Showing Posts For wondo.2870:

Fractal legendary backpack collection bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wondo.2870


You can get the achievement at fractal 20 which is jade maw. I completed this last night. It probably meant to be worded as minimum fractal 10 or something.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


I’ll be coming out for SAB’s 2 year anniversary! Let’s hope we see SAB in 2015!

SAB or RIOT <3

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

The Future of Mesmer: Hopes & Doubts

in Mesmer

Posted by: wondo.2870


I have played mesmer since launch and have played all game modes wvw, pvp, and pve. I have recently gotten into team queue spvp and high level fractals/dungeon speed runs. Even though mesmer is my favorite class and I have 3 of them I have been struggling to keep playing it in current metas. “bring your ele” for pve/pvp. or pretty much any other class for pvp. And if we ever get another mesmer player in our pvp group I always switch, because stacking mesmers is genereally not a great idea in pvp….anyways on to the questions!

  • What do you feel the Mesmer is currently lacking ATM? Please don’t use general terms like “damage” without elaborating for what game mode and why you feel this way.

Role/build diversity in Spvp, role/utility diversity in zerging in wvw, reliable phantasm or weapon damage in pve(dungeons, fractals, new LS instances, and open world bosses), movespeed signet/trait for out of combat situations.

  • What game mode (PvP, WvW, PvE Open World/Dungeons) do you feel Mesmer currently excels in the most? Least?

Most- I guess wvw roaming or small group play, low tier spvp

OK- high tier spvp, dungeons, low level fractals, open world bosses I guess

Least- wvw zerging, high level fractals, solo LS instances(though I enjoy soloing all the living story stuff on my mesmer over other classes because it’s more fun to me, some of the new boss mechanics are NOT phantasm friendly)

  • Without reworking anything, what minor adjustments would you make to any of our weapons/utilities/traits to make them more viable?

alot of people have already mentioned the revert nerfs to 1hand sword

Greatsword- blast finisher on #3(actually mind stab is something that has improved so kudos), a chain to the GS auto or something to get rid of the stow weapon crap in pvp.

Far reaching Manipulations- just make all manipulations 1200 range by default this is seriously so limiting in spvp and it really doesn’t make sense to even have a trait for this.

we have so many “almost there” specs, just barely not working because our traits are terribly blobbed into grandmasters. Like mantras for example, does empowering mantras really need to be a grandmaster? we also have 3 grandmasters in 3 different lines dealing with interrupt, and yes interrupt IS one of the most rewarding builds out there that is working, but do we really need interrupt traits in 3 different lines?

  • Is there anything that would make you stop playing Mesmer? If you’ve stopped what would draw you back?

I will probably always play mesmer to some degree. What’s enticing me is the new specialization.

  • What has damaged your faith in the devs? Is there any faith remaining? What would have to happen to earn back your trust? Again, please no general statements like “a lot of nerfs.”

There was one Living Story instance in Hidden Arcana where you are fighting the Facet of Light and you get one shot unless you get the color attunement. After getting the attunement my heart kind of sank when I went in to “dps” the boss and my iWarden is dead on arrival, didn’t even land a single bit of dps before dying. And here I am getting all kittened off and what do I see? My kittening mini pet has the kittening invulnerable aura buff, the same one that I have, yet my phantasms, pretty much all of my dps, gets insta one shot. It was at that moment I realized mesmers were the last thing the devs thought of. I mean they sat around and decided to make our mini pets invulnerable to the one shot, but not our phantasms?

  • What is your one (reasonable) Mesmer wish?

powerblocking thieves.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Fine Dining Bug: Can't Complete

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wondo.2870


Hi I crafted the last two feasts for the Fine Dining achievement and much to my dismay I already had learned “Feast of Truffle Steak Dinner” a while ago I had just forgot. Anyways since I can’t consume the recipe again I can’t get credit for the achievement?

I have included two screenshots.

1. The incomplete “Fine Dining” achievement and 1 Recipe: Feast of Truffle Steak Dinner in my inventory with the “you already know this recipe!”

2. The Cooking Panel with “Feast of Truffle Steak Dinner” showing that I previously had crafted and consumed it.


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


Peaceful? Many maps existed and the map that we were in had the most hardcore protest this game has ever seen. Too bad you got a care bear map. You do not know what you are missing. I do not not know what I am missing in your map, but if it is anything care bear like usual then I really don’t care.

The excitement comes and goes, it’s pretty chill right now. Earlier though…..


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

(edited by wondo.2870)

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


protesters have now worked their way inside the box here in NA! When will Moto open the gates!


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


Just off work and about to login to continue the #OccupySAB2014 !!!

Some clarifications:
We understand SAB may not make an appearance in 2014, considering the interview said they had NOT been working on it. All we ask is to consider it’s appearance in 2015 and to please take note how many fans SAB truely had. Anet’s “metrics” on SAB Part 2: Back to School were skewed by the release of ascended weapon crafting and the introduction of new mega boss fights via Tequatl. Both were released in Sept 2013 alongside with SAB World 2. I ask you Arenanet, what holiday/reoccurring event do you think could compete with linear progression(ascended 500 crafting) and the introduction of a new pve game feature(mega world bosses)? Would Wintersday or even Halloween hold up?

When you visit the rallies please keep note that our enthusiasm varies greatly from person to person:
-want it released RIGHT MEOW “SAB or RIOT”
-has never played SAB but wonders what it is
-wants additional worlds 3 and 4
-would be ok with it just coming back “as-is”
-wants it to be permanent
-wants it to be reoccurring content
-forum regulars
-non forum regulars
-could see it existing in the current Living Story
-thinks it stands alone without the need for Living Story involvement

but one thing they all have in common is their enthusiasm for SAB <3

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

(edited by wondo.2870)

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


SAB W2 also released at the same time as Ascended weapons which meant that a lot of the PvE focus was on grind grind grind rush rush towards Ascended instead of SAB.

I keep bringing this up as well…. people wanted 500 weaponsmith and their shiny new ascended weapons took priority over SAB. I think Anets data on how popular SAB W2 is skewed by this dual release of content…

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


Listen up folks, SAB fans have been fairly silent for over a year now. The recent interview states

“I think the other part of it is that we look very carefully at how much people played and how much people enjoyed certain portions of content that we put out, and so that also weighs into the factor of ‘Well, okay, what are we going to do, and when are we going to bring back things?”

" And so, I think it would be very unlikely that you would see it as part of a Living World season release, as to whether or not we come back to it, whether or not in some other form, you know, I can’t really say, I don’t know how likely that is and that is really all I can say about it."

So they did not plan to release it in between this LS break OR maybe ever again. We the fans of SAB are just trying to show anet that we LOVE SAB and please please please don’t cut it permanently. we’re not trying to make them “give in” or whatever. They believe SAB doesn’t have much support which I don’t believe to be true. And we’re just occupying SAB portal because guess what, all those people in game that just walk by SAB portal and wonder “what’s that” well we’re here to show off how awesome SAB is, and we get to show them all our cool minis and SAB boxes etc. There were countless numbers of people In game and also on twitch chat “oh is SAB opening? is this like an opening party?” and we had to tell them “sadly no” show your support for SAB or Anet might Axe it permanently! I think SAB has more fans than Anet realizes and far more than their “metrics” show……

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


We’ve got SAB Fun boxes surrounding the perimeter of Rata Sum!


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


#occupySAB is now on twitter =D

omg that crying Asura! THA FEEELS!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


Someone brought an SAB fun box


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


showing my support


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


one MAJOR thing people always seem to forget when talking about “metrics” of SAB Part 2 “Back to School” Release is that it was the same patch(9/3/13) that they increased weapon/huntsman/artificer crafting from 400 to 500 and introduced ascended weapon crafting. the MAJORITY of players were grinding that and not playing SAB. And when they did step into SAB World 2 they were hit with a more challenging, more time consuming, less rewarding content. which they didn’t have time for since they needed to grind pve to craft ascended weapons. Not to mention they released SAB Part 2 with less rewards: no bauble vendor to convert to GW2 items like obsidian shards, boss rewards could only be rewarded ONCE per account daily, and the removal or relocation of many bauble farming spots in SAB. And locked Tribulation Mode behind a “gemstore wall” via the infinite coin, considering you couldn’t grind continue coins in any reasonable way in game since they removed them from jumping puzzle rewards and open world drops as well. All of these factors are why people bashed on SAB Part 2 and are often forgotten. The SAB World 2 content was amazing, a little overtuned in some spots but nothing unfixable.

+1 would love to see SAB return with or without more Worlds

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

(edited by wondo.2870)

Supah Adventurr Fanboks @^o^@

in Living World

Posted by: wondo.2870




SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Discussion: Mind Stab [Rework]

in Mesmer

Posted by: wondo.2870


my vote is for #4 as long as it’s still ground targeted, this would be really interesting!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Patch Notes

in Mesmer

Posted by: wondo.2870


powerblock should absolutely be able to put thief weapon skills on cd. why would anyone take this now? I mean it’s not even guaranteed to interrupt the skill, the mesmer still HAS to time it right… I don’t get it.

A fair trade would be not letting auto attacks be put on cd, but all other weapon skills are up for grabs(including thieves). Has a DEV ever interrupted a thief with a mesmer mid- heartseeker? it’s a kittening rush when you land it right, and it is not 100% guaranteed to land even if you have a lot of practice. Spending points for a GM trait in a line that would make you sacrifice either dodge clones or CI for Power block for an interrupt build is not op….

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

(edited by wondo.2870)

Anet Please let us salvage wvw weapons/armor

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


It costs badges and gold to buy the wvw weapons/ armor. Why can’t we salvage them?

With the new wardrobe and balance changes I have a lot of sigils and runes “locked” to wvw gearsets. where the only option is to gem store an extractor per piece or rebuy entire runsets/sigils….

We can salvage dungeon token armor but not wvw token armor?

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


LOL Endless Tonic of Khaki Cargo Shorts?

Reallly? Pls just make them individual costume items that people can still mix and match with….

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: wondo.2870


Wondizzle- my 2nd lvl 80 mesmer. Went for a villain look with a hint of pirate.

More pics and info in the album


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Knights aren't dropping loot [Resolved]

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: wondo.2870


I wish we could get cores by converting blade shards into account bound versions of the cores that way if you did the event every day until it’s gone you would still be able to get enough cores to make one backpiece. I have been doing the event many times through the bugs and the hotfixes and haven’t gotten even 1 core yet.

I don’t see why a) you need 10 of them, b) they are rng drops from a limited event c) I might have no chance of getting them even if I play the event many times every day til it’s gone.

please anet make blade shards convert into account bound cores?

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

JQ/TC/SoS 9/11

in Match-ups

Posted by: wondo.2870


ty EP for the GvG tonight ! and ty to AGG for the GvG last night!

Our first two GvG’s in like 8 months were against AGG and EP, we couldn’t have had better guilds to intro us into the scene. TY for the fun! We have a lot to work on and our theorycrafting team is in full swing

also this thread is so nice love TC and SoS forever <3

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: wondo.2870


frost aura is a 10% damage mitigation, it’s really good.

but I do agree I would like to see some of the aura traits/skills lowered, combined, or redone because I think auramancer is a really nice support/bunker spec, but the traits are all over the place, literally in every trait line with mostly heavy trait investments like grandmaster or master tier. In addition, most weapon set ups only have access to 1 aura(staff, S/D) except D/D and D/F which have 2.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: wondo.2870


It’s the only tier 1 AOE cleanse in the game is the main reason, other factors are that its also an on demand cleanse, and it can be used every 10 seconds.

^^ directly from JP’s mouth just now

It takes a 30 point investment in Arcane traitline for it to be “on demand” every 10 seconds or did you forget eles base attunement recharge is currently 16 seconds(13 with new patch) That’s a 40 traitpoint investment (including the 10 in water to get cleansing wave) for 1 condi aoe cleanse( or 2 condi cleanse if you count evasive arcana ) every 10 seconds.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: wondo.2870


First of all Jon P. TY for your responses and for listening to us!!!

I couldn’t be happier if you kept cleansing wave and renewing stamina in adept tiers!!!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wondo.2870


I just read all 13 pages of the responses to the changes. I don’t really feel like completely re-hashing what a lot of great ele posters have said but I am not happy with the trait tier changes in Arcane and Water.

I just don’t understand how they can justify nerfing a class that has no place in current spvp or roaming wvw meta. Even IF they are indeed nerfing most of the other classes major meta spvp builds Ele’s are being nerfed AGAIN to make sure that with the other classes nerfs we are still sure to be at the bottom AGAIN. Was the old D/D ele at launch that traumatic to the game that it will not only be nerfed in every way possible but then, 6 months later, with no additional buffs or changes to the spec, be re-nerfed?

they say they want more build diversity? then why nerf an already nerfed into the ground spec like d/d ele(that people still enjoy running regardless of how nerfed it already is)? it won’t build diversity.. either people will be forced to spend more points in both water and arcane, bringing us back to 0/x/x/30/30 builds or you will have to completely give up water and arcane traits to try out their new traits that may or may not be completely useless and provide far less sustainable survivabilty and group support.

The previous Fresh Air patch was better at build diversity than this. at least that new trait was so much fun and good you wanted to give up some arcane or water traits for it. This patch however is not building diversity it’s forcing us into new specs that cannot vary and nerfing existing ones that aren’t even viable to begin with.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: wondo.2870


I just read all 13 pages of the responses to the changes. I don’t really feel like completely re-hashing what a lot of great ele posters have said but I am not happy with the trait tier changes in Arcane and Water.

I just don’t understand how they can justify nerfing a class that has no place in current spvp or roaming wvw meta. Even IF they are indeed nerfing most of the other classes major meta spvp builds Ele’s are being nerfed AGAIN to make sure that with the other classes nerfs we are still sure to be at the bottom AGAIN. Was the old D/D ele at launch that traumatic to the game that it will not only be nerfed in every way possible but then, 6 months later, with no additional buffs or changes to the spec, be re-nerfed?

Sure we have builds that are o.k. and as others have stated some people(including myself) still play D/D ele even in its nerfed state because we like the playstyle of it. I really love the way D/D ele plays even if I know I’m not being as useful as I could be if I were to get on one of my other classes.

they say they want more build diversity? then why nerf an already nerfed into the ground spec like d/d ele(that people still enjoy running regardless of how nerfed it already is)? it won’t build diversity.. either people will be forced to spend more points in both water and arcane, bringing us back to 0/x/x/30/30 builds or you will have to completely give up water and arcane traits to try out their new traits that may or may not be completely useless and provide far less sustainable survivabilty and group support.

The previous Fresh Air patch was better at build diversity than this. at least that new trait was so much fun and good you wanted to give up some arcane or water traits for it. This patch however is not building diversity it’s forcing us into new specs that cannot vary and nerfing existing ones that aren’t even viable to begin with.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

(edited by wondo.2870)

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: wondo.2870


Loving the fights SF/iQ <3

Sorry for late response! Saturday on BG bl around the ruins right! so much fun was had fighting you guys!


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: wondo.2870


Woo TC again!

May our Dolyak Parade go on and on forever!

So much fun tonight! EP from TC you guys are really fun to fight. We had a really big zerg tonight and you guys kept coming at us! That NE tower fight!!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Jade Quarry Server Recruitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: wondo.2870


Still looking for guilds to call JQ home!

Especially in EU and Oceanic/Late NA!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Tribulation Mode Completion Club

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: wondo.2870


I love love love tribulation mode. It’s my favorite update to GW2 since launch!

Dying to see world 3 and 4 now!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

Tier 1: SoR/BG/JQ 05/17/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: wondo.2870


wtf Pryan nooooooo. How dare you!

Our friendship was over the day you laid eyes on this asura. Why do you think I joined a guild called Asura Must Die? AMD for life.

So when does Indo get executed?

Once he marries Wondo.


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

WvW abilities image

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


Rank 27 is a measly scout.

I look forward to being Rank 0: Killed by Flame Ram.


some more:
Rank 1: Killed by a cliff(nerf cliffs!)
Rank 2: Killed by Quaggans

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


SOMEONE 5v5 us tonight stop zerg fighting!

See no one ever wants to pvp with Wedo…. XD

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


Hey Choo you suck at underwater combat.

It was fun fighting you even if you had massive numbers compared to us.

I keep telling our members its something we need to practice.

lol maybe agg will reveal their undefeated underwater tactics for us aqua noobs XD

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

@ Choo

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


talentless this is not how we make friends. :/

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


Nice defense of Garrison on BG BL tonight! SF brought out some Necro Force decked out in all green and had a blast!


SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


Really fun reset night on BG BL. the fights never stopped! Shout out to Fear & CDS from SoR and Icoa and LotD from BG! You guys were hitting us hard all night and we loved it!

one thing I noticed is that most of the guilds stayed separate for the most part not forming a mega zerg ball! This made fights really fun in open field because it was like 30v30 or so for each engagement, one side never really having a huge number advantage. Anyways even though we lost a bunch of stuff on our map we were really having a blast thanks for bringing the heat!

btw saw the new SF troll tag. what was it Bag Force [SF]? love it, keep em coming!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


canceling 3 times is pure class. making 20 people sit and wait is respectful. We have sent requests to every guild that gvgs. you all find time for other guilds either you guys dont want to fight us or you are trying to make a point. and in doing that you are really not claiming #1 till you do

Well we don’t claim #1 XD, although we do claim to have more fun than any other guild out there. SERIOUSLY CAN YOU COMPETE with SF Shenanigans? Do you have what it takes?

Just last night SF was practicing our underwater strategies so we can have an underwater gvg against the undefeated Agg at a future time. On-land gvgs are so 2012.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


lol wow.

EMP is a great guild and does a lot for JQ, they have also stated in previous GvG requests that they might cancel at any time due to the current score, etc.. I know SoR guilds don’t “play for ptt” but JQ guilds do, and it’s their choice to play that way. EMP is one of our JQ guilds that “leads” a map nightly. Additionally their past GvG’s are streamed, and they hold the guilds they go up against with the upmost respect on these forums. It’s sad to see TW react this way due cancellations maybe if you reacted with more class, EMP or any JQ guild might be more inclined to gvg with you :/

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


It is funny to see all the crying on the forums. I have been in some 1v1 with some JQ only to have SF roll up with 20 people to wipe me.

I agree and can confirm that when running with our main team I’m sure we have often come across what was probably a great small skirmish to wipe it in some random location not knowing what it was. I can also say that when running with my small teams(5 or less) I have run into 1v1’s and 1v2’s from other servers and just sat back and watched, not interfering. just last week I commended a Choo mesmer soloing two blackgate while 3 SF watched from a distance. I’ve heard of the dueling events that went on in T2 between BG/SoR/TC and think that is a great idea. would it upset you if there was a dueling event going on and one guild from a server decided to go wipe it for “fun”?

Just calling out a guild for acting in a poor way in my opinion. They can do whatever they please, and they choose how others view their guild. It’s my opinion that you shouldn’t interrupt a gvg in progress. and in others opinions it’s all fair game. to each their own :P

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


breaking the unspoken truce zone that everyone has set aside for GvG?

I think you only speak for a small minority of people, certainly not everyone…

Where we come from, Red is dead. Sorry.

rallying everyone on your map to wipe a gvg? i agree with red is dead in terms of map strategy, but gvg’s are fun, and can be challenging and a place to try new team comps etc.. plus it builds somewhat of a community between servers and guilds.

Yet when people are GvG’ing and not defending our borderlands, it takes spots from people that are legitimately trying to defend.

Another perspective perhaps

you don’t need your whole map to defend a tower/keep >.>

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


breaking the unspoken truce zone that everyone has set aside for GvG?

I think you only speak for a small minority of people, certainly not everyone…

Where we come from, Red is dead. Sorry.

rallying everyone on your map to wipe a gvg? i agree with red is dead in terms of map strategy, but gvg’s are fun, and can be challenging and a place to try new team comps etc.. plus it builds somewhat of a community between servers and guilds.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


If you’re in WvW, expect to get hit. There are no ‘truce zones’ in my opinion at least. Everybody is fair game :/

The GvG area is very well known….

I think it’s fair to say it is only known to GvGers. Most of the casual population and probably every single individual who doesn’t visit these boards or guru has no idea about the GvG area or even that GvG exists.

But I digress, back to my original question, who won the GvG? Are there any fraps?

and yet when these “randoms” roll up on a gvg in progress if you tell them in say chat what’s going on they will usually stay and watch. yet fear has no idea? please.

It got interrupted before it really began.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


If you’re in WvW, expect to get hit. There are no ‘truce zones’ in my opinion at least. Everybody is fair game :/

The GvG area is very well known….

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


bad form FEAR zerging a casual gvg with their full map 60 person zerg…..

south of south camp is pretty much a guarantee spot for gvg. and your FEAR scout told you it was 15 SF vs 15 Agg? so you could come and roll us with 60? lol so sad hahahaha you must have been bored to interrupt a gvg like that. pathetic.

1st off we only had about 15 and the rest were random. At most we had 25-30 total. Might have seemed like more due to how quickly you died. So I can forgive your blatant exaggeration.

2nd – FEAR was not invited to your little “casual” event so we felt slighted and acted accordingly. Next time it would behoove you to possibly send us an invite.

3rd – We were farming badges all evening (all week for that matter) and seeing that the map was rather quiet we went to where the badges could be found. It’s WvW my friend so complaining about being killed in any BL is rather pointless.

4th – yes we were bored. Thank you for providing us with a laugh before we logged for the night.


1st: I did not state it was 60 FEAR, it was a big kitten zerg, lots of randoms and CDS, maybe totaling the 50-60 zone, 60 is a common reference for mega zerg so it is just the number I was stating, may or may not have been 60. regardless wiping a gvg, with your guild whatever the numbers is bad form. maybe if guilds on SoR didn’t run with mega zergs all the time BG and JQ would be more willing to “field” fight you as guilds on your server claim to play for.

2nd: SF really has no background with FEAR besides wiping your “team” in the field, you do not stick out to me a good skirmishing guild. we have no contact with your guild leaders or commanders nor have you ever tried to contact ours. in fact the only time your guild has stuck out to me is when you tag a long with TW or Choo. Or maybe it was that one time you defended an exploited tower all night despite me informing someone from your guild that it was taken by an exploit, which to you means nothing, which is bad form.

3rd: 1 Fear guy was watching the gvg, we left him alone, thinking he was just a spectator. along with many JQ and BG spectators. But really he was just informing your whole map to come “have some fun” and wipe a gvg for what bags? lol. you’re pathetic have fun farming and getting trolled. You guys must wipe alot to NEED bags and drops so badly. cute really :P

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


bad form FEAR zerging a casual gvg with their full map 60 person zerg…..

south of south camp is pretty much a guarantee spot for gvg. and your FEAR scout told you it was 15 SF vs 15 Agg? so you could come and roll us with 60? lol so sad hahahaha you must have been bored to interrupt a gvg like that. pathetic.

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


BG garrison tonight was crazy! Did anyone see the double Keep Lord battle in Garrison lords room? The lord glitched out and spawned a new one while the other was still alive and they fought to the death!

fun times with choo in hills on bg bl just a bit ago too

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


To ICoa: your pimp mesmer that got past Necro Force in Redbriar deserves a kudos!

I bet it was Feisty. She probably put on her boxing gloves and Mike Tysoned her way through. Was anyone missing an ear?

OMG it was an asuran mesmer! If it was Feisty I feel honored to have been around such stardom!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: wondo.2870


Some more Strike Force shenanigans tonight!

I present TEAM NECRO!

The only thing that would be more awesome is if you had a video of something hitting all those marks at once XD. I wonder what those marks would do to a keep lord :P

(referring to the first pic btw)

Yea we got some video, we’ll posted it when it’s edited soon!

In lords room Hills and in Rebriar choke points when we had all the marks down I targeted a brave person trying to traverse the madness and they had an instant 25 bleed stack on them plus a kittenload of other condi’s and just melted….evil lol.

To ICoa: your pimp mesmer that got past Necro Force in Redbriar deserves a kudos!

SAB is LOVE, SAB is LIFE #OccupySAB2014