Showing Posts For wolfhound.2091:

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


Denys your bump :P

[Hex][Na]Hexxed Guild[Social][PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


jees man all that’s in here is your bumps XD

Moocraft a magical guild of friends

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


Heya peoples of the forum come join us in moocraft we’re bunches of fun

Do these kinds of guilds exist?

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


probably not as that kinda defeats the purpose of making a guild

Looking for Guild (New Player)

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


tolate ive already adopted her into my guild

melinoe if your wondering

EU old fart looking for active guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


heya we at moocraft would love to have ya I sent you a messege ingame

[NA] LF Small guild PvX (Odd play time)

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


heya we at moocraft would love to have ya we are in the world sanctum of rall if you have any questions just hit me up ingame

LF Guild (PvX maybe) [NA][JQ]

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


bad minitopo I need members more then you :P

Long time friends looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


we at moocraft would be happy to have ya yes we are small right now but ikm getting newplayers every day the ones I have are very friendly and love to do all aspects of the game theres currently 6 of us in the guild please consider us as your new home

[NA]Northern ShiverPeaks-[LF]Sml/Casual PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


heya we at moocraft would love to have ya ive added you as a friend ingame just messege me if you have any questions

LFGuild Family-Friendly on SoR

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


we at moocraft would be happy to have ya we are in sanctum of rall

(EU)Seeking for an Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


heya we at moocraft would be happy to have ya we are currently in the sanctum of rall server if your willing to switch servers that is

LFGuild casual pve EST

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


heya we at moocraft would love to have ya join we are currently in the sanctum of rall server if you have any questions talk to me ingame ive sent you a messege nd added ya there

LF mature guild [EU servers]

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


heya we at moocraft would love to have ya we are a growing guild so numbers shouldn’t be a problem soon we currently have 7 members but I’m getting more every day we are currently set in the world sanctum of rall

LFGuild YB, uber-casual/social

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


heya we at moocraft would love to have ya ive added you ingame so just pop me a messege when you get online

[NA][Maguuma][Looking for Guild!]

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


heya if your willing to switch servers we at moocraft would happily have ya we are in the sanctum of rall server

[NA][YB] Looking for WvW guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


wede be happy to have ya at moocraft we are a fairly new guild and new players but we are hoping to grow please consider us as the guild you join we are fairly active and are in the sanctum of rall world

[EU] Looking for a PvE/PvP guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


wede be happy to have ya at moocraft we are a fairly new guild and new players but we are hoping to grow please consider us as the guild you join we are fairly active and are in the sanctum of rall world

[NA] LF PvE Guild (Casual Player)

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


wede be happy to have ya at moocraft we are a fairly new guild and new players but we are hoping to grow please consider us as the guild you join we are fairly active and are in the sanctum of rall world

Looking for Guild - casual player

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


Heya wedelove to have ya at moocraft we are in the world sanctum of rall if your willing to move to a different server we are a fairly new guild new players too just trying to grow but we are all friends here.

Casual Player LFG

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


wede be happy to have ya at moocraft we are a fairly new guild and new players but we are hoping to grow please consider us as the guild you join we are fairly active and are in the sanctum of rall world

Casual pair LFguild for dungeons HoD Texas

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


wede be happy to have ya at moocraft we are a fairly new guild and new players but we are hoping to grow please consider us as the guild you join we are fairly active and are in the sanctum of rall world

Moocraft a magical guild of friends

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


thanks for the offer and the luck

Moocraft a magical guild of friends

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


Moocraft is a special guild in which focuses heavily on making sure its own members are having a satisfactory experience. We are a guild that promotes friendship, community and trust and are honor bound to those who will support us. As you can see, we are a new guild so we are heavily recruiting members who love to have fun, love to participate with other friendly people and to whom are just overall awesome to join our ranks. We accept any and everyone here so do not fret, we will do our best to make sure you have as best of an experience as possible. If you have any questions regarding this guild or any of its variants, feel free to contact me, Wolfhound (Wolfhound.2091) or Beowulf Drakmire (Wrathane.6475). We are friends, we are family, we are Moocraft!

PS: we are in the world sanctum of rall

(edited by wolfhound.2091)