October 15th balance/skills updates preview.
Less than 3 hours to the REVELATION.
Followed by 8 weeks of balancing lock down for the WvW season.
In their homebrewed trinity of DPS, Support, and Control, their eye is on enhancing the contribution of support builds with this pass… maybe in mid-December Control can be allowed to have the slightest impact whatsoever on endgame PvE encounters
I feel like the GW2 trinity has become more of tank/dps/support (with enemy control being rolled into the support role), and with each character responsible for their own healing but able to help heal others if they want. I have come to really love this “soft trinity”, in that I get to be largely responsible for my own survivability, and that I can adjust my position within those roles on a variable scale, rather than having to be 100% tank, 100% dps, or 100% healer. Instead I can be 80% dps, 25% tank, and 15% support, because yes: the sum of the parts becomes greater than the whole.
I do agree with you that control doesn’t have a noticeable enough presence in this game, as it’s effects can too often be replaced by simple throughput: bring another dps and you can kill enemies quicker, so less need to have control; bring another tanky frontliner and they can just absorb the damage, so less need to have control. And with Anet having the ideology of every encounter being completable with any composition, this means that there are no fights where control is truly necessary. Trash mobs tend to be weak enough that they can die to simple tank/dps throughput, and things like fears or knockbacks just make life harder for the dps. Champions and Bosses have defiant, making it very difficult to time things like interrupts without great organization, or to rely on debuffs to reduce damage; bosses come with rather exaggerated animations for their very dangerous things, giving your average player time to physically dodge it, whereas in holy trinity games those kinds of things would just be “pop your tank cds to soak it up”. While control isnt strictly necessary in pve encounters, I’d rather the current model than other games where certain trash groups are given mobs that you are supposed to use long-term CC on and leave them alone until the fight is over, that’s just adding in unnecessary enemies and skills who’s only purpose are to offset each other 100% in order to make PVP control skills feel like they’re being relevant for pve too.
just a heads up
I’d like to see an option for GW1 style ground targeting, where AOE attacks auto-cast on your current target.
I’d also like it if you could hold a friendly target while using healing/support skills, like Water Blast or Orb of Light.
just a heads up
Anyone taking notes so they could put a summary later?… internet isn’t working very good where I’m at right now so I can’t understand what they’re saying (keeps skipping).
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
well in a nutshell, ranger pets now have the ability with sick em to reveal stealth targets for 4 sec, warrior stun duration has been nerfed (warr has been slightly nerfed overall) and thief is buffed to some beautiful condition changes they now stack in duration
(edited by Aldain.2380)
To add to that, Rangers got no real changes other than a few F2 pet ability changes and more pet health. Other than that, we got nothing…again. It’s official, Rangers are the red-headed step child of GW2.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Those werent the full patch notes, they said that like 50 times in the stream
[url=https://] [/url]
okay JUST TO BE CLEAR not ALL the changes have been show today so we do know what will be in the patch tomorow
so ryu dude pls enough with ranger kittening
I’m sorry Aldain, but Rangers have been nerfed or gotten barely any love in some form in every patch the last couple of months. Excuse me if I’m at that point where my normally optimistic look on gaming turns pessimistic. I’m HOPING there’s something that overrides this thought, like a weapon buff, but until then I’m staying pessimistic.
I mean come on, when our formally most optimistic Rangers have turned pessimistic, it’s a sign that we’re all frustrated and want some real changes to make us useful instead of these half-hearted “we don’t know what we’re doing because nobody on staff plays a Ranger” patches.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
wait until patch notes then we will scream as usual
Here’s hoping most/all of the changes aren’t done with PvP/WvW in mind…
To add to that, Rangers got no real changes other than a few F2 pet ability changes and more pet health. Other than that, we got nothing…again. It’s official, Rangers are the red-headed step child of GW2.
Nobody really got much of anything. Necros got a few traits changed a little bit and their Minion HP boosted, which while nice, aren’t things that people are really bothered by. This patch was, overall, a bit overrated, IMO.
Game really could use some new weapons/utility skills/traits.
so ryu dude pls enough with ranger kittening
Play one and you’ll understand.
I run with an organized guild group in WvW, and I will admit the frequent ranger jokes are pretty kitten funny.
Then I remember that I play one. Melee cleric bunker, though, instead of the typical dps ranger (or “opening strike ranger” as our guild leader jokingly calls them).
Frankly, I feel like we have to work twice as hard for half the effectiveness of, say, a warrior or guardian.
Pets are our achilles heel, yet the justification for lousy power scaling and overall crappiness. :/
Pets, minions, phantasms all getting a 71% increase of health. I’m assuming this is PvE and WvW only, though they didn’t clarify (even though it was asked a several times for clarification).
warrior stun duration has been nerfed (warr has been slightly nerfed overall)
It wasn’t Nerfed.
There was a glaring coding mistake … the bug is being fixed
warrior stun duration has been nerfed (warr has been slightly nerfed overall)
It wasn’t Nerfed.
There was a glaring coding mistake … the bug is being fixed
That’s still a nerf. Stun effectiveness across the board will be decreased.
That’s still a nerf. Stun effectiveness across the board will be decreased.
That is called fix, not nerf
that vid i see ranger use mele for the first time !
i think ppl are so trained when they hear ranger they use bows only and that is why i don’t play with rangers, i kick them off my pt
So they spent hunks of their limited time previewing things we already knew from the first three post of this thread ?!?!
Seriously, let me get my trident and torch, because the castle on the hill needs a good mob to go burn it down.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
warrior stun duration has been nerfed (warr has been slightly nerfed overall)
It wasn’t Nerfed.
There was a glaring coding mistake … the bug is being fixed
The last time there was a glaring coding mistake and the bug was fixed they killed the ranger class.
Yak’s Bend
I hope for a positive surprise tomorrow.
If the stuff in stream was all the biggest things we gonna see tomorrow, I’m very disappointed. I mean, it’s been almost 4 months since last balance patch. I was expecting way more.
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
so ryu dude pls enough with ranger kittening
Play one and you’ll understand.
I run with an organized guild group in WvW, and I will admit the frequent ranger jokes are pretty kitten funny.
Then I remember that I play one. Melee cleric bunker, though, instead of the typical dps ranger (or “opening strike ranger” as our guild leader jokingly calls them).
Frankly, I feel like we have to work twice as hard for half the effectiveness of, say, a warrior or guardian.
Pets are our achilles heel, yet the justification for lousy power scaling and overall crappiness. :/
This guy gets it – the problem with the ranger class is that it is overly dependent on a pet that’s just a terrible AI companion.
Deciding that the pet mechanic should be the ranger’s gimmick mechanic has completely ruined the class.
In GW1 I played a ranger and loved it. Second favorite to my warrior.
Here I won’t play one because it’s forcing me to play with a pet. Pets should have been an option – " want pets – trait for it and take one along " – and by traiting for it you would be giving away of your own free will other bits of effectiveness.
Don’t want a pet? – don’t get a pet and use your traits elsewhere.
That’s how pets should have been – sadly they’re forced down everyone’s throats and I for one don’t like it.
If they took permapet out of the game I would INSTANTLY make a GS ranger.
Nobody really got much of anything. Necros got a few traits changed a little bit and their Minion HP boosted, which while nice, aren’t things that people are really bothered by. This patch was, overall, a bit overrated, IMO.
I’d say one reason for the high expectations is we know they don’t want to make major balance changes during the first WvW season – which means if its not done RIGHT NOW, then no new skill/enhancements/improvements will hit the game until either the mid-December or late-December update if they are still on track for their many, many “We’ll get it out this year” projections.
Frankly, two more months of letting these inequities go on is gonna probably make me skip Season 1 altogether as a player.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I hope for a positive surprise tomorrow.
If the stuff in stream was all the biggest things we gonna see tomorrow, I’m very disappointed. I mean, it’s been almost 4 months since last balance patch. I was expecting way more.
They said in the live stream that they were just giving highlights and there are a lot more changes coming than were previewed. It’s going to be interesting reviewing all the tooltips to see how traits synergize now.
Here’s hoping most/all of the changes aren’t done with PvP/WvW in mind…
I’m sure they were so proud of themselves and the work they did adding an anti-stealth component to a Ranger shout skill because of all the trouble players have with Skelks…
…Yeah, no.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
@ harper in similar setups my ‘almost full’ (slightly lower cause some pieces have thoughness, cavalier) berserker ranger does 1500 hits on similar bosses. less then half of what he does. That there is a perfect example of a pigeon holed party setup (ranger alone can’t achieve this he need perfect teamplay and in 95% of the game this wont happen. Secondly if this ranger (sword) can do this crazy damage, then a necro dagger (much higher damage) in same scenario, would be able to do 6k crits (if not more), and lich form auto attack crits would easely reach 10-12k. remove the ranger from party and a perfect setup necro, and you’ll be amazed (not saying necro rocks for dungeons, just saying that ranger video doesn’t proof much).
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
warrior stun duration has been nerfed (warr has been slightly nerfed overall)
It wasn’t Nerfed.
There was a glaring coding mistake … the bug is being fixed
That’s still a nerf. Stun effectiveness across the board will be decreased.
Yeah and thank god warriors are nerfed. You cannot imagine how it almost made us break our keyboard, when you play an ele with 16k health and have skills that take 3 seconds to cast, and a warrior with 32k health (totally OP already) just stun-immobilize you and bash you dead in 3-4 hits as you cant even do anything. Where was the fun in that?
Thing is, eles are getting nerfed as well with the new AoE mechanic. Thats a 10-20% damage reduction on AoE right there.
noticed that i had to rip boons off of a guardian in order to soften it up with S/D on my thief…was with another guardian, we were against a mesmer and a guard. both repplaied boons without a problem, really glassy however i dont see where S/D Larcenous needs a change at all if its a negative change…if anything it needs a buff , a slgiht buff to actually assist in softening up targets more, theyll just easily reapply buffs without a problem..
WHERE…is Larcenous “OP”…seems to be Underpowered if anything.Pretty much this exactly, in its current state you can burn all your resources cleaning someone of boons, and 3 seconds later the guard/ele/eng/mesmer will have full stacks of everything again while your at maybe 20% initiative. Thats why it was not a worthwhile counter before the buff, and it will again be worthless if its changed as suggested
That is just not true.
Nice counter argument! :P
If they’re going to nerf larcenous strike again, they’d better make it faster, or cost less initiative, because as it is now, it’s a total initiative drain and it’s really slow compared to the old flanking strike, even though the old flanking strike only stripped one boon, it was inexpensive and quick. The nerf to Larcenous strike could make it almost worthless.
Well it was quite obviously false. If you want to argue for changing something, you should actually make real statements.
You aren’t making real statements and aren’t backing up your arguments in the slightest. Saying what he said is “false” is only your opinion, and nothing more. That would be like saying “you suck” to someone that you don’t even know and without listing reasons as to why they suck.
It is patently obvious that what he said is a complete lie. An elementalist cannot completely rebuff in 3 seconds. You cannot just lie your kitten off claiming it as truth with absolutely zero backing, then call someone out for saying you are lying.
An ele can get multiple buffs just by switching attunements, not even using any skills, if they blast a couple fields while switching through 2-3 attunements, your easily looking at 4-5 important boons within a VERY short time frame. Ele aside there are multiple skills for certain professions such as Rage signet, that can provide 2-3 buffs INSTANTLY. So yes it is absolutely needed that LS maintains 2 boons per hit, unless its intended that thieves only play d/d or d/p backstab builds?
except that the thief can gain initiative a lot faster than the cooldowns of the skills for the boons.
you forget that thieves get evasion plus a rip? that alone is very strong. why? because the thief isnt taking any damage and can easily go stealth to regen initiative to spam LS again , and again, and again , and again , and again , and again ..
@ harper in similar setups my ‘almost full’ (slightly lower cause some pieces have thoughness, cavalier) berserker ranger does 1500 hits on similar bosses. less then half of what he does. That there is a perfect example of a pigeon holed party setup (ranger alone can’t achieve this he need perfect teamplay and in 95% of the game this wont happen. Secondly if this ranger (sword) can do this crazy damage, then a necro dagger (much higher damage) in same scenario, would be able to do 6k crits (if not more), and lich form auto attack crits would easely reach 10-12k. remove the ranger from party and a perfect setup necro, and you’ll be amazed (not saying necro rocks for dungeons, just saying that ranger video doesn’t proof much).
If you want your claims to have any validity – get full zerker gear and attempt the same boss.
He is achieving it rather easily – the team didn’t even buff him to 25 stacks of might – so I would say on his own his damage would be a little lower – but guess what – on his own without other warriors a warrior’s damage is also lower.
You see – warriors are just as dependent on group play as rangers. Without the might stacking you’re just a weaker thief or ele in terms of dps.
I haven’t seen a necro dish out that kind of dps before – and I doubt he would do that much.
The ranger is already outputting a massive amount of DPS – if a buffed necro could do the same they would see a LOT more play.
The bottom line is this – just because some players can’t play it right ( and you for example can’t replicate it ) doesn’t mean the class is weak. It just means you need to play better.
Why not – instead of debating me – try harder to reach that DPS?
Use it – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bjq1vcnhpQ&feature=youtu.be – replicate it and maybe you won’t have something to complain about after…
Later edit – found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLJg3VarKm4&feature=youtu.be – he is now solo – what do you have to say now? Look at his output.
(edited by Harper.4173)
I like how each time you critic ranger in the ranger forums, you get learn to play and stop using bear bow posts.
It’s not like ranger have kittened up traits, the worst profession mechanic and the worst power scaling of all the professions in the game.
Lol they have worthless pets and give up 40% of their dps for their useless pets. I can easily 2×1 or 3×1 rangers. Poor things.
thats also the reason why their performance in wvw is quite bad. their pet dies in like 2 seconds. i’ve seen a zerg though usingglasscannon rangers nuking everyone from a safe distance.
mesmers have the same problem as their clones barely spawn and the perma blinds , perma interrupts,perma stuns and the condition bombs cripple our class a lot.
anet, i’d be happy to give up some of our dueling abilities, if u give us more aoe based sklls that are mesmer unique like we had in gw1.
every class in wvw should be as feared as a necro or a warrior.
anet has to stop balancing wvw and spvp the same way. wvw is not just about roaming and 5 people vs 5 people.its this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voHYLhEbCYcand this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKKaSluD1GQu really dont wanna buff warriors in wvw. go check your numbers of the classes played in wvw atm:
1warrior(by far)
2 guardian
3 necro
4 ele
5 thief
6 engi
7 mesmer
8 rangernow ask why.
warrior is godmode:too much regen,too much toughness for the dps they have, too much cc, too much resistance to conditions, to much interrupting, too much of everything
guardian: too many boons, best support build, great stability, great survivability
necro: to many conditions, great dps, awesome range, great tagging, can hold back an entire zerg with marks, too much fear, great health
ele: best aoe dps, great healing support, can destroy everything on walls and behind gates
thief: too much stealth, can 3 shot almost everything and has the role in zergs to gank the caster in the back. dps is too high though.
engi is great, but very hard to play. otherwise i think he could be way higher up.
mesmer: veil, tw, portal…thats it. lack of aoe, no clear role apart form a boring utility bot. servant for the warriors
rangers: pet dies in 2 seconds…game over. u can maybe have high dps rangers in the back of the zerg nuking some people, but still recruiting guilds often state:now recruiting. need mesmers for veil, warriors, and necros. no rangers!
Alert alert – ranger player detected – "every class is OP except the one i’m on " !
lol no im not. im a mesmer and never played a ranger ever. this is my observation as i play wvw only and every day so yeah.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
I hope for a positive surprise tomorrow.
If the stuff in stream was all the biggest things we gonna see tomorrow, I’m very disappointed. I mean, it’s been almost 4 months since last balance patch. I was expecting way more.They said in the live stream that they were just giving highlights and there are a lot more changes coming than were previewed. It’s going to be interesting reviewing all the tooltips to see how traits synergize now.
yabbut sounds like what they disclosed weren’t exactly highlights.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Pets, minions, phantasms all getting a 71% increase of health. I’m assuming this is PvE and WvW only, though they didn’t clarify (even though it was asked a several times for clarification).
hmmm in wvw that could help a lot actually as our ai skills are pretty useless in zergs. they die in like 2 hits and in the aoe heavy meta i barely see my phantasm survive long enough to actually make an impact. same with clones they barely reach the zerg to give us at least some aoe dmg.maybe we just need some serious rework…same with rangers. having to rely on ai to be strong is not a good thing in a large group fight.
rangers and mesmers are both pretty tough to fight in spvp, so most of the changes are more required for pve and wvw.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
warrior stun duration has been nerfed (warr has been slightly nerfed overall)
It wasn’t Nerfed.
There was a glaring coding mistake … the bug is being fixed
That’s still a nerf. Stun effectiveness across the board will be decreased.
Yeah and thank god warriors are nerfed. You cannot imagine how it almost made us break our keyboard, when you play an ele with 16k health and have skills that take 3 seconds to cast, and a warrior with 32k health (totally OP already) just stun-immobilize you and bash you dead in 3-4 hits as you cant even do anything. Where was the fun in that?
Thing is, eles are getting nerfed as well with the new AoE mechanic. Thats a 10-20% damage reduction on AoE right there.
16k Health as an Elementalist? What’s your damage like? My Ele has about 11k Health. Lol
2 major things you need to do, Anet:
- Review health levels for all classes. The differences are ridiculous, and in the case of the elementalist, completely arbitrary.
- Review the compulsory minor traits (the 5, 15, 25 point ones). Some are insanely strong, while others are completely useless.
Love the changes so far. The improvements to support are superb.
Has there been any progress in allowing conditions stack over 25?
Particularly on champions and World Bosses, where the cap is hit quite easily by a zerg of players. This is so important for condition builds which are falling short due to the limit.
Letting players crit against world bosses would be nice too.
If you gave World bosses a temp-buff that reduced crit-damage (similar to Tequatl’s scales), I’m sure it would work out fine.
Will we see more additions of Torment?
Preferably to Mesmers and Thieves, cause I would love to incorporate more Torment into my builds.
Hoping Ele’s focus’ Fire and Water skills will be improved.
Air and Earth are amazing, but Fire and Water feel very lackluster.
Other things I’d like to see include:
Hammer-weapon option for Engineers.
- Let Engineers go full-melee! I think that would be so fun. A Hammer + Wrench-Kit build sounds amazingly fun for PvE or PvP.
A little AoE damage OR taunt (new cond?) for Mesmers?
- On every other profession (except Ranger cause I don’t play Ranger due to the pet), I have no problem dealing with multiple mobs as I have effective AoE. But on Mesmers, there’s an immediately noticed difficulty dealing with multiple mobs.
- If reasonable (and it’s not an intentional balance thing), the obvious answer is to let Mesmers have more AoE.
- But in my opinion, a more interesting thing to do is give them a way to grant their clones the aggro, making PvE easier (as most mobs ignore clones in favor of the user).
- Maybe a Grandmaster trait that made Clones “taunt” every time you stealthed, would be amazing. Just more options for multi-mob fights is all I’m asking
Lastly, please take another swing at improving the lesser-used Elites
- Mortar pales in comparison to Crate, and there are other Elites on other professions which could really use improving.
- The only profession with Elites that are all genuinely good is Mesmer (although the AoE stealth seems a bit outclassed by Moa Morph and Time Warp).
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
Please, please do this. It is the only thing stopping me from playing an Engineer.
How can they give an ground targeted aoe autoattack?
Just give it an option to allow auto-attack or not. Hell, it could do less AoE/damage or whatever whenever autoattack is enabled for all I care. I just do not want RSI.
I like how each time you critic ranger in the ranger forums, you get learn to play and stop using bear bow posts.
It’s not like ranger have kittened up traits, the worst profession mechanic and the worst power scaling of all the professions in the game.
Lol they have worthless pets and give up 40% of their dps for their useless pets. I can easily 2×1 or 3×1 rangers. Poor things.
thats also the reason why their performance in wvw is quite bad. their pet dies in like 2 seconds. i’ve seen a zerg though usingglasscannon rangers nuking everyone from a safe distance.
mesmers have the same problem as their clones barely spawn and the perma blinds , perma interrupts,perma stuns and the condition bombs cripple our class a lot.
anet, i’d be happy to give up some of our dueling abilities, if u give us more aoe based sklls that are mesmer unique like we had in gw1.
every class in wvw should be as feared as a necro or a warrior.
anet has to stop balancing wvw and spvp the same way. wvw is not just about roaming and 5 people vs 5 people.its this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voHYLhEbCYcand this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKKaSluD1GQu really dont wanna buff warriors in wvw. go check your numbers of the classes played in wvw atm:
1warrior(by far)
2 guardian
3 necro
4 ele
5 thief
6 engi
7 mesmer
8 rangernow ask why.
warrior is godmode:too much regen,too much toughness for the dps they have, too much cc, too much resistance to conditions, to much interrupting, too much of everything
guardian: too many boons, best support build, great stability, great survivability
necro: to many conditions, great dps, awesome range, great tagging, can hold back an entire zerg with marks, too much fear, great health
ele: best aoe dps, great healing support, can destroy everything on walls and behind gates
thief: too much stealth, can 3 shot almost everything and has the role in zergs to gank the caster in the back. dps is too high though.
engi is great, but very hard to play. otherwise i think he could be way higher up.
mesmer: veil, tw, portal…thats it. lack of aoe, no clear role apart form a boring utility bot. servant for the warriors
rangers: pet dies in 2 seconds…game over. u can maybe have high dps rangers in the back of the zerg nuking some people, but still recruiting guilds often state:now recruiting. need mesmers for veil, warriors, and necros. no rangers!
This !
warrior is godmode:too much regen,too much toughness for the dps they have, too much cc, too much resistance to conditions, to much interrupting, too much of everything
Warriors got to much toughness? haha..
Others got protection.. thats 33% damage reduction.. try to get that with toughness (you cant)..Warriors got to much regen? uhm… lol > poison maby?
Warriors got to much resistance to condtions? talking about berserker stance? lol just wait for like 8sec and spam your conditions after it..
Warriors to much interrupting? haha yeah mostly in melee range, so get out of the melee range, its still possible to kite warriors.
Too much of everything? aah this is the 30/30/30/30/30 warrior longbow/hammer/mace/GS/Sw+shield/axe/rifle build we talk about, yeah thats indeed insane.
Yeah warriors are great but not that great your talking about.
We should clarify here: Warriors are OP in zerg fighting. Definitely the best class and has more sustain than guardians.
Warriors are above average in roaming. Not really OP here though.
Nobody really got much of anything. Necros got a few traits changed a little bit and their Minion HP boosted, which while nice, aren’t things that people are really bothered by. This patch was, overall, a bit overrated, IMO.
I’d say one reason for the high expectations is we know they don’t want to make major balance changes during the first WvW season – which means if its not done RIGHT NOW, then no new skill/enhancements/improvements will hit the game until either the mid-December or late-December update if they are still on track for their many, many “We’ll get it out this year” projections.
Frankly, two more months of letting these inequities go on is gonna probably make me skip Season 1 altogether as a player.
Unlikely. ANET has never balanced around WvW. The balances have been for PvP and then WvW just adapts. Perfect example: buffing shout heals on warriors? That’s already super strong in zerg fighting. Now they will make it even better.
If ANET says they won’t release another balancing patch because of the leagues, that is just an excuse to delay.
Please, please do this. It is the only thing stopping me from playing an Engineer.
How can they give an ground targeted aoe autoattack?
You are aware underwater it auto-attacks, yes? So the same way it works underwater, the AoE is centered on the target.
Please, please do this. It is the only thing stopping me from playing an Engineer.
How can they give an ground targeted aoe autoattack?
You are aware underwater it auto-attacks, yes? So the same way it works underwater, the AoE is centered on the target.
Yes, exactly. It is annoying to have to keep tapping the same key over and over again while attempting to keep the circle on the enemy PLUS trying to strafe and dodge at the same time…when underwater it’s far easier and much more enjoyable to use grenades IMO. I dunno why they haven’t made this change yet.
Elementalist: We still havnt addressed the core problem of them. While conjurer are a nice gimmick and fun in LA, can have some good damage potential, this is not what has been asked by the ele community.
Right now we are sitting on the lowest hp pool of all classes. Without access to stealth (thieves) or clones/stealth(mesmers) nor aegis/protection(mesmer guardians) constantly being reapplying itself, we are FORCED (yes, you read that right, forced) to go with cantrips, water, some earth and 30 point arcana.
Variation from this build usually means a hit/[mostly] miss play where yo unload all your arcanes in the hopes that it will kill the 27k hp warrior over there which used one dodge and cancelled all our damage, leaving us with 11k hp and no utilities, running around like a naked chicken.
I knew, somewhere, there was someone else who felt this way… that I wasn’t alone in the sheer blinding rage that is the only natural response to the hate elementalists have received for so long. I have had to spend ludicrous amounts of gold equipping and re-equipping my elementalist, changed my entire strategy (including weapon sets), and endured gruelling hours in PvP training and retraining in the mechanics just to be able to compete with my ele.
News flash: that is what it takes to play this class. The lowest HP and lowest armour make for a squishy class that HAS to use build synergy to win. Coming onto the forums and QQing because the build you threw together got destroyed by an ele who knew what they were doing has put so much pressure on the devs to kitten up this wonderful class, and you all need to kittening grow up.
I tell you, if my ele goes up against a warrior built for busting down bunker-spikers, which is all elementalists can do, I am severely outclassed. I can’t hold the objective as well as — let alone better than — a guardian. I can’t outmanoeuvre a thief. What I can do is seize that moment where you kitten up to blow all of my ability combos and utilities in the hopes that you die. Because, otherwise, I don’t have the health to tank you, the conditions to melt you, or the broken stealth mechanic to hide from you. And since RTL got nerfed I also can’t escape, either.
Staff coire issues comes from the lack of reliable damage, sure golems are scary and stand still because thy are that bada[ss but the rest of the players dont and that has to be taken in consideration. Gust misses all the time even if the person literally just strafed. Risk/reward is just not there.
I want to emphatically agree with this post once again. See what is said, there: risk/reward is just not there.
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this is what I would recommend:
Increase base HP to 18-20k like mesmers. We dont have clones nor aegis nor protection nor stealth as often as they do yet they are allowed to be that beefy. Sure some consideration with bunkers would have to be taken, a good solution is; decrease healing coefficient of skills, increase base heal.
No. Do not reduce healing coefficient of skills. If people are complaining right now that elementalists (who, again, are forced to dump a ton of stats into water, which improves healing) are “healing 80% of their health”), increasing the health to a reasonable level (equivalent to mesmers is perfect, not as high as necros and not so low as classes that have reliable damage mitigation) will mean that the heals are proportional to what other classes can achieve.
Lava Font, (fire 2) still very underwhelming, high delay for the avergae damage it does. Possible solutions is increase radius or make the first tick instant. Right now it is too telegraphed, too easy to avoid, and even when landed it does not have a good result
Make it like an engi grenade that gets lobbed at the target area, bursts, and leaves a fire field. Also: unblockable (on the ground).
Lighting surge (lighting 2) Same as fire too, delay for average damage.
Agreed. Damage needs to be significantly increased. It should also apply weakened like lightning did in GW1.
Gust (Air 3) Incredible hard to land, to the point that might as well not have it. PLease make it follow the target (lock on) or make it a PBAoE cone.
Should also blind.
Overall increase a little the damage for non-fire elements, auto attacks ned to be more responsive and faster.
The attacks should chain. Fireball (staff F1) should burn for 1s, and if the target is burning should give 1 second of might to the caster (stacks intensity).
Chain lightning (staff A1) should weaken and stack fury (internal cooldown of one second, as it bounces targets).
Water blast (staff W1) should apply stacks of chilled. Just that. If you want staff to provide better team support then you need to also consider the cc potential.
Stoning (staff E1) should bleed and, if hitting a bleeding target, cripple. Again, you want staff to be a team support weapon… this is the way to do it.
Support is a great start but we are very far from making the class viable
Too true. I’ve made my suggestions above, but I in no way consent to my favourite class being pidgeonholed into support. That is bullkitten and not fun.
Whats the point of buffing support skills (Oct 15 patch) if it is just not worth it, it usually carries low damage and you cant outlast damage dealers nor conditions, just delay them?
Anet, while buffs sure are welcome, whats the point of wanting support in the game if you keep making content easy for Zerker to faceroll, for Zergs to overcome, for damage dealers to ignore.
I can only add to this by calling attention to how ArenaNet seems to think that putting something like “stun breaker” on a skill that nobody uses somehow makes that skill worth taking. Skills are taken because they fit into builds, and if you sprinkle some gold on kitten it’s still kitten. If you want people to use skills other than cantrips (like, for example, the conjure weapons) then you need to make it possible to use these weapons in builds!
(edited by Provost.6210)
I would love conjures to provide the wielder with stability for 10 seconds or something… This would at least make conjures appealing to use, in some sort of way, and provide Ele with another source of stability instead of Armor of Earth….
Any chance on game performance improvements this patch? I heard someone say optimizations was coming soon. How true it is, I don’t know.
any WvW changes?
•Runes/Sigils are also something the balance team wants to improve. We’d like to see cooler effects on some of the sets, so we’ll be working towards that. They also lead to a lot of build diversity, so we want more sets to be stronger so that it gives you guys more options in your builds.
•The patch notes will be much bigger than this, but we just wanted to give you guys a little insight into what’s coming in the near future from the balance team!
-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2
i lvl up my warrior and have a 80 guardian. why i am sad? my main is a ranger and he is nearly lvl 300 in wvw. i hope they will bring rangers in line and/or make wvw xp account bound not character bound.
I admire your dedication in wvw and taking a ranger that high. I enjoy my ranger too, LB and GS, longbow for killing behind the zerg. GS for when I am against solo or small party. What kind do you play?
lb/gs with signets. 3100+ armor without foods 3700+ power with sharpening 21k hp without anything and still 30%crit. the stats are not bad, but the party support and the dmg, cc is kitten.
Just the WvW
I hope for a positive surprise tomorrow.
If the stuff in stream was all the biggest things we gonna see tomorrow, I’m very disappointed. I mean, it’s been almost 4 months since last balance patch. I was expecting way more.They said in the live stream that they were just giving highlights and there are a lot more changes coming than were previewed. It’s going to be interesting reviewing all the tooltips to see how traits synergize now.
If they had any good news for rangers, it’s unlikely they would have left them for the patch notes. And since the ranger community will have now until december to hope something gets done finally (which even then is highly unlikely), i expect lot of people to drop off the game. Or roll warriors.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
So, according to the preview, it would seem engineers may be near to getting out of beta phase, being able to attack the enemies they want and not having to rely on rng for heavily situational boons that are near useless otherwise. Well, and not having to trait a kit just for it to be useable.
Now we just lack a way to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome while using grenades to fully go gold. Like, dunno, having an autoattack like every other weapon in the game.
While we wait for such basic features, the other classes will continue to get buffed. But it is fine, it isn’t like we’re the least played class of the game.