Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]
I am 46% of the way into dragon hunter and haven’t gotten my bow, the specialization collection didn’t unlock, and the trait line is absent in traits menu,
Is it just me or do the new story cinematic sequences seem to be missing audio files for enemies and general… background ambiance? They ONLY currently play the voices for the NPCs and the hero. And it’s really… really lackluster. Not sure if this is intentional or not.
I was in a party towards the end of Prologue: Rally to Maguma. I entered, and grabbed some waypoints. When I left, through the portal, it will not let me enter, but I can waypoint into the map. I have check marks on all the prologue items, but nothing will allow me to progress to the next personal storyline, Torn from the Skies.
Same as others. Season 2 Ep 8 – Pact Assaulted. Stuck on 2/3 soldiers saved from mordrem pods.
I deblocked the elite spec using hero points with my necromancer in Heart of Mists but the success was not validated, as a consequence I can use the elite spec in PvE but I did not validate the success thus I did not receive the claymore “Reaper’s greatsword”
I unlocked the specialization while in the spvp lobby and did not receive the weapon. Relogging, restarting, moving to pve areas did not reset the issue. I had received a weapon on other characters before and after when unlocking the spec in a pve area.
Major bug in new borderlands, i can waypoint inside Garrison while it’s being owned by a different server. Same for towers in enemy borderlands.
No Action Camera Keybind Addition
- Patched up fully overnight
- Downloaded additional updates
- Logged in for first time and there is no Action Camera Toggle keybind for me
Tried a repair.
I really do not want to have to reset my preferences/delete my local.dat file and redo everything all over again just to see if it fixes the problem.
Has anyone else experienced this?
If so, does -prefreset fix the problem?
Apparently one must load a character into a map for the Options menus to update with these new features (Toggle Action Camera, Allow Skill Retargeting, etc).
I find this to be rather odd. It means a new player that logs in and customizes their settings would need to first make a character and load into the game world and then have to go back in and adjust these additional settings. If they do not reopen their options after making/loading a character, they would not even be aware of these settings existing as they weren’t there before when they were customizing them at the character select screen.
- I can only think that there is a bug there causing these two new options to not be in the Options until after loading into a map with a character.
| [Free Ports For All “Not So Secret” JP Needs (and 1st Try Dive Tips)] |
| [Classic Thread: “all is vain”] |
(edited by StinVec.3621)
Hi dudes -
I am reading the thread, and the testers are too. Some of the first few pages:
1. No extra character slot! – These are added once per week. Please submit a CS ticket if you don’t have one after a week has passed.
2. Stuck/frozen in Torn from The Sky – If you have not fully patched the client you will freeze when hitting a tripwire while the client downloads the missing cinematic. Solutions are to fully patch or wait for it to download. I know the waiting looks pretty sketch and you just want to push the close button or force quit.
3. Missing Achievement Points – _We think this has to do with Halloween Achievement points from 2014 being reset in 2015. Investigating._
I lost about 50 points give or take. I received the 8k reward chest a few days ago and started HoT under 7960 points. I started playing at the start of this year so I was not around for Halloween 2014.
Hope this helps.
I thought the Experience bar on the Mastery Rank set (bottom) would increase when I filled the bar. At Mastery Rank 1 (while training bouncing mushrooms), I hit 508,000/508,000 experience and it told me I had a point to spend. Went to spend point, Mastery training shows I have 0 spendable points. I think “Well, maybe it just needs to reset the bar and the code goofed a bit.” So I select another one (exalted training) and bar resets to Mastery Rank 1 3,820/508,000. I still have no points.
Do I not get any mastery points for ranking up? Do I not rank up after I get rank 1? I’m so confused =( Also how do I get vista at “Wreck of the Lethal Vantage”? Just south a bit from initial entrance to map. Thanks in advance for any help or whatnot. I’m just so confused and I want to play the map =/
Edit: The Bouncing Mushroom achieve in the Hero Panel shows the training to be 100% complete. Can’t unlock it. Still have 0 points. Super confused.
I got the same problem.
Any updates on prologue bug, or?
Any updates on prologue bug, or?
Not yet unfortunately…
Im using the Mac client and since downloading the dlc my game keeps crashing every 20-30 min, its really annoying and making the game unplayable, also there are some optimization issues as well, the crash bug is the main one.
I am not able to complete the prologue because I got dc at the last mission and I cannot enter the new map now.
Constant crashing and freeze on mac client, jesus! can’t use any druid skill even though i had 196 skill points
Im having the same crashing issue, every 20 min it crashes on mac.
Had the Prologue: Rally missing instance entrance bug for about 11 hours now..
Would it not be possible to wipe the storyline for everyone who’s still on the prologue, because from what I’ve seen people who play the prologue after the patch are fine?
No that would be pretty dangerous.
Also tester just repro’d, time to ride this choo choo train out to live… once we get the fix to test that is.
Any updates? <3
My client stopped working at midnight and will not download the new expansion. it will download to about 6% then crashs every single time. have tried to repair the client 3 times so far and it still wont work has anyone else had this problem?
(edited by Raferke.5083)
Sorry if this was reported before, there are alot of messages haha.
But the first main quest for the char Revenant is bugged or so it seems.
“Time for a Promotion”, hope they can fix it soon! Or does anyone have a way to make it work again?
Scout Acan doesn’t talk to me, no matter what I do.
Sorry if this was reported before, there are alot of messages haha.
But the first main quest for the char Revenant is bugged or so it seems.
“Time for a Promotion”, hope they can fix it soon! Or does anyone have a way to make it work again?
Same problem, and too my knowledge no fix yet
Trying to open blue or green map meta bonus chests from auric basin will instantly crash my game every time.
I’ve exit the prologue cos the game was crashing at rally point.
I’m in the VB map now by using the portal to friend. At least I can see the new map.
Trying to open blue or green map meta bonus chests from auric basin will instantly crash my game every time.
I am having the same problem. for me, it began with the chest reward for killing an octavious. cause game to crash and critical error window to pop up.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
2 hours killing things in the labyrinth and I was getting plenty of exp, but nothing advanced on the masteries, not Central Tyria or Maguuma.
Sometimes some server problems, server falls out and gives error codes. (That is becoming less now’)
Most works fine in the game
Had the Prologue: Rally missing instance entrance bug for about 11 hours now..
Would it not be possible to wipe the storyline for everyone who’s still on the prologue, because from what I’ve seen people who play the prologue after the patch are fine?
No that would be pretty dangerous.
Also tester just repro’d, time to ride this choo choo train out to live… once we get the fix to test that is.
Any updates?
It’s currently on track for the next hotfix. I don’t really like to comment until it is fully signed off because I believe in the jinx.
brb finding something made of wood to knock on…
Trying to open blue or green map meta bonus chests from auric basin will instantly crash my game every time.
I am having the same problem. for me, it began with the chest reward for killing an octavious. cause game to crash and critical error window to pop up.
We know about it and it’s being worked on.
One of my character is stuck at prologue as well, can’t exit the instance.
I was finishing “torn from the sky” story when yellow update message pops out.
I quickly finished it and restarted the game. When I came back, that character is stuck in prologue.
Game Crashes almost immediately when in any city or silver wastes and maguuma. Like 30 seconds in and my game will crash
I also purchased HoT but am unable to get into masteries or anything else related. Says I need to upgrade to HoT?
(edited by Commando.5129)
Unable to look straight down when using Action Cam
Please remove the threshold for vertical looking in Action Cam. when trying to set fire fields to blast might, it is very inconvenient to be unable to cast a fire field at your own feet (ele focus 4)
I did not get my new character slot for heart of thorns. I had to purchase one last night in order to create a new character. please help me out here.
Ok, we are now to the point where this happens almost every 2 minutes in Verdant Brink. The expansion is virtually unplayable for me.
Any word on a fix or a refund? This is kinda bad.
I have crashed over 10 times in 2 hours of play.
So far only happens in the Brink. Here is the last crash report —-
—> Crash <—
OOM: Heap, bytes=40740564,
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 2696
BaseAddr: 00370000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 54517
When: 2015-10-23T16:53:01Z 2015-10-23T12:53:01-04:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:16:28
Flags: 0—> System <—
Processors: 2 [AuthenticAMD:15:11:2]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (32 bit)—> System Memory <—
Physical: 981MB/ 3071MB 31%
Paged: 3473MB/ 6140MB 56%
Virtual: 180MB/ 2047MB 8%
Load: 68%
CommitTotal: 2667MB
CommitLimit: 6140MB
CommitPeak: 2832MB
SystemCache: 1011MB
HandleCount: 18362
ProcessCount: 65
ThreadCount: 778—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1357MB
WorkingSet: 1223MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1346MB
PageFaults: 2898803—> Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Root 402.05 339115
Programmer Data 299.78 203198
VRAM 173.95 17827
Game 135.22 106828
Content 96.48 37301
Engine 95.43 81270
Gr 69.50 58455
VRAM – Gr Postproc 64.85 18
Art Assets 50.37 883
Collections 47.23 3417
Dictionary 46.17 504
Uncategorized 45.73 134884
Character Models 44.63 153
Composite Models 40.05 141
Composite Tex 39.89 138
Composite Tex Pool 39.89 138
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
Text 28.16 4062
VRAM – UI Textures 24.27 630
VRAM – DDI Shader 23.20 15490
Audio 21.77 5706
VRAM – Gr Geometry 19.30 128
I/O 12.39 330
Archive 11.20 38—> Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—
[Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
Content 96.48 37301
VRAM – Gr Postproc 64.85 18
Dictionary 46.17 504
Uncategorized 45.73 134884
Composite Tex Pool 39.89 138
Gr 38.09 651
VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
Text 28.16 4062
VRAM – UI Textures 24.27 630
VRAM – DDI Shader 23.20 15490
VRAM – Gr Geometry 19.30 128
Audio 11.67 938
Archive 11.20 38
Audio FMOD 10.11 4768
Gr Umbra 8.96 1200
Gr Cloud 8.69 17805
Collide Havok 6.18 150
Gr Model 4.94 9040
Character Packfile 4.58 12
Anim Import Packfile 4.53 15
Composite 4.49 535
Gr Font 4.06 256
Debugging 4.00 2
Game Animation 3.91 41224[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]—> ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0xb6c <—
—> Trace <—
Pc:0067d99f Fr:0562fbf4 Rt:009b97a5 Arg:00000000 00000000 0139127c 00000204
Pc:009b97a5 Fr:0562fc88 Rt:009b8eea Arg:026da6d4 04187410 04187410 0562fcb4
Pc:009b8eea Fr:0562fc9c Rt:009b3dc4 Arg:00000010 00000010 00000010 0434d010
Pc:009b3dc4 Fr:0562fcb4 Rt:009b5799 Arg:00000010 0562fd40 0686dab8 0434d054
Pc:009b5799 Fr:0562fce4 Rt:009b81df Arg:3c670f56 0082bb63 0434d010 0434d460
Pc:009b81df Fr:0562fd8c Rt:00829aee Arg:0434d010 00000002 00000002 00000010
Pc:00829aee Fr:0562fe08 Rt:0082acf2 Arg:4708cb49 01d10db3 693e739a 00000001
Pc:0082acf2 Fr:0562fe48 Rt:008292c1 Arg:03ff2d30 020f8360 0067f048 00000000
Pc:008292c1 Fr:0562fe68 Rt:007cfd70 Arg:03ff2d30 693e7372 00000000 020f8360
Pc:007cfd70 Fr:0562fea0 Rt:007cfe98 Arg:00000000 0562feb8 7799ee6c 020f8360
Pc:007cfe98 Fr:0562feac Rt:7799ee6c Arg:020f8360 0562fef8 77843ab3 020f8360
Pc:7799ee6c Fr:0562feb8 Rt:77843ab3 Arg:020f8360 7381da99 00000000 00000000
Pc:77843ab3 Fr:0562fef8 Rt:77843a86 Arg:007cfe1c 020f8360 00000000 00000000
Pc:77843a86 Fr:0562ff10 Rt:00000000 Arg:007cfe1c 020f8360 00000000 00000000—> Thread registers <—
eax=0562f768 ebx=0562fbb0 ecx=0139127c edx=0562fbb0 esi=7798f26a edi=00000000
eip=0067d99f esp=0562fb8c ebp=0562fbf4
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246eax-32 0562F748 00000000 00000004 fffffd34 000002e4
eax-16 0562F758 fffffd34 000002cc 00000018 00000000
eax 0 0562F768 80000003 00000000 00000000 75aa812f
eax16 0562F778 00000000 66c051f4 ffffffff 5b4136a8
eax+32 0562F788 00000001 380010fc ffffffff 650039ac
eax+48 0562F798 ffffffff 60c13be8 ffffffff 5bc067f0
ebx-32 0562FB90 0139127c 00000204 00000000 04187ba8
ebx-16 0562FBA0 30be9e60 00000000 00000000 00000003
ebx 0 0562FBB0 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 34373034
ebx16 0562FBC0 34363530 000ecb00 000ecbbf 0562fbf4
ebx+32 0562FBD0 00783ba5 00000000 0562fc90 0562fbf0
ebx+48 0562FBE0 04187bac 0562fc90 00000000 00000000
ecx-32 0139125C 009ba4c0 006f0057 006c0072 00200064
ecx-16 0139126C 0061004d 00200070 00650054 00000078
ecx 0 0139127C 2e5c2e2e 2e2e5c2e 6d61475c 69565c65
ecx16 0139128C 445c7765 75616665 565c746c 6f4c6664
ecx+32 0139129C 632e6461 00007070 7274656d 3c206369
ecx+48 013912AC 72726120 657a6973 6d5f6d28 69727465
edx-32 0562FB90 0139127c 00000204 00000000 04187ba8
edx-16 0562FBA0 30be9e60 00000000 00000000 00000003
edx 0 0562FBB0 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 34373034
edx16 0562FBC0 34363530 000ecb00 000ecbbf 0562fbf4
edx+32 0562FBD0 00783ba5 00000000 0562fc90 0562fbf0
edx+48 0562FBE0 04187bac 0562fc90 00000000 00000000
esi-32 7798F248 90909090 9825ff90 9077951d 90909090
esi-16 7798F258 909005eb ff909090 951c0c25 90909077
esi 0 7798F268 ff8b9090 5dec8b55 909005eb ff909090
esi16 7798F278 951db025 90909077 186a9090 98f32068
esi+32 7798F288 da7ae877 4d830000 35ffffe4 77a16010
esi+48 7798F298 13a015ff f6337795 33fc7589 7d8947ff—> Code <—
0067D97F 806a2d01 8d45bc6a 4050e8b2 67ffff83 .j-..E.j@P..g…
0067D98F c4108d55 bcb90500 00006a00 ff751453 …U……j..u.S
0067D99F e8ac9400 008b55b4 8b45b88d 5a178b75 ……U..E..Z..u
0067D9AF 1883e3f0 8bcb8843 fa8ac32a c2668973 …….C…*.f.s
0067D9BF f88843fb 0fb6c02b c8897bfc 3bca7414 ..C….+..{.;.t.
0067D9CF 68e50300 00bafc69 2d01b990 6a2d01e8 h……i-…j-..—> Stack <—
0562FB8C 0067d9a4 0139127c 00000204 00000000 ..g.|.9………
0562FB9C 04187ba8 30be9e60 00000000 00000000 .{..`..0……..
0562FBAC 00000003 70616548 7962202c 3d736574 ….Heap, bytes=
0562FBBC 34373034 34363530 000ecb00 000ecbbf 40740564……..
0562FBCC 0562fbf4 00783ba5 00000000 0562fc90 ..b..;x…….b.
0562FBDC 0562fbf0 04187bac 0562fc90 00000000 ..b..{….b…..
0562FBEC 00000000 693e7626 0562fc88 009b97a5 ….&v>i..b…..
0562FBFC 00000000 00000000 0139127c 00000204 ……..|.9…..
0562FC0C 0000003a 00000001 00000010 00000010 :……………
0562FC1C 04187ba8 04187bac 3f800000 00000000 .{…{…..?….
0562FC2C 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f800000 ……………?
0562FC3C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0562FC4C 3f800000 00000000 33b95890 00000001 …?…..X.3….
0562FC5C 30be9e60 00000001 00000001 00000004 `..0…………
0562FC6C 0067eec9 000008a0 006bca50 07484510 ..g…..P.k..EH.
0562FC7C 65294710 30be9e60 00000000 0562fc9c .G)e`..0……b.
0562FC8C 009b8eea 026da6d4 04187410 04187410 ……m..t…t..
0562FC9C 0562fcb4 009b3dc4 00000010 00000010 ..b..=……….
0562FCAC 00000010 0434d010 0562fce4 009b5799 ……4…b..W..
0562FCBC 00000010 0562fd40 0686dab8 0434d054 ….@.b…..T.4.
0562FCCC 3c83126f 3c670f56 3c670f56 3c670f56 o..<V.g<V.g<V.g<
0562FCDC 3c83126f 3c83126f 0562fd8c 009b81df o..<o..<..b…..
0562FCEC 3c670f56 0082bb63 0434d010 0434d460 V.g<c…..4.`.4.
0562FCFC 00000001 00000002 00000002 00000010 …………….
0562FD0C 0562fd24 0562fd2c 0434d460 00000002 $.b.,.b.`.4…..
0562FD1C 0562fdf4 0000000c 00000000 0686dac8 ..b………….
0562FD2C 00000000 0434d054 00000001 0434d010 ….T.4…….4.
0562FD3C 0562fd7c 0686dac4 0434d04d 0067bfd7 |.b…..M.4…g.
0562FD4C 0434d38c 0082bec3 0434d010 00000000 ..4…….4…..
0562FD5C 00000000 0562fd8c 0562fda4 0082a18f ……b…b…..
0562FD6C 0434d010 0177b82e 00000001 0434d358 ..4…w…..X.4.
0562FD7C 00000000 0562fd80 0562fd81 693e705e ……b…b.^p>i
0562FD8C 0562fe08 00829aee 0434d010 00000002 ..b…….4…..
0562FD9C 00000002 00000010 0562fdf4 0434d460 ……….b.`.4.
0562FDAC 020f8360 00000001 0177b82e e0c3eb2e `………w…..
0562FDBC 00000051 00000000 778258bc 75aa1876 Q……..X.wv..u
0562FDCC 00000000 75aa189f 68785bf0 00000001 …….u.[xh….
0562FDDC 0000000a 020f8360 00000024 00000001 ….`…$…….
0562FDEC 00000000 00000000 4708cb49 01d10db3 ……..I..G….
0562FDFC 0177b82e 00000010 693e73da 0562fe48 ..w……s>iH.b.
0562FE0C 0082acf2 4708cb49 01d10db3 693e739a ….I..G…..s>i
0562FE1C 00000001 0177b82e 020f8360 fffffffe ……w.`…….
0562FE2C 020f8360 0562fe18 00000001 0562fe90 `…..b…….b.
0562FE3C 007d00b0 6d31ef72 00000000 0562fe68 ..}.r.1m….h.b.
0562FE4C 008292c1 03ff2d30 020f8360 0067f048 ….0-..`…H.g.
0562FE5C 00000000 020f8360 00000000 0562fea0 ….`………b.
0562FE6C 007cfd70 03ff2d30 693e7372 00000000 p.|>i….
0562FE7C 020f8360 020f8360 020f8360 0562fe74 `…`…`…t.b.
0562FE8C 007d4d93 0562fee8 007d00b0 6d31c34a .M}…b…}.J.1m
0562FE9C 00000000 0562feac 007cfe98 00000000 ……b…|…..
0562FEAC 0562feb8 7799ee6c 020f8360 0562fef8 ..b.l..w`…..b.
0562FEBC 77843ab3 020f8360 7381da99 00000000 .:.w`……s….
0562FECC 00000000 020f8360 00000000 00000000 ….`………..
0562FEDC 00000000 0562fec4 00000000 ffffffff ……b………
0562FEEC 777fe15d 01603779 00000000 0562ff10 ]..wy7`…….b.
0562FEFC 77843a86 007cfe1c 020f8360 00000000 .:.w..|.`…….
0562FF0C 00000000 00000000 00000000 007cfe1c …………..|.
0562FF1C 020f8360 00000000 00000000 00000000 `……………
0562FF2C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0562FF3C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0562FF4C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0562FF5C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0562FF6C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
0562FF7C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….—> Error Logs <—
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1907337256732033536’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1907337037688701442’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1907337699113665028’
Model ‘0×082244’: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices.
Debug token ‘0×266fa’: Lightning ran out of space for new bolts.
Couldn’t find missile launch point for gadget ‘0xdd162’.
Couldn’t find missile launch point for gadget ‘0xdd162’.
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘Zz5tK.pGPgw’
Couldn’t find missile launch point for gadget ‘0xdd162’.
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
Texture ‘0×03539b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0×03539b’ texture failed
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1930741529675137550’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1930720570234733141’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1930720583119635050’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1930741576919777807’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1928779829132493374’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1928779571434455611’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1928779657333801528’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1928779743233147449’
Texture missing mip chain: 0×00ecaf—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×10de
DeviceId = 0×0a65
Version = 9.18.0013.4144
Description = NVIDIA GeForce 210
Compat = 0×00100800
VidMem = 1024 MB
Leader of TACO mini-roamer guild, Kaineng.
At the Prologe quest i had about 6 chrashes and after this , the gren quest marker disapeared permanently and i am stuck there and cannot enter Maguumadjungle
Any chance we could get an update on the Pact Assaulted bug? The one where it only spawns 2 of the 3 Pact soldiers you need to save. I’m wondering if I should wait for that to be fixed to go into HoT so I’m caught up on the story, or just start HoT now.
Ok, we are now to the point where this happens almost every 2 minutes in Verdant Brink. The expansion is virtually unplayable for me.
Any word on a fix or a refund? This is kinda bad.
Kylden will you submit your next crash report via the crash reporter and leave a comment such as “Attn Crash Deputy” with a brief description of what you were doing. Please also include your in game name and your email in case they need additional information.
Glided down to Scout Acan but he won’t talk to me. Several others standing around reporting the same issue.
Any chance we could get an update on the Pact Assaulted bug? The one where it only spawns 2 of the 3 Pact soldiers you need to save. I’m wondering if I should wait for that to be fixed to go into HoT so I’m caught up on the story, or just start HoT now.
Working on it but there is no fix yet.
Download Crash at 2572 files remaining, can’t play the game!!!
—> Error Logs <—
Failed to parse GFE XML: no data
Disk write failed with error 665 (incomplete): file ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.dat’
Disk write failed (665: ): file ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.dat’
somebody HELP
(edited by ArsAeterna.8076)
My story instance is bugged out. It is stuck on the last part of the first mission in order to get into Verdant Brink and it will not let me back into the instance nor will it let me into Verdant Brink on my thief.
So I can’t access any of my elite specializations on either my Mesmer OR Revenant.
The game says I haven’t unlocked any of the core specs for my revenant and the one for mesmer just doesn’t show up
Can’t wield the new spec weapons on both characters (guardian and thief) that had enough hero points for activation.
Got weapons got achievement, can’t use the weapon. Both cases I made sure to be in PvE maps, still.You will need to activate your new Trait line. “H” menu, Build Tab then change one of your specializations to you new one. Then you can use your new weapon.
This doesn’t work. The game doesn’t recognize that you even unlocked them to use them
Playing as mesmer prologue: rally at maguma crashes every time i go to the waypoint to go through to maguma
Something terrible happened to me…
I pre-purchased the deluxe version of Heart of Thorns, played a bit in beta as a revenant. There was a notification telling me nothing I did would be saved, so I accepted the skin and everything on that beta character. Now that I have the game, I don’t have the extra things I paid for. They’re gone. I was assuming it wouldn’t have saved anything in beta but it did, then deleted my beta character for me.
This is a huge disappointment. I hope they can fix this for me, otherwise I spent the extra money on two seconds and didn’t even get to use the glider skin at all…
If anyone knows a solution to this please let me know. And ARENANET?! HELP?!
Completed the Guild Mission to win a match of sPvP Stronghold, and rewards never updated; the guild mission never completes. I am currently running this with a guild team and I start the Mission before queueing for the match. Please help. Attaching two screenshots showing 2 matches being completed while mission was active. |
Broken Charr Ravenant story progression
mission: Time for Promotion
goal: defeat all enemy gladiators
status: no progress despite defeating all gladiators, waited, went around arena, stucked
additional info: re-loaded the mission 3x more times, same results, cant progress story
(edited by cmud.5689)
The mission to fortify the pact’s position is broken too. That would be right the first instance when entering Verdant Brink. This is the choice that wasn’t available in the beta.
After you kill the soldier dominated by Mordermoth, the next mission point is back as a circle around the soldier’s site, but we were supposed to investigate the burning ship and salvage something from it. The ship is where Taimi’s golem is destroyed and there is nothing to activate there, so the quest doesn’t continue.
I finished the Pact Commander mastery and as soon as the loot should have come in I crashed. After testing: Every time I get loot the game crashes.
Luckily you can shut this feature off, so I did that for now (it’s the Autoloot: Quick Interact option for the people interested), but I would love to have this feature fixed, I didn’t grind my kitten off for nothing
On personal story Time For a Promotion, after you fight the first wave of gladiators nothing happens. It get stuck and I’m unable to progress in the story.