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I am not much of a theorycrafter, so before I drop gold on the runes and buy em (as my mesmer isnt a tailor and cant craft em eventhough my chrono is fully unlocked), would those of you who are more numbers inclined gime them a look?
Right now im running a full zerker ascended armour with Scholar runes. Would switching to chrono runes be beneficial for my dps?
Crit chance would be slightli higher, but at a loss of a bit of crit damage and the +10% damage when above 90%.
And since chrono rune’s 6th effect is quickness on wells, than i pretty much lose the no 6 effect if i dont run a well.
I love the sound of chrono runes, but dont think they are worth it, despite the appeal.
(edited by smilko.4056)
kitten , ive been looking for this info xD thanks for the info guys
Seize the Moment doesn’t apply quickness when you shatter without illusions eventhough Illusionairy persona was made baseline. The trait shares the same effect description as Flow of Time, yet Flow of Time grants alacrity on shatter without illusions up, but Seize the Moment doesnt.
Is there any explanation as to why Seize the Moment doesnt give quickness if we dont have any illusions up? This trait shares the exactly same description as Flow of Time, yet this one grants alacrity even without having any illiusions up. Im guessing thats because Illisionairy persona was made baseline, but shouldnt Seize the Moment than work the same?
and continuum sounds great if you’re having trouble with jumping puzzle
use it, jump, fail, use it again and you’re back where you started
The changes sound amazing for wvw and pvp, but with the lack of phantasms, on x/shield setup, which are a major part of mesmer’s pve damage, I wonder if the wells and shield skills pack enough punch to compensate. Otherwise I dont see myself running Shield outside pvp or wvw.
Don’t you need clones to shatter to use Continuum? In a Jumping Puzzle you will often not be in combat to have any
IP being baseline now eliminates the need for clones for effect to take place.
and continuum sounds great if you’re having trouble with jumping puzzle use it, jump, fail, use it again and you’re back where you started
The changes sound amazing for wvw and pvp, but with the lack of phantasms, on x/shield setup, which are a major part of mesmer’s pve damage, I wonder if the wells and shield skills pack enough punch to compensate. Otherwise I dont see myself running Shield outside pvp or wvw.
(edited by smilko.4056)
There’s no mention of a phantasm. Will X/Shield only be able to spawn the scepter/sword 3 clone and that’s it?
Before the release of GW2, there were claims that we would be able to wear pretty much any clothing that we see on an NPC. Than might be a bit too ambitious but what about releasing the NPC clothing as an outfit? I know outfits arn’t the most popular of gem store items (atleast on reddit)but since we’re not getting them as armours we could atleast get them as outfits.
There we’re already data mines of ‘’countess Anise’’ outfit which was one of the most wanted armour sets but now it will come out as an outfit. But I’m not just talking about the most iconic ones. I mean the every day ones. Like normal worker clothes, Emi from the boar event in Queensdale, awesome looking charr in Black citadel.
Those are just the few that, IMO look good and I would buy it if it came on sale. And if it would make a job easier for anet, release the outfit only for the characters of same race and gender that the NPC wearing it is. This might not be the most popular choice, but only like this we might see some NPC clothing see the light of day on characters.
Just some ideas of NPC outfits which would be nice if they became avalible to players.
That’s my worry now. Would suck to use the code only to later find out he’s unable to upgrade it from home when an expansion comes out. :/ Would love to get a developer reply to this.
Imagine a field where while standing in it, your skills dont recharge, or recharge certain % slower.
I have an unopened Gw2 boxed copy of the heroic edition bought in EU. If I give the code to my friend in the US, will he be able to use it?
And will using an EU code cause him problems later on when the expansion comes? Can he use US expansion code on an EU verion if the game? Or is that irrelevant?
One question. Since stuff that phantasm kills don’t count for weapon kills (say phantasmal warden kills a mob, but kill is not counted as a focus kill), does it stack bloodlust if I put it on focus?
I created an all mesmer guild called Army of Lyssa a while back for the purpose of having the people who visit the all mesmer meets on one spot. But this also seems like an awesome idea.
IGN: Smilko
role: Tester
server: Gandara
play mostly PvE and PvP
About an hour ago we we’re doing an All mesmer party Arah path 3. We managed to get to Lupicus and there we noticed something weird. None of our phantasms were attacking Locusts or Grubs. Everything was fine when we cast on Lupicus, but when cast on Grubs, nothing. They just stood there. So we were stuck where we usually have no problems, since phantasms were a huge part of our dps.
Provided a video. It might not be seen the best, but in the 1st part, Berserker spawns on Grub, but just stands there. In the second part Warden is cast on Grub and it also just stands there. Failed to record where they do not attack locusts, but it was the same with them.
Stand in Lion’s Arch ledge in front of the bank and look pretty and play PvC (player vs chat)
thats basically all i do all day HAHAHAHa half jk… but half not..
that’s basicly what I do whole day, farming the LA boardwalk
im going for the legendary chicken focus
I mostly play PvE and I do a lot of fractals with my mesmer. Funny thing is, I always take the whisp that is furthest from the ’’statues’’ and I never use a portal. Why? because I don’t need it.
And nobody’s forcing you to use it.
Got serious this time around. We still do some mistakes, but gonna work on that
Today we were a bit bored and just made up a team of mesmers and decided to do cof p1. We were completely disorganized, which you can see by multiple time warps and portals, no build setting or anything….and i make a propper fool out of myself being downed all the time.
I have that because we usually run in a group that has no guardians. I do swap for pistol from time to time and change the inspiration trait VIII for IX.
Lately, I’ve been running this:
Got berserker armor and trinkets upgraded with ruby orbs. For greatsword, I cant really decide what sigil to put on, but on sword I have sigil of force and supperior agony on focus.
(edited by smilko.4056)
I’m lvl 56 done 500+ fractals and I’ve done higher lvls aready (few 65s and 75s). I preffer use zerker builds, since damage is most usefull in higher levels.Investing much in toughness is pointless since up there, everything preety much downs you in first hit no matter what, i just put in 10 to get my trait. Lately i’ve been running 20 20 10 20 0, so i increase my blink range and decrease it’s down time, since i believe mobility is key and the trait to reduce feedback downtime (got to love that feedback <3) .
this is a known bug. Happened to me on 48, and a few times to my guildies on 30. We tried laving the party and rejoining but couldnt get the window to reappear. Had to start all over again
My party and I were doing fractals lvl 43 tonight. For second fractal we got the asuran fractal. After we finally defeated the four golems, the video rolled, and my mate mistakingly clicked the ‘’return to mistlock observatory button’’. We quickly clicked NO, and than waited for the window to advance to next fractal…… but it never appeared. The chest dissappeared, and we were waiting for the window… but there was none.
has anyone else encountered the same problem?
aw kitten why did I miss this QQ. Need to visit this forums more oftenly. Hope this was not a one-time thing and you’re meeting again this week
Cuz once you get it, there’s just no way you can paint it any other colour.
Here’s my Smilko
I’m probably not the only mesmer with this issue, but it really irritates me that Phase Retreat oftenly gets me stuck in a wall or the ground, and a lot of times with foes nearby, so you can’t even waypoint out of.