Showing Posts For xerxys.2635:

WvW, End of Culling and PVE?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


so you are happy that they finally fixed something that should have been like this from the day 1? Now that’s good marketing from Anet , lol

The truth about this game, and how to fix it

in PvP

Posted by: xerxys.2635


aint nobody got time to read this! useless

Class balances on Feb 26 ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


there’s no rpg in this mmo. once you hit 80, thats game over. you play for gettin shiny armor, with no benefits. onoly 5 skills per weapon, so no much of a “build wars” like gw1.
oh, and to kill an enemy takes ages and almost no loot,; for champions, you need a party. see ya!

Ranger fixes this patch

in Ranger

Posted by: xerxys.2635


just sayin’. nice update.
but when you use signet of the hunt, which increase the passive movement, the display still says 10% ( that little icon on right upper panel)

Does anyone actually like this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


well, i used to , when it was launched, but once i hit level 80, and i did that by only completing maps 100%( i got the title in the end), i feel like there s no purpose. i cant farm ( zerg farming its not my style). spvp has no real rewards , but skins. and nobody will pay attention to that anyway. wvw its just like a pakour, lol.
i am waiting at the moment for more spvp type of games, not just capture, and maybe more content in pve. but in the end, i still dont like it, couse that’s not gw…

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


there is nothing wrong with grinding. problem is when u grind and get no loot…

Finally, team colours are GONE

in PvP

Posted by: xerxys.2635


oh, now i get it, it was a mistake to nerf the rangers…..

Confessions of an Altoholic: Help?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


to OP. lol. u tried the weakest classes. try warrior or guardian.

Game going down hill.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


playing since launch day. ranger level 80, world completion 100%, spvp rank 14, full exotic armor and weapon. first day since launch day i didnt log in. feel good….

What I Use to do In GW2... And What I Now Do.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


what i used to do in gw2: pwn noobs in spvp
what i do now in gw2: pwn noobs in spvp

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


that’s a lie , in wvw is all about the zerg, armor does not matter that much. i always bring my low levels characters in wvw to level them up and i am doing just fine. lol

We deserve a STAIGHTFORWARD answer: SB+QZ

in Ranger

Posted by: xerxys.2635


even if we were able to 1 shot kill with the ranger, you will still become bored. becouse you are human, you know…

Ignore the negative reviews, this game rocks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


someone please close this topic, it is useless

Lack of any real loot is a huge problem for this game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


can someone close this topic. is going nowhere.

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


you see, looks like most of you are mmorpg addicted players and u want the game to last forever. just don’t do that, play it, have fun, and move on. it’s a beautiful day outside lol

Help Find a Reason to Stick to GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xerxys.2635


yeah, ok, sure , lol, whatever, but there’s no guild battles in gw2. kinda fail, u know..

Im having a hard time deciding.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xerxys.2635


they don’t have engineers in wow…

The reason I log out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


c’mon dude. he payed for the game he is entitled to an opinion. i don’t like bots either. +1

What ALT Should I Create? Suggestions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xerxys.2635


build an engineer. he is crap. than u will understand how cool is the warrior and never play something else.

Help Find a Reason to Stick to GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xerxys.2635


i think u’re addicted to video games. Just take a walk in the park, You’ll thank me later.

Reached 80 Started an Alt but just got bored of it...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


diu u say u got all the titles in the game? oh, yes u can quit now

So is ya'lls happy with them dungeon changes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


i still can’t find that button that once pressed you kill everything in the dungeon and get 200 tokens instantly. Dat button….

Hit level 80...what's left to do but grind out gear skins?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xerxys.2635


now for real dude, this is just a game. it has an end like everything else. why do you desperately want an end game? you rally want to play one single game for years? you hit lvl 80, you unlock map 100%. after that you can do same thing with a different character and add some pvp. but that’s it. just move on. next game, please…

Combo Fields: Learn Them Already People!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


we should have been able to solo

This Game Is Nothing But Frustrating After Level 40

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


even if gw involves hundreds of spells/skills , ironically everyone (well, almost everyone) was using SOS build. now, why people are upset that there are only few weapons skills?
LOL in other games is the same, even if u unlock powerful skills at higher level, u aint gonna use those pathetic low levels skills anyway.

Why I don't log in much after only 4 short weeks.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


dude, playing a game for 1 month is pretty much enough i would say. just move on with your life.

Gear in other games?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


i must admit what u stated above bout getting high end gear seems more fun then in gw2. sad but true

Are you part of the 99%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


how da hell i was able to play gw 3000+ hours and now, in gw2 , in less than 150 hrs im bored and have no interest for da game that i expected so hard? good thing others mmo will be alive soon

Rangers: What combos do you use?

in Ranger

Posted by: xerxys.2635


i party with elementalists for combos

Any tips on leveling?

in Ranger

Posted by: xerxys.2635


use short bow, explore… that’s it

Ranger Bug List

in Ranger

Posted by: xerxys.2635


have u noticed the conditions like bleeding and poisoning applies to everything, like earth elementals and sparks lol. it’s good, becouse helps with the damage but it’s also very strange.
probably they will nerf i soon. oupsssss……

Thank you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xerxys.2635


thanks but no thanks! lol