Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together
^ Website + Vlawde = AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
I want to congratulate Vlawde for setting up the brilliant forum!
Welcome to all the players dropping in to say hello.
I’ll see the newer folks later and how they’re doing.
You are welcome. Website is bare bones, this kind of thing is not really my forte. But hey, we can post there! Hopefully someone with website skills can help make it better
Still. it looks good
I took a look at the website, I’ll register shortly. For now, a pic of my rarely seen ranger eating an icebrood.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
OMG GLITCH!!! You need to get on the new site. You are getting left in the dust already. And you thought there was a lot to read HERE
CORRECTION!!! Everyone from the legion… check it out!
(edited by Kiteisa.3189)
Meh, I’m okay.
I’m doing some Math, it’s all about integrals and differentials I’m getting a bit bored. I’ll sign in later.
@Glitch – Good Luck! Is that the calculus topics – because if it’s what I think it is, I hate it, it’s so repetitive. Radians are much kinder to the brain!
@Vlawde – Did I thank you already? Meh! Thanks again then! I think you’ve created a new addiction of mine
@Kit – So many threads on the forum have sprung up already – hopefully it will be less chaotic than this place!
I’ll try to keep it civil. ;)
I find Calculus pretty nice some parts pretty interesting, I have to work with both degrees and radians; either is fine.
It’s pretty easy. Though I see the rules pretty much the same where everybody else doesn’t…
I have to say maths is NOT my strong point – i envy those who get it in a flash – it takes hours and hours of hardcore revision for it to stick. Now Chemistry – that is where I shine, and i don’t care of that’s big-headed, because i love it
I’ll try to keep it civil. ;)
Math, bah! I never took more than basic math way back in high school, and struggled with that.
I can figure things out and do most things related to numbers, so Im’m not a dummy. My problem in school was I couldn’t do it well using the way they wanted you to figure things out. I have my own way and it works for me, convoluted and weird as it may seem to others
At risk of sounding way too much like a stereotypical engineer:
Calculus is kind of awesome once it all clicks. Also very useful for anyone in science or engineering obviously. It’s just something you will need, and is actually a great primer for discrete math (computer math), and why in so many practical cases discrete math is required (i.e. the calculus gets too hard to actually solve).
Math class always does it’s best to make it dull, but if you can get up to multi-variable calculus and vector stuff it opens a lot of options for problem solving that you wouldn’t have otherwise.
Do not click this link!
^ Lol = Instawin!
I’m pretty good at Chem, Bio and Maths. Not sure if I excell in a particular bit though. (Maybe maths) English… I got really good grades on it but… Frak! Use simple words! I’m a man of simple words.
We all have a place where we excell at JJ and should be proud of it!
Calculus is actually pretty interesting, it’s easy when you’ve got an Mech Eng for a brother and a Physicist for a Dad.
Real life application of Calculus is actually pretty cool, not just something to do in class. :P
Science + Math = Awesome, English = No solution
I’m not sure. Being a surgeon requires a steady hand and knowledge of your specialisation. I’m really good at operation so I’m half way there.
I don’t why I always thought peeking inside the human body was cool… I think too many family friends being surgeons may have contributed…
Also for members not using Vlawde’s awesome forum, I recommend using it or your version of GW maybe riddled with bugs…
Geneticist’s don’t need no stinking maths – just pass us a sheep and we’re happy
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
Also for members not using Vlawde’s awesome forum, I recommend using it or your version of GW maybe riddled with bugs…
Seriously, I’d estimate we have LOTS of folks as part of operation union/Legion of Honour in this thread and in game, so far only 25 folks have registered in the website/forums.
25 active & managing players is about right I think. People who want to take an active part in directing things are always more active than people who would rather just play. No harm in that, so long as they realize not speaking up = not having a say.
PS: Henge of Denravi players need to let me know if they want guild influence spent on gathering buffs, karma buffs or a guild bank. By PM or on the Legion forums in http://operationunion.enjin.com/forum/m/9879915/viewthread/5178533-henge-denravi-na please. I’ll try to find your vote if you just post it here, but this thread moves fast so no promises.
I must say I have been creeping this thread for the last few days and everyone seems awesome!
This is my first MMO, and I have to admit the sheer volume of things to do/complete feeds right into my OCD tendencies (Hey! Another shrub!… must… harvest…).
Name: Rygar.5846
Main Character: Riain (80 warrior); also have several low-level alts
Current Server: Anvil Rock
Interested Activities: Getting map complete (~75%), Finishing story, PvE, trying dungeons
Active: A few hours in the evening during the week and mornings or evenings on weekends (PST)
Additional Comments: As I mentioned, new to MMOs but really enjoying myself so far! Working on map complete atm, but want to get into running dungeons with people that don’t mind showing me the ropes, and eventually finishing story mode (ready to meet Trahearne at Fort Trinity). I enjoy helping others out with skill points etc. as I explore the maps, and would like to play with like-minded players.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Definitely!
@Rygar – welcome!!! most people definitely won’t mind showing you the ropes to dungeons here! myself included. and i’m nearing end of story as well. good luck!!!
just wanted to drop b and say HERROOOO! i need to check out this new site and sign up. ; ))
@Glitch, i’m too lazy to check, lol is it placed in the very first post?? the link that is.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Even though I might be a little late to this party (I don’t visit the forums enough xD…oops), I think this is a great idea! (and I agree, everyone does seem awesome!)
Name: Primula
Main Character: Lyraesel (lvl 80 Sylvari Mesmer)
Current Server: Gate of Madness
Interested Activities: Socializing, exploring, dungeons, events, WvW…really anything ^^
Active: No set schedule, but I’ll show up randomly on weeknights and weekends.
Additional Comments: I am a huge gamer, but MMO wise I played FFXI for years. I created a small guild with some friends when GW2 first came out but most have gotten busy with other things and rarely play anymore. I also have some alts I’ve been working on just for kicks and job variety =) I’m fun and helpful and would love to find some new friends to get into things with!
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Of course, I don’t see why not ^.~
Welcome Primula and Rygar! You should find lots of great people to get into things with here!
I’ll log shortly and send you an invite if you don’t already have one.
Edit- Invites sent to both.
Also check out our website: http://operationunion.enjin.com/forum
(edited by Helequin.2608)
Math gives me the sadface condition.
Fortunately I have purging flames! ~cures sadface~ Welcome new people, hope you enjoy this ever growing community we have here. The people are very friendly and helpful.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
Hello everyone! I think this is a great thread and something i desperately need right now. I guess I will post my info first like Glitch suggested.
Name: Jinn
Main Character: Shaerna
Current Server: Dragonbrand
Interested Activities: Atm, dungeons.
Active: Play 2 hrs a day minimum, a lot more on weekends. Time zone is Eastern Time.
Additional Comments: I played this game a lot, since BWE1. Currently at 800 hrs with multiple lvl 80s and experienced with all professions. At the moment I’m looking for people who has not done many dungeons to do dungeons with because my obsession with fresh experience. It just doesn’t feel challenging and there’s no element of surprise if I chose to join routine dungeon runners (too easy…i want to feel pressured or panic). I didn’t think it would be this difficult since I don’t need to find 4 of such people because I already have a close friend and my girlfriend at lvl 80 that can play almost anytime.
So, I’m missing 22 paths still, all the explorable mode starting from TA to Arah, and story mode from HoTW to Arah (yes 800 hrs and haven’t finished story yet…) But if you are not as obsessed as fresh experience as I am, I can still help you with stuff I’ve done before.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Yes.
Hope to hear from some of you in game This is my last attempt at this, I’ve been wasting time asking around in map chat in lion’s arch the past few days or at dragon events, but either faced with sarcasm or just flat out ignored lol.
I had a maths test on Calculus today. +999 stacks of fury
Good to see some new faces.
@Orpheus it depends a few are new to dungeons however members such as myself,Kaii and akamon have been helping the newer players.
We appreciate help with taking newer players through dungeons however if you are looking for a challenge you might want to look elsewhere. If you are genuinely wanting to help improve players dungeon game then we’re all for it.
I’m just not sure if you’re just looking for a new challenge for a while then to move on for a new one. Just looking out for the Union so I want to make sure. Hope yo understand.
(edited by Glitch.6849)
Im neither looking for help or committing to a charity. I guess I just wanted to check here and see if anyone is in the same situation. But i guess most people rather have experienced dungeon runners to help than go experience something new together with someone else just as clueless about the dungeon. I really should have started dungeon stuff earlier while everyone’s practically new to everything…instead I waited for my dream team of irl friends to catch up to me and they never did.
@Glitch – Just did a maths mock exam today under exam conditions with no notes But i have to say the revision I did payed off! 92% isn’t too shabby
It just goes to show that if i put my back into it (which i rarely do
) then I could do good
gains temporary invulnerability :P
Oh and Welcome all yo new guys wave
I’ll try to keep it civil. ;)
Im neither looking for help or committing to a charity. I guess I just wanted to check here and see if anyone is in the same situation. But i guess most people rather have experienced dungeon runners to help than go experience something new together with someone else just as clueless about the dungeon. I really should have started dungeon stuff earlier while everyone’s practically new to everything…instead I waited for my dream team of irl friends to catch up to me and they never did.
It is an unfortunate truth that starting dungeons at this point makes it harder to find people who have never done them. However, when I started running dungeons with this group, I had only done 2 of them. The people I ran with were either in the same boat or had never done ANY. We had tons of fun together exploring and figuring things out, and frankly we died a LOT on some of them while we tried to get used to it. So this Union has no problem with what you’re asking for, it’s just a matter of finding people who are new to dungeons like yourself.
Additionally, as Glitch stated, we want to make sure you’re here for more than just dungeons. OP: Union isn’t a charity, but it is a commitment as are most guilds. We are a group that has grown together and one that enjoys the game in all its features (even the pointless ridiculous ones) and enjoys helping others when they need it.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
Orpheus, I’ve only run one dungeon myself, and I think you will find a bunch of people around who are quite capable and willing, just haven’t been to the dungeons yet.
Union seems to be full of people more into the game to experience and enjoy the content (dungeons included) rather than grinding it in the most efficient way for the next shiny. So I think that may work in well with what you’re looking for.
Only other thing I can suggest is to try the dungeons with drastically different builds than your norm, so the combat dynamic changes or you. I play a ranger, and the strategy and traits I’ll bring will be vastly different if I run axe/horn and a longbow vs. if I’m planning to bash heads with a GS and Sword/horn.
@JJ excellent! You HAVE to try at everything you do otherwise I’ll bug your GW2…
And that means everything in life.
@Orpheus: I really don’t think we are what you want.
As Kaii stated, we are a commitment. The help does not just stop at helping people through dungeons and that is it. Furthermore we help because we can and we enjoy doing so, we do not help people with dungeons just because it provides new challenges to further an INDIVIDUALS skill.
I help people through dungeons because it is fun to do so AND I enjoy the satisfaction that players had fun completing their first dungeon run. I’ve run AC story/explore hundreds of times, why? Because it’s fun watching players being really happy that they’ve completed their first dungeon and it provides an attitude that maybe dungeons aren’t a big massive death trap. Furthermore I will also mentor others that would also like to lead dungeons. Not to further a superiority complex but so that they too can help others through dungeons such as I have.
If you are only looking for a challenge:
Run a dungeon with no armour, no trinkets melee only without downing and/or try to solo a dungeon/or enter 10 lvls below recommended. Possible but pretty difficult. (You can do this for CM)
I’m sorry, if you are only looking for a challenge we are not what you are looking for.
@Glitch I’m not trying to go for a challenge (i’d be playing PvP or a different game if I wanted just a challenge), it’s more of sharing the experience of discovering new content, be surprised, trying to figure out things with others, and eventually share the glory. After 800 hrs I’m pretty much worn out of the non-dungeon PvE experience because I’ve made 8 characters, 4 lvl 80s the rest 40~70s, i’ve enjoyed every step of the way don’t get me wrong but, after the 8th time…
On helping others for fun, yes, I was that guy for 10 yrs+ of my MMO gaming life when i was still in school/college, and that’s with games that did not even reward helping other players at all (re-running AC at least get u scaled loot and its kinda fun) now with the limited time I have with work and irl stuff, I would like to change my priorities within the free time I have on GW2.
I’m missing the point of this thread I guess, didn’t know this was a guild commitment thing. I thought it was just, where ppl meet others and hang out. In fact I’m beginning to think this belongs in the Guild Recruitment subforum after reading the alienating responses from Glitch i.e. “We are not what you are looking for”.
Sorry for coming here thinking this was a gathering ground for the entire GW2 community, instead of another Guild Community with specific requirements for commitment. I’ve been playing with some irl friends with my own guild just for the guild stash and bonuses so I can’t contribute much in another guild. Thanks for reading and have fun in game.
So far as I’m aware, you don’t have to be a member of the guild to get help. I help anybody, regardless of what guild they are in, and if someone posted on this thread requesting help with a dungeon or help with a skill point or something, I would gladly help them in game whether they were a member or not. The guild is something that happened sort of by accident, when the people that were gathering here got along so well that they wanted an easier place to communicate and have fun together.
What I think is happening between you and Glitch is somewhat of a miscommunication. The guild itself is a commitment, and it’s for the good of everyone, so being a part of it does require some level of activity, and a willingness to help others beyond the benefit of oneself. However, as I said, although I’ve never seen any set of rules or anything for this thread, I’ve always helped anyone who asks (assuming they weren’t mean or rude, I mean we are volunteering the help) and I think the rest of the members feel the same.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
Going to second what Kaii said.
We are a guild, in part. Union is mostly a social guild where we can get together, chat and also play together to enjoy the content of the game. Most of us really take our time with it, enjoy our dungeon runs or whaterver else we get into. Like I mentioned before, you’ll find plenty of people here who are heading into particular dungeons for the first time but are still competent players. But yeah, they are going to have questions and want to really experience that dungeon.
This thread is also just for making connections. Joining the Union guild isn’t a requirement for connecting with anyone here, it’s just a convinient way for us to keep in contact.
And if you did join, sure there is an expectation that you take part to some degree. But no one is going to be waving a clipboard logging your hours contributed in WvW or doling out influence quotas either.
My apologies Orpheus if my post came off harshly, I am mainly to the point so I understand if my posts can come off as insensitive. I personally do not see it as a challenge.
This is a place to hang out. However I may have taken you wrong interpretation from your reply. The ‘guild’ was a way for players to more easily communicate and help finding others kind of like a LFG tool for general PvE as many players cannot keep track of the way this thread moves so quickly. We have over 1k+ posts in 4 months. Would you be willing to sift through the 24 pages to find potential players to game with? Sure at the beginning it was very easy but as you can see it is just not possible anymore.
I am neither looking for help or commiting to charity
It just doesn’t feel challenging and there’s no element of surprise if I chose to join routine dungeon runners (too easy…i want to feel pressured or panic). I didn’t think it would be this difficult since I don’t need to find 4 of such people because I already have a close friend and my girlfriend at lvl 80 that can play almost anytime.
First part:
First part of the quote is why I’m not sure if we have the same mindset. This is pretty much a ‘charity’ we are charitable people here at Union where we help others not because it may be right to but because it is in our nature to. Everyone in Union has the exact same attitude, we do not expect our work to be rewarded it is our nature to help those who ask and those who deserve.
The second part:
To me it seemed you were looking for a challenge aspect only. As running a group with news only would make it more difficult for you. This is the part that I do not get, are you looking to prove yourself because new’s are more likely to fall apart in situations where you’ll be the hero? Or were you genuinely happy to run dungeons with news and to take them through slowly so they begin to understand the mechanics and discuss the works. I spent 3 hours on an AC story run as the players didn’t understand why I did certain things and why I was doing ‘better than them, soloing the mobs while they were waypointing’.
If you would like to explain to me what you’re trying to accomplish I am more than happy to listen. I take most things at face value as I do not like way English can be interpretated in many different ways. Maybe if you explain it as you would to a child I’d understand it. (I’m being serious, I like my words plain and simple)
It has been a gathering of like minded players becoming successful due to the finding of many helpful and kind hearted players however we do NOT cater for things players may seek us out for. We cannot simply bring everyone to the fold, we have our ‘type’ of players and I recommend players to different places as we simply do not fit what they want. If I can direct them to something else where they’re happy I’m glad as no-one plays a game to be miserable.
If you do not reply, I do wish you good luck with what you are doing and that your endeavours succeed. I do believe this has been a misunderstanding.
(edited by Glitch.6849)
@Glitch I’m not trying to go for a challenge (i’d be playing PvP or a different game if I wanted just a challenge), it’s more of sharing the experience of discovering new content, be surprised, trying to figure out things with others, and eventually share the glory. After 800 hrs I’m pretty much worn out of the non-dungeon PvE experience because I’ve made 8 characters, 4 lvl 80s the rest 40~70s, i’ve enjoyed every step of the way don’t get me wrong but, after the 8th time…
On helping others for fun, yes, I was that guy for 10 yrs+ of my MMO gaming life when i was still in school/college, and that’s with games that did not even reward helping other players at all (re-running AC at least get u scaled loot and its kinda fun) now with the limited time I have with work and irl stuff, I would like to change my priorities within the free time I have on GW2.
I’m missing the point of this thread I guess, didn’t know this was a guild commitment thing. I thought it was just, where ppl meet others and hang out. In fact I’m beginning to think this belongs in the Guild Recruitment subforum after reading the alienating responses from Glitch i.e. “We are not what you are looking for”.
Sorry for coming here thinking this was a gathering ground for the entire GW2 community, instead of another Guild Community with specific requirements for commitment. I’ve been playing with some irl friends with my own guild just for the guild stash and bonuses so I can’t contribute much in another guild. Thanks for reading and have fun in game.
You can just use this thread to ID people to talk to on your server, or you can sign up for the guild. Either one is basically cool.
FWIW, I haven’t yet been able to do any dungeons or whatnot with guild members. I mostly just keep the chat channel open and answer questions or talk to people when I’m online. We’re not about hardcore dungeoning, which I think is what Glitch thought you were looking for, just about making sure everyone (especially new people) has a good time.
Thanks for the invite and welcome! Naturally, because I joined then I haven’t played in several days. :-P Got involved in a book.
The book is done now, so I will be back on soon, hopefully. :-)
I did not answer the Operation: Union question b/c I wasn’t exactly clear on what that was. I mean, I get the main idea, but not what I’d actually be committing to.
I have never tried to talk or group with someone on another server. Is that possible?
Legion of Honour [XIII]
Thanks for the invite and welcome! Naturally, because I joined then I haven’t played in several days. :-P Got involved in a book.
The book is done now, so I will be back on soon, hopefully. :-)
I did not answer the Operation: Union question b/c I wasn’t exactly clear on what that was. I mean, I get the main idea, but not what I’d actually be committing to.
I have never tried to talk or group with someone on another server. Is that possible?
You can talk to anyone in the same guild, regardless of server. As for grouping together, you can only do so for instances such as dungeons, and only with people in the same region – IE: North America or Europe.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
What book was it? I recently finally got round to finishing off the Power of 5 and Eragon’s inheritance cycle. I stopped reading as much as I would like due to running out of books in read in our house.
Core Ideals: The Union was founded as a means where members could find other players on their server to game with. Union also heavily focuses on helping fellow players that be exploring or dungeons.However I did not intend this to be where everything was handed to those that came here. (I do not have the time, and personally feel that a person is more deserving if they seek aid themselves)
As you can see the thread escalated very quickly that it became impossible for a player to sift through the thread in the hopes of meeting others. Thus The Legion was born. Members could organise gatherings and seek advice more easily.
With this I still think that a person would have to learn to ask and seek help themselves. All I asked in return was to show others the same kindness that was shown onto them.
You only have to ask if you need help. If you ask we will be there, if you ask you will receive.
I think I owe Orpheus a public apology as after reading his posts several times I indeed got the wrong end of the stick. I thought he wanted a more active and hardcore dungeon activity. As we are in fact the opposite. I would like to offer my apologies for any misdirected ill
However I myself am still not sure about Orpheus’ mindset as we are very charitable people, where we are indeed a ‘charity’ as we give our time, advice and assistance to those that ask for such. A kind heart is always welcome but we do expect those ‘commitments’ to a certain degree.
@Glitch: I knew it was a misunderstanding. No apology was needed on your part. I don’t think ill of any of you guys.
To clarify what I was going on about, I was looking for people who are new to certain dungeons to do those specific dungeons with. This way everything is new to everyone, and we can come up with ways to deal with new challenges, goof up together, laugh about it, and it’ll be a lot more memorable than if I ran with someone who knew what’s coming up, what to prepare for, etc etc and just lead everyone else by their hands til the end. It’s difficult at this stage but I’ll keep trying, in a very creepy way if I have to by whispering random people in the game lol.
Don’t worry about the charity or commitment thing since that was part of our misunderstanding and thus off-topic.
Thank you, Glitch and Kaii for the explanations. I think I can commit to that. I am happy to help others and I definitely need it myself at times. :-)
The book I just finished was “Tess of the D’Urbervilles” by Thomas Hardy. I’m not actually usually into classics, but I got into this one. I typically read fantasy. I read the Inheritance Cycle probably last year, I think, whenever the last one came out. I read all four of them in a row, b/c it had been so long I wanted to refresh my memory. I wasn’t in love with Eragon (as in the first book, not the character), but by the end of the series, they totally redeemed themselves. I loved it. :-)
I have bought a LOT of books this year. Mostly YA, which isn’t really usually my thing, but there’s a lot of good ones out right now. I’m a librarian, too, so I have easy access to books I don’t want to buy. ;-)
Great to meet you, Glitch and everyone else, and hope to see y’all more in game!
Legion of Honour [XIII]
drags thread back from being buried
happy Thursday all you wonderful people
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Hello all,
My name is Molkien and this thread is amazing!! I only looked at a few pages in it but it’s amazing how people are helpful here, so I’d like to add my contribution to this “operation”. I just started a new Warrior (Sword and Board style) so I’m not very high level at the moment, but I’ll do what I can to help as I play.
Name: Molkien
Main Character: Molkien
Current Server: Eradon Terrace
Interested Activities: General PvE (exploring, main quest, etc), Dungeons, PvP (never tried those)
Active: Mostly evenings when I’m not working and weekends if I don’t have anything else to do.
Additional Comments: I’m not an English native, in fact I’m from Quebec so I speak French, so sometimes what I say (write) may look weird. Also, I played a thief and a necromancer before Halloween but I have not played since then. I am now starting a warrior.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes!
Have a good day!
welcome Molkien I’m sure you’ll fit right in here. don’t worry about not being a native English speaker, I’m sure you’ll be understood perfectly. plus theres a few that speak French, I know Kit does, so any language barriers can be broken that way
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Ok, good work Notts by keeping this thing going!
Welcome to the new people and when you join up with The Legion, do check out the website we have. It’s mainly a forum site now, but we have lots off fun there too
I will keep both forums in mind but with the limited time i have, i do hope nobody here will be forgotten. So if you want to join us, leave your info here and if not replied by any off us, don’t hesitate to send me a mail.
And now i’m off for diner, so see you lot later (maybe even ingame, that would be a nice surprise )!!
Thanks G and Noppy.
Welcome Molkien!!!
If you stayed to read the whole thread it would take you a while…
Glad that you decided to drop in and say hi!
Over at our forums there will be some further discussion on a guild comms. All member input is welcome!
Name: iarebest
Character: BildoFaggons, lvl 16 norn Guardian ( I have a level 28 thief but don’t really use him)
Server: Northern Shiverpeak
Interested Activities: Anything in the game!
Active: Weekdays and some weekends around 7Pm EST
Thanks Everyone!
EDIT: I spelled my own character’s name wrong :/ hahaha
(edited by iarebest.2906)
@iarebest – welcome!D especially from another Norn Guardian. heh. hope to see you in-game soon! also, do check out Operation Union’s site!
and your character name haha. The Hobbit anyone??? might have to wait until family is back in town before getting to watch itDDD
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Welcome to Molkien and iarebest! Feel free to jump in on ingame chat, this thread, or the forum site… Or any combination of the three! You’ll feel welcome no matter what. :]
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
welcome to you iarebest hope to see you in game. feel free to check out the union’s website (bottom link in my signature)
on an unrelated note: WINTERSDAY starts today!
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Welcome new people, even to the one with harry feet
Hope to see you all soon ingame and do check out the website we have.
Its a great place to post a few random facts and talk about colors like Pink
And yes Nots, Winter is coming but for the Norn, we are use to see snow so don’t feel so special about it
Yay for Wintersday! :]
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS