Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
This has been going for atleast 7 months now! Are we gonna get a fix Anet? XD
Not likely. They would rather re-colour the red mask and sell it for 500 gems…
- Fixed a bug in which the inventory window size preference would sometimes reset to default when moved before closing.
- Fixed a bug in which the inventory window size preference would sometimes reset to default when moved before closing.
And it still not fixed, checked just now.
And it still not fixed, checked just now.
:/ I suspected that…
Nope, my window is still resizing. Maybe they fixed the one where it randomly goes to super-small instead of just slightly too small for your bags.
Yes, it’s still bugged for me(actually it seems to be worse than before/occuring more often)
Yes, it’s still bugged for me(actually it seems to be worse than before/occuring more often)
Yep, same here. Happens more often now. >.<
Yep, happened to me too shortly after the “fix”. I normally have my inventory size set in a way, that it shows all bags (maximum bag slots), where each 20 slot bag fits in one row.
It resized again, but only slightly so that a 20 slot bag doesn’t show in one row but in 2 rows, 19 slots in the first, 1 slot in the 2nd.
I didn’t have the “mini inventory” though since the patch. In case this bug occurs again, I’ll post about it here.
Happened again to me now as well.
It’s different (less buggy than before) but still not functionnal – on other situations, i still have the -1 cols once reopening my inventory.
Hey everyone! First off, thanks for following up on this issue and letting us know it’s still affecting your game experience. Unfortunately I’ve not been able to reproduce the issue internally, and it does not seem to be a problem which is affecting everyone equally across the entire game. In order to have a better chance of identifying the source of the problem, I need a little more information from those of you affected by the issue to begin our investigation:
- What game client are you using? (Windows / Mac)
- What are your current graphics settings?
Ultra, except player model limit (which is medium)
- Are you playing in full screen or windowed mode?
Fullscreen, but it happens also on my laptop when I’m playing with borderless windowed and medium settings
- Is your inventory full or maxed out?
It’s not full, but I have a lot of items there. I have 1/2 or even 1/3 of my inventory free.
- Do you play with bags displayed or hidden?
If you have any other information you’d like to provide that you feel could be helpful, please feel free to help me out and include that as well. Issues like this one are a perfect example of why it’s always a good idea to provide as much information as possible when reporting a bug, as it helps us narrow down the variables and identify the root of the issue!
Thanks, everyone! Look forward to hearing back from you.
My inventory size is 16×10 (I have all additional bags). I keep all inventory slots visible at once, I don’t like scrollbars. I’m using 1 standard basic 20 slot bag and 7 green fractal boxes. I have tried opening and closing inventory a lot of times without doing anything else and looks like the bug doesn’t happen here. I’m writing from the memory now, but from what I remember it usually happens like this:
- I open my inventory, do some stuff, close it
- I play a bit, run, do other stuff
- I open my inventory again, everything is still fine
- I close inventory and open it again and it shrinks, usually to 15×10
- Sometimes it becomes the smallest possible size (like 5×5 or close to that).
Another fact (I’m not sure if it’s connected) is that I’m using inventory a lot while doing other stuff (attacking, running etc).
It also looks like it happens more often if I move part of my inventory out of screen (for example I keep some items that I want to use during combat at the left edge of my inventory, so I can move the whole inventory but 1 column out of screen and be able to double-click items).
The bug exists on both of my PCs, one is:
- Intel Core i5 460M
- G-Force GTX 285M
- 6 GB DDR3
- WIndows 7 Ultimate x64
Another one is:
- Intel Xeon E3 1230 v3
- G-Force GTX 780
- 8 GB DDR3
- Windows 7 Ultimate x64
I had 1 char where this was happening, and it never stoped. Now, this problem also occurs on an alt. This made me think, what was changed on this character.
It seems to me that the problem comes from having more than one 20 slot bag.
My first char already had more then one when it started hapening. As soon as I equiped an extra 20 slot bag (from the Haloween vendor), this started hapening to this alt.
All my other characters don’t have this problem, and they only have one 20 slot bag (the starter bag).
Bags not full;
Not hidden;
Every bag is one row.
logged just in and yes inventory was smaller, from 10 in one row (2 lines) to 9+9+2 (3lines)
seems bug can’t be unbugged? :P
I just logged in and my Inventory window was resized. I saw that it was fixed and hadn’t had any issues since the patch, but today I did…
And also, inventory size changing after resizing and moving window not fixed too. Just checked.
It appeared to be fixed in the patch they put the notes on, but then I too noticed that without logging out, it would shrink. That was something I had not seen it do before. Sometimes it seems to change more often than before it was ‘fixed’. Maybe it’s multiple things causing it, and they only fixed one because they didn’t know the others were also a cause?
Still bugged, not fixed
It still happens for me as well. The inventory shrinks occasionally by 1 column from 10 (my standard) to 9 as it always did.
Full screen
Issue persist no matter if I use my Desktop or my Laptop.
Well, the issue doesn’t seem to be fully fixed yet but there are some good things to mention. The inventory window, as well others like Hero panel, doesn’t seem to open automatically on log in anymore. Also, it seems the issue has lessened. At least for me it’s no so frequent now, but it still happens.
Ignore what I said in my previous post.. I see the issue back….
this bug happens to me when I switch between characters that have different sized bags, most notably, 18 slot bags vs 20 slot bags. I go on my 18 slot bag character and my bags go from 1 row of 10 and 1 row of 8 to 2 rows of 9 when I log in When I go to a character with 20 slot bags it goes to 2 rows of 9 and 1 row of 2. I’d prefer keep it at rows of 10.
Bags are displayed, windows client, windowed mode, not full inventory, every graphics setting on max except post processing on low, shaders on medium (things aren’t so glossy then)
And yeah.. issue not totally solved at this time… At least not so annoying like 2 months ago.
I just have to shake my head in bewilderment. This is still NOT fixed!?!
I’ve been having the same issue since forever, just never reported it since it is not that great an issue. As to the requested info:
- What game client are you using? (Windows / Mac) – Windows
- What are your current graphics settings? – I use Autodetect and they are all set to about medium, though sometimes I set them to Best Performance when doing Teq or WvW.
- Are you playing in full screen or windowed mode? – always full screen.
- Is your inventory full or maxed out? – rarely full and not maxed out, though I usually only have about 20-30 free spots in it for loot (I tend to carry a lot of stuff around with me
- Do you play with bags displayed or hidden? – bags hidden.
Well tomorrow’s patch day. Let see if this will be part of the “fixed” list.
Well tomorrow’s patch day. Let see if this will be part of the “fixed” list.
I won’t hold my breath… but well, who knows…
Still not fixed as of 2015-01-27 patch.
This has been an issue for MONTHS and it’s been driving me crazy. My inventory always keeps resizing itself between opening and closing it.
The funny thing is, they actually had this fixed but broke it again with the Feature Pack that introduced the wardrobe, I believe.
It’s a minor thing but it’s so irritating.
I use Larger interface size, if that matters (that also caused a display bug ages ago with the dots that seperate mob descriptors).
This has been an issue for MONTHS and it’s been driving me crazy. My inventory always keeps resizing itself between opening and closing it.
The funny thing is, they actually had this fixed but broke it again with the Feature Pack that introduced the wardrobe, I believe.
It’s a minor thing but it’s so irritating.
I use Larger interface size, if that matters (that also caused a display bug ages ago with the dots that seperate mob descriptors).
Yea it happens with small interface also constantly. Been going on for around 6 months now. Very irritating. Sometimes my inventory will be big and next it’ll be just a few columns wide.
Incredibly annoying bug which has been going on for months now. I resize my inventory so that I can see all the slots and I have arranged items in a certain order so that I can quickly access them. That is, I have one setting which I like and which I DEPEND on. But on every game start and sometimes even in the middle of a session, the inventory resets to some “default” size which is less wide, so that not all inventory slots are visible. Why is it so incredibly hard to just REMEMBER the x and y size of the inventory and NOT reset it to some other value? It’s a basic configuration setting, like the screen size – and somehow the game manages to remember that one.
It’s not about remembering the size only. There are a few mechanisms which trigger the resize behavior in order to prevent a window to get lost out of the screen or something like (Check one of my posts of this thread with a few tests). The issue is that trigger needs some tweak as it keeps triggering at wrong moments and circumstances.
So happy to log in every day and see this bug still alive and well. At this point it almost wouldn’t be GW2 for me anymore if they actually fixed this, or I actually got rewarded with more than blues or greens for difficult content…
Gonna give this a bump, this is happening to me still as well.
Patch Tuesday has come and gone again without a fix to this ELEVEN MONTH old bug.
…and in other news, buy more gems…
I have the same problem, sent a bug report about it, dont know if they are looking into this issue, its just annoying
Another Patch Tuesday has come and gone without a fix to this ONE YEAR old bug.
…and in other news, buy more gems…
Happens to me a lot. No idea what causes it to trigger, but once it happens the inventory will shrink horizontally every time it is opened until I manually re size it. All the way down to just two slots across. Very annoying.
At first I don’t even notice that it shrunk, just everything in my inventory is in the wrong place and it throws me off.
I cant understand why ANet cant fix this. This is just a stupid inventory… nothing more. -.-
Please please P L E A S E fix this bug(feature?).
It’s near impossible to keep the inventory organized as i want.Window keep resizing randomly!
Where are you Mr fixitall?
This is still an issue and is happening every time I log in.
I am on Windows 8 machine if that’s of any use.
This is still an issue and is happening every time I log in.
I am on Windows 8 machine if that’s of any use.
same here. it feels like every other time I open my inventory it gets resized
Hello everyone -
I don’t really like to post unless I can include a “soon” for a fix… but this issue is actually quite large and difficult to solve quickly. I don’t want you all to think that it’s being ignored, and once I or anyone replies in one of these threads it generates a lot of buzz and the last thing I want to do is be a debbie downer or promise (or even hint at!) something happening soon that is actually on a long time scale for fix/implementation.
I bring this bug specifically up with our producer for gameplay programming every month or so when this topic heats up again, and it’s been explained as a rather large rewrite that’s needed to fix it. They want to fix it too (and they find it just as annoying), but it unfortunately is the kind of fix has to be scheduled out and planned for. Think of this as similar to the fix we have coming for personal story. It’s a lot of work, and they want it done right.
If it will take so much time, i’d appreciate if you take a little bit more time and update the inventory a little bit with Quality of Life changes while fixing the resize.
Example: Equipping a 2handed weapon while having 2 1handed weapons puts 1 of the 1handed in the correct bag but the other one not.
Ideal Fix: The game should had stored the ID number of an specific inventory slot where it was the last time, and if it’s empty, put it there. If that slot is not empty, then put it in the same bag as the weapon where the 2handed was, and if both of those can’t be done, then ok, put it randomly in the inventory.
Note: If servers are having a hard time to save more variables or settings for millions of players, then i guess a lot of those things could be easily done if they were locally saved. Other MMOs like Lotro have a Local file with the our personal settings. If we want to try the game in a different computer and not lose our settings, we can just copy/paste that file. But due to that, I guess their servers don’t need to deal with all that information, which It’ll be an improvement in GW2 as well (the servers handling that wouldn’t need to send information to the client, so you can use that servers for something else). And we could change our settings without getting into the game (just in casy one of the settings actually broke our game, as happened before with post-proccesing effects).
(edited by Elrey.5472)
Hello everyone -
I don’t really like to post unless I can include a “soon” for a fix… but this issue is actually quite large and difficult to solve quickly. I don’t want you all to think that it’s being ignored, and once I or anyone replies in one of these threads it generates a lot of buzz and the last thing I want to do is be a debbie downer or promise (or even hint at!) something happening soon that is actually on a long time scale for fix/implementation.
I bring this bug specifically up with our producer for gameplay programming every month or so when this topic heats up again, and it’s been explained as a rather large rewrite that’s needed to fix it. They want to fix it too (and they find it just as annoying), but it unfortunately is the kind of fix has to be scheduled out and planned for. Think of this as similar to the fix we have coming for personal story. It’s a lot of work, and they want it done right.
Given the time the issue is around I can really imagine its difficulty, I know how these things are. Anyhow, thanks for taking time to come and reply even if it’s to say “yes, we know that but we haven’t found a fix yet”. I know it’s a pain when these “little bugs” get hidden very deep into the system, if you get what I mean. :P
By the way, there is a long thread about this issue (that seems to be buried into forums pages now) and I posted a few testing there, by chance would some of those things be helpful to track it down? Here is it: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Inventory-Window-changing-size-alone/
Please merge this with the Inventory resizing thread
By the way, there is a long thread about this issue (that seems to be buried into forums pages now) and I posted a few testing there, by chance would some of those things be helpful to track it down? Here is it: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Inventory-Window-changing-size-alone/
I have asked that these threads be merged, and they have been as can be seen by my reply above this one.
By the way, there is a long thread about this issue (that seems to be buried into forums pages now) and I posted a few testing there, by chance would some of those things be helpful to track it down? Here is it: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Inventory-Window-changing-size-alone/
I have asked that these threads be merged, and they have been as can be seen by my reply above this one.
Hehe yes, as that post you quoted was made in another thread.
Hehe yes, as that post you quoted was made in another thread.
Yeah, sorry for the delay in noticing that my merge attempt had worked. I was infracted (for an unrelated matter) shortly after self-reporting the two threads for merging and therefore couldn’t check for a couple of days.
At least now we have one thread to bind them all…
Hehe yes, as that post you quoted was made in another thread.
Yeah, sorry for the delay in noticing that my merge attempt had worked. I was infracted (for an unrelated matter) shortly after self-reporting the two threads for merging and therefore couldn’t check for a couple of days.
At least now we have one thread to bind them all…
Ouch O.o. But yes all in one now.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.