[Bug] Lupicus Necrid Bolt hits in melee
There is no dedicated dungeon team as far as working on the old 8 dungeons and fractals is concerned. However, for bug fixes, exploit fixes, and the like they bring in a programming “strike force” to do these things then go back to their regular tasks.
Anyway, I also wanted to share that I’m fairly confident at this point that Anet will be fixing the Guardian and Mesmer one-shots of GL. It’s unclear how they’ll be fixing it, just that I’m under the impression it’ll be addressed. No ETA, of course.
Dusk, you’re a champ. Thanks for sharing what you know — you’re able to see a bit farther over the wall than we are.
BTW, when you mentioned that none of it was confirmed, does that include the change to Necrid Bolt being intentional? Is that just a guess, or did they tell you that?
Somewhat related, do they give you actual responses with substance from time to time regarding your reports? Or just a generic “Thanks for the feedback, keep up the good work!”?
Generally in response to my reports I get “Thank you, we’ll get this sent to the right people!” Oftentimes, however, a developer will reach out to me in-game for clarification on the reports, and we’ll have much more detailed conversations about them. This has ranged from senior game designers to community team members to quality team members reproducing bugs.
About your first question, I’ll say that I’m not under an NDA, which means they can’t explicitly confirm things to me due to my ability to share them with everyone else. However, they have a tendency to hint at certain directions, so I try my best to read the tea leaves and figure things out from there. There’s no guarantee I’m right, of course, but if I weren’t at least fairly confident I wouldn’t speak up about it.
For the record, I’m definitely the most proactive specialist, so I think I tend to push the boundaries of what they expect from this role. Maybe that’s why they’re a little camera shy of explicitly confirming things to me.
Im gona lmao when pugs start ranging again. Please don’t fix Lupicus Necrid Bolt hit in melee
I’ve been happy to see that you’re pushing them. Someone needs to! Keep up the good work, I think its safe to say that we’re all pretty happy with how you’ve been representing us.
I’m still amazed that something like an NDA would be required for them to confirm/deny if a change was intentional. Absolutely blows my mind that they believe this is a good practice. Anyhoo, thanks for answering
I’m still amazed that something like an NDA would be required for them to confirm/deny if a change was intentional. Absolutely blows my mind that they believe this is a good practice. Anyhoo, thanks for answering
I certainly can’t speak for them, but they used to be a lot more open about this kind of thing years back. Then players started taking everything they said literally and writing a ton of MMO articles about how they break promises, which ANet understandably would like to avoid. It’s those players who cried havoc for so long we really have to blame about how shy ANet developers are. None of them want to risk their job over something as simple as confirming/denying whether something is a bug, so they err on the side of caution and simply don’t tell anyone anything unless they’re explicitly told to.
It’s a crying shame, really, but I personally don’t blame them for it. What if they confirmed this was a bug and then later before they fixed it decided they wanted to keep it as-is? A lot of players would raise a lot of undue hell over that.
I’m still amazed that something like an NDA would be required for them to confirm/deny if a change was intentional. Absolutely blows my mind that they believe this is a good practice. Anyhoo, thanks for answering
I certainly can’t speak for them, but they used to be a lot more open about this kind of thing years back. Then players started taking everything they said literally and writing a ton of MMO articles about how they break promises, which ANet understandably would like to avoid. It’s those players who cried havoc for so long we really have to blame about how shy ANet developers are. None of them want to risk their job over something as simple as confirming/denying whether something is a bug, so they err on the side of caution and simply don’t tell anyone anything unless they’re explicitly told to.
It’s a crying shame, really, but I personally don’t blame them for it. What if they confirmed this was a bug and then later before they fixed it decided they wanted to keep it as-is? A lot of players would raise a lot of undue hell over that.
Sure, going back on what they said will cause backlash (as will any action they do, such is the nature of this business), but reasonable people would be understanding if they would share their rational for changing their mind. IMO, it’s much worse for a company to keep customers in the dark and actively dodge questions about significant changes to their product. Such behavior is sketchy, and doesn’t inspire much confidence on the consumer end.
Choosing to deny basic support and communication to their users out of fear that a few loud individuals won’t be able to understand that “kitten Happens”…this is not a healthy business practice in my mind.
But eh, I’ve tried enough to get them to see how damaging this is to their reputation and the health of the game. One thing is for certain: they want to keep things this way.
I’m still amazed that something like an NDA would be required for them to confirm/deny if a change was intentional. Absolutely blows my mind that they believe this is a good practice. Anyhoo, thanks for answering
I certainly can’t speak for them, but they used to be a lot more open about this kind of thing years back. Then players started taking everything they said literally and writing a ton of MMO articles about how they break promises, which ANet understandably would like to avoid. It’s those players who cried havoc for so long we really have to blame about how shy ANet developers are. None of them want to risk their job over something as simple as confirming/denying whether something is a bug, so they err on the side of caution and simply don’t tell anyone anything unless they’re explicitly told to.
It’s a crying shame, really, but I personally don’t blame them for it. What if they confirmed this was a bug and then later before they fixed it decided they wanted to keep it as-is? A lot of players would raise a lot of undue hell over that.
Sure, going back on what they said will cause backlash (as will any action they do, such is the nature of this business), but reasonable people would be understanding if they would share their rational for changing their mind. IMO, it’s much worse for a company to keep customers in the dark and actively dodge questions about significant changes to their product. Such behavior is sketchy, and doesn’t inspire much confidence on the consumer end.
Choosing to deny basic support and communication to their users out of fear that a few loud individuals won’t be able to understand that “kitten Happens”…this is not a healthy business practice in my mind.
But eh, I’ve tried enough to get them to see how damaging this is to their reputation and the health of the game. One thing is for certain: they want to keep things this way.
We’re a minority that they wouldn’t miss Dlonie. That’s how business works T_T
“We were tweaking some stuff on Lupi and it happened, it wasn’t intentional however we aren’t sure we dislike it either, please hold tight as we continue to work on Lupi and address certain undesired tactics, Lupi will be different in the future, and we’re trying to make sure it’s a good different”
1. confirms the situation
2. makes no promises
3. gives a reason why it happened.
Is it so hard to come up with a comment like that?
Sure, going back on what they said will cause backlash (as will any action they do, such is the nature of this business), but reasonable people would be understanding if they would share their rational for changing their mind.
In principle I truly do agree with you, but reasonable people is not a qualifier I’d use to describe any MMO community, least of all GW2’s where berserker gear is the devil. It doesn’t help that reasonable voices are drowned out by unreasonable ones in basically every forum on this website, and in every social media site that ANet is on.
Jerus, I do think your kind of comment would be great. Don’t know if it’s hard, but I do know it has to be vetted by the community team and approved by higher-ups, so maybe it’s harder than we’d all like to believe.
Swifty, sad but true. I’ve received that message long ago, hence why I now play ESO and just log on to GW2 for flipping crap, “just in case”. I barely even do that anymore, though. I had such high hopes for this game (and a ton of fun for the first year), but ArenaNet the company has completely soured Guild Wars 2 the game for me. Hell, I’m only on these forums because it’s so hard to look away from the trainwreck.
Jerus hits a homerun. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Not to mention easy (self-imposed ANet-internal communication barriers aside…), and the bare minimum of effort needed for a healthy customer relationship…
Dusk, that’s a good point about MMO communities, but that’s just the nature of the business, and a poor excuse to outright refuse to discuss, or even acknowledge, issues like this one. I’m preaching to the choir on this, but it’s just so unbelievably backwards that I can’t help but vent, eyes wide and jaw-agape.
Oh well. I’ll shut up before I get us all implicated as a bunch of neighbor-tuggers (they started kitty-ing the CJ phrase?) again.
You guys are awesome <3
You know, I was just remembering reading the PVP forums a while back. Guy made some claims about stuff and saying ANet screwed something up. Dev came in there reported the players statistics to prove what he was claiming was 100% false. They get that kind of “love” and we can’t even get a kittening patch note.
At least they were kind enough to realize that a week of no fractals is bullkitten and hotpatched Molten Facility out.
There is no dedicated dungeon team as far as working on the old 8 dungeons and fractals is concerned. However, for bug fixes, exploit fixes, and the like they bring in a programming “strike force” to do these things then go back to their regular tasks.
Perhaps it’d be better to have no one working on dungeons than to have people who aren’t familiar with them swooping in to “save the day,” but really only managing to wreck things more. I’m being serious.
It has been a month and they still didn’t fix it? Seriously Anet do something about this bug it annoys 90% of the community and encourage people to wall exploit it.
Pros want to fight Lupicus in the legit way but I don’t see the point now because I need to break my head on a freakin’ bugged boss and time my reflects, blocks, dodges and go into defensive/evasive build. Why would I try kitten a bugged boss. Fix it already and make sure you can’t place wall of reflection and temporal curtain on that specific wall.
It’s really simple to fix that skill. Just make the it’ll shoot from 200 range way from the boss to X range and then it won’t hit the melee group. It’s simple to fix it for good programmers.
and time my reflects, blocks, dodges
Oh no what a disaster
Pros want to fight Lupicus in the legit way but I don’t see the point now because I need to break my head on a freakin’ bugged boss and time my reflects, blocks, dodges and go into defensive/evasive build.
Because that’s not what you do on a guardian anyway? Besides you don’t need a defensive build, just slot in Retreat over Save Yourselves.
“You don’t need a defensive build, just slot in Retreat over Save Yourselves”, you do know that’s an Aegis once every 40 seconds, with the correct build. Retreat is not keeping a team alive like that. Guardians have to bring Wall (maybe Shield, but Shield dies pretty quick to Lupee’s AoEs), one (or even two) Elementalist for Swirling Winds, Smoke Screen from the Thief, every thing you can bring just to stay alive, and hope the damage from ice bows, might from the warrior, glyph of storms, meteor shower, the thief and hoping you can reflect his Necrid Barrage and Frenzied Blast at the right time.
This fight turned from challenging and fun fight for a fight to survive against his melee attacks which have not touched us for years now, while the other attacks were the kind of attacks that either made you run or despair (if you don’t have Stability for the Necrid Trap, aka bubble, though it is broken now).
When I do Arah with my guildies, failing that fight is pretty rare, but not everyone in the whole PvE community does Arah everyday, and this kind of fight just disencourages the casual crowd (and encourages them to wallsploit) while encouraging few, very few players(elite ones at that) who like this challenge and have already probably forgotten about it after soloing them(correct me if I’m wrong).
Waiting for the video with Warrior + Knight + New Lupee.
Guardian main since launch
(edited by Velho.7123)
“You don’t need a defensive build, just slot in Retreat over Save Yourselves”, you do know that’s an Aegis once every 40 seconds, with the correct build. Retreat is not keeping a team alive like that. Guardians have to bring Wall (maybe Shield, but Shield dies pretty quick to Lupee’s AoEs), one (or even two) Elementalist for Swirling Winds, Smoke Screen from the Thief, every thing you can bring just to stay alive, and hope the damage from ice bows, might from the warrior, glyph of storms, meteor shower, the thief and hoping you can reflect his Necrid Barrage and Frenzied Blast at the right time.
This fight turned from challenging and fun fight for a fight to survive against his melee attacks which have not touched us for years now, while the other attacks were the kind of attacks that either made you run or despair (if you don’t have Stability for the Necrid Trap, aka bubble, though it is broken now).
When I do Arah with my guildies, failing that fight is pretty rare, but not everyone in the whole PvE community does Arah everyday, and this kind of fight just disencourages the casual crowd (and encourages them to wallsploit) while encouraging few, very few players(elite ones at that) who like this challenge and have already probably forgotten about it after soloing them(correct me if I’m wrong).
Waiting for the video with Warrior + Knight + New Lupee.
It is enough, a normal wall will burn him through phase 2. Then you got one aegis from Retreat, if needed you can pop Renewed Focus for another block, or your party can just dodge. By then your Wall should be off cool down again, provided he does his AoE life drain, and that would finish him off. If not a thief can always slot Smoke Screen, since you don’t really need all three utilities, which allows eles to stay on staff.
Pros want to fight Lupicus in the legit way but I don’t see the point now because I need to break my head on a freakin’ bugged boss and time my reflects, blocks, dodges and go into defensive/evasive build.
Wait…what? Now you actually have to pay attention to what you’re doing and not just faceroll the keyboard? What a tragedy?!?!?
Why not make a hard mode? Hard mode will keep lupi like this and change alphard back before he was nerfed.
Why not make a hard mode? Hard mode will keep lupi like this and change alphard back before he was nerfed.
She. Alphard is a lady.
Why not make a hard mode? Hard mode will keep lupi like this and change alphard back before he was nerfed.
She. Alphard is a lady.
Do undead things really have a gender though?
They did before they were dead. So im gonna say yes. :P
If an undead mommy and undead daddy had a baby.. would the baby be dead? O.o
Why not make a hard mode? Hard mode will keep lupi like this and change alphard back before he was nerfed.
She. Alphard is a lady.
Do undead things really have a gender though?
I’ve touched Alphard’s tra-la-la
I’m kind of glad that you can’t just afk half the time in melee anymore. It’s actually a CHALLENGE now. Almost got a solo done on Guardian today but I got double bubbled.
Why not make a hard mode? Hard mode will keep lupi like this and change alphard back before he was nerfed.
She. Alphard is a lady.
Do undead things really have a gender though?
That’s racist.
I’m kind of glad that you can’t just afk half the time in melee anymore. It’s actually a CHALLENGE now. Almost got a solo done on Guardian today but I got double bubbled
I think the ranged autoattack not hitting in melee, but still being used, actually added some pretty great tension to the fight. Instead of simply not doing anything, the boss was constantly doing animations, and you had to watch carefully to see if it was an animation you would need to react to, or one you could completely ignore. Similar to how Phase 1 is, where you need to watch for and ignore the locust summon.
If they want to make Lupi harder, a good way would just be to reduce the cooldown on his other attacks, fix the bubble so it tracks players again, and fix the ranged autoattack so it behaves how it used to behave.
Also, as a Guardian, you can basically still “AFK” “half” the time in melee. Plus if you’re still getting bubbled that frequently after the bubble fix, I would suggest that you probably never soloed Lupi before the change…
Yeah for the inexperienced players its pretty easy to mistake animations. So even if the auto didnt hit in melee it would atleast cause players to watch carefully or maybe even waste a dodge. For experienced players its not something that would make them screw up. But atleast the boss doesnt look like its afking while you are fighting it. I really want to be able to solo lupi on necro again. So this bug/change is very frustrating for me.
There’s nothing more challenging about it imo, it’s just tedious and class discriminative.
annoying doesn’t equal to challenging and new lupi is definately annoying
good players accomodate and move forward, bad players will be wiping whole days or wallsploiting, how is this better for the game?
Why not make a hard mode? Hard mode will keep lupi like this and change alphard back before he was nerfed.
There will definitely never be a hard mode.
I wonder if it will be just like “there will never be an expansion”? Hmm…
lolz. Not getting my hopes up.
I’m actively checking on this today. Thank you for your continued patience.
Any word from them Gaile? Thanks again for all this!
No. Gemstore update tomorrow though!
Tn-tn-tn-another gemstore update bites the dust!
Stop thinking, stop playing, just give anet some money. <3
No fix yet, there is another gemstore update today, though. Aren’t you thankful?
I’m actively checking on this today. Thank you for your continued patience.
Any word from them Gaile? Thanks again for all this!
No. Gemstore update tomorrow though!
Tn-tn-tn-another gemstore update bites the dust!
Stop thinking, stop playing, just give anet some money. <3
No fix yet, there is another gemstore update today, though. Aren’t you thankful?
You can blow those bolts away with your fan!
Just saving this thread from falling off the front page….
3 weeks ago, the last we heard anything:
I’m actively checking on this today.
How’d that go?
I look forward to future content excluding necro aswell as more old content being reworked to exclude necro. :>
I look forward to future content excluding necro aswell as more old content being reworked to exclude necro. :>
I hope we utilise eles some more as well, they hardly fit into the current meta. Take notes please anet.
I look forward to future content excluding necro aswell as more old content being reworked to exclude necro. :>
I hope we utilise eles some more as well, they hardly fit into the current meta. Take notes please anet.
I personally hope, that they’ll make warriors easier to play.
Their mechanics currently are way too complicated.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
Let’s be patient, it took him seven days after all…
Actually I didn’t mean that sarcastically, well the “dot dot dot” part is but that’s more me stuck working in the system and not directed to anyone on the forums.
I have been poking about this fix for a month now or so internally now. Been asking to get someone in here to talk to everyone about this bug and what’s up with it but as of yet no dice. I am doing everything I can to get this resolved or some explanations for you guys.
But yeah, I have some extremely tied hands and poking with my poking stick is about all I can do because I don’t control development or production schedules or design decisions. I do take screenshots of comments and paste them into some internal emails though… And the # of live reports, and the forum links, etc. I can make a huge ruckus when it’s needed, but in general everything I do is behind the scenes and I don’t take credit or spill the beans on what occurred to get it to that point.
While I have all the answers, really I am the next thing to a walking encyclopedia of the GW2 bug DB at any time, I can’t really go around shouting what is happening one way or the other because it can change daily… and letting some things I know be known would probably result in my not working for ArenaNet anymore. That’s something that would be kinda poopy and I would like that not to happen, so I avoid it and instead just say slightly nebulous things like “soon” when I see a fix coming for the next release. One day that “soon” will have some real intent behind it. Today actually seems like a good day to “soon” some threads so…
Also yes, reading and responding on the forums is not actually part of my job. I got to a point where I just really didn’t like how you guys felt ignored in this forum and I’m trying to do something about it. I tend to only post positively and I won’t respond to all threads.
tl;dr I will keep fighting the good fight on your behalf.
(emphasis mine)
This is the most genuine post I’ve seen from an ArenaNet employee in years.
(edited by dlonie.6547)
Actually I didn’t mean that sarcastically, well the “dot dot dot” part is but that’s more me stuck working in the system and not directed to anyone on the forums.
I have been poking about this fix for a month now or so internally now. Been asking to get someone in here to talk to everyone about this bug and what’s up with it but as of yet no dice. I am doing everything I can to get this resolved or some explanations for you guys.
But yeah, I have some extremely tied hands and poking with my poking stick is about all I can do because I don’t control development or production schedules or design decisions. I do take screenshots of comments and paste them into some internal emails though… And the # of live reports, and the forum links, etc. I can make a huge ruckus when it’s needed, but in general everything I do is behind the scenes and I don’t take credit or spill the beans on what occurred to get it to that point.
While I have all the answers, really I am the next thing to a walking encyclopedia of the GW2 bug DB at any time, I can’t really go around shouting what is happening one way or the other because it can change daily… and letting some things I know be known would probably result in my not working for ArenaNet anymore. That’s something that would be kinda poopy and I would like that not to happen, so I avoid it and instead just say slightly nebulous things like “soon” when I see a fix coming for the next release. One day that “soon” will have some real intent behind it. Today actually seems like a good day to “soon” some threads so…
Also yes, reading and responding on the forums is not actually part of my job. I got to a point where I just really didn’t like how you guys felt ignored in this forum and I’m trying to do something about it. I tend to only post positively and I won’t respond to all threads.
tl;dr I will keep fighting the good fight on your behalf.
(emphasis mine)
This is the most genuine post I’ve seen from an ArenaNet employee in years.
So does `today actually seems like a good idea to “soon” some threads` mean she’s “sooning” the Lupi thread (this is from bugs forum) or am I reading that wrong?
I wouldn’t read too much into that.
First rule of dealing with ArenaNet — if they aren’t explicit, don’t assume
She’s probably keeping tabs on dozens of bugs, so it could very easily mean any of the others. From the rest of the post, I don’t think we’ll be seeing this issue resolved anytime soon — the teams are ignoring us, Gaile, and the QA lead apparently.
This bug is first priority compared to other bugs in the game.
This bug is first priority compared to other bugs in the game.
I dont see how this “bug” should be first priority as in normal runs it doesnt matter at all and soloing is still possible.
This bug is first priority compared to other bugs in the game.
I dont see how this “bug” should be first priority as in normal runs it doesnt matter at all and soloing is still possible.
Indeed possible, but kittening annoying after a while.
Gaile posted in the bug forum’s thread on this topic:
Apparently we’re being "impatient. So it appears we’re not even close to having this resolved.
First rule in Negotiation: Don’t hit the Go-between.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
This bug is first priority compared to other bugs in the game.
I dont see how this “bug” should be first priority as in normal runs it doesnt matter at all and soloing is still possible.
Indeed possible, but kittening annoying after a while.
molten facility being impossible to finish is a priority bug. you being annoyed at a mechanical change on a boss is not a priority fix in any way.