No tax. It’s been said. Tax would not be optional, donations are.
I believe a log of donations should be kept, or a bank log kept (this would keep track of them within the current system.)
Keep track of who your big contributors are, and the reward them accordingly.
I mean many guilds are multifaceted and at this point the biggest guild spending feature is WvW. What kind of sucky would it be if you joined a guild because they like dungeons, and taxes were taken out so that the WvW half of the guild could buy siege weapons?!
Donations (logged) is the way to go. If the guild members want something bad enough, they will donate…it’s that simple. This would mean that only the part of the guild spending the money, is the part donating it. Which is exactly how it should be. I’m not going to spend my money so other people can enjoy content I don’t play…
I think I can actually answer this.
Okay when you go to sell an item, it comes up with a buy sell price specific to that item.
That means that for every variation of it, they only see the buy sell price for each one individually. This means that very few people who are look for/selling something specific, will get a comparison on what other similar versions cost because they don’t want to spend the time looking it up.
If someone knows they want the Pirate Coat of Grenth, and they look that up, they don’t see the prices of the Pirate coat- rune or Pirate Coat with a different rune.
This means every item in game has it’s own individual market price completely separate from related items.
A smart money-saving shopper will look up the generalized item and do a comparison. Looking up Pirate Coat, instead of Berserkers Pirate Coat of Grenth for example. Or will look up Berserker Coat, buy for a super cheap price, then find a crappy Pirate Coat transfer the look, and add the rune themselves for several silver cheaper….
Most people don’t want to spend that kind of effort….
I think I’d die of anticipation if they waited till the evening of the 22nd! ArenaNet please please please please please please please! Release tonight/in the morning! begs
Nope I’m not at all excited….
On that note, any chance we can get an official answer?
Okay being an engineer I have a mixed view on this.
If you have to pee, then fine, put down a turret and pee. If break is gonna take a bit longer, than don’t do it.
During an event, I will take a turrent (I don’t run turrets now but when I did) and set it down at the other side/entrance/wave/whatever of an event. Then go back to where I was. This means that I am now covering at least 2 sides of the field, and getting credit for more kills because I hit more mobs. This means I get more loot, more exp, and a higher chance at gold.
However, I do not afk during this. I do not see what I do as an exploit because I am simply using what is available to my class to max advantage. For me it’s no different than mass spawning aoe’s at an event to get credit for it. When using turrets my main weapon was a rifle, so I was lacking in any serious aoe power. Using a turret the way I did made up for that.
Sidenote: I now use bombs and get into the fray so this is no longer a problem for me.
However, afking while using your turrets to get credit is just dirty. I at least was participating in the event I was getting credit for….
Lol check it when you wake up! :P
I know it’s stupid but I keep refreshing the Shadow of the Mad King page hoping it mysteriously is updated and parts with more info than it has previously….
Would anyone like to see it more rewarding to quest in lower level zones?
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
Well yesterday between selling what I got as drops or what I salvaged from drops, and the events themselves I went from 3.5g to 11g. I spent about 8-9 hours actually doing things yesterday because I wanted money for the Halloween event and I recently spent it all by buying exotics.
The loot was kinda crappy, I’ll give you that. But if you participate in anything that would reward a chest, you generally still get decent loot for your level (or at least I do)
I will go to Orr to farm occasionally, because imo the farming nodes of trees and ore in Orr is the best source of income by far. Not the events. For Karma I would just as soon use lower level areas. Keep in mind that many high level mats other than node mats aren’t selling for much. I can earn more cash selling mid-level crafting mats than high level ones with the exception of gossamer, orichalum, and ancient wood. Mithril I can find in mid-level zones and other ores such as iron, copper, and platnium sell for a decent amount, while being more abundant. The lower level to midlevel venoms, totems, blood and claws also sell for substantially more than high level ones as well. Seasoned wood, mid-level also sells for quite a bit.
Cash wise, if I farm Orr once in a general cover all, then go to a mid-level zone for events and farming, I earn way more than if I stay in Orr. The white level 80 drops from the low level zones also occassionally give me Ori, Gossamer, and Ancient Wood as well.
Lol Mike. I’m one of those people (I do this with all the games I play even when I don’t like them) That gets uber excited about content and HAS to see it when it’s released.
Granted I’m positive I won’t be able to see it all. I love being there right when it opens.
I rush to see the release, but I savor the flavor so to speak. I take my time getting through the content.
Oh and Act 1 starts the 22nd, it’s Act 2 that’s the 26th Trust me I’m keeping track! It’s like an awesome sauce of a present! Hence me hoping Act 2 is amazing….And Icould be wrong but I would bet money that the monthly achieve deals with completing or participating in each of the 4 acts…
@Kaspanova yes they usually update PST/PDT (I can’t remember if it’s Daylight savings or not) lol since I’m in the USA and my state does DLST
(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)
Would anyone like to see it more rewarding to quest in lower level zones?
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
The amount of reduction in money and karma when playing in a lower level zone is pretty minimal.
For the time and effort it takes to do events in Orr, I would much rather head to the other lower level areas (where maybe I didn’t feel I experienced all the various DE’s) and do those DE’s. It’s like a 10-20c difference (I haven’t checked karma.) But the events are way easier too. I can solo a FEW of the events in Orr, but I can solo almost all the events in the low level zones, with some of the Large world scale events being not quite so soloable. But in low level zones even some of those are soloable… for me that’s a good trade off. This means I get all the mob exp, I almost always get gold, and I mean come on, how awesome is it to know that I single-handedly kept the flame legion from taking over?!
Remember this game isn’t meant to be ground, it’s meant to be PLAYED. Have fun with it and you will find that even though it may take you a bit longer to get the things you wanted, you don’t feel like you wasted weeks of your life grinding mindlessly, but rather that you enjoyed it. Suddenly that legendary goes from being something you had to put up with hours of boredom to get, to something you earned by keeping Tyria safe from all it’s threats.
I’m sorry, but to me, the second option sound like a much better accomplishment.
When you go to low level zones, Lousy rewards and a lack of progresion reduces the fun for a vast number of MMo players. Sorry if this is new news to you. You shouldn’t get equal karma when everything is easier, but don’t expect most players to bother going back with max lvl toons. Ndont call it content, because it really isn’t.
I am a max level toon. I have been for several weeks. It’s still content. If others fail to see it as content, that’s not my problem, it’s theirs.
I however, do not really see the content portion of Orr. The only events I see (and I’m there for hours) are repeats of prior events, and progression through the area, which ultimately gets halted, and was pointless to begin with. Many of which I have to attempt solo because of how few people are there. But I could be prejudice. I don’t like Orr, it’s dark, it’s danky, the mobs are too close together, and it sucks. I’ve never liked zombies, why would I start now?
There are MANY very interesting events in low level maps, with chains and story behind them. There is one in a charr zone(can’t remember, maybe Fireheart Rise) where the goal is to free the grawl camps from rule of the flame legion, harpies, and I think fire elementals. Doing it solo means I get gold on each camp, then when they are retaken because I was too slow, I get gold AGAIN for each camp. (up to 6 gold now in about 10 minutes) Then I get to do a caravan to the statue to make one camp bow down in awe of our power. (I even get to say things at them through said statue, which is pretty cool)
That’s just one event chain, in one, mid-level zone. There are similar event chains in lower level zones if you take the time to stop and look.
Would anyone like to see it more rewarding to quest in lower level zones?
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
In reality it is effeicient to farm where you want.
Event in Orr has difficulty of 8 thus takes 10 minutes.
Event in Ashford has difficulty of 2 thus takes 4 minutes.
That gives you 2 minutes to find another event and complete it in Ashford. All of the sudden you are earning more per time spent.
I think in the mid-range options maybe some scaling up would be nice. Simply because they aren’t near as easy, and the area is no longer nearly as populated, making them even more difficult.
Honestly if you just want the farm stuff, find area with some events close together. Difficult events, with no one around. Go spend a couple minutes whacking at each event, then let if fail. You get gold for the failure too. Some of the failures even repeat until succession. I don’t condone this cuz it’s a crappy way to get your stuff, but if all your doing is farming, there is no reason not to.
Just throwing this out there, but if you desperately have to have a name, why not get creative?
I’m assuming the name Frostbyte would no longer be censored? And it would no longer be offensive. Just a random thought….
If you want the meaning to remain intact why not Frostmaw, Frostchaw, or Frostchomp?
If you don’t like those you can vary it a little by making it something like Frosttear or Frostwound.
It’s not like they took away you ability to have that name. They took away your ability to have that name phrased that way….
Just accept it, some words are going to be offensive to other people out there.
I saw a post where a guy wanted to use his real name, which happens to be Anus. But he is not allowed to use it in a game name. I’m guessing you can assume why….His name is a foreign language but censored for American words. Do you think that’s okay?
Or do you think that people running around with names that would be offensive in English is okay?
They censor both ways. You don’t get to have names that are offensive to other languages, and they don’t get to have names that are offensive to us, that seems entirely fair to me. But maybe it’s not fair your looking for….
Would anyone like to see it more rewarding to quest in lower level zones?
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
The amount of reduction in money and karma when playing in a lower level zone is pretty minimal.
For the time and effort it takes to do events in Orr, I would much rather head to the other lower level areas (where maybe I didn’t feel I experienced all the various DE’s) and do those DE’s. It’s like a 10-20c difference (I haven’t checked karma.) But the events are way easier too. I can solo a FEW of the events in Orr, but I can solo almost all the events in the low level zones, with some of the Large world scale events being not quite so soloable. But in low level zones even some of those are soloable… for me that’s a good trade off. This means I get all the mob exp, I almost always get gold, and I mean come on, how awesome is it to know that I single-handedly kept the flame legion from taking over?!
Remember this game isn’t meant to be ground, it’s meant to be PLAYED. Have fun with it and you will find that even though it may take you a bit longer to get the things you wanted, you don’t feel like you wasted weeks of your life grinding mindlessly, but rather that you enjoyed it. Suddenly that legendary goes from being something you had to put up with hours of boredom to get, to something you earned by keeping Tyria safe from all it’s threats.
I’m sorry, but to me, the second option sound like a much better accomplishment.
Thanks for the B-day wishes guys lol.
I know TimeBomb right?! I mean if it releases right away, then I’ll stay up and check it all out, if it doesn’t release till midafternoon, I want to make sure I get enough sleep so I’m nice and fresh when it is released!
So I’m uber excited about the halloween thing. Today is the 21st, and I’m wondering if they will release the Halloween content at 12:00am Pacific on the 22nd, or if it’s just going to be at some random time during the 22nd…
Any insight will be appreciated as this will determine how long I stay up tonight! So excited!
P.S. I hope act 2 is particularly amazing as it starts on my B-day!!!!
(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)
I expect guild halls (when they come) to cost both influence and gold, and the gold end to be similarly designed with group funding expectations. So any form of taxing will likely benefit any guild who wants a guild hall in the future as well.
To date ANet has not added a single thing in game which requires upkeep. I can’t see them moving away from that for guild halls. Maybe the initial purchase would cost gold, but I can’t see it costing upkeep.
ANet has tried really really really hard to make sure that the game isn’t like a job, and that you are not required to do x amount of this x many hours of x many days a week to keep from falling behind.
If they were to implement an upkeep system for anything in game, it would cause guilds who have more casual players to fall behind. They have spent the entire time making the game making sure the casual player doesn’t lose access to parts of the game simply because they are casual. They won’t change that by implementing something to hinder casual players later. Especially not guilds.
This means that for the initial purchase, everyone could pitch in, but taxing would certainly not be needed to obtain this. Guild says, I want this. Leader asks, well how bad do you want it? If they want it bad enough, they’ll dish it up.
However…player housing is entirely free, what’s to say guild housing won’t be too?
I could see you be able to purchase upgrades (through influence) with your guild housing. And then maybe cosmetic housing appearances cost gold. However designing banners was gold free as well…
In the beginning zones they have cultural weapons drop. Why not add in cultural armour drops? It would also give a use for the 50 some transmutation crystals you might get before 80….
I mean lets be honest, if you have an even simple sylvari starter set, wouldn’t you be likely to transmute it to keep that look until you had access to other sylvari clothing?
I see no reason why it can’t be similar themed gear, but in it’s own style.
Example: Light armour female: Weird criss cross top with that semi-ugly skirt thing. Why not have a criss cross top (one large leaf crosses each way growing from the back, and leaves coming from the spine up over the shoulders) and a skirt made from a few large leaves that is roughly the same basic shape?
Wrist guards could be a single leaf, kinda like a lily flower, and the boots could be the same.
They would be simple, but they would match the lore.
Charr should have armour specific to their chosen legion, but simple.
Make it so each can only be worn by the respective race.
My main character is an engineer and it’s the one I care the most about.
I use the standard ASDW setup, and I don’t have an ubermouse.
A normal character can swap weapons by hitting “~” which is relatively accessible to the standard hand location.
As an engineer, my “weapon swaps” or kits, are NOT easily accessible. To be honest, there isn’t a whole lot you can do about it. I understand that. So what I did, is I made “Q” and “E” secondary hotkeys for “7” and “8”. I now keep my main kits there, it makes for much faster swapping. I love the setup, there is nothing wrong with it from any perspective that I can see.
However, I now have a new problem. Having fixed this on my engineer, I have now created a problem on my other 7 characters….
It’s really frustrating to accidentally blow up my minions as a necro >.<
Having my utility keys away from my fingers is more useful than having them close, so I don’t do anything accidentally that will get me kills. Kit swapping is easy, it’s like a 2s cooldown and certainly won’t get me killed if I accidentally press the wrong key. Blowing up minions, hitting long cooldown signets, etc, will get me killed.
A simple solution. Make a hotkey profile for each character.
Solves everything. For those that prefer a standard setup, you could just uncheck the individual character hotkey box, and it will use the standard default hotkey file (which you could edit, but would edit across characters.) If you check it, then it uses a separate file for each character, based on the default.
So if you change your hotkeys, and then tweak your changes for each char. You could uncheck, and set YOUR standard setup. Then check it and tweak per char.
Just my thoughts.
This pseudo-economy model is extremely vulnerable to bots as bots will create an enormous amount of gold in a short time inflating the gem prices as have been seen so far. The gem price has been rising endlessly and there’s absolutely no fluctuation (as promised by Anet) whatsoever to speak of.
The game has been out for 2 months. I’m sure your tired of hearing this by now. But this game has hundreds of thousands of players. In a normal new economy there is a gradual increase up to the levelling of the economy as more people participate. Because of the game releasing to so many people at once, everything hits the market at the same time. So since there is no build up to stabilization, the stabilization will occur over a period of months following release. AFTER stabilization, you will see the fluctuation promised. This includes gems due to more and more people adding their gems to the purchase market. Once that number stabilizes, then fluctuations will return.
The exchange rate between gold and gems need to be more fair. Any 3 year olds can deduce that exchanging 2 apples for 3 oranges and then exchange 3 oranges for only 1 apple is not a fair exchange and definitely not anywhere remotely realistic.
In any system run by a government the 2 apples for 3 oranges then 1 orange for 1 apple IS a realistic exchange. In any actual market scenario, taxes come out of it. Our current economic transactions aren’t based on straight trades. EX: If the USA buys a product from CN and it costs 100$ they will pay 150$ and CN will receive 90$, the other 60$ is absorbed by both governments in tariffs and taxes. If the USA then takes that product and sells it to EU for 150$ to make up what they paid, then EU is going to pay 225$ for the same product. 75$ in tariffs and taxes. and USA will only receive 130$ in profit.
If you continue this chain, the price becomes inflated very quickly. But it’s still real world. The reason this DOESN’T happen, is because EU won’t be stupid enough to buy from USA when they can buy directly from CN. The standard citizen, who knows little to nothing of economics, doesn’t care, and will buy from whoever is convenient, which is why the problem persists.
Unless Anet finds a way to completely banish bots, even 1 bot left can wreak havoc on this vulnerable economy.
By this theory 1 enterprising non-bot could wreak havoc on the economy as well. Let me tell you now, there are 100’s of enterprising non-bots who just want to have 100’s of gold in their bank in case they should ever choose to use it. Their need for such surplus is going to the flood the market with items that aren’t needed. Also as people reach higher level, they are going to want to their hard earned gold on gems items. They already have gears, and everything they NEED, so now they can take those excess coins and buy gems. Which creates a high demand in relation to supply.
I suggest that Anet should rethink the reward system. Rather than controlling the exchange rate, shift the control to gold creation instead. Find a way to reward players for meaningful play time at a constant rate with a limit. For example, limit a player’s potential to create say at most 10 silvers per hour of meaningful play time.
I disagree with this. By doing so, you will be limiting players who play with the purpose of earning gold, other than bots. Some people enjoy playing the market, or are saving up for things they need. Creating a cap, on top of being unrealistic, is a bad idea, and would be discouraging to many players.
You may be upset with what you call the spiral, but do you honestly mean to tell me, that you believed those prices would stay the same?! The system was never meant to keep the prices that low. They were that low because the system was fresh. If prices stayed that low, people would have virtually no incentive to buy gems with real money! That does not help fund the game. The prices were that low, because people didn’t have money to pay more. There is now more money in the market, so the prices will reflect that, as it should be. With hundreds of level 80’s running around earning everything they can, of course the price won’t be the same as it was with a bunch of level 20’s running around making coppers….
Anet has already addressed the issue of bots, and stated that they have some stuff in the works for better identification.
What is that old phrase? “Rome wasn’t built in a day” Give it time, give the developers time, and give the community time to stabilize before you expect everything else to stabilize. The players, amounts, levels, types, are still in a state of flux. When, and only when, the playerbase stabilizes will everything else follow. Until then, be prepared to endure the economy.
I prefer guilds how they are here. Most of the current members of my guild, are guild members from the game we migrated from. We all have different things we want in the game. Also our biggest issue in our previous game, is that many of us were not your standard hardcore run dungeons all the time players.
That meant when we recruited new members, we constantly got complaints about not helping. Don’t get me wrong, we help, but running the same dungeon 4 times a day when we don’t like the stupid dungeon to start with just isn’t gonna happen.
With this system, I like the fact that we can have our social, casual guild, and if any member needs something specific they can find a guild for that without breaking up our little family. However I do specify that yes, we do allow multi-guild signups. I know many guilds do not condone it, simply because they need the influence.
However with just a few of us, we don’t need anything amazingly large, and we still get a decent amount of influence. Also since it requires no upkeep, there is no concern about losing anything if players aren’t active enough in our guild.
DYE COLORS should look consistent VISUALLY across armor/items...
in Suggestions
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
You can make them match by choosing different shades, or a shade of the same color suited to that specific material. You just have to play with it.
Well it’s not just an event update kiba. That’s why I’m concerned. It’s new content PLUS event. If it were just event, I wouldn’t be concerned…
Those who already got 100% world completion have gotten the rewards for it. The Explorer badges and whatnot. It has been mentioned that there will be new places to explore in the coming update (Oct 22).
Is this update going to affect world completion?
Will those who completed already have to do the new maps to recomplete?
Will it be a new achievement?
If it’s an expansion on the old achievement, does that mean that those who completed already get the rewards 2 times? While the rest of us only get them once?
I am curious because the answer to this question will decide whether I rush through the rest of the map to get completion before the update (I’m at 80%), or if I enjoy it and take my time. If you get rewards 2 times by completing prior, I will definitely want to complete it, even though I don’t want to rush.
Thank you for your answers. I’m really hoping a dev or someone from ANet answers this soon so I have time to decide!
PvE build it does really good in WvW, but I’m sure it will do much better in WvW once I get used to the kit swaps. It’s a new build for me, but I’m loving it, just not fully used to it yet.
It’s Support Bomber. I’m full heal spec. All my gear is Cleric Gear. This is one version of the traits. I will also run 30 in Power, and 10 in Alch, but I do miss the backpack regenerator when I do. Bomb kit is my main weapon set, I use my shield for control particularly the daze effect. It allows me to get close to the opponent. I can tank a lot of the champ mobs with this build. Kill time isnt too bad either since the bombs are high damage.
I am debating switching out the grenade kit and using it underwater only. I haven’t decided what to replace it with yet. Everything else is pretty set in stone. My survivability is insane compared to the Berserker build I originally ran.
I am also not running a full Dwayna rune set. I run 3 Dwayna, 3 Water, then I run one Water in my aqua breather as well. I run Sapphire Orbs in my weapons. They are cheap and have nice stat boosts.
I have been playing, quite effectively I might add, in an all rare set. That’s right GREENS.
Green is Masterwork. Yellow is Rare.
Lol, my bad then. I’m used to a system where the colors go the other way and blue is the best gear lol. Anyway…. I wear all greens. My old set was almost all yellows with some oranges.
That brings me to ask. What is the different between Elite and Exotic then? Are they both orange? I know Legendary is red lol. Never mind, I don’t know where I was getting the Elite stat, that’s what was messing me up.
(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)
I have had so many OMG that was fun moments, I don’t think I could remember them all much less list them lol.
I guess for me, right now, I’d have to pick my 2nd WvW experience.
I don’t generally PvP. I’ve never been great at it, I guess average would be a good description lol. First time I went in I went with some guildies, and I just wandered around following like a lost puppy, not knowing what to do.
The 2nd time, that was the ticket. I went in alone, ended up on a map I hadn’t been on/didn’t recognize. I set off into the sunset and quickly got myself obliterated by a zerg group of opponents. After about 45 minutes of this I ran into a group of enemies, and tried to kill them, and they just started dying. It was like an AH-HA moment. I think I had 8 kills (I had 0 on my monthly achieves up till then) before they finally annihilated me. It was a HUGE rush, and entirely unexpected. I hold my own now, but I haven’t had another experience like that.
On the cliffs post above: I totally understand lol. I had a funny one where me and 2 others were killing a champ. I was using a rifle (engineer) and used the knock back skill, which ended up kicking me off the cliff. I didn’t die, and I had a turret that was fighting. I was scared to detonate my turrets because I knew the 2 other people would like the help, but I stayed in combat mode, and had to run all the way around the mountain range and back through the cave to get back up, since I couldn’t teleport!
(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)
I would say that all classes with any secondary assistance be it turrets, necro minions, elementals, or the ranger sprite things, all have a health type bar. This bar could even be part of the skill button or positioned above it.
Example, You summon a rifle turret, it’s in slot 7. Slot F2 now shows the explosion icon and a blue bar on the bottom that shows life. It turns red when under 10%.
Flesh Golems and the like should have it too. Even if you can’t explode them, it’s nice to know what’s happening. Look at your bar, know it’s almost dead, and that you have to accommodate for that.
Any summoned creature or assistance should have this. Be them spirits, golems, animals, or inanimate objects, if it has a shelf life, we deserve to know it without looking around mousing over everything.
If your in a large scale event, it’s almost impossible to find your own summoned assistance sometimes.
It would also be good for things like the Supply Kit Elite skill. We obviously can’t detonate it, but if it had a bar that gave us an idea of the time we have left till it disappears, that would be nice. Then I know I need to grab the remaining health packs NOW.
I have been playing, quite effectively I might add, in an all rare set. That’s right GREENS.
We aren’t even talking Elite, much less exotic. I regularly kill champs by myself. I have no issues in WvW and have NO problem getting my kills.
I had some Exotics, and a few rares, but I switched my spec up, and cannot find any Exotics in the specs I want, so Rares it is until I do. My Exotic/Elite set is sitting in the bank, waiting to be used if I ever choose to switch back, but my survivability has increased so dramatically, I don’t know if I will ever go back.
I don’t care for dungeons, in any game, this one is no different, so I’m not grinding those all day looking for gear, or doing anything else looking for gear. I am more than happy with my non-L33T gear until I do eventually find the “perfect” drop.
Max gear isn’t necessary. I haven’t had to grind for anything….
(Some of this may be due to the fact that I believe I’m running a rather unusual and unpopular build, on top of being an engineer, so I might be a minority lol. I’m a AOE Damage/support Bomber.)
(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)
And what do you propose we use said guild funds on? Guild currency is influence….
but but…..CUUUUUUTE! Dare I start the Nyan chant?
I like the pawprints idea. Though makes me think of the flamethrower in TF2 that shoots rainbows, just saying.
Is it horrible that I’m resisting the urge to go AAAAWWWWWWW!!!!! just thinking about the fluffy kittens and paw prints?
I am an engineer and I have to say, that making turrets degen when out of range for more than 60 seconds (make the range decently far away, but not half a map) is a really good idea. In some instances it might even help me as an engineer.
I had a particular problem once where I was fighting mobs on a ledge (champ) and I got kicked off the ledge. I didn’t die, but my turrets were up there. As long as my turret was fighting I was in combat mode. That meant no waypoints or anything. But at the same time, I was scared to destroy it, for fear of causing the other 2 people up there, to possibly die. So I had to run (it was all the way around the mountains, through a cave, and up) back to the ledge. And I had to do it in slow mode, since I was in combat.
In some cases, like deployable turrets and the supply pack, you don’t necessarily have the option to destroy turrets, and the despawn would help with that too.
Anyway, I got off topic. Even though I’m an engineer, I agree with the whole despawn when out of range for so long idea.
I have even done the turret bit, though I stay in the area. I’ll usually plant a turret on one side of an event, then go to the other and kill there. I get credit for a lot more kills that way, therefore receiving more loot.
Your link on guild housing spawn. BTW where is your link for the dev saying no plans for guild halls?
All the items you listed are items people have to put effort into getting in game. Whether it’s levels, or map completions, professions, karma, or skill points, it takes time and effort to get them.
Name 1 other item that’s currently in the Gem Store that you earn in game by putting in time and effort?
Transmutations stones, and keys. That’s it. Neither of which have ANY affect on your actual character.
This means that GW2 is against items that change your character, or affect your gameplay.
It may not be standard Pay2Win, but the things you listed ARE still pay to win. If 2 people start on the same day, the person purchasing those goods DOES have an obvious advantage over the player who did not.
The Karma one particularly, would even fit YOUR definition of Pay2Win. Karma can be used to purchase things in game that are game altering. Exotics namely. You might as well just put exotic gear in the gem store!
I have played games where the cash shop had items that could be earned in game, but altered the character. It ruined the game. Even though the items were obtainable without spending money, the players who cash shopped got such a huge advantage, that the non csers couldn’t keep up. The game even has a currency exchange system where you can change cash shop money for in game currency, but it still caused problems.
It made it hard to earn money in the trading post, and it separated cash shoppers from the non csers, because they couldn’t compete.
The only thing I have to say for people who don’t want to do all those things listed above and want it handed to them, don’t play the game, because you just listed out 90% of the content. Why bother playing.
This game needs a [English] after its servers, This insanity must end.
in Suggestions
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
Why does everyone who speaks English automatically assume that the only language spoken on French servers is French, or German servers is German? I can guarantee that people speak other languages there too. Those are just the PRIMARY languages, no where is it specified they be the ONLY languages. The same applies for the English servers. Yes English is the primary language, but it’s certainly not the only one!
This probably belongs in linksville, but a lot of the things talked about here are things that come up repeatedly on forums. More game content, more pvp, more wvw, info on updates. What are we getting. What are they working on?
Well Colin Johanssen did an interview with that has a lot of tantalizing clues/info about various things, I thought the community might like to read it! Enjoy!
YES! +1 to this. This bugs me. I really miss my name. Particularly if I make a new character, I have to hit the Hero panel all the time to remember the name lol.
I copied this from a post of mine in another legendary thread. It doesn’t answer the side-quest bit, the others did that with the hearts/DE’s answer. This is my opinion of what a legendary is. And I would guess, what ANet intended it to be. Sorry it’s long.
“You are supposed to earn that karma because you are a good citizen and did events for good of all Tyrians. You earned those elites because you were there, helping, making Tyria a better place. And the day Zommoros gave you that precursor? He gave it to you because he finally decided you were worthy of something so special.
In everyone’s race to get the coolest best things, you are forgetting what the game is about! Why play it, if not for the game itself?
The problem here is you have a bunch of people saying they are REQUIRED to purchase from the trade post and whatnot, but they aren’t.
The Facts
Legendary’s aren’t required at all, therefore nothing needed for them is required.
You don’t have to buy the stuff from TP, you could farm it yourself.
250 Ori Ore? Farm it.
Precursor? Farm Elites and use the Mystic Forge.
Do your events to get the karma.
Those of you complaining, are all missing the point. The way your SUPPOSED to get a Legendary is with MONTHS of time, effort, and dedication. This means, helping Tyrians in need so you can earn your karma. Fighting the bosses that ravage the world in events and reaping the rewards for elites. Taking your chances with the forge and hoping that either Zommoros or the Six Dieties or the Animals Spirits, or the Pale Tree, or the Eternal Alchemy have finally deemed you worthy. Gathering what the land has provided for you so that you can sell it to other Tyrians so that they may either use it for the battle against the enemy, or so that you can use it to forge things you need.
ANet has already stated Legendary’s were never meant to be something you got in just a few weeks. Now if you work for your Legendary, make it all from your own hard effort, that’s something to be proud of and show off. If you want to take the short cut and buy the stuff, go ahead, but don’t complain about how much it costs, IT’S A SHORTCUT! It’s not going to be cheap.
Will I get a legendary? Someday I hope to. I’m a semi-casual/semi-hardcore player, and I figure in maybe a year of playing I’ll have earned enough karma, and elites, and farmed enough items, to make myself the most beautiful weapon I’ve ever laid eyes on. Until then? I’m going to keep playing.
Legendary’s are a players reward for helping Tyria in it’s endless battle against it’s enemy’s, and when I get mine I’m going to wear it with pride because I will know that I earned it by helping Tyria survive it’s trials and tribulations, that I didn’t take the easy way and buy it.”
Well I know that player housing and such will be released eventually. We already have the home instance, but at this point in time I don’t think it’s full uses are implemented. I personally would love to see something where you can make a family. You could have your significant other (if you choose to have one) children(though that might be awkward), parents, siblings. I know in a lot of MMO’s many players develop bonds with other players in game that are very sibling like. Or you have the one who always tells you what to do (parent).
I think a biography, after doing the official, adoption or family acceptance or whatnot, would be really cool. Also implementing the home instance into it, allowing a player to put a “gift” in your home/help decorate. Or your significant other to enter your instance without you. A tab with your family in it in your social tab. Titles would be cool.
<My sister Ameepa made me wear this coat!>
Stuff like that. GW2 is about being social, and what better way to be social then to form mini-families in game. Maybe make it so you can only /hug your family members, or /kiss a significant other. /tease your siblings.
Humourous little touches with a sense of social connectivity so to speak.
I don’t think anything they implement should provide any advantage over other players. Some people are loners by nature, and shouldn’t be disadvantaged because they don’t socialize. That would be worse than Single’s Awareness Day aka Valentines!
If I were to implement, a marriage system, I would do it as an incorporation of a whole family system. I also think that would remove some of the scrutiny that would be cast on their decision regarding restrictions because suddenly it’s more about having a favorite group of friends with whom you identify a certain way, than it is about, which set of pixels is for lack of a better word, bonking the other.
Q.Qers and why they feel the need to stick around and insult/attack people who like the game
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
I think the problem that makes it appear in this particular game is that you have a group of people who were super-psyched about the game prior to release, and then felt disappointed after it had been out for 1+ weeks, for whatever reason.
I have seen a lot of games come out, but I have never really seen hype quite like it was for this game, and lets face it, when the hype is that high, there are going to be disappointed people.
These particular people went out and paid money for something they were SURE they would love, then played it for a week, and found out the didn’t. Whether it was due to overly high/unrealistic expectations, faults on the part of ANet, or any other number of things, these people are very upset. I don’t think it’s even about the money anymore for them, it’s about the months they spent in anticipation, only to feel a major letdown, regardless of the cause. Give it a few months, and the worst will have subsided.
Since I’ve gotten some responses I’ll post my views
I personally would like to see a marriage system in game. People like aesthetic gears, and pets, marriages are no different in my opinion.
As for what I think ANet will do. I can’t really say lol. As someone stated, if they do implement it, then regardless of the choices they make, they will offend someone because it will make a statement, which makes a really good case for not doing it. But I would be sad if they chose not to.
I personally would like to see open relationships. So many people play with their family, and friends, I would actually love to see a whole family system set up. How cool would that be? Anyway, before I wander. I don’t really believe in restrictions. My thought would be, with such a wide culture base, it would be safer to be more open than closed regarding choices in these kinds of things. But that’s just me.
This game needs a [English] after its servers, This insanity must end.
in Suggestions
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
I chose to refrain from any comments about the OP’s language/attitude simply because this is an issue that some people probably do feel needs addressed, and if I am inflammatory, the information could be deleted, preventing others with a similar viewpoint from seeing useful information. I personally have played on foreign games where I speak nothing of the main language so seeing it in games doesn’t bother. However I do understand some people find it frustrating.
Edit: I have changed my stance on the response now :/
- Just because YOU speak English does NOT mean other languages are “2nd degree” and implying that is offensive (mind you I’m only fluent in English)
- Those other language servers will have English spoken on them. Just because they are FR or Ger doesn’t mean that they keep English out of chat, why would we do that to them?
- The reason they aren’t labelled English is because unless noted (like FR) they are ALL English primary. However, being primarily English does not mean that other languages can’t be spoken.
I find it hard to believe that someone who speaks a different language natively, would have a problem with multiple languages in chat. Particularly in Europe, where a very large portion of countries regularly use 3+ languages at any given time.
(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)
I almost never say this (I like ideas, they expand games) but NO, absolutely NO!
Karma can be used to buy things that you need, or things to help you gain exp, like for crafting. It can also be used on exotics. So no on Karma.
Skill points, absolute no. Selling skill points would provide major advantages early in game, and the current skill point pool is limitless if you do the work. I level about 1 time per day if I’m casually playing.
Just No. ANet said they would never sell anything providing a real benefit over other players, both of those would provide that. They said they would never sell weapons/gears via cash shop, and selling karma would be as good as doing that.
I still dont know how to quote here (lol)
“but I find it really long to farm for a year just to get a legendary weapon. I feel like I’ll be missing a lot of content while chasing a legendary. So here are my questions.”
My feeling on this is: I think the point of getting a legendary, is that your supposed to be experiencing the content on your way to getting it. The reason it requires so much karma and such is because they WANT you to go out and see the world, and do events to earn it.
Curiosity has me wondering…Marriage in GW2, what do you think?
- Do you think Anet will implement it at some point?
- Do you think it will be gender restrictive?
- If they do, what effects do you think gender restriction, or lack of, would have on the playerbase?
- Do you think they would place any other restrictions on it? Level, Race, etc.
Just some things I’m wondering. ANet is catering to a playerbase of many different cultures. Some are for gender restrictive marriage, some cultures have embraced open-gendered marriages/unions. Some cultures are against inter-race marriages, some are very open with them. How do you think any choices ANet would make would affect their playerbase? Better yet, how would it affect you?
Do you think they should implement marriage of any kind? (lets not hash out titles for romantic unions in this topic please.)
After I get a few responses I’ll answer as well
This game needs a [English] after its servers, This insanity must end.
in Suggestions
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
Hate to be the person to break it to you, but this game is international.
You play with people around the world. The client is available in multiple languages. The forums are available in 4 languages. The profanity filter filters MANY languages.
This means:
It was intended and understood by ANet that multiple languages would be spoken on their servers and in their game.
Find a guild that is English speaking only, join it, and stop reading map chat if it’s a problem. They purchased this game and have every right to speak in their native language with others. If it weren’t expected that there would be other languages, then why would they have a multi-language filter.
Just understand and accept that just because YOU speak English, doesn’t mean everyone else is required to.
If you are logging on and seeing specific languages in map chat when you log in, it’s probably due to the TIME you are logging in. Find a server that caters more to people in your game playing time.
If you are in the USA but awake at night, find an oceanic favored server, Aussies and Kiwi’s speak English.
If you have a normal schedule, find a server that caters time zone in English. If you happen to live in an area that shares a time zone with German, or Polish, or Russian, or whatever, then try to find a server that is predominantly English. LIke USA or Oceanic preferred servers. Google is your friend.
You are supposed to earn that karma because you are a good citizen and did events for good of all Tyrians. You earned those elites because you were there, helping, making Tyria a better place. And the day Zommoros gave you that precursor? He gave it to you because he finally decided you were worthy of something so special.
In everyone’s race to get the coolest best things, you are forgetting what the game is about! Why play it, if not for the game itself?
The problem here is you have a bunch of people saying they are REQUIRED to purchase from the trade post and whatnot, but they aren’t.
The Facts
- Legendary’s aren’t required at all, therefore nothing needed for them is required.
- You don’t have to buy the stuff from TP, you could farm it yourself.
- 250 Ori Ore? Farm it.
- Precursor? Farm Elites and use the Mystic Forge.
- Do your events to get the karma.
Those of you complaining, are all missing the point. The way your SUPPOSED to get a Legendary is with MONTHS of time, effort, and dedication. This means, helping Tyrians in need so you can earn your karma. Fighting the bosses that ravage the world in events and reaping the rewards for elites. Taking your chances with the forge and hoping that either Zommoros or the Six Dieties or the Animals Spirits, or the Pale Tree, or the Eternal Alchemy have finally deemed you worthy. Gathering what the land has provided for you so that you can sell it to other Tyrians so that they may either use it for the battle against the enemy, or so that you can use it to forge things you need.
ANet has already stated Legendary’s were never meant to be something you got in just a few weeks. Now if you work for your Legendary, make it all from your own hard effort, that’s something to be proud of and show off. If you want to take the short cut and buy the stuff, go ahead, but don’t complain about how much it costs, IT’S A SHORTCUT! It’s not going to be cheap.
Will I get a legendary? Someday I hope to. I’m a semi-casual/semi-hardcore player, and I figure in maybe a year of playing I’ll have earned enough karma, and elites, and farmed enough items, to make myself the most beautiful weapon I’ve ever laid eyes on. Until then? I’m going to keep playing.
Legendary’s are a players reward for helping Tyria in it’s endless battle against it’s enemy’s, and when I get mine I’m going to wear it with pride because I will know that I earned it by helping Tyria survive it’s trials and tribulations, that I didn’t take the easy way and buy it.
If you want to call all these actions “farming” go ahead, but if you do, your missing the point of the Legendary, and very probably of the game itself.
(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)
Shouldn't attacks against stealthed Player Characters miss?
in Suggestions
Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243
To be honest, I have a trait activated that invisibles me when I get hit by certain conditions. One of them is immobilize. Despite the fact I can’t move I often find that the mobs DON’T attack while I’m invisible.
I have never had any issues hitting stealthed mobs. To make sure they don’t hit you, dodge in the opposite direction they attacked from and rain an aoe or 2. If you are melee, just start swinging, or dodge forward and start swinging. If they have moved back, you’ll hit them, if they didn’t, they are now behind you, and will have to turn to attack.
My answer to this issue would be:
No mounts, but instead transform tonics that include a minor speed buff.
Not game breaking speed, but something that makes it not so tedious to get from point A to point B without spending everything you made in the last 15 minutes from farming.
- minor speed buff
- no jump (just like current tonics, and would prevent using the buff for jump puzzles)
- NPC’s sell 24hr versions of tonics (variable by location, so Orr would be something like a thrall (they are fast))
- Permanent versions of the tonics would be available from black lion chests as a rare reward, like the permanent banker.
*Just like other transforms it has no skills (except maybe aesthetic ones like the eagle raptor)
- Permanent tonics could have a place in collectibles to suit the collectors out there.
- Temporary tonics would be an decent gold sink for the those not lucky/rich enough to get a permanent one. (so not eliminating the WP goldsink just moving it)
- Temporary tonics could be introduced in various Holiday events as a way of celebration. IE: Everyone participating in the Yule event gets a 7 day reindeer tonic. And any chance boxes sold during that time (Yule BLC’s) have a chance to drop a permanent one for the exotic collections.
- Players who plan their time well, could use temporary mounts to save money from waypoints, but the majority of players would probably end up sinking more into temp mounts then waypoints due to lack of time planning. Example: buy a 24 hour one daily instead of only on days they are exploring the map.
(edited by zaxziakohl.5243)
Imagine 30 champ bosses with aoe in one area, or being kited, the only thing that would result is immediate death to anyone in range of the attacks. So players would be required to split the bosses up, and keep them far enough away from eachother to prevent mass insta-death.
I have no problem with a multi-phase mechanic, I (kinda) enjoy the Claw of Jormag event, but lets be honest, it’s still a zergfest I think the only way to really break up a zergfest if by forcing the players to split into groups. By having different kinds of bosses with different attacks, it might be less monotonous
Just my view though! Keep the ideas coming, I’m loving it! The more people who contribute their ideas and keep this going, the more likely we are to get something similar (though I’m sure appropriately modified) implemented!
I agree with a lot of these ideas.
Surprisingly I agree with the buff one. Before anyone screams NO ONLY COSMETIC at me, here is why.
You can spend 16c-2s on food from an npc for a 30 minutes buff (food) that while negligible is still good.
If your going to spend gems/several silver/gold on a mini-pet, why not have a permanent version of the same buffs? Higher quality pets (which sell for more in AH and have a rarer chance in boxes) provide the higher level buffs. There are also the buffs you can get from the things you make in hunstman, artificer, etc. Why NOT have a small buff that fits the theme of the pet?
Fire Imp=when returning from a downed state, your attacks burn for 10s
Ice Imp=when under the effect of a boon, your attacks have a 5% chance to freeze.
Eir Stegalkin (sp?)= When afflicted by a condition your precision is increased 5pts.
I mean if we are talking equiping them, why not give them something, especially if it is obtainable through other means, such as consumables?
This would mean more people would use them, since they aren’t just getting in the way anymore (I stowed mine because I kept thinking it was a mob that would attack me). It would create a more demanding market for them, both in the gem store and in auction house.