Low FPS - [merged]

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Can we get an update from an mod or something? I would like to try Win8, but I want to get you guys a profile before I wipe out my Win7 installation.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parsleysoda.9031


My FPS issues are on and off apparently. I was having FPS issues (dropping to 7-15 in certain areas of dungeons/high traffic areas, and 20 everywhere else) about three days ago, next few days it worked perfectly with my minimum being around 35 in WvWvW, Lions Arch, and pretty much being over 60 everywhere else. After last nights build I’m back to having the same FPS issues I had a few days ago.

Specs- i7 k875 @ 2.93 GHZ
Radeon HD 6870 overclocked to 930 mhz
16 GB DDR3 Ram
Win 64 bit
Got the latest drivers for my card.

(edited by Parsleysoda.9031)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MattChernicky.2945



Technical Support Lead


Hey all,

For those of you that tired to use the -perfdebug command last night, can you confirm that the .dat file that should be found in the profiles folder is not there for me please.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GonzoNeo.4965


After today path the game run worst to me, when i played alone or in small groups i can get 40-60fps and with big grups 20-40 in High, WvWvW or dragons unplayable but well, the rest is ok.

But now when im alone or small gropus 15-35 FPS, and now big groups unplayable, dragons no comment, great job arena.net -_- , we are going backwards.

And of course change to the highest graphics to lowest only change 3-4 fps at max.

E8400 3.0GHZ
4GB Ram
Ati 4870 HD with 12,6 CCC

I call BS dude =P. I had a 3.6ghz Core 2 Quad (Q9400 @ 450fsb) with a 4890 1GB (also OC’d) and 8GB DDR2 before I upgraded my vid card for this game (hahaha), and did not EVER get anywhere close to 60 fps in group combat, let alone solo questing. Staring at the ground, maybe.

Here’s your real issues:

1. Dual cores are not very good for this game. Too CPU-dependant, hopefully this is fixed sooner than later though.
2. 4GB of RAM leaves roughly 2GB or less for the game. Not enough. Game uses 1.5gb+ pretty consistently, if you have pretty much anything else running you will run out of memory. You might still even with nothing else running.
3. 4870, noticeably slower than my 4890, and that could barely handle the game. Time to upgrade man, those cards are over 4 years old. We are 3 generations beyond the 4xxx series now. And if your 4870 isn’t even the 1GB model then you’re just going to be SOL performance-wise (goes back to the “time to upgrade your card” bit). Modern day games use well over 512mb VRAM.

You call BS, I call real deal, the real perfomance between a 4870 and a 4890 is minimal, a E8400 true is a dual core, but is much better than many quadcore, or I5 in the market, more cores dont only made a CPU better, you know that a e8400 still sell around of 150$ -200$ ? .

If you dont belive my perfomance well, take a look of a screen of two days ago, keep a PC update and clean and you will surprise:


I work in hardware support to users and bussines, and the optimization of the game right now is bad, you have this forum like proof,.

Now right here i have 25 fps, what change in 1 day ?

Before at least i could play great alone or in small groups, but now is terrible.

(edited by GonzoNeo.4965)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GonzoNeo.4965


Hey all,

For those of you that tired to use the -perfdebug command last night, can you confirm that the .dat file that should be found in the profiles folder is not there for me please.

I just try -perfdebug command and i dont have any “profiles” folders in my GW2 folder.

Plz fix the yesterday patch, to me the game in small groups runs great but now the perfomance is poor and WvWvW and Dragons are unplayable, before at least i could get 10-15 fps in these, but now 5 fps at max.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: miiksu.3741


Hey all,

For those of you that tired to use the -perfdebug command last night, can you confirm that the .dat file that should be found in the profiles folder is not there for me please.

Yep. There is only these few files; gw2.dat, local.dat.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brandon.4027


Hey Brandon here just joining this thread now, so can someone give me a yes or no answer to confirm this for me.

Question: So high end rigs that play every other game 60fps Ultra settings 1080p etc. etc. are having problems running this game when it should be the same way as the others? Such as 30 and lower fps in WvW and cities, and etc.

I just upgraded to a Phenom 965 and a GTX 660 Ti and I’m still not getting what I believe I deserve.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


You call BS, I call real deal, the real perfomance between a 4870 and a 4890 is minimal, a E8400 true is a dual core, but is much better than many quadcore, or I5 in the market, more cores dont only made a CPU better, you know that a e8400 still sell around of 150$ -200$ ? .

If you dont belive my perfomance well, take a look of a screen of two days ago, keep a PC update and clean and you will surprise:


I work in hardware support to users and bussines, and the optimization of the game right now is bad, you have this forum like proof,.

Now right here i have 25 fps, what change in 1 day ?

Before at least i could play great alone or in small groups, but now is terrible.

Oh for SURE the game needs optimizations, and badly! But even IF an E8400 sells for $150-$200 still, that does not make it better than a Core 2 Quad, etc. Worst case scenario is a game/app will only utilize 1 or 2 cores of the Quad, meaning performance would be nearly identical of a dual-core; not worse (especially considering the architecture of the C2Q’s). Likewise, DDR2 is also more expensive than DDR3 – but that’s because it’s discontinued and hard to acquire – it doesn’t make it better/faster. I watched the C2D prices rise as they got phased out from my local Fry’s Electronics. Of course they are unattainable in retail stores now but I digress. I do know how to keep a system clean and optimized – I would hope so after being a PC builder for 17 years. And there is actually a sizeable difference between a 4870 and a 4890, as the latter uses the revised RV790 chipset vs. the older RV770 from the 4870. Here’s a snippet: “A minor update was introduced on April 2, 2009 with the launch of Radeon HD 4890 graphics cards based on the RV790 GPU. Featuring an improved design with decoupling capacitors to reduce signal noise, altered ASIC power distribution and re-timed the whole GPU chip, which resulted in a slightly increased die size but overall much better stability at high clock rates and a higher default clock.”

(edited by Idolicious.6091)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nyxyxylyth.8974


Hey all,
For those of you that tired to use the -perfdebug command last night, can you confirm that the .dat file that should be found in the profiles folder is not there for me please.

Confirmed. There is no profiles folder. I tried making one, but trying -perfdebug again had no result.

On the other hand, today is a lot better. Still have to back down on shadows, but playable. ATI 7850, 8 GB RAM, i7-860.

(edited by Nyxyxylyth.8974)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Swedemon.4670


Here’s your real issues:

1. Dual cores are not very good for this game. Too CPU-dependant, hopefully this is fixed sooner than later though.
2. 4GB of RAM leaves roughly 2GB or less for the game. Not enough. Game uses 1.5gb+ pretty consistently, if you have pretty much anything else running you will run out of memory. You might still even with nothing else running.
3. 4870, noticeably slower than my 4890, and that could barely handle the game. Time to upgrade man, those cards are over 4 years old. We are 3 generations beyond the 4xxx series now. And if your 4870 isn’t even the 1GB model then you’re just going to be SOL performance-wise (goes back to the “time to upgrade your card” bit). Modern day games use well over 512mb VRAM.

1. Correct – 4 cores is basically mandatory if you want 30+fps at all times. If you only have 2 cores then drop shadows to None.
2. Incorrect – I have 4GB ram (Win7 64b) and I generally have about 800MB to 1GB to spare after hours of WvW. Windows 7 occupies about a GB outside of game, but I do make sure no other “crap” is running in the background (msconfig is your friend).
3. Not sure – But my 5870 is a beast for everything except the most intense WvW at 1080p. I reckon the 4870 is about 20% less performance, not great, but not pitiful. If you only have 512MB vram then run at 900p or less.

(edited by Swedemon.4670)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


2. Incorrect – I have 4GB ram (Win7 64b) and I generally have about 800MB to 1GB to spare after hours of WvW. Windows 7 occupies about a GB outside of game.

Admittedly, that all depends on software installed, Windows updates/optional updates, amount of hardware attached/installed (drivers), background apps, etc. :P

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GonzoNeo.4965


Here’s your real issues:

1. Dual cores are not very good for this game. Too CPU-dependant, hopefully this is fixed sooner than later though. If you have only 2 cores drop shadows to None.
2. 4GB of RAM leaves roughly 2GB or less for the game. Not enough. Game uses 1.5gb+ pretty consistently, if you have pretty much anything else running you will run out of memory. You might still even with nothing else running.
3. 4870, noticeably slower than my 4890, and that could barely handle the game. Time to upgrade man, those cards are over 4 years old. We are 3 generations beyond the 4xxx series now. And if your 4870 isn’t even the 1GB model then you’re just going to be SOL performance-wise (goes back to the “time to upgrade your card” bit). Modern day games use well over 512mb VRAM.

1. Correct – 4 cores is basically mandatory if you want 30+fps at all times.
2. Incorrect – I have 4GB ram (Win7 64b) and I generally have about 800MB to 1GB to spare after hours of WvW. Windows 7 occupies about a GB outside of game.
3. Not sure – But my 5870 is a beast for everything accept the most intense WvW at 1080p. I reckon the 4870 is about 20% less performance, not great, but not pitiful.

Furthemore im not begging for all 60fps in WvWvW, at least i want the perfomance that i had until today, i lost half of my fps in some zones, and where before i could play at 30fps just fine now is unplayable.

Is not, “im just buy the game and suprirse low fps…” , now, i have the game since headstart and until yesterday patch the game run much smother to me. And seeing the post im not the only one, this isnt a hardware issue, if the game just rune fine until yesterday patch.

I just want a answer of arena.net to know what they done, i paid 150€ for a CE and that the game run much worse in less a day and not give a explication what they done just annoying me.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TDL.6087


My FPS was finally fixed with the September 8th (I believe) patch. As of last night’s patch my game is again running terribly. In fact it seems to be even worse than before. Before the 8th I was getting 15fps at least now I can’t get more than 6-7. I enjoyed the last few days of actual good FPS…please revert whatever terrible change you made. This sucks.

Again, my specs are:

Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 2.53 GHz
4.00 GB RAM
Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1
Nvidia Geforce GTX 260M (Display Driver: 306.02 Beta)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Furthemore im not begging for all 60fps in WvWvW, at least i want the perfomance that i had until today, i lost half of my fps in some zones, and where before i could play at 30fps just fine now is unplayable.

Is not, “im just buy the game and suprirse low fps…” , now, i have the game since headstart and until yesterday patch the game run much smother to me. And seeing the post im not the only one, this isnt a hardware issue, if the game just rune fine until yesterday patch.

I just want a answer of arena.net to know what they done, i paid 150€ for a CE and that the game run much worse in less a day and not give a explication what they done just annoying me.

I feel your pain and I realize many people are in the same situation as you – where it ran fine at launch, etc. and now performance is worse. I wasn’t trying to talk down to you or about your system – your numbers just seemed a little off. I know you just want your “old performance” back.

Also, I really think this is a general game-wide issue and not related to NVidia or ATI specifically. Some people are just more affected than others, and their voices speak the loudest.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IPunchedyour family.7294

IPunchedyour family.7294

I wonder how many people who now have low FPS were part of the original ‘Buy a new everything nublet!’ campaign that was prevalent in the first fortnight of release.

Don’t under any circumstances buy a new ANYTHING to try and help play this game. If the new patch has truly made things worse for those users who were previously fine (as the 10+ new WTF FPS! threads on here this morning indicate) then I dread to think how bad it’s gotten for those of us who were just getting by.

If it’s not fixed soon the game’s definitely going to die. Nobody who finishes will try and replay. Nobody will bother with WvW. PvP will become droll and annoying for most players. I’m already noticing that the low level areas have become total ghost towns. Sure most people are finished them by now but still you should encounter some people. The last 3 events I did, I had to try and solo because no players were in my area.

The proof will be with the vast majority of people who don’t come to the forums or think about tech issues. They won’t think in terms of ‘bug’ or ‘FPS’, but they will be receiving the same issues guaranteed. They’ll just write GW2 off as a bad game and go elsewhere. Sadly I think this game is going to join a long list of MMOs that just didn’t end up being fun. It was too ambitious and it seems that the ANet team got too excited by the innovation and built their big beautiful wooden castle on a termite mound.

i53570k, HD6970, 8gb Ram – 60FPS

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anarion.5461


Because if I the truth a couple of friends who asked me about the Gw2 told them frankly they do not buy, that I regret, since after 15 days, not been able to play moderately. How this continues fall as the bag, dive…

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yoji Jojo.8036

Yoji Jojo.8036

I have the same Issue, my fps has now dropped from around 50 fps to a game halting 5 fps.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grandma.8316


I bought the game a couple of days ago, I’d been saving up for it as I’ve been looking forward to it for months! I was so excited I finally installed it and started playing I chose the settings that It gave me for my computer which where mostly high a few mediums, however as soon as I started playing I noticed the FPS wasnt quite what I wanted, It was averaging 20/25 And as soon as there where a few players around it would drop down instantly. World v World v World was below 10FPS when it was busy, I changed the settings to as low as they could be, It was slightly better but still I’d preffer not to have to play at the lowest settings as It’s not half as enjoyable!

My stats for my PC are as follows.

Intel® Core™ 2 Quad-Core Processor Q9550 (2.83Ghz, 1333MHz FSB, 12MB cache)

4096MB 800MHz Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM [4×1024]

Hard Drive 1TB NCQ SATA (2×500GB) 7200Rpm Dual HDD Config Raid 0 Stripe

Single 1GB DDR3 nVidia® GeForce™ GTX285 graphics card

PCI Card Ageia PhysX 128MB

Integrated HDA 7.1 Dolby Digital Audio

I’ve also got pictures of my results from CPU Z, Im not sure If you need them but they might make it a bit easier to understand

If theres anything you can help me with please do, I really would love to be able to play this game on reasonable graphics with a nice steady FPS (30+) If theres anything you can suggest I’m more than willing to try it!

I want to be able to run this game on High Settings, if my computer isnt good enough to do so, please let me know and I’ll try to upgrade it!.

Thanks allot, Louis.

(edited by Grandma.8316)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JoeCool.8495


Just bought the game because I read the system requirements. I got 5fps using core2 quad (2.40GHz) and nvidia GTX 260. game is unplayable at this point.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cosmo.8176


Getting back in this thread.. I7 2700k, 660TI with the latest 306.02 drivers for the 660TI specifically, Win7 32 bit, 4GB DDR3 1333. Running fullscreen at 1280×1024, Max settings, Native texture sampling. All CPU threads are used, all cores are unparked.

A definite low-fps spot for me is Lion’s Arch, reproducible@ Mystic Forge. Even when there’s no one around (4AM weekday EU server), i drop to 40 FPS.

Grandmaster Cartographer. Scraping walls like no other.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Just bought the game because I read the system requirements. I got 5fps using core2 quad (2.40GHz) and nvidia GTX 260. game is unplayable at this point.

You have a CPU and a GPU from 4 generations of PC hardware ago, and you’re complaining? Give me a break. I built a PC like that several years ago…

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kuroioni.3147



FPS lower than expected for my setup in certain areas (Ksessex Hills, WvWvW battles, explosions – like from a trebuchet etc)

Options and FPS:

Auto detect sets all the settings on high, however I change shadows to medium, keep Vsync off, distance blur as well, AA on/off makes no difference.
My ‘default’ FPS is around 40 (in most pve zones, cities etc). Sometimes it drops to 25-28 for example in Ksessex Hills, and it can go down even below 20 while battling in WvW or with above mentioned explosions.

My PC:

cpu – Phenom II X4 965 (the processor usage never goes above 90% even when in WvW)
gpu – Palit Nvidia GTX 460 2BG with a custom cooler (never gets above 65 C even after hours of playing) with updated drivers
ram – 4GB Corsair @1333 mhz (it’s obviously enough, because according to records it never went beneath ~20% of free memory)
system – Win7 x64, updated
res – playing @ 1080p

(edited by kuroioni.3147)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Beerbash.5207


Same problem Radeon 7750, went from 50 to 10 fps after the patch using same settings as before. It wasn’t the Windows Update either because I tried rolling it back with no difference. To me it appears as though FXAA is stuck on even though you can change it in the menu it appears to always be on which is obviously a huge performance drop for older cards.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mental.8245


I am getting the same huge performance drop. This is how the game played when it first launched for me as well. Incredibly laggy UI/camera movement with ~15 fps. Then a few days into launch a patch fixed it and everything was crisp and responsive averaging 50~ fps. Now after this recent patch back to the terrible performance. I also did not install the windows update so I know that was not related. Phenom II 955, HD6850.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CptBadger.5918


Is this a problem with the game itself?

Of course it’s a problem with the game itself.

It always amazes me why do MMO developers continue to design unplayable mess ?

Massive PvP in current MMOs goes like this (to name just a few):

Age Of Conan ? ROFL (no need to say more, still runs like crap 4 years after release)
WAR ? Unplayble choppy mess.
RIFT ? Unplayable choppy mess.
STO ? Unplayable choppy mess.
SWTOR ? ROFL. They complelely removed open world PvP. The engine is that badly optimized.
EVE Online ? Time dilatation made is SOMEWHAT playable, but it’s still a laggy mess.
Guild Wars 2 ? Unplayable choppy mess.

Seriously when will developers learn ?

Before anyone asks: my rigs were always way… WAY past recommended specs for any of the above mentioned games.

(edited by CptBadger.5918)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daftlapin.8493


Please fix this. I really want to play this game.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Moshart.4739



i hate lags

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tyrelch.8961


I have the same issue, I would get a random massive fps drop to about 3fps. After tinkering with every possible resource i have found that my GPU was overheating during gameplay. My card (Gforce 8600GT) has ran the game fine prior to a game patch i recieved on 10/09/12. There is no overcloacking applied to my GPU and other games do no have this problem.

Has any one else with the fps issue noticed the same temp increase?

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: katzu.9250


Bumping this as I also have the same issue. I have been playing since launch perfectly smoothly on high settings with an average of 45-60 fps. I logged in today and got a startling 10 fps in a zone with little to no activity..

Geforce GTX 570

There has to be something in the latest patches (those random files we download everytime we log in) from the last day or two that really screwed it up.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheSneak.1327


Hello, recently I’ve been having a very strange issue regarding my frame rate. Essentially, after about 10 or so minutes of playing the game, my FPS drops to ~5-10 from anywhere between 1-10 minutes. After the sudden drop, I’ll then be able to play at a regular frame rate (anywhere between 30-50) for a few minutes before having another random FPS drops.

These FPS drops occur seemingly randomly; they happen when I’m questing without very many mobs around, just walking around a small outpost or in a city. Sometimes I’ll be in a huge boss fight with lots of mobs and attacks – no problems whatsoever. It’s completely random.

During the BWEs this past summer however, the game was perfectly functional with no frame rate issues at all. Even at launch I was not experiencing these sudden/random FPS drops. I can’t think of a specific update where these issues began.

Laptop specs:
Gateway P-7805u FX
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 @ 2.27 GHz
4GB of RAM
GeForce 9800M GTS 1GB
Windows 7 Ultimate (6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601)
I also updated my Nvidia drivers to 306.02 (the beta)

Edit: I run the game on the absolute lowest settings. Shadows off, everything turned down to low.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lilac.9534


Specs : Intel Core i7-920 , 2.67 Ghz, Nvidia Geforce 460, 12 Gb Ram, Win7 64bit, 100 Mbps internet connection. Latest official GPU driver installed but not tested the latest beta version yet. The system is now 3.5 years old, except for the video card which was replaced about a year ago. It’s therefore not the best available, but performs still well enough.

Until +/- 5 days ago, I had no problems at all running the game at maximum settings. Then, when mapping Black Citadel, major lag hit and FPS dropped to 10-16. When asking about, a guildie told me he had the same issue, with a better system than mine even. Turning off “reflections” had done the trick for him. Worked for me too. And no issues in other zones. Until yesterday.

I started a guardian in Queensdale and FPS went as low as 6. I dropped everything to the lowest possible settings but didn’t get anywhere over 10-12 FPS. I checked CPU and GPU performance and temperatures, they were all inside normal limits. I logged off and went to do something else, then came back for a guild event a few hours later only to find Caledon Forest wasn’t doing any better.

Eventually I jumped to LA, rebooted and after reboot I suddenly was up with 85 FPS again. At maxed settings. As soon as I started to move, FPS dropped to 30, which is good enough to play. Then I zoned to Queensdale and yay, 1 measly FPS. Dropped the settings again to a minimum, didn’t get a better result. So that’s when I ended up here. Finding out that I’m not the only one with issues, is some kind of relief, but I do hope Anet will undo whatever choking stuff they implemented in the last update.

I wonder how many of the people experiencing issues are on the same server. I play on EU Gandara.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Donwey.8079


I7 920 @ 3GHZ

iam struggle to run this game smoothly in WvW , its almost unplayable here even when i set up the lowest settings in the game. Iam running the game with the newest drivers for my graphic card and processor. Anybody can help me how to increase performance in WvW?

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

I have the same issue but only in days.
I have good fps days and bad fps days -_- !!!

When its a bad day no matter what i change ingame or Ati Control panel, they dont chane the horrible fps or horrible camera movement

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Hey all,

For those of you that tired to use the -perfdebug command last night, can you confirm that the .dat file that should be found in the profiles folder is not there for me please.

I have no subfolders in my GW2 directory and none of the command line parameters work for me. Are they perhaps disabled in the build you guys release?

Should there be a profiles folder? If so where should it be? In the game folder or a sub-folder of the users folder?

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fikii.9458



I have notebook:

Intel Core i7-2630QM 2.0 GHZ
8gb RAM
nVidia GT 540M
latest drivers

I am experiencing horrible fps drops in spvp battles. Whenever i am alone in a map i have 60 fps (usually if something requires more fps, my fps are going down, but it’s 40-60, it’s not so bad), but when i start fighting at least 2v2 in spvp my fps is going down to 15 – 20 fps, it’s unplayable for me. Does anybody have any good idea how to fix my fps drops ?

Animation: med
Anti aliasing: none
Enviroment: med
Distance LOD: low
Reflection: none
Textures: med
Render sampling: native
Shadows: none
Shaders: low
Post procesing: low
*the rest off

I think i have not such bad ntb to play it almost on LOW and get fps drops to 15-20.
I would be very pleased if someone with similar or even with same ntb reply here anything to compare.

Thanks for every reply.


Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Is this a problem with the game itself?

Of course it’s a problem with the game itself.

It always amazes me why do MMO developers continue to design unplayable mess ?

Massive PvP in current MMOs goes like this (to name just a few):

Age Of Conan ? ROFL (no need to say more, still runs like crap 4 years after release)
WAR ? Unplayble choppy mess.
RIFT ? Unplayable choppy mess.
STO ? Unplayable choppy mess.
SWTOR ? ROFL. They complelely removed open world PvP. The engine is that badly optimized.
EVE Online ? Time dilatation made is SOMEWHAT playable, but it’s still a laggy mess.
Guild Wars 2 ? Unplayable choppy mess.

Seriously when will developers learn ?

Before anyone asks: my rigs were always way… WAY past recommended specs for any of the above mentioned games.

I played most of these games with no problems at all..Besides rift and swotr.Btw when will you learn that packing hundreds of people together in one server in the same area fighting each other creates lag,and your fps Will drop,no matter what game you’re playing.Gw2 does a pretty fine job tbh espec in wvwvw the lowest fps i get is 26,and thats when assaulting or defending,everything still maxed out.

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Spotred.7125


It seems like it isn’t a windows update issue then.

When i tried to launch the game earlier today i was back up on the normal fps. I’ve taken a screenshot of the task manager list with the programs which was running at that time.

I will see if the problem is fixed later today. If not, I can preform a cross check and see if something isn’t right.

Maybe that can help someone.

“The people, they’re nothing but children. Repeating their mistakes…
And then they die.”

(edited by Spotred.7125)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anarion.5461


Is this a problem with the game itself?

Of course it’s a problem with the game itself.

It always amazes me why do MMO developers continue to design unplayable mess ?

Massive PvP in current MMOs goes like this (to name just a few):

Age Of Conan ? ROFL (no need to say more, still runs like crap 4 years after release)
WAR ? Unplayble choppy mess.
RIFT ? Unplayable choppy mess.
STO ? Unplayable choppy mess.
SWTOR ? ROFL. They complelely removed open world PvP. The engine is that badly optimized.
EVE Online ? Time dilatation made is SOMEWHAT playable, but it’s still a laggy mess.
Guild Wars 2 ? Unplayable choppy mess.

Seriously when will developers learn ?

Before anyone asks: my rigs were always way… WAY past recommended specs for any of the above mentioned games.

I played most of these games with no problems at all..Besides rift and swotr.Btw when will you learn that packing hundreds of people together in one server in the same area fighting each other creates lag,and your fps Will drop,no matter what game you’re playing.Gw2 does a pretty fine job tbh espec in wvwvw the lowest fps i get is 26,and thats when assaulting or defending,everything still maxed out.

Then you’re not the 90% that do not properly us or we think that the Gw2 goes fine.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cbuzz.5083


Gaming on low end laptops is not gonna happen. Your fps are spot on for your hardware. No surprise there…

Hope this helps.

i7 3770k@4.8Ghz / AIR
GTX 6GB Titan@1160Mhz

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anarion.5461


When 1 mmo gives problems to a low community of players thing of players, but when a mmo gives problems to large masses of players it is problem of mmo, we do not ask that they fix it already same, nor that in 15 days this game 100 × 100, we only have us informed, and the truth are not, only questions that leaves thinking that arenanet leave something important, which proves the comments and questions of the Arenanet assigned to this section.
Also say that this is could be scam, arenanet says a few minimum requirements, people who reads them buy Gw2 and reinstall it the player sees their fps fails or the acceptable minimum. so the player feels cheated, by that he sees that goes beyond the minimums that arenanet and indeed the game does not have these requirements, now the gw2 playing actively requests an i7 with minimum Asus GeForce GTX 660TI DirectCU II OC 2 GB GDDR5 Borderlands2, that is the impression given that the game needed

(edited by Anarion.5461)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anarion.5461


this supposedly calls for minimum gw2

Windows ® XP Service Pack 2 or better Intel ® Core ™ 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3, AMD Athlon ™ 64 X 2 or better NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 7800, ATI Radeon ™ X 1800 graphics card, Intel HD 3000 or better (256 MB RAM video and shader model 3.0 or better) 25 GB of hard disk access Internet keyboard and mouse available

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Daipick.5678


Sounds like thermal throttling on CPU or GPU. Have you been using any monitoring software to confirm this?

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leben.5647


Yeah definitely sounds like GPU throttling. A lot of people (myself included) have a problem with this game causing the graphics card to heat up to excessive levels. Ive had to set my graphics card fan to run at 50% constantly to cope with this heat. Its loud, but it works.

Have a look in your graphics card control panel and see if theres an option to adjust the graphics card fan speed. It will probably be in any overclocking options you might have. Turn it up to a higher level and see if that fixes the problem.

Officer of [VILE] (Desolation) and all round unpleasant chap.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GonzoNeo.4965


The " minimum requeriments " make me laugh, yeah minmum if you want to play low at 10 fps.

Well i just wake up to see if there some update to fix the mess of yesterday patch with my fps and nothing, check forum to see some explication of arena.net, nothing.

I still with 15-35 fps when im alone , almost the half what i had 2 days ago in the same zones after 12/9 patch.

If at least change the game to lowest graphics change something like a temporal fix until arena.net change it back and play smooth but de difference to me at High→Low is 3-4 fps.

Where arena.net shinning, design , art, story, gameplay lack in technical and hardware support, we still have the same fps issues after 4 months of BWE and after the mess yesterday patch im start growing tired.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cronoadvan.8295


In my case, turning down reflections seems to help. Also LOD Distance and to some degree, Shadows. I was able to play the game fully maxed at a constant 60fps except in world events where it would dip to 45.

Now sometimes its impossible to play even on low and on cities my fps is 35-45. Until i tune down reflections.

GTX 670

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GonzoNeo.4965


Same here, before the patch i had 40-60 fps alone or small groups, 15-35 in big gropus and dragons and WvWvW unplayable.

Now i have alone or ins mall groups 15-35, big groups 10-15fps and dragon or WvWvW no comments.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Adrian.3157



I have notebook:

Intel Core i7-2630QM 2.0 GHZ
8gb RAM
nVidia GT 540M
latest drivers

I think i have the same laptop, and had the same problem.
You need to uninstall the Nvidia beta drivers, witch are recommended by GWlancher.
Then install 301.42 driver. It work better than the beta driver.

With Beta driver 306.02 on max settings had about 15 FPF,
now with 301.42 have 60+ FPS

Gaming on low end laptops is not gonna happen. Your fps are spot on for your hardware. No surprise there…

This is not the best laptop there is but its definitely not a Low-end laptop :P

(edited by Adrian.3157)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wiwaxia.2791


Third days with drammatic low fps.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Siala.8147


The " minimum requeriments " make me laugh, yeah minmum if you want to play low at 10 fps.

That’s just the problem, you should be able to play comfortably at a reasonable, stable FPS (albeit on low settings) with the minimum requirements.

As it is I’m running with an overclocked GTX580, i7 960, 12GB of RAM and I have to turn every setting to the absolute minimum just to get my FPS above 10. I’ve given up playing until they fix it – I shouldn’t have to struggle to play the game at such low FPS with it looking so horrendously ugly.

While I’m sure they’re working on it, it’s been like this for 3 days now with no further comment from arena net to say exactly what they’re doing or an ETA on a fix. It was working fine pre the 9/9/12 patch.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xyzzy.8970


- Get SpeedFan. Monitor CPU/GPU temperatures and CPU frequency.
- Get GPU-Z, open the graph window and monitor GPU frequency.
- If neither the C/GPU clock down, it’s not overheating.

If it’s not overheating:
- Get Process Explorer, run it and double-click gw2.exe. Ignore the symbols notice, and open the tab which shows CPU usage per thread.
- Open task manager, select processes and arrange by CPU usage.
- Are all of your CPU cores and GPU very highly utilised during the slowdown?
- Do the CPU/core usage %ages in SpeedFan, task man and proc explorer match?

Re: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/tech/Crashing/9454