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Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


  1. Ranger
  2. Necromancer
  3. Thief

Honestly just wanna write “Ranger, ranger, ranger”. As it stands Ranger is just a garbled mess of bad game design and dysfunctional mechanics…

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Posted by: Gale.4815


1. Ranger
2. Engineer
3. Elementalist

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Posted by: Shoryuken.9435


1. NECROMANCER (condi needs alot of work pve and pvp and for gods sake, give them leaps or something disengaging. it’s a prof almost as pointless as ranger)

2. RANGER (broken sense launch, need total rework.

3. Look at RANGER and NECROMANCER again.

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Posted by: Argodis.2514


This is from the perspective of a person who only PvEs.

1. Necro
2. Ranger
3. Warriors(Needs nerfs. They’re too good at everything.)

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Posted by: Zanshin.5379


1. Guardian
2. Mesmer
3. Engineer

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Posted by: Billhave.8475


1. Elementalist: in PvE they’re forced into Lightning Hammer / Fiery Sword, which ruins the whole idea of mobility, diversity and controling the 4 elements through attunements (why should spamming 5 skills on a conjure weapon be any more rewarding than swapping through 4 attunements and 5 skills each). What does this add to mastering an elementalist >< reward >< fun, when all they want is ‘zerk LH/FGS’?
In PvP they’re left out in every way, since in this meta soaking up damage through immunities or w/e and dishing out constant dps while playing as a herd on a point is thé way to go. Skill through timing, placement, … hardly matters when autoattacks get them down way to fast.
——> rest is viewed from a PvP perspective only
2. Ranger: due to horrible pet UI, their auto attacks have to make up for the lost dps, which just feels spammy and boring. Instead make it so that tactical and well timed use/placement of pets determine a ranger’s play. Not spamming autoattack & cooldowns, inflicting some conditions, evading the rest and hoping the pet lands a blow in someone’s face.
3. Necromancer: playing with autoattack ‘do your thing while I’ll do mine’ minions is boring, rewards less-skilled play and takes away a lot of the tactical placement and timing other professions have to do to actually get their damage to hit. + the zergfest minions + ranger spirits cause on my screen just make me sick. Makes a 5v5 look like a 20v5.

Overall: (main pvp) instead of giving players a meta where skillfull play as in timing, placement, … is critical, it turned more into who can dish out the most constant dps, while soaking up incoming damage through immunities, heal up and keep going. I miss the old mesmer portal-thief stealth-ele/engi- x fast, suprising, tactical and coordinated play.

The 2x warrior, 1x necro, 1x ranger, 1x is just slow, spammy and boring to play, let even watch.

(edited by Billhave.8475)

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Posted by: Siobhan.6027


1. Ranger
2. Mesmer
3. Engineer

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Posted by: chipzilla.6378


1. Elementalist
2. Necromancer
3. Mesmer

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Posted by: juno.1840


1. Elementalist
2. Thief
3. Mesmer

Keep in mind “help with balance” can mean over-powered as easily as under-powered.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

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Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

1. Elementalist
2. Ranger
3. Necromancer

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

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Posted by: sphonz.3129


1. Ranger
2. Thief
3. Necromancer

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Posted by: Xerek.7864


The only complaint I have:
1.) Ranger
This class is badly structured from the ground up. Numerous pet problems, Undesirable in group content, and combat/trait/utility issues. The pet has been brought up who knows how many times. The AI is clunky to the point of unreliability in all situations. The idea of abusing the pet via limited-scope benefits for damaging it are worse considering the pet counts as a portion of the ranger’s dps.
Rangers offer nothing unique to a party composition. Other classes can dps, tank, and support/suppress better than ranger by a long shot. In wvw zergs, rangers are completely undesired/not tolerated due to the mentioned above and that their combo fields can easily throw off the needs of the zerg (a water field is desired but, because of the ranger’s fire field a portion of the zerg is killed).
The way that traits are set up for a ranger are such that to get quality of life benefits from a particular utility type, heavy investment in a tree is necessary to achieve, making build diversity scarce. On top of that traps and spirits far out-class the other utility types (utilities involving the pet being out-classed because of the AI problem first and foremost). Combat in general for the ranger, another well discussed topic, consists almost entirely of auto-attacks, especially for the ranged weapons. I feel that auto-attacks for all weapons are over-emphasized and the majority of other abilities do too little to be anywhere near as effective. This may be due to the lack of any real high burst skill.
Conclusion: Rework needed.

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Posted by: Fungu.4103


1. Necromancer
2. Ranger
3. Elementalist

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Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

pretty sure ranger is “winning” right now, followed by ele…

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

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Posted by: Tranquile.2198


1. Ele
2. Mesmer
3. Rangers

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Posted by: Seagloom.1263


1. Elementalist
2. Ranger
3. Necromancer

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Posted by: xxx.9514


In order of easiest to balance around to hardest: PvE, WvW, PvP.

PvE Meta (Champions/Dungeons, because it revolves purely around stacked damage, and is the only meaningful challenge in PvE):

1. Thief
2. Necro
3. Ranger
4. Engineer

WvW Zergs (Roaming’s more like PvP, so skip ahead to that I suppose):

1. Thief
2. Ranger
3. Necro
4. Engineer

PvP (Current Meta Viability and Options in that Meta):

1. Elementalist
2. Thief (It’s one trick pony is getting real boring. Most classes have at least 2 viable roles)
3. Ranger (Same as Thief)

If you’re only going to use one of my lists, please use the PvE one. It’s the least balanced in my opinion, everything else can be worked around. Esp. because in PvP you invest jack kitten time to get another 80. (Please excuse my language. I’m a sailor!)

And if we had to talk about a niche build I would say venoms need a lot of help in PvE / WvW for Thief and that Mesmer’s need help on their interruptions builds. I think Halting Strike should be buffed.

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Posted by: Acgsev.6931


1. Elementalist
2. Engineer
3. Ranger

Forget it, Jake. It’s SoloQ.

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Posted by: ChibiLlama.6439


1. Thief
2. Thief
3. Thief

Elementalists and Engineers DON’T need help. They’re OP enough as it is. Mesmers are too. Just because you can’t face-tank everything, doesn’t mean that the class is bad. It just means that YOU’RE bad. Learn to play.

(edited by ChibiLlama.6439)

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Posted by: Tasloi.1420


1. Elementalist
2. Ranger
3. Necromancer

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Posted by: Vennie.8341


1. Necromancer
2. Ranger
3. Engineer

The three most undesirable classes for dungeons I’ve found. I would like to see phantasms get fixed though.

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Posted by: dimyzuka.7051


1. Mesmer
2. Elementalist

3. Engineer

Both these classes have no spot in sPVP atm. They have both been this way for many months aswell, we can go as far back to the Pax tournament where neither of these classes were represented. And the last big tournament (good fights) there were 0 mesmers and 1 ele out of 16 teams.

Engineer is the other class barely hanging on in the current meta.

+1 for dueling in the mists.
+1 for 3v3 or 2v2 deathmatch

(edited by dimyzuka.7051)

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Posted by: Fhane.4762


1. Thief
2. Ranger
3. Necro

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Posted by: Arvid.3829


1. Necromancer
2. Ranger
3. Elementalist

(I kind of cheated and gave the three who’s profession identitity/role is (imo) most unclear at this stage and thus which I hope the developers will be able to clarify a bit; seeing as that’s what any profession threat is going to end up being anyway)

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Posted by: Darkever.9732


1. Elementalist – Pretty good in PvE, but their overall usefulness isn’t enough compared to how squishy they are and how hard they are to play compared to other classes. Simply horrible in PvP. Focus especially needs reworks.

2. Thief – Too much reliance on zerker builds and stealth. In PvP I never saw a thief play another role.

3. Mesmer – Very good in PvP, but the difficulty of keeping illusions alive make them not-that-good in PvE… aside from reflections and Time Warp.

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Posted by: Stal.8754


1. Mesmer – bugs, bugs, BUGS!
2. Ranger
3. Elementalist

Would love to see some focus shift onto fixing some long standing and major bugs rather than regular new content…at least for a while to bring the base quality level up.

Whilst all the new content is great, its a bit depressing when bugs still remain, seemingly ignored, and doesnt make me want to play it :-(

Naazimber – Mesmer – Ring of Fire [EU]

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Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

1. Mesmer
2. Elementalist
3. Ranger

I also believe the necromancer and engineer also need a good look at.

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Posted by: pmnt.4067


1. Elemenntalist
2. Ranger
3. Mesmer

I can’t wait until ANet releases the game promoted in the manifesto.
Until that, I’ll play GW2.

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Posted by: eightberry.9276


1. Mesmer
2. Engineer
3. Ranger

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Posted by: Brujeria.7536


1 Necromancer (huge flaws in terms of synergy with class mechanic, huge flaws in traitlines, very situational utility skills, most of them useless in PVE or generally too weak)

2 Ranger (unreliable and clumsy class mechanic, underwhelming skills, lack of build diversity, trait lines are partially flawed)

3 Engineer

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Posted by: Tonya B.2853

Tonya B.2853

1. thief under water combat should be improved
2. no profession should be changed people need to learn how to play them the way that the creators intended. Every class is played differently.

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Posted by: Amphi.8432


1. Elementalist
2. Thief
3. Ranger

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Posted by: Redball.7236


1. Ranger
2. Mesmer
3. Thief

Cassius Snowstorm – Engineer
Tycho Snowpaw – Guardian
Gandara – [WvW]

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Posted by: Aeromu.9134


1. Engineer
2. Ranger
3. Guardian

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Posted by: Immensus.9732


1. Elementalist
2. Ranger
3.Warrior (needs nerfs)

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

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Posted by: Xyvius.1679


1. Necromancer
2. Engineer
3. Ranger

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Posted by: OmegaJetty.8501


1) Engineer
2) Ranger
3) Elementalist

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Posted by: Nomin.5901



3.Non-Spirit Ranger


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Posted by: iabmob.4753


1. Ranger
2. Engineer
3. Mesmer

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Posted by: Satakal.6971


Assuming PvP perspective, and I take it that by “needs help” you mean balancing up, then:

1. Elementalist
2. Mesmer
3. Ranger (non-spirit)

I’d prefer balancing down.

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Posted by: SlimyRaven.1952


1. Necromancer
2. Elementalist
3. Engineer

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Posted by: Deified.7520


1. Thief (having classes that do 10k+ damage in one strike or do a ton of damage very quickly isn’t that fun to watch nor fight. It may be fun to play, but if you want this game to go esports this class needs to get a more depthful interesting role in combat rather than just tons of damage on one target in 2 strikes. Plus it limits class diversity because if I decide to choose a build that may not have a lot of tankyness or blinds or defensive spam, then a thief can kill me almost instantly depending on the build you decide to try out).
2. Engineer- although the three kits are cool and all, i’d like to see it have more interesting builds arise. I feel like gadgets and turrets have a ton of potential, but aren’t viable in this games meta
3. Mesmer- although this class can be good, the concept of illusion spam/phantasm spam isn’t good esports or gameplay wise. It crowds up an already very crowded UI and can turn a battle into a mess. I’d like to see them be more like mesmers from gw2 rather than a minion blaster (summons minons for quick burst over and over again).

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Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

  1. Elementalist
  2. Necromancer
  3. Engineer
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

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Posted by: Bryzy.2719


1. Ranger (by HUGE margin; please have a thorough read of the large Ranger balance thread in the profession balance forum guys, there’re some great suggestions)
2. Necro
3. Engineer maybe? (I have limited play experience on this but yeah…)

pic very much related:

(edited by Bryzy.2719)

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Posted by: Thoom.9653


Speaking from a PVE/QoL perspective:

1. Necromancer
2. Ranger
3. Engineer

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Posted by: Konoh.9246


1. Ranger
2. Engineers/Necros
3. Thief

I would say Thief #1 but Rangers seriously need help… all they can do is play 1v1 builds and have really no place in group comps other than backline longbow spam 1. An all around rework is really what they need.
Engineers and Necros need some rework so that power builds are viable. To many condi builds, becoming a one trick pony. (its like oh… a necro/engi… condis)
As many QQers as there are… I have to agree that thief is becoming a bit of a one-style gameplay class. I main thief, and as of now… being a “1 hit wonder” super glass d/d is about the only thing left. The backstab skill is WAY overabused and needs a damage fix. (And its only abused because of the trait allowing for 100% crit out of stealth. While I don’t think this is a bad trait and doing to much to it could really put thieves in a bad place, consider some traits in Shadow Arts and Acrobatics that encourage playstyles that don’t completely revolve around being always stealthed.) DONT change the revealed debuff. That was a terrible choice the last time and its definitely not the route to try again. PLEASE DONT KILL THIS CLASS THOUGH! s/d is somewhat playable after the last “balance” patch, but id love to see it reverted to its previous glory.

Since this is a topic for what needs help… please take a look at the condition damage (nerf) its a little out of hand… only double so since everyone is turning into a condi “something” class.

Reanjah – [TG] Terror
Lv80 Thief (R.I.P sword)
] _________

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Posted by: Xenus.7135


1. Ranger (please make it possible to effectively use ranged weaponry, if not that, then just buff it up a bit)
2. Elementalist
3. Necromancer

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Posted by: Bredin.5368


1. Ranger
2. Elementalist
3. Engineer

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Posted by: Salphira.8069


1. Ranger
2. Elementalist

:) Thank you!

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Posted by: Casy.4209


1. Ranger
2. Engineer
3. Thief