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Not sure how helpful this will be but on my 3rd try I got the achievement without even killing all of the Chat, there was about 4-5 left. The difference between the 3rd and the first two was that I didn’t die and didn’t pull any out of the pit to kill.
Not sure if that info is useful or not.
Same problem here as well
Wow do people hate dieing to rangers. Well, I hate when I die to thieves, their stealth and super mobility should be nerfed so they can’t get away from me. I also think they should remove all obstacles from the arenas so people can’t hide and just openly shoot them. I pretty sure I read this the other day and I agree with the person that complaining about other classes/builds will never end until we are all fighting with sticks and rocks.
That was a great experience on Saturday (granted we lost all 3 games) but I had fun and can’t wait to try again.
Awesome, thanks for putting this together. Can’t wait!
Jory is a necro, what if she…. reanimates the body!!!! Mwhahahaha
I participated in the even 3 time yesterday and got 4 in the first, 0 the second and 2 the third time. I think RNG is RNG and sometimes luck isn’t on your side.
I applaud you good sir!
Snaff’s Daughter! That would be an awesome. Crosses fingers
As all your points are valid saying ALL Asura do something is absurd. There are always outliers plus she is a child so she may not have that type of learned behavior yet. Also, if you read the books you’d know that Snaff wasn’t a complete jerk.
Plus I like her and I don’t want her to be up to something unpleasant.