Showing Posts For sielfiel.4692:
Awesome video! It’s been fun playing on Blackgate these last few weeks. =)
are you shazbawt? :P
No KING guild ? They put effort too in wvw
KING black kingdom
maybe KING wasn’t able to submit a video <3
awesome video! #BELIEVEGATE
i heard SFR will win season 2. so how many NA guilds do you want SFR? :P <3
Waha’s motherboard broke from what I gather. He will be back though.
really? i was told he asked JQ another “request” halfway of week 5 to recruit a Russian guild to counter ZDs or else he will transfer to BG. we know what happened with [SPRT] , oh well.
(edited by sielfiel.4692)
amazing fighst against TW on SOR BL. <3 still one of the best open field NA guild.
i would love to see how my server would fare against Big Viz
3rd seed server won gold league in NA due to smart map politics. Dethrone! Goodluck SFR :-)
love the 2v1 please make our pvers quit wvw. lol
last week was the first for BG to be match against 2 lower tier server since RNG match up started. missed JQ and SOR <3
Am I missing something because I have only seen a few TW tags on SOR since Friday’s reset? What has happened to Indo and co.?
TW split I believe.
What? Really? i love TW, still one of the best NA guilds out there. Good luck TW, good luck sor. Keep it together, for oldroar!!!!
<3 shaz from BG
I just want to say thanks to all of my fellow team mates on Blackgate and everybody from SOR, JQ, SOS, TC, MG that I have fought against and enabled me to enjoy and start to learn how to WvW.
I have been on played GW2 for a while but never tried any PvP or WvW so one week prior to the start of the League I jumped in to see what it was like and have logged in most days since. I am an unguilded (so one of those terrible pugs probably!!!!!!) ele and playing a staff ele in WvW, started off in Beserker, haha don’t laugh soon changed that, and have tried most things, running yaks, refreshing siege, flipping bloodlust, piloting a golem, spamming healing fields, not always at the right times and it has been a blast. It makes PvE a pale imitation. I don’t really know much about the server politics and don’t care I just enjoy playing the game and learning how to play my characters better.
I have found the Blackgate commanders to be great, even when not everybody is on TS, or people are running off for accomplishments or are “asserting their right to do whatever they want” they work with what they have , communicate and encourage us all and keep the cats herded along. Even though I am in New Zealand (Oceanic) I have had the opportunity to play on all maps and during most of the different time zones. I have played with full zergs on all sides, when we have been out numbered and when we have had greater numbers even if not all of them have been fighting and it has all been different and fun, just what I enjoy with a game and my free time. I have actually reached rank 122 in the last 5 weeks not very high I know compared with you all but good for me.
Anyway thanks for all the fights, all the times I have been stomped, it teaches me how to be a better player (and there are some great finishers out there) and thanks to all the Blackgate guilds and commanders who have let me run with them.
^^ This dude is an inspiration for newcomers. I wish this post could be publicized to the pve community. Congrats sir, on your new world of gaming. I’m certain we all crossed that bridge at some point.
Ha! My First time wvw’ng was hell. Ipicked an enemy BL and was told to just follow the blue tag on the map, the kitten tag was farming n the north camp, i was killed by a thief 7 times, 7 kitten times on my way to north camp. I quit wvw for 6 months
Great, another chestbeating thread from BG. Not every server has 24 hour queues all week on all maps and when there is legitimately less people on other respective servers. Even though fighting bgs zone blobs on all maps the with the same 25 people on 3maps, at least we’re getting fights – it would’ve been horribly boring to stay on an overstacked server with no competition.
Edit; comment is in reference to oc and Euro
" if we dont get new guilds to support us, we will transfer to jq"
You and ralihk did the exact same trick waha pulled on jq. New guilds or we transfer! why would you ask for more support on an overstack server, lel enjoy your 2nd place finisher…looool
Dem tears,theres always a next season guys.
speaking of season 2, BG NA guilds will go on a 7 week vacation on SFR to celebrate our hard earned victory and our warchest will cover all the expenses. They will be back season 3. Believegate
Did JQ give up already?
I don’t think they gave up per se, but they were playing really dumb and last night probably cost them the match. I’m not sure what their strategy was last night during late NA / OCX, but holy crap did it really put the nail in the coffin.
lots of dead omegas… your tactics where you split your forces into 3 worked real good JQ. that was when you took the lead, why not do it again? You guys are loosi g it, its too early guys.
^ my friend its JQ, Ha! Missing JADE SEA much?
which bg na guild transferred to SFR? is this like a exchange guild type of thing between bg and sfr?
according to the whispers, 4 more EU guilds are scouting NA.
SOR, whats happening? I’ve seen you guys climb your way from tier 7 to the top. you’ll be surprise to know that alot of BG respect sor than any other server. Your death will not do any good to us, DONT GIVE UP! and just likes bg’s fav phrase, BELIEVE! and ENDURE!
i dont know, but BG and SOR endured alot of 2v1 when JQ was the top dog.
thank you for training us JQ
Agg left JQ? Again?
awwwwww… your mother server is waiting for you…… comeback! lol
It only makes sense to 2v1 BG as JQ, its almost impossible to work with BG, the instance you go after SoR’s stuff they go after yours. At least SoR can take a hint, and will go after BG’s stuff when JQ attacks BG’s stuff.
BG seem to be stuck in perma, “LETS GO AFTER JQ” mode.
So even though it may be better for JQ to let BG have to the win, that isn’t possible while BG is intent on ruining any cooperation.
So go-go SoR
…..That said, I dont think JQ is totally down an out for this match, sure we’re behind, but its not a blow out yet. Their still is time for us to turn it around, but ya, time is running shorter and shorter.
BG have gone for SoR before.
As someone who usually hangs out on JQBL this week, ive seen plenty of 2v1’s. And they’re all been essentially “random” in who was who.
Our commanders on SoR pick a target, and then they go for that target and hope the 2v1 falls in our favor. For example, an SoR commander wants to flip North west tower because it’s t3 and he wants to make it paper. We’ll move up that way, wait for orange swords to be somewhere that isnt near us, and then rush up and hit it.
On the flipside, that same commander a few hours later will decide that “kitten bg, theyve had that keep too long, we’re hitting hills, lets go” and we hope that JQ hits something of BG’s at the same time.
We’re always prepared to back off and defend our own stuff if we can, and often times we have had to. Hell, even during certain fights, we’ve had to pull off and wrap around because a BG blob came at us from the backside.
A lot of the 2v1 situations are based not on overall score, but the defenses of the towers, and their ability to be captured. T3 towers still flip semi-easily, and flipping them destroys a large advantage of the enemy. T1 keeps are flipped as often as we can do it, because keeping the opponents stronghold un-waypointed is powerful. These strategies are used against both enemy servers constantly, regardless of borderlands.
You also have to consider the optimal strategies for all servers involved. Say SoR takes NW tower and starts to treb JQ garri. BG has a couple of options, they could head to bluebriar and try to take that. Or head north to NE tower and try to take that. Both are t3, both are spawn towers. The only difference is what the servers stand to lose if they go defend it. SoR would lose NW tower, a paper tower far out of their territory if they retreat to defend. JQ on the other hand would lose a keep, possibly a T3 keep, the one in the middle of their territory. It is thus less likely for JQ to come stop BG at that point in time. So BG goes to flip that NE tower, because it’s the smartest play for them.
It’s hilariously easy to engineer a 2v1 situation on an enemy borderlands, simply attack their garrison, and 9 times out of 10 the other server on the map will go flip something of theirs. It’s how the map is designed.
True, I understand map politics and all, but ive seen BG do some stupid things, especially in EB.
Like JQ are attacking SoR’s EB, JQ have full t3 towers, SoR have 2 paper towers, 1 of which is unwatched…. What to BG do? They go after our WC forcing us to pull out, and squash them, and then SoR go after their ogrewatch, while we take their paper anz.
Just an example, but its the style I have seen from BG and SoR this week.
I have more respect for SoR then BG tbh.
^ thats like, indirectly asking sor to 2v1 bg.
jq rarely get 2v1’d by sor and bg, we all know that. its just that you guys aren’t used to it
oh hell yeah BG since day 1. come and join us people!
awwwww yeah, WE ARE FAMILY!!!!!
lots of ROAMERS
we kittening HATE cheaters!
we zerg not, NO LAGs!
no megablob, we run MULTIPLE CMD TAGS
friendliest server for SMALL GUILDS!
least troll, we do the talking on the fields
as always
woot~ merc is going to JQ?
LOL Merc is the Nightwatch of BG ! They swore an oath to guard the wall and protect us from the white walkers . We wouldn’t trade them for all the other servers guilds in thier time zone. Plus their commanders scare us
mance rayder and the wildlings now :P
oh hai Kodash..
congrats! you guys are the rank 1 in terms of score not from tick in EU ladder.
currently at 35.14%, lesser blobs, more small teams, more roamers, more stomps. awesome!
(edited by sielfiel.4692)
BG: 35.55%
JQ: 30.25%
SOR: 29.28%
omg TC! its been 4 months or so.. we missed you guys!!!
unfortunately the dude wasn’t able to brainwash JQ’s SEA. he did a good job on JQ’s NA though. well, score is pretty close. good luck every one
My personal highlight of the night is having Smokee emo log after IRON wiped him hard. IRON 1 HB 0
you seem really happy with 1 wipe.
ok, score is , HB 28, IRON 1.
congrats on recruiting your new EU guild SOR. you really are owning EU timezone atm.
you owe us SM
so what primetime does TFV play?
lol, there is a meta called GvG’s, those consist of 2 guilds both equal numbers fighting each other with one winner. BT is more then welcome to challenge themselves to fight TW and prove my statement wrong. Until then BT will only ever be classified as a Full BL guild in my book.
BT doesn’t need to prove what is already proved. ~~
True. The amount of bags TW drops for BT has been proven quite enough…er nevermind keep them coming.
so true sir, bottom line is BT>TW
Oe! Wanted to drop by to show my respect to Tempest Wolves. Been rendering and uploading right off the bat to keep it hot and handy. Tis been a while since I had butterflies in me stomach like on this one… tough crew those TW. Kudos gentlemen.
PS-Your rifleman was devastating!!
like the opening of your video. you guys just killed rob stark
SOR introduced super zerging, i actually commend them for being able to run 80man zerg, especially at their weak spots. dunno, some guilds from our server are too prideful to tag down and join forces with another commander
still waiting for…
i love how Indo Brainwashed JQ
well, that 2vs1 to the next level. haha who cares!
i want to see TW vs Choo
All NA Servers kicked out of tier 1 imploded, except one, Blackgate. kicked out of tier 1 three times, still alive and kicking.
i dont see Blackgate and Sanctum of rall imploding anytime soon.
that 30 min 3 way in SM. <3
jang gun schooling BG pugs.
And congratz on IRON carrying SOR this week
how dare you! Its not just IRON.. how could you not give credit to Tempest Wolves! [TW] <3 Best NA guild
congrats IRON and TW for winning this week
You guys should troll less.
The amusing thing is, both those guilds while feared by their enemies will be the first to say, they probably had the least to do with the win and that it was a true server effort.
But keep trying to create dissension like you guys used to with FOO and JQ.
remember what you did;posted when BG first beat JQ?
And congratz on IRON carrying SOR this week
how dare you! Its not just IRON.. how could you not give credit to Tempest Wolves! [TW] <3 Best NA guild
congrats IRON and TW for winning this week
R.I.P Blackgate?
actually JQ is more susceptible to an implosion than BG.
long Winning Streak (Egos) → 1 loss (scapegoating, blaming, Drama) = HOD, SBI, SOS and pretty soon JQ. hope you guys survive a drop to tier 2 and come back strong.
losing streak however can make or break a server.
either you bandwagon to another server or…. endure and grow as a stronger and even tighter community.
I of know a certain server who couldn’t get past IoJ wall in tier 2, accused of being hackers by two ex-champs and kicked out of tier 1 three times by JQ,SBI and SOS.
and while typing all this nonsense i realized that there is another server
that has been kicked in the balls by SOS back in tier 4? or 5? kitten by BG for 9 weeks in tier 2 and countless defeat from JQ in tier 1.
Congrats to SOR if you win this week.
Tier 1. Apparently the place where no one knows what “secret” means.
wow deep.
thats my point? how come you tick @ 500+ during week day and be last on week end, and cannot compete against sor na primetime?? (skill?)
and jq never went as far as 540 ppt during week day, more healthy competition
well thk to Meow, WM, RiSE, KOR and KO for making bg the new vizunahbtw im not trolling, i just want people in t1 to admit there is a pb now with the overstacked bg server and react before na become like eu. i played in t1 eu before and i can tell you having a server like vizunah is going to kill t1.
last update scores
lol what a troll.
earlier this week JQ almost had a 20k lead.
then IRON announced that they will be transferring to NA,
all of a sudden JQ stopped playing , especially during SEA and EU. you guys are literally “empty”
Bg capitalized on the advantage, ticking +540 then you guys started the “clearly BG has the best EU coverage” propaganda. and now you even compare us to Vizunah Square which is the bitter rival server of Desolation which is the home server of IRON.
in 9 weeks JQ won 7, BG won 2.
whos the Vizunah now?
(edited by sielfiel.4692)
I hope no one beats me to it!
gg lost.