New character - Best support class?

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forsving.9162


Hello people! I’m once again coming back to gw2 after a few months pause. I’m interested in making a full support character, focusing on (like said) only healing, buffing etc. Though I’m uncertain what class has the best support potential.

I already have 1 level 80 Guardian, I do know they are good support classes, but they feel more like an ‘’off-support’’ class. Perhaps there isn’t a class that can properly take on the role of a ‘’full support’’?

Basically I’m looking for a typical kind of ’’healer’’ from other MMOs, though i’ve had this year for a few years, though I am an roleplayer, meaning I roleplay more than I actually play the game. So my experience in the actual gameplay mechanism of GW2 is minimal.

I’m mostly interested in making a light armored class, though I can if needed try something else…

So for a person looking for a class with the highest full support potential, what should I be looking for?

((this goes for both PVE and PVP purposes))

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


What you’re looking for is likely the Elementalist, which is a light armored equivalent of a Guardian. Elementalists are great for spreading boons amongst allies and auras too, and are very very tanky for a light class (if traited so). The downside is, you will often be despised in dungeons and fractals if built this way, because however we put it, your damage does suffer for it. Sadly (or luckily for some) GW2 focuses on all players going all-out in damage, and only add a little bit of support, since every man has to heal himself and keep himself alive.

That being said, an Elementalist is your best bet definitely.

Hope I helped, if you need any more help add me in-game!

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forsving.9162


What you’re looking for is likely the Elementalist, which is a light armored equivalent of a Guardian. Elementalists are great for spreading boons amongst allies and auras too, and are very very tanky for a light class (if traited so). The downside is, you will often be despised in dungeons and fractals if built this way, because however we put it, your damage does suffer for it. Sadly (or luckily for some) GW2 focuses on all players going all-out in damage, and only add a little bit of support, since every man has to heal himself and keep himself alive.

That being said, an Elementalist is your best bet definitely.

Hope I helped, if you need any more help add me in-game!

Regards, oRx

I really despise the ‘’focus on all players going all-out damage’‘. It destroys variations of gameplay. Though this ain’t no news and it wont help with my arguing about it being a flawed system. Its just sad that it discourages players who prefer to play support roles instead of dps roles…

Though enough complaining about things I cannot change.

What is the focus on PvP then? Does support elementalist work in Spvp or WvW?

Problem is… I am aware that I CAN go full support, but as much as I want to play the role of a support, I don’t want to become useless. I want a reliable and effective support role… But i’m guessing that’s either not possible due to arena-net discouraging supporting or supporting is very limiting..

It really is a shame how it seems like everything is focused on the individual player instead of the groups of players!

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


Support Elementalists are amongst the most desired builds for PvP and/or WvW. They’re also not THIS bad for dungeons since you can stack up might yourself, laze down fire fields, etc..

Should go with one really ;D

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheSwede.9512


The idea that everything is “Full-throttle-rocket” Damage in every direction is WRONG. You GEAR for maximum damage (In the case of the current Meta, often Full Zerker armor, weapon and trinkets) in PvE because the 2 “Support” Stats in the game either scale horribly with powers that heal other players (Healing Power) or just don’t get a big enough bonus from the gear it comes on (Boon Duration).

Basically, forget all the old preconceptions that in order to be good at Support, you have to gear a certain way. That is Not the case in GW2.
Even in Full Zerker gear, a Guardian’s role in Dungeons will always be the Support role, because Guardian is the undisputed King of Defensive Support, putting down Reflects and protecting his allies with Aegis, Protection, Stability, Condition Cleanses and Blinds. Even in Full Zerker, the Elementalist is the undisputed Queen of Offensive Support, with her easy-access Fire Fields and ability to stack mad amounts of Might and Fury in the blink of an eye. Heck, one of the reasons Necromancer isn’t liked much in dungeons is because of their lack of Support, so anyone saying that PvE is all about Damage really has no idea what they’re talking about.

But the most important thing to remember is: You don’t have to be either or, you can be both. With the changes to Traits, you can switch your build with the press off a button. There’s absolutely nothing that says you can’t have 1 set of Cleric gear and 1 set of Berserker gear in your backpack. The Mantra in Guild Wars 2 is “Adapt, adapt, adapt”, as you can change your build on the fly.
In a Speed Run group with people who can keep themselves alive on their own? Slap on that Zerker gear and go 6/6/0/2/0 and just melt everything with Fire.
In a casual run with people who don’t care for meta, speedrunning or either? Then you can slap on your Cleric gear and go 0/0/2/6/6 with clear conscience.

Warrior – Wardancer | Guardian – Lorekeeper | Revenant – Vindicator |
Thief – Duelist | Ranger – Strider | Engineer – Technician |
Elementalist – Spellweaver | Necromancer – Warlock | Mesmer – Trickster |

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Runewolf.8456


ele has best heals and field buffs. play staff ele drop meteor storm then switch to water and drop your regen fields/ect. the idea is to do damage and give might/regen/whatever and idealy any class can support. Even as a thief with my PvE build i have prety much every combo finisher in the game so i can spread buffs of all kinds.

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I really despise the ‘’focus on all players going all-out damage’‘. It destroys variations of gameplay. Though this ain’t no news and it wont help with my arguing about it being a flawed system. Its just sad that it discourages players who prefer to play support roles instead of dps roles…

Though enough complaining about things I cannot change.

What is the focus on PvP then? Does support elementalist work in Spvp or WvW?

Problem is… I am aware that I CAN go full support, but as much as I want to play the role of a support, I don’t want to become useless. I want a reliable and effective support role… But i’m guessing that’s either not possible due to arena-net discouraging supporting or supporting is very limiting..

It really is a shame how it seems like everything is focused on the individual player instead of the groups of players!

Sounds like you’re playing the wrong game then.

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


What you’re looking for is likely the Elementalist, which is a light armored equivalent of a Guardian. Elementalists are great for spreading boons amongst allies and auras too, and are very very tanky for a light class (if traited so). The downside is, you will often be despised in dungeons and fractals if built this way, because however we put it, your damage does suffer for it. Sadly (or luckily for some) GW2 focuses on all players going all-out in damage, and only add a little bit of support, since every man has to heal himself and keep himself alive.

That being said, an Elementalist is your best bet definitely.

Hope I helped, if you need any more help add me in-game!

Regards, oRx

I really despise the ‘’focus on all players going all-out damage’‘. It destroys variations of gameplay. Though this ain’t no news and it wont help with my arguing about it being a flawed system. Its just sad that it discourages players who prefer to play support roles instead of dps roles…

Though enough complaining about things I cannot change.

What is the focus on PvP then? Does support elementalist work in Spvp or WvW?

Problem is… I am aware that I CAN go full support, but as much as I want to play the role of a support, I don’t want to become useless. I want a reliable and effective support role… But i’m guessing that’s either not possible due to arena-net discouraging supporting or supporting is very limiting..

It really is a shame how it seems like everything is focused on the individual player instead of the groups of players!

GW2’s combat mechanics is about Damage/Control/Support.
Keep this in mind you need to contribute to the fight with Damage, while using Control skills and Supporting yourself when you must. These are not roles. They are combat mechanics which all classes rely on.

I made a guide which is a sticky on the forums that explains the mechanics and how to make builds, I recommend you check it out.

This should pretty much get you started right.

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ChoChoBo.6503


Check out the GW2 Wiki definition of support

There really wasn’t a class/build that could fit the classic Healer role in GW2.

If you use the wiki’s idea of support then:

Necromancers and Thieves that are traited for AoE blinds are good support.

Then there are the classes that can buff/boon really well, like the Guardian, (Shout)-Warrior, and Elementalist.

If you really want to think outside the box, there is always the CC (Crowd Control) builds, which can be extremely helpful in boss/champion fights. Removing defiance then interrupting big moves, it is really nice for when you’re up against GL in Arah.

I think the only real healer would be the Elementalist, just for the water fields. I mean just about every class can apply an AoE regeneration boon to the party with a trait or two, and more with a rune/sigil. OH! Wells with a Necromancer can be traited for Protection and Regeneration, so it helps the party tank really well.

Good Luck

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lazuli.2098


It really is a shame how it seems like everything is focused on the individual player instead of the groups of players!

In GW2 limiting your support to only healing will not provide much support at all. So if you want to stick to a support role you can 1. follow advice given by others in this thread and learn how to provide other kinds of support in addition to healing, 2. stick to role-playing or 3. play another game – your choice.

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I really despise the ‘’focus on all players going all-out damage’‘. It destroys variations of gameplay. Though this ain’t no news and it wont help with my arguing about it being a flawed system. Its just sad that it discourages players who prefer to play support roles instead of dps roles…

The thing is that is not true. The focus on dps is real don’t get me wrong, but variations of gameplay is real too. Ppl that come from other MMO want to play healer or tank and since there is no such thing in GW2 they automatically assume that there is nothing except DPS. Ya dps is a major focus for every profession, but they also each bring their speciality to the group. You can play support in GW2, its just not the same kind of support that ppl are used too.

Warrior bring offensive buff with banners, fury and might. Guardian bring defensive support with blind, aegis, reflect and protection. Mesmer bring utilities with reflect, portal, pull and boons removal. Ranger bring offensive buff with spotter and frost spirit as well as reflect. Elementalist bring conjure weapons, might and fury. Thief bring stealth for running. Engineer can bring a bit of everything from stealth to might. Only the Necro is in really bad shape right now. All of that is support and can be use in specific situation to help the party go through content, but non of that is mandatory, so you can complete any content with any party composition so you can play with your friend and don’t wait for a specific role or profession in a LFG.

It really is a shame how it seems like everything is focused on the individual player instead of the groups of players!

As you get better in the game and you run with the same group of ppl, you start to see all the teamwork that can be done to make your run easier and faster. We even see these teamwork strategy slowly use by some more experienced pugs. We use the thief to skip through a part, we all use our blast finisher on the smoke or fire field, the rest of the team focus on dps while the guardian protect them, on mobs without defiant you can coordinate you interrupt, on those with defiant everybody deplete it so someone can cc the boss, etc. A lot of little trick that each player do to help the team.

But again, that’s not mandatory. So ppl that play alone are not stuck at some content because pugs can’t complete stuff without coordination.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

New character - Best support class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


This video was posted in a thread (currently page 2) where someone was asking about which is the best healing class.