Showing Posts For spanky.4630:

Best Wvw memories.

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


the end of culling


Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Best WvW Guilds out there

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


all the best guilds quit the game

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


I like to bring my ranger to wvw to kill the hordes really bad players running in huge blobs. As for what i bring to my guild . max mastery everything eg 20 supply etc i scout ahead for looking for the blob . I surf the zerg picking off ranged finishing the downed etc.
on a personal note i play ranger because it is not a face-palm profession and it takes a bit of skill to survive in wvw as a ranger rather than the one button mashers of the zerg also it kittenes my guild leader off so much

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


no bad classes only bad players . I`d rather run with a skilled ranger than a bad anything else . And if you are talking about the zerg i see so many upleveled classes running that deserve to be destroyed

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

Starscream [IRON], R.I.P

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


A sad day for us in iron .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Jade Sea/Golems Hold/Apollo Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


blob blob blob yawn

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Millers vs Gunnar vs Aba

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Thanks for the IRON + SLAY + WBC group on MSBL tonight for the constant action and battle against odds. Especially to IRON for showing us the famous NA-playstyle. Props to you for being able to organise that many people at once.

Do not know if you are being sarcastic or not
The 8 slay members that ran with us last night were until yesterday Iron members . Slays guild leader is an old Iron Player .When we were on sor slay merged with us about 20 Portuguese players and came with us to gh . They decided to reform slay and we have been helping them out getting back on their feet .
As for numbers we run tagless in our own privite ts and try to run only as Iron which last night was 23+8 slay/iron . Any more than that is not our fault .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


As of now all Iron members have been told not to post on these forums anymore .
People have been kicked from the guild and anyone found posting will be warned and told to delete their posts if they ignore this they will be kicked .
you may smack talk Iron but we are one of the most dedicated guilds in gw2 . we turn up every night trying to fight the blobgantuan, running as just iron something posters from some of the guilds here should try .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


1.5 hours defending and enemy resp tower yesterday on blackgate border, outnumbered 3/1.

Thank you so much iron i didnt have this kind of fun for a long time

meanwhile behind the tower .


Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


What I find rather annoying about IRON PVkitten on this forum though is that those here from IRON guild that do it, do not actually represent the guild well at all.
Both Wrex and Lumar from IRON are really nice, calm and friendly people, honourable in defeat and gracious when winning.
The few of you here from IRON continually being abusive, chest thumping for weeks on end and trolling all the time are doing more of a disservice to the guild you represent than anything else. Childish and immature.

Less PVF, more WvW…

As an iron officer we tried to do our best to stop forum trolling but you can`t tell individuals to stop . it`s a game and this game is full of childish people as in any game and besides it`s 2-3 regular posters as anyone should know the posts on here don’t represent the guild/server .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


I am actually quite disappointed in IRON in this match-up. We see IRON all the time starting play from SEA all the way to NA. And yet when ZD shows up to give you guys good fights, you suddenly stop playing? What happened to the guild that is just here “for the fights” and don’t care win or loss?

On the other hand, guilds like TW and Choo on SoR do still show-up to fight even when the server is losing, that seems to me more aligned with the “for the fights” attitude.

Iron do not start play until 6-7 uk time those iron you see are just floating around .
we would happily fight zds on their own but zd+freinds are just one big map blob
We run tagless and try as hard as possible to run just as Iron. . We are on every night trying our best to combat the blobbiest blobby blobs of bg . And one thing we never do is run from a fight anyone who really knows us knows that’s the case .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


no need for iron to qq over zd as they are not in our timezone .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


uh oh, ZDs PvD O’clock has turned up.. enjoy!

Maybe if iron played less forums and more GW2…

your not very clever ? not are primetime for a couple of hours yet . most people at work , uni etc not even tea time .

You have a designated tea time?

Sure I do I`m English don`t you?

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


uh oh, ZDs PvD O’clock has turned up.. enjoy!

Maybe if iron played less forums and more GW2…

your not very clever ? not our primetime for a couple of hours yet . most people at work , uni etc not even tea time .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Well every time I check forum I always see troll from iron in every place I visit yea it’s such a love

Don’t be mad . Its always the same few people and not representative of the whole of Iron . Same goes for all the posters on here from various guilds . The matchup forums are just one big wind up everyone should get that by now . A place to while away the time when stuck in a queue or at work nothing more

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Gz ZDs on PvD hope you enjoy it more than fighting guilds back on EU

One step from love to hate.

I just dont get why you would leave good competitive fighting for your primtime, to come PvD and get a lot fewer fights.. makes no sense

Try and play a video game and have to wait for hours on end to actually be able to experience what you enjoy. Why do you think so many EU guilds are entertaining the thought of coming to NA servers? Because of the food? They want to not have to deal with queues.

And fyi [IRON] did this whole transfer to NA thing many moons ago too, in case you dudes forgot. I think it was around week 18 or 19 when you guys came rumbling in here throwing everything out of whack. But you guys had no problem doing it then, right? It was also when SoR went on a rampage and won like 7 straight weeks because there was barely any EU guilds running anywhere near those numbers at the time.

SoR has had the strongest EU of the top three NA servers for some time now. When IRON came here, they came into EU “for fights” despite both JQ (which at the time was already beginning to decline) and BG (who only had the smaller forces of RK and those in HB who were trying to get back into the game), and they continued to run rampant and kittentalk the forums until RG came in to help balance out T1. Since then SoR received [KISS], [SLAY] (who merged into IRON) [rB] who moved about 15-20 to SoR, [AFTL], etc. yet yall are still going on at that numbers talk as if it mattered to you guys when you made the jump back in May. When you guys are winning, (meaning ppl in the EU timezone) your numbers are in the kitten load column; Now that you can’t walk through every guild or pug like they’re made of toilet paper, everything starts to tank?

[IRON] has constantly talked about wanting open field fights and GvG and always wiping the enemy and never having any real competition. Well, now you have an Iron Curtain with similar numbers looking to fold you up and spit you out. Enjoy.

Just show up.

U just nailed it. If anyone has to go back to Eu it should be Iron the 1st.

looking back at your post history you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with iron

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


190 ppt

I thought right now is IRON prime time

you are wrong its not our primetime yet please get your facts straight before trying to troll

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


one thing iron never does is complain about queues. We have our resident public relations troll starscream that winds you little kiddies up so much that you all want to kill us in game which means more fights for us . One day some of you might get it .

You guys got pretty wound up about oPP. Maybe one day you will get it as well.

my post was aimed at wvw guilds not a 3 man group personally I never heard of you guys .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


one thing iron never does is complain about queues. We have our resident public relations troll starscream that winds you little kiddies up so much that you all want to kill us in game which means more fights for us . One day some of you might get it .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by Moderator)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Let me put it another way – trying to get back to my guild and help them with a tower defence or open field battle is more important than spending five minutes trying to stay alive against players primarily built to kill me.

If I die fast I respawn fast so I get to my guild fast…….unless I meet roamers again ofc ;P

I know its hard to believe but fighting against roamers comes pretty down on my list of priorities.

I never said it was supposed to be your priority. It’s just really silly when you want to get back to a PPT objective, but we kill you and gain PPT for our server, and you didn’t even try to stop us. We still get PPT for stomps after all, its much lower than it was (sadly), but the free kills we get really add up… and those kills really shouldn’t be free.

A lot of the time, we end up camping a spawn just so people like that will fight us (because they have a group).

The other flip side of that coin (seeing as you brought PPT into the discussion) is while we are taking a tower, keep or even a camp, doesnt it seem a bit silly to just spawn camp or whatever it is you are doing to find your battles when you could be helping your server mates defend a objective?

Its silly that you want to fight but wont go to where we are fighting, you would rather wander in hope of finding some one instead of going to where you know definite action is. If your server mates are losing that defense, you are helping us gain those free kills you hate so much.

This was an argument we use to face against our fellow guilds back in the day, but this proves that many don’t understand the roaming philosophy.

Spawn camping does help because the following happens:

1) We kill you so there is less of you in your zerg for our zerg to fight.
2) It will demoralize people trying to get back to their zerg, especially pugs.
3) Usually most get fed up and group up trying to push out and actually give us what we want which is a good fight.
4) In some cases, we jump a commander trying to get back and we see the entire zerg go back to their WP to group up taking you off the battlefield for a couple of minutes.

They are small contributions compared to what we can do for holding bloodlust, but it is effective.

As for joining the zerg fight, sorry not going to happen. I have better uses of my time than joining a lagfest spamming 1 1 1 1 1 1 all day. If you guys like doing that go for it, just not the roamer’s mentality. Zergs have an importance, but so do roamer’s especially with the new bloodlust meta.

We just wish there were more T-1 roaming guilds on the other servers who like to fight so we can have our fun too. Zergs have all the fun. lol

Let’s put it this way.

A good zerger can be a good roamer.

Someone that just roams usually is a rally bot in zerg fights.

Methinks that you’ve never been part of a proper guild raid if you think that the majority of large-scale battles are “11111 lagfests”. That’s a huge discredit to you right there.

Oh I’v run with some of the best WvW guilds, such as HB watching them farm IRON. The lag the past two weeks have been terrible during NA Primetime. Nothing wrong with zergs, if that’s what you want to do. Just not my style, just saying . . .

You have either been smoking something or just woke up dreaming to spout so much rubbish .At least have the balls to speak the truth .

This is what I see when I dream.

what being in a constant downed state and fighting a few iron and others?

please come and meet us guild to guild put an end to it

ps I wasn’t there nor was the majority of iron .

LOL, guild to guild? we are like 10 active players at any given time, you have 40+ on any given map every day. I guess that proves how you like to win, big bully when you have numbers, otherwise when you lose, your excuse was, “i wasn’t there.” Okay, I guess you would have made the difference, pfff, the ego is strong in this one. LOL

I have no ego. I defend our guild to your trash talking no more no less .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Let me put it another way – trying to get back to my guild and help them with a tower defence or open field battle is more important than spending five minutes trying to stay alive against players primarily built to kill me.

If I die fast I respawn fast so I get to my guild fast…….unless I meet roamers again ofc ;P

I know its hard to believe but fighting against roamers comes pretty down on my list of priorities.

I never said it was supposed to be your priority. It’s just really silly when you want to get back to a PPT objective, but we kill you and gain PPT for our server, and you didn’t even try to stop us. We still get PPT for stomps after all, its much lower than it was (sadly), but the free kills we get really add up… and those kills really shouldn’t be free.

A lot of the time, we end up camping a spawn just so people like that will fight us (because they have a group).

The other flip side of that coin (seeing as you brought PPT into the discussion) is while we are taking a tower, keep or even a camp, doesnt it seem a bit silly to just spawn camp or whatever it is you are doing to find your battles when you could be helping your server mates defend a objective?

Its silly that you want to fight but wont go to where we are fighting, you would rather wander in hope of finding some one instead of going to where you know definite action is. If your server mates are losing that defense, you are helping us gain those free kills you hate so much.

This was an argument we use to face against our fellow guilds back in the day, but this proves that many don’t understand the roaming philosophy.

Spawn camping does help because the following happens:

1) We kill you so there is less of you in your zerg for our zerg to fight.
2) It will demoralize people trying to get back to their zerg, especially pugs.
3) Usually most get fed up and group up trying to push out and actually give us what we want which is a good fight.
4) In some cases, we jump a commander trying to get back and we see the entire zerg go back to their WP to group up taking you off the battlefield for a couple of minutes.

They are small contributions compared to what we can do for holding bloodlust, but it is effective.

As for joining the zerg fight, sorry not going to happen. I have better uses of my time than joining a lagfest spamming 1 1 1 1 1 1 all day. If you guys like doing that go for it, just not the roamer’s mentality. Zergs have an importance, but so do roamer’s especially with the new bloodlust meta.

We just wish there were more T-1 roaming guilds on the other servers who like to fight so we can have our fun too. Zergs have all the fun. lol

Let’s put it this way.

A good zerger can be a good roamer.

Someone that just roams usually is a rally bot in zerg fights.

Methinks that you’ve never been part of a proper guild raid if you think that the majority of large-scale battles are “11111 lagfests”. That’s a huge discredit to you right there.

Oh I’v run with some of the best WvW guilds, such as HB watching them farm IRON. The lag the past two weeks have been terrible during NA Primetime. Nothing wrong with zergs, if that’s what you want to do. Just not my style, just saying . . .

You have either been smoking something or just woke up dreaming to spout so much rubbish .At least have the balls to speak the truth .

This is what I see when I dream.

what being in a constant downed state and fighting a few iron and others?

please come and meet us guild to guild put an end to it

ps I wasn’t there nor was the majority of iron .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Let me put it another way – trying to get back to my guild and help them with a tower defence or open field battle is more important than spending five minutes trying to stay alive against players primarily built to kill me.

If I die fast I respawn fast so I get to my guild fast…….unless I meet roamers again ofc ;P

I know its hard to believe but fighting against roamers comes pretty down on my list of priorities.

I never said it was supposed to be your priority. It’s just really silly when you want to get back to a PPT objective, but we kill you and gain PPT for our server, and you didn’t even try to stop us. We still get PPT for stomps after all, its much lower than it was (sadly), but the free kills we get really add up… and those kills really shouldn’t be free.

A lot of the time, we end up camping a spawn just so people like that will fight us (because they have a group).

The other flip side of that coin (seeing as you brought PPT into the discussion) is while we are taking a tower, keep or even a camp, doesnt it seem a bit silly to just spawn camp or whatever it is you are doing to find your battles when you could be helping your server mates defend a objective?

Its silly that you want to fight but wont go to where we are fighting, you would rather wander in hope of finding some one instead of going to where you know definite action is. If your server mates are losing that defense, you are helping us gain those free kills you hate so much.

This was an argument we use to face against our fellow guilds back in the day, but this proves that many don’t understand the roaming philosophy.

Spawn camping does help because the following happens:

1) We kill you so there is less of you in your zerg for our zerg to fight.
2) It will demoralize people trying to get back to their zerg, especially pugs.
3) Usually most get fed up and group up trying to push out and actually give us what we want which is a good fight.
4) In some cases, we jump a commander trying to get back and we see the entire zerg go back to their WP to group up taking you off the battlefield for a couple of minutes.

They are small contributions compared to what we can do for holding bloodlust, but it is effective.

As for joining the zerg fight, sorry not going to happen. I have better uses of my time than joining a lagfest spamming 1 1 1 1 1 1 all day. If you guys like doing that go for it, just not the roamer’s mentality. Zergs have an importance, but so do roamer’s especially with the new bloodlust meta.

We just wish there were more T-1 roaming guilds on the other servers who like to fight so we can have our fun too. Zergs have all the fun. lol

Let’s put it this way.

A good zerger can be a good roamer.

Someone that just roams usually is a rally bot in zerg fights.

Methinks that you’ve never been part of a proper guild raid if you think that the majority of large-scale battles are “11111 lagfests”. That’s a huge discredit to you right there.

Oh I’v run with some of the best WvW guilds, such as HB watching them farm IRON. The lag the past two weeks have been terrible during NA Primetime. Nothing wrong with zergs, if that’s what you want to do. Just not my style, just saying . . .

You have either been smoking something or just woke up dreaming to spout so much rubbish .At least have the balls to speak the truth .

He means HB + Coin and the rest of the map Spanky.

no not that he was saying he was running with some of the best wvw guilds such as HB This guy hasn`t a clue if he thinks HB are one of the best

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Let me put it another way – trying to get back to my guild and help them with a tower defence or open field battle is more important than spending five minutes trying to stay alive against players primarily built to kill me.

If I die fast I respawn fast so I get to my guild fast…….unless I meet roamers again ofc ;P

I know its hard to believe but fighting against roamers comes pretty down on my list of priorities.

I never said it was supposed to be your priority. It’s just really silly when you want to get back to a PPT objective, but we kill you and gain PPT for our server, and you didn’t even try to stop us. We still get PPT for stomps after all, its much lower than it was (sadly), but the free kills we get really add up… and those kills really shouldn’t be free.

A lot of the time, we end up camping a spawn just so people like that will fight us (because they have a group).

The other flip side of that coin (seeing as you brought PPT into the discussion) is while we are taking a tower, keep or even a camp, doesnt it seem a bit silly to just spawn camp or whatever it is you are doing to find your battles when you could be helping your server mates defend a objective?

Its silly that you want to fight but wont go to where we are fighting, you would rather wander in hope of finding some one instead of going to where you know definite action is. If your server mates are losing that defense, you are helping us gain those free kills you hate so much.

This was an argument we use to face against our fellow guilds back in the day, but this proves that many don’t understand the roaming philosophy.

Spawn camping does help because the following happens:

1) We kill you so there is less of you in your zerg for our zerg to fight.
2) It will demoralize people trying to get back to their zerg, especially pugs.
3) Usually most get fed up and group up trying to push out and actually give us what we want which is a good fight.
4) In some cases, we jump a commander trying to get back and we see the entire zerg go back to their WP to group up taking you off the battlefield for a couple of minutes.

They are small contributions compared to what we can do for holding bloodlust, but it is effective.

As for joining the zerg fight, sorry not going to happen. I have better uses of my time than joining a lagfest spamming 1 1 1 1 1 1 all day. If you guys like doing that go for it, just not the roamer’s mentality. Zergs have an importance, but so do roamer’s especially with the new bloodlust meta.

We just wish there were more T-1 roaming guilds on the other servers who like to fight so we can have our fun too. Zergs have all the fun. lol

Let’s put it this way.

A good zerger can be a good roamer.

Someone that just roams usually is a rally bot in zerg fights.

Methinks that you’ve never been part of a proper guild raid if you think that the majority of large-scale battles are “11111 lagfests”. That’s a huge discredit to you right there.

Oh I’v run with some of the best WvW guilds, such as HB watching them farm IRON. The lag the past two weeks have been terrible during NA Primetime. Nothing wrong with zergs, if that’s what you want to do. Just not my style, just saying . . .

You have either been smoking something or just woke up dreaming to spout so much rubbish .At least have the balls to speak the truth .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Inserted Facts: SoR realized JQ is vastly superior to them …

Stopped reading your inane wall of text right there as I couldn’t stop laughing.

Truth hurts sometimes, even if it’s a stomach pain from laughing

Dictionary says .

The superiority complex is an exaggerated striving for superiority in which the individual hides their feelings of inferiority.


Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


to the bg in JQ bl, this is pathetic from you
get rid of your nikes and grow a pair

We use the nikes to catch you, because IRON runs into towers with 40 map roaming squad.

Another one with an obsession with IRON and it`s 40 man not map. were you angry when you wrote this ?

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

I cant participate in leagues

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


I’m on a server with no queues. You can transfer to a server with no queues as well.

What about those players that actually give a kitten about their community and built is from the ground up over the course of a year? Like SoR? Telling people to transfer so they can play the game mode that was the REASON WE BOUGHT THIS GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE is not a valid argument.

You mean the people who paid for other player’s transfer costs to your server? Maybe it’s time for top tiers to transfer DOWN for a change.

I have already explained that SOR has never paid for a guild to transfer. The one exception was IRON and we do not regret that one bit as they are one of the best and most dedicated guilds on our server. On SoR we see other servers buy guilds and we have seen just where that got them.

So you don’t pay for guilds, except you have in the past. So you just don’t do that anymore?

no one paid for IRON we had the choice of all na servers and scouted as many servers as we could before coming to our decision to join SOR. As a guild we paid for 90% of our own transfer and was helped by the community for the ones after we had run out of money .
We came to sor because we felt we would fit in there better not because we were offered gold to move .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Can't Purchase Gems or Redeem Code

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: spanky.4630


I managed to eventually purchase after having this issue but my gems haven’t gone into my account after 3 hours is this normal?

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Thanks for the fights last night IRON, and sorry for blobbing up on you guys. Next time we´ll make sure to run with less than 10.

Did SR leave JQ along with GD? Havent seen them in this matchup

showing your guild panel makes no difference when you run around merged with your map blob eh? Are you trying to make out that that your 13 beat 25 iron ? because when we finally caught you on your own you were trampled .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Hey Iron, would you like to explain how you got thru a gate, you had two rams up on, that still had most of it’s HP??? This Mesmer was outside when I Death from Above’d you. And, if you did get in accidentally, why didn’t you leave?

…The quality of character appears low…

so you didn`t notice the iron in the picture above you on the bridge who had already broke through the gate just before it upgraded leaving half of iron outside?

The quality of your scouting appears low

BG dont scout. Not knowing what is around the next corner makes the game much more fun

No need for Bg to scout when they have 30 peeps sitting in a tower

joke btw

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Hey Iron, would you like to explain how you got thru a gate, you had two rams up on, that still had most of it’s HP??? This Mesmer was outside when I Death from Above’d you. And, if you did get in accidentally, why didn’t you leave?

…The quality of character appears low…

so you didn`t notice the iron in the picture above you on the bridge who had already broke through the gate just before it upgraded leaving half of iron outside?

The quality of your scouting appears low

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

9/27: SoR/BG/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


I wonder if your wonderful guild know why you quit from Iron Beatrix ?

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by Moderator)

9/27: SoR/BG/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


IRON has got to be the most immature guild that has ever been fought in WvW. I mean, fuh real. Zerg the forums more. Whisper spam your enemies more. Emote spam more. Lul

Also, one thing… running with 35-40 guild members is more than any other guild in this match-up pulls on a regular basis. I really have no clue why you keep referring to that number as “low.” Any guild can do good if they have 35-40 guild tags following them.

Le sigh… Why does everything said in this thread have to be so cliche… even I feel like I’m repeating the same thing. Keep it up.

Iron has its trolls as does most of the guilds here . But to call a whole guild immature is somewhat immature And I don`t see anyone saying our number is low. Iron run about 35-40 dedicated members most nights. which is low compared to the mega blobs we fight most of the time .

PS words like fuh real . lul and le sigh are not much a sign of maturity .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

9/27: SoR/BG/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


We’ve crushed you over and over ever since you arrived to bg. last night on eb we killed you several times. we even jumped and danced on your corpse the few times you didn’t release super fast to deny us that fun. So you surely you lost your stacks many many times

Monday is an off day for the guild, hence the community commanding. As for Sunday, you sure haven’t changed much as a guild since you left Desolation. You can blob effectively sure, I mean who couldn’t stack melee and necros in a 50-60 person group and defeat an enemy group half those numbers? However, the squad sized group you rolled with later on in the evening showed there’s still a lot of improvement for you guys to make.

But as for not losing stacks, wrex wanted me to tell you that despite the 5g bounty on her head, SHE didn’t lose her stacks even once.

If this applies to Sunday then that’s a lie, I personally killed her twice. Looking forward to chasing her again tonight, let your melee know they need to do a better job sticking on top of her and those necro marks could do with better positioning because a couple of squishy builds should not be allowed to waltz in and dance around your commander

[IRON] is always striving to improve and so should everyone else . as for size we run 35-40 max tagless and in our primetime we try our best just to run as iron but we are not into telling people to stop following us . Any guild that tells people to stop following has no class imho

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

9/20 DB/FA/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


@ Mirsa

Um… no. RET had like 30 people or less lol. You guys had about 15 random pugs running with you so your 20-ish should be more like 30-ish. From that screenshot I can see at least 25 running with you. Anyway, you didn’t kill a single one of RET. Sure you got them down simply because they got gagged but who wouldn’t go down in that situation. They just didn’t die fully and your pug miraculously rallied them all when we killed them. However I do agree with you that we didn’t kill a lot of you guys each time you passed the bridge. How can we when every encounter is just you guys popping invulnerability and stability just to run through? The water “maneuver” was pointless for that fact that you inevitably wiped while none of us died. I mean the first pass you made on the bridge where you dropped all your bombs but failed to kill any of us should signal that we don’t have a mob mentality or else we would have wiped right there. But later on we started losing players to sleep and you guys had 2 blobs of at least 30 attacking bay Don’t cry blob if you do the same. (not implying that RET did blob)

P.S Try running tag-less if you don’t want random pugs to follow you and rallying your down enemies

Iron do run tag less look at the picture again can you see a tag ? our commander is targeted please stop trying to be clever.

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

9/20 DB/FA/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Sorry DB and FA. You guys will need to handle our excessive numbers compared to yours. Please 2v1 us. We need it.

RET’s map blob in DBBL was excessive tonight.

Looks like about 20-25 people. Most people always think they’re outnumbered because all of the red names stacking up look much more numerous than the blue/teal/tan names which spread out from each other.

I count at least 22 dots on your minimap, so you don’t seem quite that terribly outnumbered at this point in the fight. That said it’s still horribly tilted against you for reasons outside of that.

You don’t have any applied fortitude or guard leech stacks, and if I recall you had 1/3 bloodlust, you probably aren’t using a stacking weapon, and you’re a melee character in a composition that acted predominantly like a ranged comp. (And clearly not benefiting from aggregate health in this picture.)

So while I wouldn’t say you were outnumbered I have the impression that we were rolling an extra, lets see, 3k times 1.05, add a zero, multiply by 2… that’s what, 62k aggregate health from the getgo? And all of you seemed fairly underleveled rank wise. (It’s fairly easy to tell with Sanctum of Rall because Sanctum of Rall Bonze Whatever takes forever on the screen.)

edit: (Or we should have been. I need to send some people to eb to level up from the looks of that screen shot.)

Also I didn’t get the jumping in the water over and over again. Yeah I mean it was an okay out in a pinch but you just let us pit stop with impunity and couldn’t take any sort of initiative for most of the fights.

in the picture I see at least 2 footmen rank a recruit 2 squire ranks 2 scouts and 2 bronze invaders ranks all from Ret . you ought to check your own guild for underleveled rank members

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


When half of IRON runs into the spectators whenever they get low and then drop combat by running north into the trees and using the ramp at the windmill your guild should be embarrassed and the video will be up shortly showing exactly how pathetic IRON is.

Not really surprising, all the ones I’ve encountered just whine and make excuses. Pretty trashy overall in and out of game.

come on people at least put your guild tags in your posts so we can see who is trash talking us

You wouldn`t believe the amount of applications we have to reject from people from different servers including some of you trash talkers on here .
Perhaps the green eyed monster has got to you ? and we find your obsession with Iron is a bit creepy .

Also on a personal note I have really enjoyed the fights I have had against tc and sos .
There’s many of you that don`t stop fighting and its been great fun and that’s what I play gw2 for .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630

spanky.4630 two videos are up from a spectators POV. Our ele is currently in the process of uploading his POV.

You cheated repeatedly, the longer of the two videos contains more but the first video also contains some of the evidence. It was discussed with your guild leader that what you were doing was unacceptable and you were asked to stop and as a result of your inability to follow the rules of the GvG it was not worth our time continuing.

I wasn’t there but as an officer of iron I want to hear from a KH member if they are accusing iron of cheating ? are you from KH come on show your tag? Also your vid shows that the spectators are really to close and shouldn’t have been standing there in the first place if your going to be picky

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

9/6 SoR/TC/SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


simple question

Are KH calling Iron Cheats ?

Please respond someone from KH

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

8/16 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Happy 50th Wrex!!

she`s not 50 she`s 51

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Titan, just out of interest, looking at your post history, why so you hate IRON so much? Yeah i know I come on here playing with you, but the memebrs of IRON are ok, (this is for Titan only)

Titan hates iron because his application to join iron was rejected . :P

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

8/2 SoR/TC/BG

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


irons guild panel .


Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


wow so many children in this thread complaining about anything and everything .
I am about to delete my bookmark for this forum and anyone with half a brain should do the same .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


HB isnt on today, so i dont think there’s anyone to farm iron while they pvdoor entire borderlands probably

we don’t notice you either way.

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


To my fellow iron members. I think we give this hb guild too much attention. after all they are just a small guild who run with bg`s mega blob. They called us out but won`t come to play . They are trying to make a name for themselves when in reality they are pretty insignificant in the whole scheme of things .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


congrats bg on the win this week .We will hopefully up our game next week if we meet again
To HB guild please come gvg us if you won`t gvg then meet us open field with same numbers and try to show some class instead of trying to make a name for yourselves on the forums .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


ok IRON can you tell what is your gw2 setting as i wish to go for it too to hit ac far away from gate and lol for water gate ac .
anyway you got kitten untill you started to work with your EB zerg.. as after many fail to get our towers in EB you joinned in all one ball.

judging by your past posts you seem to be developing an unhealthy obsession with our guild.

I would like to make it clear Iron do not condone any type of exploiting whatsoever.
we make it clear to everyone who joins iron that any one found doing so is an instant g kick.
please stop trying to smear our name in your last attempt you were proven wrong .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

(edited by spanky.4630)

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


pls Ante don’t delete this my another post.. I just wanted to ask how you can pass water gate of overlock while the gate is closed and destroy all seige . IRON you got kitten inside even this …hahah

watch the video then apologise if your man enough.

Think before you make accusations against our guild .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


come on people grow up a bit . There`s so many folk in this thread posting facts about guilds and servers they know nothing about and the childish mudslinging is boring. Also to all those “thanks for the bags” posters I`ll let you into a little secret . Everyone in wvw gets copious amounts of bags .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: spanky.4630


Iron are willing to fight any BG or JQ guild in wvw open field or gvg please contact me in game to arrange a time and a place .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: spanky.4630


why can`t they use a system of promotion and relegation?. 3rd place goes down 1st place goes up ? Its simple and doesn’t require stupid rng . Don’t like the tier you are in then lose the match up and get relegated . Want to move up then put the effort in to win.
At least this way the tiers are decided by the players that actually play the game .

Monkeyspanks – [IRON]