(edited by creepmatic.9435)
General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
i am proud of myself. got the spider skip in arah p2 done first go on necro without stealth. actually an easy run in my opinion
You used plague? Because you can literally just run with plague and spam blinds and you will make it everytime. ;d
i am proud of myself. got the spider skip in arah p2 done first go on necro without stealth. actually an easy run in my opinion
You used plague? Because you can literally just run with plague and spam blinds and you will make it everytime. ;d
no plague. just running and dodging. up to lupi now and trying to get a lupi solo done on necro
Posts which derail a topic that are inflammatory in nature are not allowed.
“Man, I missed this ….
Don’t know if people saw or not, but Frifox has made his DPS meter public.
Yada yada i don’t personally endorse the use of 3rd party programs yada yada use at your own risk.
Don’t know if people saw or not, but Frifox has made his DPS meter public.
Yada yada i don’t personally endorse the use of 3rd party programs yada yada use at your own risk.
It’s been public for a long time though…
Don’t know if people saw or not, but Frifox has made his DPS meter public.
Yada yada i don’t personally endorse the use of 3rd party programs yada yada use at your own risk.
It’s been public for a long time though…
Only so far as those who knew, knew. Now those outside the know, can know.
Mmm, I could use this. Cheers Nike!
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Don’t know if people saw or not, but Frifox has made his DPS meter public.
Yada yada i don’t personally endorse the use of 3rd party programs yada yada use at your own risk.
It’s been public for a long time though…
Only so far as those who knew, knew. Now those outside the know, can know.
It was available to everyone that knew about it. And im not sure how those outside the know can know about it.
I upgraded my potato so I plan to do some engi footage. What programs do you use for recording and editing?
I upgraded my potato so I plan to do some engi footage. What programs do you use for recording and editing?
Shadowplay and Vegas Pro 11.
Failing that Dxtory and Windows Movie Maker.
Wow the logic deficiency of some people in the meta thread. >.>
I use OBS for recording, works pretty well for me.
Thanks. I will check them out. Any of this programs is mprre noob friendly than the others?
Thanks. I will check them out. Any of this programs is mprre noob friendly than the others?
If you can’t figure out how to work it, make a post in the forums you found the tool for a guide.
http://www.twitch.tv/tree_dnt || https://twitter.com/Tree_DnT
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
Thanks. I will check them out. Any of this programs is mprre noob friendly than the others?
Brazil made a nice guide to OBS but I am too lazy to find it
Ty guys. Think I will try shadowplat and movie makerm
Shadowplay. If I need to dub some music I use mp4box & Adobe Audition. No video reencoding or compression takes place so the editing times and quality are unbeatable.
question. how to deal with lupi phase 3 on necro solo
question. how to deal with lupi phase 3 on necro solo
A guildie is triying his necro solo and i think he runs 2 energy sigils + the might on dodge and endurance refill food. Maybe you can get away with 1 enegy sigil and abusing DS for the proc.
Or make a char necro or hope for godlike rng.
Edit: The necro master response is way better than mine.
(edited by garcialak.9215)
You need double energy at the bare minimum unless you dont mind healing him every time he life drinks. You can get out of aoe life drink with 2 well timed dodges. You dont need swiftness or locust signet to do this either. Although you will probably take 1 tick most times without swiftness. So double dodge and go DS then cast dark path to get back to lupi quickly. Chill from dark path and chill of death actually help a bit aswell. The rest is easy, just manage your energy sigils. Endurance food can help when you are first learning. But its not necessary.
You will most likely have to wall him. Getting hit by a barrage will seriously wreck your endurance management and eat your lifeforce. And if you get hit by bad RNG its difficult to recover.
(edited by Spoj The Second.7680)
lol, sorry Ryn, I edited that to add a spoiler tag :P
I’m heartbroken
I’m still heartbroken after Marjory ditched me!
Right, I got nothing interesting to say other than my rng with locusts at lupi is horribilis.
I’m working on a winter outfit for my ranger, got earmuffs but I NEED that scarf so badly it hurts.
question. how to deal with lupi phase 3 on necro solo
Another neat one. Sorry for the double.
Benevolence OP. Haters gonna hate.
Sometimes, I got hit by pugs this elitist.
My bro, I and two other ele pugs were 4-man CM p2. I noticed that while they do have DPS, the ele had no where enough experience to melee Turmaine (bad rotation, bad might stacking, abuse FGS, scepter/dagger camping). We made it to Turmaine. Feeling bad for the ele, I was like oh, well, let’s do it the easy way. And the conversation happened.
In the end, the rest of us three-man Turmaine. It seems that he was no longer bugged so we ended up with me kiting the Plague form while the group is trying to burst him when he’s vulnerable. I feel bad, I shouldn’t have said anything at all. I’ve hurt someone’s properness.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I had a S/D camping ele in my fotm 50 pug earlier Iris. I asked them kindly what the kitten they were doing and they ignored me. Then when all four of them ignored me when I pinged my sandstorm and said to fight the last group of mobs at the entrance (molten facility fractal), they ended up wiping and the S/D ele was the first to ragequit.
The irony when the least valuable member of a party is the one to leave in a manner like this… as if they’re trying to make a statement.
Sometimes, I got hit by pugs this elitist.
My bro, I and two other ele pugs were 4-man CM p2. I noticed that while they do have DPS, the ele had no where enough experience to melee Turmaine (bad rotation, bad might stacking, abuse FGS, scepter/dagger camping). We made it to Turmaine. Feeling bad for the ele, I was like oh, well, let’s do it the easy way. And the conversation happened.
In the end, the rest of us three-man Turmaine. It seems that he was no longer bugged so we ended up with me kiting the Plague form while the group is trying to burst him when he’s vulnerable. I feel bad, I shouldn’t have said anything at all. I’ve hurt someone’s properness.
You wanted to exploit the final boss, and he didn’t so he left. I see no problem with that.
His reason wasn’t “I don’t use exploit”. It was “I don’t use ranged”. So I wonder what his proper method is. And it’s not like we’re N*** and not listening to him. And it’s also not likely he didn’t agree with exploit when we bugged the powder keg earlier and he said nothing. Double standard, much?
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Sneak peek:
Guardians use burning for damage, not direct damage, so the Staff will have the highest chances of proccing upgraded Virtue of Justice.
Guardian staff actually does decent damage […] against large mobs you’ll probably find you’d have more DPS with a staff than any other guard weapon.
Sneak peek:
Guardians use burning for damage, not direct damage, so the Staff will have the highest chances of proccing upgraded Virtue of Justice.
Guardian staff actually does decent damage […] against large mobs you’ll probably find you’d have more DPS with a staff than any other guard weapon.
The moment when i get cancer from a post and five seconds later it gets AIDS from another one … General discussion can be, ehm, very special sometimes.
His reason wasn’t “I don’t use exploit”. It was “I don’t use ranged”. So I wonder what his proper method is. And it’s not like we’re N*** and not listening to him. And it’s also not likely he didn’t agree with exploit when we bugged the powder keg earlier and he said nothing. Double standard, much?
What I took from the conversation was: “why you gotta not do it properly” and he threw in that “range” part just as an insult, then left before you could contemplate a kick. But I could see how it could go either way.
Also, your self-censored word makes me think of this:
The censored words were from my social guild chat and are totally unrelated. But if it humors you…
I’m surprised at how you would think of me to kick someone at last boss. Not to disappoint you but I don’t have that thought nor reputation.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
(edited by Iris Ng.9845)
So, the “Sam got griefed” post of the day :
2015 PvEsports Update!
February/March: Tour de Arah – Teams of 5 compete head to head in The Ruined City of Arah to achieve the lowest cumulative completion time across four explorable paths.
July: Trios – Teams of 3 compete head to head to win a best of 3 contest completing random selections of dungeon paths.
October/Nov: 2015 Guild Championships – Teams of 5 compete head to head to win a best of 3 contest completing random selections of dungeon paths.
Sneak peek:
Guardians use burning for damage, not direct damage, so the Staff will have the highest chances of proccing upgraded Virtue of Justice.
Guardian staff actually does decent damage […] against large mobs you’ll probably find you’d have more DPS with a staff than any other guard weapon.
Yeah, right. Staff, not scepter or sword. Staff.
Hah, ok. Added these 2 to my block list.
The censored words were from my social guild chat and are totally unrelated. But if it humors you…
I’m surprised at how you would think of me to kick someone at last boss. Not to disappoint you but I don’t have that thought nor reputation.
I have no interest in your guild chat. I was referring to your forum post “N*****”. It doesn’t matter anyway, as I was just making a JOKE to release a little tension I sensed in the reply.
As for me thinking you would kick someone at the last boss. I didn’t say that. Read more carefully; I said he probably bailed before you could possibly kick him. It was an inference based on the information given on a reason as to why he might have just left instead of discussing alternate end boss strategies with you guys.
Jesus, I must be coming off as an kitten today. This is the second time I’ve had to clarify my posts.
If anyone (if ever) is interested in what my signature means:
Jesus, I must be coming off as an kitten today. This is the second time I’ve had to clarify my posts.
kitten you, Tom. What’d you say about me mum?
I hear your mom…
… makes very delicious food
2015 PvEsports Update!
February/March: Tour de Arah – Teams of 5 compete head to head in The Ruined City of Arah to achieve the lowest cumulative completion time across four explorable paths.
July: Trios – Teams of 3 compete head to head to win a best of 3 contest completing random selections of dungeon paths.
October/Nov: 2015 Guild Championships – Teams of 5 compete head to head to win a best of 3 contest completing random selections of dungeon paths.
Oh Boi, lovely. Cheers Nike!
2015 PvEsports Update!
February/March: Tour de Arah – Teams of 5 compete head to head in The Ruined City of Arah to achieve the lowest cumulative completion time across four explorable paths.
July: Trios – Teams of 3 compete head to head to win a best of 3 contest completing random selections of dungeon paths.
October/Nov: 2015 Guild Championships – Teams of 5 compete head to head to win a best of 3 contest completing random selections of dungeon paths.
just Awesome.
Hey Guys,
Just a lil bit of christmas magic from the guy known as “MLG Griefer kittenkicker Dungeon Frontier Justice Defender & Policeman of all the poor souls”…
So I’ve been in Snow Crows [SC], a guild that most of you know quite well, for close to a year as I joined in January 2014.
In this past year, I came to realize that all of them actually meant more to me than just gaming friends, or simple guildies. I consider them as my friends, with a special mention for a handful of them that supported me as I was going through huge real life problems, and I was being abandoned by people who were less of friends…
So I decided to make a special memory, and amek that into an item that means a lot to me for this occasion. I’ve wanted a Zippo lighter for a few years, but never had something that meant enough to be written on it. But I just had to search a little closer to my friends, the ones that meant so much to me. I thus got this lighter made as a token of this past years spent with this incredible people.
Here it is : http://imgur.com/1KjEHQl,fW2qmHN
To my guildies (extended to people that left for other adventures, like Cheezy), I wish you a merry christmas and my best wishes for next year. To the rest of the forum community, you guys are awesome, don’t change any of it
Love and chocolate,
aw Sam that be beautiful, warms the cokles of me heart.
Hey Guys,
Just a lil bit of christmas magic from the guy known as “MLG Griefer kittenkicker Dungeon Frontier Justice Defender & Policeman of all the poor souls”…
So I’ve been in Snow Crows [SC], a guild that most of you know quite well, for close to a year as I joined in January 2014.
In this past year, I came to realize that all of them actually meant more to me than just gaming friends, or simple guildies. I consider them as my friends, with a special mention for a handful of them that supported me as I was going through huge real life problems, and I was being abandoned by people who were less of friends…So I decided to make a special memory, and amek that into an item that means a lot to me for this occasion. I’ve wanted a Zippo lighter for a few years, but never had something that meant enough to be written on it. But I just had to search a little closer to my friends, the ones that meant so much to me. I thus got this lighter made as a token of this past years spent with this incredible people.
Here it is : http://imgur.com/1KjEHQl,fW2qmHN
To my guildies (extended to people that left for other adventures, like Cheezy), I wish you a merry christmas and my best wishes for next year. To the rest of the forum community, you guys are awesome, don’t change any of it
Love and chocolate,
I’m both glad and envious of you to have such nice guildies.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
aw Sam that be beautiful, warms the cokles of me heart.
That almost sounds like a pun.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Awww Also, do I spy a G600?
Also, do I spy a G600?
Indeed :p