Twilight Arbor FW UP

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeldzaam.2541


someone has tips for Twilight Arbor FW UP? Please someone who has tips for me? or can help me ?

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheMaskedParadigm.3629


Wukunlin, I chose you!

Youtube Channel –

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


I did this path recently with a pug. The strategy we used was having 2 rangers with longbow. First you need to get the npc killed, just agro some spiders and stay behind the npc so the spiders can kill her with the poison (it doesnt work if you let her die too far away from the boss room, since she will respawn).

So the rangers keep atacking the tree at 1500 range while the other 3 members kill the spiders and some turrets that agro on the group. You need to dodge the atack from the tree where it shakes its back and makes some goo drop on the floor, that atack makes you get 10 stacks of vulnerability and can wipe your group, it also makes some spiders spawn. I noticed if you stay at 1500 range the spiders will stop respawning on that goo atack after a while, even if you don’t dodge then.

Just remember to put the pets on peaceful mode and dont use piercing shots. The fight gets very easy after you clean the spiders in front of the tree, you only need to worry about that goo atack.

Good luck!

(edited by Casmurro.9046)

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: moiraine.2753


The other strategy is to use guardians and high dmg to take the tree down from melee range.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

The other strategy is to use guardians and high dmg to take the tree down from melee range.

i will dare to say that the only way to beat this path is do it once or reset the dungeon.

1 week ago i did the dungeon with a really skilled group we breezed through the dungeon just to be stuck 2 hours at tree, one decided to quit and everyone else did as well, we were too tired.

gladly i could join a PUG (with 2 guards) that were at tree and 2 of their members ragequitted, i took my alt toon (guard) called a friend (war) and the last one kept his mesmer.

it seem they tried as well for about hour and a half and as you know already if you die once at tree you better restart the dungeon because its almost “impossible” my friend already did that path and he gave us some orders to follow.

pretty simple yet difficult in the PUG enviroment

3 guards (me being one of them) chaining stakitten -sanctuary-wor-shield 5

mesmer feedback and tw

war smash and kill (full zerker or it wont work)

we BARELY made it after 2 tries (we rallied with tree) i cant deny it was really epic because one of us screwed the rotation and almost got us wiped in about 3 secs but still managed to kill the tree.

bare in mind that the tree is considered an inanimated object (why anet >_>) so crit damage wont proc on it i mention the war full zerker because its the most stable DPS so far (imho)

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Wukunlin, I chose you!

In order to defeat the last boss of TA F/U, the best way to solo carry a horrible pug is to use a guardian and use this OP build, you will literally be able to roll your face on the keyboard and the boss will die along with all spiders.

It is sad that we have to use a broken ridiculously overbuffed set up to deal with this equally broken encounter but until anet fixes it it is the only way for us get the rewards we deserve.

In all seriousness, if you want to use the reflect and burst method, tilt your camera to almost bird eye view because a lot of people have trouble seeing where exactly the rectangular strip of WoR is on the ground when you have a billion spiders in your field of vision

Oceanic [LOD]

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Granspremium.7526


Here is a strat for fighting nigthmare tree if you failed the first attempt, and the spiders have swarmed around him.

Our setup was Guardianx2 war x2 ranger x1

After a few failed attempts, the spiders were everywhere and there were no way for us to fight him up close.
Luckely our guardian was fully geared ptv.

We succeded having the ptv guardian kite around the nightmare tree with all the spiders (carrying staff for aoe,speed and walls).
The rest of us stood in the tunnels, strafing back and forth while using range attacks to bring the boss down.
Second guardian would clear conditions on allies strafing to dodge the range attacks of nightmare tree and to boost the guardian kiting.

If ure stuck on spiders that have spawned, this might work for you. It sure did for us. Wish i had streamed it.

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheMaskedParadigm.3629


Here is a strat for fighting nigthmare tree if you failed the first attempt, and the spiders have swarmed around him.

Our setup was Guardianx2 war x2 ranger x1

After a few failed attempts, the spiders were everywhere and there were no way for us to fight him up close.
Luckely our guardian was fully geared ptv.

We succeded having the ptv guardian kite around the nightmare tree with all the spiders (carrying staff for aoe,speed and walls).
The rest of us stood in the tunnels, strafing back and forth while using range attacks to bring the boss down.
Second guardian would clear conditions on allies strafing to dodge the range attacks of nightmare tree and to boost the guardian kiting.

If ure stuck on spiders that have spawned, this might work for you. It sure did for us. Wish i had streamed it.


Youtube Channel –

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Granspremium.7526


As i said, it’s a strat for failed first attempt. if you got ppl who know their class, this strat was easy as hell for us.

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


If you fail the first attempt just pull a few front groups out and clear them. Then retry with melee and reflects. We had to do that because our guard decided to dc/lag out just as the swarm spawned and we werent ready for that to happen lol.

Twilight Arbor FW UP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: moiraine.2753


Looks like it’s up to the group.
If you want it more safer then use 2 guardians who know what they are doing.
If you want more bursty and speedy then use 1 guardian and heavy dmg from glass canons.
I have done it both ways and it works perfectly fine.
The only problem is that F/U is NOT for pugs.
Everything is up to practice.My guild was training a lot with path Up because it is very similar to F/U.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

(edited by moiraine.2753)