Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]
Judging by the datamined singularity concept, this spec might bring a playstyle of staying in one attunement rather than swapping them constantly.
Remember, warhorn is not giving you two extra weapon skills, it’s giving you at least eight different weapon skills, if not ten, if Tempest gets access to a new attunement via F5 skill!
That’s not going to happen, seriously, how does anybody think that’s going to happen?
A fifth attunement would require new skills for every existing weapon, meaning that would be 25 new weapon skills for a single specialization.
EDIT: I think? 10 for the warhorn for all attunements, two for each off hand for 4 total, three for each mainhand for 6 total, and 5 for the only twohander. Yup that’s 25.
Well, why wouldn’kitten After all, the Elementalist doesn’t have weapon swap. I only said if – if the new specialisation gets a new attunement.
Well they said one of their goals for specialization was to create a pipeline that allowed them to consistently and more frequently update the classes, even between expansions and major content updates, without the muss and fuss of their previous additions. And twenty five new skills is a lot to add to the game so regularly.
Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]
in Elementalist
Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247
Well this sucks.
Problem with warhorn is that is has got to have some INSANE skills to warrent taking it over dagger or focus, both already extremely good offhands.
The hope is lost amongst ele community. People who made and binded bolt will ragequit. My popcorn is ready.
I blew a warhorn, i blew it again. It feels good man, lets blow it again.
Just throwing this out there: Mesmers got an offhand and got Continuum as our mechanic change, a powerful time-manipulative shatter. I would not be surprised for Elementalists to be getting a 5th Attunement or an F5 of sorts.
1. Elementalists are like the best class in the game, so stop complaining. It’s so so horrible that you can’t do anything in pvp without water and arcane, all that sustain must get so boring compared to playing necromancer and being hammer trained time and time again.
2. We don’t know what the warhorn or elite spec will do at all, so complaining about a weapon is foolish when you have little more than a speculative guess about what it will do.
3. You can spec into tempest without using the warhorn, after all it could offer great things for D/D ele in terms of new utilities. Honestly most mesmers that spec into chronomancer will take torch over shield, and I can guarantee that. Meanwhile the necro GS is so slow that it won’t be a given take on many pvp builds with all t he blind spam right now.
4. There are tons of great warhorn skins available if you’re able to drop the coin on black lion skin. I have howler so it’s not my concern, but there are plenty of other warhorn skins that would go awesome with my Ele like the tempest warhorn or the ley line warhorn (I have all the leyline Ele weapons).
1) I doubt u can say that, currently the burst is just simply ruling everything, Yeah elementalist can survive.. but only through so much eventually they will just be out bursted and die like the rest and due to ur tankyness u’ll just get focus’d harder
Rampage is OP as hell so warriors currently can carry themselves through fights wiuth that, and Disrupt Mantra Mesmers currently do also cause alot of problems.. thats without the mindless thief stacking that will trainwreck u with HS Spams, so no i dont think any proffessions “clearly the best proffession”
but no they’re in a strong place right now and i feel WH should be given atleast a chance.
P.S no all warhorns look crap, Warhorn as a weapon is cosmetically crap…. its a Horn…. Horns dont look good in a Weapon slot… true story, but either way looking past that im sure there will be positives in this.
(edited by Drayos.8759)
1. Elementalists are like the best class in the game, so stop complaining. It’s so so horrible that you can’t do anything in pvp without water and arcane, all that sustain must get so boring compared to playing necromancer and being hammer trained time and time again.
2. We don’t know what the warhorn or elite spec will do at all, so complaining about a weapon is foolish when you have little more than a speculative guess about what it will do.
3. You can spec into tempest without using the warhorn, after all it could offer great things for D/D ele in terms of new utilities. Honestly most mesmers that spec into chronomancer will take torch over shield, and I can guarantee that. Meanwhile the necro GS is so slow that it won’t be a given take on many pvp builds with all t he blind spam right now.
4. There are tons of great warhorn skins available if you’re able to drop the coin on black lion skin. I have howler so it’s not my concern, but there are plenty of other warhorn skins that would go awesome with my Ele like the tempest warhorn or the ley line warhorn (I have all the leyline Ele weapons).
In what world will a mesmer take torch over shield? You think a stealth skill on a 24-30 sec cd on a weapon with a terrible phantasm is gonna override a weapon that can generate 2 phantasms with one skill, phantasms that cleave, and has an aoe stun not to mention it’s the one weapon with alacrity granting capacity?
What are you smoking?
Just throwing this out there: Mesmers got an offhand and got Continuum as our mechanic change, a powerful time-manipulative shatter. I would not be surprised for Elementalists to be getting a 5th Attunement or an F5 of sorts.
Considering the datamine class mechanics rewards sticking to one attunement, well you know the rest.
1. Elementalists are like the best class in the game, so stop complaining. It’s so so horrible that you can’t do anything in pvp without water and arcane, all that sustain must get so boring compared to playing necromancer and being hammer trained time and time again.
2. We don’t know what the warhorn or elite spec will do at all, so complaining about a weapon is foolish when you have little more than a speculative guess about what it will do.
3. You can spec into tempest without using the warhorn, after all it could offer great things for D/D ele in terms of new utilities. Honestly most mesmers that spec into chronomancer will take torch over shield, and I can guarantee that. Meanwhile the necro GS is so slow that it won’t be a given take on many pvp builds with all t he blind spam right now.
4. There are tons of great warhorn skins available if you’re able to drop the coin on black lion skin. I have howler so it’s not my concern, but there are plenty of other warhorn skins that would go awesome with my Ele like the tempest warhorn or the ley line warhorn (I have all the leyline Ele weapons).
In what world will a mesmer take torch over shield? You think a stealth skill on a 24-30 sec cd on a weapon with a terrible phantasm is gonna override a weapon that can generate 2 phantasms with one skill, phantasms that cleave, and has an aoe stun not to mention it’s the one weapon with alacrity granting capacity?
What are you smoking?
Must be some good kitten he is smoking and all I can say to him “let me git a hit.”
Well I’ll find out in 3 days if I’ll be retiring my Elementalist (until another Elite spec comes out), I never liked any of their weapons to begin with (outside of Air Dagger / Dagger which I dislike most of the other attunements on dual daggers) and I am not fond of the fact that there is no way to have his build even be remotely close to what it was pre-specializations or something I actually like using. It’s just a naive hope that it would be mainhand, but I know it probably won’t be.
i was counting on main hand warhorn, on image ele got off hand.. :/
Everyone here wonders why Anet is hesitant to talk to their player base? They can’t even make an announcement without getting comments like this:
Well, cringe. This will teach me to never preorder anything, ever again. Thanks, Anet. I normally don’t get particularly bothered by things in the same way other people do and don’t have many issues with most decisions Anet makes, but consider me completely and utterly disappointed (angry, upset, you name it) for the first time.
Guess I’ll start looking for a new class, then, so I can have some specialization to enjoy. Meh.
Despite us knowing nothing about the spec or what it will do. Considering how nice shield mesmer (who only received 2 new weapon skills, as opposed to the ele’s 8 ) turned out, I’m going into Thursday pretty excited. Reserve judgement till then guys, because everything we know other than the elite spec is a warhorn is 100% speculation.
I spent 88g on Gallant Sword for my Ele…which also looks good with other professions.
I planned on making Incinerator for my Legendary, but now I’ll just keep my other gifts and T6 mats and prepare for…whatever comes out with HoT legendary wise. Not much of a loss for me…other than making Ascended armor and weapons for Ele.
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”
Judging by the datamined singularity concept, this spec might bring a playstyle of staying in one attunement rather than swapping them constantly.
well staying in longer… as far as i could see… we got pulse damage and things if we delayed how quickly we run through each specc, im assuming this is to try push this whole Jack of trades Hit everything playstyle we currently have and to be more capable of excelling in one area… i mean afterall i’d like to see more Damaging builds go up, D/D is great for sustain and things but we have nothing inthe Meta for just Pure explosive damage, so hopefully this will draw away from Support and bring more Power/AoE and Powerhouse Nuking.
its a kittening warhorn , useless piece of kitten , no matter the skills the sowrd would always be better
The only thing that determines whether or not a given weapon is useful, and to what degree, in GW2 is the skills.
I dot play Ele, I hope they change the name of the specialisation to Storm Blower.
Or Horn Blower.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Ahhh, so this is what being punched in the face feels like.
No, what you are feeling is called disappointment.
Being punched in the face is much more painful – and I mean real pain, not gamer sorrow.
It’s not like warhorn was a complete and total surprise. You have all had ample time to come to terms with the idea that warhorn could be the elite spec. weapon (the start date of this thread confirms it).
Heck, a subtle hint was also dropped when they confirmed the E. Spec.’s name – Tempest.
Try maining a Warrior and have no clue as to what they have in store for us as a Elite Spec. or its companion weapon. (we’ve seen a trait line title ‘berserker’, but what the frig does that mean?
Is the new weapon a dagger, a pistol, Staff, focus? … Just. Tell. us. Anet.
Except I absolutely despise the warhorn and I don’t look forward to looking like a clown blowing into a silly horn in eight different ways. It doesn’t really matter what the details of the specialization are, unless it can function optimally without the weapon, I’m simply not not going to like it.
And even if that somehow magically were the case, a huge part of what I was looking forward to in HoT- a new weapon- has still been ruined for me, directly impacting my enjoyment of the game, so excuse me for being disappointed.
I’m sorry, but that sounds awfully childish. “It’s not what I wanted, so I’m going to choose to not like it regardless of how it works.” Of course people are allowed to feel skeptical or even disappointed (I personally wanted sword, myself). However, the dramatic “Gonna go find a new class to play” reaction is ridiculous without actually knowing the details.
Also, we’ve known (or at the very least could figure out on our own) for a while that there weren’t going to be any new weapons added. The elite specializations were always going to feature weapons already in the game.
The specialization could, indeed, end up being pretty crap. But it could also be alright. We won’t know until they give us more info.
(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)
I dot play Ele, I hope they change the name of the specialisation to Storm Blower.
Or Horn Blower.
Sorry. Big fan of the Hornblower novels here. I even played him in a LARP once (and let me tell you, sewing Napoleonic drop-front tight linen trousers is a real bear … and using the restroom with them is even worse, since I’m not equipped to take advantage of the drop-front).
If they named it a Hornblower I’d have to demand proper sailing vessels to go with the spec.
Try maining a Warrior and have no clue as to what they have in store for us as a Elite Spec. or its companion weapon. (we’ve seen a trait line title ‘berserker’, but what the frig does that mean?
Is the new weapon a dagger, a pistol, Staff, focus? … Just. Tell. us. Anet.
Please use the warrior forum to cry for your warrior. We’re busy crying for the freakin warhorn we got here, nothing we can say to you to soothe your pain.
1. Elementalists are like the best class in the game, so stop complaining. It’s so so horrible that you can’t do anything in pvp without water and arcane, all that sustain must get so boring compared to playing necromancer and being hammer trained time and time again.
2. We don’t know what the warhorn or elite spec will do at all, so complaining about a weapon is foolish when you have little more than a speculative guess about what it will do.
3. You can spec into tempest without using the warhorn, after all it could offer great things for D/D ele in terms of new utilities. Honestly most mesmers that spec into chronomancer will take torch over shield, and I can guarantee that. Meanwhile the necro GS is so slow that it won’t be a given take on many pvp builds with all t he blind spam right now.
4. There are tons of great warhorn skins available if you’re able to drop the coin on black lion skin. I have howler so it’s not my concern, but there are plenty of other warhorn skins that would go awesome with my Ele like the tempest warhorn or the ley line warhorn (I have all the leyline Ele weapons).
In what world will a mesmer take torch over shield? You think a stealth skill on a 24-30 sec cd on a weapon with a terrible phantasm is gonna override a weapon that can generate 2 phantasms with one skill, phantasms that cleave, and has an aoe stun not to mention it’s the one weapon with alacrity granting capacity?
What are you smoking?
Do you even play mesmer in pvp? I remember most of your posts are pve posts, and I don’t really care about that anymore. The pledge is an amazing tool for setting up bursts, disengaging, and avoiding being targeted. Glass Mesmer specs die incredibly fast to focus fire in teamfights once their defensive cooldowns have been blown. The torch gives them the best way to avoid that focus fire in a teamfight among its other uses.
The shield has potential teamfight utility as well I do admit, but the 2 blocks it gives do very little for your survivability compared to the stealth. The phantasms are irrelevant in pvp, as they’re basically just shatter fodder and neither of them are high DPS phantasms in power builds to begin with. I see its potential, but I honestly feel that stealth works better, and most of the top mesmer players I know agree with me. Shatter mesmers will still run Greatsword and either staff or sword/torch depending on map and team composition. Shield will probably work most on niche support based specs rather than damage oriented ones.
Now this is the Ele forums, so I think we should get back to focusing on Eles, because you thinking I’m wrong because I know more about mesmer in pvp than you, is a point of discussion that doesn’t belong here.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
(edited by nearlight.3064)
I hope Elementalist has skill “conjure whirlwind” which creates a whirlwind on target location, up to 5 opponents will be knocked down when using skills or moving faster than normal on every second, until it’s duration is up. :P
But really, I have no expectations, even with every other revealed specialization.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
Everyone here wonders why Anet is hesitant to talk to their player base? They can’t even make an announcement without getting comments like this:
Well, cringe. This will teach me to never preorder anything, ever again. Thanks, Anet. I normally don’t get particularly bothered by things in the same way other people do and don’t have many issues with most decisions Anet makes, but consider me completely and utterly disappointed (angry, upset, you name it) for the first time.
Guess I’ll start looking for a new class, then, so I can have some specialization to enjoy. Meh.
Despite us knowing nothing about the spec or what it will do. Considering how nice shield mesmer (who only received 2 new weapon skills, as opposed to the ele’s 8 ) turned out, I’m going into Thursday pretty excited. Reserve judgement till then guys, because everything we know other than the elite spec is a warhorn is 100% speculation.
And look how well the dragon hunter turned out…
So till its released, yeah, we can still hate it.
I hate the idea of getting warhorn, but like dragon hunter, I may wind up using only have the elite spec (for DH I’ll never use the traps, for tempest I’ll never use the warhorn).
And whoever counted the skills, I think you forgot 5 skills, for the trident (I remember reading the person one one two hander, but theres 2
Please give us a keyring…
I spent 88g on Gallant Sword for my Ele…which also looks good with other professions.
I planned on making Incinerator for my Legendary, but now I’ll just keep my other gifts and T6 mats and prepare for…whatever comes out with HoT legendary wise. Not much of a loss for me…other than making Ascended armor and weapons for Ele.
At least you don’t seem too upset about it. After all, the only reason people thought MH Sword was because of datamined skills that didn’t distinctly indicate “sword”, even if it was implied by the layout.
The “until it’s official it’s not official” rule is always a good one to stick to in this case.
Try maining a Warrior and have no clue as to what they have in store for us as a Elite Spec. or its companion weapon. (we’ve seen a trait line title ‘berserker’, but what the frig does that mean?
Is the new weapon a dagger, a pistol, Staff, focus? … Just. Tell. us. Anet.Please use the warrior forum to cry for your warrior. We’re busy crying for the freakin warhorn we got here, nothing we can say to you to soothe your pain.
Yeah, I know. It blows.
Someone’s gonna cash in on the tempest warhorns lol.
There’s only one in TP and its 2000g, yikes.
1. Elementalists are like the best class in the game, so stop complaining. It’s so so horrible that you can’t do anything in pvp without water and arcane, all that sustain must get so boring compared to playing necromancer and being hammer trained time and time again.
2. We don’t know what the warhorn or elite spec will do at all, so complaining about a weapon is foolish when you have little more than a speculative guess about what it will do.
3. You can spec into tempest without using the warhorn, after all it could offer great things for D/D ele in terms of new utilities. Honestly most mesmers that spec into chronomancer will take torch over shield, and I can guarantee that. Meanwhile the necro GS is so slow that it won’t be a given take on many pvp builds with all t he blind spam right now.
4. There are tons of great warhorn skins available if you’re able to drop the coin on black lion skin. I have howler so it’s not my concern, but there are plenty of other warhorn skins that would go awesome with my Ele like the tempest warhorn or the ley line warhorn (I have all the leyline Ele weapons).
1) I doubt u can say that, currently the burst is just simply ruling everything, Yeah elementalist can survive.. but only through so much eventually they will just be out bursted and die like the rest and due to ur tankyness u’ll just get focus’d harder
Rampage is OP as hell so warriors currently can carry themselves through fights wiuth that, and Disrupt Mantra Mesmers currently do also cause alot of problems.. thats without the mindless thief stacking that will trainwreck u with HS Spams, so no i dont think any proffessions “clearly the best proffession”
but no they’re in a strong place right now and i feel WH should be given atleast a chance.
P.S no all warhorns look crap, Warhorn as a weapon is cosmetically crap…. its a Horn…. Horns dont look good in a Weapon slot… true story, but either way looking past that im sure there will be positives in this.
My point is that Elementalists have been meta in every game mode in the game for a long time, so complaining about being underpowered is just bizarre. Nearly every pvp team in top level pvp runs at least 1 ele, and many run 2.
And not to dote on mesmer too much, but I think a nerf to the mantra lock is likely. The rest of their burst builds are pretty balanced, but the mantras (of distraction with confounding suggestions) are just carrying bad players right now.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
well staying in longer… as far as i could see… we got pulse damage and things if we delayed how quickly we run through each specc, im assuming this is to try push this whole Jack of trades Hit everything playstyle we currently have and to be more capable of excelling in one area… i mean afterall i’d like to see more Damaging builds go up, D/D is great for sustain and things but we have nothing inthe Meta for just Pure explosive damage, so hopefully this will draw away from Support and bring more Power/AoE and Powerhouse Nuking.
The general problem with this line of thinking is that, ultimately, it’s the class design that doesn’t allow us to camp a single attunement. If I need a CC/Protection/Condi Cleanse/etc I have to swap out of Fire. Just how it is. I don’t swap because I want to, but simply because that’s what the class demands and how it works. So the idea of a mechanic, “Singularity”, rewards camping an attunement is novel but fundamentally impractical to the base design of the Elementalist class as a whole. Sure it’ll pulse Might or pulse Burn or whatever, but in the end in order to counter game mechanics as a class I’m still forced to swap because weapon skills are balanced around swapping attunements rather than each attunement being self sufficient enough to sit and camp it.
I want this to be good. But Warhorn from a PvE perspective has to compete with our three best weapons: Focus, Offhand Dagger, and Staff while being tied to our two worst weapons: melee dagger and scepter.
If this does not have access to a firefield, then Scepter+Warhorn will be completely useless. I just…cannot understand why they would release this now. If scepter has some rework, then yeah…it could work. But right now…our mainhands are the lowest tier weapons we have.
Even if the specialization and abilities on their own are good, what can this warhorn provide that staff cannot? Staff has a permanent fire field. It has some extremely powerful AoE. Its autoattack in fire is very strong. Then it has a ton of utility in water. Dagger mainhand and Scepter are going to drag this weapon down unlekittenanges their skills too.
I want thi sto be good. I want it to be given the fair chance it deserves to be a choice for our weapon kit. I don’t want this to be something that just gets tossed aside. And honestly, I just cannot see how this is going to bring anything new to the table.
Exactly, focus is a great weapon that needed a good main complimentary main hand, IMO. D/D really go well together, staff is a decent weapon in it own right, scepter is a terrible worthless weapon in PvP anyways.
A sword provide the possibility for a newer way to play the game.
Well folks it has been fun, but I am out. I am off to necromancer land. (the warhorn was just the tie breaker, I have an irrational hatred for the dagger and scepter isn’t ever going to be fixed).
warhorn confirmed for ele has hate for dagger… leaves for necro what
Believe it or not, it might not be top of the meta but at least it has one thing going for it, the developer responsible for it isn’t karl.
Also sooner or later two things will happen.
1. Cele amulet gets nerf.
2. Karl does what karl does best.In any case, when you are in the bottom you can only move on up. Besides, I actually enjoy the play style in PvP more so than I do the ele.
Necromancer is proof that no matter how at the bottom you are, you can still get kicked in the nuts by Anet. Also at least the base profession for you guys is still top tier basically in every mode.
Ahhh, so this is what being punched in the face feels like.
Thats a feeling we Necros have had for almost 2 1/2 years now X)
Everyone here wonders why Anet is hesitant to talk to their player base? They can’t even make an announcement without getting comments like this:
Well, cringe. This will teach me to never preorder anything, ever again. Thanks, Anet. I normally don’t get particularly bothered by things in the same way other people do and don’t have many issues with most decisions Anet makes, but consider me completely and utterly disappointed (angry, upset, you name it) for the first time.
Guess I’ll start looking for a new class, then, so I can have some specialization to enjoy. Meh.
Despite us knowing nothing about the spec or what it will do. Considering how nice shield mesmer (who only received 2 new weapon skills, as opposed to the ele’s 8 ) turned out, I’m going into Thursday pretty excited. Reserve judgement till then guys, because everything we know other than the elite spec is a warhorn is 100% speculation.
And look how well the dragon hunter turned out…
So till its released, yeah, we can still hate it.
I hate the idea of getting warhorn, but like dragon hunter, I may wind up using only have the elite spec (for DH I’ll never use the traps, for tempest I’ll never use the warhorn).And whoever counted the skills, I think you forgot 5 skills, for the trident
(I remember reading the person one one two hander, but theres 2
Dragonhunter has nothing to do with the tempest. Neither does the trident. I hope the warhorn turns out awesome so you’ll be the only ele that can’t use it since you pledged on the forums that you’ll “never” use it.
Well that is incredibly disappointing… That is like 10000x worse than sword…
It just looks ugly. If it’s a sword off hand even with the same skills, the complaints will drop by half. I mean, who wants to be seen running around blowing a snail shell.
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE
Everyone here wonders why Anet is hesitant to talk to their player base? They can’t even make an announcement without getting comments like this:
Well, cringe. This will teach me to never preorder anything, ever again. Thanks, Anet. I normally don’t get particularly bothered by things in the same way other people do and don’t have many issues with most decisions Anet makes, but consider me completely and utterly disappointed (angry, upset, you name it) for the first time.
Guess I’ll start looking for a new class, then, so I can have some specialization to enjoy. Meh.
Despite us knowing nothing about the spec or what it will do. Considering how nice shield mesmer (who only received 2 new weapon skills, as opposed to the ele’s 8 ) turned out, I’m going into Thursday pretty excited. Reserve judgement till then guys, because everything we know other than the elite spec is a warhorn is 100% speculation.
And look how well the dragon hunter turned out…
So till its released, yeah, we can still hate it.
I hate the idea of getting warhorn, but like dragon hunter, I may wind up using only have the elite spec (for DH I’ll never use the traps, for tempest I’ll never use the warhorn).And whoever counted the skills, I think you forgot 5 skills, for the trident
(I remember reading the person one one two hander, but theres 2
Dragonhunter has nothing to do with the tempest. Neither does the trident. I hope the warhorn turns out awesome so you’ll be the only ele that can’t use it since you pledged on the forums that you’ll “never” use it.
It was in reference to your use of the chronomancer.
(Trident comment wasn’t directed at you, but now…)Trident absolutely has to do with the tempest if we get the 5th element that some people think we’re getting (which I’m doubting).
And yeah, as of now, I’m planning on staying staff only. There is really nothing warhorn can give that would make me go away from staff (mainly because since I hate the only two possible main hand weapons).
Please give us a keyring…
I want this to be good. But Warhorn from a PvE perspective has to compete with our three best weapons: Focus, Offhand Dagger, and Staff while being tied to our two worst weapons: melee dagger and scepter.
If this does not have access to a firefield, then Scepter+Warhorn will be completely useless. I just…cannot understand why they would release this now. If scepter has some rework, then yeah…it could work. But right now…our mainhands are the lowest tier weapons we have.
Even if the specialization and abilities on their own are good, what can this warhorn provide that staff cannot? Staff has a permanent fire field. It has some extremely powerful AoE. Its autoattack in fire is very strong. Then it has a ton of utility in water. Dagger mainhand and Scepter are going to drag this weapon down unlekittenanges their skills too.
I want thi sto be good. I want it to be given the fair chance it deserves to be a choice for our weapon kit. I don’t want this to be something that just gets tossed aside. And honestly, I just cannot see how this is going to bring anything new to the table.
Exactly, focus is a great weapon that needed a good main complimentary main hand, IMO. D/D really go well together, staff is a decent weapon in it own right, scepter is a terrible worthless weapon in PvP anyways.
A sword provide the possibility for a newer way to play the game.
Well folks it has been fun, but I am out. I am off to necromancer land. (the warhorn was just the tie breaker, I have an irrational hatred for the dagger and scepter isn’t ever going to be fixed).
warhorn confirmed for ele has hate for dagger… leaves for necro what
Believe it or not, it might not be top of the meta but at least it has one thing going for it, the developer responsible for it isn’t karl.
Also sooner or later two things will happen.
1. Cele amulet gets nerf.
2. Karl does what karl does best.In any case, when you are in the bottom you can only move on up. Besides, I actually enjoy the play style in PvP more so than I do the ele.
Necromancer is proof that no matter how at the bottom you are, you can still get kicked in the nuts by Anet. Also at least the base profession for you guys is still top tier basically in every mode.
Ahhh, so this is what being punched in the face feels like.
Thats a feeling we Necros have had for almost 2 1/2 years now X)
Ele was pretty much down until the cele was buffed.
As for necro, I just started playing it (I made it years ago), so for me I am joining it at its lowest point. also I know what what it felts to go from BWE1 (high) to BWE2 (low) until cele amulet was buffed and it was buffed on a weapon set I hated, so the ele has always been down for me in PvP anyways.
Question: do we know whether we will be required to use warhorn in the specialization, or if our other weapon sets are available?
If we do know what’s the answer?
We already have an awesome offensive/uility offhand and an awesome defensive/utility offhand… what is this supposed to be replacing exactly?
Why weren’t our terrible mainhands replaced?
It just looks ugly. If it’s a sword off hand even with the same skills, the complaints will drop by half. I mean, who wants to be seen running around blowing a snail shell.
Unleash the power of the Swiffer Duster!
Excellent news, was very much hoping for warhorn. It will obviously depend on the skills, but it has potential for an interesting concept.
I was struggling to equate sword to Tempest or how it would bring something new to the class.
Question: do we know whether we will be required to use warhorn in the specialization, or if our other weapon sets are available?
If we do know what’s the answer?
You will not be required to use warhorn if you spec into tempest. The old weapons will be available for use in that traitline. You cannot however use warhorn without the tempest line. Also there may be a trait in the tempest line that boosts warhorn in some way, so obviously don’t take that if you don’t plan to use warhorn.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
I’m sorry, but that sounds awfully childish. “It’s not what I wanted, so I’m going to choose to not like it regardless of how it works.” Of course people are allowed to feel skeptical or even disappointed (I personally wanted sword, myself). However, the dramatic “Gonna go find a new class to play” reaction is ridiculous without actually knowing the details.
I’m sorry, no one told me I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion. I will reflect on my opinion-having ways.
How dare I feel that I have absolutely no interest in using a warhorn or be angry that it is what we’re stuck with. How dare I say that I would rather spend my free time playing an elite spec I might actually not have to first convince myself to enjoy.. or even (gasp) like better. I’m sorry, but you can’t tell people how they’re meant to feel about something. That is what’s truly childish here.
I’d normally agree that its best to wait until we have more info, but in this case, I feel differently. I am allowed to completely hate a specific weapon- i my case that is the warhorn. And I am also allowed be upset that my class is the one that got stuck with with awful piece of junk.
Fwiw, I had no issues with any of the other specializations, I think Longbow on Guardian and Shield on Mesmer are cool. I just really hate warhorns in every possible way.
I mean sure… they may somehow end up surprising us and this will be awesome. I just really, really doubt that they managed to cook up something that good.
(edited by skullfaerie.7203)
The white eyes, the pose, the body type…they definitely took inspiration from “Storm” of the X-Men.
Some people here seem to a bit early to toot their horns.
Who is not to say the warhorn will blow our minds.
Either way it will sword itself out.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
(edited by FrizzFreston.5290)
nice, can see a warhorn on an ele being cooler then the other warhorn using classes: since i’ve heard the specilization is called the tempest, im guessing weather manipulation
Everyone here wonders why Anet is hesitant to talk to their player base? They can’t even make an announcement without getting comments like this:
Well, cringe. This will teach me to never preorder anything, ever again. Thanks, Anet. I normally don’t get particularly bothered by things in the same way other people do and don’t have many issues with most decisions Anet makes, but consider me completely and utterly disappointed (angry, upset, you name it) for the first time.
Guess I’ll start looking for a new class, then, so I can have some specialization to enjoy. Meh.
Despite us knowing nothing about the spec or what it will do. Considering how nice shield mesmer (who only received 2 new weapon skills, as opposed to the ele’s 8 ) turned out, I’m going into Thursday pretty excited. Reserve judgement till then guys, because everything we know other than the elite spec is a warhorn is 100% speculation.
And look how well the dragon hunter turned out…
So till its released, yeah, we can still hate it.
I hate the idea of getting warhorn, but like dragon hunter, I may wind up using only have the elite spec (for DH I’ll never use the traps, for tempest I’ll never use the warhorn).And whoever counted the skills, I think you forgot 5 skills, for the trident
(I remember reading the person one one two hander, but theres 2
Dragonhunter has nothing to do with the tempest. Neither does the trident. I hope the warhorn turns out awesome so you’ll be the only ele that can’t use it since you pledged on the forums that you’ll “never” use it.
It was in reference to your use of the chronomancer.
(Trident comment wasn’t directed at you, but now…)Trident absolutely has to do with the tempest if we get the 5th element that some people think we’re getting (which I’m doubting).
And yeah, as of now, I’m planning on staying staff only. There is really nothing warhorn can give that would make me go away from staff (mainly because since I hate the only two possible main hand weapons).
While dragonhunter imo is the weakest of the 3 elite specs so far revealed, I still think its alright. We also can’t use it as precedent for elite specs to come (it actually works against that since it uses a 2handed weapon and got the weapon everyone wanted, unlike tempest). I never took the rumors of a 5th element seriously because, while cool, isnt feasible since they would have to create new weapon skills for every weapon.
I can understand being frustrated with being locked into scepter/wh and dagger/wh but chronomancer’s are in a similar situation and so far it looks great. Just give it a chance until thursday.
Question: do we know whether we will be required to use warhorn in the specialization, or if our other weapon sets are available?
If we do know what’s the answer?
With the elite specialization you’re never forced to use the weapons nor the new utilities. All it does is open new options in addition to the class mechanic changes and traits.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
It just looks ugly. If it’s a sword off hand even with the same skills, the complaints will drop by half. I mean, who wants to be seen running around blowing a snail shell.
well Anet love all their weapon ideas, so therefore warhorn isnt at a lesser hand in their eyes, Also no people want sword cause they hate mainahnds and this means they’ll still be made to use those to see these new abilities coming with the warhorn.
Sure it isnt the coolest weapon but its fine…. it isnt a Snail shell, its a Horn and Lets face it something u’d obviously use when shouting into the sky for thunder.
Question: do we know whether we will be required to use warhorn in the specialization, or if our other weapon sets are available?
If we do know what’s the answer?
No you do not have to use the warhorn to be a tempest, however if warhorn becomes better then any other offhands or something it brings is more required then the staff you maybe putting urself at a handicap not using it.
We already have an awesome offensive/uility offhand and an awesome defensive/utility offhand… what is this supposed to be replacing exactly?
Why weren’t our terrible mainhands replaced?
Dagger is not terribad, its just not great for Zerging, other then that its good in both SPVP and Roaming in the current builds, Sceptars is the bad mainhand, so just go Dagger or go staff if ur zerging its simple.
(edited by Drayos.8759)
Tempest: The first prof that uses warhorn to fight melee! Yay!
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Some people here seem to a bit early to toot their horns.
Who is not to say the warhorn will blow our minds.
Either way it will sword itself out.
It’s all a storm in a teacup anyway
Are you guys all artists? Because you are all very good at drawing conclusions.
You have no clue what abilities it can create. What skills you can use and what it summons.
I’m sorry, no one told me I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion. I will reflect on my opinion-having ways.
How dare I feel that I have absolutely no interest in using a warhorn or be angry that it is what we’re stuck with. I mean, being upset is truly a crime. How dare I say that I would rather spend my free time playing an elite spec I might actually not have to force myself to enjoy.. or even (gasp) like better. I’m sorry, but you can’t tell people how they’re meant to feel about something. That is what’s truly childish here.
And where exactly did I tell you that you can’t feel how you feel? Where did I say “being upset is a crime” or a bad thing? I didn’t say either of those things. I said that the knee-jerk reaction of “They gave ele a warhorn, so I’m not playing ele anymore” is childish. You know nothing about how the elite spec is going to work, and instead of waiting to find out how it’s going to work (and whether or not you’d have to deign to touch a filthy warhorn), you’re just tossing the out the baby with the bathwater. So, take a step back, stop accusing me of policing your emotions, and chill.