Showing Posts For utildai.5319:
It seems lately the necro pets, especially the elite demon seems to be going rouge and running off to kill things on his own….
I don’t know if this is intended or what his aggro range is, but it has become troublesome, especially in packed areas… Is this a recent change because it seems to have started only in the past day or two….
Anyway, just sayin’.
Didnt participate myself but it was described to me by a friend, its sounded truly awesome and its great that there are “unique” experiences that not every one has.
Keep them, it keeps me thrilled about the game and i will definitely be there next time.
I’m going to quote someone else here:
“The better question is WHY, in a game genre with persistent worlds, 24/7 gameplay, people in time zones all over the world, people with varying schedules and play time, would you EVER have events that occur one time at specific times that works for a small number of players?”Hopefully Arenanet gets enough feedback and data to show that they really need to make sure their events can include the vast majority of the player base, in other words, get rid of the one time event, have it repeatable, and have it repeatable over a matter of days.
Quite simply because players would farm it. There were already players getting 2-3 legendary precursors by jumping overflow queues. It messes with the economy when you give some players 300-600g/day.
This sounds like a massive exaggeration. The chances of getting 1 precursor were slim. The chances of getting 3 are ludicris.
Then design then differently…
Not to mention, extending these event lengths, would pretty much please everyone… It isn’t rocket science… :P
Yea, I do. And to be honest, I have two level 80’s and have yet to run a single dungeon so I don’t really even know if your party gets summoned to the instance when only one person enters… I am just assuming it is similar to the story quests with friends going with you.
Well, you can’t really ’’spec’’ towards a specialized build, you can only put skill points into certain things which add to what you already have. A ’’healer’’ can max out boon’s with points, but that is something he/she already has, it just makes it a bit stronger… same with DPS ect…
Your weapon choice really dictates what your going to do. If there is a choice of ’’weapons’’ which gives you no weapon, you should still get some credit for using it and keeping folks alive… otherwise, what’s the point?
I mean a Guardian with a mace and points into boon’s does a pretty darn good job healing. Change that to a sword and it’s completely different.
Too many folks have played WOW. They have been ruined to the joy of putting a group together, fighting your way TO the dungeon, through the dungeon and then back home again….
Ah, the days of AC and EQ…. Forever missed… Here is hoping Elder Scroll’s Online’s non-instanced, find it on your own dungeon system will harken back to those days…
Oh, I agree. I have no issues with that train of thought, but why can’t these events be extended a few more days? That’s all I am saying… Start them on the weekends if you want, just run them to the following weekend.
Anet isn’t the only company to do things this way either, this was just a general statement regarding any game’s one time events, I guess.
What is your MMORPG ideal?
Sigh the point of the thread is that loot mechanics are FUNDAMENTALLY flawed, as you all say, if they want ppl to be a jack of all trades, why is only ONE of the trades rewarded? AoE dps.
This shines most brightly when a guardian in WvW, who has very limited ranged options but many group support options, gets diddly squat for his support contributions.
Don’t worry, if forum censorship does not get you first, the white knights will.
By the way, I find it funny how people say ‘’all content’’ is at level cap… this just kills me….. what content didn’t you do to get to 80?
What are you playing that you don’t do any damage to a mob at all and just provide 100% support?
I play a guardian and I’m getting plenty of kills in WvW when I play.
Engineer’s have a setup which is ALL heals and no buffs, or damage. They can set up to drop these little heal bags every 15 seconds or so, and do so four times in a row (or close to that…) essentially healing anyone who needs it on a continual basis.
That, is what support is. Support isn’t supposed to be about doing damage. If we can heal and keep the party up, we’ve done our job. We shouldn’t have to hit a mob to get credit for helping the group be successful.
We all know, it isn’t easy to switch rolls while a fight is going on.
Hello All…
I must say I am really enjoying GW2 overall. There are some issues with it, bugs, the recent update to armor, ect… However, the overall game and playability of it is very strong and has a bright future ahead of it.
My post is relating to one time and weekend events. I know these are very popular and most everyone enjoys the content, story and game play behind them. The problem is they do not last long enough.
I know most people work days and have weekends off. However, a good portion of any community works shift work, all days of the week with different days off and a good portion of the community works nights as well. This makes it very difficult to get in the game and enjoy these very time limited events.
Now I do understand why they do these sorts of things and tie them into a ‘’free weekend preview’‘, they want to give the previewee’s the biggest bang for their free buck… solid marketing. But we, those of us who work goofy schedules don’t really get to take part in them.
I would just like to see future events such as the Lost Shores one we just had last a bit longer, say a week. That should give everyone, including shift workers, night workers ect the opportunity to at least get in and enjoy a lot of this time limited content.
Like I said, most folks enjoy this kind of stuff. The additional and free content is great for everyone. Just make it last longer.
I’ll shut up now.
I think what he is trying to say is the gear is ’’required’’ to complete the new dungeon being added. This takes away from casual game play and adds a required gear grind to get ‘’certain stats’’ which in essence is a gear score of sorts.
Which, is what Anet said they were staying away from, at some point…
It would seem, based on what she stated in the update the new armor types will be ’’required’’ to finish the high level content, otherwise, you won’t be able to mitigate the ’’agony’’?
If that’s the case…. Bleh.
Never mind, I found it I think….
What update are we talking about? Also, I find it funny how it says the OP was ‘’infracted for this post’’ to the right of the original message.
257 mb of data isn’t a large download for a game that is 14.5 gig (give or take….) they added a few mini dungeons in the 1 November patch, which alone could be that much data if not more.
So the two skins then? Pretty amazing to have sold those for that much.
I’m not sure what your speaking about here, this looks like a black lion trading company things I’ve bought screen…. and really, if your spending that much gold on green items, you should stop, they aren’t worth it… I can make you yellow’s for much less.
Same issue. You would figure if a zone is down, it would be an instant top priority…. I guess they are all off for the weekend….
After playing the game for a bit with these settings it definately adds a Bloomed, Technicolor, Sepia, ‘’post processed’’ type look to the game. It’s an interesting overall take on how to get ‘’more vibrant’’ colors in the game, but I think it’s the same type of effects you can get in Photoshop on a still image with some light image adjustments.
It’s not bad, not sure if I like the overall look of it per ’se but its cool none the less.
(edited by utildai.5319)
BTW, I just made another small change and turned off Lumasharpen and it seems to clean up the edges quite a bit but keeps the integrity of the overall look the same.
Here is another one guys, with Timebomb’s settings file and the recommended ULTRA setting.
Quite a difference eh?
Hey Guys,
After some tooling around ( I am not the brightest tool in the shed…) here are two screens. The first is normal GW2 with AA turned off, Render Sampling Native, Shadows at medium, Shaders at medium and everything else maxed out…
The second is with Sweet installed with Donway’s settings applied along with bloom. I didn’t like the vignette setting as it made the edges dark and sometimes hard to see the menu buttons in the top left of the screen.
I kinda like it. With the settings he provided (I’m not sure if its just because of the area I am in or not….) but it doesn’t look quite the same, maybe some of those screens have Sepia turned on or Technicolor?
Anyway, just my two cents.
Hope it helps.
It’s a fantasy world, you may be hard pressed to find any ‘’real life’’ or ’’realistic’’ armor…
I find the Guardian with a mace and shield is quite fun, easy to level and good with another player or two.
That isn’t a bad site, but it doesn’t list all of the armor’s available either through crafting, or through the quest givers once you complete a quest and they become a karma vendor…
There are lot’s of skins out there, you just have to be looking.
42 and almost addicted.
If you want to play a great sword class, why the Guardian and not the Warrior? If you want the utility, use a Guardian. I love my Guard. Even with the recent changes, the utility it brings to group play is outstanding.
Sounds like some of you are trying to ’’DPS’’ with the Guardian. I don’t think your in the right class for that. Saying the ‘’only viable way to play a Guard is with the GS’‘, just isn’t correct.
Ok guys/gals, thanks! At least I’m not the only one or loosing my mind. :P
I’ll be posting this in the help/engineers/bug forums or where ever, but it seems the turrets we use like to target inanimate objects before they target actual threats….
For example… When your in an area with say, the yellow named weapon racks, or supplies which are supposed to be destroyed along with say, Minotaurs… The turrets, for whatever reason seem to like to target the wrong things, everything else but the enemy mobs, or what I have targeted, and there is no way to force them to switch…
Does anyone else have this problem or found a way to make it not happen?
Oh, and btw, the Charr footprints are backwards in the snow…
How do you get more than one in a post? lol
wow!!! thanks for the reply everyone!!
keep it going!
Here ya go.
I don’t see any comparisons with the traits along with gear which has heal power on it as well. Is there anyone looking into that?
Speaking of which, how the heck do I find my base heal of a skill or my overall heal power for that matter?
There is supposed to be one in the works….
Granted, these are a bit dated, but I would ’’assume’’ the app is still in the works.
Gotta love having free, no fee per month accounts…
Are you a casual player, looking for something other than the Hard Core raider type guilds? Then your looking in the right place. Check out OpFor!
What are we about? Take a look below if your interested.
OpFor is a community of mature gamers, from all around the world, looking to have fun and interact with other members in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. We strongly believe that real life is the most important thing. We know things will happen, and no guild or game should expect you to suffer for taking care of whatever matters most in your own life.
We are about the journey and not the destination. Our community provides our members a place to escape from real life. A place to relax and enjoy gaming in a friendly and fun environment. We are a helpful and motivated group of gamers, looking to enjoy ourselves without drama. This laid back approach may not be for everyone, but it is vital that all our members understand and abide by this belief.
As a member of the OpFor you are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct and to follow the Chain of Command to resolve all disputes and issues.
Our Guild is only as strong as its members and OpFor leadership will look to each and every member as a vital contributor to ensuring our standards are upheld, both in game and on the forums. Members should be aware that their conduct is a reflection of the guild as a whole. No one person is better then any other, nor is he/she above the Guild as a whole. We expect mature people to act in a mature manner. We like to have fun. We poke fun at, and play jokes on, each other, however we do it at all times with respect.
As with any organization, there will be times that people don’t see eye to eye. Any issues that arise are to be resolved in a respectful and mature manner. Every member is to follow the rules set forth in our Code of Conduct and follow the process for issue resolution.
No matter what happens remember to “Praise in Public, Dispute in Private.” If you can’t resolve it, seek assistance from the Guild leadership.
The OpFor Charter is our philosophy and it should be something you believe in. If this is not what you are looking for in a guild, feel free to look elsewhere.
If at any time you no longer agree with our philosophy, feel free to leave any time you like.
In closing we need to make this clear, we are about FUN, period. You will get as much out of OpFor in. If your goal is to have a cool guild name, then that is all you will get. If your goal is to meet new people, play some games, participate in discussions, laugh a little, and most importantly enjoy yourself…..then you will find a a great home here with OpFor and it’s members.
We sincerely hope you decide to choose our Guild over any other. We look forward to meeting you! Until then, enjoy gaming.
If you are interested in OpFor and what we might have to offer you, please feel free to head over to the Recruitment section of the site and fill out an application. We like all types of players as long as you are mature and willing to put in a little work on the side to help the guild be successful. We love couples who are gamers, we have quite a few of those already. If you think your a good fit feel free to apply!
We will get back to you in a timely manner (usually within 24 hours…) and talk to you from there. We look forward to hearing from you!
Strength, Honor, Respect.
Expect both. However, since the game doesn’t have a monthly fee attached to it like other MMo’s expect most of the major content updates to be via expansions.
Just like GW1.
The foundations of this game are great, but once you’ve level’d your charachter and played some PvP, there isn’t alot to do playing alone. My friends are simply logging on, and logging off when they don’t see anyone online, then when I come on I do the same. Its currently only fun in groups. Also even in groups you are rather limited to only free tournaments.
Now I know they are intending to bring out new PvP content but I fear the longer they wait the more it will hurt the game. Most of the players I know are already playing about 10% of what they where at the start.
We need an individual Rating system similar to that of HoN. Something to quantify personal ability to keep the PvP’ers happy and with a goal to work towards.
Slow down, enjoy it. Quit running to the end…. Is this your first MMO? This happens with ALL of them… people get in, rush to the end, skip 3/4 of the included content then complain there is nothing to do….
I don’t see a need for it personally. This isn’t Secret World where you needed to research quest lines out of the game…
Adding a web browser into GW2 really serves no purpose… especially when you can easily alt tab.
We are an active Guild in the CST time zone.
So, what is OpFor really all about? Read below….in the Guild Charter.
OpFor is a community of mature gamers, from all around the world, looking to have fun and interact with other members in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. We strongly believe that real life is the most important thing. We know things will happen, and no guild or game should expect you to suffer for taking care of whatever matters most in your own life.
We are about the journey and not the destination. Our community provides our members a place to escape from real life. A place to relax and enjoy gaming in a friendly and fun environment. We are a helpful and motivated group of gamers, looking to enjoy ourselves without drama. This laid back approach may not be for everyone, but it is vital that all our members understand and abide by this belief.
As a member of the OpFor you are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct and to follow the Chain of Command to resolve all disputes and issues.
Our Guild is only as strong as its members and OpFor leadership will look to each and every member as a vital contributor to ensuring our standards are upheld, both in game and on the forums. Members should be aware that their conduct is a reflection of the guild as a whole. No one person is better then any other, nor is he/she above the Guild as a whole. We expect mature people to act in a mature manner. We like to have fun. We poke fun at, and play jokes on, each other, however we do it at all times with respect.
As with any organization, there will be times that people don’t see eye to eye. Any issues that arise are to be resolved in a respectful and mature manner. Every member is to follow the rules set forth in our Code of Conduct and follow the process for issue resolution.
No matter what happens remember to “Praise in Public, Dispute in Private.” If you can’t resolve it, seek assistance from the Guild leadership.
The OpFor Charter is our philosophy and it should be something you believe in. If this is not what you are looking for in a guild, feel free to look elsewhere.
If at any time you no longer agree with our philosophy, feel free to leave any time you like.
In closing we need to make this clear, we are about FUN, period. You will get as much out of OpFor in. If your goal is to have a cool guild name, then that is all you will get. If your goal is to meet new people, play some games, participate in discussions, laugh a little, and most importantly enjoy yourself…..then you will find a a great home here with OpFor and it’s members.
We sincerely hope you decide to choose our Guild over any other. We look forward to meeting you! Until then, enjoy gaming.
If you are interested in OpFor and what we might have to offer you, please feel free to head over to the Recruitment section of the site and fill out an application. We like all types of players as long as you are mature and willing to put in a little work on the side to help the guild be successful. We love couples who are gamers, we have quite a few of those already. If you think your a good fit feel free to apply! We will get back to you in a timely manner (usually within 24 hours…) and talk to you from there.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Strength, Honor, Respect.
For further information or to apply to the guild go to the address below.
(edited by utildai.5319)
Thanks for this.
Home World: Darkhaven
Guild Name: Opposing Force (OFR)
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Tourke
Focus: Casual Guild, Focused on all game content and not burning through it…
Quick Notes: For more about OpFor and our beginnings, look here…
Are you a casual gamer spending time in Tyria? Looking for like minded folks to play with and get to know while your slaying the latest giant?!
Look no further. We are a casual guild based on Darkhaven and are looking for like minded casual players to join us on our journey!
Check out for more information or PM here!
We look forward to seeing you in game!
Hey Disco. If your looking for casual in all those, check us out too.
Hey E! Check us out too. We love girl gamers!
Old gamer playing a new game...LF Casual Guild on Northern Shiverpeaks
in Guilds
Posted by: utildai.5319
Hey Kind. Check us out too.
Hey Baddon. Check us out too.
Darkhaven players, are you looking for a casual guild to call home while you spend your time in Tyria? Looking for a family friendly guild? Do you want experience without all of the drama? Looking to steer away from the hard core raider types?
Take a look below.
Opposing Force or OpFor
An MMO Guild
We are a casual gaming guild and will be focused on all Guild Wars 2 has to offer in terms of questing, possible raids, dungeons, crafting ect. If you are looking for a hard core raiding guild, you are in the wrong spot. You’ll have to go elsewhere. We are also gearing up for the release of Elders Scrolls Online in the coming year.
Opposing Force started back in 1998 in Asheron’s Call, at which time, it was called K’han. From there the guild moved to Anarchy Online at release.
Our goal is not to be the biggest, it never has. It is to be the most well known and respected guild on whatever server we choose come launch. It takes dedication by the Guild Officers and it’s members as well to get to this point. Our recruitment process is selective, but that is to only ensure a strong fit in the guild with it’s members. We do use Vent/Mumble for voice chat, usually only when we are in a raid or dungeon however. We are not big into using it if we are just out and about, because the Guild Leadership feels it takes away from Guild Chat in game and besides, not everyone likes to be on voice chat.
So, what is OpFor really all about? Read below….in the Guild Charter.
OpFor is a community of mature gamers, from all around the world, looking to have fun and interact with other members in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. We strongly believe that real life is the most important thing. We know things will happen, and no guild or game should expect you to suffer for taking care of whatever matters most in your own life.
We are about the journey and not the destination. Our community provides our members a place to escape from real life. A place to relax and enjoy gaming in a friendly and fun environment. We are a helpful and motivated group of gamers, looking to enjoy ourselves without drama. This laid back approach may not be for everyone, but it is vital that all our members understand and abide by this belief.
As a member of the OpFor you are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct and to follow the Chain of Command to resolve all disputes and issues.
Our Guild is only as strong as its members and OpFor leadership will look to each and every member as a vital contributor to ensuring our standards are upheld, both in game and on the forums. Members should be aware that their conduct is a reflection of the guild as a whole. No one person is better then any other, nor is he/she above the Guild as a whole. We expect mature people to act in a mature manner. We like to have fun. We poke fun at, and play jokes on, each other, however we do it at all times with respect.
As with any organization, there will be times that people don’t see eye to eye. Any issues that arise are to be resolved in a respectful and mature manner. Every member is to follow the rules set forth in our Code of Conduct and follow the process for issue resolution.
No matter what happens remember to “Praise in Public, Dispute in Private.” If you can’t resolve it, seek assistance from the Guild leadership.
The OpFor Charter is our philosophy and it should be something you believe in. If this is not what you are looking for in a guild, feel free to look elsewhere.
If at any time you no longer agree with our philosophy, feel free to leave any time you like.
In closing we need to make this clear, we are about FUN, period. You will get as much out of OpFor in. If your goal is to have a cool guild name, then that is all you will get. If your goal is to meet new people, play some games, participate in discussions, laugh a little, and most importantly enjoy yourself…..then you will find a a great home here with OpFor and it’s members.
We sincerely hope you decide to choose our Guild over any other. We look forward to meeting you! Until then, enjoy gaming.
If you are interested in OpFor and what we might have to offer you, please feel free to head over to the Recruitment section of the site ( and fill out an application.
We like all types of players as long as you are mature and willing to put in a little work on the side to help the guild be successful. We love couples who are gamers, we have quite a few of those already. If you think your a good fit feel free to apply! We will get back to you in a timely manner (usually within 24 hours…) and talk to you from there. We look forward to hearing from you!
Strength, Honor, Respect.
After reading ALL that, if your still interested in joining, feel free to drop by the website and sign up, or get with Tourke or Axwell in game via Tell or Email and we will get back to you!