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Why is the title for this game Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


Dear GOSU,

Instead of whining and expecting what-not’s from devs, who are anyway busy enough not to pay any attention to your post, you should have done some research.
Here, let me do it for you :

If you think ANet has gone away from PvP roots, then you’ve never been in a WvW, nor a PvP arena.


Some suggestions regarding the downloader/updater/login screen (Whatever you want to call it)

in Suggestions

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


Bumping thread.

Wanted to create one but seems there’s no need :
Indexing the percentage of completion on total data volume instead of file count would be really appreciated.
We (players) know that it’s not anything close to urgent as the bugs can be, but this would be a real life improvement. Simply because it honestly states what’s going on and this makes the wait more OK (espacially for small connections :P).

I also agree with Nicholas Steel about being more informative when closing the launcher that this action will not delete the downloaded work, though this part becomes somewhat optional.

How is this build viable for dungeons and PvE?

in Warrior

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


I agree with Sami’s opinion, except for the off-hand axe AoE : it does 360° damage instead of a simple cone to start with. Secondly, you combo with almost any field-skill available in the game.

I’ve got a mitigated opinion about “Vengance” however : in some places it proved much useful as there were some easy-trash mobs to kill. However this is not a regular basis, and most of the time you’ll have silver mobs only. So unless you make sure that your team focus on a quick silver kill, “Vengance” is only good if you already know the path and the minions.

Depending on your prefrences (here it is as DPS I guess), i’d suggest you:
Dual axe / sword – warhorn.
=> Main damage and combos with axes / bleed stacks on adrenaline and support (cripple / weakness / speed / endurance regen)

Strength – 20 (bonus vitality OR damage on adrenaline / +5% damage with axe off-and)
Arms – 10 (Bleed +50% longer)
Tactics – 30 (70 power bonus (huge!) / -20%warhorn OR -20% shouts / healing shouts)

Last 10 points can either be spent on Defense (adrenaline on hit) or Discipline (adrenaline on shout).

I do not fancy the two possible traits on 30 strength, but you might want to get that minor 25 on strength.

As you see, this build relies mostly on having at least 2 shouts in your skill belt. I strongly suggest “For Great Justice” and “Shake it off” as a basis. As third skill, you might consider either adding an extra shout (“On my mark” / “Fear me”) or something else (“Endure pain” / “Tactical Banner”).

Each shout heals all nearby allies (range 600 on FGJ) for a good amount: more than 2k if memory serves. More if you drop “Tactical Banner” and use it’s first skill.

Why this particuliar build ? Because you can deal a nice amount of damage (raw with axe + bleeding on sword burst) while being reasonnably tanky; plus when you back-off because of low-health / a non-melee cycle on boss, you still are useful with your shout / warhorn skills.

Do keep in mind however that your only mob control you get is through your cripple / sword adrenaline burst, and that you’re not a real damage soaker (unlike shiled + stance duration).
There are others builds for a tanky crowd control warrior … but that is for another thread

EDIT : reading your post again, I strongly suggest equipping signets with only extreme precaution. Even for healing, i’ve gone from “Healing signet” to “Medning heal”, for the simple reason that it removes 2 conditions along the way. Which is simply awesome (you do get a lot of conditions in every dungeon).

The reason for equipping signets with precaution is that you can easly be tempted by the “full signet” skills, therefore loosing all defensive / more interesting boons options.
So far, the only useful signets I’ve found are the “Rage Signet” (ultimate), “Might signet”, and healing signet if you’re 100% sure that you won’t get poisonned or that your team mates can easly remove it.

(edited by tjafaas.3726)

Racial Skill: Battle Roar

in Charr

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


We already have skills that are only benefical for a certain profession : “Hidden pistol” is mostly designed for engineers.

Why shouldn’t this skill be considered more particuliar as to remove it from the “shout” classification ?


in Suggestions

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


According to the latest news on sPvP, this option will not be taken into consideration as it is :

Jonathan Sharp

Custom arenas are special PvP maps, rented by players, that will allow you to set up passwords, host scrims, and test strategies with your team. This will allow you to challenge other teams, work on your builds in secret, and test your skills 1-on-1 with friends. You can open the server up to everyone and set the map rotation you like best, or keep your arena password-protected so it serves as your private training ground.

True, this is not exactly the same as duelling in “the open-air” and against strangers, as it can be seen on other games.
My guess is they want to keep PvE areas simply as … PvE areas. Meaning a more friendly environnement than it could potentially be with duelling happenings everywhere.

Anyway I’m not sure how would Zaïthan react when seeing his foes fighting between themselves … does his primitive mind even acknoledge anything close to a maniacal laughter ?

The ingenius of bonus XP

in Suggestions

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


@ ZPlus : Sometimes, nerfs are the only way to go without changing everything. If you observe that a certain skill does way much more damage than intended, it’s better to nerf these values than to buff all other skill’s damage and character’s life.
This is a simple and exagerated example, but still it gives the general idea.

This suggestion however does not require to change huge amount of existing settings (I think …), and it is an excellent one IMO.

Proposal about warhorn changes (shout warrior)

in Warrior

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


Maybe add a counterpart trait that converts enemy boons into conditions when they are in range. That would be pretty cool.

That’s the necro’s job.
We shouldn’t be a profession that can do exactly evertyhing what the other professions can do, even if it’s weaker.

By itself, I consider the warhorn most useful in many cases, either general PvP or end-level PvE. Espacially with the trait converting conditions to boons. Man, you can put yourself “protection” lasting as much as there are stacks of vulnerability !

Frankly speaking, I’d rather see a two-handed axe as a new addition to your arsenal.

Racial Skill: Hidden Pistol

in Charr

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


Six points is nothing. As points out LameFox, you’ll get tons of skill points after 80, not to mention all those you get from exploration (challenges).

However, I must agree on the fact that this skill is most useless in its current form for everyone, except engineers.
I mean … whoa ! I can make a free backroll ! … With amount of damage even lower than my auto-attack and with a big cooldown …

IF there was a slot dedicated to racial skills, it could potentially be interesting … though the “warcry” is IMO more benefical.
Then again, there is no such slot.

Give us some love on that skill T_T

(edited by Moderator)

Hehehe, your hammer thread got owned.

in Warrior

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


Just FYI, the question of handling 2H axe has been asked in a reddit thread during second (or third ?) beta WE. The question was about : “Could we not have 2H axes, even with reskinning 2H swords and keeping same skills?”

I don’t remember the exact ANet reply, but it was something close to : “Why spoil the fun when you could have it with skills of their own later?”

First reaction from community was : “extension already planned spotted”, though I rather think it was a common way to say “maybe yes, maybe no”. Would be nice to have 2H axes though, true.

Skill challenge: Defeat Petil

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


Petil is inexistant on Augury Rock as well.

Could we have any insight on this problem ?

Soo horses...

in Lore

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


Well, Mirza was in Elona. Friendly centaurs are almost an impossibility in Tyria, at least for now.

warriors compared to guardians in dungeons

in Warrior

Posted by: tjafaas.3726



Though i’m a level 74 warrior, I’ve done quite a few dungeons to make a reliable answer to you.

To put it bluntely, a tanky warrior will sustain more damage / aggro than a regular DD warrior, even if this later invested a lot on defense traits.

The main reason being the mace / shield weapon combination is simply wonderful and all you’ll ever need for (now and for most) golden bosses: shield stance absorbs everything including stuns / pushing away. The same goes for the mace block.
Moreover, the third hit of mace applies weakness. Perfect to survive a bit longer.

Since the golden bosses have defiance stacks, I only use the burst stun of the mace when all stacks are gone, and preferably when he’s preparing some spell / super-attack / pursuing team mates. Therefore, i often keep full adrenaline for a long period, which grants me accelerated regeneration with a minor defense trait.

Adding to it “Defy pain” as a skill, and you’re good to go.

As compared to a guardian, in my opinion I see it more effective as a off-tank support character than a main tank character, though he may fit this role when needed.

[Spoilers] ArenaNet "confirms" the fan theories about Elder Dragons?

in Lore

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


tjafaas, you need to update your gw lore, the seed is confirmed to show up everytime the dragons rise

Please, do tell me your source.

Anyway, I totally agree with Gwaiyn. Putting the Sylvari as “minions”, either good or bad, is quite outlandish imo.

[Spoilers] ArenaNet "confirms" the fan theories about Elder Dragons?

in Lore

Posted by: tjafaas.3726


Sorry to thwart your nice theory, but it seems you have forgotten all knowledge from GW1. The seed of the Pale Tree was planted by Ronan and Ventari. The latter was able to live longer, and therefore had more time to create the “tablets”, which now are known only as coming from Ventari, though Ronan participated in its creation, in a way.

Moreover, according to the novel “Edge of Destiny” story, there was no such thing as a “Pale Tree” before. The dragons were there long ago before anyone else, feeded themselves to the brim on existing life until there was so little left that they went satisfied into a deep slumber.
The source of this information is very reliable. It comes from Glint himself. He was a former servant of Kralkatorrik.

As to the a sixth symbol, it is quite possible that there is another dragon yet to be revealed. Tyria is after all only one continent, and the world includes so far Cantha and Elona.
My guess is that, eventually, communication with Cantha will become possible, as will it be with Elona. The only small thing to do is kill an Elder Dragon … but that’s what heroes are for