Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Showing Posts For sogekii.2586:
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Hi, I took a bit of a break from the game and now I’m slowly coming back into it. I’m looking for an active mature guild preferably in Blackgate that is active in doing Guild Missions on a regular basis.
My playtime is usually from 11pm PST to 3pm PST. I usually play with Oceanic guilds because of my weird play time but you don’t have to be oceanic for me to take interest.
I am a mature minded player with all “Best in Slot” gear except for the two accessory ascended slots. Looking forward to hearing from all of you. Thanks!
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
@op, whatever you did in that screenshot, do it again. this time hit a rabbit. break the sound barrier with spike damage.
Pretty sure I can do more than that but that’ll do for now.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Shooting someone from 1500 range while they are fighting someone else takes ridiculous timing?
No, but hitting them for 33K dmg does.
It requires zero timing..
Ok whatever you say. I’d love you to prove me wrong by posting a screenshot.
Posting a screenshot of what?
high damage from killshot?
Yes sir. A 33K Killshot from an actual WvW skirmish. If it indeed requires zero timing it should be easy to reproduce.
I don’t think you quite understand what timing means..
Here’s a hint for the less informed new player of MMO’s such as yourself, Pushing 1 button to kill some random noob in PvP isn’t timing…Its playing a class with a high damage killshot against undergeared noobs…Nothing to do with timing…
The only timing you’re going to get from it is how long your epeen stays up from your pretty screenshot.
If you actually had to aim your shot, and guess where he was moving, That would be timing… Till then you’re just another terribad Warrior with a gun.
Hmm ok… If that’s your only definition of timing then I have nothing else to say to you.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Shooting someone from 1500 range while they are fighting someone else takes ridiculous timing?
No, but hitting them for 33K dmg does.
It requires zero timing..
Ok whatever you say. I’d love you to prove me wrong by posting a screenshot.
Posting a screenshot of what?
high damage from killshot?
Yes sir. A 33K Killshot from an actual WvW skirmish. If it indeed requires zero timing it should be easy to reproduce.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
(edited by sogekii.2586)
Shooting someone from 1500 range while they are fighting someone else takes ridiculous timing?
No, but hitting them for 33K dmg does.
It requires zero timing..
Ok whatever you say. I’d love you to prove me wrong by posting a screenshot.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Shooting someone from 1500 range while they are fighting someone else takes ridiculous timing?
No, but hitting them for 33K dmg does.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Well you are right that there is no proof for the things that you said. (By the way lvl 2 is minimum in WvW). But he definitely wasn’t naked and he definitely wasn’t downed. But you don’t have to believe me.
I am not here to get warriors nerfed. Or to show how OP Kill Shot is. I just wanted to share this because I haven’t seen any numbers as high as this till last night in WvW.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
So a glass cannon warrior hits a low level character with little or no armor on and the result is surprising?
Yes, I can see why this might need to be balanced.
Besides that, the screen shot in the OP is over a month old and was taken before the bug that increased piercing/ricochet was fixed.
1. It’d be hard to find an SBI with no armor on even for a low level. And even if you did, I doubt anyone would break 30k on that during an ACTUAL WvW skirmish.
2. The screenshot was taken last night like I mentioned on my post. (It is the truth whether or not you believe it.) And no I have never posted this before because I only took it last night…
3. If you look at the logs closely, you will notice that no pierce occurred and it was a single target Kill Shot. (Therefore, even IF this was before the fix, it would be irrelevant since the bug wasn’t triggered.)
I just wanted to address those points. I agree with you though that this is hardly relevant enough to cause a warrior nerf. It’s not like all warriors in WvW are doing 30k damage per Kill Shot. And don’t forget that Kill Shot is ridiculously easy to dodge or reflect. Ridiculous timing is needed to pull something like this off.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
[The Hunter] Precursor to the legendary rifle.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
You’re going to be the cause us for all to be nerfed
Nah, if they nerf us without talking to me that’d be stupid. Kill Shot is ridiculously easy to avoid and not everything I’m doing to increase damage is Warrior related =P
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Just wanted to share a screenshot of a 33K Kill Shot through an SBI head in WvW.
[DiE] Sniper Eye
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Here is my sniper look…
[DiE] Sniper Eye
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Just wanted to share a screenshot I made last night of a 33k Kill Shot through an SBI head.
Keep up the good work SoS!
[DiE] Sniper Eye
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
There’s a cool youtube video that shows a warrior one-shotting people with 24k damage hits. My question is: does anyone know what build he uses and how to make it? Or did it get nerfed recently?
Link to the video:
Yes, I still one-shot people in WvW. I one-shotted three WM guys clumped up just last night.
The build was affected by the patch but it was more of a fix to the piercing bug and not actually a nerf (thanks Anet). Base Kill Shot damage remains the same.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
(edited by sogekii.2586)
I recently started a Youtube channel showing my Warrior utilizing my Sniper Build. It’s mostly WvW action and highlights.
Sample Videos:
This is my channel:
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Im good
, long time no see
, But I do see those HotW spams werent for no reason
For sure man.. Been using all that gear for WvW.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Hey Feather!!! How’ve you been lol..
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Here are some WvW action highlights with my Sniper Build vs Jade Quarry (JQ) and Stormbluff Isle (SBI) while the guild was still in Blackgate.
*Crushing the 10 Golem Attack by SBI…..(2:15-2:30)
*Kill Shot vs. Turtle?? What could POTENTIALLY happen…..(2:36)
Like what you see? DiE with us as we storm the Battlegrounds.
If you are interested in skilled and organized WvW action check us out at
[DiE] is an Oceanic WvW Focused Guild formerly from Blackgate. After some extensive discussion, the guild has moved to the Sea of Sorrows server.
“One shot… One kill…”
[DiE] sNiper Eye
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Here are some WvW action highlights with my Sniper Build vs Jade Quarry (JQ) and Stormbluff Isle (SBI) while the guild was still in Blackgate.
*Crushing the 10 Golem Attack by SBI…..(2:15-2:30)
*Kill Shot vs. Turtle?? What could POTENTIALLY happen…..(2:36)
Like what you see? DiE with us as we storm the Battlegrounds.
If you are interested in skilled and organized WvW action check us out at
[DiE] is an Oceanic WvW Focused Guild formerly from Blackgate. After some extensive discussion, the guild has moved to the Sea of Sorrows server.
“One shot… One kill…”
[DiE] sNiper Eye
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Here are some WvW action highlights with my Sniper Build vs Jade Quarry (JQ) and Stormbluff Isle (SBI) while the guild was still in Blackgate.
*Crushing the 10 Golem Attack by SBI…..(2:15-2:30)
*Kill Shot vs. Turtle?? What could POTENTIALLY happen…..(2:36)
Like what you see? DiE with us as we storm the Battlegrounds.
If you are interested in skilled and organized WvW action check us out at
[DiE] is an Oceanic WvW Focused Guild formerly from Blackgate. After some extensive discussion, the guild has moved to the Sea of Sorrows server.
“One shot… One kill…”
[DiE] sNiper Eye
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Here are some WvW action highlights with my Sniper Build vs Jade Quarry (JQ) and Stormbluff Isle (SBI) while the guild was still in Blackgate.
*Crushing the 10 Golem Attack by SBI…..(2:15-2:30)
*Kill Shot vs. Turtle?? What could POTENTIALLY happen…..(2:36)
Like what you see? DiE with us as we storm the Battlegrounds.
If you are interested in skilled and organized WvW action check us out at
[DiE] is an Oceanic WvW Focused Guild formerly from Blackgate. After some extensive discussion, the guild has moved to the Sea of Sorrows server.
“One shot… One kill…”
[DiE] sNiper Eye
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
The Hunter rifle. Its the precursor to the legendary.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Lvl 80 Crucible of Eternity [Exp Mode]. No gimmicky external buffs were involved. I even forgot my food buff.
Bug? Luck? Skill?
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
18k going once, going twice? Rules are… no SoM, Omm, FoJ. Signet of Rage is fine. Frenzy required.
Who needs Hundred blades when you can do 20k dmg from range
Thanks for bumping my link haha.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
I’ll also black out mine then =P Check the combatlog.
Warrior has one of the best sustained DPS in the game IMHO.
Also check out my video for WvW action. Its at least a sample of what kind of damage a Warrior is capable of in WvW.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
(edited by sogekii.2586)
Here’s my random vid that got reposted and linked a bunch in this forum. Made others proud, others cry and others hate. Sniper Warrior in WvW.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
How is it possible that thieves have more longcoat armors than warriors??
I seriously want more longcoat options for my Warrior lol.. Thief has it good! ;D
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
In my mind they’re completely different scenarios.
99% of the time you can see the warrior kneeling and pointing a large gun at you, and if you can’t you need to pay more attention.
100% of the time you have no idea you’re about to die to a backstab from a thief.
Warning, stupidity will be found in overflow above.
If you can’t see a thief moving in on you or having your teammates ping him or anything such then perhaps you need to keep your eyes open sir.
In WVW as that was recorded in, it can be chaotic and very hard to see when a warrior kneels down to shoot you since he can do this from 1500 range. Obviously the same goes for any class that has burst. But saying people need to pay better attention for one thing but not the other in such situations is to be frank just ludicrous.
The guy kneeling and pointing directly at you is much easier to see than one who is running around like everyone else, but with bouts of stealth, and could be targeting anyone for all you know.
All you have to do is dodge once. Or block. Or interrupt if close enough. Or reflect projectiles (if he’s a proper glass cannon he will actually die from this, which is hilarious).
About the reflects…
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
I posted another video! Please check it out…
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
So, I was stuck in Kaineng for a week because I had to transfer to help a friend out with the game. Since transfers are now only permissible once a week, I had to find something fun to do, while I was away from Tier 1 WvW. This is me having fun with my Sniper Build in Kaineng WvW.
If you are interested in skilled and organized WvW action check us out at [].
[DiE] is an Oceanic WvW Focused Guild in Blackgate.
“One shot… One kill…”
[DiE] sNiper Eye
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
So, I was stuck in Kaineng for a week because I had to transfer to help a friend out with the game. Since transfers are now only permissible once a week, I had to find something fun to do, while I was away from Tier 1 WvW. This is me having fun with my Sniper Build in Kaineng WvW.
If you are interested in skilled and organized WvW action check us out at [].
[DiE] is an Oceanic WvW Focused Guild in Blackgate.
“One shot… One kill…”
[DiE] sNiper Eye
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
And if you read the post above yours, you would see that this is a bug. Crit kill shots are usually in the 7-9k range with full dps gear against squishies. What is happening is that the piercing trait is increasing the damage for each further target it hits (for example, 1st person hit gets 100% damage, second is 120%, third is 140%, etc. Not actual numbers, just an example).
This is a BUG.
7-9k against squishies wearing full dps gear? That is not accurate. The range is more 15-25k against squishies in my experience. And yes I’m talking about initial kill shot damage, no pierce whatsoever.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Sniper Eye with his assassination tool [The Hunter]…
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
This is Sniper Eye with his assassination tool [The Hunter]…
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Yea, I too would be happy if they decide to implement a DPS meter of some sorts but I know that they won’t do it for reasons that I fully understand. Having DPS meters in a game is a double edged sword. It gratifies one crowd and alienates the others.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
And the hit before was a kill shot, so it looks like it’s a piercing combat log bug. Provide something that can replicate it
I’m trying LOL. It’s hard to actually time it right you know, it’s not like I get 41k crits every chance I get. But I did kind of replicate it already, 32k and 41k crits aren’t exactly your normal crit numbers. If the 32k crit never happened again, I’d just accept it as a fluke or as an occasional bug. But it did happen again in CoE and I wasn’t even expecting it. It was my first time learning the dungeon on exp mode and so I was focused on not dying and whatnot. I did see the actual 41k damage number on the target’s head though, although it’s not easy to see all the digits cause of the other pierce damage numbers around it.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
The Arah path with the ooze boss has an event where you get a damage buff, pretty sure I burst with an axe for 72k with the full stacks… before filling out my dps set. Not been in CoE yet, but well done!
I haven’t actually done that event yet. I wanna try it to see what kind numbers I get. 72k on an axe is pretty awesome.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
I just did CoE exp mode today and I beat my 32k crit with a 41k crit. No food or potion buffs.
Those have next to no armor.
They are still legitimate mobs in a level 80 dungeon. I’m sure other people have had numbers just as high on them, its just I’ve never seen them before… hence I started this thread. So, yes, next to no armor… what’s the highest crit you’ve done on them?
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Aside from my sniper rifle as my main weapon, I use Axe/ Warhorn as my offhand set for buffs and AoE capabilities. I agree Warhorn is awesome.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
I just did CoE exp mode today and I beat my 32k crit with a 41k crit.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
(edited by sogekii.2586)
I just did CoE exp mode today and I beat my 32k crit with a 41k crit. No food or potion buffs.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Well your crit was around 10k+, it just went through 4 mobs. You can see from the combat log. Or are we counting AoE/multitarget damage as well?
Sure, as long as its damage that your class skills allow. When I say single target, I mean damage done to a single target – so highest damage number PER target in one shot. Single target doesn’t mean the skill has to be single target. It can be AoE, multitarget etc.
So what if it went through several mobs? It’s damage that’s possible as a rifle warrior. I’ve never seen crits higher than 30k before this so I just want to see how high everyone else’s crits can go.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Well, when I said dungeon I actually meant one dungeon path.
And for the loot reward, I was just echoing the OP. I haven’t actually thought about this that much to point out the best way for this to be done but all I know is I want harder content that will feel rewarding.
Umm ok, so I don’t really understand why you take my words as though I have an elaborate thought out plan on how to do the best rewarding loot system for this. I already said this on a previous post and so for your questions about loot, I don’t have a thought out answer for you.
All I’ve said from the beginning was supporting the OP’s suggestions (because it sounded good to me) of:
1. Making some dungeon encounters harder.
2. Rewarding them appropriately for the completion of such dungeons.
I never claimed to have the solution to the problems you’re posing about loot. So I don’t know what kind of answer you’re still waiting for.
Also, whether you like it or not, GW2 has already adapted other systems from other MMOs. GW2 doesn’t have to be different for the sake of being different, it just has to be better. So what if other MMO’s use the “kill boss, get random loot” model? GW2 shouldn’t be prohibited to adapt it just because other MMOs use the system. (I’m just pointing out the failure of that argument).
Also, I didn’t really play much of GW1 so I don’t have enough knowledge to respond to your suggestion. If it is indeed a better system then ArenaNet should implement it.
Anyway, I don’t wanna argue anymore. Loot system discussions are mostly a matter of personal preference instead of actual objective value. It’s a reward system, people will have differing opinions. You have some valid points.
Now back to the thread.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
(edited by sogekii.2586)
Nevermind then. That is the only thing I’ve seen that triggered it so far though. But like I said it was just a hypothesis.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
(edited by sogekii.2586)
Well, when I said dungeon I actually meant one dungeon path.
And for the loot reward, I was just echoing the OP. I haven’t actually thought about this that much to point out the best way for this to be done but all I know is I want harder content that will feel rewarding.
I think we can all agree that we would like to see some changes to dungeons, but Anet have made very deliberate attempts to separate themselves from the mold of MMOs. I dont think the solution for dungeons is going to be reverting to the standard that you see in every other game. If that were the case, why play GW2?
Standard in every other game? What does that even mean? I’ve never addressed any other games on my post. Are you saying GW2 is only for players who can’t handle harder content? I don’t get it.
Dungeons already exist in the game. I was just echoing a suggestion that would add the “same” type of dungeons in the game with harder difficulty and better rewards. The system is already in the game I would just like the difficulty to be more punishing for players who aren’t ready for it. ArenaNet never said that GW2 can’t have more challenging content. (I never mentioned having 20man raids or new epic raid exclusive loot which are things every other MMO have).
By the way, I LOVE Guild Wars 2. This is why I’m trying to get suggestions out there about things that in my opinion would make the game better than it already is. Because I’m planning to play this game for a LONG time. I don’t want it to fail or run out of content.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Well, when I said dungeon I actually meant one dungeon path.
And for the loot reward, I was just echoing the OP. I haven’t actually thought about this that much to point out the best way for this to be done but all I know is I want harder content that will feel rewarding.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Cmon guys…? Leveling in GW2 is really easy, if you want to change races just reroll =P I rerolled my warrior after hitting 80 and farming 3 pieces of dungeon gear just because I wanted to change my hair color. (LOL what? I know =P) It’ll be more fun too since you can experience the other race’s storyline. Crafting is a very fast way to level.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
@Caliga Meshima.4768
Like I said to the response I made to Sami.1560, it wasn’t like I was waiting for this to happen. The reason it’s 2 minutes behind the time clock is because we had to kill clear the room from all the mobs and totems before I could actually checked the combat log to confirm the crit damage number. I didn’t want to die just to take a screenshot that I can take later. That’s what the combat log is for.
But I’ll post again if I get a screenshot with the actual damage over the target’s head.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]
Excellent suggestions. I hope Anet considers these and implements them in the future. I don’t care if they make the encounters impossibly hard – like you said it just makes it even more rewarding to beat it. You get a good sense of accomplishment. Instead of dungeon tokens, you get 1 piece of gear from that dungeon set or something exotic.
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]