Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Maym.4687


Server: Sea of Sorrows
Guild: Unco
Guild Tag: [Unc]
Update: Not gained any influence at all in the last 16 hours according to guild log.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: RubberNinja.6470


As the Leader, I still cannot do anything the Leader should be able to do, can’t change Message of the Day, que upgrades, promote players, I am the Guild Leader, but the game thinks I am not?

What’s going on? can we at least have some recognition to say that you are working a fix for this? I know you are busy and all, but a simple, “Thanks, we realise this is a problem and has been added to the list” shouldn’t be too hard.

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Posted by: allart.3746


Server: Ring of Fire
Guild: Bloodstone Keepers [BloS]

Recently I cannot claim any objectives in WvW for my guild anymore, even if I am an officer enabled to do so. I get the error message that I don’t have permission to claim. At launch instead, I was able to claim objectives.

Another issue I had is that from the Ring of Fire Keep in Eternal Battlegrounds, which had been upgraded with guild banker, I wasn’t able to access guild bank, even if I was representing my guild and we have both guild stash and guild treasure.

(edited by allart.3746)

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Derges.6592


Wickermen on Fissure of Woe

I’ve paid for and built the politics 1 upgrade. However whilst the guild emblem template appears under “unlocks” it hasn’t activated. I have no option at the registrar, no option to build an emblem upgrade from the politics screen or the ability to interact with the option under unlocks.

I’ve also had an issue with upgrades vanishing from the build que with no trace of the influence spent on them

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Derges.6592


Wickermen on Fissure of Woe

I’ve paid for and built the politics 1 upgrade. However whilst the guild emblem template appears under “unlocks” it hasn’t activated. I have no option at the registrar, no option to build an emblem upgrade from the politics screen or the ability to interact with the option under unlocks.

I’ve also had an issue with upgrades vanishing from the build que with no trace of the influence spent on them.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Derges.6592


Wickermen on Fissure of Woe

I’ve paid for and built the politics 1 upgrade. However whilst the guild emblem template appears under “unlocks” it hasn’t activated. I have no option at the registrar, no option to build an emblem upgrade from the politics screen or the ability to interact with the option under unlocks.

I’ve also had an issue with upgrades vanishing from the build que with no trace of the influence spent on them.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Derges.6592


Also triple posting on forums. Sorry.

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Posted by: deucengine.5940


Any info on Guild Leaders who have no rights to their own guild? I’ve submitted a ticket but its been over a week. Judging from this thread its a fairly widespread issue. While I understand the “disappearing” guilds is an important issue, some kind of update on this issue would be appreciated.

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Posted by: Emma.2018


Funny thing about those influence drinks i was told that we don’t receive influence from them cause we in overflow servers and that’s why game bugs out and don’t give us any influence, so Guess what i was in normal server bought drinks just to test this crap excuse and still didn’t get any influence, same did my boy friend and bunch of friends, so please stop making lame excuses and fix matter and refund money or influence.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Valkenhyne.5649


Terranova, Gandara. Guild leader (me) has no permissions, racked up 1000+ influence, unable to use it. I’ve made a different guild (called Rapture Shock) that works perfectly, but I don’t want to lose the influence i’ve gained in the other guild by swapping over.

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Posted by: Meepo.7435


Our guild Defective Gummi Bears <DGB> has paid for bank upgrades and we can not access our guild bank that had stuff in it. It says we have not built any storage. We had it a week ago and it still shows on our build history and complete lists.

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Posted by: Idgarad.6105


Solum Contego is bugged on Devona’s Rest. Vault is MIA, Can’t fix logo, can’t increase size, reasearch queues vanishing intermittently, cannot claim keeps despite we are already 200+ hours in worth of upgrades…

“No Mercy for the Panda Kids. We don’t want you. We don’t need you.”

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Jferraro.6423


Me and My Friends started a guild Fairy Tail Edolas (Tail). The problem is even though he is the leader he cant promote anyone and he cant purchase anything with our ponits or make any chanes at all to the guild all he can do is invite people and change the name of ranks..

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Posted by: Discord.9738


Upgrading System Is wasting so Much Influence Earned.

I do not know if this has been posted yet but , when you go to upgrade your guild , the upgrade will go to the que , but after some kind of maintenance there is always something lost , influence is spent but when you log back in the upgrade is no longer in the que , i have sent in game tickets in about this but really i do not know how they address it or if they reply.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Chuo.4238


I, too, fall in with those unable to join a guild:

Network error .

Please check your Internet connection and try again.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: King Starks.7543

King Starks.7543

I cannot buy nor manage my guild – cannot change user rank but i can create new rank (also deleted officer by mistake and can’t get new officer now because i cannot change add any permission to rank), cannot buy upgrades. literally no admin access to it.

Guild name: For All Remaining Time
world: Maguuma

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Posted by: Y u mad its vydia.6324

Y u mad its vydia.6324

Guild: Stakin Fer Jebus [SFJ]
World: Desolation
Rank: Guild Leader

I can’t use the guild bank. Even though I have the upgrade (and could use the stash before), today the guild bank NPC says my guild has no storage.

Malaakh. [EU] Desolation.

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Posted by: dwarfhamster.5281


Still nothing.. bought 2 new ones to test. Nothing ><

PLease Anet, an update on this?

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Posted by: Archetype.3582


It has been six days since I started my guild and I have been unable to do anything with it. Cannot purchase upgrades, cannot promote members, cannot change ranks. Nothing. Any plans for a fix to this?

Guild: Tempest Guild [TMP]
Server: Isle of Janthir
Rank: Guild Leader

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Posted by: zerorelative.3104


Guild: Stakin Fer Jebus [SFJ]
World: Desolation
Rank: Guild Leader

I can’t use the guild bank. Even though I have the upgrade (and could use the stash before), today the guild bank NPC says my guild has no storage.

I have the exact same issue, different world server.

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Posted by: Inqy.3015


Character – Picselle
Guild – Botanophobia (BOTA)
Rank – Leader
Server – Devona’s Rest (America)
NPC – Zarx (Guild Promoter in Rata Sum)

I bought one letter if notice (2 Silver) and two letters of Support (40 silver) from Zarx and none of the influence was added to the guild itself.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: captnWOOPYpants.1859


Attempted to purchase Guild influence and 20g later I still have the same guild influence, I’m only in one guild at the moment and I’m the leader, Legion of the Night, Server: Stormbluff Isle. i tried relog and that didnt work, I also cannot talk to most of the guild npcs because i dont “have” a guild, though i clearly do.

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Posted by: captnWOOPYpants.1859


Forgot to mention I cannnot edit my guild without the game crashing.

Server: Stormbluff Isles
Character: CaptnWoopyPants
Guild: Legion of Night [Nite]

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Posted by: Tashiro Kurosawa.7481

Tashiro Kurosawa.7481

I’m guild leader for the Scions of Arion (ARIN). It seems that our guild can not gain access to the guild vault, guild weapons, or guild armour inside Divinity’s Reach, but we are capable of getting access in other locations. Just a weird little bug I thought I’d share.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Idgarad.6105


Character name – Auriolu
Server – Underworld
Guild – Mocking Jay

Have same problems as some people spent 3.8 gold buying influence drinks from Nolan Guild Promoter and didn’t get any influence at all, made a ticket about that and spent 3 days receiving automatical responses not on subject, after all that waiting + systematical loss of Building Queue (bug) and having no idea either guild is even building anything at all or not, i got response from support and Boyyyyy i loved it:


Thank you for your follow up. We are aware of an issue when using these items while in an overflow not applying the influence to guilds and are working to resolve them as soon as possible. Unfortunately we are unable to return to you the missing influence from this issue, or the money spent on the items. I apologize for the frustration and thank you for your understanding in this matter.


GM Untharin
The Guild Wars Support Team

- so apparently its players fault that game makers couldn’t handle flow of players and made overflow servers and after you lose your gold cause of that u wont get it back.

Unfortunately we are unable to return to you the missing influence from this issue, or the money spent on the items. I apologize for the frustration and thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Bullkitten they can’t. Lazykitten kitten GM.

“No Mercy for the Panda Kids. We don’t want you. We don’t need you.”

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Daily.5381


Character name – Auriolu
Server – Underworld
Guild – Mocking Jay

Have same problems as some people spent 3.8 gold buying influence drinks from Nolan Guild Promoter and didn’t get any influence at all, made a ticket about that and spent 3 days receiving automatical responses not on subject, after all that waiting + systematical loss of Building Queue (bug) and having no idea either guild is even building anything at all or not, i got response from support and Boyyyyy i loved it:


Thank you for your follow up. We are aware of an issue when using these items while in an overflow not applying the influence to guilds and are working to resolve them as soon as possible. Unfortunately we are unable to return to you the missing influence from this issue, or the money spent on the items. I apologize for the frustration and thank you for your understanding in this matter.


GM Untharin
The Guild Wars Support Team

- so apparently its players fault that game makers couldn’t handle flow of players and made overflow servers and after you lose your gold cause of that u wont get it back.

Unfortunately we are unable to return to you the missing influence from this issue, or the money spent on the items. I apologize for the frustration and thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Bullkitten they can’t. Lazykitten kitten GM.

THAT is messed up.
Have some integrity GMs!

Can we get an update on this missing influence and guilds thing?
Had an “i’ll get back with you” response 2 days and 3 pages ago.

I have to stop drinking milkshakes.
I hate all those boys in my yard.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

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Posted by: Ursi.6487


As a Guild leader I can no longer Build Upgrades nor can I claim forts in WvW. Name: Essentia Natura Guild: Cereal [CeRe] Server: Sorrow’s Furnace

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Posted by: MasterYoda.8563


“Influence counting issue: I have alts in a guild, all representing it. Sometimes the system adds 40, sometimes 30 or 50 influence for daily logins. Sometimes events add influence, sometimes not.”

Samething here with me, I took my time yesterday in Metrica Provinace with my ranger and I was gettting influance, then I went to Caledon Forest and got nothing from events. This issue goes back to BWE1 as far I as I know.

Guild Sun Down Killers [SDK] Yak’s Bend

Game Security Lead “Closing this thread,
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet

(edited by MasterYoda.8563)

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Posted by: Phrixus.1382


World: Devona’s Rest
Guild: Eternitys Edge (EE)

Aside from my level 59 quest tome doing nothing, I now can’t set any permissions and I cannot put anything in queue even though I am the guild leader. This is annoying. Please fix this asap because it is screwing over the guild.

Originally this guild was on Crystal Desert, but we migrated to this new world.

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Posted by: Zilvai.4860


Guild Name: Blessed Dragons
World: Piken Square (EU)


Hello there. There are two issues.

1). We were formerly on a US server and had 1000 influence points there with a tome we used. We went to EU and lost those points and all the progress we made.

2). I just bought for 2g 1000 influence points but they never appeared.

I hope you can compensate the loss.



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Posted by: gorb.5608


Day 7 with out guild. Day 3 with out an update. 6 guild members lost and counting.

The Knightwatch [KW]
Jade Quarry

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Posted by: Whittiker.7923


I formed a guild last week for a few friends and myself and I cant seem to edit the abilities of the different ranks and I cannot promote anyone or do anything really and Im the leader. I am hoping you guys can get that fixed for me. Guild is “United Guardians of Tyria”

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Posted by: caasig.9634


Guild Name: How To Train Your Bone Dragon [Drgn]
Server: Darkhaven
Rank: Leader

Not able to create/ properly edit any rank. Leader rank has only edit ranks permission, rest of permissions are un-selectable. Unable to promote or demote. Oddly enough, as leader, I can assign edit ranks and admin lower ranks for officers (and they can promote/demote), rest of permissions also un-selectable.

Have tried re-logging, re-starting.

(edited by caasig.9634)

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Posted by: DaRkSkye.1756


Guild: Forged From Gods [FFG]
Server: Crystal Desert

I am unable to add anything to the build queue although we have plenty of influence. The Add buttons are there, they are just grayed out. Also, I can’t promote or change anyone’s rank in the guild. Thanks in advance.

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Posted by: Voqar.2349


Several members have intermittent guild stash access issues – seems to occur most with specific zones – like they can’t access from grove or lion’s arch but can access from other cities when this happens.

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Posted by: Voqar.2349


Had to edit…my architecture 3 didn’t show on my character in Lion’s Arch, but on an alt in a different zone it IS actually queued and running. Sigh. The character in LA also couldn’t access the guild bank there. For whatever reason, certain zones affect guild which is really odd.

(edited by Voqar.2349)

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Posted by: Voqar.2349


Will there ever be any compensation for those of us who got bit by the guild creator/leader issue early, where we couldn’t represent, or see guild, and were basically orphaned? All that influence down the drain? No biggie for huge guilds but my guild is 10-15 friends and losing out influence sucks.

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Posted by: Dumachi.8742


For some reasons i carnt edit ranks or create them, i also carnt invite players yet i have the highest permissons???

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Posted by: Dumachi.8742


Character name – chronoshock
Server – ring of fire
Guild – twisted syndicate

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Posted by: Swift.9832


Same issue listed here

Guild is Golden Fury [Gold] (I’m playing on Aurora Glade). One of our members used a Tome, I added Politics Level 2 to the upgrade queue, consuming the 1000 influence. Upgrade started fine. Checked back a few minutes later, influence was gone (upgrade history lists the upgrade being started), queue was empty, don’t have politics 2 and the upgrade is back in the list, available for purchase.


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Posted by: Cai.5972


Default permissions for the leader is wrong. I can’t do anything despite being the guild leader.
Server: blackgate
Guild: shown in screenshot


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Posted by: Tekray.3910


Server Crystal Desert
Guild DIBS
Character Slyme Funguy
I used a letter of recommendation obtained from my personal story. The graphic played but I did not gain any guild influence.

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Posted by: Dhonovan.8176


Arena Net, where are you?

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Posted by: Kendra Nightwind.8734

Kendra Nightwind.8734

Server Crystal Desert
Guild DIBS
Character Slyme Funguy
I used a letter of recommendation obtained from my personal story. The graphic played but I did not gain any guild influence.

My wife had the exact same thing happen.
Guild: Druids of Old (DOO)
Server: Hedge of Denravi

Why is it that Lions Arch has guild issues? Most of my members can not access the guild bank there, but if they go to thier home city they can access just fine.

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Posted by: Nevermore.3026


I got a Letter of Commendation (worth 400 influence) from my level 59 personal quest called Retribution. I used it yesterday, but the guild didn’t get the influence.
I also used my Tome of Influence from Digital Deluxe version of the game and that influence is nowhere to be seen either.

Character: Orbitance
Guild: Madly Aquire Treasure Hordes
Server: Gunnar’s Hold
Location: Retribution personal quest for Letter of Commendation, Rata Sum for Tome of Influence

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Posted by: Mrpopo.4593


made a guild yesterday says i the leader but i cant edit anything i have no permissions

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Posted by: Deathshrill.2105


Server – Northern Shiverpeaks
Guild – Audi Vide Tace [AVT]
Problem(s) :
1. – Unable to perform any guild actions (cannot promote, cannot create message of day, etc.) The same issue everyone else is reporting.
2. – Guild tag is not showing.

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Posted by: Triotec.2806


I have the same problem, got no permissions

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Posted by: deviatebill.5071


Ok, so apart from not gaining the influence from the Letter of Commendation a few days ago, we were gaining influence fine up until yesterday from hearts etc…
Now, we’ve been totally stuck, not even gaining 1 Influence…for anything!
Really annoying.
I kinda want my 40 silver back from the letters (not too bothered though) but I’d really like Anet to at least FIX the guild system, I mean cmon, It’s GUILD wars.

Really shouldve had our guild bank by now

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Posted by: HyDraLiNsK.2470


I am unable to edit ANYTHING other than create new ranks. Cannot edit message of the day, promote members, edit emblem, NOTHING at all. Please fix!!!

Guild name: Band Of Sinister Soldiers [BOSS]
Isle of Janthir server.

“This rose has thorns…. here they are!!”