you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
(edited by Silberfisch.3046)
… (as long as it retroactively adds our armors and skins to the wardrobe which I’m still confused about) […]
Tonight, I’m going to buy a few transmutation crystals. I have 135 of them already, but I want to make sure I have enough so that if charges are really expensive, that I have backups.
As far as I have understood that blog, anything that you have in your inventory that is soulbound or accountbound will be automatically added to your wardrobe. Which means any skins you now posses will be added.
I think the paragraph about the fact that even the original skins from transmuted items will be added [Edit: (within certain limitations)] cleared that up for me.
As for the future cost, I hope they keep the price for the transmutation charges in line with the current trasmutation crystal price.
(edited by Silberfisch.3046)
From the blog post:
“Items that you acquire that are already bound to your account automatically unlock their skin when they go into your inventory”
“If you have an item that has gone through skin progression, like a legendary weapon or one of the Spinal Blade backpacks from the “Escape from Lion’s Arch” and “Battle for Lion’s Arch” releases, you will unlock all of the skins in that direct line of progression. .”
“If you currently have items that have been transmuted, you will unlock the appearance for both the first item used for stats and the last item used for appearance in your final transmuted item. This means that if you have only transmuted a given item once (for example, if you’ve used a single Transmutation Stone to combine the appearance of Dawn with the stats of another greatsword) you’ll unlock the skins for both items in that transmutation.”
I wonder how anet will deal with the twilight + sunrise = eternity forging after the patch. It would not seem fair to unlock sunrise and twilight skins and still be able to sell eternity for profit.
Well as Healix said, you’re going to need to equip/salvage/rightclick accountbind it, in which all three cases, you won’t be able to sell it after.
You can bind twilight and sunrise, and when u craft eternity, you can choose to not bind it and sell it instead. U get the gold and the 2 legendary skins.
Ahhh, I get what you meant now. I guess you could do that, but you wouldn’t get the Eternity skin though.
Is wardrobe gonna be used for pvp as well?
If so, does it mean that the skins we have acquired from pvp, like pvp runic blade etc will be used in pve aswell and vice versa with legendary and fotm skins?
Will it require charges to change skins in pvp? Would be kinda unfair as it is free right now as long as u have the skin.
… (as long as it retroactively adds our armors and skins to the wardrobe which I’m still confused about) […]
Tonight, I’m going to buy a few transmutation crystals. I have 135 of them already, but I want to make sure I have enough so that if charges are really expensive, that I have backups.
[…]As far as I have understood that blog, anything that you have in your inventory that is soulbound or accountbound will be automatically added to your wardrobe. Which means any skins you now posses will be added.
I think the paragraph about the fact that even the original skins from transmuted items will be added cleared that up for me.As for the future cost, I hope they keep the price for the transmutation charges in line with the current trasmutation crystal price.
See. I agree. I hope they’re the same, or cheaper, because apparently some skins take multiple charges. However! I think it’s possible they make it more expensive, given the current exchange rate ONLY being 1 crystal = 1 charge. So, I don’t know. I want prices.
Well I hope the skins in the PVP locker transfer over to the new wardrobe. It would make sense to do so.
I think overall this seems like a great change. I wonder if stones and crystals will stop dropping after the the patch. If so and if charges don’t drop in game get ready for the Anet is greedy crowd to show up. I have a bunch of stones and crystals in my bank so it won’t affect me for a little while as I can trade them in for charges.
To be honest I care more about the skins than being able to change the stats on the fly. It’s nice to have a permanent ascended statted weapon that you can change on the fly… but I would rather have more legendary skins or gold.
This coming from a guy who almost exclusively wvw and min/max’s everything, along with owning 18 legendaries
I’m going to miss being able to easily put skins I like on lowbies. For 80’s it’s great but customizing while leveling is going to be too expensive unless they make transmuting <80 things free.
If you’ve transmuted an item to a point that a transmutation splitter can no longer get back the skin, then no, you’ve lost that skin. To account for this scenario, ArenaNet would have to go through everyone’s account and specifically unlock any previously purchased skins. The post didn’t say if they will do that.
Oh, also, I hope map completion rewards charges. I would map my little heart out to get more charges.
1. Do racial restrictions still apply to the wardrobe system?
2. Do armor weight restrictions apply to the wardrobe system?
3. Does the number of transmutation charges required depends on anything?
4. Will past LS skins that we have since deleted or transmutted over multiple times be available to us if we have the corresponding achievements? ( I accidently deleted my mad king backpack 6 months ago…)
I am pretty sure at least nr 1 will still be in place. Can you imagine the ‘flame kissed armour’ rage across all races?
I dislike this new wardrobe. There are no good points for me in it. I like to switch outfits often and have several sets to do so. I surely will not spend transmutation charges for my whole armor every day. That’s just ridicilous. I do hope the armor pieces will keep their appearance if I just switch from the inventory like I used to, because otherwise it will make everything far worse.
What I hoped for was something that required transmutation charges to unlock skins, but when unlocked for this char I can switch whenever I want to. And to unlock stat combinations as well so I don’t need an armor for every combination as well.
OMG. I can’t thank enough Anet. At first I thought that it’s just regular armour, but I was still happy. Now I just read “legendaries”… I don’t care that I won’t get their stats. I’m transmuting my quip onto every single pistol using character that I have! And now I want to collect ALL the legendary skins. This is real exciting news for me. I absolutely love it. Thank you Anet so so so much!
Really great news but I hope there’s a way to get transmutation charges also by playing instead of only buying them with gems (I’m pretty sure that you can buy them with gems after patch).
I know that you can convert transmutation crystals and stones to charges to but I guess they won’t be dropping after the patch.
So what will happen to the things I have multiples of? The skin packs that I’ve been saving
Will we be reimbursed for the duplicate by form of gems or transmutation crystals? I’m pretty confused.
I have two Magitech sat waiting for use, plus one set already unpacked and on my Thief. Then I have a Viper’s skin sat waiting, plus one unpacked on Ranger. Then 2 sets of Phoenix in use.
Honestly I’m glad for the changes but I feel like I’ve been wasting my gems now
Short comment: I LOVE THIS!
Eh I was excited, but this really doesn’t do anything special for me.
Really I may rarely use it but I won’t use it any more often than I would have used the old system.
Now if they had made it so I paid transmution charges that unlocked my ability to use the skins I had unlocked.
(so you unlock skins, and then use stones to unlock infinite use of said skins)
I would have happily dumped $100in the game instantly and then spent even more money over time and different armour classes, characters.
This way they will be lucky if I use it more than once or twice a year, a shame as with what ~20sets of armour per armour weight and ~35-40 weapon skins of each weapon type… that is 780 charges to unlock and encourages the collector/completionist mentality.
This does not, and I guarantee will make less money overall.
This made me scream with utter joy. UTTER KITTEN JOY. Do you know what this means!? We can have cowboy looking engineers, female thieves looking like Lara Croft, and a cute asura with the cutest outfits kicking kitten . THIS IS HUGE FOR CUSTOMIZATION.
1. Do racial restrictions still apply to the wardrobe system?
2. Do armor weight restrictions apply to the wardrobe system?
3. Does the number of transmutation charges required depends on anything?
4. Will past LS skins that we have since deleted or transmutted over multiple times be available to us if we have the corresponding achievements? ( I accidently deleted my mad king backpack 6 months ago…)
1/2. I don’t think these restrictions will be removed. How would a Charr look like with an Asura cultural armor? The game doesn’t have graphic options for all the armor and even when the models are similar (Norn / Human / Sylvari) I’d still doubt it will ever happen. Same with the armor weight, it’s not possible to transmute light skins on heavy armor, so why should it be possible with the new transmutation system? If anything, changes like this one should be noted, if it’s not there, then it won’t happen.
3. 1 change = 1 transmutation charge. Check the 2nd screenshot of the blog post, he has transmuted 4 items and gets the message “These changes will cost 4 transmutation charges”
4. We will get back Legendaries, precursor skins and transmuted back slot items so it makes sense to get back LS items too
The wardrobe really is whatever to me, it’s not something I’d use.
Town clothes… the pieces I got: riding clothes, khaki shorts, shirts, a vest. Loved them. And the mix and match aspect with the festival costumes.
Gone. Not “whatever,” not “fine.”
In general, what of toys/costume brawl system?
So with the new wardrobe changes does this mean I can now use say Norn cultural armor on a human? I remember there being quite an uproar when Human T3 was in the gem store. Many people said that cultural armors should stay race specific. How will this be handled?
Lot of players would like to use the Stalwart Shoulder skin in PvE…. so it would be great if we can get the PvP skins unlocked in wardrobe.
I hope we can get an answer soon!
Most likely it will be like the PVP locker, so 99.9% chance that it stays the status quo.
Just thought I’d make a thread to say I’m really excited about the Wardrobe! Most people on the forums prefer to whine and rage all the time, unfortunately.
What ANet needs is to see that some of us appreciate their work.
So with the new wardrobe changes does this mean I can now use say Norn cultural armor on a human?
Of course not. It’ll simply be in the locker and read not useable by your race. Cultural armor isn’t actually fitted to other races, which is why previewing them on other races makes you naked… until they fixed that.
Actually, reading the posts most people are pleased by these changes there are only a few who are not it seems.
I agree, I love the changes coming up with the wardrobe/dye.
Actually, reading the posts most people are pleased by these changes
there are only a few who are not it seems.
And those who do fail at reading…
The only people I see that are apprehensive about it are dual legendary holders
so far
Oh baby, I can have all the SAB skins available to me all the time now? oooooooh yeah, I’m gonna have some hard core farming to do once SAB comes around again.
I may actually get the unlimited continue coin.
so excite wow
Yea, appreciated change, thanks Anet!
The only mad people i’ve seen are the ones who can’t read good, and the ones who have dual legendary weapons.
Still don’t understand how town clothes will work. The recent addition to the feature patch page says:
“Purchasing an outfit will unlock it for all characters on your account to use. Outfits will replace the look of equipped armors, are equipped in a separate appearance slot, and do not require Transmutation Charges to use.”
Does that mean we can finally wear town clothes over our armor skins? I want to be extra sure lol this all seems like a dream x_x am I dreaming?
“Some basic clothing items that are no longer available for purchase will be converted into endless tonics.”
Does that mean endless combat tonics? A large portion of the town clothes that used to be in the gemstore were removed and I always wanted to wear the head gear in combat.. the variations of glasses, the bunny ears, and my first celebration hat.. will I have to constantly reapply them? What about the tonics for different parts of the body, like for the hoodie skins and vests? In this case are the tonics still limited to one at a time, or can multiple clothing tonics be used?
Changing them to tonics seems odd to me, why not treat them as outfits that can be worn over armor? At least the old headgear (spectacles and bunny ears).. pls..
Most likely it will be like the PVP locker, so 99.9% chance that it stays the status quo.
Thanks for the info. I was not aware of this.
(caps intended).
Most of the “hate” posts so far are coming from people who seem to be having reading comprehension issues or are complaining about duplicate legendary “skins” while completely ignoring the fact that they have the highest (ascended) stats in the game with the ability to change their prefix at will. (out of combat, ofc.)
(caps intended).
Most of the “hate” posts so far are coming from people who seem to be having reading comprehension issues or are complaining about duplicate legendary “skins” while completely ignoring the fact that they have the highest (ascended) stats in the game with the ability to change their prefix at will. (out of combat, ofc.)
no one cares about the stats, can always just make a lot of ascended items for the price of the legendary. I prefer to get new skins instead of having weapons with changeable stats
At Last
Can you tell I am pleased?
Tbh, they’re very good at pointing out good side of their patches leaving the ugly for players to discover for themselves in game. Because of this i’ll just wait and see how this whole “transmutation charges” thing turns out (there’s always a catch).
It’s pretty exciting but there are unanswered questions that won’t be answered until we see the system in operation. It looks good on paper. Then again, so did a lot of things that didn’t work out as intended.
I am saving every spare penny I have to unleash in the gem store come patch day, lol! I can finally buy those darling quaggan hats!
Here’s also hoping I can cash in on all the extra weapon skins I’ve been hoarding, like the aetherized daggers etc … imagine people may be wanting to buy those from the TP for a permanent unlock …
I second this question. I am super happy about the wardrobe system, but would like to know if there is some plan of gem refunds for multiple sets as it was with gathering tools once they were changed into account bound.
Keep up the good work, ANet!
Also what about all armor and weapons I have accumulated during the years that have been equipped or salvaged, would we be getting all the skins back ?
I would like to know as well. I imagine, that provided they’re unpacked, ANet might give you a refund (that would be nice). But tbh, I’m kind of willing to eat the cost because going forward I have a better system in the wardrobe … guess we’ll wait and see. Suspect they’ll release info on this when the patch goes live in the patch notes.
I’m fairly sure when the patch goes live, you’ll be able to get a refund. This said, you may just want to keep them anyway, since you won’t need transmutation charges to put them on anything.
As someone with many duplicate (mostly expensive :P) dyes across his 8 toons, I’m curious about this as well.
I am saving every spare penny I have to unleash in the gem store come patch day, lol! I can finally buy those darling quaggan hats!
Here’s also hoping I can cash in on all the extra weapon skins I’ve been hoarding, like the aetherized daggers etc … imagine people may be wanting to buy those from the TP for a permanent unlock …
I hadn’t even thought about that. I wonder if the skins for the BLTs become unlocked as well….
Imagine only needing to fight with rng the one time to get that torment skin unlocked for account use. Or zodiac. Or whatever the valentine’s day one was… There isn’t anything saying that these are to be excluded.
Ow, my head hurts.
As someone with many duplicate (mostly expensive :P) dyes across his 8 toons, I’m curious about this as well.
The dyes? No. You get an account wide unlock of the dye, and an unidentified dye per duplication. But they’ll probably be worth a bit on the TP by then.
thanks for listening!
we have been waiting since 2006
now we will wait for stats of everything to be changeable.
thanks in advance!
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