That Jungle Explorer Outfit
I especially like how Slyvari/Asura/Charr just clip right through the headpiece. Definitely.
Someone has to have seen these issues sometime during the design process to fit it on all races/genders, right? Did they just look at these and tell themselves, “good enough”? You did it once with the cook outfit; please figure out a way to make it look like you didn’t just release something with intentional clipping that looks passable (Asura shoes come to mind.)
Normally I wouldn’t complain about something like this … but seeing as it’s a gem item for appearances, it seems silly to not fix an issue of its appearance. Other than that, it’s a great look.
(edited by Jin.1234)
Is there some huge practical reason why they can’t make these outfits out of multiple pieces rather than all in one? Sometimes they do it, sometimes they don’t. I’d love to use elements from this outfit alongside other gear but I’m afraid to buy it since I have the feeling this is impossible.
No tail clipping on Charr?! Who are you and what have you done to Anet?!
Wlaadas Frost – Warrior (Charr) Torlic Frost – Guardian (Norn)
I really, really do not like that outfit. Not because it is not well done, but it just seems to belong into some other game.
I guess that old “new GW2 class: commando” joke wasn’t actually all joke. It’s horrible and trash and it surely doesn’t belong in GW. In Far Cry maybe, but not in GW.
I guess that old “new GW2 class: commando” joke wasn’t actually all joke. It’s horrible and trash and it surely doesn’t belong in GW. In Far Cry maybe, but not in GW.
I am so glad you consider the ball cap, shades, sailor knit cap to all fit so much better! I could go on, but I think that covers my point. Get it?
B-b-b-but muh immersion!!!
B-b-b-but muh immersion!!!
Hammers carried in ball gowns keep me immersed.
Hell yes!!! I can finally play as Commando Class!
(Still wish I could mix helm skins with outfits ;-; I wanted the new mask)
(edited by Doggie.3184)
Want, want, want<3
I’m not usually big on outfits but I can see why this is one!
I’m definitely pumped and ready to get my hands on one soon~!
Hell yes!!! I can finally play as Commando Class!
(Still wish I could mix helm skins with outfits ;-;)
Diggin it~
I particularly like how my asura’s toes are sticking out of the shoes . . .
Is there some huge practical reason why they can’t make these outfits out of multiple pieces rather than all in one? Sometimes they do it, sometimes they don’t. I’d love to use elements from this outfit alongside other gear but I’m afraid to buy it since I have the feeling this is impossible.
Yes, technical constraints concerning how the different armors and armor weights seam together. Outfits have no seams, they just sit over your whole character, nullifying that problem at the cost of customization for the purposes of streamlining the creation process and allowing them to put out more outfits than they would otherwise be able to as armors.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
As someone who has a burning hatred for “outfits” in their current design (as opposed to piecing them together from components like they used to), I actually really dig this one. Generally speaking, it’s cool.
I’d actually get it, but for one detail: those scrolly-things just hanging on the front of the jerkin. I have no idea what they are, why I’d be carrying them, and it breaks the flow of the outfit for me. Without them, it looks sleek and streamlined. With it, it looks cluttered and inhibiting.
So my feedback is that the outfit’s cool. But it’s suffered from over-design.
I wouldn’t mind the lack of mix and match if I could at least mix any hat I want to with it. Hats CAN NOT clip so there’s no reason not to allow it.
I’ll just be hatless with a cold head forever and I’ll never have a reason to buy head skins from gem store.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
I had created a jungle outfit. It’s no longer in the game.
I like that a lot. Clever idea.
Still waiting on my Lara Croft original spelunking outfit. :/
The Lara Croft outfit is the endless Khaki tonic.
Hell yes!!! I can finally play as Commando Class!
(Still wish I could mix helm skins with outfits ;-; I wanted the new mask)
I must say, your toon does look good wearing this! Very cool looking!
What’s up with these dubble click to consume outfits??
Were are the actual armor sets, with 6 armor parts??
I dont buy it cause I want armor parts, and not just a potion.
Jungle Explorer Outfit 700gems
Ancestral Outfit 700 gems
Ceremonial Plated Outfit 700 gems
Shadow assassin outfit 700gems
These are outfits that I did want to buy, but didnt. Cause of the fact that they are potions.
1: The dye customisation is limited.
2: If you want to use 1 armor part of that armor set, you are screwed, cause you cant.
I know allot of people with the same thoughts.
Arenanet is missing allot of gems without knowing it it seems.
W v W-r o a m e r
(edited by Hoaxintelligence.4628)
I was really disappointed this ended up being an outfit instead of genuine armor. Outfits, due to their lack of customization and mix and match, just aren’t worth it to me. I know that Anet said they’re doing this so they can produce content more quickly, but I would rather high quality content coming out more rarely then lower quality content coming out quickly. Anet won’t be getting my money this time around, and this would have been a must buy for me if it had come out as an armor skin. I don’t think I’m the only one who feels this way either.
yea I was disappointed that this skin was once again an outfit, I really wanted to mix and match some parts on my engineer so it could finally look like it had some pockets for the gadgets but I guess I’ll just have to get around looking like a thief or ranger. yea I know we have the magitech but I want armour that looks like I’ve got no magic and Im using mechanical gadgets just like the engineer is ment to be, o well here’s to hoping anet changes this at some point.
What’s up with these dubble click to consume outfits??
Were are the actual armor sets, with 6 armor parts??
I dont buy it cause I want armor parts, and not just a potion.Jungle Explorer Outfit 700gems
Ancestral Outfit 700 gems
Ceremonial Plated Outfit 700 gems
Shadow assassin outfit 700gemsThese are outfits that I did want to buy, but didnt. Cause of the fact that they are potions.
1: The dye customisation is limited.
2: If you want to use 1 armor part of that armor set, you are screwed, cause you cant.
I know allot of people with the same thoughts.
Arenanet is missing allot of gems without knowing it it seems.
Outfits aren’t potions. Only Town clothes come as potions.
Furthermore, Outfits have a few Pro’s as well:
- No need for transmuting armor using Transmutation charges, making them great while leveling a character for the sake of not looking like you’re wearing a mix of cobbled-together matresses and Thanksgiving leftovers.
- All outfits so far has come with 4 dye fields, which is often more than enough to make your costume look somewhat unique (And to get the combination you want).
- You can always hide head, shoulders and gloves still, by unchecking the particular box on the armor before equipping the Outfit.
- The outfit, once bought, unlocks for all characters on your account, permanently. This includes new characters created after buying the outfit.
Thief – Duelist | Ranger – Strider | Engineer – Technician |
Elementalist – Spellweaver | Necromancer – Warlock | Mesmer – Trickster |
I especially like how Slyvari/Asura/Charr just clip right through the headpiece. Definitely.
Someone has to have seen these issues sometime during the design process to fit it on all races/genders, right? Did they just look at these and tell themselves, “good enough”? You did it once with the cook outfit; please figure out a way to make it look like you didn’t just release something with intentional clipping that looks passable (Asura shoes come to mind.)
Normally I wouldn’t complain about something like this … but seeing as it’s a gem item for appearances, it seems silly to not fix an issue of its appearance. Other than that, it’s a great look.
There’s nothing wrong with the Chef’s Outfit except for some sort of textural defect on the middle of the back near the waist. This is not as noticeable with dark colors or a backpack (stands out as a gray spot with Celestial).
The ears don’t clip through. The hat actually has a cord that goes under an asura’s ear to hold the hat on. It’s especially noticeable if you give each color block it’s own color and view it up close. The side toes on the shoes are even covered. This is one of the almost perfect outfits I’ve seen so far.
The Jungle Explorer’s Outfit makes my asura look fat with his maximized physique and the ears do indeed appear to clip through the hat, much like the pirate’s outfit.
I think these outfits should have their racial equivalents included for quality, like the Chef’s Outfit.
Edited to add: With regard to hiding parts of outfits, many of the newer ones only allow the head portion to be hidden. The shoulders and hands options make no difference.
Support your local environmentally friendly farmers.
Asuran Mesmer Mind Tricks: “These aren’t the golems you’re looking for.”
(edited by GamerOnline.3650)
Furthermore, Outfits have a few Pro’s as well:
- No need for transmuting armor using Transmutation charges, making them great while leveling a character for the sake of not looking like you’re wearing a mix of cobbled-together matresses and Thanksgiving leftovers.
Point for outfits.
- All outfits so far has come with 4 dye fields, which is often more than enough to make your costume look somewhat unique (And to get the combination you want).
So far, it has actually never (not once :’() been the combination I wanted. Example: I want the jungle adventure outfit with blue jeans, but not with denim shoulders.
- You can always hide head, shoulders and gloves still, by unchecking the particular box on the armor before equipping the Outfit.
That only works for the head. Shoulders and gloves are not separate and cannot be hidden.
- The outfit, once bought, unlocks for all characters on your account, permanently. This includes new characters created after buying the outfit.
The same is true for any armor skins, so I wouldn’t count this as a advantage of outfits over armor skins.
Outfit pros: one out of four. Sorry, not enough to convince me.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
There’s nothing wrong with the Chef’s Outfit except for some sort of textural defect on the middle of the back near the waist. This is not as noticeable with dark colors or a backpack (stands out as a gray spot with Celestial).
The ears don’t clip through. The hat actually has a cord that goes under an asura’s ear to hold the hat on. It’s especially noticeable if you give each color block it’s own color and view it up close. The side toes on the shoes are even covered.
This is one of the almost perfect outfits I’ve seen so far.
I agree. What I meant in my message was to say that it should be handled the same way the chef’s outfit was designed to fit the different races.
@ TheSwede
Please dont act like if the outfits are wonderfull cause its kitten kitten!
I dont want to look like everyone else with the same outfit.
I just need some of the armor parts of the outfits instead of wanting to wear the whole set. You can’t talk this right man.
W v W-r o a m e r
Perfect outfit for an engineer. I love it. Great job ANet!
What I don’t get is the name and description. Jungle outfit and “Getting ready to go into the jungle” when it seems like we are getting further away from Maguuma Jungle like the Magus Falls area.
I’m really not overly keen on this outfit (having finally seen it).
It just doesn’t ….fit? It doesn’t feel like the GW world to me. Like they are trying to make the game into more of a historic warfare mmo than GW.
Commando Class confirmed.
How I stopped kittening and learned to love the outfit.
- I realized that I could buy armor sets for 800 gems or outfits for 700.
- I realized that when I level a character, I change gear every few levels. If I transmute armor every time, I’m going to go through a lot of transmute consumables — basically wasting them because I will need to do it again in a few days (Yeah, yeah, I don’t level very fast).
- I realized that the wardrobe does not do what I wanted it to do, which was to make it easy to switch looks when I feel like it. Outfits do that.
As to this new outfit not fitting the GW2 world, I have a two-word response. Quaggan backpack.
How I stopped kittening and learned to love the outfit.
- I realized that I could buy armor sets for 800 gems or outfits for 700.
- I realized that when I level a character, I change gear every few levels. If I transmute armor every time, I’m going to go through a lot of transmute consumables — basically wasting them because I will need to do it again in a few days (Yeah, yeah, I don’t level very fast).
- I realized that the wardrobe does not do what I wanted it to do, which was to make it easy to switch looks when I feel like it. Outfits do that.
As to this new outfit not fitting the GW2 world, I have a two-word response. Quaggan backpack.
Having an outfit is indeed handy for leveling characters. No disagreement there.
As for Quaggan packpacks…. or Tybalt backpacks… or Fuzzy Panda head gear…. yeah…. No argument there either.
Still don’t make me like it or feel any different. :p
I don’t see what the fuss is about. I looked at it once, decided I didn’t like it and didn’t bother with it again. It doesn’t matter if the outfit fits in or not with my idea of immersion because Tyria is Anet’s world, not mine. The one thing I will say is that I like having options and this outfit is another option. I would hope people would stop arguing against that.
My problem is that Maguuma is no jungle at all so far, it’s dry desert. There’s no map that looks like genuine jungle in GW2!
I think the outfit is actually quite well done, but I agree that it simply does not fit in with the lore that Anet has created (sure, there are other examples of this, but having one more element that breaks my “suspension-of-disbelief” does not help).
The last MMO I played had a fantasy realm similar to GW2. Then they introduced motorcycles into their version of a gem store…….some lines should never be crossed, and Anet is dangerously close with this one.
I think the outfit is actually quite well done, but I agree that it simply does not fit in with the lore that Anet has created (sure, there are other examples of this, but having one more element that breaks my “suspension-of-disbelief” does not help).
The last MMO I played had a fantasy realm similar to GW2. Then they introduced motorcycles into their version of a gem store…….some lines should never be crossed, and Anet is dangerously close with this one.
Again Ball Gowns carrying Hammers fits right in to your immersion? Do I recount the previous other less than immersive content? Shall I start with the fact I loathe Wings and from the prelaunch of the game forward I just knew Anet would add wings cause it’s like carnival corn?
Again Ball Gowns carrying Hammers fits right in to your immersion? Do I recount the previous other less than immersive content? Shall I start with the fact I loathe Wings and from the prelaunch of the game forward I just knew Anet would add wings cause it’s like carnival corn?
If you are going to quote me, at least read my post >.<
Here, I will make it easier for you and re-post what you clearly did not read:
“(sure, there are other examples of this, but having one more element that breaks my “suspension-of-disbelief” does not help)"
If there are any big words there causing you problems with comprehension, please let me know.
(edited by Silvatar.5379)
Dat jungle outfit…….LOL
Wait, did someone say we might get motorcycles?
I like the ranger suit myself. The only outfits I don’t care much for are those with the glowing blue skin. But if others like them, so be it. I much prefer outfits to gear skins as I share my gear and don’t want to spend tokens every time I swap out my main.
Wait, did someone say we might get motorcycles?
The release date for those is slated to coincide with the galleons to coordinate our Pirate Outfits with.
Man that Pirate Outfit just ruins my immersion.
B-b-b-but muh immersion!!!
Hammers carried in ball gowns keep me immersed.
takes a drink
7 feet of standing water does the trick for me…
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
What I don’t get is the name and description. Jungle outfit and “Getting ready to go into the jungle” when it seems like we are getting further away from Maguuma Jungle like the Magus Falls area.
Remember the nature of your adversary. Give it time.
I’m not against it per sé but it does begin to make GW2 look a bit like The Secret World
Also Level 80 Mesmer, Elementalist, Engineer, Thief & Warrior.
I’m not against it per sé but it does begin to make GW2 look a bit like The Secret World
The Secret World is awesome cuz of that though. And the fact that it’s actually an RPG like GW2. No other MMOs are. They should marry eachother.