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Incredibly hard, incredibly unrewarding

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xenogias.1768


Dungeons start being ok as soon as guys STOP thinking their 20 year experience does help you at all in GW2.
This system requires a good teamwork, tactics and stuff.
Something that most MMOs are heavily lacking due to heaving one part removed by the tank/heal/dd groups.

A post from someone who has clearly not done an instance or only done a couple of the easier ones.

As for the post I have to agree. As it stands right now the effort for reward is simply not worth it. Personally I love them even if they are a tad broken. But I’m not playing for effort vs. reward. I’m doing them for the rediculous challenge they offer.

Is it actually possible to melee in dungeons?

in Warrior

Posted by: xenogias.1768


It seems to me that wandering into melee range as a warrior is a death sentence if the boss decides to target you.
Dodge should only be needed for big, telegraphed attacks that players have no excuse not to be avoiding. For how much Anet blathered on about there being no “holy trinity” it seems like they lied. You need to rely on other classes to protect you just as much as in traditional MMOs. The only difference seems to be that it’s not very effective.

Being able to heal 1/3 of my HP at best every 30 seconds is a bit of a joke when a normal boss hit does almost that much.

Am I not understanding something, or is this game just really poorly designed? It seems like they changed what wasn’t broken just to be different.

Melee is tougher no doubt. But you missed the part where Anet said NOTHING about making a glass cannon build and being able to tank a boss. To think you should be able to do that is silly.

Perosnally when I get in trouble I get out, swap to my gun, and kite if need be untill the boss switches to someone else. Then I will heal up and go back in. Then again there are just some setups in instances that are completely broken imo right now and instance balance is a joke.

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: xenogias.1768


FYI hundred blades has a 3.6 second cast time (from start to the “big hit”) so anyone claiming they executed a 1 second hundred blades is trying to dupe you.

Hundred blades only does about 20-30% more DPS than axe auto attack, at the cost of rooting you. It pretty much has to do this much damage to not be a useless attack. Over time, axe auto attack outdamages a greatsword warrior’s total DPS. You need to combo 100b with longer cooldown abilities to be able to even land a fraction of the damage.

If enemies are dying in one hit, they should probably spec more stun breaks and defensive skills.

You sir need tor ead the WHOLE thread before blabling nonsence

And you need to reread your initial post before accusing someone ELSE of blabing nonsense. As a matter of fact YOU need to read the post. People have given plenty of reasons on why you are full of it and you are simply chosing to ignore it. I’m running a glass cannon build and greatsword really isnt that great. Sure its numbers look awesome but if you do any type of testing what so ever you will realise its average at best for busrt damage, which is what you are tyring to accomplish. Not to mention you are useing up 3-4 skills to pull it off and have 0 utility left over. That would be ok for a ranged class but in melee?

Posts like this just show some people shouldnt open thier mouth. If 100b was so OP, in combination with any skill, you would see it all the time in sPvP. Which btw, you do not. In WvW you MIGHT get 1 kill before you get yourkitten smacked into oblivion. And if you do not get that one kill you are dead anyway. In another words you are completely useless.

Best way to level late night?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xenogias.1768


I’m not a new player. Well, in the sense that I started in EA like most of you. I have a lower 50’s ranger and with all character slots my lowest is 16 with the rest 30’s and 40’s. I would like to think I know thoes zones pretty well.

One thing I have noticed, and by a large margin is how much faster leveling during peak hours is. There is a severe lack of events in offpeak/slowest hours of the night. During peak hours I can easily make 5-6 levels in 3-4 hours. At night, when I can usually play I am lucky to make 2-3 levels in a 6hr session. Last night for example I completed 3 zones on my warrior and only went from level 36 to 39. The whole time I saw 2 active DE’s. In all fairness one zone was completely bugged The only thing working was hearts. All the dynamic events had been started but where bugged (most of them anyway).

So my question is whats the best way to level at night? 3 levels in twice the amount of time I made 5 levels earlier that day in 3 hours is unacceptable to me. Am I going to have to swap servers to a more active night server and forsake my daytime playing?

I think the tagging system ruins Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: xenogias.1768


I’ve noticed this as well. I started with a ranger. Thought I was doing really well with axes/traps. Now playing dual axe warrior and omg the amount of loot and exp! In most cases it pays off for me to run head first into the mobs and spin2win, go down and get a rez. I do enough damage in that time to tag every mob and get the exp/loot from it. With a ton of added MF and bonus exp its just awesome.
Now if they could just add a way to increase events during the slowest hours of the night. During the day I level faster in a single zone than its ment for. At night I am lucky to get 2 levels in a 6 hour play with the lack of events.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: xenogias.1768


What crafting profession are you using? I’ve never run into “grinding” (neither needing to farm mats, or grinding items) on any of my characters, up to 250 skill so far.

1) Only craft via discovery. This is simple for the armor professions, just make a new set of armor every 5 levels.

2) If you are a tailor or leatherworker, always ALWAYS break down drops for cloth/leather unless you need to wear it.

@Suzuka: It is impossible to have everything of your level discovered and not unlock the next tier. Impossible. You either let your crafting slip under your level by ignoring it for too long (and thus craft low level items), or you didn’t do discovery properly somehow.

All 5 of my characters are in their 30’s+ and have always been able to craft above their level.

My only question is how are you keeping up on proper stats for your character AND doing all the discoveries when it starts costing you 8 of each fine material per? You cant. Not without farming for paticular fine mats or buying them from the AH. And you certainly arent keeping up with every craft. You can get to the next tier without farming specific ones sure. But thats not making a set of gear for yourself with the stats you want now is it? Crafting is broken. I have given up on crafting and started selling all the mats and guess what. I keep my character in all greens/golds with runes/sigils every 5 levels AND still make a profit. With crafting all I was doing was losing money. Thats a broken system. The only ones that do not realize it are crafting diehards and to you people I must say, thanks for all your money!

Anti-farm code does exist for Fine Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: xenogias.1768


what would be the point of the trading post if you could efficiently farm everything you need?

try “trading” for what you need instead of farming it all?

It gets very expensive to just buy things all the time, unless you are plowing gems for cash.

which is why i said “trade” IE: sell what you get that you dont need so you can afford to buy what you do need…

you are acting like the trading post doesn’t exist AT ALL…

And you are acting like all fine materials are of equal value and they are not. Besides. If I want to farm the mats myself in a reasonable amount of time I should be able to. The game itself is fun like Anet set out to make it. Crafting is anything BUT fun in its current state for alot of people.

I personally find that Cooking needs work

in Crafting

Posted by: xenogias.1768


Its funny everyone saying “It was to easy! I got to 400 in an hour!” and saying the “nerfs” are fine. So it was ok for people to get to 400 easily and cheaply before but not ok for newer players to get there? No, if they wanted it harder they should have figured out the average value that it cost people to level (the guide that most of you followed for the cheapest/easiest way is perfect for that), refunded people and reset EVERYONES cooking to 0. I’m personally not going to complain how it is now. Cooking is still just as easy as before you just have to actually level up a bit to do it now. Crafting in general is broken imo.

Allow Cooked Items To Be Vendored

in Crafting

Posted by: xenogias.1768


Cooking is semi broken right now. It was already expensive to do with no profit WITHOUT them raising the Karma costs and changing how you got certain items. Maybe they didnt want people powerleveling a whole 10 levels of exp (which you can do with other profs to). I thought the tradeoff of cooking was it was expensive to do but less of a hassle. Not the case. As to you OP. Make Omnomberry bars? The 40% MF, extra goldfind, and exp food. Looks to me like thats about the only thing selling and making a small profit right now.

[Jeweller]Mysterious Owl Amulet

in Crafting

Posted by: xenogias.1768


I havent crafted the item but I do have it on my JC. It IS in my amulet list. I would reccomend reporting it as a bug. Off the top of my head I think it was a +healing and something else amulet but I would need to log in to make sure.