Showing Posts For Aero.1489:
So until I have that I cannot actually finish the race? Wow… we really shouldn’t be allowed to even start the adventure if we lack the required mastery and be allowed to waste hours of our time basically for nothing.
I have been trying to do the Drone Race and I always die on the final jump when mid-air. I have watched videos of others and they do the exact same thing but make it. Am I doing something wrong.
Also, in the videos I watch they are able to just go right through the poison vines with and without the shield (default skill 1) yet I try that too and die.
Aaand I got shortly after i post XD
So… I have been hunting smokescales for a while now throughout Magus Falls and have yet to find one. Is there only one location where it drops or is it just very very rare?
I have been killing mobs for quite some time now in Metrica Province for the jumping puzzle/item for necro specialization sword but cannot find the required Energy Crystal.
Any tips for getting it?
I’m not sure about you guys but sometimes I use GS 5 on a 2% incline and the mob stops about 5 feet from where it was and sometimes on a large incline like 20% they are pulled to me. I am having a hard time finding out why I cannot pull them to me. Really annoying because most the time I have my next skill going only to realize it is not going to hit because the mob did not move.
Anyone else having issues with Peer Review achievement in Prisoners of the Dragon?
I go to the first page and I go indication or item to click on..
Edit: Yes, I have done the story twice so far so it should be unlocked.
I finished the HoT explore achievements and added all the gifts together. The resulting Gift of Maguuma said I needed to add this with 3 other things to get Gift of Maguuma Mastery but 1 of the items I cannot find anything about.
What and where can I get gift of Insights?
So basically I have been lvling wrong and not grind mobs. Thanks for the clarification. Best to work on those events I have been seeing.
So the xp boosters really are only giving me like 38xp per kill?
So I was killing things with 3 types of XP boosters. One was the Celebration booster that gives 100% XP from kills, another of XP boost where I get the kill streak bonus that I keep at 100% and food for another 15%.
So I was sitting back killing Ettins in Kessix Hills and noticed some strange things. I get 56 xp + Bonus 200xp! Next kill: 56 xp + Bonus 63 xp! Next again: 56 xp + Bonus 156 xp!
Something seems wrong here. Is it a bug or am I reading one of the boosters wrong where it only sometimes gives the bonus xp?
(I checked and all boosters where active and kill streak was at max stacks of 10.
Well I can see them affecting the market with the crafting materials. Deldrimor Steel has already gone up a few gold because of the sheer number required to make the precursor (30 for Bolt). If this is going to be the same for the Legendary Armors then I say stock up/buy the Bolt of Damask as it has dropped to 10g each (I am poor and cannot even buy 1).
It has been said I think in some notes that you can only make each precursor once per account I believe, quote me if I am wrong.
If all the stuff that is in the bags just dropped, my bags would burst.
I agree with this. If you got everything from the bags as loot instead of bundled up I would not be able to finish any Meta events as I would constantly be going to a merchant to sell the junk and scavenge the gear.
Now it would not be so bad if the crafting materials were automatically sent to your bank and only the stuff that was overflow would remain.
I also agree with the “Open All” idea like what they did with the luck and consume all.
So I finally finished Bolt I scavenger hunt, was really excited to start on the precursor. When I went to start crafting it I found out that it requires 30 deldrimor steel ingots and 10 of the ascended leather. Well I am not a full time player with the time or in game gold to make this in any reasonable amount to time. If I make it all from scratch that is 30 days of mithrillium (10 days with the leather but can do at same time).
This is just part 1 of 3! What is the time/cost of part II and III?
Anyone else feel the same as me in that it is almost easier to make the original legendaries? (I know that legendaries are the final step but really this seems insane for non-hardcore players)
Geez… how did I totally forgot about the LFG, thanks!
Every time but once when I go to Dragon’s Stand in hopes of doing the Meta and explore for HPs all I find is a few other people on the map hoping for the exact thing. I try at all different times of the day with the same result.
Anyone else having this issue or did I do something that ANET does not like and they are giving me the low population maps?
Edit: As soon as I posted this I got the Volunteer to move maps to even less people
(edited by Aero.1489)
To OP: I think the issue you are having is that you have found 20/20 POI which is different from me because I have 20/21 and I know where the last one is just not gotten around to doing it.
Hey guys,
Was wondering what is a good way to work on leveling up my HoT mastery lines. So far I have finished all the maps except DR since there is never anyone there and have basically been grinding out the events on all 3 other maps.
Is this the best/only way to level masteries now? If so it feels pretty slow especially since I cannot play for very long. Also, if events is the only way which ones give the most?
(edited by Aero.1489)
Client unable to connect to login server [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aero.1489
Happened again to me as well, in the middle of a fractal.
Hey! Just got in!
(edited by Aero.1489)
Client unable to connect to login server [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aero.1489
I have the same issue with my characters in Lions Arch. I can get into the game with my one character in Divinities Reach but whenever I try to leave I get a different problem relating to internet, will edit once I load again with error code.
So… maybe I will craft in DR?
Lost Connection error after about 5 minutes of loading.
(edited by Aero.1489)
Well killing mobs does sound fun but it does sound like an exploit, and don’t want to be banned for it. Though thanks for the suggestion.
So I am wondering what is a good way to get Central Tyria experience points to level up those masteries. I have done fractals (terrible xp), dungeons (also pretty bad), events (not much xp either) and world exploration (not bad just slow).
Any suggestions would be welcome as I spent the last three hours doing different things and all of them gave me only 10% of the mastery level (Legendary Crafting 1 which needs only 1.3mil xp). And yes, I have been using boosters such as food and xp boost.
So I was running a lot of fractals last night in order to gain some Central Tyria Mastery experience. However, at the end of them all I noticed my mastery experience bar remained the same throughout (14%).
Anyone know if running Fractals does not contribute to this even though one mastery tree is all about fractals.
It is kind of unfair that this achievement requires the player to be sylvari to complete. I have yet to try but I think this can be done with a sylvari player with you but still…
If this was a one off achievement I would not mind so much but it is a requirement to fulfill the Heart of Thorns Act 1 meta achievement for the mastery point.
Anyone else feel the same way?
I may have missed it somewhere but will the new legendary weapons be more powerful than the current ones or are the 3 new ones just new skins with the same stats? It seems kind of ridiculous that it would be the same because those of us who already have them only have the new armor to work towards.
Same issues here.