Still waiting for end game content
I don’t really care about armor until I am level 80 and until 80 I get enough drops to keep upgrading my amour along the way. Now how you describe it it’s more like a tool. Thats fine but it’s not fun and thats what I am looking at in a game, fun. Let me craft fun items. Let me be a musician (woops they put that option in the cash-shop) or let me be a toy-maker. A nice new toy every 5 levels to work towards. Meanwhile let me hunt down recipe’s in the world or let me hunt down a special Item I need to create one of those recipe’s. Now then I have fun crafting.
One of the funnest moments I had On another game was levelling up engineering,…. and having made Target Dummies ( they are a Box you drop that when mobs come at you, and near it, Out pops something that draws agro… Kind of Like a Portable mechanical agro magnet.)…
I drop it, and the Mob rushes at me, and I see this … thing made of wood on a spring… flat, but it is the cut out of a female..the painting on it, shows she has a huge cleavage.. and hans her hand In the air, and a smile on her face… the Motion seems to attract the mob over, …although How a Big breasted female sporting cleavage, and waving is attractive to a boar I have no clue…
But it was funny as hell. Every other character I play on that game takes engineering, and makes stacks of target dummies. STILL fun.
seriously dude, dont even bother posting this kind of thread.
there are far too many hurdles that one should overcome for their complaint to be acknowledged.
• first, the low low chance of a dev/staff from anet to ever read your post.
• second, if your post is worded right and if the argument is something valid.
• third, the amount of people with the ‘im okay with the state of things so everyone else should be okay with it too. your post is irrelevant’ kind of mindset who will flood your thread with arrogant and condescending posts.basically, the second is greatly determined on how many posts of the people from the third are read by the first. those people who claim to be of a neutral stance but weirdly, they wildly abhor any and all ‘complaint’ posts especially if theyre first, against anet and second, if theyre not experiencing it themselves. its that ‘since there’s no war in my country, then the wars in other countries must also be false’ way of thinking
More Like…" since there is no war in My country, and No one I Know died because of other wars…other wars have no relevance to me"
it is sad. but all too human. A war is Not a tragedy if millions die, until ONE person we Know dies.
A Game issue is Not an issue no matter How many are affected…until WE are affected.
John Donne said it best though if we need a counter-argument to that mentality.
No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend’s
Or of thine own were:
Any man’s death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
I think the correct question here is:
Where is the Underworld?
Where is our epic boss battle with Dhuum, and our collectable end game armor?
Dhuum was sealed away two-hundred, fifty years ago. It took him more than one-thousand years to break his seal, and I don’t think there’s many creatures to die in the Underworld for him to collect power anymore.
I may be wrong, but I think what is meant is…
" Where is OUR Version of an Underworld Type dungeon?"
“Where is OUR version of a Dhuum type epic battle against a Dhuum type Epic Boss?”
“Where is OUR Version of the epic Loot that Dhuum dropped In Guild Wars?”
Sounds like the solution is simple for you. Play GW1.
There are a few of us who would LOVE to go back to GW1, but guess what? GW1 hasn’t had ANYTHING new in years because of THIS GAME. I’ve done literally everything in GW1 multiple times, just how I’m guessing many of the people who want some GW1 aspects in GW2 have also done everything a bunch.
That doesn’t mean I don’t completely love GW2, because I do. The base gameplay is perfect IMO, but what it lacks is new stuff. 2 years of doing the same stuff over and over again? Yep gets boring. I have some hope(see nearly zero) that the LS2 will give us new content to play, including more end game stuff like dungeons, Competitive missions, 8-12 man Elite missions like The Deep and Urgoz, and something that would literally make me throw money at my computer screen, UW and FoW.
I must be playing a different game than you have been playing. In the last 2 years, there has been plenty of new stuff in GW2 to satisfy me.
But then again, I only play an average of 10-15 hours a week(if that). Maybe you play a lot more than I do. I will admit that if I played 30-40 hours a week or more, I would get bored with the game, too…….but if I played that much, that would be the case with any game, not just GW2.
I have a similar schedule than you, but I have the feeling like Ive went through everything that is supposed to be challenging.
And with less than 1000hours played since the beginning, I am extremely bored with the current content of the game.
The game most definitely lacks challenging content no going to argue against that. What I do is I create my own challenge. Try to solo group events or even just under gear yourself on purpose. Now I understand there is a huge problem here if you value extrinsic rewards more then intrinsic ones so I am not claim this to be the perfect solution just a possibility.
It works really well in those LS events most people considered zergy. It was a ton of fun handling clockwork invasion events with 2 – 3 people or roaming around Escape from LA solo or with just 1 other player.
Again not the prefect solution,there is definitely work to be done here and Anet understand that too and promised to give us more challenging content in S2 which is great.
There is a difference between being a competitor In the 100 meter hurdles, against Olympic Athletes… and deciding since the only thing available to use is racing against turtles, … tying your own left leg behind your back.
While I realize BOTH extremes are nit satisfactory, I expect something close to the ffirst …provided by anet…. than having to do the second…. so that anet is let off the hook, and I can …entertain myself.
Why do we let Anet off the hook for providing a sub-par product?
Arwen, we had quite some disagreements around here, but in one thing we are quite similar: This game is neither for you nor me. Look for another game, you will not believe how good it feels setting yourself free of GW2 (well, as far as game investment goes – my overall happyness does not depend on it :P).
Arena Net doesn’t want to make profitable end game content, they want everyone to be poor to sell more gems with real money.
If everyone except for a very few starve, when they come out with the crackers…. On sale… $100 a pound… everyone flocks and brags about How great they taste, In comparison to air, and spit.
And once again, as an advocate, you fail to point out how these things are being adjusted to keep them that high. It’s disproportionate because the very places to get things that sell well are being nerfed every chance they get. So it’s not only a system where the gem store is not just advertising it’s also a case where the items available to make a profit off the TP are becoming more scarce all the time. I don’t know about you but I didn’t buy this game or any game to turn it into a job.
Basically what it’s boiled down to is grinding out gold….
quite the opposite, its disproportionate because one group of people (farmers) play content thats more profitable then other content. Prices are relative to income. If I am a farmer and make 15g per hour buying say the dragon jade wall skin for 70g means i need to farm about 5hrs… If I a non farmer who make maybe 50s an hour want to buy the same skin I need to play for 140 hrs to be able to afford it.
The crux of the matter is that 70g isnt something set in stone, its a price people are asking and people ask that much because other people are willing to pay for it and other people are willing to pay for it because they find it reasonable price to ask. What price is reasonable however is very extremely different between a farmer and someone who doesnt farm.
How do you fix that? well by nerfing farming so farming isnt that much more expensive then doing anything else. If both groups of players did 50s an hour then that 70g will inevitably drop to something much more reasonable.
Let’s make everyone equally poor, then that Lambhorghini Diablo will sell for $4000!!!!
I Will repeat my question again. where is my high level end game rewarding content
I will add that i am not talking about wow raid like stuff (never played wow fyi, only played gw1 since its begining)
I will also add that i am not talking about a gear grind.
Just to make thing clear and to make people understand that what i am looking for is something instanced to do with other player that is harder than fractal or arah. Something that you have to practice over and over again for awesome rewards. Ever heard of DOA in gw1? (Thats where your tormented skin come from fyi)
It’d be hard for all of a week, but people would figure out how to do it, start farming it and then you’d be back to whining on the forums about how easy it is.
And once everyone was farming it and running around with the same rewards you’d be complaining how it’s not rewarding.
I think the correct question here is:
Where is the Underworld?
Where is our epic boss battle with Dhuum, and our collectable end game armor?
Dhuum was sealed away two-hundred, fifty years ago. It took him more than one-thousand years to break his seal, and I don’t think there’s many creatures to die in the Underworld for him to collect power anymore.
I may be wrong, but I think what is meant is…
" Where is OUR Version of an Underworld Type dungeon?"
“Where is OUR version of a Dhuum type epic battle against a Dhuum type Epic Boss?”
“Where is OUR Version of the epic Loot that Dhuum dropped In Guild Wars?”
Dhuum took four years to implement.
everything they continue to add in terms of rewards is GEMSTORE ITEMS thats it.
Really? I mean, everything?
The few special exotics which are restricted to coming out of certain types of champion bags are gemstore items? I had no idea. Show me where they are in the gemstore, it’d save me some time.
The tokens for taking part in the WvW Season 2 are gemstore related? Please, sir, direct me to where I can pay for some of these on the gemstore, I’d love to complete my wardrobe.
The Tequatl-chest related goods? Super Adventure Box skins? Those are available from the gemstore? Wow . . .
There is no special loot hunt. Just farm gold as much as you can just buy it from TP. Run your daily dungeons NOT FOR THE LOOT, but for the daily 1g. thats terrible design and its been here for 2 years now.
Well, you could farm gold. Or you could go out there and actually do stuff for it. And I don’t really think the dungeon daily run is near as fun as dropping into WvW when it’s packed and active.
Anyway, whatever. Some people are still “waiting for end game content” and I’m still waiting for many of them to bother explaining why we should add it . . . aside for keeping the 1% of players who would go into doing it happy for a few months until they get bored.
You know, same as every other game and its end-game content.
I think the correct question here is:
Where is the Underworld?
Where is our epic boss battle with Dhuum, and our collectable end game armor?
Dhuum was sealed away two-hundred, fifty years ago. It took him more than one-thousand years to break his seal, and I don’t think there’s many creatures to die in the Underworld for him to collect power anymore.
I may be wrong, but I think what is meant is…
" Where is OUR Version of an Underworld Type dungeon?"
“Where is OUR version of a Dhuum type epic battle against a Dhuum type Epic Boss?”
“Where is OUR Version of the epic Loot that Dhuum dropped In Guild Wars?”
I take it to mean that, but Dhuum wasn’t nearly as epic as the work to get to him. I remember that way more often than the fight (spam Great Dwarf Weapon on my pet, watch him fall down).
I don’t really care about armor until I am level 80 and until 80 I get enough drops to keep upgrading my amour along the way. Now how you describe it it’s more like a tool. Thats fine but it’s not fun and thats what I am looking at in a game, fun. Let me craft fun items. Let me be a musician (woops they put that option in the cash-shop) or let me be a toy-maker. A nice new toy every 5 levels to work towards. Meanwhile let me hunt down recipe’s in the world or let me hunt down a special Item I need to create one of those recipe’s. Now then I have fun crafting.
One of the funnest moments I had On another game was levelling up engineering,…. and having made Target Dummies ( they are a Box you drop that when mobs come at you, and near it, Out pops something that draws agro… Kind of Like a Portable mechanical agro magnet.)…
I drop it, and the Mob rushes at me, and I see this … thing made of wood on a spring… flat, but it is the cut out of a female..the painting on it, shows she has a huge cleavage.. and hans her hand In the air, and a smile on her face… the Motion seems to attract the mob over, …although How a Big breasted female sporting cleavage, and waving is attractive to a boar I have no clue…
But it was funny as hell. Every other character I play on that game takes engineering, and makes stacks of target dummies. STILL fun.
Yeah indeed, that is a fun way of crafting, and it is a fun way of leveling because every few crafting levels there is another nice item to work towards and while doing that you explore the world (looking for the needed materials) and so level up. Now that is what I consider fun. I do like something like engineering where you make such funny little tools. But there can be much more like crafts where you tame pets for rangers or as mini creating your own unique looking ones. All fun stuff to do in an MMO.
I think the correct question here is:
Where is the Underworld?
Where is our epic boss battle with Dhuum, and our collectable end game armor?
Dhuum was sealed away two-hundred, fifty years ago. It took him more than one-thousand years to break his seal, and I don’t think there’s many creatures to die in the Underworld for him to collect power anymore.
I may be wrong, but I think what is meant is…
" Where is OUR Version of an Underworld Type dungeon?"
“Where is OUR version of a Dhuum type epic battle against a Dhuum type Epic Boss?”
“Where is OUR Version of the epic Loot that Dhuum dropped In Guild Wars?”
In gem store?
Challenging content? Arah, FoTM 50 for small scale, Trible Wurm for Large scale.
Arah gives u pretty highest amount of gold among dungeons that can be used to buy all the mats u need (ectos and t6 u were talking about)
FoTM 50 has highest chance of dropping ascended chests+skins.
Is this content easy and unchalleging – i doubt it.
Unrewarding? Its the most rewarding content in whole game.
If u find this content easy – soloing Arah is next step.
High FOTMs rewarding? Nice joke.
everything they continue to add in terms of rewards is GEMSTORE ITEMS thats it.
Really? I mean, everything?
The few special exotics which are restricted to coming out of certain types of champion bags are gemstore items? I had no idea. Show me where they are in the gemstore, it’d save me some time.
The tokens for taking part in the WvW Season 2 are gemstore related? Please, sir, direct me to where I can pay for some of these on the gemstore, I’d love to complete my wardrobe.
The Tequatl-chest related goods? Super Adventure Box skins? Those are available from the gemstore? Wow . . .
There is no special loot hunt. Just farm gold as much as you can just buy it from TP. Run your daily dungeons NOT FOR THE LOOT, but for the daily 1g. thats terrible design and its been here for 2 years now.
Well, you could farm gold. Or you could go out there and actually do stuff for it. And I don’t really think the dungeon daily run is near as fun as dropping into WvW when it’s packed and active.
Anyway, whatever. Some people are still “waiting for end game content” and I’m still waiting for many of them to bother explaining why we should add it . . . aside for keeping the 1% of players who would go into doing it happy for a few months until they get bored.
You know, same as every other game and its end-game content.
Yeah they did add in new skins but it does not have the effect it should have because of the way they do it. Adding in the Tequatl items is nice (it’s the type of rewards we should see) but because there is so little of content people do (farming champs, farming world-bosses mainly) it did mean everybody jumped into that making the rewards less special (they get flooded on the TP) meaning again that grinding gold is the best option. In addition the Cash Shop does seem to have the focus so you can get this one cool item in the game as a reward yet 10 other nice or maybe even better items are in the cash-shop.
Another problem is that many rewards have become also less interesting. For example I did collect mini’s in most games but I simply stopped caring about that in GW2 because if 90% requires a gold-grind it does not become interesting any more to collect them. Also not the 10% that you might get in-game. And how special is a weapon if you can get is simply by grinding gold? It devalues the item / reward.
Another way to get new skins was by doing the achievements list coming with the PS. Something everybody did (because you got it piece by piece and it was temporary) so again not very special and for many it was a achievement grind against time that they did not consider fun.
However SAB was indeed a good example of how it can work. Fun content and good rewards. Especially SAB 1 was a great example because you could do it also on your alts and you could also turn bubble into so useful materials while ingame there where also some exiting drops you could get. However the way SAB 2 worked did also have some good points (sadly also taking away multiple alts and turning bubbles into useful materials) where you get special armor for the harder content. Now if the whole game was like that!!
You can add in one new content a piece and then add one reward but then everybody jumps onto that meaning you keep having the same problem so that does not work. What they need to do is have one big patch (expansion would be best for that change) where they add a lot of new content and rewards in the game. All dungeons having there own rewards, some mobs, hearts, events, possible quest and so on. For new and current content. Stop putting in the best looking stuff in the cash-shop (the cash-shop really is a big cause of this so better get rid it it completely). The best looking stuff should be in the game. Create a musician craft. Instruments should be attainable with that craft not with the cash-shop. And a tailoring craft where you can make what we now know town cloth. And so on and so on. Then you would get a great game with great rewards when also adding in challenging content. You need to overwhelm people so not everybody rushes to exactly the same new thing.
SAB was a game within the game and it did a lot very good, elements where the real game failed.
It’s really sad really, the thing they added in as a joke turned out to be the best content added so far. However that might not be a coincident. It was a joke so they let a developer do his thing create some fun game. No focus on monetizing (no cash-shop) that and the developer likely had a lot of freedom just making a fun game. No of the ‘rules’ set for GW2 where they had to apply to.
“Well, you could farm gold.”
Well yeah there is that option of course.. lol.
High FOTMs rewarding? Nice joke.
FoTM 50 has highest drop chance of ascended gear/infused rings available in-game. So yes – its rewarding based on how game is “low-rewarding”.
I know gear is not a big deal in Gw2 its while I love this game so much compared to others, I had having to worry about gear. I was comparing on contrasting here. But you’re mistaken in that gear is not only important at end game, in many games gear is crucial at every stage of the game. The only difference is new better gear is given to you as a quest reward. If you dont replace your old gear with the new gear as you level up you’ll end up getting killed though because most tab targetting games are essentially number games and gear is a big part of those numbers. Also while I completely agree 100% its not a need in Gw2, that it can be safely ignored playing any kind of content our opinion is not shared by a big number of players who feel BiS is a must.
Can you elaborate on what you mean by special drops in relation to making some events drop special drops? what specifically are we talking about?
So wait let me get this right, you think the problem with say corrupted lodestones isnt that they drop 1 per hour but that you can farm them in different places? you think if say the only dropped of I dont know the champion troll in frostgorge sound a the same rate of 1 per hour would solve the problem that people feel inclined to farm the gold rather then the item? Cause actually I think it will make it a lot worst. In my opinion right now the issue exists because of instant gratification mostly but also because farming is too profitable. When you’re farming you’re seeing your progress increase all the time. When you’re farming the item you need to wait nearly an hour to see the progress thus farming is preferred. if you reduce the places where items can be farmed that will not change. Additionally you’ll also loose players who were willing to farm say corrupted lodestones because all they need to do is do dynamic events in a certain area. Its still somewhat repetitive but at least its not killing the same mob over and over again for like 30 hour. But what you’re suggesting if now it only drops off the champion troll you’ll loose those players too. Truely I fear what you’re suggesting would make matters worst. I dont see how having a single place where you can get this rare material would suddenly incentives anyone to go directly for it if everything else remains as is.
I fail to see how that is different then what we have now to be honest. Again lets take corrupted lodestones as an example. How would having them drop just off a single mob say the champion troll make it more accessable then it is now? Anyone who wants to farm them directly can do it just as easily (actually they can do it way more easily) now. Just go kill high level icebrood or corrupted foes and it will drop. how is making it drop from less types of mob make it more accessiable, it actually makes it less accessable by far!
which horizontal MMOs do this exactly? cause for starters there arent many horizontal mmos to choose from and all of them provide alternative means to get the stuff you need.
Vertical yes but only because unlike horizontal they have an unlimited supply of things people need so they afford to do it.
You really need to explain to me how having something drop from 1 mob in the world instead of different members of types of mobs without changing anything else makes it more viable cause I dont see it. I kept saying making it easier cause I thought you also meant to increase drop rate with that cause in my mind thats the only way your plan would have a chance of actually working. Like this I dont see anything changing for the better, in fact I imagine it would actually become a lot worst.
How did Arenanet create the gold-grind mentality exactly? cause actually its pretty obvious they didnt expect it to happen and have been trying to reduce it at every corner without alienating the players so much. This is obviously my opinion but seems to me Arenanet simply had a noble idea. Get whatever you want doing the content you want. You want a corrupted staff but dont want to ever set foot in the shiverpeaks cause you’re roleplaying a character who hates the cold? no problem, go play in sunny kryta you can still get to your goal. That same mechanism though can be “exploited” to get to your reward quicker which is what a lot of people did. I think their mistake was to assume people want to play the game more then they want the rewards which is probably for a good number of players not the case.
I Will repeat my question again. where is my high level end game rewarding content
I will add that i am not talking about wow raid like stuff (never played wow fyi, only played gw1 since its begining)
I will also add that i am not talking about a gear grind.
Just to make thing clear and to make people understand that what i am looking for is something instanced to do with other player that is harder than fractal or arah. Something that you have to practice over and over again for awesome rewards. Ever heard of DOA in gw1? (Thats where your tormented skin come from fyi)
It’d be hard for all of a week, but people would figure out how to do it, start farming it and then you’d be back to whining on the forums about how easy it is.
And once everyone was farming it and running around with the same rewards you’d be complaining how it’s not rewarding.
Yeah .. just look for example on the initial price of the Tequatl Mini and where it is now :
Either drop-rates are really low, then nearly nobody plays the content like New Twighlight Arbor Path, and those Items are still expensive, or the things drop more often so everyone plays it and then prices go down, just like all the Champion Weapons.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
High FOTMs rewarding? Nice joke.
FoTM 50 has highest drop chance of ascended gear/infused rings available in-game. So yes – its rewarding based on how game is “low-rewarding”.
Highest Chance? Maybe, it’s still extremely low chance of getting ascended armor/wep drops. The RNG for weapon skin is even lower.
Might as well say Mystic Toilet is rewarding because it has the highest chance of dropping you a precursor.
“But you’re mistaken in that gear is not only important at end game”
I said I do not care about it until i’m max level not that you don’t ‘need’ it. Also in GW2 you ‘need’ it (get killed way faster with low level gear, not literally need!) so indeed I put on what I get as drop (or in another MMO from a quest). But I am not really going to see what is the best armor for me until I’m max level.
Also nearly all mmo’s are mainly number games, including GW2. That is exactly why I am not so interested in armor, builds, traits and leveling that out. If I want some good PvP action I play an FPS. Not saying that PvP is not fun. I like the WvW idea (while to much zerg at this moment) or open world PvP. But sPvP or getting a player kill is not a big drive for me in a MMO because it’s 90% a number-game. Yesterday I found out I did not yet set my traits on my main after Anet reset that. Still need to do that but it’s simply something I do once and then never look back to.
In an MMO other things attract me more. Like hunting down cosmetics and so on. The fact that with the wrong armor I can’t kill a boss is only a distraction for me. But I must say I never really had a big problem with that, even not in a game as WoW because also there the highest tier and best maxed out armor (tier grind) is only needed for the highest level raids. All other content in the game does not require the best gear. So in that way it’s similar to GW2 with FotM.
“Can you elaborate on what you mean by special drops in relation to making some events drop special drops? what specifically are we talking about? ”
That can be everything but should fit the event. Maybe you need to fight a mob with a special weapon. Then that weapon can only drop there from that mob. Or maybe it can drop a mini version of itself. Or maybe the event resolved around cooking so a cooking recipe or very special ingredient drops. Now if I want to level that craft or want that mini or want that weapon I will go seek out that event to get that item.
In fact there are only a few events in this game I went to (at a later stage) specifically to and that was because of drop as there are a few events that reward or sell some special (fun) item when completing it. If I compare that to other content in other MMO’s I was always on my way for the next item I needed and so seeking out the specific content that dropped that special or specific item I needed / wanted.
“So wait let me get this right, you think the problem with say corrupted lodestones isn’t that they drop 1 per hour but that you can farm them in different places?” Yes and no. With normal items I do not think it’s a problem if it has a low drop-rate as long as it is a doable drop-rate (something that makes it worth going for). But it is indeed a problem if it has a very low drop-rate but does drop in a lot of places. This means many people bumb into it so while it’s nearly impossible to work directly towards it (because the extremely low drop-rate) it does get dropped a lot in total because so many people can run into it (that are not really going for that item) meaning it does end up a lot on the trading post and there is your gold-grind. Because now gold becomes the most viable way it get items.
So what I say is to remove it as a ‘general’ drop so it does not drop in many places any-more and so less people bumb into it while increasing the drop-rate in one specific place. Because of that the total number of drops might stay the same (so I don’t just say they should increase drop-rates) or maybe even drop while you make it more viable to go directly for the item because it has a acceptable drop-rate in that one place.
Mats is a little different because it also depends on how many you need. In a way it’s a form of a currency. You don’t want to be farming mats for days and days. That should be reasonably easy to obtain. One an hour is a lot to farm something as boring as mats but lets say it drops once every 30 min and you need 10 of it. That would be acceptable for the highest level stuff. To make sure the item you are creating still a little harder to get you can also require one specific item that is very hard to obtain (like a pre-cursor) however also that should be obtainable in a ’ doable’ way (not like a pre-cursor). In GW2 there are lodestones that you need 250 of and that at best drop once every 3 hours. That makes not double in a fun way to go for them directly. Going for that directly is not even close to being fun. And yes also getting very special items should be fun. Making them special by making the complete process of obtaining them just extremely boring (while an element of it might be a little boring.. farming 10 lodestones that drop once every 30 min is boring) is not the way to do it.
Well the progress of seeing the gold going up is exactly what is so boring. And if you do put all stuff in specific places how would that mean most people will still go for the gold way. The way to then grind gold would be to farm those lode-stones and sell them so the progress would be exactly the same. And then, they sell the lodestones to buy some skin they like, however the skin also drops in one place so they could just as well ave gone directly for the skin. It would likely have been even faster. It’s still an option but it’s not the most viable and / or only doable option any-more.
Wait first you say it would not help, it would even increase the gold-grind and then you say “Additionally you’ll also loose players who were willing to farm say corrupted lodestones”. And for mats I would expect a few more places I mainly talk about items that you need 1 of. Also it’s not killing one mob for 30 hours because you have many items to go for so if you get frustrated that does not drop you go for another item to come back tot his later.
You might fear that (while you also conflict your own statements) but you don’t have to fear it It’s a system that has proven itself in many games and works just fine.
Again you make it drop in a reasonable amount in one place. What I said in the previous post was that I was not suggesting to just make it drop more like you where suggesting in the post before that. The total drops in the game might be the same maybe even lower (or maybe higher if that is needed) but they are more concentrated to one specific place or with mats a few places. Then you can go do that specific content to get it and makes is more accessible that way.
They created the gold-grind in 2 ways. Not letting people go directly for the items (extreme low drop rates) they want but having many item more like a general drop. (that’s why I say it should be the other way around). So you can’t directly work towards it in a viable way but because it drops in so many places many people get it and so put in on the TP meaning the best way to get them is with gold to buy it by doing content that again drops good loot in general (but nothing specific). The other way is of course by putting items in the cash-shop. Anything in the cash-shop is only obtainable with gold. (cash does not count when talking about game-play).
The rewards and the content go hand in hand. I see many people having fun using one of those grabber machines at a fair. Trust me, they won’t like it any-more if the toy they grab and put in the hole does not drop out of the frond of the machine. Anet very much know thats well sort of. That’s why they monetize that part. If people would not want that they would not monetize it because they would not earn any money with it. Problem is that by monetizing that part they remove it (or devalue it) from the content and so the game becomes boring.
I Will repeat my question again. where is my high level end game rewarding content
I will add that i am not talking about wow raid like stuff (never played wow fyi, only played gw1 since its begining)
I will also add that i am not talking about a gear grind.
Just to make thing clear and to make people understand that what i am looking for is something instanced to do with other player that is harder than fractal or arah. Something that you have to practice over and over again for awesome rewards. Ever heard of DOA in gw1? (Thats where your tormented skin come from fyi)
It’d be hard for all of a week, but people would figure out how to do it, start farming it and then you’d be back to whining on the forums about how easy it is.
And once everyone was farming it and running around with the same rewards you’d be complaining how it’s not rewarding.
Yeah .. just look for example on the initial price of the Tequatl Mini and where it is now : drop-rates are really low, then nearly nobody plays the content like New Twighlight Arbor Path, and those Items are still expensive, or the things drop more often so everyone plays it and then prices go down, just like all the Champion Weapons.
So you think the drop-rates are different? I don’t know the drop-rates but I think (and it would make sense) that drop-rates are the same for those two cases. However many people are ‘grinding’ the same content for gold. Mainly Champions and World-bosses. That’s why in total still many people get the Tequatl mini to drop and so the TP overflows with the mini lowering the price. That dungeon path is not part of the content people farm a lot so the prices stay high even with similar drop rates. It really proof what I am saying if drop-rates are the same. In fact when you would higher the price so it becomes more obtainable for people the prices might still stay lower as the Tequatl mini simply because it does not get farmed that much.
everything they continue to add in terms of rewards is GEMSTORE ITEMS thats it.
Really? I mean, everything?
The few special exotics which are restricted to coming out of certain types of champion bags are gemstore items? I had no idea. Show me where they are in the gemstore, it’d save me some time.
The tokens for taking part in the WvW Season 2 are gemstore related? Please, sir, direct me to where I can pay for some of these on the gemstore, I’d love to complete my wardrobe.
The Tequatl-chest related goods? Super Adventure Box skins? Those are available from the gemstore? Wow . . .
There is no special loot hunt. Just farm gold as much as you can just buy it from TP. Run your daily dungeons NOT FOR THE LOOT, but for the daily 1g. thats terrible design and its been here for 2 years now.
Well, you could farm gold. Or you could go out there and actually do stuff for it. And I don’t really think the dungeon daily run is near as fun as dropping into WvW when it’s packed and active.
Anyway, whatever. Some people are still “waiting for end game content” and I’m still waiting for many of them to bother explaining why we should add it . . . aside for keeping the 1% of players who would go into doing it happy for a few months until they get bored.
You know, same as every other game and its end-game content.
Thanks for proving my point. Everything is skins related. There is absolutely no diversity in loot. Whatever you keep mentioning, is just skins. Why oh why is that all anet can continue to come up with after 2 years? Lets add more and more skins to an already massive wardrobe.
Teq boxes? you serious? 99% of the time its just more greens/blues/yellows. Maybe i’ll get a pet or ascended box one day lol. But i like teq because its not just spam 1 to win (for the most part)
End game is purely cosmetics (outside of ascended gear, which is fairly easy to achieve, just time gated) , but thats it. If thats what the majority of the players want, than so be it.
I Will repeat my question again. where is my high level end game rewarding content
I will add that i am not talking about wow raid like stuff (never played wow fyi, only played gw1 since its begining)
I will also add that i am not talking about a gear grind.
Just to make thing clear and to make people understand that what i am looking for is something instanced to do with other player that is harder than fractal or arah. Something that you have to practice over and over again for awesome rewards. Ever heard of DOA in gw1? (Thats where your tormented skin come from fyi)
It’d be hard for all of a week, but people would figure out how to do it, start farming it and then you’d be back to whining on the forums about how easy it is.
And once everyone was farming it and running around with the same rewards you’d be complaining how it’s not rewarding.
Yeah .. just look for example on the initial price of the Tequatl Mini and where it is now : drop-rates are really low, then nearly nobody plays the content like New Twighlight Arbor Path, and those Items are still expensive, or the things drop more often so everyone plays it and then prices go down, just like all the Champion Weapons.
So you think the drop-rates are different? I don’t know the drop-rates but I think (and it would make sense) that drop-rates are the same for those two cases. However many people are ‘grinding’ the same content for gold. Mainly Champions and World-bosses. That’s why in total still many people get the Tequatl mini to drop and so the TP overflows with the mini lowering the price. That dungeon path is not part of the content people farm a lot so the prices stay high even with similar drop rates. It really proof what I am saying if drop-rates are the same. In fact when you would higher the price so it becomes more obtainable for people the prices might still stay lower as the Tequatl mini simply because it does not get farmed that much.
All i wanted to say is, that the Twighlight Path in theory must be exactly what some people always want .. the challenge with high rewards. But .. since the reward drops not every now and then they don’t play that content.
But if now ANet would make the droprate higher everyone now plays that content suddenly and the market will be flooded with those items, so prices go down and suddenly its no longer “rewarding”.
In the end .. whatever they do .. its wrong.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I Will repeat my question again. where is my high level end game rewarding content
I will add that i am not talking about wow raid like stuff (never played wow fyi, only played gw1 since its begining)
I will also add that i am not talking about a gear grind.
Just to make thing clear and to make people understand that what i am looking for is something instanced to do with other player that is harder than fractal or arah. Something that you have to practice over and over again for awesome rewards. Ever heard of DOA in gw1? (Thats where your tormented skin come from fyi)
It’d be hard for all of a week, but people would figure out how to do it, start farming it and then you’d be back to whining on the forums about how easy it is.
And once everyone was farming it and running around with the same rewards you’d be complaining how it’s not rewarding.
Yeah .. just look for example on the initial price of the Tequatl Mini and where it is now : drop-rates are really low, then nearly nobody plays the content like New Twighlight Arbor Path, and those Items are still expensive, or the things drop more often so everyone plays it and then prices go down, just like all the Champion Weapons.
So you think the drop-rates are different? I don’t know the drop-rates but I think (and it would make sense) that drop-rates are the same for those two cases. However many people are ‘grinding’ the same content for gold. Mainly Champions and World-bosses. That’s why in total still many people get the Tequatl mini to drop and so the TP overflows with the mini lowering the price. That dungeon path is not part of the content people farm a lot so the prices stay high even with similar drop rates. It really proof what I am saying if drop-rates are the same. In fact when you would higher the price so it becomes more obtainable for people the prices might still stay lower as the Tequatl mini simply because it does not get farmed that much.
All i wanted to say is, that the Twighlight Path in theory must be exactly what some people always want .. the challenge with high rewards. But .. since the reward drops not every now and then they don’t play that content.
But if now ANet would make the droprate higher everyone now plays that content suddenly and the market will be flooded with those items, so prices go down and suddenly its no longer “rewarding”.
In the end .. whatever they do .. its wrong.
I don’t think that would be the case here but in general yeah. If they add one new thing with better drops then people will move there. Like I said before. It’s important to do that all over the game at the same time. Then it would work and it does work on other games. So not everything they do have to be wrong. But they did make many mistakes especially (mainly) after release. No denying that.
I miss my personal story. It was gripping, and kept me interested in finishing it through to the end. I had drive, a coherent plot, and characters I grew to enjoy/hate. It was a very basic, but well executed aspect of the game I missed dearly once I had finished.
I know they’re trying to focus on Living World content as a means of end game and we all know dungeons and WvW are decent end game as well, but Season 1 was incredibly boring, and I’ve never liked the “play now or never get the chance” aspect of it all. Not to mention I feel like Scarlet was the biggest plot hole filler in GW2 history… not that I would know for sure.
I think GW should try at least to expand on your personal story a bit, not to mention all the closed zones in the Guild Wars 2 map that they could release as a standalone expansion. (Factions/Nightfall cough) At the very VERY least, I would like to see a bit more permanent content. (New weapon type? skills? NOT Gemstore items?)
Just imo, really… I was hooked until level 80. Now I’m trying desperately to find things to do that don’t involve champ farming or farming for my crafting. It quickly becomes more about grinding for any sort of endgame gear (ascended for agony resistance) than it does just playing the game for fun. You have dozens of ways to level, different avenues to explore, which was something I’ve always loved about GW2. You hit level 80 and the avenues go back to the same grind every MMO has since the dawn of time.
On top of that GWs even ‘fixes’ farming so people can’t make decent cash, EVEN WITH THE MIND NUMBING BULLCRAP THEY GO THROUGH. Right now, the only decent way I’ve found of making money is doing my daily and spending my laurel on T6 mats. It’s about 1g a day… which is nice compared to the all day champ farming I was trying to accomplish.
At some point this became about endgame content, and steered into my problems with GW2, but I hope this at least helps someone, sorry I got so off track. :P
Am I in the wrong game?
If you want gear treadmills and constant raids that replace everything before it every few months. Yes, you are indeed. This game does have endgame content but it’s quite a bit different than most other MMOs. PvP and WvW are basically it. If you are a pver exclusively then there is going to be little for you to do endgame wise other than the LS every few weeks, and that takes… a day or so to finish off.
I’m really sad that you’re more or less correct. I’ve never enjoyed WvW all that much because it’s always biggest zerg wins. Sure there are rare occasions that may change the outcome from time to time, but 9/10 you’re bigger zerg will get the drop on anything that isn’t a castle. To me, that deludes the entire strategy behind large scale war, which in turn makes me hate WvW as a means of any sort of actual progression. The blue Dorito will over rule any coherent thought the player has for fear of being picked off by a passing group of more than 1 player.
I don’t want a gear treadmill, I just want something to work for that I don’t have to craft or spend days upon days farming the same crap for aesthetic or otherwise. Is that too much to ask for?
ALL must bow to the RNG gods.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
I whish I saved all the links where Anet talked about Endgame and how there is no true endgame content for gw2 since it starts at lvl 1 unlike other games that many of you are used too.
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet
High FOTMs rewarding? Nice joke.
FoTM 50 has highest drop chance of ascended gear/infused rings available in-game. So yes – its rewarding based on how game is “low-rewarding”.
A couple of things:
First of all, level 30+ can still drop uninfused rings (which should have been fixed months ago, or at least an explanation should have been given why they updated this). And uninfused rings are pretty worthless.
Secondly, although yes, Fractals has the highest chance of dropping Ascended weapon/armor boxes, there is still RNG tied to the boxes. I’ve got a Healer’s chest in my bank that I’m never going to open, because I don’t use armor sets with Healing power in it. Maybe if I ever decided to start doing WvW (not a very big chance), I might use it for the Celestial stats, but other than that, I have no use for it.
A lot of people who play Fractals only really need Raider’s chests, but guess what, if you get an armor chest, there’s only a 1/4 chance you’ll get that chest, because you also have Defender’s, Healer’s and Malicious. None of these give armor stats that I am interested in. I can’t use them. So, even if I did get an armor chest, I’ve only got a 1/4 chance I’ll actually use it.
The RNG on Ascended weapon boxes is even worse. There are 19 different weapon stats. Only 2 of these are stats I’d even bother using on any of my characters: Berserker’s and Assassin’s. Any other weapon stat is practically useless to me. I did get a Rabbid chest once that I used to give my warrior a Longbow (a weapon I’ll most likely never use, but if I ever would, it would be in a condi solo build, in which case, it’s kinda nice). So, that’s a 2/19 chance I’ll even use the weapon box.
So, using the data from the spreadsheet some people are keeping, which says that Fractal lvl50 has a 9.09% chance to give a weapon box, and a 12.73% chance to give an armor box, that gives me a total chance of 0.95% chance I’ll get a useful weapon and a 3.2% chance I’ll get a useful armor chest. The weapon drop rates are about 4% for lvl49 and 1.83% for lvl50 (but it’s a small sample size, so I’ll say a 3% overall). So, that all added together, means that I’ve got a grand total of around 7% chance a lvl50 Fractal will give me something useful. That is, if I don’t get another freaking Fractal Sword (5 and counting), or another skin I already got.
Tell me again how rewarding Fractal lvl50 is.
People demanding end game content generally demand the accompanying ‘better gear than everyone else,’ which leads to another gear based mmo. No thanks.
That’s what I don’t understand with many of these threads where players want to change gw2 into other games that they’ve played instead of enjoying this one for what it is.
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet
People demanding end game content generally demand the accompanying ‘better gear than everyone else,’ which leads to another gear based mmo. No thanks.
That’s what I don’t understand with many of these threads where players want to change gw2 into other games that they’ve played instead of enjoying this one for what it is.
ARWEN never proposed anything like that, if anything, he proposed to complete opposite. I’m not saying his message was delivered perfectly (far from), but I agree with most of it.
He was referring back to GW1 end-game content, which wasn’t gear gated, time gated or a deliberate grind. It was fun (at least to me), challenging, rewarding, and here’s a shocker, completely optional.
And before anyone accuses me of having nostalgia tainted glasses, after the Fractured update, I actually quit GW2 and went back to GW1, and played all the elite areas again, and still loved every minute of it, despite the fact that the rewards are pretty worthless to me now.
GW1 end-game had the virtue of having every reward being sellable, meaning that someone who didn’t want to bother doing the area could just buy it using money acquired elsewhere (although some people might disagree that this is a good thing, I hardly think the RNG-gated Fractal weapons or the dungeon token based Dungeon weapons are so much better, since neither really hold prestige).
As for the areas themselves, without going into the “ehrmegurd, Shadow Form was broken, and the team builds were gimmicky” debate, they required teamwork and knowledge of the area, and were really unforgiving when it came to dieing (as in wipe = you’re done).
Some of them had some pretty nifty and creative mechanics (Deep, Urgoz, 4 Horsemen, …). Some were maybe a titbit too rewarding (DoASC 30min runs), but it required a really experienced team, so I personally think it wasn’t unbalanced. Especially seeing how the disproportionate rewards came from the time spent clearing rather than the area itself. As it was pretty unrewarding for people who choose safer, but slower tactics.
So no, ARWEN isn’t asking for gear-gated raids that require tons of grind. He’s asking for a format like GW1, where you had rewarding, optional, challenging end-game areas that required teamwork to be cleared fast, with rewards that aren’t account/soulbound so people who don’t want to do the content shouldn’t be gated from the rewards.
Thanks for proving my point. Everything is skins related.
No, your quoted comment was how it was all in the cash shop. All of it. I just sighed and listed what you could get without using the cash shop.
Though if you want to change your point, that’s okay with me. “Everything is skins related.” As opposed to chasing stats? I’m not remotely interested in playing another MMO where stat-inflated items are the end-game goal. I’m barely interested in playing games where that’s the case – I ran so fast from the Diablo series when I had to start playing the loot roulette, I left my saves behind. I don’t even particularly like how Terraria has begun that crap. Borderline on Monster Hunter, because at least the game is fun while its RNG craps on me.
But your point, “everything is skins related” is much more interesting to me to play with after I hit the maximum level than “everything is stats related”.
There is absolutely no diversity in loot. Whatever you keep mentioning, is just skins. Why oh why is that all anet can continue to come up with after 2 years? Lets add more and more skins to an already massive wardrobe.
Because that’s how they want their game to play? Not about the stat inflation people hate (anyone recall that announcement of Ascended and the year-long scream about how the vertical progression wasn’t desired?).
But if you want another reason, I understand ANet has a lot of artists on staff who don’t do much once things are released compared to the devs, who are sort of constantly at work. The stuff which gets added is probably someone’s tinkering around with ideas and making a mock-up which they think look cool.
Teq boxes? you serious?
Yes. Because they exist outside of the cash shop, while you claimed that’s where all the skins were.
End game is purely cosmetics (outside of ascended gear, which is fairly easy to achieve, just time gated) , but thats it. If thats what the majority of the players want, than so be it.
I fail to see what the problem is with the end game being purely cosmetic with a few occasional diversions like the festivals and living story. Mind you, that’s a lot of what went on in Guild Wars 1 – purely cosmetic loot after level 20.
So no, ARWEN isn’t asking for gear-gated raids that require tons of grind. He’s asking for a format like GW1, where you had rewarding, optional, challenging end-game areas that required teamwork to be cleared fast, with rewards that aren’t account/soulbound so people who don’t want to do the content shouldn’t be gated from the rewards.
But most of the rewards were skins, or ways to get skins, and the person I just replied to seemed to think that wasn’t enough.
So what is?
I’d go play Wildstar if you want that stuff..
I want a FoW, UW,DoA type experience for GW2. There just isn’t enough rewarding content in GW2.
Even the EoTN dungeons had rare skins and the dungeons themselves were fun.
Aetherblade falls in that category and it is ok but we need more like that.
If Season 2 of the LS doesn’t have more content like DoA or UW I can’t see myself playing much, there is 0 reason
Going to UW, FoW and DoA felt epic. There is little epicness in GW2 as far as dungeons
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
ARWEN never proposed anything like that…
ARWEN hasn’t proposed anything. This entire thread is bait.
I want a FoW, UW,DoA type experience for GW2. There just isn’t enough rewarding content in GW2.
Even the EoTN dungeons had rare skins and the dungeons themselves were fun.
Aetherblade falls in that category and it is ok but we need more like that.
If Season 2 of the LS doesn’t have more content like DoA or UW I can’t see myself playing much, there is 0 reason![]()
Going to UW, FoW and DoA felt epic. There is little epicness in GW2 as far as dungeons
While I also would like something on the same scale as that, I’d be afraid that if the rewards for doing it extremely outweighed the rewards found in other parts of the game – then we would see more dead zones/areas again. I still want something like DoA, I just don’t want it to ruin the rest of the game either.
I miss my personal story. It was gripping, and kept me interested in finishing it through to the end. I had drive, a coherent plot, and characters I grew to enjoy/hate. It was a very basic, but well executed aspect of the game I missed dearly once I had finished.
I know they’re trying to focus on Living World content as a means of end game and we all know dungeons and WvW are decent end game as well, but Season 1 was incredibly boring, and I’ve never liked the “play now or never get the chance” aspect of it all. Not to mention I feel like Scarlet was the biggest plot hole filler in GW2 history… not that I would know for sure.
I think GW should try at least to expand on your personal story a bit, not to mention all the closed zones in the Guild Wars 2 map that they could release as a standalone expansion. (Factions/Nightfall cough) At the very VERY least, I would like to see a bit more permanent content. (New weapon type? skills? NOT Gemstore items?)
Just imo, really… I was hooked until level 80. Now I’m trying desperately to find things to do that don’t involve champ farming or farming for my crafting. It quickly becomes more about grinding for any sort of endgame gear (ascended for agony resistance) than it does just playing the game for fun. You have dozens of ways to level, different avenues to explore, which was something I’ve always loved about GW2. You hit level 80 and the avenues go back to the same grind every MMO has since the dawn of time.
On top of that GWs even ‘fixes’ farming so people can’t make decent cash, EVEN WITH THE MIND NUMBING BULLCRAP THEY GO THROUGH. Right now, the only decent way I’ve found of making money is doing my daily and spending my laurel on T6 mats. It’s about 1g a day… which is nice compared to the all day champ farming I was trying to accomplish.
At some point this became about endgame content, and steered into my problems with GW2, but I hope this at least helps someone, sorry I got so off track. :P
Personally I am not a big fan of the PS however I think you might like season 2 because the way they explained it that might be exactly what you are looking for. It’s an continuation of your PS but in a more LS way. And permanent.
ARWEN never proposed anything like that…
ARWEN hasn’t proposed anything. This entire thread is bait.
It’s nice discussion, mostly. I mean, if you get past the people who think “having something of end-game difficulty” is going to automatically make the stuff they put in worth getting. That didn’t even work for War in Kryta, let alone Underworld and Domain of Anguish.
But you’re right, ARWEN just pretty much parrots the same question in different phrasings without stating what do they want . . .
People demanding end game content generally demand the accompanying ‘better gear than everyone else,’ which leads to another gear based mmo. No thanks.
I don’t see anybody saying that. Well there was 1 guy here who asked for a gear treadmill.
So no, ARWEN isn’t asking for gear-gated raids that require tons of grind. He’s asking for a format like GW1, where you had rewarding, optional, challenging end-game areas that required teamwork to be cleared fast, with rewards that aren’t account/soulbound so people who don’t want to do the content shouldn’t be gated from the rewards.
But most of the rewards were skins, or ways to get skins, and the person I just replied to seemed to think that wasn’t enough.
So what is?
That was indeed the one person asking for a gear threadmill.
Am I in the wrong game?
If you want gear progression/threadmills then yes.
~Sincerely, Scissors
People demanding end game content generally demand the accompanying ‘better gear than everyone else,’ which leads to another gear based mmo. No thanks.
That’s what I don’t understand with many of these threads where players want to change gw2 into other games that they’ve played instead of enjoying this one for what it is.
B-B-B-BUT, The way it is SUCKS
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
It’s hard to have good end-game content requiring team coordination when the game has no defined roles. The new trinity of damage, support, control never materialized. Without roles there’s less emphasis on teamwork and coordination. Without teamwork and coordination, the content feels like a jumble of meaningless operations.
It’s hard to have good end-game content requiring team coordination when the game has no defined roles. The new trinity of damage, support, control never materialized. Without roles there’s less emphasis on teamwork and coordination. Without teamwork and coordination, the content feels like a jumble of meaningless operations.
thats a entirely different topic (even thou I agree, there is no set define roles in this game, just do whatever you want, just know your class and know when to dodge , you will win easily at anything in PvE lol)
What I’m saying is why can’t there be rewarding content for difficulty. Teq box is not rewarding at all. Triple threat is a tough open world raid as well and whats the reward? o more greens and blues. Thats just terrible. Spin it however you want to. Its always boiled down to being rewarded nothing but scraps at w/e you do.
You want cool new skins but cant cash out real money? cool, just farm gold mindlessly. You cant farm any specific content to get a specific skin (outside fractal weapon skins which is stupidly rare btw and dung spec armors)
lol why do people keep defending gw2 in this? I love this game too, but after 2 years of promises and content being predominantly temporary, while also being just a rehash of last years same content I’ve given up hope. I know a lot of you are still new and it seems like there is so much more but soon you will hit the same wall.
LS isn’t working, does anyone honestly know what the hell is going on? besides a giant sylvari brought robots and ufo’s to kill everyone? I would assume one would need an actual story to create a living one.
have legendary and several lvl 80’s, i beat the game i guess.
Atm there’s no rewarding high level PvE endgame. The most difficult would probably be fractals, but with the messed up loot table atm it’s far from rewarding. Dungeons are quite rewarding but of a significantly lower skill level.
It’s waiting for LS 2 I guess, according to the announcement the content would be permanent and the achievements harder to get. How hard? Only time will tell. Personally I’m hoping for a new lvl 80 dungeon that’s at least on the same difficulty level as a lvl 50 fractal and new fractal levels till 60… Yeah I know, I should keep dreaming. xD