Showing Posts For tfwzyko.3516:
Teaser’s usually get me hyped.
But this is anet so…
Why do people complain about a tactic they don’t have to use?
No one’s stopping you from taking 2 hours in a dungeon if you want to.
next time just get into certain players circle of friends. Like the beta testers.
lol no, i really love having to to roll zerker builds only, and reguarly kick necro’s and engineers from groups because DEEPS.
</sarcasm>but in truth, i miss guild wars 1 “trinity” in the sense you didn’t have to wait around forever for healers because you had heroes.
also this game is ez and you can faceroll any dungeon so need for trinity.
I honestly think u guys dunno how MF works……at all….
Magic Find just increases your chance of getting better items then “white items”…if u increase it even more…… u will have better chance of getting items better then “blue items”…. even more… better items then “green items”. U get what i mean?
The table starts from WHITE items. If u have 50..100 mf let’s say that means u will 90% of the time get blues and up.
If u have around 200mf… 90% u will get green items
If u have 300mf (max) 90% u will get yellows..
These are just examples…but this is how MF works in any game. It doesn’t increase your chance of getting a increases your chance of not getting crap whites for starters.
Having 100% mf is almost nothing really if you are looking for rare/exo. Before the global MF patch u needed around 300% MF to actually start getting yellows pretty fast and about 1-2 exotics/major event (aka pre-karka queen event). Why do u think the MF cap is 300? Or did u think at “300 mf” u would get constant yellows/exotics.
Me at 120%MF i almost literally never see white items. So every item i get, i can salvage and get even more MF in time.
what’s a percent of random?
stop being so elitist telling the poor zerker’s how to play :C
ranger would actually playable and no change to necro and engineer
Ignore these baka gaijin.
A quick search on your friendly search engine will help you.
I found it easy by typing in “Guildu Wars 2: Hyper Extreme Sacred Dimension Alpha”.
Posts about farm being dead.
Makes smug statement there’s a better farm but doesn’t want to share in case of nerf.
Yeah… that’ll totally work bro because they can’t check populated areas, drop rates in specific areas and you know…. these forums.
Maybe all new players should run the dungeon they way it was intended instead of rushing in and trying to learn how to skip mobs and the ways to go.
Because that’s the problem, Vet’s will just skip mobs and new players have no clue what’s going on – then they die/get kicked and make crybaby forum posts..
How about you just play the dungeon – no skips, every dungeon is doable then. You should have no problems, then you have a rough idea of the mechanics you may learn different approaches to the dungeon.
Don’t make QQ threads about people not teaching you when you haven’t even researched anything yourself.
don’t come crying on the forums because you didn’t do your homework and want to be carried pls ty ))
You’re both missing the point. The gilded infusion wasn’t made to boost dungeon boss drops, it was made boost gold drops everywhere. This thing will still work as intended.
This is nothing more than player entitlement. “I can’t abuse this as much any more so you have to pay me back the costs.”
No point arguing with self-entitled children who apparantly think they run the game and can make demands.
I bought dusk for 600g and a few days before it was announced you could craft precursors soon.
You don’t see me crying (externally…)
Why are you all arguing, it’s very clear Anet couldn’t give two kittens about the history of guild wars. Everything is about “new” things. They made a game for the lore that wouldn’t fit in the guild wars game. they’re like microsoft “oh you msis the old lore? GO PLAY THE OLD GAME THEN LOL ))”
Face it, kiel’s won from the start, and i’ve had enough of asuran styled dungeons because they look like kitten sci-fi levels and now i’ll have to run 2 of them in fractals – nice.
i’m sticking to arah (even though you don’t get to see how it looked before it got kittened over because anet won’t make it)
What do you expect from a small team with too much on their plate?
look at all this QQ,
Anet has stated that they don’t want farmers, and all you guys do is look for new ways to farm then cry when it’s removed. What the heck do you expect.
You scream and shout “Y U NO LET US PLAY DA GAME THE WAY WE WANT” when you should probably think “Why don’t i go play a game that let’s me do the things i want”
Anet made the game, but you don’t have to play it.
I hope it’s the battle between Grenth and Abbaddon and not just the final mission of Nightfall.
i spent over 200g trying to get the precursors, it failed.
i saved up 600g and bought it off TP, and I thought i would have missed that gold but… I don’t. If you really want twilight, then it’s a worthwhile investment. and a guaranteed one at that.
reported and blocked… i would have done it to you too.
Play nice
All dungeons are trivial.
pls stop QQ ))
I play casual since beta and only need the icy runestones and ectos for my twilight. It got slow since i cant farm events in orr anymore but other parts like crystalline dust were made cheap and ectos too so i still think it’s kind of balanced.
you just have to shift your playing style, i think dungeons/fotm are the money makers now. (although i hate cof..)
Well that’s a subtle way of saying “hey, everyone should lose some points so only people like me stay above the threshold!”
Jarate off.
What first game were you playing?
That’s true for weapons awarded for finishing the game, or torment weapons, but if you wanted destroyer weapons or obsidian armor, or any elite armor set really you were faced with either farming and hoping for the right materials to drop or buying them. Sure you could buy them from NPC merchants, but at a price set by supply and demand from other players.
And how many people spent hours running dungeons hoping for a particular green weapon to drop? And how many of them just wanted to sell it to one of the many people who weren’t willing to take their chances with the RNG?
How is that any different to precursors in GW2?
the point i was making was you could always see how far you are from achieving your goal with guild wars 1, GW2 i can have everything but the precursor and never know if i will ACTUALLY obtain it.
The only reason i see anet implementing this is as a hook for you to play the game. (a hook for that type of player)
(edited by tfwzyko.3516)
guild wars expansions were usually massive continents to explore. This game hasn’t even been out a year and guild wars 1’s first expansion took 2 years i think. It was worth it though (please bring back cantha!!!)
i always enjoy the kids screaming “WHY SHOULD YOU GET A FREE LEGENDARY I DIDN’T NO FAIR”
If only they played the first game, where all loot was available to you if you worked for it, it was fair, you always progressed towards your goals in that game.
I’m sick of this roll-a-dice BS bring back the hard work and we’ll be rid of the self-entitled children.
I am happy with current state of the game
and I never played GW1
so glad you posted here, completely contributing.
Back on topic, i miss AB… this wvw is great but i liked the fast paced capping that AB had
Why spread out RNG averages evenly between 100% of the population, when you can increase the rate for 10% of the accounts, screw the other 90% completely, and have people so desperate to buy gems to convert into gold to help themselves out?
I mean, they won’ even tell us how the drop rate works. nothing can be random with computers
as you see in this thread, RNG is RNG, i have played almost 4,000 hours and had no luck with precursors at all. Yeah it’s disheartening to see people with under a thousand hours get 4 but that’s how anet made the game.
My advice? play another game for a while, you’ve poured enough effort into the game and you’ve hit a wall. wait for more content. in the meantime i’ll be playing animal crossing where RNG seems to favour me :P
i agree with bright, at any level as long as you know tactics, anything in this game becomes trivial and increasing reward for “harder” places only creates another CoF
Yep, I’m predicting another ban wave coming for people who exploited this. Be nice if they also got the Moa Race exploiters and the Dragon Ball food exploiters at the same time.
Just a guess.. They won’t ban anyone. Only the guys who exploited the mystic forge thing on a scale.
they wont ban them, i mean look at the godskull precursor exploiters, they got to keep all the items they made and no smack on the wrist. just disabled the bug from future use.
gj anet
wow this thread is pure gOLD!
ty for sharing ^^
ugh… more steampunk
i like your name
super luck there. super – ted wassanasong
It’s just a gift for supporting the game since launch. It’s not asking you to do anything, you already did it.
You should feel warm and toasty.
i thought preordering the game and playing since launch was supporting the game but meh… i must be wrong, right?
I sure am glad I could care less about the useless Legendary weapons.
i think the problem is the guy you’re trying to res is actually somewhere else but the revive tooltip comes up as he’s next to you on your screen if you get my meaning.
remember trading?
a good feature.
look at all the BAWW on this thread from farmers. As if Anet doesn’t already know your “SUPER SECRET MONEY MAKING MACHINE”.
It doesn’t matter though, if players like it, IT SHOULD STAY. A game’s about having fun, if you’re not having fun, go do something else.
Even if it’s nerfed, dedicated players will either find a new place for you to whine about or quit the game.
Hi, I got an email, in my junk mail no less and here’s what it says:
It has come to our attention that you are trying to sell your personal Guild Wars account(s). As you may not be aware of, this conflicts with the EULA and Terms of Agreement. If this proves to be true, your account can and will be disabled. It will be ongoing for further investigation by ArenaNet Entertainment’s employees. If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership.
You can confirm that you are the original owner of the account to this secure website with:
If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently. Once we verify your account, we will reply to your e-mail informing you that we have dropped the investigation.
Account Administration Team
Thanks! —The ArenaNet Team
from this email:
now, i’ve allowed guild wars 2 emails to my inbox, this is pretty convincing but the site it tells me to log on seems fake to me and i just want to make sure
any suggestions?
(edited by tfwzyko.3516)
gandara had it open a moment ago i think it still is open
bump as i would like to know also
the only thing bad about it is obtaining the precursor. other than that i think it’s fine.
also, why do people who rushed for legendaries have to cry and get scared it might “get easier” for future people.
I’d actually be happier for them seeing as it was a pain to get.
they just need to up the drop rate a little that is all, maybe more so on the tougher events.
why did they remove precursors dropping from dragon chests, well not remove but make the chance 0.000000000001%
it’s stupid, if they make them rare then they get expensive, why not make them a little more common, why do they have a “top notch” economist working in a video game if he can’t do his job properly?
glad i’m not the only one thinking this. I hate seeing the same argument defending Anet’s idiot designed dungeons
no really, i hate skiping mobs, but you just have to, it’s not only boring fighting the same mobs over and over.
but i am sick of hitting 1 all day and occasionally other numbers, i liked gw1 where you could ACTUALLY customize your build to make it more fun. but now, i have to follow someone elses cookie cutter build
Arah is designed to be like this though, most of you are missing the point when anet said arah is ment to be for the high tier speed clear runners from GW1 giving them some much more challenging content.
The reason we were speedclearing places was for the rare loot SPECIFICALLY found in those areas (ectos/gems/obby shards)
In guild wars 2, NOTHING specific is found in arah other than tokens, they even diminish after several runs in a day!
It is stupid to think we want to speedclear a place with little value, and believe me if it was worth it, people would be speed clearing the snoozefests already.
if anet didn’t make mobs have 238957223235hp then skipping wouldn’t be a problem.
i enjoyed in guild wars 1, fighting the mobs as it was pretty fun, the dungeon had a specific style to it which always needed different tactics.
but in this game, it’s one brick wall after another, just killing things to get to the end, i feel like i’m playing call of duty…