Showing Posts For unown.3410:
Teach me pls
Here is your lesson grasshopper.
A hidden JP. Please tell me there’s a chest at the end.
Before we get daily on certain levels after defeating ‘Jade Maw’.
Now all fractal levels end with Boss tiers. I’m wondering if you’ll get the daily fractal chest at those boss tiers even if its an odd level(e.g Scale 11,23,35 and so on).
Neconecoknight [NNK] I gotta hand it to you guys, best zoom hackers I’ve seen so far.
Teach us please
can i get an invite please =)
Could you please enlighten me as to where the spots are for the ‘Wood pecker’ achievement.
Tough Customer W1 - Impossible for Oceanic?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: unown.3410
Actually after 20 tries I get about 4 where I get inside the shop.
But yea most of the time you die in front of the shop. I find it easier falling down and quickly jumping off the lilipad straight to the water fall.
Yea bro it’s been 2-3 days now and still no hotfix. The worst thing is the trampoline jumps are really dodgy as you have to have 100% accuracy when jumping and timer your Forward to jump to the next pole.
I sincerely hope they fix this soon as I spent more time doing that jump than the whole W2Z2 tribulation alone.
Wait for the timer to finish, DO NOT EXIT until the timer is over. That is the only way you can get the achievement.
The timer I’m talking about is the one on your top right corner, it’s an indication of how much you have time left until you get warped to the next area.
Another thing is loot the chest to get the achievement, this doesn’t apply for you as you already have the token.
Wait for the timer to finish, I did mine and I got it when the timer was over.
Yes, I got it now and I got the 2nd last checkpoint too. The problem now is everytime I die I spawn at the 3rd last checkpoint T_T seriously?
here’s a screenshot of the FLAG
It’s nice that that they put a checkpoint on the trampolines but is it really necessary to put it right next to the spikes? Everytime I spawn there’s a big issue where I just die instantly because the spikes are right next to the checkpoint.
One more thing I realized is that the trampolines are dodgy as most of the time I do not reach the pole I need to be. Currently I’m still at the 3rd last checkpoint for 2 hours now trying to get past these trampolines.
Please fix it, it’s not fun spawning just to die instantly
I was stuck at 2/3 too, so what I did was finish King toad tribulation again. However this time I waited until the timer to move me to a different level finish.
Once the timer was over I got the achievement. Hope this helps out
Invasions will only occur on maps levels 25+ (Orr & Southsun not included).
For some reason I can only think of 12 maps that are levels 25+. What is the 13th map to finish the achievement?
Just managed to solo T4. I’ll be posting a video once it finishes uploading.
Sweet mate. I’ll be looking forward to that. Cheers
Random Number Generation.
If you throw in 4 blades you will have a 0.01% chance of getting a precur.
If you throw in 400 blades, you still only have 0.01% chance.
So how do you guys do it?
Apparently Sword#3 works on the switch
Farm Corrupted Lodestones in Frostgorge. It’s the only Gold farm i did while i made my Sunrise. 4-7g an hour depending on luck.
This is now NOT a viable option. Frostgorge has been nerfed BAD and you can’t even get many drops off of the Icebrood any more. T6 barely drop and T5 is pretty scarce also. Corrupted lodestones are almost non-existant.
I used to average 1 lodestone about every 20-30 minutes. Now I’ll be lucky to see one in 1.5 hours. And I used to get lots of T5 and a pretty decent amount of T6. I’m lucky to get 2 T6 in an hour now.
This did in fact used to be a good farming spot. Not any more.
Worry not, soon every mats will be extinct.
does any1 know how to do it, like after the 1st cut scenes some people grab her so she follows them to the gate, the one magg blows up.
So there isn’t any waiting in the gate part
I was in a party a couple of minutes ago and this guy said he needs to leave so he left, after that the whole party got kick out of the instance; I’ve had a different party as well with the same scenario however I didn’t just get kick, my game crashed and had to restart Pc to run in gw2 again . I was wondering if this happens to everyone else?
If voluntary exit from the dungeon kicks the whole party, what about actually kicking people from the dungeon?
How does it work?
1. When I do it on my main and completed frac 10 that character will get daily chest from maw, after doing so I do frac 10 again for another daily with a different toon, will i get a daily chest and so on with different toons?
2. After doing daily fractal levels (1-9, 10-19, 20-25…) will i get a daily chest for each of the fractal levels I’ve done or just one?
3.Can anyone please post the daily fractal levels from 25+ thx?