Showing Posts For syxx.7893:

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: syxx.7893


Have 100% map completed for Verdant Brink, no reward.

Chak Killer - Master

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: syxx.7893


Not sure how helpful this will be but on my 3rd try I got the achievement without even killing all of the Chat, there was about 4-5 left. The difference between the 3rd and the first two was that I didn’t die and didn’t pull any out of the pit to kill.
Not sure if that info is useful or not.

Rox seaching

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: syxx.7893


Same problem here as well

So how long are Rangers allowed too.......

in PvP

Posted by: syxx.7893


Wow do people hate dieing to rangers. Well, I hate when I die to thieves, their stealth and super mobility should be nerfed so they can’t get away from me. I also think they should remove all obstacles from the arenas so people can’t hide and just openly shoot them. I pretty sure I read this the other day and I agree with the person that complaining about other classes/builds will never end until we are all fighting with sticks and rocks.

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: syxx.7893


That was a great experience on Saturday (granted we lost all 3 games) but I had fun and can’t wait to try again.

AspectGG Presents Weekly PUG Quest

in PvP

Posted by: syxx.7893


Awesome, thanks for putting this together. Can’t wait!

What is Marjory afraid of? [Spoilerish]

in Living World

Posted by: syxx.7893


Jory is a necro, what if she…. reanimates the body!!!! Mwhahahaha

Where have all the powercores gone?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: syxx.7893


I participated in the even 3 time yesterday and got 4 in the first, 0 the second and 2 the third time. I think RNG is RNG and sometimes luck isn’t on your side.

Marionette Post Fight Map Chat Inspired Me

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: syxx.7893


I applaud you good sir!

Why Taimi Is Very Fishy

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: syxx.7893


Snaff’s Daughter! That would be an awesome. Crosses fingers

Why Taimi Is Very Fishy

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: syxx.7893


As all your points are valid saying ALL Asura do something is absurd. There are always outliers plus she is a child so she may not have that type of learned behavior yet. Also, if you read the books you’d know that Snaff wasn’t a complete jerk.

Plus I like her and I don’t want her to be up to something unpleasant.