General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
why didn’t u take any damage???
CoE is taking place when Mordremoth was asleep so the aim isn’t too good~
(Spire has Jormag aggro)
(edited by RemiRome.8495)
Found this awesome quote on reddit:
Berserker armor works only if most or all party is also zerk.
You only have 2 options when doing fotm 49 with players in knight (I presume they were in knight or a PVT set)..
Either you go tanky as well, or leave the party, hoping that you’ll end up getting a better fractal party composition.
I was talking to some friends about fractals and stuff and I would like to talk to people from DnT and KING because I feel I have large holes in my Knowledge of um.. " high Dps group strategies " I believe I have casual strategies down, although I would like to learn everything I can.
Shoot away and I’ll try to give some answers when I get on my coffee break.
I was doing some dungeons with some new people tonight. We rolled a full team of a sura. Oh my god, it was so cute that i had to capture my CM p2 run. Gonna upload it once the video finishes compressing ^^
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I think I’m slowly loosing my place in dungeon running in this game . I don’t have the time nor energy to invest into becoming a really “serious” dungeon runner, but I’m enjoying casual outings less and less it seems
Just last night, a promised a friend some CoE run (he’s got his hands on the scepter precursor and now needs the knowledge crystals to go with it). Unfortunately, at the last minute the “usual suspects” in our casual guild joined the group, people that have been running dungeons from the start of the game, that actually introduced me to dungeons in this game, and that are soooo incredibly phiw I can’t really describe it.
Contrary to some recent experiences I had with them (2+ hours for a lvl 9 fractal with lots of kittening about the “stupid” game rolleyes) we actually got through CoE path 1 without serious casualties. The only deaths were at the laser traps . Our “usual subjects” were congratulating each other about how great the run was in the end … and I was bored out of my mind. Would you believe that it took us all of 50 minutes for a single run of CoE p1 without any breaks? Just continuous (and sooo sloooow) fighting? It feels like a bad dream already …
I think I should go back to pugging after all. It can be unpleasant at times, but not as bad as running with my casual phiw guildies. Don’t get me wrong, I really like those people (most of the time ), but learning how to play more efficiently has effectively spoiled playing with them for me sigh.
Feel free to whisper me for some dungeons. If I’m not in fractals then I’ll most likely be up for a few runs.
Back to pugging, Rasi? Wanna hear a story?
I pug most of the times. I try not to quit on any groups and I never bother with requirements when I make them myself. This one CM run that took 35 minutes, we had 2 thieves and they could not do the skip. Only one path, mind you, I don’t remember if it was 1 or 3, but I remember 4 people ragequitting in CM 3 before Wahlen xD
The TA run where the mesmer reflected everything, volatile blossoms, the wall, malrona. The SE story run where someone thought in a low level group skipping the first mobs like in path 3 and stacking ALL OF THEM after would be a splendid idea. Oh, and the 3-1-1 golems in CoE! THAT was fun!
But I fear my patience is running out. Wanted to do CoE full with a friend yesterday, but it was contested, so quick CoF 1 till golem is over. Shouldn’t be too hard, right? LFG... nooo way I’m gonna bother with ap zerk gearcheck stuff there. So just "p1, bring dps and brains". Friend said that brains on CoF 1 is almost an insult.
Lvl 73 engi joined, we did not bother to get rid of him. He had enough AP I really believed he’d been there before on an 80 char. Wrong. After one wipe at acolytes we managed to wipe at the domes because our 73 guy was running around like a kittening headless chicken. I miiiight have flipped a bit in party chat...
I feel slightly bad about it. But I’m really, really tired of people that cannot open their mouth to tell that they are new to the dungeon. I mean, if we let people stay underleveled, it should be pretty obvious that we wouldn’t mind one or two explanations -.-
For CoE I then wanted "ping coat on join to prove you are fashionable", saw mostly zerk stuff, but funny runes :p 2 war (1 on hoelbrak runes), 1 ele, not a single stack of might. A few quits here and there, nothing out of the ordinary.
The one pug that stayed for all paths was filling the whole chat with SO MANY WORDS. If I close my eyes I can still see blue (and green, and red) WORDS everywhere.
I want to go back to Silverwastes ;_;
Cloud of Sparrows [CoS]
You know what, Laula? Last night, I would’ve traded you those pugs for my group without a second thought . I never thought I’d be so bored on a dungeon run in this game …
We need to run dungeons together more often again .
Taku, I’ll gladly take you up on that offer soon . I need to put you on my other account’s friend list, I haven’t run a lot of dungeons on this account for a while, still trying to complete the dungeoneer collections on the other one.
How this all started is I would like to know everything I can, and everything there to know about fractals.
The main question is the strategies you guys use that are different to the basic strategies ( for lack of a better word ). I’m will go through DnT and KING video’s as well, I just want to also talk about it somewhere as well.
Its stacking spots like the cage at the start of Volcanic, a stacking spot I just heard today just right at the start of Urban Battlegrounds, the idea that you can kill boss’s in one run ( Tom, both end boss’s on Dredge ) and so forth. I guess Ill call it your advance strategies for organize play.
There is a whole new level of play when your organized, and I am learning them in fractals. I also want to pass some of this on as I teach ( which I still try and do ) and with everyone, although I do know your strategies rely on everyone in top " high dps builds " so we cant do exactly everything you do but it shows everyone what you can do with deep knowledge.
so if you know strategies that I might not know, please let me know!
Here it is. My first dungeon video as a semi-serious guard. It was my first time playing with these guys so I didn’t adjust to their tempo yet. All I did was spamming skills and prayed at least one of them would be useful. Pug lyfe x)
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I need to take a break from checking gen disc for a while.
Are so many trinity threads really needed on the front page?
I need to take a break from checking gen disc for a while.
Are so many trinity threads really needed on the front page?
No joke, open up general and without even scrolling down, 3 Trinity posts…
anet pls unannounce HoT
2 many PvF bads
#yolo #swag #2×210
Trinity threads are this week’s Zerk Nerf threads. what will the anti-meta movement do next week?
I’m calling it. Next week will be all about gimmicky unstackable bosses that require PTV heroes and Nomad healers.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
My hope for profession specializations would be to give fire fields, reflects, blinds and aegis to professions that lacked it before, at least the options. Looking at you necro.
I’m calling it. Next week will be all about gimmicky unstackable bosses that require PTV heroes and Nomad healers.
“They should redesign all bosses so they all have at least one attack you can’t interrupt or dodge that way teams would be rewarded for having someone to heal them and people could wear tanky gear to survive better. Oh and dodging shouldn’t give an evade from it would just move you instead and if you still get hit you get hit.”
I agree.
How this all started is I would like to know everything I can, and everything there to know about fractals.
The main question is the strategies you guys use that are different to the basic strategies ( for lack of a better word ). I’m will go through DnT and KING video’s as well, I just want to also talk about it somewhere as well.
Its stacking spots like the cage at the start of Volcanic, a stacking spot I just heard today just right at the start of Urban Battlegrounds, the idea that you can kill boss’s in one run ( Tom, both end boss’s on Dredge ) and so forth. I guess Ill call it your advance strategies for organize play.
There is a whole new level of play when your organized, and I am learning them in fractals. I also want to pass some of this on as I teach ( which I still try and do ) and with everyone, although I do know your strategies rely on everyone in top " high dps builds " so we cant do exactly everything you do but it shows everyone what you can do with deep knowledge.
so if you know strategies that I might not know, please let me know!
I don’t know the current pug tactics since it’s been rather long since i last had to resort to pugging fractals but our current strategies are pretty much what we use in our fractal guides.
Some tactics might have evolved over time to be more aggressive and risky but in general the guides are a good baseline of what we do.
In case ya’ll didn’t see the IGN HoT preview thread said that the Masteries system will affect Fractals. Could be interesting
I belive it said something about “dungeon fractals” whatever that means.
I want to learn to be someone else.
Or stop being such an annoying kitten.
I belive it said something about “dungeon fractals” whatever that means.
“Unlike other MMOs, the aim here isn’t to race through the expansion, hit the new level cap, and start the endgame; instead you’re progressing in a very real way right from the minute you begin. Though you’ll find lots of the Mastery content in Maguuma, it’ll expand outwards so you’ll be seeing it in existing portions of the world, too. You’ll even be able to use some of them in the Fractals dungeons.”
I think they probably meant fractal shards or fractal instances.
Fractals are basically a kind of dungeons. If they don’t add the word dungeons, people who don’t play GW2 will have no idea what they’re talking about.
I don’t know the current pug tactics since it’s been rather long since i last had to resort to pugging fractals but our current strategies are pretty much what we use in our fractal guides.
Some tactics might have evolved over time to be more aggressive and risky but in general the guides are a good baseline of what we do.
Ah thank you, when I was typing gw2 king and it was bring up the lure. Ill do some research and get back with better questions
Edit: ahhh nice just saw them now =) Learnt a few more tricks, cant wait to try them out and a few more things
(edited by Sarahfull.4930)
Literally the worst Ancient Ooze I’ve ever survived on with my ele.
Pugging… it can be so horrible at times.
If things couldn’t get worse, 3 of them didn’t know what to do for tar and of those 3, only 1 of them spoke English and the other ones just longranged tar elementals for 10-15 minutes repeatedly.
Tar only spawned as a freak accident of them running around and conveniently walking over the two geysers at the right time.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Quick question, I know ele’s are great and everything although is it possible to do enough damage to like the legendary shaman and tom without the help of ele’s to have less shield phases and stuff?
Possible yeah but extremely hard. Ele conjures are incredibly powerful for AoE dps and phase skipping shaman and stuff not to forget staff dps provided you have someone stacking might (d/f ele, phalanx warrior).
Quick question, I know ele’s are great and everything although is it possible to do enough damage to like the legendary shaman and tom without the help of ele’s to have less shield phases and stuff?
It’s possible, mathematically speaking, with Chill on crit food, a PS warrior, 3x thief, and a ranger. I don’t encourage anyone to try this.
Dat tease …
“Challenging Content
One of our focuses in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is to provide truly challenging content for our players to overcome. Within the jungle, you’ll encounter entirely new species, creatures, and bosses that are more advanced than the encounters we’ve introduced in the past. These encounters will require greater skills and tactics to overcome, whether you’re adventuring through our jungle on your own or with a party. Not only are we presenting these new challenges throughout the outposts and adventures you’ll find in the jungle, but they’ll also be layered across other types of content experiences. As we get closer to the release of the expansion, we’ll come back and give specific details on the new types of challenging group encounters we’ll be introducing to Guild Wars 2 and explain how these new types of challenges work within the Guild Wars 2 content experience.”
Can’t wait to see the new challenging zerg content! I’mma go craft Bifrost for my guard to prepare. So hyped!!!
Edit ok, snark aside, that does sound really cool, and a nice step forward in terms of improving open world content. I just really hope they figured out a good way to stop the trivialization-by-zerg issue we’ve had with pretty much all other openworld content….
(edited by dlonie.6547)
See i wont have a problem with it mostly being open world if i can still get opportunities to fight bosses solo or in small groups. Unfortunately the megaserver killed that for Orr temples.
ikr? Our guild used to have a regular “temple night” where we’d go around and clear two or three of them. I used to actually have a steady source of dragonite from doing that. Now it’s impossible, thanks to megaserver and event timers.
They seem to be deliberately not saying “instanced” or “small group” in the HoT announcements. I wish I could get my hopes up about that.
Don’t get your hopes up.
I don’t get it why this big hush hush about group content.
Are they affraid of the vocal minority if they abandon instanced content?
Are they affraid of casuals if they implement raid like content?
Are they affraid outsiders who has nothing to do with the game to further decrease it’s reputation with gossips?
Seriously i have no idea but it slowly kills my enthusiasm. :/
I don’t get it why this big hush hush about group content.
Are they affraid of the vocal minority if they abandon instanced content?
Are they affraid of casuals if they implement raid like content?
Are they affraid outsiders who has nothing to do with the game to further decrease it’s reputation with gossips?
Seriously i have no idea but it slowly kills my enthusiasm. :/
I agree. I don’t get this “hype things up so speculation runs wild” approach to things. Just plainly come out and say what you mean…I mean, every time they do that vague bullkitten, I just think “Oh, so they’re not going to do what we really want.” Then even if they do add what we want, I’m already viewing the patch negatively. More often than not, they don’t add those things, and a lot of people get their hopes up and then crushed.
I mean, if they had a track record of putting out quality, satisfying releases that delivered the content their players wanted, they could probably get away with that. But they haven’t, and they keep hyping us up for disappointment…
I see some drama was stirred up while I was asleep, hmm?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
I see some drama was stirred up while I was asleep, hmm?
More Nike conspiracy theories.
yea some people went off the deep end. it got pretty embarrassing.
What did I miss ?
What did I miss ?
Well Grim, needless to say it was saddening. Many a person was broken this day.
I ask myself now,
Where are the days of yonder, where a man step’th into the gutter of the dungeon forums to feel his feet sink into the simpering ooze of stupidity and self righteous anger?
Where be’th the hour upon which the common scumbag elitists would unite to achieve but one goal, to taketh down the potato?
Where o’ where are the serenades, the chants, the lamentations of the just, the self important, the ‘moral’ brigade?
Where be the distinction that was so finely set in stone,
between the meta player and the casual?
Between the joke that is ‘morality’ in a video game and the font of reason that the toxic and vocal minority drink’th from?
Why doth now the oft poster care more for vanity than for the cause that is scumbaggery and entertainment?
Why is it, that we no longer descend into these fits of fancy? These chaotic, yet collaborated threads that bound on in a strong and sickening fashion until’th a moderator doth frantically shut it down?
Why now do thine threads carry on weakly, whimpering off into obscurity until a moderator puts them down out of pity? Without a word, like a whisper, out of sight, gone.
Be it that we no longer care? Long gone is the fire that once ignited within us at the mere mention of a bearbow?
Or be it that the bearbow himself is gone, purged from this hallowed ground of filth and obscenity?
Perhaps it be that we have long discarded our concerns for jest, for comradery and have instead turned to idolize ourselves?
Or perhaps, perhaps we have suffered enough.
A forum plastered with red ‘we care’ posts,
words as empty as a toxic nightmare husk,
the constant and never ending drone of ‘nerf zerk’, ‘I got kicked from x for playing how I want’ , ’I’m important and my opinions matter’… clawing at the last strands of our sanity..
Has this dog of a subforum taken the final kick? Or will it stand for more belting?
What will keep this mange ridden mutt alive?
What will keep the scum, filth and elitism coursing through its veins?
To that I say,
A Heart of Thorns.
(edited by J Eberle.9312)
What did I miss ?
Well Grim, needless to say it was saddening. Many a person was broken this day.
I ask myself now,
Where are the days of yonder, where a man step’th into the gutter of the dungeon forums to feel his feet sink into the simpering ooze of stupidity and self righteous anger?
Where be’th the hour upon which the common scumbag elitists would unite to achieve but one goal, to taketh down the potato?
Where o’ where are the serenades, the chants, the lamentations of the just, the self important, the ‘moral’ brigade?
Where be the distinction that was so finely set in stone,
between the meta player and the casual?
Between the joke that is ‘morality’ in a video game and the font of reason that the toxic and vocal minority drink’th from?
Why doth now the oft poster care more for vanity than for the cause that is scumbaggery and entertainment?
Why is it, that we no longer descend into these fits of fancy? These chaotic, yet collaborated threads that bound on in a strong and sickening fashion until’th a moderator doth frantically shut it down?
Why now do thine threads carry on weakly, whimpering off into obscurity until a moderator puts them down out of pity? Without a word, like a whisper, out of sight, gone.
Be it that we no longer care? Long gone is the fire that once ignited within us at the mere mention of a bearbow?
Or be it that the bearbow himself is gone, purged from this hallowed ground of filth and obscenity?
Perhaps it be that we have long discarded our concerns for jest, for comradery and have instead turned to idolize ourselves?
Or perhaps, perhaps we have suffered enough.
A forum plastered with red ‘we care’ posts,
words as empty as a toxic nightmare husk,
the constant and never ending drone of ‘nerf zerk’, ‘I got kicked from x for playing how I want’ , ’I’m important and my opinions matter’… clawing at the last strands of our sanity..
Has this dog of a subforum taken the final kick? Or will it stand for more belting?
What will keep this mange ridden mutt alive?
What will keep the scum, filth and elitism coursing through its veins?
To that I say,
A Heart of Thorns.
i rate eight out of eight mate. no need to hesitate or you might cause a debate. now watch as i skate into this state of incredible hate. you might try to circumnavigate but no need to reflate because I relate on this issue that desecrates so hard it goes interstate. now unless you misheard my attempt to communicate and try to reinstate something that has too much weight I will update and set you straight without need to sedate because I am not a lightweight
/drops mic and walks off stage
What did I miss ?
Well Grim, needless to say it was saddening. Many a person was broken this day.
I ask myself now,
Where are the days of yonder, where a man step’th into the gutter of the dungeon forums to feel his feet sink into the simpering ooze of stupidity and self righteous anger?
Where be’th the hour upon which the common scumbag elitists would unite to achieve but one goal, to taketh down the potato?
Where o’ where are the serenades, the chants, the lamentations of the just, the self important, the ‘moral’ brigade?
Where be the distinction that was so finely set in stone,
between the meta player and the casual?
Between the joke that is ‘morality’ in a video game and the font of reason that the toxic and vocal minority drink’th from?
Why doth now the oft poster care more for vanity than for the cause that is scumbaggery and entertainment?
Why is it, that we no longer descend into these fits of fancy? These chaotic, yet collaborated threads that bound on in a strong and sickening fashion until’th a moderator doth frantically shut it down?
Why now do thine threads carry on weakly, whimpering off into obscurity until a moderator puts them down out of pity? Without a word, like a whisper, out of sight, gone.
Be it that we no longer care? Long gone is the fire that once ignited within us at the mere mention of a bearbow?
Or be it that the bearbow himself is gone, purged from this hallowed ground of filth and obscenity?
Perhaps it be that we have long discarded our concerns for jest, for comradery and have instead turned to idolize ourselves?
Or perhaps, perhaps we have suffered enough.
A forum plastered with red ‘we care’ posts,
words as empty as a toxic nightmare husk,
the constant and never ending drone of ‘nerf zerk’, ‘I got kicked from x for playing how I want’ , ’I’m important and my opinions matter’… clawing at the last strands of our sanity..
Has this dog of a subforum taken the final kick? Or will it stand for more belting?
What will keep this mange ridden mutt alive?
What will keep the scum, filth and elitism coursing through its veins?
To that I say,
A Heart of Thorns.
A call to arms for all Mind Brains by our Grandmaster.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
What did I miss ?
PlayerA: I got kicked for watching Cutscenes at the final boss when asked not to watch cutscenes
Group A: You deserved it for kittening off your groupmates
Group B: that sucks, i’m sorry you went through that
Player B: What the hell is wrong with you group A guys?
Player C: Dude went against the group and got kicked, he deserved it
Player B: Player C what happened to you? I expected different from you
Player D : Why does something have to be wrong with player C, they disobeyed the group screw player A
Player B: I expect more compassion from player C, why do you have to be a jerk player D?
Player E and F: You’re a jerk player B
Player B: what’s up with all the guild presence defending player D?
Player C: yeah sucks he got kicked at the end but he was being a jerk to his group
Group A: he deserved it
Group B: he didn’t deserve it at the end of a dungeon
Group A: ok, yeah at the end is kinda a kitten move but he still was a jerk to his group so he deserved it
About sums it up from what I read /shrug Though the summary doesn’t really do justice to the juicy drama
I now pronounce Jerus as the new master of TL;DR mojo.
^ This !
/15 kitteningchars
I now pronounce Jerus as the new master of TL;DR mojo.
While I admit it’s probably not worth reading, TL, really? you don’t even have to scroll!