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august 6 reducing skill lag?

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


will we get the skill lag and overall lag reduced, or not?

i still hope the wvw maps will get bigger with maybe more objectives but this for me is already great if it fixes the skill lag.

No lag fix, but as a norn anything to make me see the battlefield the better, i feel that my tiny asura gets the good end of the zoom and norns, well he takes up half my screen.

New WvW Maps

in Suggestions

Posted by: soma.3812


Are the devs thinking about adding some new WvW maps to the game. We have been playing the same maps for the last 8 months. If a PvEr had only 2 dungeons to go into there would be a riot
So if any devs are fiendishly sketching new WvW maps please say something at the next meeting. Im sure a lot of WvW players would love some new areas to fight in.
A random rotation system like FoTM would suit the wvwers perfectly as in we wouldnt know who we played and what maps we played on. Keep EB, but the BLs should be rotated.
Anyway if any devs are reading this, you know what to do.

Upcoming WvW changes, may 28th

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


Just missing one thing, new map rotations. I know you have a few tucked up your sleeve.

Another thing putting points in siege damage reduction should be more of an incentive as you have given ac’s the power of thors thunder.

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: soma.3812


The SoR on EB, you really like QL don’t you

Idunno. We pushed JQ hard in NA prime in EB. I handed red keep to BG on a silver platter. They pulled off. I pushed BG for hours b/c I was mad. The nature of the game I guess.

Kept you all busy though didn’t I? Then I got rolled a few times and gave up.

Sanctum of rallians?

Why aren’t you fighting us in EBG?
You’re just running back to your arrow carts as soon as you see us.
Serious question.
You have equal if not more numbers.

They are playing tactically. They are getting smashed in open field so they got to run. Cant blame them really, i would get frustrated after eating the floor so much too.

And there is the “ohh our force is so much smaller then yours” priceless.

Also, for the BG, how many ACs were in the EB keep before I trebbed 6 of them down? I counted 13. You know, before you guys lost everything in every BL and pushed us out of EB?

I’ll be on tomorrow to keep our PPT well above yours. Fun day today though.

We know, but it was just too much fun wiping you and watching you run away.
The tsym ac workshop must have done wonders.

Never thought I'd grow bored of WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


Yep needs new maps. Or maybe just make them empty maps and let us build our own fortifications.

Score off territory controlled or something.

All we need is a fotm type of setup where each week a random map is rotated for the bl’s.
I know people like the living world pve, but devs do you think of the time you put into stuff that lasts only a few weeks instead of putting time into things that last the life of GW2

30th April Patch Update

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


There are very definitely WvW changes in bound. The release notes will be worth reading.

Can Anet stop wasting time with updates like the Super Adventure thing, that lasts only a month and do something productive with your programmers and modelers, like a new map or variations on the different borderlands. SAB only lasts a month and how much time did you put into it. I may as well have just played minecraft.
The big wvw update was just a few new stats for playing.

A discussion between zerg and non-zerg

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


Godot – Yo guys I’m here for the wexp where da zerg @


08/02 JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


Well this is the only wvwvw we got at the moment but soon there will be another…

LoL desperate attempts at misinformation

Like your web site SF
Especially the im queuing channel.
This is the wvw we have at the moment dont worry there will always be another server you can go to.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


Here are some facts.

I would prefer it if you were able to say, "I’m disapointed that we got beat in the recruiting race, and I’m worried that fights will become lopsided and not be as fun anymore. " That would be a very mature and reasonable thing to say. But crying “foul” and finger pointing because our community was more appealing and our recruiting efforts were more effective – that’s just sad.

I am actually not disappointed you recruited more. The fights will become boring for your hardened fighters, and some of the large well respected guilds i can not say a guild name in this forum have no server loyalty as they have shown in the past few months, and may actually leave in a few months. You also have many people from lower teirs that just want to say to their mates we won t1 WvW or that they actually beat SoS for once. A thorn in the side of many during the start of the rating system. Even with a paid transfer system Anet knows that guilds will transfer.
Queues will be a major problem with people spending longer in LA than in a BL.

Also a lot of SoSs leaders are facing burnout. We do not win the matches by double points we work hard for that lead. The last match we were behind and had many bleary eyed people for the start of the next matchup. If we do go to t2 i think we all need a rest, i dont want any more commanders to burnout. T2 seems like a place to rest up and then get serious again but i hope it doesnt ever come to that.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


It’s interesting when the shoe’s on the other foot, isn’t it?

We were moving to the tier in which we belonged, the rating system was still starting.
We were not stacked to the teeth. Just playing the game in our timezeone, with some very good NA guilds.

Sea of Sorrows - Organized Community for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


Our enemy portal bombs, we must portal bomb better. Our enemy uses 10 golems to rush, we must use 20! Our enemy plays for 10 hours, we must play for 12 hours! Our enemy is RECRUITING MORE GUILDS, we must recruit MORE and BETTER guilds. That is all part of the art of wvw and healthy compeition.

Our enemy fields 100 players, we must field 200!

We are all equal in t1 we all have large populations no matter what you might hear from the QQ server, if you see a BG zerg or a JQ zerg or a SoS zerg. There is a population cap and we all field large numbers.

Sea of Sorrows - Organized Community for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: soma.3812


Please guys. Let them have their thread, like many other servers do. No need for negative comments. If they want to recruit then let them I say. They obviously have their goals and reasons, like many servers do, so I think it’s fair to leave it at that.

A game with no competition is a boring game. HOD broke up for this main reason.

There is not a minute that goes by without competition on SoS. BG has learnt that there are servers that play in other time slots than EU , JQ loses direction. We are a WvW server, if you want large scale battles, or small team ops, constant competition 24/7 and not steping 2 feet in LA without walking by a guild member that is in a WvW guild then SoS is for you. You do not stay in tier 1 by shear force of numbers. We have some of the best commanders and players in the field.
The free transfers are ending if you are serious about WvW, SoS has a place for you.

(edited by soma.3812)