Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events
You know what would really help here? The ability for one guild to gift merits (and perhaps influence) to another: that way the multitude of main guilds that people represent can gift the somewhat useless merits to guilds like TTS that would actually use them.
Megaservers are one of my favourite changes coming:
- I have a few friends and guildies scattered across different EU servers, and it will be nice to encounter them a bit more frequently.
- I miss the launch days where maps were very lively and events weren’t left abandoned. This will also make the game more enticing to new players.
- I can’t wait to see racial cities, and especially Divinity’s Reach, populated again.
- I’ve been wanting to participate on the new world event bosses and the last living world events more often, but the current overflow system always seemed to work against it. Now that it’ll be easier for guilds to trigger bosses and for friends to meet me in LW chapters, I believe they’ll offer better replay value.
This system puts to light some other problems with the game (no incentives to come back to old maps, zergy content, lack of RP servers), but I believe those issues should be directly addressed, and leaving entire maps empty was never a good “solution” to hide those other existing problems. Besides, the trait system is already enhancing world exploration, and I hope that’s just a first step.
I’m surprised they’re adding megaservers for the lowbie zones. They’re the ones with the most players typically.
It’s the zones in between starter and end game that require these, they’re ghost towns.
Nope. By “dead weight” I mean players who’re contributing to the event as much as if they were dead bodies; another poster once described them as “20 AFK players hidden on the bottom of a lake”. And by no means “randoms” or “casuals” who’re trying to enjoy the event at their best are a “dead weight”.
There is more than just the one event taking place in any given zone/map. It does not do your position any good to insult or negatively label people who may very well be in the zone playing the game as intended by pursuing hearts or other events. It creates the impression that you believe that you have a monopoly on the, “right way,” to play the game and that anyone who does not play as you do is deserving of scorn and ridicule.
I am not saying that this is intended, but thought you might want to know how it comes across.
I’m perfectly aware of it (and I even have a whole thread about it); there’s “play how you want”, but that works both ways. 100 people want to slay Tequatl; 10 people want to do hearts; 10 people want to forget their chars at waypoint and go watch TV. 20 people “play how they want”, 100 people “fail to play how they want” because of the first 20. Who is to blame for it?
ANet. For designing the boss to require a whole map of suboptimal players but introducing counter-productive goals and failing to provide ways to access it as an instance so everyone is happy.
Exactly. An easy example was the latest living story we have seen… playing in the late morning I’ve often seen big groups of people farming champions bags, and that’s ok, but when the knights event was about to start we sometimes asked to come and help for those 15 minutes so that we could try to kill Scarlet. Well… most of the times people would just start arguing in the map chat and those who were farming bags would just ignore the event, so we were forced to just focus on the red knight to try to get at least some power cores. I know, they’re not forced to partecipate… but this usually caused the failure of the event for the rest of the players.
With world bosses will be the same, afk and low level players are totally right to say that they are not obligated to join the fight, but at the same time if Arenanet really wants us to keep on doing the world bosses.. they need to find a solution.
Just move Tequatl and the Great Jungle Wurm into a 150 players sized dungeon.
As a player that only gets to log in during a specific time due to work and other real life commitments I feel that non-prime players are being punished for not being able to log in during the NA prime hours.
Even people that live in Europe/NA aren’t always able to get on at times like that. The world bosses end at 7pm GMT, while most players I know only log in at hours like 8-9-10 pm GMT because that is the only time of the day we can log.
@Anet: Please understand… we like to play the game too, and it’s really bad to restrict bosses to 3 hours over 24 hours, while most players only have 1-2 hours out of 24 they can dedicate to playing. That means most have 0% chance to participate in bosses ever.
And here’s what it led to. Instead of “not penalising” lvl 80, it’s encouraging lvl 80 players to run AC over and over again because you get the same lvl 80 rares from it as from engame content. And do you know who it is “penalising” now? Low-level players who can’t afford mid-level materials because they’re more scarce thus more expensive than lvl 80 materials. Reason? ANet’s WHACK! balancing style – making significant changes in one go and taking months for “tuning” with another WHACK!
And if ectos are the source of the problem, ANet can a) tune them to be salvageable at lower levels, b) adjust rather map (which are the issue) than dungeon drops, c) leave a chance at lvl 80 drops as Yenrah suggested, or d) even make any rare/exotic gear drop only match players level while leaving the rest of the gear on the map level.
What? You mean how the price increased when ascended armour was introduced?
The price didn’t increase when they made loot better, it stayed the same. Ascended gear/crafting is the plague on the game, the player demand drove those prices up.
All mats increase/decrease as per the populations demands.
If on the other hand, they revert it to how it was, or increase the chance of low drops, then, those materials will be in higher supply, lowering the price significantly, meaning the drops you’d get are worth even less than now.
I have no problem with them making silk/wool/cotton/linen easier to obtain via drops/loot bags, since you can’t harvest them, but not at the cost of getting lower level gear.
If your drop is rolled to be low level, it never has a chance to be a level 80 exotic.
- You make it sound like you will never get all those mid-level materials for your ascended crafting whilst currently you have to grind gold to buy it from TP and the ascended is considered the main grind in the game precisely because you can’t get the materials the usual way.
- I’ve suggested an option for lvl 80 exotic, you missed it.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Good ideas OP, but I’m operating under a different set of suppositions than you are.
First of all, the changes you’re, in my opinion, won’t solve the future problems Anet has. What if this was the groundwork for coming out with an expansion?
Anet has said, and shown, that they’re worried about dividing the population to finely. One of the things that worries them most is the introduction of new maps. When that happens, as in most games, everyone will be on the new maps. Anet doesn’t want to necessarily make every new map as good to go to as every other new map, because that would again divide the player base. The world is too big. The world will get even bigger with new zones.
People are treating this mega server technology as a one off suggestion, instead of a step in the development of the future of the game. WIthout knowing the rest of what Anet has planned (and we honestly won’t know that because they’d be foolish to tell us this early out), we can’t really make suggestions like this.
On the surface, suggestions like this might seem good…but they can’t take into account the rest of what the game designers have in the works. This isn’t the end of the story, this is the beginning of the story.
It’s like trying to suggestion a war strategy without knowing what all the forces are doing. You might get a lot of people agreeing with you, but none of us knows for sure exactly why this has been implemented the way it has…we can only guess.
My guess is that when new zones, or an expansion comes out, they’ll need technology to get people together in old zones.
Because at that point, most people are going to move on to the expansion content.
Valid points, but:
- You can always have MegaServers as “enhanced overflows” over the main server during single-map LS events.
- When the world gets bigger, make the servers proportionally bigger or merge them. Map population will even out if all content is equally interesting. If your soup is not salty enough, you put more salt, and not turn the fire on and boil it down to the moment there’s enough salt for the water left.
- What ANet has shown conern of IMO is the way how to mask content no one plays, at the cost of a lot of content which people do play and turning it into a certain ‘“comfortable”’ zerg-fest.
- Whatever content they introduce next, it doesn’t negate the fact that bosses are fixed now and that it kills a big part of the game for many players. Living world world bosses turned out to be yet another temporary content which people can do only in a limited timespan, about what people have for long time complained they do not want to.
- Totally removes the Queensdale train.
No. Why should? frostgorge train exists with no events at all.
It would only assure they dont get even more rewards for doing train, apart from champ boxes. Just one time, like normal players.
- karma
- cheap XP for leveling while watching TV
If those are removed as nearly infinite rewards from the QD train, people will switch to other places and start moving around the world. Ah yes, I was assuming that the karma and XP for events are also turned into once-per-day or rapidly diminished for repetitive completion of the same event.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
No, they’re not the same thing.
A server merge only affects low population servers. A server merge does nothing for higher population servers.
With this plan, a person playing off hours on ANY server, will have people to play with. With a server merge, that’s not true.
I’m telling you that if the busiest servers NOW have dead zones at certain times, then a server merge won’t help smaller servers. It’ll make them like bigger servers.
Bigger population events WILL be populated….most of the maps will be dead.
Server merges do NOT solve that problem. The meta server does. The megaserver is not another name for server merge.
Pretty much what Megaserver system does.
If map gets over populated, the system starts dropping players to maps with players from same world, guild and also drops friends to same map. Propably also takes latency into account.
It wont drop everyone in same map if certain conditions are met.
Low population ones, now, I’ve seen only botters in maps like cursed shore and others. Some random train comes from time to time to do the boss events, after which they are gone.
The system would pile all players in the low/“dead” populated maps from different worlds into one map copy.
This is what I’ve understood about the Megaservers.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
Megaserver has its heart in the right place, and I’m quite excited for it. People are pointing out a lot of problems that it could, potentially, have, but I doubt anyone has said something that ArenaNet hadn’t already considered. But heck, even they know that the system probably won’t be perfect so they’re implementing it slowly. The goal is to unify people, not drive apart friends.
Two things I’d love to see them decide to do:
1) Allow you to pick your own weights on which map you land on. Right now it sounds like there’s a high preference for you to be mapped with other people from your server – but I’d rather be with people from my guilds or people on my friends list with my server being a super low addition to the equation.
I believe that it already is the case. Guildies/friend>server, perhaps not super clear in the blog post.
Uhh can’t you just use that guild thingy that allows you to start it whenever you want?
You know what would really help here? The ability for one guild to gift merits (and perhaps influence) to another: that way the multitude of main guilds that people represent can gift the somewhat useless merits to guilds like TTS that would actually use them.
It really would be nice if guilds could outsource research to other guilds, not just a nameless asuran krewe.
Unfortunately, the problem guilds like TTS experience are not problems they experience because of their size and policies. It’s problems caused by the craptastic Guild management system anet put in. These exist in guilds with as few as TWO people, or conglomerate guilds consisting of 200000 people. The larger the guild, the BIGGER these problems become. All people are able to suggest are “solutions” that merely address symptoms.
A guild will not change it’s policy on upgrades just to solve a symptom. Anet needs to fix the guild system so that such a policy is not necessary. You know, get rid of the guild chapter crap and have a single influence pool.
Fix what’s broken, not the symptoms.
Uhh can’t you just use that guild thingy that allows you to start it whenever you want?
Read the thread. Your question has been answered multiple times.
I think that should said something about this, i know that they are reading the feedback etc, etc…
But a word if they are thinking to change at least the new respawn timer before 15 April should be good because now are awful.
-1 boss each 5 minutes or groups of 3 bosses at same time each 15 minutes with max respawn of 1H – 1,5H like now, would be better, at least you can chose what bosses you could kill in a 2 hour gameplay session.
Is worse than the dynamic bosses with Api Times webpages without Megaserver, but at least better than 1 boss each 15 minutes with 5 hours respanw like the Golem MKII.
I just wish that kickback the megaserver of their planning.
(edited by GonzoNeo.4965)
truth is, megaservers are here, and they arent going anywhere. Anet will implement it.
But such a large system, that the game was not built for is going to touch a lot of other systems, its going to cause problems. Anet has come up with some short term solutions, but many players don’t feel excited about these solutions. So lets run through our concerns, at the same time looking what type of solutions would work while still under structure of the megaserver implementation.
Double waypoint fees and double loading times.
Under a megaserver system the game doesnt know what map you will be placed on when you open your map, this makes contested waypoint information invalid.
*Uncontested waypoints, on first click pick what map you will be queued into, this gives them access to waypoint information. the secondary waypoints then load into the map, and you can select which waypoint you want. This will get rid of the double load situation, and double cost situation.
*Map travel becomes two step, you click the map to travel to it, BEFORE any main assets load, the game gets map info and asks you to pick a waypoint. It then loads the asset info. This will be a single load time, although staggered. you will get one cost. the disadvantage is that you will lose access to your current map, so i think the first solution is a better one.
Uhh can’t you just use that guild thingy that allows you to start it whenever you want?
Read the thread. Your question has been answered multiple times.
That system was put in place to solve this problem, of guilds and groups that can’t play at certain hours.
I’m sorry but you are not willing to adapt to the new times nor are you willing to put in the extra effort of 1 hour of running missions each week. You want everything handed to you on a silver platter.
Have each member pitch in 50s. Say half of all your community actually donates that, you have more than enough to pay for a crapton of influence for 2 guilds.
Uhh can’t you just use that guild thingy that allows you to start it whenever you want?
Read the thread. Your question has been answered multiple times.
That system was put in place to solve this problem, of guilds and groups that can’t play at certain hours.
I’m sorry but you are not willing to adapt to the new times nor are you willing to put in the extra effort of 1 hour of running missions each week. You want everything handed to you on a silver platter.
Have each member pitch in 50s. Say half of all your community actually donates that, you have more than enough to pay for a crapton of influence for 2 guilds.
It uses merits. Which, oh, you can’t pay for.
If it just used influence do you think we’d be complaining? We’re swimming in influence. Here’s the blog post for you. Read.
What are you going to suggest next? That we pay people to rep for us and earn merits for us?
(edited by Lyralei.5920)
They will open the encounter to thousands of players who have been unable to do the event on low population servers unless they joined a one-trick-pony guild.
You can manually start the event now, so adapt your schedule a bit and you will be fine.“Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
I am really sorry but your statement is wrong.
With the current Wurm/Teq unless you have an organized group you cannot succeed.
That is what TTS is trying to do, to get those few people on small populated servers and help them get their kills because on their own they will never be able to do it.
So the “many” in this case is not TTS, it’s ALL THE PEOPLE TTS ever helped.
Very good change, it’s like a game refresh. I like going back to those maps that according to some “nobody goes to” (as if everyone played JUST for rewards or to farm champs/events), so it will be fun to see them more populated.
Very few things will remain “contested” with the change as well. Easier for newbies. Better for the game overall.
Unfortunately we have to wait for a global implementation, but it would be fun going to those maps that are going to be tested after April 15.
And if implemented carefully, I don’t think the issues will be as huge as some make them to be. The greater good of the game is more important than our specific wants and convenience-furthermore, I do think it makes the game more convenient for most players, old and new (much like I don’t like Ascended at all, but can see why it was implemented.)
I do feel bad for Orr’s statues-the concept will be broken, though it’s kind of too early to tell (however, I do expect the temples to be done frequently, unlike what happens in many servers ATM). I shall wait and see, but the megaserver will be phenomenal for the game in my view.
Considering TSS is the single most point of contact for people wanting to have success at this event, what does ANet gain by sabotaging it?
Theres too many dead servers, and instead of doing a proper server merge (they are afraid it will make the game look bad, which it will server merges are always a sign of a dying game), they are masking it behind MEGASERVERS, a side effect of which is the problem presented in the OP.
The only way to fix it is to allow guilds to create their own instances and to start scaling the encounter at say 30 – 150 people.
No dead servers, just too low population vs bigger servers.
And your trolling gets old, because you have no evidence or idea of what you are talking about. The old “haters gotta hate”. I am from AR-it’s NOT dead, people just don’t often do PvE over there and it shows (plus there were recent WvW migrations towards other servers.) People playing on populated servers does not mean that “the game is dying”, but that more players are gathering elsewhere instead of those “dead servers.” It’s OK if you rather have GW2 die so your “doom & gloom prophecies” come true for an ego trip (“I told you so! GW2 sucks and died hahaha!”)-that doesn’t mean it actually is dying (you WISH.)
Instead of replying angrily, give it a thought.
I have to say that I really don’t like these changes. It seems that my whole playing style has to change.
-Gathering will be so annoying that it will be pretty much impossible.
-I can no longer play when I want, have to make a schedule to kill the bosses. It also makes the world feel a lot less dynamic.
-Travelling around the world will be very annoying, two teleports instead of one.
-Temples.. no idea how these are even doable after the change.
(edited by Ameepa.6793)
Well… most of the times people would just start arguing in the map chat and those who were farming bags would just ignore the event, so we were forced to just focus on the red knight to try to get at least some power cores. I know, they’re not forced to partecipate… but this usually caused the failure of the event for the rest of the players.
This is the exact reason guilds like TTS use overflows to fight wurm. The players that dont want to participate in the event arent actively working against the event, but they’re still working against the event nonetheless. The primary difference with the megaserver, is that instead of 5-10 afk somewhere, it’s going to be 40-50 or more. For anyone who’s been at a wurm event, you know that the wurm heads cannot be fought with less than 30 players at each head. Ideally you want more than 40 players at each head to allow for unforeseen problems. The Amber and Cobalt heads both require a minimum of 20 players working to remove the invulnerability mechanic. Crimson can have fewer people, but ideally crimson should be the one wurm head that is able to give the other two the extra time they need. Add to that the need for teams to manage the wurm heads spitting out eggs (which can be reflected back, so guardians and eles), and the digested husks which require teams able to inflict condi damage to deal with them. That’s another 10 players at each head.
And that’s not even getting into the bad design of the environment around the events either. The cobalt head has open water on one side, and if it charges into the water in phase 2, the event is over because the wurm goes invulnerable as a result of leashing.
Any “elitism” people see regarding the wurm isnt because guilds like TTS are elitist, it’s because that’s what the event being done requires.
Uhh can’t you just use that guild thingy that allows you to start it whenever you want?
Read the thread. Your question has been answered multiple times.
That system was put in place to solve this problem, of guilds and groups that can’t play at certain hours.
I’m sorry but you are not willing to adapt to the new times nor are you willing to put in the extra effort of 1 hour of running missions each week. You want everything handed to you on a silver platter.
Have each member pitch in 50s. Say half of all your community actually donates that, you have more than enough to pay for a crapton of influence for 2 guilds.
If the new system used purely influence then we could work around it quite well however since it both requires Guild Challenges an upgrade which requires a large amount of both time and merits to unlock as well as an amount of merits which each guild can only earn a fixed amount each week.
Meaning in it’s current implementation this new system limits the amount of Raids we can do rather then openning more times like it’s intended.
Communicate with other guilds that DO accrue influence and merits to coordinate with TTS to do 8pm Teq raids. There are likely many guilds that would want to kill Teq at the previous time, but don’t have the numbers to do so. TTS can act as a mercenary force to help those guilds complete those raids. Get organized and summon each other to cross the gaps between worlds and engage in jolly co-operation! Then we can all be grossly incandescent Sunbringers!
The answer is really easy – and potentially exciting if people are up for it.
TTS simply needs to partner/make friends with established PVE guilds on different servers. Offer your leadership, numbers and support in exchange for starting the Tequatl and/or Worm fights reliably on given nights.
Im guessing (actually more than guessing ) that there are several guilds/servers out there that would jump at the idea.
Use this is an opportunity to strengthen the entire GW2 PVE community.
As an occasional TTS hanger-on, I fully support their request.
(edited by Moderator)
I also think it is a great development. I spend a lot of time in mid-level zones that are practically empty and having more players in the map will be really nice.
Uhh can’t you just use that guild thingy that allows you to start it whenever you want?
Read the thread. Your question has been answered multiple times.
That system was put in place to solve this problem, of guilds and groups that can’t play at certain hours.
Then why in the name of sanity are they changing the system in the first place? Teq and wurm spawn EVERY two hours like clockwork. If you miss one, you wait 90 minutes and catch the next one. This change anet’s going to try rolling out takes the ability for anyone to get on at nearly any time of day and do these bosses and throws it into a blender, then sets it on fire before putting it out by urinating on it. Because that’s basically what anet’s doing by making the world bosses shift to this schedule, STILL not fix issues with guilds, and give guilds the ability to spawn the world bosses (mostly) when they want.
I’m sorry but you are not willing to adapt to the new times nor are you willing to put in the extra effort of 1 hour of running missions each week. You want everything handed to you on a silver platter.
Allow me to requote some numbers for you:
380,000 influence.
260 merits.
760 gold.
12 guilds.
24 servers.
The guild research is going to be a hellish nightmare for TTS to do in a single guild, god forbid 12. Additionally, it’s going to take roughly 250g just to reach the FIRST upgrade that can begin to earn merits. Compounded by the fact that only players on the server the research has been done on can see, or even activate the guild missions.
Have each member pitch in 50s. Say half of all your community actually donates that, you have more than enough to pay for a crapton of influence for 2 guilds.
How about TTS asks each server to contribute a world boss spawn consumable in exchange for TTS helping them with the public spawn of the boss? Both are undesirable solutions to a symptom, not what’s actually broken.
The answer is really easy – and potentially exciting if people are up for it.
TTS simply needs to partner/make friends with established PVE guilds on different servers. Offer your leadership, numbers and support in exchange for starting the Tequatl and/or Worm fights reliably on given nights.
Im guessing (actually more than guessing
) that there are several guilds/servers out there that would jump at the idea.
Use this is an opportunity to strengthen the entire GW2 PVE community
We’re already attempting to do this solution however it’s inperfect.
There are popular runs outside of Anet’s schedule that often spawn several overflows when we attempt to run them. We usually have the leadership to accommodate this however even we had a partner Guild with the merits to spawn teq at one time we most likely could not also cover additional overflows
Uhh can’t you just use that guild thingy that allows you to start it whenever you want?
Read the thread. Your question has been answered multiple times.
That system was put in place to solve this problem, of guilds and groups that can’t play at certain hours.
Then why in the name of sanity are they changing the system in the first place? Teq and wurm spawn EVERY two hours like clockwork. If you miss one, you wait 90 minutes and catch the next one. This change anet’s going to try rolling out takes the ability for anyone to get on at nearly any time of day and do these bosses and throws it into a blender, then sets it on fire before putting it out by urinating on it. Because that’s basically what anet’s doing by making the world bosses shift to this schedule, STILL not fix issues with guilds, and give guilds the ability to spawn the world bosses (mostly) when they want.
I’m sorry but you are not willing to adapt to the new times nor are you willing to put in the extra effort of 1 hour of running missions each week. You want everything handed to you on a silver platter.
Allow me to requote some numbers for you:
380,000 influence.
260 merits.
760 gold.
12 guilds.
24 servers.The guild research is going to be a hellish nightmare for TTS to do in a single guild, god forbid 12. Additionally, it’s going to take roughly 250g just to reach the FIRST upgrade that can begin to earn merits. Compounded by the fact that only players on the server the research has been done on can see, or even activate the guild missions.
Have each member pitch in 50s. Say half of all your community actually donates that, you have more than enough to pay for a crapton of influence for 2 guilds.
How about TTS asks each server to contribute a world boss spawn consumable in exchange for TTS helping them with the public spawn of the boss? Both are undesirable solutions to a symptom, not what’s actually broken.
There is no need to overworry about this. There is a very simple solution.
As a couple of threads have mentioned, simply make friends with established guilds (im guessing many are already TTS members anyway) who are willing to help you out and trigger the events at specific times in exchange for TTS’s leadership and guidance. There is no need for TTS to unlock or research anything.
This is an opportunity for TTS to become a real leader in the GW2 community. It may mean taking a little time to teach the fight to new groups, but that is something TTS has always been really good at.
The answer is really easy – and potentially exciting if people are up for it.
TTS simply needs to partner/make friends with established PVE guilds on different servers. Offer your leadership, numbers and support in exchange for starting the Tequatl and/or Worm fights reliably on given nights.
Im guessing (actually more than guessing
) that there are several guilds/servers out there that would jump at the idea.
Use this is an opportunity to strengthen the entire GW2 PVE community
We’re already attempting to do this solution however it’s inperfect.
There are popular runs outside of Anet’s schedule that often spawn several overflows when we attempt to run them. We usually have the leadership to accommodate this however even we had a partner Guild with the merits to spawn teq at one time we most likely could not also cover additional overflows
I would say give it a shot after the 15th and see what happens. Im guessing there are more guilds out there willing to help than you realize – more than enough to cover any overflows at any times of the day.
If TTS started and promoted a “guild partner” program for exactly this purpose, it could end up being something even more impressive than TTS is now.
Buy the influence. Start a fundraiser. I know many who would chip in, myself included.
(edited by Moderator)
Communicate with other guilds that DO accrue influence and merits to coordinate with TTS to do 8pm Teq raids. There are likely many guilds that would want to kill Teq at the previous time, but don’t have the numbers to do so. TTS can act as a mercenary force to help those guilds complete those raids. Get organized and summon each other to cross the gaps between worlds and engage in jolly co-operation! Then we can all be grossly incandescent Sunbringers!
TTS already does this. Why do you think they guest to a different server (excluding the “ultra full” servers, BG, JQ, and TC) every day? TTS runs teq at 3pm, 5pm, and 11pm right now. Want to kill teq at one of those times, but dont have the numbers, or not sure how? Poke at the leaders on at that time and let them know. There have been days where TTS has run teq not just on the guest server’s MAIN map, but on three overflows at the same time.
You have the numbers and the willingness to follow what the commanders say? TTS will bring the core teams and leaders necessary and teq’s going down. It’s that simple. In fact, I dont think the leaders would have ANY problem with doing a teq kill outside of the guild’s “official” schedule if there’s enough TTS players active at that particular time to fill out the core teams.
This is not the case very often with wurm because it’s already a hard fight if it has 150 TTS members there. I’m pretty confident when TTS is able to kill wurm with as few as 100 people, they’ll be more willing to open up the raids to “public” access.
- Gathering nodes are still randomized on every map instance.
When megaserver is fully implemented, I will have literally no reason to pve anymore, with the exception of achieve pts.
oh wait…..
I have noticed that most people think there is not enough people playing on low population maps for this megaserver plan to work. First of all we should consider that we don’t have the numbers and that does and I personally don’t think they would be even attempting something like this if the numbers were as bad as exaggerated here
If TTS can adapt to the new system (by partnering with established guilds to help with fight starts) and not simply fight against it, it can only strengthen TTS – giving them a very positive image in the GW2 community and giving them an even deeper pool of players and resources to work with.
Before bashing it and simply saying “ArenaNet needs to change this” try adapting to the new system a litte first. No organization survives that isnt willing to bend and adapt to change. This will be a test (that I think they will pass) of TTS’s ability to do just that.
Honestly IMO you are right, the megaserver will probably (if done right ) be a good thing overall. The only worry is the boss times and the fact that they are only half rolling it out (not merging guilds together as well as the servers at the same time).
I just read your posts about how negative the megaserver system would be and how it would ruin some of the moments you love in the game. I’d like to hear some of your thoughts on the other side of the coin, because right now you just seem to have a very arbitrary opinion depending upon whichever conversation you can be a part of at the time.
I’m so incredibly excited about this update. This will eliminate a lot of grinding/farming and champ train opportunities, which, yes, may harm the community on some level (there are a lot of people who do those things) I think that it’s a good thing because people whine about the game having too much grind when it wasn’t supposed to. (I am a staunch believer that the game only has so much grind as you allow. I have never grinded!) So the more ArenaNet neuter grinding potential, the better!
This update will also really make it more fun to just play the game without a focus. As in, if you’re just exploring the world, you’ll have more people to play with, and a lot of dynamic events that are rarely accomplished will be successful! There’s nothing more frustrating than just playing the game to get my dailies done but not being able to complete the successful events category because I’m romping around in a quieter zone.
The only concern I have is the boss timers, and how some people will honestly not be able to do the bosses, realistically. However… this is such a freaking easy fix (add more boss spawns, change the timers, etc) that I’m not even worried. ArenaNet is so good at listening to feedback and making changes (despite what people say, I’ve never been involved in a developer-player community that is this close and responsive) that I know they’ll make things better for everyone in the end.
Why this is a great improvement IMO is that it will make toon leveling so much more fun as we can now do it with more then just 1 or 2 people per map (for the low level areas). It allows us to actually interact with all the people who play Guild Wars and not get frustrated because they can’t understand you.
I am also worried about the boss timers, but then again this is just the beginning, and we haven’t even tried playing on these servers yet. I am sure that the Anet team will have it work out in the end.
Logically speaking…if there’s only 5 people in a give zone, and there are 12 servers with that situation, then you’ll have 60 people in a zone. It’s a lot more than five. Even if there were 2 people in a zone, 24 is a lot more than 2.
And less servers that Anet has to upkeep means better running servers anyway.
Dealing with large scale or World events under megaserver system requires some different solutions. Current anet plans are to have a 15 minute schedule with one event happening at a time. This causes a number of issues
*1 static world event times limit participation if your playtime is consistent.
*2 world event variety becomes very limited, you will fight the same bosses, in the same order at the same time day after day
*3 less player choice, under old system, there was often events spawning in same time frame, this will never happen again
*4 Doesnt play well with dynamic event systems, hence many pre events will often be edited or cease to be connected
*5 requires rigid boss structure and unification in design. Each boss will have a max timer of 15 minutes to fit in the schedule. Also each boss event/chain will be encouraged to be 10-15 minutes long even if it doesnt fit the design/purpose.
- first and foremost, I think regardless of change, one thing that should happen first is, some UI/design. Better than a schedule, or any system some clear UI information would help let users know what events are available in a given time frame.
- I feel for this system, having more choices that you can choose from is better, than 1 option. IE, its better to be able to choose from a group of say 2-3 events in a time frame than only have 1 option
- In the long run, i think some randomness, and some fixed is probably a good bet, you dont want to make something feel to monotonous or predictable. Every day should offer the possibility of being different than last.
- putting together the above ideas, I think it may be good to have:
- An event tracking UI that can be enabled or disabled (like tracking specific achievements). This piece makes users aware of what the options are.
- I think that in it would be a good idea to have the amount of events that can pop within a given time frame be based on overall active(in fields killing stuff) population. This makes it a little more dynamic and decreases over-zerging in peak times.
- Dont make every event guaranteed to be 15 minutes, its actually fun to have some events that are longer or shorter, as long as they are appropriately rewarding. A really focused 7 minute battle gives a different experience, and design than a longer 20 minute stamina fight.
- keep the possibility open to have some more events that have a base cooldown, and then need players to execute a chain, or meet some conditions before completion. While this wont be uniform on every map, Its a big loss to not be able to essentially force an event through player action, and i think it fits the concept of the world events to have these sorts of mechanics.
Ahhhh not this again…..this community will really find negativity in everything that Anet do.Megaserver is good for this game,till now you people complain how world is dead which is truth,starters complain how game is dead and they quit it and all of that just cause world feels empty.Not everyone like to sit afk entire day at 1 place cause they dont consider that as “gameplay”.Anet finally made 1 BIG and smart move for this game and people just bashing it around.Quit it already.
This thread is not just about TTS, something a few people are overlooking. Of course TTS can adapt to the changes as they are now, the real question is will the community interactions built by TTS survive? As stated before, TTS runs teq during the NA “time slot” 3 times officially, with 2-3 more runs sprinkled around the other hours of a 24 period. So for the sake of argument, we’ll say 12 teq runs a day to account for overflows. 1/3rd of those will still be “prime time” spawns after this schedule. That leaves 8 spawns that would need to be covered by consumables. A day.
Assuming the ultimate worst case scenario, TTS would have 2 months before the first guild would be able to research the consumable. That’s 61 days of TTS having to rely on other guilds to cover these spawns. 488 Consumables used in that time. Assuming each consumable requires 25 merits and 25,000 influence, that comes out to a total of 12,200 guild merits and 12,200,000 influence. That’s 111 weeks of complete guild missions (without considering the merit cost to start those missions either), and 24,400 gold.
That’s a pretty gross cost just to maintain what TTS does now being pushed onto the other guilds. Once TTS has that research, that cost is going to fall squarely on their members. Imagine what the cost would be if TTS tried to add even 2 runs a day to that count?
I support TTS. I am also concerned about those servers that do daily boss runs for the dragonite. Are they still going to be able to fit a full run with temples into a 2 to 3 hour window? Dragonite is already pretty tough to get if you are trying to outfit 3 or 4 characters.
I realize this would eventually happen, that either they would have to go to megaservers or start closing low pop servers.
But I do think a way needs to be found to do this that does not make it harder for players to actually play the game the way they want.
I will quote myself from five monthes ago:
The TTS will be futile as soon as the encounter is fixed.
All I see is the people participating in TTS in fear of losing their only reason to exist and argue against fixing the encounter, sorry.As said before, one-trick-pony guilds exist for a failure in the system, something that can only work because they exist.
Tequatl is a failure in the system. It is an encounter so deserted, that you need to gather people from all servers of a region to do it on overflow.It can not be intended, to destroy your own content, ANet knows that. TTS will be robbed it’s only purpose to exist, and people will leave as there is no necessity for a band-aid guild, as soon as we get a workable Tequatl.
I have faith in ANet, I even have enough faith to check the patch notes next tuesday and see some first steps into the right direction.
Your guild exists for one purpose, and so, as this purpose will be gone, your guild won’t work anymore, at least in the way it did.
I thought this was obvious in the first place. This is not a new discussion, it is just the expected result.
Neither of these changes remove the need for guilds like TTS. If you cant see that, there’s no point in a discussion.
On non-scheduled events, they need to make sure that the megaservers are accessible and interrogate-able in the API and that we can choose any megaserver instance we want (space allowing). If you don’t specify one then the game selects whichever one it thinks is best but we can override that if we want.
That would alleviate a lot of concerns. If I look on for my server right now I can see that the mega destroyer is about to spawn, and that someone is pushing Balthazar so I know I can head to either of those events and lend a hand, not being able to do that is a huge step back.
I mostly wanted to come in and say i am pleased to see this MegaServer system, and even more pleased that the implementation will include all low populated maps instead of a fixed set. This will ensure that people of all levels and locations in the game that could benefit the most from this system, will do so from the start…
One ‘minor’ note, I am not to sure if implementing this system in cities is a good one. While I can see how it will improve the experience in the lesser visited cities (basically all but ‘LA’). The cities, most noticeably LA, are also the places where players expect to find there fellow server population…
Even though LA is currently in ruins, and rebuilding has not yet commenced, and may never happen in favour of a homecity in nearly the same location for a birdrace… Having a certain ‘home-city’ that corresponds with one’s ‘home-map’, is something that I hope Anet will consider thoroughly. As it benefits server-community bonding, benefits the WvW Experience, and may well prove to be beneficial in regards to WvW impact on the ‘home’-world. Mainly in regards to festivities, but possibly also Guild-‘housing’.
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
Neither of these changes remove the need for guilds like TTS. If you cant see that, there’s no point in a discussion.
Just ignore him. His comments are as asinine as his logic and contribute nothing to the feedback.
Lets get back on track and focus on how we can better improve the system to be reasonable for all players under whatever circumstances they’re currently in.
There should be no reason to have a convoluted and stupid solution such as partnering with other guilds or being mercenary because it doesn’t solve the underlying problem that the new system entails. A solution that needn’t happen to fix a problem that doesn’t currently exist.
I have absolutely nothing againt TTS. But in fact, it was nothing more than a band-aid for a borked raid encounter.
I am happy they fixed the borked encounter, if it works without a band-aid now, why would I be sad?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Neither of these changes remove the need for guilds like TTS. If you cant see that, there’s no point in a discussion.
Just ignore him. His comments are as asinine as his logic and contribute nothing to the feedback.
Lets get back on track and focus on how we can better improve the system to be reasonable for all players under whatever circumstances they’re currently in.
There should be no reason to have a convoluted and stupid solution such as partnering with other guilds or being mercenary because it doesn’t solve the underlying problem that the new system entails. A solution that needn’t happen to fix a problem that doesn’t currently exist.
A solution is simple. Just tie the consumable to an upgrade that purely costs influence like Guild bounties and have the consumable only cost influence.
We’ll need a one time Guild gold donation drive to get our Guilds researched up but we should be sustainable after that mostly.
I’m not sure if this has even been mentioned but with huge zergs and this -maybe implemented- scheduling system, what are the odds that botting will become popular? I don’t know how botters do it but it really doesn’t seem excruciatingly hard to set something up especially if there’s 100+ people at every world boss now. Wouldn’t be very easy to scout out either I reckon, considering everyone is literally going to be running there, auto-attacking, then alt-tabbing to watch reruns of Bob Saget’s Full House on YouTube.
This system is just a crock.