Do Necs/Reaps need a 1200 range DPS weapon?
Ofc we need one.
What i will tell is from pvp perspective.
Atm most vaible build for necro is condi with scepter and ofc its range. There is no way to make a solid power build with dagger main or axe ( witch is still very bad) simply becouse of the amount of cleave and cc we have in game. Necro lack blocks , invurls etc. I was sure that with expansion reaper will get range dps weapon but we got completly usless greasword.
Well they could just buff staff to have respectable damage. Its true staff on ele is utility. But its also potentially their best dps weapon. So theres no reason the marks and staff auto on necro couldnt be buffed up quite a bit.
What if Staff marks pulsed?
What if Staff auto latched unto targets and did damage over time after hitting?
What reapers need is a reliable pull. Looking at you GS#5.
I would want a ranged power weapon, that’s what I thought axe was supposed to be, but it doesn’t fill that role well. Really you could just buff axe and focus, but otherwise I believe you’d have to make a new weapon. Staff is super good at what it does, very few changes are needed. This is unfortunate because I would also like to see a melee condition weapon, and a true support weapon or something with a unique debuff. Might be a while to get all the holes covered.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
Either staff or axe need to be buffed. Staff need higher attack speed and axe need 1200 range. Axe is especially painful to watch as the focus, an OFFHAND has actual 1200 range while all mainhands traited or not can have only 900.
Staff is fine it just need tweaking.
Faster moving projectile on AA. And maybe 50% finisher?!
Skill 2 could add more bleeding.
Chilblains is just fine, maybe a little bit lower cd.
Putrid Mark, well everybody will agree, this skill was better, once… Need to transfer conditions for allies if they are inside its radius!
Reapers Mark, This skill need to deal a lot more damage. Probably also longer fear, 1,5s? 2s??? And its CD should be shorter too, 25! Also traited it could leave dark field, maybe.
Make GS auto attack a 1200m range attack.
Make Nightfull a ground targeted AoE.
Keep Gravedigger the way it is.
other two attacks consider ranged.
I still want the option to trigger marks manually. Otherwise I agree, staff needs a buff.
Axe could be it. Axe could’ve been many things. But it isn’t.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
I think it would be cool if the staff projectile 1. move faster and 2. was made up by this big bunch of dark energy that is split across all targets you hit. So let’s say it crits for 5k just to use a number. It would hit for 1k on 5 targets, or 5k on 1 target. It still has the same life force logic as today, so that would give it nice functionality for longrange situations. You could also make something like that a trait to alter its functionality like that.
Anyway, I feel like something like that is a good way.
Buff staff, buff life blast and buff axe.
Life Blast needs to be the 100% projectile finisher it deserves.
Staff could use some extra damage overall, and higher chance of finisher on the auto attack.
Axe needs more damage and the finishers people have been asking for since I don’t know how long. The awful attack animation needs to be addressed too. Range is fine.
I don’t think we need a 1200 range DPS weapon, though it’d be nice. It’d just be better if Axe was slightly better, and if staff didn’t feel like I was wasting half a weapon slot just to pick up one or two abilities in a power build.
I would want a ranged power weapon, that’s what I thought axe was supposed to be, but it doesn’t fill that role well. Really you could just buff axe and focus, but otherwise I believe you’d have to make a new weapon. Staff is super good at what it does, very few changes are needed. This is unfortunate because I would also like to see a melee condition weapon, and a true support weapon or something with a unique debuff. Might be a while to get all the holes covered.
I share this guys opinion. I would also like to see an elite spec which focuses on support with sacrifices, gw1 orders, and blood rituals.
Really wish they would buff axe to be more useful though, if you compare it to other ranged weapons it’s just feels bad. Unholy fervor could also use tweaks to make it actually appealing versus the other two traits.
Simple solution let Staff AA hit like Revs Hammer AA in dmg and let is also go thro Walls 7 weeks after Expansion released and let it also move at the Speed of Light…
Servant of Dhuum
They need some sort of power weapon.
Staff doesnt cut it, and if anet is unwilling to buff axe because of counter play issues, the necromancer should get a new weapon.
But, more than that, boon spam is out of control and the game, not just necromancers but the entire game balance, need the anti boon capabilities on necromancer weapons to be buffed.
Yes. Buff either axe or staff. I would prefer/buff staff this way:
- more damage and explodes or fire 3 grasps
#2-5 more damage
- + #2 aoe
“utility” staff.
Staff messes people up, it’s a great weapon. The only thing that I could see would be a decent ranged power weapon, because staff doesn’t suit it for power damage.
But really though, asking for a 1,200 range weapon right after HoT came out is a pretty big stretch.
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!
“utility” staff.
Staff messes people up, it’s a great weapon. The only thing that I could see would be a decent ranged power weapon, because staff doesn’t suit it for power damage.
But really though, asking for a 1,200 range weapon right after HoT came out is a pretty big stretch.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
“utility” staff.
Staff messes people up, it’s a great weapon. The only thing that I could see would be a decent ranged power weapon, because staff doesn’t suit it for power damage.
But really though, asking for a 1,200 range weapon right after HoT came out is a pretty big stretch.
It’s actually pretty good time, now that Reaper is set and we know more elite specs are coming. Surely not tommorow, but Soon™.
(edited by Wintermute.5408)
At this point, I’d be happy for greater defense from ranged targets over longer range on axe or scepter and CPC having its self-weakness removed.
Staff Autoattack needs reworking and could have some buffs added to its marks. However, our ranged DPS weapon is supposed to be Axe, and it completely fails at doing that, so obviously Axe needs a lot of work.
Restart WvW:
Base DS life blast
and staff auto
Those should be more reliable at big range aka faster and higher firerate, with same overall dps, though even a decent increse in staff wouldnt hurt anybody.
That one should really be “THE DPS WEAPON”, as it provides nothing else worth mentioning and fits on nothing beside pure, power damage builds.
- and #2 are equally terrible and all 3x offhands dont exactly fit it either.
Necros, maybe.
Reapers, no.
Give a bow to a new elite spec, I think. That’s what they’re for.
Staff Autoattack needs reworking and could have some buffs added to its marks. However, our ranged DPS weapon is supposed to be Axe, and it completely fails at doing that, so obviously Axe needs a lot of work.
They talked about axe some time ago. They are afraid to buff it becouse it’s a hit-scan weapon, with no projectiles. No joking. So “a lot of work” is going to be absolute rework at this point.
I still want the option to trigger marks manually. Otherwise I agree, staff needs a buff.
this is cool. only staff buff i would agree on is to buff #2 to do respectable damage.
Staff does good as a Condi/Utility weapon.
Buff Axe to respetcable levels instead. Change its functionality to be Projectile-Based rather than Hit-scan based if that’s an issue.
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