Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -
Many aspects of this game are a major grind, so major in fact it puts other games to shame. Look at the gold grind for instance, the average player has several options ~ exploit grind aka Plinx style fights or power trade, and to a lesser extent must get extremely lucky with either a pre-cursor drop or a highly valued unique exotic drop – all other players will struggle to even make 100g over the course of several months.
My point of view, I’ve been playing since launch ~ close to 1200 hours played, yet the maximum amount of gold I’ve had/could have had is around 240g. That’s taking into account the gold I’ve spent to level up all the crafting, gearing up 7 level 80s in exotic gear – the amount of gold I’ve got in my bank right now in assets is 120g. Because, I haven’t exploited broken events, haven’t used bots/gold farm websites, haven’t got lucky with drops and finally, not powertraded.
wow so you understand what I’m talking about? And here I thought I was crazy.
What he said is the point. The grind is silly and not really fun. Please Anet if your going to have grind atleast make it enjoyable. Let us leave Orr!! Please let us leave that blank, boring area! If you do so I shall give you cookies
You’re not crazy
. You just have a perspective that not everyone shares. Maybe 50/50 at best, but even as a casual player as myself, I don’t feel the grind. That’s because there are content out there that I know will take a long time to get, so I chose to not grind and get it over a longer time period. And yes, I’m a casual player. Just because something takes a long time to get, that doesn’t mean it is a grind.
The problem is timeframe vs reward too, did you consider that? Lets say, you want a legendary item and the average time frame for a casual player is 1 – 3 years, would you still feel the same way about the games grind then? Knowing that for the next 1 – 3 years you would be forever grinding out in Orr or whatever new areas replace it?
How many of these players will still be playing in 1 – 3 years time? Obviously, there has to be a medium in place to offer a challenge the problem is, RNG and DR get in the way for many players.
I find it hilarious and still saddening that the Devs released with; “No Holy Trinity” , but still keep the same archaic form of grinding gold. I’m not saying give gold away, but it isn’t exactly easy earning it. Yes you could always auction for it, but even then that very notion supports my point. Nothing is really done to break the monotony of grinding for gold yet again…on another MMORPG.
I find it hilarious and still saddening that the Devs released with; “No Holy Trinity” , but still keep the same archaic form of grinding gold. I’m not saying give gold away, but it isn’t exactly easy earning it. Yes you could always auction for it, but even then that very notion supports my point. Nothing is really done to break the monotony of grinding for gold yet again…on another MMORPG.
WoW did the same thing for years, it was hard to get decent amounts of gold until they changed one simple aspect of the game, and that changed everything. They made it so once you hit the level cap you was rewarded with gold each time you finished a quest, instantly getting gold for epic mounts etc..etc wasn’t so much of a choir.
The problem is, this game isn’t WoW (thankfully) but still, the gold grind is very apparent, and the bigger question still…how to fix it? After all, most of the really rich people in game right now, are either massively hacking/exploiting/botting/lucky? or playing the markets exceptionally hard.
The problem is, this game isn’t WoW (thankfully) but still, the gold grind is very apparent, and the bigger question still…how to fix it? After all, most of the really rich people in game right now, are either massively hacking/exploiting/botting/lucky? or playing the markets exceptionally hard.
Its WoW lite, sure there may not be the HT but many of the quests/jobs/classes are extremely similar but I digress. The solution is simple. “Quests” need to reward more copper or even silver during the lower levels(1-20). The players need to feel comfortable investing in a profession instead of penny pinching just because they haven’t done every daily and quest in said area.
Or a stipend system ala Final Fantasy 8 comes to mind. For example; special quests you complete add more to your daily stipend. This would still be a sort of “lite grind” but at least its to further advance how much zamolians you could get, basically you decide your level of payment.
The problem is, this game isn’t WoW (thankfully) but still, the gold grind is very apparent, and the bigger question still…how to fix it? After all, most of the really rich people in game right now, are either massively hacking/exploiting/botting/lucky? or playing the markets exceptionally hard.
Its WoW lite, sure there may not be the HT but many of the quests/jobs/classes are extremely similar but I digress. The solution is simple. “Quests” need to reward more copper or even silver during the lower levels(1-20). The players need to feel comfortable investing in a profession instead of penny pinching just because they haven’t done every daily and quest in said area.
Or a stipend system ala Final Fantasy 8 comes to mind. For example; special quests you complete add more to your daily stipend. This would still be a sort of “lite grind” but at least its to further advance how much zamolians you could get, basically you decide your level of payment.
Devaluing the gold won’t make the things you want to buy with it cheaper, the price will go up as more gold is introduced to the system. What does everyone want to buy?PRECURSORS Precursors should be a guaranteed drop…somewhere. Either from world complete, you get to choose one. Or from finishing all dungeons, or jump puzzles, or wvw goals, or spvp goals. Something that covers everyone. Then make legendaries and precursors Bind on Acquire to account, so they stop inflaming the populace. Increase drop rates of lodestones by a percentage or three and give them out in the temple chests (bet that would make more people run orr, and do the events out there) (not the dragon chests) and leave the rest alone. Would still be Legendary to acquire one, increase world participation, decrease gold worries, and not destroy the economy. Personally, I couldn’t care less about them though.
(edited by killcannon.2576)
The problem is, this game isn’t WoW (thankfully) but still, the gold grind is very apparent, and the bigger question still…how to fix it? After all, most of the really rich people in game right now, are either massively hacking/exploiting/botting/lucky? or playing the markets exceptionally hard.
Its WoW lite, sure there may not be the HT but many of the quests/jobs/classes are extremely similar but I digress. The solution is simple. “Quests” need to reward more copper or even silver during the lower levels(1-20). The players need to feel comfortable investing in a profession instead of penny pinching just because they haven’t done every daily and quest in said area.
Or a stipend system ala Final Fantasy 8 comes to mind. For example; special quests you complete add more to your daily stipend. This would still be a sort of “lite grind” but at least its to further advance how much zamolians you could get, basically you decide your level of payment.
Devaluing the gold won’t make the things you want to buy with it cheaper, the price will go up as more gold is introduced to the system. What does everyone want to buy?PRECURSORS Precursors should be a guaranteed drop…somewhere. Either from world complete, you get to choose one. Or from finishing all dungeons, or jump puzzles, or wvw goals, or spvp goals. Something that covers everyone. Then make legendaries and precursors Bind on Acquire to account, so they stop inflaming the populace. Increase drop rates of lodestones by a percentage or three and give them out in the temple chests (bet that would make more people run orr, and do the events out there) (not the dragon chests) and leave the rest alone. Would still be Legendary to acquire one, increase world participation, decrease gold worries, and not destroy the economy. Personally, I couldn’t care less about them though.
agree 100%, though what would be nicer is if you could choose your precursor same way you could choose a weapon at the end area for each campign it would be nice if that applied to precursors as well.
Were back to the same topic. The gem store exists as the ONLY legitimate alleviation of grind. it is structured this way on PURPOSE. No where does it say you have to use RL money to purchase gems, but they certainly remove any choice from casual players.
Fanbois will now come in and say, but you don’t have to! I will respond by saying, I know that, i just explained that you dont have to because you can grind for 2 years. They’ll then say, but you dont NEED a legendary. I will counter by saying, it’s all there is OR I’ll say i want a new set of gear for a different build and that’s going to be 100g. They’ll continue to not read and/or comprehend and this thread will continue to get made, day in and day out.
Welcome to GW2. It really does come down to put up with it, or leave. ANET WILL NOT ever remove the grind. That would kill profits.
The fun part of this discussion, is that you could have been half-way to a Legendary, if you spent the time in-game instead of “in-forum”…
To me there are 2 types of grind.
The first grind is the one that has always been in the past mmo’s. Where you have to grind your way to the maximum level (and you know how tedious that can be), and only then can you be really powerful in the game and have some cool looking gear.
The second type of grind is a grind for cosmetics. This one is forgiving because leveling to maximum is very achievable. You only grind for mats that you will need to make your gear look awesome (but to some extent stats, like ascended items), but it’s nothing unreachable, except only for the legendaries that can take a while, but that’s okay because the rest of the game is not like that.
Grind is inevitable in any mmo to be honest, but it’s the type of grind that makes GW2 a good grind imo.
The problem is, this game isn’t WoW (thankfully) but still, the gold grind is very apparent, and the bigger question still…how to fix it? After all, most of the really rich people in game right now, are either massively hacking/exploiting/botting/lucky? or playing the markets exceptionally hard.
Problem is, short of the T3 cultural armors, gold is useless in this game. Except as Player to Player trade.
So giving every player more gold sources as you mentioned WoW did will only add another 0 to the precursor and legendary prices.
What they need to do is add an NPC selling all Lodestones and runes and sigils for 1g each for example. And add more useful stuff to buy with gold. Say the fractal mists for 10g each etc…
Many aspects of this game are a major grind, so major in fact it puts other games to shame. Look at the gold grind for instance, the average player has several options ~ exploit grind aka Plinx style fights or power trade, and to a lesser extent must get extremely lucky with either a pre-cursor drop or a highly valued unique exotic drop – all other players will struggle to even make 100g over the course of several months.
My point of view, I’ve been playing since launch ~ close to 1200 hours played, yet the maximum amount of gold I’ve had/could have had is around 240g. That’s taking into account the gold I’ve spent to level up all the crafting, gearing up 7 level 80s in exotic gear – the amount of gold I’ve got in my bank right now in assets is 120g. Because, I haven’t exploited broken events, haven’t used bots/gold farm websites, haven’t got lucky with drops and finally, not powertraded.
wow so you understand what I’m talking about? And here I thought I was crazy.
What he said is the point. The grind is silly and not really fun. Please Anet if your going to have grind atleast make it enjoyable. Let us leave Orr!! Please let us leave that blank, boring area! If you do so I shall give you cookies
You’re not crazy
. You just have a perspective that not everyone shares. Maybe 50/50 at best, but even as a casual player as myself, I don’t feel the grind. That’s because there are content out there that I know will take a long time to get, so I chose to not grind and get it over a longer time period. And yes, I’m a casual player. Just because something takes a long time to get, that doesn’t mean it is a grind.
The problem is timeframe vs reward too, did you consider that? Lets say, you want a legendary item and the average time frame for a casual player is 1 – 3 years, would you still feel the same way about the games grind then? Knowing that for the next 1 – 3 years you would be forever grinding out in Orr or whatever new areas replace it?
How many of these players will still be playing in 1 – 3 years time? Obviously, there has to be a medium in place to offer a challenge the problem is, RNG and DR get in the way for many players.
Yes, I considered already.
If you grind and really go for a legendary, you can probably get it within 1 – 3 months. Now, if you were to play casually for it, I estimated that a casual player can get a legendary in 1 year – 2 years, provided that you’re saving up bit by bit, not spending everything you make.
The funny thing is, I don’t think people realize that Anet has been adding more and more things to make grind less. Yes, less. Look at fractals, that’s a nice alternative to get money and mats for legendary but at the same time, it’s giving you access to slightly stronger gear.
GW2 is a living MMO. It changes and changes and grows. To tell you the truth, if Anet didn’t add any new content and any new changes, I probably would not keep playing as long. At the same time, the new content they added doesn’t really force me to play it, and keep up to date and allows me to complete them on my own time (besides those one time events in Nov and holidays).
But, aren’t they already listening to you guys? They said they’re adding more ways to get items, and they’re making it easier, bit by bit. It’s not immediate, but they’re not ignoring you all either.
Many aspects of this game are a major grind, so major in fact it puts other games to shame. Look at the gold grind for instance, the average player has several options ~ exploit grind aka Plinx style fights or power trade, and to a lesser extent must get extremely lucky with either a pre-cursor drop or a highly valued unique exotic drop – all other players will struggle to even make 100g over the course of several months.
My point of view, I’ve been playing since launch ~ close to 1200 hours played, yet the maximum amount of gold I’ve had/could have had is around 240g. That’s taking into account the gold I’ve spent to level up all the crafting, gearing up 7 level 80s in exotic gear – the amount of gold I’ve got in my bank right now in assets is 120g. Because, I haven’t exploited broken events, haven’t used bots/gold farm websites, haven’t got lucky with drops and finally, not powertraded.
wow so you understand what I’m talking about? And here I thought I was crazy.
What he said is the point. The grind is silly and not really fun. Please Anet if your going to have grind atleast make it enjoyable. Let us leave Orr!! Please let us leave that blank, boring area! If you do so I shall give you cookies
You’re not crazy
. You just have a perspective that not everyone shares. Maybe 50/50 at best, but even as a casual player as myself, I don’t feel the grind. That’s because there are content out there that I know will take a long time to get, so I chose to not grind and get it over a longer time period. And yes, I’m a casual player. Just because something takes a long time to get, that doesn’t mean it is a grind.
The problem is timeframe vs reward too, did you consider that? Lets say, you want a legendary item and the average time frame for a casual player is 1 – 3 years, would you still feel the same way about the games grind then? Knowing that for the next 1 – 3 years you would be forever grinding out in Orr or whatever new areas replace it?
How many of these players will still be playing in 1 – 3 years time? Obviously, there has to be a medium in place to offer a challenge the problem is, RNG and DR get in the way for many players.
Yes, I considered already
If you grind and really go for a legendary, you can probably get it within 1 – 3 months. Now, if you were to play casually for it, I estimated that a casual player can get a legendary in 1 year – 2 years, provided that you’re saving up bit by bit, not spending everything you make.The funny thing is, I don’t think people realize that Anet has been adding more and more things to make grind less. Yes, less. Look at fractals, that’s a nice alternative to get money and mats for legendary but at the same time, it’s giving you access to slightly stronger gear.
GW2 is a living MMO. It changes and changes and grows. To tell you the truth, if Anet didn’t add any new content and any new changes, I probably would not keep playing as long. At the same time, the new content they added doesn’t really force me to play it, and keep up to date and allows me to complete them on my own time (besides those one time events in Nov and holidays).
But, aren’t they already listening to you guys? They said they’re adding more ways to get items, and they’re making it easier, bit by bit. It’s not immediate, but they’re not ignoring you all either.
By giving up stronger gear they not only break their maneifesto by adding a gear grind but please keep in mind 1 run for us casuals is about 2 hours.
And like you stated 1-2 years for a SKIN is silly.
I used to play this game for 6 – 8 hours per day, mostly because I’m a alt-a-holic and love gearing them out. However, one thing I hate is farm grinding – unfortunately this is pretty much endgame for GW2. Your either grinding gold to buy a pre-cursor, your grinding dungeons/fractals for gold or attempting to get DM title or your grinding out WvW titles which is perhaps, the biggest grind in history. Since Wintersday ended, I’m playing less than 2 hours per day working on my Final 80, after that ~ Alls I have to do is work on getting Dungeon Master Title and then, a Legendary…and then, if I actually get those…what then?
To the players who say this game doesn’t have any or little grind, need to seriously re-consider that statement.
I used to play this game for 6 – 8 hours per day, mostly because I’m a alt-a-holic and love gearing them out. However, one thing I hate is farm grinding – unfortunately this is pretty much endgame for GW2. Your either grinding gold to buy a pre-cursor, your grinding dungeons/fractals for gold or attempting to get DM title or your grinding out WvW titles which is perhaps, the biggest grind in history. Since Wintersday ended, I’m playing less than 2 hours per day working on my Final 80, after that ~ Alls I have to do is work on getting Dungeon Master Title and then, a Legendary…and then, if I actually get those…what then?
To the players who say this game doesn’t have any or little grind, need to seriously re-consider that statement.
Once I get my 100 gold (whenever that might be) I might start on my legendary grind which really will be legendary. I can’t see myself getting twilight for atleast a year or so.
The only real problem with getting Twilight is getting Dusk, as is the prices will just keep going up and up, because its an easy way for market players to rake in the cash. Simple economics that create a huge problem for MMos.
Too a lesser extent, being unlucky with Clovers doesn’t help either. They really need to make acquiring them easier, far far easier.
I geared 3 80s with full exotics using less than 50g, and they have the looks I want (I’m not really interested in full T3… just one part lol).
But as far as I know, ascended just feels like a step between Exotics and Legendary.
Everyone keeps talking about this manifesto, but I’d really like to see some links… Also, do realize that a lot of casuals played past MMOs, not just GW1. I bet a lot of MMO players know of SWOTOR, WoW, Rift, Aion, MapleStory, etc. Coming from those games, they saw GW2 as lacking end-game. Anet’s plan for GW2 wasn’t to be another GW1 with better graphics, but for it to be a different game and “better”. Note that I put “better” in quotes because someone else’s cup of coffee might not be yours. But, the current GW2 is nicely progressive and it keeps on evolving. To tell you the truth, if they made GW2 exactly like GW1 with better graphics, I don’t think it would have been as popular.
I find it hilarious and still saddening that the Devs released with; “No Holy Trinity” , but still keep the same archaic form of grinding gold. I’m not saying give gold away, but it isn’t exactly easy earning it. Yes you could always auction for it, but even then that very notion supports my point. Nothing is really done to break the monotony of grinding for gold yet again…on another MMORPG.
Did you read my title before some mod changed it randomly? It was ‘Who feels lied to?’
The stances they are taking are so contary to their entire advertising campaign its ridiculous.
Its not really so much the original manifesto anymore, but more what happened with the reddit panel and what was talked about on there – so far, many of the promises and commitments haven’t materialized yet or even have been talked about. Let alone things like the so-called Scavenger Hunt which most people think will never happen.
I geared 3 80s with full exotics using less than 50g, and they have the looks I want (I’m not really interested in full T3… just one part lol).
But as far as I know, ascended just feels like a step between Exotics and Legendary.
Everyone keeps talking about this manifesto, but I’d really like to see some links… Also, do realize that a lot of casuals played past MMOs, not just GW1. I bet a lot of MMO players know of SWOTOR, WoW, Rift, Aion, MapleStory, etc. Coming from those games, they saw GW2 as lacking end-game. Anet’s plan for GW2 wasn’t to be another GW1 with better graphics, but for it to be a different game and “better”. Note that I put “better” in quotes because someone else’s cup of coffee might not be yours. But, the current GW2 is nicely progressive and it keeps on evolving. To tell you the truth, if they made GW2 exactly like GW1 with better graphics, I don’t think it would have been as popular.
People aren’t asking for this to by a GW1 clone but just to appreciate what made GW1 great which was lack of grind for stats. And even the grinds that existed you could see the light at the end of the tunnel. The light for GW2 is so faint you question yourself if its even there.
To everyone complaining, remember… this is a f2p game. They have to introduce pain points that squeeze you a bit to direct you to the cash shop, to buy gems, to trade for gold.
That is the rationale for the grind in the game – they have to make money.
Which is precisely why I prefer subscription games.
I geared 3 80s with full exotics using less than 50g, and they have the looks I want (I’m not really interested in full T3… just one part lol).
But as far as I know, ascended just feels like a step between Exotics and Legendary.
Everyone keeps talking about this manifesto, but I’d really like to see some links… Also, do realize that a lot of casuals played past MMOs, not just GW1. I bet a lot of MMO players know of SWOTOR, WoW, Rift, Aion, MapleStory, etc. Coming from those games, they saw GW2 as lacking end-game. Anet’s plan for GW2 wasn’t to be another GW1 with better graphics, but for it to be a different game and “better”. Note that I put “better” in quotes because someone else’s cup of coffee might not be yours. But, the current GW2 is nicely progressive and it keeps on evolving. To tell you the truth, if they made GW2 exactly like GW1 with better graphics, I don’t think it would have been as popular.
People aren’t asking for this to by a GW1 clone but just to appreciate what made GW1 great which was lack of grind for stats. And even the grinds that existed you could see the light at the end of the tunnel. The light for GW2 is so faint you question yourself if its even there.
I’m glad we’re not at the end of the tunnel yet XD.
A lot of aspects in GW1 are already in GW2 though. It’s not as extreme as GW1 and it’s mixed with new concepts and ideas that GW1 didn’t have. It’s definitely there, but as with all games, if you add a little of another thing to balance towards another type of player, then you’ll lose some of the extremists on the side you balanced against.
Bump for great justice!
To everyone complaining, remember… this is a f2p game.
B2P: buy to play.
F2P: free to play.
P2P: pay to play.
if GW2 costs 60$, but doesn’t have a monthly sub, which of these categories does it fall into?
my problem with the grind is that once you hit 80, the only limit is gold, which means grinding for gold through dungeons or event grinding. there isn’t really any content you can do to progress while earning money other than fractals (which is just to see how high you can get)
wvwvw is a money loss and once you have 100 map there’s no money/ exp to be made there either.
I’m new to level 80, but from what I can tell, the ‘grind’ is basically playing the entire game.
With the exception of dungeon gear, and I guess you could say your sPVP gear, to grind for new armor and weapons you can pretty much do whatever you please. Sure there’s probably some places/ways that are more efficient than others, but the basis still stands that you can play any part of the game that you like.
Like this guys said above – “That would kill profits”
And that’s all there is.
I used to think the game was a grind fest but then I realized that I don’t “have to have the next best BiS”. Sure to some people they want these things and Fractals and endless dungeon runs are the way to go. Most every piece of gear can be crafted (there are exceptions like the Khilbron armor for Condition-Mancers which I believe drop in Fractals) but I can gear my character up in greens and still outperform someone in full exotics because I have a better build and my play style is different.
Exotics and Legendaries are really for those people who do not mind endless hours grinding. Personally I don’t care. I’m content to have slightly less stats on my gear because I’m confident in my ability to outperform others and it’s not based upon gear stats.
Outside of level 80 gear the only real grind I see is crafting. Low level crafting requires three of X item to make an inscription and then you have to make several of them to get a skill point. It should be ONE skill point per item made. Not the way it is now.
But in order to get to the next level of crafting you need an obscene amount of materials. Just out of curiosity I leveled Tailoring up to 50 with mats I had picked up. My character made it to level 26 (thus out leveling any armor I could make for myself at that time). I have found it much cheaper to simply sell all my mats and buy what I need from the TP. Most often people just want to get rid of items to clear bag space up and they sell the gear/weapons for much less than the mats it took to craft them costs.
The thing I like about this game is the OPTION to either craft, use karma or tokens from dungeons to purchase armor. To my knowledge anything that can be crafted can also be bought with Karma or tokens, though you cannot salvage these last two.
So no, there really is no grind, unless you choose to have the very best equipment and understand that in order to obtain it you have to put in X amount of hours of work to get it.
Sort of like real life.
The only thing I would change is the amount of material needed to craft in the first place. I mean 30 Karka shells for ONE Apothecary Embroidered Insignia seems a bit much. I mean if the drop rates of the Karka shells were reasonable then sure no problem. But after the November 15, 2012 patch all drops were nerfed into the ground. So people instead opt for the Karma gear (unless they have oodles of gold because they bought Gems or are just really good at playing the market) or dungeon token gear. But with the right build and play style you really don’t need the BiS items anyway. Also Ascended gear seems to only be relevant in Fractals and no where else (unless that is changed in the future).
But as has been pointed out many of the nerfs came about because A-net needs to make money since this is a F2P game. A-Net can deny it all they want but to proof is in the game itself. There are many threads to show that this isn’t in our minds but a hard reality which the company refuses to admit to.
To openly admit they did this would alienate their consumer base and cause many people to simply stop playing or not buy gems any longer. So it’s good business to not admit anything of the sort on their part and just let the consumer believe that he/she is experiencing bad luck.
For a moment let’s compare World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2 economies. WoW was (when I stopped playing after 4 1/2 years) $15 a month and most everything had a high price tag on the AH, but you could make a large amount of gold in a relatively short period of time if you simply farmed mats and sold them. I farmed herbs, ore and leather and sold them for huge profits. Blizzard didn’t really care how the economy fared so long as they got their $15 a month and at the time with 12 million subs that was a tidy sum.
GW 2 on the other hand doesn’t have half of those subs and is forced at the moment to control the economy directly by imposing nerfs so that the market isn’t flooded and prices go down. If prices go down then people won’t need to buy gems and convert them to gold, hence hurting A-Net’s bottom line. Remember A-Net has bills to pay the same as any of us and so if it means manipulating drops through stealth nerfs and how much gold you get for gems, then so be it.
I’ve only bought gems once and the exchange rate was so horrible I decided never to do it again. it was like handing the company a US dollar and getting a Russian Ruble in return. One US Dollar is equal to 30 Russian Rubles. Pretty good is you have many Dollars (Gold) but not so good is you bought Gems (Rubles).
Anyway I digress.
(edited by Cathbadb.6079)
This ideologist argument you don’t ‘need the best stats’ argument is a merry-go-round type of argument.
The fact is Anet stated that STATS would not be a grind! Why does no-one understand this? Look why bother then playing if you don’t have the best?
In GW1 this was not an issue, if not an issue in GW1 why a major one in GW2?
And on a side note – why is there so much wasted space? I mean so much amazing parts of this game are abandoned because there is NOTHING to do? Or taverns that just exist for the sake of existing?
Crafting was a bit “grindy”, but I gather enough mats while leveling through a zone normally to almost craft without needing to go out and farm. Actually, I can just buy some of the mats off TP with gold I earned from leveling. You can reach around 350 without really spending more than 1-3g on TP mats.
And that is why the crafting system fails as implemented.
You should not have to spend a single dime to buy mats to level up your crafting so long as you are only making equipment appropriate for your level. The fact that you can’t actually get enough drops even if you go out of your way to find them is a problem no matter how you try to slice it and dice it.
To everyone complaining, remember… this is a f2p game.
B2P: buy to play.
F2P: free to play.
P2P: pay to play.if GW2 costs 60$, but doesn’t have a monthly sub, which of these categories does it fall into?
The same category that GW 1 fell into which was none of these. The fact that they now want to make more money than they should be entitled to given the expectations that they created and sold the game around is not our fault but theirs.
If Anet wanted GW2 to be F2P they should have advertised it as such from the beginning.
Anet’s solution; Never address the issue directly, and or have conversations with actual players, Close topic. Must be fun.
Anet’s solution; Never address the issue directly, and or have conversations with actual players, Close topic. Must be fun.
Actually they have responded to many issues.
However on this matter for a very good reason they ve just kept silent or given answers befitting a political spin room.
I mean they d basically have to admit they broke the manifesto, apologize and also explain how this happened and for what reasons.
But they wont. Why? Money.
They just need to address these 2 problems:
Every time a base weapon drops anet is saying screw you to people who play the game normally.
I would also like them to fix the economy so you can’t just sit at the trading post at level 1 and make 50G per day buying and selling stuff rather than actually playing the game but that will probably never happen.
I believe people are too dependent on online market in onlinr games.. And please stop comparing online games with each other.. This what makes guild wars 2 unique, its own game play.
For me, end game is playing wvw and having fun. It would be. But i can’t have fun, because i have to grind myself through a horrible fractal, then grind a daily achievement. I need to do this if i ever want to be competitive, ever want competitive equipment!
1. Daily should be something what i can achieve by just playing without grind.
2. What if i can play only once per week, but i want to do all 7 dailies all at once? It should be possible!
Right now, Gw2 seems like a job, not like a game.
Thank you for taking time to give feedback on the forums, your concerns have been adressed.
Since this thread has run its course, it is now closed.
Thank you.
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