to avoid that, I thought a multi-boss (even if it’s several different kinds of bosses) mechanic would be more appropriate to promote teamwork, instead of zerging.

I see your point with the report option. My concern is if you get bots/afks/trolls, that stay at the beginning of the zone when others are trying to progress, they are no longer in the path of danger, but are causing the difficulty to increase. I think this problem could be avoided if people made sure they joined with a group, and a percentage report was required. Example 90% of players in the field have to report them. If you went in with a decent sized group that could combat that. Just a thought.

I have to kind of agree with you on the no story-line requirement. I think you could get around the level 80 requirement simply by hosting the map in a reccommended level 80 zone, with a semi-decent amount of trash mobs in section 1, thus preventing most over-confident lowbies.

Idea for a PvE WvWvW alternative for those who hate pvp.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I posted something like this (though different) in the fact that it was WvW styled in a lot of ways except for PvE players.

Your idea obviously wouldn’t take near as much work on their part, but the whole concept of a PvE version of WvW is certainly interesting!

Gold selling

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


A lot of companies are loathe to put extra money straight on the market.

To answer your unasked question. The taxes imposed are a gold sink. Somewhere for excess gold to go.

In the real world, money is printed in specific amounts and then traded among people for goods/services. The money definitely gets around, but the actual amount of money is limited.

In a game, this isn’t the case. money is earned from loot, rewards, chests, etc. This makes it so there is no set amount of money in game. To keep it so that gold isn’t trash (keep items from costing 500g for one piece of leather after a year of the game being running) they have to have a gold sink, or somewhere for the excess money to go. This keeps the economy more level. Waypoints, repairs, and other NPC’s purchasables like salvage kits, are also gold sinks. This game does not have potions which is a HUGE gold sink in many games, so they have had to come up with alternative sinks.

The Gem/Gold exchange is kind of a circular creature.The cost of gems/gold, gold/gems is set in a range that varies based on the amount of buyers/sellers, and is regulated by ArenaNet.

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I like a lot of your ideas Ronah.

My concern with overflow is the buffs reward, you can’t reward unlimited multiple battles(as well as overflows are cross server), however, I don’t see why you can’t have multiple maps, much like WvW has the 4 maps.

Instead of having the Criteria listed in daily achievements, why not have a WvE window, similar to the WvWvW one. The window would include what buffs you currently have earned, what battles are ongoing/full.

I’m a bit iffy about the criteria though. I think it’s a good idea, but for example you have a player who can play for 2 hours right after the day rolls, and it takes 1.5 hours to meet the criteria, that means they don’t get to play.

Maybe a rolling criteria, so if there are 4 “Elite” maps, you would have a separate criteria for each, hopefully, the battles would end at different times, and open new sets of criteria, so that there would always be at least 1 battle available.

So the WvE window would show Criteria progression for each field, the bonuses currently awarded, the amount of players in each field, as well as an entrance to Section 1 where you enter the battlefield. much like heart of the mist, although in my original example I called it The Barricades.

I particularly like the fact that the criteria, could cause high level players to go back to lower level zones and interact with lower level players, instead of being in and consistently farming Orr. Also making the criteria server wide, would be appropriate since the buffs are server wide.

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Uber-scale World Events for "Endgame"

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I don’t believe in the “endgame” as I always HATED it in other games. I would hit cap and stop playing. However, I do know some people like a purpose, and I think I have an idea that could definitely help…

all while staying in the explore/de style of GW2!

New Map specifically for this
*The map would be progressive (up to 4 or 5 sections)
*Section 1 is explorable solo, and has farmables (this section is small)
*Section 2 is a battlefield section. It’s large, open, has no standard trash mobs, and has no nodes to farm or puzzles. In other words, its only use, is for the events in it.
*Additional sections would be battlefields as well, only reachable by defeating the event prior. These sections have Loot Chests (special loot chests)

The Events
*Each battle section has a different event, all are in a similar style. Lets be honest, people spend hours raiding the same dungeons repeatedly, similar styling won’t kill them, especially since the events/lore/etc, is variable.
*You talk to the gate guard in the previous section to enter.
*Event scale is directly related to the amount of participators.
*Battles are set in a FFA style.
*Mobs do NOT pour out from the same location. Imagine a canyon. You are on one side, the mobs drop from holes in the wall on the other. This map is LARGE scale.
*It is a 2 option event. The first option is a timed hold. The second option is progressive.
*If you choose to complete the progressive mode, rewards are better, and the entire server is rewarded with a 24 hour buff.
*If you complete the first event and reach the other side/push back the wave to their entrance, then you are eligible to do the event in the next field.
*This event rewards more (progressively through the battlefields, and the server buffs are better.
*If you only hold, you have a possible chance for up to 24buffs per day. If you progress, the amount of buffs is only determined by the time it takes you to complete the events.

Boss Event
*After every battlefield event there would be a boss event.
*The mechanic would not be single boss vs zerg group of players
*Bosses would have a clone/group mechanic.
*The number of spawned bosses is related to the number of participating players.
*Example I had is Mezmer Zhaitan minion. Summons x clones based on players number. Players wouldn’t be able to tell which boss was real, and would have to divvy the bosses up to defeat them, or risk wiping out everyone.

Important Points
*Teamwork would be crucial, simply kiting, or grouping the mobs together, could, and most likely would, get everyone killed. Particularly on bosses.
*Events would be put on a random rotation to switch things up.
*Buffs awarded would also be random, thus preventing people from “farming” specific events.
*Due to the sheer amount of mobs killed, drop rates would probably be pretty decent.
*A report option would be available, someone with x amount of reports in x amount of time, would be transported out of the battlefield, with a cooldown timer. This would prevent botting, and trolling. And keep the event from becoming overly difficult due to afkers.
*There would be plenty of incentive for PvE participation, it provides server wide buffs, and good loot/mats.
*Buffs would be PvE only. They would NOT apply in PvP/WvW.
*It would be like WvW, for PvEers. Call it World V. Enemy.

Just thought I would share my idea! Hope you enjoy!

NPC’s would be available (this is long duration) for bank and repairs at the entrance to each battlefield. However not IN the battlefield. This would give incentive for players to buy and use the things like repair canisters, and extra bag slots, increasing their revenue.

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Gw2 need raids

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I have no problem with Raids. As long as they don’t provide anything other than cosmetic items, unless you can get the items elsewhere in game.

Some people like them. I do not, but why should that keep the people who do from having fun. As long as it’s not required content, and doesn’t give unfair advantages, I don’t see the problem.

However, I think, in the style of GW2, that a large scale event (not talking dragon here) would be better suited.

Example(New Map for this):

You enter the map, the beginning is explorable solo just like the rest. You reach “The Barricades” There is a guard who you can speak to. He gives you a warning about certain death, and this is a job best tackled by a large group.

You go ahead and select to enter, and end up on the other side of the gate (much like the disguise and enter the hideout renowns)

If you haven’t already, forming a party would probably be good, seeing as no one can see if your dying unless your in one.

This side of the fence is called “The Onslaught”. There are NPC’s here who offer different stories depending on the particular event. Lets say for this example, That Zhaitans Minions have been unsuccessful, so they are choosing to attack in force.

It is a large scale Free For All battle of undead vs, us. The amount of undead is DIRECTLY determined, by the amount of particpators in the Onslaught zone. You are requested to hold the gates for 1 hour, OR to make progress to the other side of the field by slaughtering your way there. Progression across is VERY well rewarded, while the hour challenge, is still quite rewarding but significantly less so.

At the end you get an uber powerful mezmer boss who spawns to take his vengance (a high level minion) His particular skill is he can spawn x amount of clones in direct ratio to the amount of people participating in the event.

You can’t tell the clones from the real boss, and everyone who participated in killing him, or his many clones, gets the reward for that as well.

If you fail the event, the stronghold is overrun until a specific time rotation. Once the time rotation occurs a NEW EVENT will spawn. Not the old one.

Each event would grant a server wide buff on completion for 24 hours. (magic find for example) PvE applicable only.

Actual teamwork would be necessary to complete the events because if you are grouping everything into one giant horde, you could conceivably kill everyone, particularly if you tried it on the boss and the clones. People would have to divvy the mobs up into groups and deal with their own group/boss accordingly. If the teams can’t manage their job, it could cause the failure of other teams, or the entire event. And there would be significant push to get the events completed successfully. Imagine having 20+ PvE buffs if your server could successfully complete most of the events!

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Reward System Revamp

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I love the ideas. I have to admit, when I play I have a tendency to feel a bit…lost.

It’s funny. I hate the way most games do structured content/rewards. However, I’ve found that half the fun in deviating from this structure in those games (I’m a don’t do my quests, go look at pretty trees person), is the fact that the structure is there to deviate from.

I love exploring, but I don’t feel it’s all that rewarding. I love being able to solo some champs alone, but again, not that rewarding, just time consuming.

If I had a “carrot” so to speak, I think I would be more excited about the things I do, EVEN THOUGH, I’m already doing all those things.

Toggle for currency display!

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


to be entirely honest, I prefer a straight simple coin system (ie:10000 coins instead of 1g)

For a lot of people from certain foreign countries, the current currency system is probably a bit annoying. Especially since you get some countries who deal in tens of thousands of a single currency before they conglomerate it.

Granted thats not my problem, I’m from the USA, but honestly, I like the theory that instead of having a bushel of apples, I have them all laid out in front of me and easily countable. (I worked with money for years in customer service, and have absolutely no problems with the calculations) but having it just out there, plain and simple, would be REALLY nice.

Revive interrupt on skill cast

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


There is nothing more annoying than being attacked when rezzing someone and not being able to hit skills to attack (well you can, but they don’t work) without moving away first.

Revive should be interruptable by skill cast.

Better yet make player controlled options:

Interrupt Revive:
On Skill cast (check box)
when attacked (check box)

A couple (realistic) suggestions to improve gameplay

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I have a possible idea for the contracting thought. It’s a really good idea btw

It would be an interface. You pull up the interface and are giving the option to choose a crafting profession.

You are then provided with drop down menus to customize the recipe you are looking for. So if you want a Pillaging iron pistol you would choose, Huntsman, Pistol, Iron, Pillaging.

It then comes up with a menu of all the required pieces needed, and all the ingredients needed for each piece. You drag the materials onto the appropriate icon, kind of like the mystic forge except with faded icons, and number indicators.

The interface then takes these materials and puts the listing into the Crafting Queue.

A huntsman goes to the huntsman station and opens the queue. Finds this order, selects it, and is then brought into a window with the recipes necessary for the item, all items are then placed directly into the crafting contract window. The crafter never gets actual ownership of them.

If the crafter does not complete it, the pieces made and remaining materials are put back into the queue for someone else to finish. Or they can choose to finish it, at which point the item is mailed/sent to the BLTC recieving area.

Please Add An Option To Inspect Other Players

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I agree with allowing it to an extent. It should be skin previewing only. So if someone has transmuted, their stats could be entirely different from what the standard gear of that skin would have. But you see the skin name.

Sometimes I see an outfit I really like visually and I want to know what it is. I think that allowing us to view/preview someone elses gear would be fine. However, level/stats/runes/etc, should all be excluded.

I think a visual inspection/preview would be awesome though. As well as a clothing origin.

I mean if I see a really cool top, and I inspect it, It would give me the basic name (minus rune/stat name change) and then where it was recieved, or where it can be recieved. And what class of gear it is (Light, Medium, Heavy)

Examples(I’m making the names up):
Leather Vestige, Medium, Harathi Hinterlands-Captain Nemo
Iron Bracers, Heavy, Lions Arch-Savanna Goragia, Twilight Arbor Trophy Gear
Twilight Slasher, Sword 2-H, Zommoros-Legendary Sword

This would also mean that people who put in the time and effort for special gear skins would get that extra recognition from having that AWESOME piece, but there would be no way to say, Oh look this person is cleric geared, but I want a berserker geared on my team instead, and would therefore preserve the integrity of the party picking and such.

Make teleportation to main cities free.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I think 1 waypoint in each map should be free. An entrance waypoint if you will. Then raise the cost of waypoints within that map.

This way, you could travel to each map freely, but for the convenience of getting where you really want to go, you’ll either have to pay, or walk it.

The free waypoint should be located in a stronghold on each map. One that has all the available npc’s/crafters.

People would still sink gold into getting to where they want. I mean no one wants to run the full length of Lornars Pass lol.

This would make it much easier to meet friends for things as well.

I see no reason why I should have to pay 4s if I’m in Orr, and my friend needs help in Frostgorge sound. Just teleport to the free Frostgorge waypoint and run it. Or if they need help, it would be like 2s to get from the free to the furthest one on the map.

When you have such a huge map, making it cost extra based on distance, isn’t reasonable, and it actually cuts DOWN on the exploration because it makes it harder to get to other places.

Bring back the missions or give us a reason to come back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I see no reason why they can’t add in daily “quests” so to speak.


The point of the game is to have all these different things to do. Some people like a daily quest type of setup. I am not one of these. I HATE dailies. However, I am not the only one playing. If implemented after level 80 as an optional activity, I see no reason not to add them. As long as anything given by them , can be gained via other means.

Yes we have dynamic events. Which are great. But also in a real world (or even a game world) people want a sense of purpose. I see no reason that this can’t be provided.

My idea of missions/quests.

Each Major City would have a job giver.

Each day, you could go to a city and find the respective job giver for that day in that city.

Lets say on Monday’s the leatherworker in divinities reach needs a new stock of material scraps. You would pick up the job from his apprentice, who could be anywhere in the city trying to recruit people to sell him the scraps he needs. This encourages exploration, within the city. Then he sends you on a small quest chain throughout the Krytan Zones, to collect the goods he needs. Since you are level 80 (not available till then) You have access to all those zones. Each week it would pick random NPC’s (say 3 in each Krytan Zone) that you would collect supplies from, then when done, deliver to the leatherworker in divinities reach. For your effort you receive a small reward of gold and a batch of materials for your own use as well as some exp and karma.

Each quest could only be completed say 3 times a day.

Every day of the week would be a different quest starter.

You can’t complete the same city more than 2 weeks in a row.

NPC’s would be unmarked on the map, hence actual exploring would be required.

The cash amount of the reward would be less than the teleport cost to reach all the npc’s.

This would fulfill all the game requirements for exploration and such, while still providing rewards for time and effort.

It would also make it very likely that people would pass DE’s while running around doing it, and in no way would it give you an advantage over someone who is farming Orr, or doing WvW, or any of the other billion things in game. Everything acquired, could be gotten elsewhere for a little time and effort, and it fulfills the need of those that need more structured content.

Savable Dye Profiles

in Suggestions

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Obviously this isn’t a top of the list, make the game better suggestion. However, I think it is something that would be really nice.

You give us 100’s of dyes that we can use to dye our character, but when we are looking for a change of pace, we have to spend 15 minutes getting the color setup we want.

My suggestion.

Make 5 (or more lol) savable dye profiles. You can save your favorite dye setups to fit your mood. Theoretically it should be that difficult, just a very small code of number/color assignments saved for later use (in terms of coding)

I have a couple of “outfits” I really like. Midnight Blue with Antique gold. Pink Spectrum outfit, and a nice sunset themed, orange and yellow setup. But if my mood changes and I want something a little out of the ordinary, I need to go hunting for the dyes, and the combinations I used them in. Okay this dye was here, wait, was it on this square or this square.

TL:DR A few profiles would be nice in the case of favorite color schemes, and mood changes.

Smart Gold Spammers

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Okay ran into a strange situation today.

Taking money from a goldspammer=very bad!

Smart goldspammer, is now sending money with the spam! 1c!

This means…we HAVE to take the money, or we can’t delete the mail. We can only have 10 mails….

Seeing the problem?

So here is the question:
Will we be penalized for taking money from goldspammers when they give us no choice?

(just thought of the return to sender, and am now wishing I had….)

For those of us that just hit accept without thinking….the whole 1c, are we going to be penalized?

Armor Repair canisters are just barely worth purchasing.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I think the reason people would find them worth it isn’t the price difference. It’s not supposed to be cheaper to use it to repair your gear. It’s supposed to be more time convenient. For example. You go and you do a story line. You forgot that you had all but one piece of gear broken and didn’t repair before you entered. Your almost done with the quest. You die. a piece of gear breaks. Now your stats drop, you die again. 5 deaths later all your gear is broken.

You can either 1. Leave, repair your gear, and do it all over.
or 2. Use an instant repair canister and not have to redo all of the work.

Is it a little more expensive? yeah it is….but between teleport costs to go somewhere to repair, and the time you save from not having to redo the quest….it’s worth it for some people.

On that note. I have like 6 from BLT chests…and I haven’t used any of them. I would never buy them, hell I odn’t even carry them on me XD I might use them for dungeons

that way I’m not having to teleport back to repair…. or in WvW…

100% Completion and Exploration = 98%? 97%?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I’m kind of curious about this as well. I have noticed that my LCD screen, the front page medal and the in game system all give me different readings. It varies by about 1% per reading. My LCD screen usually is 1% sometimes 2% ahead of my in game maps. And the log in medal one is usually about 2-3% behind my LCD.

Note: this applies to individual and world maps, though it’s more noticable with the individual maps. Also I’m only around 75% done with my map. So I don’t have any info about completion.

Why The Economy is Borked

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I think part of the problem here is that the people who see the Traders making 100g a week think they are pulling the money from thin air. In fact they are not.

It’s not like they manufactured the money themselves. The money was already introduced to the market, their trading is only affecting distribution, not amount.

This type of trading can actually be beneficial to the system. When people play the market they are actually feeding even more gold into the money sink in game then they would be if using the TP in a standard fashion.

Someone who is trading can make 10’s or 100’s of trades a day. This means that every sale they do, 15% is gone into the gold sink.

Eventually the money they have made will be redistributed back into the economy (most likely minus 15%) in the form of purchases for things they want.

Obviously there are other issues here. Someone who does this and makes 100g, might take that entire 100g out of the market altogether by purchasing a Commander thingy.

However. This kind of trading can actually provide a REALLY good balance for the amount of money earned in game.

The market is regulated by a few things.

1. The amount of goods available
2. The amount of goods desired
3. The amount of profit a person is willing to “live” with
4. The amount of gold a person is willing to spend

There are always going to be those who don’t conform to the average of 3 or 4. Those are the people who will be either playing into the market to make money, or are willing to sacrifice profit for convenience. These 2 feed each other. One purchases the goods of the other. The people seeking excess profit by playing the market will then reintroduce their cheaply purchased goods into the market for the standard price.

In this way it is very like a real world economy. Someone has things they just want out, or if they need to move things quickly, they will sell for a cheapened price. The purchasers can then resell the items for standard value, making a profit. And just like a real market, they end up paying taxes on the purchase. (gold sink)

If items are selling for pennies, this actually has NOTHING to do with what I described above. The cheap purchasers won’t sell for pennies, because they would make no profit. This means they are only going to be doing this on goods that actually sell for a decent price anyway.

The problem with the copper priced goods actually deals with numbers 1 and 2, also known as supply and demand.

For whatever reason, be it drop rates, excess crafted materials due to mass crafting, or simply farming for a profit, there is too much of an item compared to it’s relative demand. In other words, the cheap items are the ones that DON’T turn a profit for anyone. No one wants to touch them, so they stay on the market for prices that are too cheap. They are on the market because there is a diminished use for them compared to supply. They are not profitable for anyone, profit traders included.

This means that removing the custom buy option, isn’t going to solve the issue at all, because the problem isn’t related to custom purchases in any way.

Bug - Skill Point: Child's Sorrow

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243



Server:Isle of Janthir

The wiki says we are supposed to talk to Stinging Wind. I would LOVE to talk to Stinging Wind and get this started….except he’s not there….

The Bag Market Has No Sinks!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I don’t think bags should be soulbound after use, I think they should be scavenged, with a chance to get the rune back as if it were an upgrade. That would also make it much easier to make future bags. Runes could be put on the AH, and since there would only be a chance of getting them on scavenge, there would still be a sink for them, and they would be cheaper for those who wanted to craft them, but not ridiculously cheap.

The other things we make can usually be scavenged, why should bags be any different?

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Backpack regenerator does not seem to scale with healing power at all. Tried maxing healing power and then with no healing power and it seems to heal 125 a tick regardless of my level of healing power. It may be intentional but I doubt it is.
Also the rune of doylak scale either dosnt as a side note, but thats probably intentional.

I feel stupid cuz I can’t figure out how to quote properly….anyway….

I can’t get Backpack regenerator to work at all. I get no regeneration with ANY kit. Is it possible this bug is occurring only when this trait is used in combo with something else?

lets talk about the dance, shall we?

in Norn

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


To be honest

Norn Dance=drunk guy dancing. Or at least that’s how I interpret it.

Drunk dancing? Totally fits…

The nature of Charr names

in Charr

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


The Name I wanted didn’t fit! It was 2 letters 2 long and I didn’t like how it looked or sounded when I made it shorter!

My chars name was supposed to be Karraka Shadowstalker!

I always keep her surname in my mind when I play her though, even they I ended up just going with Karraka.

The economy is turning into a speculation market

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


The Trading Post in Guild Wars 2 is just like a market. If people “speculate” and take educated guesses as to what will happen in the market to turn a profit, that’s no different than real life. It’s like stocks.

1. The people who play the Trading Post are going to have more money anyway (because they frequently make use of it)
2. If they get on after a patch that has announced a new change to whatever will raise prices and they take that money and buy everything as cheap as they can to resell, that’s their prerogative.
3. They very probably earned that money on the trading post, and have every right to use it to earn more money. It’s the way economy’s work.

I’m not one of the people who made a load of cash off the item price increases either. Much to my dismay, I decided to sell all my mats the days before the big price changing patches, and missed out on a LOT of profit as a result. That doesn’t mean they are cheating the market, it just means they were smarter/luckier than I was.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


A lot of people seem to be missing the point of these dungeons and the gear from them.

First off. I don’t agree with making the dungeons a worse PITA than they already are.
HOWEVER, the cost for the dungeon gear, is perfectly appropriate. Dungeon Gear is like legendary weapons. It’s supposed to show that you worked your butt off to get something that few people have!

If they lower the cost of the gear, it’s not going to be a point of pride anymore, because EVERYONE could get it!

The gear doesn’t give you stat’s you can’t get elsewhere, so no where are you required to run dungeons for that gear. If you want dungeon gear, it’s because of how it looks. Otherwise you just want gear you can get anywhere else. Wearing that gear is supposed to mean that you are the best of the best at that dungeon, and you put a TON of time and effort in.

With that aside: Dungeons should be difficult, but not impossible. Puzzles (not jumping ones) and things, could be a staple in a fun dungeon, and they would reduce the amount of time restriction needed to prevent farming. An example. There was a boss in a game I played that spewed out trivia questions about the lore of that game at intervals. People who failed the question, were “dazed” or at least that games version of it, for a period of time. It was interesting, and it added a twist. Puzzles would also prevent a grindfest feel, because it wouldn’t be all about slaughtering mobs with max DPS as quickly as possible to continue to the next run.

I see no reason tokens can’t be universal, to an extent. My thought on universal tokens.

You can only spend tokens on dungeons you have run in each different path X many times.
This would prevent people from farming the easy dungeons to get the hard dungeon gears, but allow some versatility in skin/stat choices. It would also encourage players to try all the different dungeons each way.

You could carry this even further by requiring you to have completed all prior dungeons at least once in explorer mode. This would also encourage exploration, and it’s not a ridiculous thing to ask for. I mean lets be honest, running each dungeon once in explorer mode wouldn’t be a big deal to someone who is farming dungeons for gear anyway.

For those griping about casual players never getting anything from dungeons. That’s kind of the definition of being a casual player. You have access to everything you need to be just as powerful and well geared without anything from a dungeon. Dungeon gear is supposed to take time and dedication, if you don’t have both of those available, there are other routes for necessities. Just play the dungeons to enjoy them.

Master Trait book bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


You have to buy the level 40 one and use it first. I had the same problem. Think of it as tiers. You cant open tier 3 without opening tier 2 first.

Additional Engineer Trait Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I have found 2 so far that were not listed in prior posts. I did a search, most of the posts are pages long and days old, so I decided a new post was in order, so these bugs didn’t get lost in the fray.

Backpack Regenerator : Gain Regeneration when using a kit. (Alchemy IX)

Trait does not function…at all. I tried with all the device and weapons kits. No regen is applied in combat, out of combat or on swap. The description implies its consistent regen when you have a kit equipped but I know descriptions can be misleading. It also doesn’t specify kit type.

Deployable Turrets: Turret Skills use ground targeting. ( Tools V)

The Health and Rocket Turret do, the Rifle turret does not ground target. Also there are seem to be some….bugs associated with targeting on this trait. I would recommend checking it out yourself. I did not test the Flame, Thumper, or Net turrets for targeting.

Like I said, I haven’t seen either of these mentioned prior, so thought I would bring them up.

Also particularly on the regen, wondering if it’s intended to be all kits or one specific kit type device/weapon.

Income vs. Cost Discrepancy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I do most of my play solo, and I have a bad tendency of getting mob groups. I’m not great at doing groups. I can solo most veterans and a few champs, as well as most skill point challenges, but I die repeatedly in story quests, and I die if I’m so much as sneezed at during events….I could respec, and I wouldn’t die near as fast, but I wouldnpt kill near as quickly either….

I also remember them saying somewhere that dying wasn’t supposed to be a punishable offense. They were going to do gear repair, as a reminder, that hey, it’s not necessarily good, but don’t I pay enough in repairs to not have to empty my bank in teleport fees? Not to mention, if my friend goes “OMG this champ is gonna kill me! I’ll kite it till you get here!” and they are in a starter zone and I’m in Orr, I’m gonna end up paying several silver to get there before they get quashed….

The fees at that level just aren’t appropriate for the amount we earn…

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

I don't like how this game handles gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


The reason for the gear stat set ups, is the same reason they included trait tiers and set weapon skills. Balancing.

This game has much more complex systems in combat. Not only do they have to consider the balance of class v class in pve and pvp, but they have to consider how that stacks up when you add in things like combos, boons and conditions. The only way to make sure there aren’t uber builds is to limit what people have access to or there will always be uber stats/or skills/ or trait builds.

Imagine this. you have 2 people who play together.

1 person specs EVERYTHING for condition damage and duration, the other specs everything for boon and condition duration.

Duration throws out the field, Damage uses them in a combo, and all the sudden you have an uber group. The only way to keep this from happening was to make sure the stat set-up in gear/upgrades is not individually done, but in sets, just like the traits and weapon skills.

It’s the only way to keep from having people select a defined support/tank/damage roll.

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Tired of people claiming DEs have no story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


NPC chat is also readable if people want to take the time to read it. That would give them some story. Though to be honest, most of the early events have a shallow story. It gets much better later.

Frustrations over lack of endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Okay, someone said this isn’t a talk about leveling, it’s about end game.
Just by saying this, I KNOW you missed the point entirely.

The leveling IS the end game.

ArenaNet wanted to make a game that was FUN! From beginning till the end! If the leveling is fun, why should anything change when you hit level 80? Does the stuff you were doing in levels 1-79 suddenly become unfun?

When they originally thought out the game, they debated not having levels at all! The ONLY reason they included levels, was to give the player a sense of progression.

The idea is that by the time the character is 80, they will have found the things they enjoy, and no longer need the arbitrary number increase of a level to feel progression. Progression is this game is ranked in other ways

Ways you can progress (by no means is this everything)

Puzzle/Jump quests
Crafting disiplines
Continuing to “level” after 80 for the skill points to make amazing weapon skins.
Collecting all the dyes in game
Completing dungeons (all modes)
World Completion
Experiencing all the DEs (will be changed and added over time as the team can update them)
Collecting the gear you like the look of.
Collecting the gear with the stats you want.(berserker/rampaging/etc)

Character Development:
Learning how to actually play your character. You have how many different skills? Learn multiple combinations, alter the traits to fit, try different builds. Learn how to be support in one situation and tank in another…learn how to kite and kill at the same time…
Story line quest. completion.

Play the Trading Post. It’s a real economy. Learn how to make money based on the ups and downs.

Collect all the mini pets.

Those are the just things that can show PROGRESSION. Face it, your progression isn’t based on a stupid number at the bottom of your screen. Your progression is based on what you CHOOSE to do with your character. If you don’t like the choices available (the same ones advertised months prior to release) then don’t play.

This game isn’t a standard MMO. ArenaNet knew that when releasing. They also knew that this game wouldn’t be for players who didn’t want a unique, fun, dynamic experience.

I’ve spent 2 days at 80. Not once during those 2 days did I stop and go OMG what am I supposed to do now?!

In all the other mmo’s I play, I reach cap, and go OMG what do I do now? I don’t like grind, I don’t like dungeons, I don’t like PvP (though I do here interestingly). In a standard MMO that means I have jack to do after cap except talk to my friends. In this game, I don’t EVER see that happening. Every day someone tells me something, and I’m like “NO WAY! I didn’t know that!” and rush off to try the newest thing!

It’s always, “I haven’t seen that dragon yet!” “How do I make weapons in the mystic forge?” “If I buy this will it work for this?” “Well let my change my traits and I’ll TRY the elixir gun flamethrower combo, but if you die, it’s your fault for suggesting it!” “No I don’t think I want to do that dungeon today, I’m trying to learn all the cooking recipes possible!” “I’m farming mats cuz I sold all mine, I’m rich!”

Not once have I gone “what now?” Hell if I get bored, I stop and redye my gear, then go do something!

Edit: Also to note, I made 8 chars, one of each class, expecting to do exactly what I’ve done in EVERY MMO I’ve ever played (which is probably upwards of 50, everything from beta’s to obscure indi’s to mainstream) Yet despite having 8 chars….I’ve only played one past level 16, because for the first time in my life, I don’t have to switch from character to character to keep from being bored, my one level 80 keeps me plenty entertained, despite being 80 and having no “endgame” as you would say.

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Income vs. Cost Discrepancy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Okay so I recently reached 80. I noticed one thing that has been driving me nuts.In theory you can do whatever you want in game. The point is to enjoy it.

Okay. I wanted to craft. So I saved up my mats. I wanted to do my storyline. So I did that. I also completed over 50% of the world map (67%) now.

I had to sell all my mats. I didn’t have enough money for my trait books. The mats I sold brought in more than enough for that…but…

You would figure that cost and reward would go up equally with level, but that’s not the case.

lvl 1-10~10c for a waypoint (long distance about 25c)
1-10 heart reward -45c-75c
Event about 50c

lvl 40ish about 2s for a teleport (long distance)
40ish heart reward 1.5s-2.5s
40ish event about 1s

80 long distance teleport is 4s
Heart reward is 3s
Event is 1.9s

At a higher level you have more map to cover…so they charge you more respectively? That doesn’t make sense! I understand raising the priced based on level. Your rewards increase, so therefore so does the price, but at level 80 1 teleport is more than a reward! Shouldn’t they increase equally?

I HAVE to supplement my rewards with sales. Just to make sure I have enough funds to cover dying! Nearest waypoint on death costs 1.9s about. So I have to complete one event, for every time I die, just to stay in the green, and I pay upwards of 15s a day in repairs now. Also to note, the more events I do, generally the more repairs I end up needing(so the cost perpetuates itself.)

I understand the problem with keeping people from farming events for money. So you make the amount low enough to discourage them, but honestly, I don’t want to complete 75+ events just so I can repair my damaged gear and have teleport money for a week!

Not everyone farms/gathers, how are those people supposed to make money? There is NO recurring source of money at high levels that is decently substantial other than farming.

Map completion is a 1 time deal. Daily achievements (wow 5s!) is not very substantial. Events don’t pay enough to be worth it, and hearts are a 1 time deal. What happens when we run out of things to do? Are we going to be FORCED to farm?

I don’t mind farming….but come on, it should NOT be the only substantial source of income! We should be able to use those materials! (Note:crafted items often sell for much less than the base materials used to make them would. Also not right…)

If you craft one high level item, very often the vendor would also pay you more for the base materials than he would for the final result…

[Bugged Skill point][Sparkfly FEN] SHARK [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Bug is up on Isle of Janthir again. I spent several hours checking back and it stayed the same. Green mobs you can’t attack or talk to. I was told by others that it comes up after reset, so it’s apparently glitching some time after that.

It’s the last thing I need to complete that map.

Recover Serial Code?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Same problem here and I’d love an answer to it. How do we recover our serial code? When I sent a ticket I just got a find your email, you need that code for any verification you might have to do.

That certainly doesn’t help me find my code if the email no longer exists.

Lost an exotic level 80 dagger my friend was sending me in mail!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


if your friend was near someone else when he sent it it might have gone to the wrong person.

If you right click the item and use Mail to it will replace the name in the To: box with the person nearest you.

If you friend typed in your name, then right clicked the item in inventory and hit send, it may have gone to some (not very nice) random person, who liked it so much they decided to keep it.

Gem costs why are the EU paying 18 dollars more for 4000

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


so your telling me they don’t have to pay fees for internet, data center upkeep, wages for employees who work on said data centers, the maintenance and upkeep, and utilities for the places housing the data centers….need I continue. It’s very possible that because EU wages are higher, and possibly the cost of services mentioned above, you pay more….

the sheer power needed to maintain the data centers alone would need regular income, and lets face it, the game purchase is a one time deal. So they make millions of dollars (which they spent in making the game) by the sales. They worked on the game for 5 years, so don’t forget to include the wages of all the hundreds of employees and contractors working on the game for a 5 year period. Now you can subtract all that from the profit made from initial sales. Don’t forget to also subtract initial server/data center cost and set up.

Your right, the gems don’t cost them anything, but all the things that keep the game running do. Every second the game is up, is money out of their pocket.

(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)

Gem costs why are the EU paying 18 dollars more for 4000

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


This debate is kind of pointless anyway >.<

It’s like debating the fact that beer is more expensive in one place than the other. Or that computers cost 3x the standard amount in some countries.

It’s simple, face it. The price of these particular goods is higher where you live. You may pay more for bread that’s baked the exact same way it’s baked in the USA too, but there isn’t anything you can do about it.

It can be because of taxes, it can be because of random other fees/costs/etc associated, or it could just be the fact that these particular goods have more value in your location due to demand vs supply.

A friend of mine purchased his game in the UK for 3/4 of the price (from GW2) that I did (from GW2), but it’s a fact of life. I can go over to another international cash shop game and buy 10x the amount of stuff I can purchase in a local version because of conversion rates….it’s no different.

You make more, you pay more. You make less you pay less (as a general rule of thumb.) Your money is worth more, you pay more enjoy that irony lol. It all balances out.

(something else to consider: what if the cost of maintaining the EU database is higher? is it not right to charge you more for upkeep via cash shop?)

Serial Number

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I do not have my email for my GW2 purchase, and therefore no longer have my serial number.

I did not purchase the game myself (it was purchased for me by someone else)

I did have the email. At the time I was using a desktop client, and have lost all the emails saved to that client.

I know I’m not the only one with this issue. If we are currently playing the account, and the account is secure, we should be able/allowed to retrieve our serial number from you guys in case we do run into problems someday.

Its standard practice now for online companies to allow a purchaser to make copies of their receipts in the case of loss ( is an example) Can we not do the same?

I think this is something that certainly needs to be addressed. Players with a physical copy have their actual product to refer to. For those of us who have for some reason lost our serial for our digital copy, we need access to that information.

Going from a level 30 Story Quest to a level 48 ( skipping the story line!! )

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Did anyone see the pattern here? I would recommend that you NOT share story lines with people of the same race until the problem is solved.

Every single person reporting is the the same race as their party member….

the battle for claw island

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


There is a part of the mission after you destroy the ship and light the towers where you have to “hold out” for a while. There isn’t a timer, you just fight (in the cirlce Nezumi mentioned) for a while.

I found this was actually more of a “stay alive” until the quest changes thing than a kill them all thing. After a while, it will come up and say okay you need to leave type stuff. It takes a good amount of time though…

I got banned for 2 weeks.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I got banned 2 weeks for inappropriate language on my first strike, seems extremely legit, after all.

I saw people being racist, being banned 3 days.
I have seen people calling other peoplekitten and spamming it, being banned 3 days.
I have seen people scamming and insulting, being banned 3 days.
I have seen myself insulting people, being banned 3 days.


Wait, I have a question. Okay you say it’s your first offence, but your last line says you were banned for 3 days for insulting people. That would make it your second offence, not your first. Insults and a inappropriate language would both be characterized as inappropriate chat content. 2 strikes not 1. If they did one strike for every different chat offence they would have to do 1 for racism, 1 for swearing, 1 for insults, 1 for sexism, etc. All of the sudden 1 person can have like 5 first strikes? I think not…

Ludicrous ban times, no warnings

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


Honestly a slap on the hand for minor offences opens the way for major offences. If ANet shows a strict stand on what they disapprove of (aka whats not allowed as per EULA) then that prevents people from forgetting. I mean lets be honest Gear, are you going to get into public chat and say it again?

On the flip side of that, lets follow your suggestion, and do a two hour ban, or what I’ve seen previously suggested, a temp chat ban. The next day when your being “casual” in public chat, are you gonna say it again? Because I can guarantee that with just a few hours of downtime to do things like go watch TV, or sleep, it’s not gonna get through.

The whole point of a ban is to prevent you from playing. A couple hours doesn’t really do that. There are a multitude of things people can do for a couple hours and not really interrupt their game time.

Instead of complaining, accept that you were wrong, read the EULA (so that you don’t have something to complain about later if you mess up) and get back in when the ban is over. Ban’s aren’t there to make you happy. Sorry “bro”.

gold sellers in-game mailing me. (how can I stop this?)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I reported them for scamming. I mean that really is what it is isn’t it? Scamming the rest of us players out of emails/passwords, and a a fair game.

Also since you can’t report directly from mail, I whispered the said party and reported from there.

Protect yourself, create a brand new email address for GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I’ll be honest I thought the email change was a great idea. My account was compromised (the 100+ authorization attempt emails told me that) I made a new email address and switched it over, no more authorization attempts.

Most of my accounts were compromised a few months back (shortly after installing the Win 8 preview I might add) and I didn’t feel secure using my original email account because it had been attempted at during that time.

I use the same password for everything (except the new email) so this was a great help. I mean even if they do by some miracle get my new address for log-in, and the pass, they can’t get into the new email.

I also used Gmail for the double verification.

Also for those griping about security and ANet: They have no control over what/where/who gets our information from other places. Compromised accounts (including mine) that are the result of using the same information repeatedly are no one’s fault but our own. Don’t get mad at ANet for telling us how to better secure not only our account with them, but any of our accounts…

Pet Ambient Volume Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


This actually isn’t just happening with pets. It just seems most common with them. I’ve had it happen so far with:

Notification ding for 1 specific event (when I left and came back it was normal) It was like a pan crashing in my ear…it hurt, and my game volume is really really low.

Other peoples pets (particularly elementals)

When my char (no pets) went swimming in a lake shortly after log in. The water/swimming sounds were painfully loud. Leave the lake, volume is normal, back into the lake, break an eardrum, I repeated this and it was consistent. I left the map and came back later, no sound glitch.

All and all it seems to be very random noises with the pets being the most common.

serial number

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I’m having the same problem. I no longer have the email. I figured I would be able to get it from my account (but that info is not accessible) Would it be possible to get a copy of the “receipt” so to speak with our purchase information? I mean in most online retailers you can get additional copies if something happens to the first. Amazon for example.