Legion of Honour [XIII]
Welcome Cat Kat! Invite has been sent. See you in-game!
thanks to all those that keep this train running. ; ))
am ever only on the forums at works – cause when home, i’m with the wifey, in Tyria or asleep lol. and sadly, can’t access the website at work now. well i can, but it’s super obvious that i’m not doing any work. will try to check it out over the weekend or sth ; )))
(so i actually kind of appreciate ANet’s minimalistic designs with this forum lol)
Hi all,
I’m so glad that this post exists… have been playing all alone. Challenged a number of group events on my own, conquered some successfully but more failed. Would really love to go through the difficult missions with you guys as a team.
Name: MissMonster
Main Character: Human Elementalist (currently lv 21)
Current Server: Gunnar’s Hold
Interested Activities: PvE, such as Group Events, Dungeons, Skill Challenges, etc.
Active: (GMT+8): Monday-Thursday 9pm-12am, Friday-Saturday 9pm-3am, Sunday 2pm-12am
Additional Comments: I may seem shy and quiet initially… but I do enjoy the company of friendly and fun people.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N? Y
Welcome to all the new faces who’ve joined in the last few weeks! I’ve been away from the computer since before Christmas, but I hope to see you all in game.
MissMonster, welcome aboard. I’m sure someone will probably get to adding you before I am able to log tonight (also GMT+8), but I’ll check this evening and send an invite if it hasn’t happened.
welcome MissMonster! you’ll find plenty of friendly and awesome folks on GH. : ))) they’ll be sure to help you out. also, make sure you check out the website linked in Helequin’s signature!
gw2 is really fun even solo as i do that quite often, but the experience completely changes when you have a group to do it with. let alone a consistent (and crazy fun) group! : ))
Hello everyone!
Playing for a couple months now, I have been unable to consistently find a good/fun/nice group of people to run with.
I attribute this mainly to my current timezone, Nepal (GMT +5:45); seems that I am always between prime times (even Oceanic). I have been hopping between EU and NA servers looking for the right place to settle down, without luck.
Anyway, I’ve been following this post for awhile now, and I must say that I am very impressed with its success. I’m hoping to meet you all in game. Where do I sign up?! :P
Name: droy
Main Character: Baëlgorn (Asura Necro)
Current Server: Island of Janthir
Interested Activities: Any and all PvE , Dynamic Events, Dungeons, etc. and some WvW
Active: (GMT +5:45) 2pm – 9pm daily
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N? Absolutely!
Welcome to all the new faces who’ve joined in the last few weeks! I’ve been away from the computer since before Christmas, but I hope to see you all in game.
MissMonster, welcome aboard. I’m sure someone will probably get to adding you before I am able to log tonight (also GMT+8), but I’ll check this evening and send an invite if it hasn’t happened.
Thanks a lot for the invite, I’ve joined already
welcome MissMonster! you’ll find plenty of friendly and awesome folks on GH. : ))) they’ll be sure to help you out. also, make sure you check out the website linked in Helequin’s signature!
gw2 is really fun even solo as i do that quite often, but the experience completely changes when you have a group to do it with. let alone a consistent (and crazy fun) group! : ))
Hi akamon! Yeah I like GH very much to the extent that I don’t wanna change server unless extremely necessary… but still looking for a consistent group to explore together
Invite sent droy/Baëlgorn, and welcome to OU.
Hello all, I’ve been browsing this topic for a while and since my current guild is starting to fade away I wanted to know if I could join yours?
Name: Liquid Shadow (also go by Jon)
Main Character: Dafyd Numbra – Human Mesmer (80)
Other Characters: Rowan Duskbough – Sylvari Engineer (80), Jett Darkclaw – Charr Ranger (80), Blipp Catastrophic – Asura Thief (80), Jorge Numbra – Norn Necromancer (29), Warrior, Guardian, and Elementalist TBD.
Current Server: Fort Aspenwood (though I’m perfectly willing to change to one with more people from the guild)
Interested Activities: Mostly PvE, although I have been enjoying the occasional wander through WvW. If I’m available I always enjoy helping others with dungeons, world completion, personal story, DEs, etc.
Additional Comments: I don’t tend to talk too much, mostly enjoying watching conversations go by in chat and chip in if I have something relevant to add.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N? Sure
Folks need to start making DE groups since Anet has said that:
1) some DEs my not even activate unless there are at least 10 people very near the DE.
2) most of the best items can not be obtained unless there are people people in the DE
waves warmly
Greetings to you all – Newbie to GW2 who wouldn’t mind making friends and meeting interesting people in-game ocassionaly. An altaholic who’s been playing about a month on Yarnished Coast server. I’m from UK but my playtimes often vary or are irregular so finding people can be tricky. An older player with adequate MMO & RPG experience seeks extra fun and experiences in GW2.
Name: Alf (hoping to change this when they add a change account name option)
Main Character: Dunraven Grey (40’s), Papa Crow (30’s), Bearwolf Grey (20’s)
Current Server: Tarnished Coast
Interested Activities: Dungeons, PvE, PvP, RP, Social & Crafting, Exploring
Active: Varies but often most mornings or nights
Additional Comments: I don’t have a working soundcard or mic so no voice for me but happy to type for chat though I’m often happy to remain quiet as well.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N? YES
(edited by Alf.9137)
Name : Farscaper
Main Char : Sylvari – Necromancer (Farscaper)
Server : DragonBrand
Interested Activities, PVE, Dungeons, Events.
Active: When i’m on i’m on.
Additional Comments: I don’t mind joining a guild. As long we play nice and be fair to each other.
Time Zone – Pacific.
Name: Gary
Main Character: Sidewalk Prophet – level 80 Guardian
Current Server: Fergusson’s Crossing, but would be more than willing to move.
Interested Activities: Anything PVE. Have not tried PVP or WVW yet.
Active: Most weeknights about 8pm to 10pm EST, but will often go much later if having a lot of fun. I also play on the weekends, but those times vary a lot.
Additional Comments: I’m very easy going and I play for fun. I normally play solo just because I’m not outgoing enough to make friends in game. But I very much enjoy playing with other people, especially in this game. I’m always willing to help anyone anyway I can.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N? Y
(edited by Gary.7105)
Hey everybody. This is a pretty great thing you have going on. Quick introduction: I’ve been playing since launch, I’m a bit of an altoholic so I have 80 ranger (Hah!), 80 ele, 80 theif, and then low level guard and mesmer.
Name: Ethics
Main Character: Ahkwah
Current Server: Sea of Sorrows
Interested Activities: Dungeons, PvE/event farming, guild chat banter
Active: Week nights (est) and weekends
Additional Comments: I love me some dungeons
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Y
Hey I’m Jahk! I’m more than willing to join this epic band of chums!
I’m kind of looking for people to play with, it’s been really boring with doing the MM part of the ORPG….. being lv 80 with no lv 80 armour of weapons it’d be nice to crawl some dungeons to get some sweet gear
Name: Copperwhite
Main Character: Guardian ( Cleric build) lv 80
Current Server: Desolation
Interested Activities: Socialising, Dungeons, PvE, Occasional PvP and a splidge of WvW
Active: Mainly evenings and weekends (depends of university work)
Additional Comments: I like to play more of a support and more of a team player . I like to keep the guild chat going! also roll on them dungeons!
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?:
of course !
(edited by jahkofhearts.9612)
Wow! This project (and thread) has really taken off well. Nice job everyone.
I tried reading as much as I could, here and on the guild forum, but I’m still left with some newbie questions…
1. How does cross-server guilding work? I’m on TC and would really like to stay there.
2. How does multi-guilding work? I have no problem representing but the majority of my time will be spent with my current guild so I’d prefer to rep them whenever I can.
Those two should be enough to let me know if I can contribute properly or not. I really want to as I feel that I have enough invested into GW2 at this point that I could be beneficial to others in more ways than one.
Thanks for any insight.
welcome to all the people who posted in here, I’ve sent you all invites (I hope I didn’t miss anyone).
1. cross-server guild works more like a hub for people to chat. there are a number of us across a few servers, so people can group and look for help from people on the same server, or easily find dungeon groups in the same region. saying that there are quite a few of us on TC, so there is no need for you to move server
2. how mulit-guilding works, well you can switch representing if you need to shout out for help, or just for change in who you talk to. we don’t require representation, but it is nice to have when you’re doing things with others from the guild but again, you don’t have to. the guild is used as a hub, like I said, so you can easily see if people are online, instead of having a huge friends list.
<- That guy over there.
Main: Have 3 level 80’s (Warrior, Ranger and brand new level 80 Guardian – just hit 80 about an hour and a half ago).
Server: Sea of Sorrows
Interests: PvE and Exploration, but would like to get into groups for dungeon runs since I have very little experience with the dungeons (I have only done a few). Have dabbled in WvW.
Active:Playtimes vary, but I can usually get on for at least 4 hours a day.
Comments: This is outside the box of what’s considered “The Norm” and I like the idea. I’ve been playing MMO’s for the better part of 16 years and this is a first for me. I’d like to be a part of it.
Name: Alythara
Main Character: Niira Lux – 80 Guardian, also have an 80 ranger and I like alts
Current Server: Sea of Sorrows
Interested Activities: Socializing, Dungeons (I’ve done very few so far), PvE, Occasional WvW
Active: Varies but play often
Name: Tarroes
Main Character: Tarroe Unahzaal (80 ele)
Current Server: Jade Quarry (willing to move)
Interested Activities: leveling alts (prefferably in groups, if you wanna level some alts together, toss me a mail), Dungeons, occasional WvW or PVP
Active: i can be on anytime except tuesday and sunday from 10:30 pm- 4:00 am(swtor raids)
Additional Comments: havnt played in month or so, i also have a mumble server so if you wanna level some alts we can use it (i would prefer if you have a mic)
*Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N? nty
I will send you an invite if someone hasn’t already by the time I get on today. We originally didn’t have many people that had experience with dungeons, but now we have piles that can help you with pretty much anything you’d like to learn or accomplish.
@Alythara and Tarroes
It’s nice to (sort of) meet you both. Even if you don’t want to join, anyone can feel free to add me as a friend in game. When I’m online I will happily answer any questions and if I’m not already doing something I’d be happy to assist with other things as well.
@ Kaii
Haven’t gotten an invite yet. And Alythara is wanting to join.
@ Kaii
Haven’t gotten an invite yet. And Alythara is wanting to join.
Oh okay, that’s not a problem. A somewhat unofficial welcome to you both from me then. I’ll see if I can get online for a minute here and send you an invite. I won’t be able to stay atm though.
EDIT: Okay both have been sent There are always plenty of people online, but if you’re on when I actually “get on” later then I’ll be sure to say hello officially!
(edited by Kaii.5149)
Name: Zaenio (in-game name that you would use to add me)
Main Character: Zaenio, Level 80 Engineer
Alternative Characters: Zaeniya, level ~15 Elementalist; Zaeniaz, level ~25 Guardian; Zaenios, level ~15 warrior. I’ll make a new character/alt if needed to match-up levels.
Current Server: Fort Aspenwood (free xfer is up, so i’m willing to switch to any other server)
Interested Activities: Anything and everything, though I’m currently interested in leveling alt characters for fun
Active: I can be available between 6am and 9pm PST, my schedule is very flexible
Additional Comments: I played GW2 extensively for the first two weeks after it launched before i had to stop playing. I spent a lot of time reading reddit, these forums, playing the Beta and watching various livestreams, and was (and still am) very knowledgeable about the game. I was one of the wealthiest players in the game at that time, acquiring over 900 gold in that time-span. I just recently started playing again and am looking to level a new character for fun. I’m mainly just looking for another person to quest/level with, ideally someone that is interested in getting 100% map completion. I’m not interested in speed-leveling (e.g., farming the same 2-4 events for hours on end or running the same dungeon multiple times). Any personal skill-level is fine with me (i’m not an elitist) though i’d prefer a partner that is familiar with video games in general; New GW2 players are totally fine by me and I’ll even help set you up with bags/gear and answer any and all questions that i can answer.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Affirmative
(edited by SeanPoez.8407)
Name: Beatsbury
Main Character: Sigmar Skysword
Current Server: Ruins of Surmia
Interested Activities: Me and my beloved wife were just enlightened (by multiple deaths in ascalonian ruins) that 2 players is not enough for all activities in GW2 so.. looking for friendly players without major quirks to chat, occasionally run dungeons and do other stuff. We run a proud guild of 2 members named “Tea Club”.
Active: Play mainly after 4-5 PM GMT. Work and stuff.. you know
Additional Comments: It is not obligatory but we’d love to play with people who try to stay in sense choosing their character names. Too tired of SAYSOMETINLOLs and Motherloving Pwnzors who usually act like they name their characters.
And one more thing: english is not our native language, so be ready to laugh.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Why not, it’s a good cause.
(edited by Beatsbury.1827)
Name: D
Main Character: Ritgar
Current Server: Henge of Denravi
Interested Activities: PvE (Dynamic Events & Personal Story assist if needed), Dungeon Hunts (Story and Explorer Mode), Dragon Smack-downs.
Active: I work nights, my nights off vary but when I’m on, I’m on for a good amount of times.
Additional Comments: I help if I can if it’s answering questions or game play, I cannot provide “Build” information as I have never played games like this to “peak” numbers so you’ll need to ask someone else. I also do Dungeon Story modes to help those who need to go through them for the first time. These are never speed runs so keep that in mind if you join up with an alt and have been through them, however if everyone has been through it then yes, by all means we are hauling butt. I am not looking to join Guilds as I have a habit of telling Guild Leaders and other Guildies to go **** themselves when they get in-game power trips.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: No clue, only the Shadow knows.
Hello, everyone, and very sorry for my long absence. I don’t even know what it was, school has been crazy, and everything else in life has been crowding out my extra time. It’s weird, because this was only the first week of the quarter… Last quarter, I was playing frequently even through finals week.
In any case, I think these past two weeks have been somewhat of a fluke – I don’t expect to be this busy on a consistent basis. Sorry I haven’t even been popping in here to say hello – I thought about you all often… But only when I was in the car or something with no access to internet. xD
To all the new people | Welcome! I’m Aeleniel, and I’m on the Eredon Terrace server. If you need help with anything, please message me in-game, and I’ll help! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
And now I’ll hop online to make sure invites are up to date. Hope to see lots of you there! :]
EDIT: Invites are sent.
(edited by Aeleniel.4973)
Hello all new people! Lovely to see you. FYI, we’ve got guild forums at http://operationunion.enjin.com that are awesome and you should check them out!
I’m usually more available in game than through the forums, but I’m always happy to help with elementalist questions or tailoring/jewelcrafting if I can.
Welcome to all the new folks!
Second about having a look on the website.
Thanks to all the people for their dedication and making this what it is.
welcome to all the people who posted in here, I’ve sent you all invites (I hope I didn’t miss anyone).
1. cross-server guild works more like a hub for people to chat. there are a number of us across a few servers, so people can group and look for help from people on the same server, or easily find dungeon groups in the same region. saying that there are quite a few of us on TC, so there is no need for you to move server2. how mulit-guilding works, well you can switch representing if you need to shout out for help, or just for change in who you talk to. we don’t require representation, but it is nice to have when you’re doing things with others from the guild
but again, you don’t have to. the guild is used as a hub, like I said, so you can easily see if people are online, instead of having a huge friends list.
Thank you for the info…I’ll fill out my “app” post now.
Hello and thanks for such a great project. I absolutely love when players get this involved in strengthening their community. Job well done.
I’m loving the game and it looks as if I’ll be here for the long haul. With 2 level 80s and another more than halfway there I still feel as if there’s so much more for me to experience yet. So with that said I believe that the Union would be a perfect fit for me to spend some of my time with while in-game. Hopefully you’ll feel the same way…
Name: BioFringe
Main Character: Madman Mundt and/or Professor Zinomis
Current Server: Tarnished Coast
Interested Activities: PvE…I duo a lot with my significant other but she only plays about 25% of the time that I do so I solo mostly. Interested in trying out dungeons and WvW but the mood hasn’t swept me away as of yet so I still haven’t done either despite having played since shortly after launch.
Active: EST…currently unemployed so can’t really say what my play schedule will look like in the near future but right now I’m on from the moment I wake up til the moment I pass out unless I’m doing something “looking for work” related.
Additional Comments: I’ve been playing MMOs since DAoC and I have a lot of experience across the genre. I love learning as much as I can about the games that I play and more so love to share what I learn with others who are interested.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N? Absolutely!
Welcome to the new people!
Good to see that there are still people that find this HUGE thread and have the courage to read up to the end (you all did that, right? If not, go back and start reading, there will be a pop quiz when you get invited )
I would like to say, keep the spirit of Union alive, and lets have a ton of fun in Tyria!!
Welcome newcomers.
@all I been doing some dungeon and running WvW to get 100% map completion. Had some nice mini group situations – tackling DE’s and Champs. If you want to do some dungeons, message me when I’m online – hoepfully the guesting feature works lol.
I am on Crystal Desert server BTW.
@all new-comers – welcome and glad you made your way here and decided to leave a mark! : ))) you’ll find tons of helpful and awesome people from various servers. hopefully you’ll all be able to find small groups to run around with, if not, group with folk in your region and can do dungeons together. if not, just chat up a storm.
apologies to all! as i’ve been more focused on WvW as of late when i am on. but feel free to add me as a friend (main Guardian – Akaimon), send me whispers if you have any questions regarding anything. i’m on Sanctum of Rall as well so if you ever want to run WvW, do come come come join!!
also always interested in doing dungeons and particularly, need to finish story modes for CoF, CoE, HotW and then just set foot in Arah in general. lol.
: ))) again, just in case it’s missed, do check out the followign website for more info and hiphappenings!
Welcome all you newcomers and see you in game (if I haven’t already)!
@Aeleniel…yes, real life has a way of doing that. Looking forward to getting to see you in game!
This thing is such a pain to keep track of…
But it is worth it!
Hello there, I’ve been with Anet since the first guild wars beta came out. It was a game I could easily put time into and then leave off for several months before returning to it again and re-enjoying it. It isn’t so different with the sequel, I played since the beta events and had a blast then after a while I stopped and took a month long break from it. Now, I’ve re-watched the trailers and teasers and that has given me the urge again to play through it with my lowbies. But a problem has presented itself, every single one of my friends have stopped playing as well and aren’t interested in rejoining me for another round of jolly cooperation. Luckily for me though, this project caught my attention and now there might just be players I can party up with!
Name: Nonimo
-Phaedra Scorchreign (lvl80 Ele)
-Bjorngeir Vidarson (lvl22 Guard)
-Adesmia (lvl5 Ranger)
-Gaddzook (lvl3 Mesmer)
Current Server: Tarnished Coast (I’m open to moving servers)
Interested Activities: Exploring, Jumping Puzzles, General PvE, Dungeons
Active: 9am~1pm (-8 GMT), Would likely be around longer on Tue, Wed, Thurs
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Y
Hi there. I’m very new at this game. This is my first MMO.
Name : Driftwood
Character :
Fenni Schmellor (Human Ele) Lv 32
Wodan Sigfodr (Norn Warrior) Lv 54
Server : Tarnished Coast
Activities : PvE for now, will try Dungeons and WvW later. Looking to group up with guildies and help each other. If you see me, give a shout and I’ll help if I can.
Add me ya
(edited by Driftwood.4736)
Hi Nonimo and Driftwood, I’ll be in game soon so if it hasn’t already been done I’ll send you an invite. You can also check out our website (link in my signature) to find out about us and what activities we might have coming up.
Edit: Invites up to date.
(edited by Lexy.3912)
Hey folks, Glitch here. first of all I want to give my absolute thanks to the awesome people here that have made this little community corner possible.
I’ll probably have a bit less of a presence over here and quite possibly in game than I already do too. With the recent news about guesting I’m going to take some time out and blow off some steam. I’m definitely not angry about the current situation as they have done a great job so far, however I am just chipped off with the lack of communication of progresses with important things such as guesting. Currently the little frequent in-game things that have been happening to me lately have ticked me off and now the guesting situation has rained on my parade.
The important people will still be here though and that’s what matters.
Keep making the community a good one, no matter how divided.
OH Glitch gently throws a slipper We are no more “two flavors” than we ever have been. The thing is my dearest, is that nothing has changed. We can still talk and hang out, you just can’t see my little asura. We might be divided by space but we are not divided. We are still the Union, that tiny group that you founded and brought together. I know you are hurting hon, but it won’t change what this group is. Unless you let it.
Welcome to all the new people. Nomo (shortening you already) it was good having you in the jp tour.
Down a few pints for me, glitch. You guys have some pretty good beer.
Yeah, the region thing isn’t what we had hoped for, but that doesn’t change anything far as the union or its purpose.
Well, Vacation is over for me now. It is back to work again. No more late nights for this Kit.
Name: meentje
Main Character: Soyrcha
Alts: Yllumia, Tamrii, Chyenn, Rangii, Dainyra, Roysa, Eyboni, Sangii, Chafarrah
Current Server: Whiteside Ridge (EU)
Interested Activities: Mostly PvE (exploring, events, dungeons) and occasionally WvW. I have plenty of alts I like to level as well
Active: Almost every evening, sometimes during the day
Additional Comments: This seems like a fun guild to be part of. Always looking forward to help others and play together. Im still sorta new to dungeons, havent done much of them. But I am willing to learn!
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes!!
(edited by meentje.8467)
Thanks for the invite…been nice getting to speak with others in-game for a change. Been mostly alone this whole time so this has been a pleasant experience for myself so far. Now I just need to finally get registered on the guild website and to get vent up and running.
At any rate, I’m actually posting this for my significant other as she is highly interested in joining but doesn’t like to post on the boards. I hope this is ok…
Name: Kali.7409
Main Character: Thali Anna
Current Server: Tarnished Coast
Interested Activities: Hunting for nodes. Crafting. Slashing things with daggers. Long walks off short cliffs.
Active: EST…When I’m not sleeping, working, or crafting.
Additional Comments: This is my 4th MMO ever…and in just 2 years at that. I started with LOTRO, moved on to Fallen Earth, and then to Rift. Pretty much enjoyed all of them so far but with no subscription fee I’m rather certain that GW2 will last the longest for me. This will probably become the first MMO where I’ll actually reach level cap so I got that going for me as well. Also, I like to eat cheese on Tuesdays.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N? Absolutely!
Hello meentje a senior member will send an invite as soon as they can.
I run dungeons on the EU side and would be glad to help when I can. I am on sparsely though as currently I would say I’m not very nice to be around due to te Guesting debacle.
Our most populated Eu Side is Gunnar’s are frequent dungeon runners are on Aurora Glade though.
Welcome to our new people. I will get you signed up as soon as I get in game.
Glad there’s something like this cause I’ve always had trouble finding a guild that is active/friendly/adventuresome (I think that’s the right word?)
Name: Tachyon K
Main Character: Norokus, 80 Mesmer
Additional characters:
Pheldt Grace, 26 Guardian (currently leveling)
Regretta Nile…1 Hunter
Odyrus Warsworn…1 Warrior
Phyane (something)…1 Thief
Current Server: Henge of Denravi, willing to change, makes no difference to me
Interested Activities: Dungeons, PvE, PvP, Crafting, Exploring, being social
Active: Whenever
Additional Comments: I CAN be very chatty, but not always.
You can see I have a few level 1’s The reason being so is that they are name holders, but respectively the preferred class that I want to level. I could always start playing one of those if someone want to start a new character with me.
I havn’t played in a couple months due to stuffs ;)
I will be playing until Feb 17 where I’ll promptly be shipped off to boot camp
Are you willing to participate in Operation: Yuhh
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